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01[21:24] <~ShadowDM> Fade...

01[21:24] <~ShadowDM> .To....

01[21:24] <~ShadowDM> ..Black
01[21:25] <~ShadowDM> As the Kazekage mulls over the events
of the past few days, he directs you all to enjoy what
little time you have back in the village.
01[21:25] <~ShadowDM> One night is all you have to enjoy
you own beds before leaving on another mission. Who knows
how long it will be before you see your home village again
(besides the DM)?
01[21:25] <~ShadowDM> With this revelation, he also
informed you that a new member would soon be thrown into
your ranks.
01[21:25] <~ShadowDM> The evening lies before you as the
edge of the sun touches the peaks of the cliffs that create
the western border of the village.
01[21:25] <~ShadowDM> Time is precious! Make the most of it!
01[21:25] <~ShadowDM> You now find yourselves in the
antechamber of the Council building. Sasori is rapidly
heading toward the door. Actions?
01[21:27] <~ShadowDM> The flurry of activity from the young
Ninja is staggaring
01[21:28] * Tanshin_Yori departs to schedule a brief
appointment with the Kazekage, as per Sasori's suggestion.
[21:28] <Hideki_Junichi> I shift (4th ed) to Mai and mutter
"Where's he off to so quickly?"
01[21:29] <~ShadowDM> A chuunin assist greets Yori at the
door to the Council Chambers and looks down a long list. He
informs you that there will be time for a quick visit in an
hour, or a longer appointment can be made later tonight.
01[21:30] <~ShadowDM> Mai shrugs, not entirely sure
herself. "I dunno... I get the idea that he's got some kind
of meeting or project to get to."
01[21:31] * Tanshin_Yori opts for the quick visit. He's not
in a hurry, but his questions shouldn't take too much time.
He hopes.
[21:31] <Hideki_Junichi> Jun sighs, "Lucky us to get a shut
in for a taichou"
01[21:32] <~ShadowDM> Mai grins, but doesn't comment
otherwise. Sasori is, after all, the reason she is a Suna
01[21:33] <~ShadowDM> She then notices the shade of the sky
outside, "Ah! I'd better get back... My family is probably
interested to hear how my mission went..."
01[21:33] <~ShadowDM> With that, the young Karama rushes to
the door and out into the streets of the village.
[21:34] <Hideki_Junichi> Jun nods and starts to slowly walk
the oh so familiar streets of Sunagakure, back to the diner.
01[21:36] * Tanshin_Yori heads home to get dinner in the
meantime, returning to the Kazekage's office at the
appointed time.
01[21:36] <~ShadowDM> The streets are oddly quiet, but it
just so happens to be that strange twilight hour. The time
shortly before the workers leave their jobs to return home
before a night of inebriation or relaxation.
01[21:37] <~ShadowDM> Is Yori just going to wait there for
an hour?
01[21:39] <~ShadowDM> In seemingly no time, Jun reaches the
diner where his mother works. A few patrons (mostly older)
sit about the bar and at a few of the tables. Your mother
is also sitting at the bar talking with another employee.
She is likely on break resting her feet.
[21:40] <Hideki_Junichi> walks over to his mother in a
relaxed pace, "Hey Mom"
01[21:41] * ~ShadowDM : -> Jun's_Mom "Ju-kun! It feels like
you've been gone forever!"
[21:43] <Hideki_Junichi> 12Turning his face away from the
other patrons, Jun quiet but deliberately whispers "Mom...
We've talked about 'that' name..
01[21:44] <~ShadowDM> Stopping in the middle of wrapping
her only beloved son in her arms, she instead crosses them
and looks hurt for a moment before replying, "I'm sorry,
dear, it's just such an adorable name!~" she smiles sweetly.
[21:46] <Hideki_Junichi> Jun shrugs helplessly,
supplementing with a hopeless grin. "Let's just try to keep
it down when other people are around." The Genin unfastens
his holster, opting for the scroll features, and places it
on the counter top
[21:47] <Hideki_Junichi> "How was work today? No one was a
jerk to you, were they?"
