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EDI 431 & 432 Instructional Plan: Post-test

Standards (these standards are for the IPA at the end of this document):
 1.1 Interpersonal Communication - Students engage in conversations, provide and
obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
o 1.1.M.SL.g Exchange information in the target language about personal and
social, community or current events.
 1.2 Interpretive Communication - Students understand and interpret written and spoken
language on a variety of topics.
o 1.2.M.R.b Understand main idea and supporting detail, and summarize accessible
written materials on familiar topics in the target language such as, textbook
content, magazine and newspaper articles/ads, websites/internet, poetry or stories.
 1.3 Presentational Communication - Students present information, concepts, and ideas
to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
o 1.3.M.W.b Create original compositions or journal entries in the target language.
 2.2 Products and Perspectives - Students demonstrate an understanding of the
relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
o 2.2.M.C.a Describe the significance of current cultural and historic icons (arts,
architecture music, literature, film, media, TV, newspapers, and the creators of
these products).
 3.1 Knowledge - Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines
through the world language.
o 3.1.N.a Reinforce previously learned content knowledge through the target
 4.1 Comparing Cultures - Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture
through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
o 4.1.N.b Identify basic target culture products and compare them to one’s own.

The Post-test I used for this Unit:

Lowell High School Post-test & Answers
 Page 1
 Page 2
1. Evaluation: This assessment was evaluated by comparing the students’ answers to the
correct answers (I provided the key in the above link). It was fairly simple to grade.
2. Results: The average grade was 20.6/30 (68.6%) with the highest grade being 29.5/30
(98.3%) and the lowest grade being 6/30 (20%). I was thoroughly impressed by the
students’ ability to decipher as to whether they should use the preterite tense or the
imperfect tense on the grammar portion of the quiz. Unfortunately, the students lost a
majority of their points to the vocabulary section. Because this is the first assessment of
the trimester, the students did not take studying the vocabulary as seriously as they
should have, and I believe next time, the students will be sure to study the vocabulary
words more thoroughly. The past participle part of the quiz was extra credit, and only a
few students got those points. Due to the fact that the students did very well on the
grammar portion of the quiz, I believe my instruction was successful in advancing
students’ understanding of the functions of the preterite and imperfect tenses, a concept
and skill that is extremely hard to understand and acquire.
3. Reflection: In light of these results, I decided to modify instruction by providing the
students with more vocabulary practice for the next chapter. I will give the students time
to create flashcards, we will use Quizlet Live more often, and I will try to include more
TPR vocabulary activities that are contextualized. I will also be sure to remind them that
they need to study the vocabulary for the next chapter’s test. In addition, we will review
the irregular preterite tense conjugations more as we go into the next chapter in order to
support some of the students who are still struggling with these conjugations. After
reviewing the rubric for my content seminar, I have come to the conclusion that this post-
test was not adequate. Therefore, I made the Integrated Performance Assessment below.
If I were to reteach this lesson, I would use this as the post-test in order to analyze
students’ skills rather than memorized facts.
Integrated Performance Assessment – “La leyenda de los volcanes”
Context: You are visiting a museum in Mexico City. You come across a plaque about the legend
of the two volcanoes, Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl. First, you read and analyze the legend and
compare it to some of the stories you have read. Then, you exchange information with a museum
guide regarding the basic information of these geographical structures. At the end of the day, you
send an email to your friend describing the events of the Aztec legend and comparing it to the
stories you have read in the U.S.
Interpretive Task - Reading
I. Key Word Recognition: Find in the legend the Spanish word that best expresses the
meaning of each of the following English words/phrases:
a. entrusted: _______________________
b. lead them: ______________________
c. defeated: _______________________
d. envious: ________________________
e. false news: ______________________
f. deep sleep: ______________________
II. Summary: Provide a 2-3 sentence summary of the legend in English:
a. __________________________________________________________________
III. Supporting Details: First, circle the letter of each detail that is mentioned in the legend
(there are 5 correct details and 3 incorrect details). For those that are mentioned in the
legend, write in Spanish what the legend says about the detail in the space provided next
to the detail below.
a. Description of Popocatépetl. __________________________________________
b. The emperor’s opinion of the couple (Iztaccíhuatl y Popocatépetl). ____________
c. The result of the war. ________________________________________________
d. The name of the warrior who told Iztaccíhuatl that Popocatépetl was dead. _____
e. Iztaccíhuatl’s emotional response when she learned of Popocatépetl’s death. ____
f. Popocatépetl’s emotional breakdown at seeing his beloved dead. _____________
g. The horrible result of the volcano’s eruption. _____________________________
h. The fate of the couple. _______________________________________________
IV. Guessing Meaning from Context: Based on this passage write what the following three
words/expressions probably mean in English.
a. los combates – “El emperador reunió a sus guerreros y confió a Popocatépetl la
misión de dirigirlos en los combates.” (second paragraph). __________________
b. Dejó de comer – “Dejó de comer y cayó en un sueño profundo” (third
paragraph). ____________________
c. tristeza – “Iztaccíhuatl y Popocatépetl murieron de tristeza porque no podían
vivir el uno sin el otro” (fifth paragraph). ____________________
V. Inferences: Answer the following question in English, giving as much information from
the legend as possible to support your response.
a. Considering the story’s identification as a legend, what is the purpose of this text?
Justification from the text: ____________________________________________

VI. Author’s Perspective: Circle the letter of the perspective or point of view you think the
people adopted as they created and told this legend. Then, justify your answer in English
with information from the legend.
a. The volcanoes are a symbolic representation of the love of an Aztec princess and
an Aztec warrior.
b. War and hate destroy hope, happiness, love, and all that is good.
c. The volcanoes originated from two Aztecs whose love transformed them into the
geographic features.
Justification from the text: ____________________________________________

VII. Comparing Cultural Perspectives: Answer the following questions in English.

a. What are some of the tragic romances that we read in our culture? How do those
stories compare to the legend of Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl? ______________
b. What do these similarities and/or differences tell you about the Spanish/Aztec
culture? ___________________________________________________________

VIII. Personal Reaction to the Legend: Using specific information from the text, describe
your personal reaction to the legend using the Spanish language. Be sure to provide
reasons that support your reaction. ___________________________________________
Interpersonal Task:
I. You have two small summaries describing the basic information about the volcanoes
Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl. One of your summaries is missing information. Using the
Spanish language, complete this information gap activity by asking your partner
questions that will help you fill in the blanks on your sheet of paper. In addition, help
your partner fill in the blanks on their sheet of paper by answering their questions.
a. Partner I (page 2). Partner II (page 3). Sources (page 4).

Presentational Task:

I. Write a Spanish email to your friend back home about the legend of the two volcanoes.
Describe the events of the story using the preterite and imperfect tenses and describe how
it is similar to some of the romance stories you have read in your English classes.

I. On a scale from 1-5 (1=not at all confident, 5=very confident), how confident were you
as you analyzed the legend’s main idea and cultural perspectives. __________
II. On a scale from 1-5 (1=not at all confident, 5=very confident), how confident were you
as you conversed with a partner about the two volcanoes. __________
III. On a scale from 1-5 (1=not at all confident, 5=very confident), how confident were you
as you used the preterite and imperfect tenses to write an email describing the events of
the legend. __________
IV. Which of your language skills needs the most improvement?
a. Reading
b. Speaking
c. Writing

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