Sample Pen Pal Letter

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Name : Aullia Nur Adawiyah

Class : XI-MIPA 1

1. Sample Pen Pal Letter

August 12, 2010

Dear Khan,

My name is Sarah, and I’m 22 years old and have just graduated from college. I found your
name on and learned from your profile that you are a graphic artist
in India. I have a new job as an intern in a graphic design company and will learn how to
create advertisements for print and online media for our clients. I thought being in contact
with you would broaden my horizons and inspire my artistic abilities.

I love color and most of my portfolio is filled with brightly colored examples of design using
basic shapes and sans serif font. I have enclosed a small example of what I do. It’s one of my
favorite samples from my work in college and would appreciate your opinion. What type of
design do you love? Do you include traditional Indian design in your work? I would enjoy
discussing design with you and learning new things. Hopefully, my work and ideas can
inspire you too.

Let me know what you think and, if possible, send me a sample of your work. Maybe
together our creations will be much better than they would have been alone.

Hope to hear from you soon.



The letter that Sarah send to Khan is about her interest to make a friend with him , because Khan
is a graphic artist in India, so it would broaden her horizon and inspire her artistic abilities.

2. Sample Fan Mail Letter

Dear James Preller

I read your book Bystander. I like it because it talks about something that happens all over
the world. People should realize how even thought you’re not the one getting bullied you
should stand up and do the right thing and protect the person who getting bullied.
I really like the part where Eric stood up to Griffin Connely because he was picking on a kid
but the kid that he stood up for ended up thingking Griffin was his friend and that he fit with
“cool kids” and kicking Eric in the face in the grave yard after he got beat up by one of
Griffin’s friends for calling him an idiot. I see people getting bullied every day even thought it
might not be really physical. They just call them names and trips them in the hall ways. I also
like how Griffin could talk his way out of some situation that might have gotten him in a lot
of touble. Because I always want to argue when Iam in trouble instead of trying to smooth
my way out of it. This is one of my favorite books because it shows how life really is. The side
of things that no one really wants to see even though we know it is all around us.

I really hope you keep writing books, because I will keep reading them as long as they are as
good as this one. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.



That letter is about how much Gabriele’s love with Preller’s book because that book shows how
life really is.

3. Sample Love Letter

To My Beloved Jessica,

You are always on my mind, I can't stop thinking about you. The first thoughts when I wake,
and the last thoughts before I go to sleep are of you. I am such a lucky guy to have found
such a wonderful woman. I miss you so much, it has been too long since the last time I saw

Your smile is so beautiful and magical. Every time that I think of your smile it lights me up
inside. Even when I am having a really bad day, seeing you smile makes me want to smile too
and it makes me forget about the previous events of the day.

Caitlyn, you must be the most caring person on earth. You seem to have an unlimited
amount of patience and kindness. Every time I make a mistake you are right there to support
me. The time that you drove 300 miles just to take care of my sick mother when I was away
is just one example of your big heart.

I have had such a great time with you no matter what we are doing. As long as you are
around, even doing the most mundane activity is fun. I hope that we'll see each other
everyday when I come back, I want to spend as much time with you as possible. I miss you
so much

