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A Titanic Problem

Students’ poor composition skills are just the tip of the iceberg.
By Malkin Dare
These days, it’s fairly easy to Because they can’t just ignore Once this is in place, the student
shrug off a student’s written mistakes. spelling, poor spellers need to be able should receive both systematic teach-
After all, some people are just bad to spell so well, so automatically, that ing (there are several inexpensive
spellers ─ plus Internet messaging spelling takes up no mental desk space workbook series that can be used) and
mangles text as a matter of course. at all, leaving the authors free to de- prompt feedback on spelling mistakes
Many people distinguish be- vote their full attention to content. in his daily work.
tween good spelling, grammar, and I believe that students should not
punctuation on the one hand, and the be asked to write compositions until Grammar
content of the writing on the other ─ they have mastered simple spelling, In addition to the obvious impor-
with the content being considered grammar, and punctuation. Early as- tance of teaching correct grammar (for
much more important. But this is a signments should be of modest size example, try to avoid “I would of
false dichotomy. and scope, carefully structured, and knew”), it is also beneficial to teach
The flaw in this kind of thinking thoroughly corrected. students about the parts of speech and
is that the vast majority of people with Of course, children should be how to analyze sentences. It appears
poor spelling, grammar, and punctua- writing sentences and then paragraphs that the older students get, the harder
tion also write badly. By this, I mean in the early stages of learning to read it is for them to learn these things.
that their writing tends to be poorly and write, but only as part of formal, Students must have an under-
organized and impressionistic, and structured lessons. standing of the structure of our lan-
they have trouble writing a coherent Increasingly, cognitive science is guage if they are to write proper sen-
narrative or making a convincing case. telling us that, far from being the re- tences. It is impossible, for example,
At their faculties of education, sult of a lightbulb suddenly flashing in to help students to avoid run-on sen-
most prospective teachers are taught some genius’s brain, creativity is actu- tences or misplaced antecedents if
that they risk stifling their students’ ally the result of years and years of they don’t understand the concepts.
creativity by insisting on correct spell- deliberate practice. It is only when Furthermore, students who have a firm
ing, grammar, and punctuation. Con- someone has completely mastered a grasp of basic sentence and paragraph
sequently, certified teachers often tell particular field that he becomes able to structure can transcend the rules and
their students to concentrate on the move beyond the boundaries of the enrich their writing.
content of their drafts ─ and then go already-known. Punctuation
back over their work later on and cor- Parents who want to help their Punctuation is used in writing as
rect mistakes. older children write good composi- a substitute for the pauses, stresses,
It is true that it is very difficult to tions should begin by teaching the and phrasing that we use only in
write creatively when part of your basics of spelling, grammar, and punc- speech ─ and for the “stage direc-
mental desk space is taken up by me- tuation. It is only when these skills are tions” that accompany the script of a
chanical concerns, and so it is impor- rock solid that students will be able to play.
tant to clear your desk, so to speak. get much benefit from instruction on Punctuation is relatively easy to
Unfortunately, however, space is not composition. teach but, like spelling and grammar,
freed up by permission to make mis- Unfortunately, space does not it requires practice and feedback.
takes. permit a full description of how to
It turns out that people with poor teach these skills. There have been a When I see a student who has
mechanical skills are not able to to- number of articles in previous news- problems with organizing his thoughts
tally ignore questions about things like letters on each topic, and I would be in writing, on further investigation I
spelling. Even when they don’t really glad to provide them on request. usually find a student with a very
care if they get the correct spelling, shaky grasp of spelling, punctuation
they still have to devote some atten- Spelling and grammar. Students’ problems
tion to it. Very briefly, spelling improve- with composition are typically just
This becomes obvious when you ment is a long-term project. The first the easily-visible part of the iceberg.
notice that poor spellers often spell the step is to ensure that students have a
same word several different ways on solid foundation in the letter-sound (Mrs. Dare is a parent, former home-
the same page. If they weren’t think- correspondences, including a good schooler, and current reading tutor.
ing about spelling, they would always command of all the ways each sound She can be reached at 519-884-
spell (or misspell) a given word the can be represented. 3166.)
same way.

Society for Quality Education, July 2006, Page 11

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