Vocabulary: Personal Qualities Form of Description

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Verb. Definition. Picture.

Feel To experience something physical or emotional

Like To enjoy or approve of something or someone

A vehicle or system of vehicles, such as buses,trains,

Transportati etc. for getting from one place to another

qualities Form of description

Take To remove something, especially without permissio


Get To obtain, buy, or earn something

Cards Any game played with cards, such

as poker or bridge

Check To make certain that something or someone

is correct, safe, or suitable by examining it, him, or
her quickly

Learn To get knowledge or skill in a

new subject or activity

Farmers Someone who owns or takes care of a farm

Die out To become less common and finally stop existing

Mayor A person who

is elected or chosen to lead the group who governsa
town or city

Vineyard A piece of land on which vines are grown

Court A place where trials and other legal cases happen,

or the people present in such
a place, especially the officials and those deciding if
someone is guilty

Course A set of classes or a plan of study on

a particular subject, usually leading to
an exam or qualification

Field An area of land, used

for growing crops or keeping animals,
usually surrounded by a fence

Track The pair of long metal bars fixed on the ground at

an equaldistance from each other, along
which trains travel

Bottom The lowest part of something

Injuried Hurt or physically harmed

Steep (Of a slope) rising or falling at a sharp angle

Catch To take hold of something, especially something

that ismoving through the air

Pick Up To increase or improve

Drop off To start to sleep

Get on/off To have a good relationship

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