Love always, James


That Letter is about a man who really miss his beloved girlfriend
4. Sample Farewell Letter
Well, the time has come to say goodbye to everyone that has made me smile here over the
last few (and more) years.
A company is more than just a workplace, it is the people that give it soul.
I would just like to say that there have been many great people here, both past and present,
that have made the job truly enjoyable. This resulted in laughter and practical jokes that are
still evident on the tea-room walls. The “Girl Posse” at a time when we had all Female Team
leaders and we scared the boys.
The life at camp drinking tadpole water and having all of us around the one television set,
and watching Jim ruin another meal by putting mandarins in it at the end.
I would like to put out a special mention to Jason for picking the right people for the job here
and it turned into a real family.
We feel that we have been through all of the highs and lows together from brain tumours to
engagements, and it is not often that you want to come back to work to spend time with a
group of friends.
It was a special time.
Professionally, it is rare to actually discover something new, and I am proud to be in the
team that discovered A, B and C.
You also don’t often get to see a project the whole way through and I feel honoured to have
been given the privilege to see this project blossom over the last 3 years from the intial
discovery all the way to closure.
I apologise to all that had to wake me up in the middle of the night to give me updates or
saw me in my pyjamas and safety boots at in the middle of the night checking that
everything was going all right. I know it wasn’t pretty.
Special thanks go to Michael (my Brains trust), Janine and John for keeping me organised
and doing the real work.
I am not sure what the future will bring but I am sure that it will involve many cups of tea.
I hope that everyone achieves what will make them happy. Good luck in the future.



This letter is about Anna’s last word before she leave the company that gave her a lot of
unforgotten memory.

5. Sample Get Well Letter

Dear Tiffany,

Cancer is one of the scariest words to hear whether it is about you or someone you love. We
can only depend on God for strength to face whatever comes next. I am praying for you to
have healing as well as peace as you face uncertainty. You are a very special person to me,
and I can’t imagine losing you to cancer.
I don’t know what you will need and when you will need it, but I want you to know that I
would feel much better if I had some way to help you with something. If you want me to
babysit, clean your house, go grocery shopping, it doesn’t matter. I just want to help. Until I
hear from you about something I can do to help, I will be praying for you.



This letter is about an encourage that Kris gave to Tiffany, so she has a spirit for against her

6. Sample Congratulation Letter

Emily Gringer
2124 Blueberry Lane
United State
April 9, 2014

Dear Justin, congratulations on reaching your goal. I know what was involved in
getting it accomplished in record breaking time and in not only meeting your goal but
surpassing it!
I'm so proud of you for setting your sights high, and making every effort to achieve
that goal.
You worked hard and proved to yourself and everyone what you are capable of.
Best wishes for continued success.



This letter is about Emily’s compliment for Justin, because he has graduated for his college.

7. Sample Condolence Letter

Dear Rihanna,
I am so sorry to know that your husband passed away last week. The same situation already
happened to me and I knew how painful it was. Please be strong and try to cope with this
difficult moment for your kids. Please accept our deepest sympathies.
My love and sympathy to you and your kids,


This letter is about Kerry’s remorse over the death of Rihanna’s husband
8. Sample Thank You Letter
Adam Spartan
6 Collingwood Drive
East Lansing, MI 48824-1113
February 19, 1994

Dear Mr. Spartan

I want to thank you for interviewing me yesterday for the position of Graphic Designer. I was
very impressed with the description you provided of your organization, and I am excited
about the prospect of working for you.

My qualifications are well-matched with the position we discussed, and I have a real interest
in this area of work. My experience specifically with thank-you letter writing and the good
interpersonal skills I possess are among my strongest attributes. They would certainly enable
me to make a valuable contribution to the Appreciation Manifestation Company.

Again, thank you for the interview and your consideration. I am eager to have an
opportunity of working on your staff. I look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to
call me at 000-000-0000 if you have any further questions.

Thomas Perfect

This letter is about how grateful Thomas is, because Mr. Spartan gave a chance to him for the
position of Graphic Designer.

9. Sample Holiday Letter

Dear Panji,
Hi! How is your life? I hope you are very well. My Brothers and I will go to Lombok next
holiday. We will visit Senggigi beach, Gili Trawangan, Sekotong beach, Sendang Gila's Water
fall, Rinjani mountain, Kuta beach, Narmada park, Mayura Tample, and Kura-kura swimming
pool. I am very glad to go to Lombok, because I have never gone there before. How about
you? Do you have planning to go to Lombok to enjoy your vacation?
That's all Panji. I will write letter for you again next time. Do not forget to write letter for me
as soon as you can.



This letter is about Retno’s plan for her holiday in Lombok

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