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Hall_ Journal Assignment M7_Lesson Plan 3

Instructions for Journal Assignment

 Steps for Columns
o Observation Column: Make observation notes in this form related to a teaching
video uploaded in Edthena
 Identify/describe 3 to 5 observations that relate to this week’s journal
o Meaning Column: Review the observation notes and write your thoughts about
what you observed. In other words, what does what you saw and wrote make
you think of?
o Research Column: Note the research that confirms or refutes your thinking,
using APA in text citations for each thought comment and/or observation, e.g.
(Author, date, pg.)

Teaching video name: Lesson Plan #3 Date: 04/20/18

Observation Meaning Research
Designing Coherent I was introduced to Hattie, J. (2012). Visible
Instruction by a fellow
08:50 - This is the first time learning for teachers:
most of the students used the colleague last year, and I find
kahoots. I wanted to make it to be an engaging way to Maximizing impact on
sure I wrote down some of the assess students.
information they needed. learning (pp. 25-40).
However, I have found you
can come across a few London: Routledge
Using Assessment in
technical issues, which I
05:04 - The students are planned for now, because of
completing their computer the experience I gained over
parts unit with a digital quiz. time. I find that once the
This quiz provides me with students figure out how to
immediate feedback, which
allows me to review during the
use the program, they easily
assessment. retain this knowledge.

Engaging Students in The feedback I gained Fisher, D., Frey, N. (2012).

Learning through this quiz is going to
18:45 - This was the part of
assist in pushing my Making time for
the computer that none of the
students were able to identify curriculum forward. I am feedback. Educational
at the beginning of the unit. pleased to see the retention
Leadership, 70(1), 42-47
of vocabulary words.
19:12 - More than 80% of the
students are able to identify I found the article by Fisher
the tower. I know I have to
continue to review this part, inspiring in regard to how to
but not as much as I did at the use the feedback you
start of the unit. I can also pull
the students who are still
Hall_ Journal Assignment M7_Lesson Plan 3

having problems with acquire to steer your

computer parts into a small curriculum.
center group based on the
feedback I acquired.

Managing Classroom I had to be very conscious of

Wiggins, G. (2012). Seven
14:25 - During the game, V.'s how I interacted with the
keys to effective
students during this game.
computer crashed, and he feedback. Feedback, 70(1), 11-
They are always very 16.
became very upset because excited, and it is easy to lose
he thought he couldn't control over the class during
participate. I instructed him kahoots. I usually give them
three strikes while they are
to clean his face and get
making a lot of noise before I
some water. I continued the stop the game. That
game while I was tending to becomes counterproductive
the student. to getting the feedback I
need from the class.
24:35 - The students are
Therefore, I began to think
always really loud during about what professor Elford
this game because they are and I discussed during our
deeply engaged. I last conference call in which
we took a moment to chat
attempted one of Dr.
about positive behavior
Elford's strategies in which I interventions and supports. I
was making sure I then utilized a different
praised the behavior I want approach to handling the
to see. After a few
noise based on those
strategies. The outcome was
questions and a lot of
very successful and I shall
positive praise showed for use it again during future
the quiet celebrations, games.
everyone became
more conscious of this and
put forth an effort to
celebrate quietly.

Establishing a Culture for It is one thing to assess Hattie, J. (2012). Visible

Learning students, but it is another to
30:36 - I enjoyed that the
allow them to see the learning for teachers:
students were accepting of the
feedback and praised their outcome of the assessment. Maximizing impact on
classmates. Since this was the first time I
played kahoots, I had to
Hall_ Journal Assignment M7_Lesson Plan 3

make sure the students learning (pp. 25-40).

understood that it is
important to congratulate London: Routledge
their peers for their success.
It is also critical that they are
able to see other students
who have a grasp of the
content who could assist
them in the future.

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