01[21:50] * ~ShadowDM : -> Jun's_Mom "Oh, same as always,"
She smiles as she sits down next to you, "Things are
peaceful around here, people enjoy a quiet place to eat.
What about you!? How was your mission?"
01[21:51] <~ShadowDM> Yori is finally called by a Chuunin
Aide to follow her down a side hall.
01[21:52] * Tanshin_Yori quietly does as he is bidden.
[21:52] <Hideki_Junichi> Jun starts downing some food,
careful to focus on conversation while his mother is on
break, "The mission, it was a success. We found what was
causing the animal problem and dealt with it. My rag tag
taijutsu actually did pretty well...
[21:53] <Hideki_Junichi> ..even Kazekage-sama noted our
ability and will be assigning us better missions from now
on." ... (with better pay) Jun thought to himself
01[21:54] <~ShadowDM> After what seems like an unusually
long time walking, she opens a door and directs him to wait
inside. "The Kazekage will be with you shortly." She then
walks back down the hall away from you. The room is small a
desk with three chairs sitting in front of it. A painting
adorns the wall. It is of a bleak desert landscape with a
single man standing against the soft golden sand and the
sharp blue sky.
01[21:57] * Tanshin_Yori takes the opportunity to study the
painting. He's not one for art, but it's better than
twiddling his thumbs.
01[21:59] * ~ShadowDM : -> Jun's_MoM "Better missions? Does
that mean you'll be home more often?" She smiles, trying
her best to act cool and unconcerned, but a mother's love
is hard to hide.
[22:01] <Hideki_Junichi> Jun stopped eating for a second
and smiled, "Maybe not at first, but the better I do and
work to set myself apart, the more time off I will earn.
And the more time we'll have to be together. I don't want
my mom slaving away for the rest of her life. I'm getting
us out of here someday, mom. I promise."
01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> The painting lacks detail aside fromt
the man which is obviously its focal point. His height is
nearly impossible to determine due to the lack of anything
to compare him to, but his arms are bear and muscles well-
defined. He wears a loose tanktop with billowing tan pants
which are tied off at his lower legs by wrappings which are
stained and worn at the edges by sand and age.
01[22:04] <~ShadowDM> Though imperceptible at first glance.
You see a faint cross forming around his frame... almost
like the shape itself were created by deviations in the
sandstorm billowing around him. His lower face his covered
by a mask of unknown material, and there is something odd
about his eyes.
01[22:04] <~ShadowDM> Wanna get close and make an awareness
[22:05] <Tanshin_Yori> indeed.
[22:05] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+3 Awareness
[22:05] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+3 Awareness and gets
<18 + 3> = 21
01[22:05] <~ShadowDM> oh snap
01[22:05] <~ShadowDM> even with lack of sleep and mad
ramblings of Shukaku, he manages to pull out a good roll.
[22:06] <Tanshin_Yori> and after I just badmouthed Orac,
01[22:07] <~ShadowDM> As Yori gets closer to the painting
he manages to make out the detail of the eyes, but just
barely. His heart misses a beat for a moment as he
recognizes them as those that stare at him nightly from the
blackness of his subconscious.
01[22:10] * Tanshin_Yori backs away a bit and sits down.
This must be the man his sensei had spoken of; Aoi Jikoku.
01[22:11] * ~ShadowDM : -> Jun's_Mom "Honey, please, don't
worry about me so much. You may be a shinobi, but you're
still a kid." Her arms wrap around your shoulders as she
embraces you, "It's my job to worry about us, and we're
doing just fine. I'm sure you'll be great someday." She
ends the sentance with a kiss to the forehead, obviously
attempted to KO you with love.
[22:12] <Hideki_Junichi> Jun is substantially KO'd.
01[22:14] <~ShadowDM> As Yori deals with this revelation, a
knock at the door breaks the oppressive silence of the room.
01[22:15] * Tanshin_Yori gets up and opens the door to see
who it is.
02[22:16] * Hideki_Junichi (~jordandbennet@OWIRCN- Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds¤)
[22:16] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu exits the hospital and makes
his way to his clan's compound lazily.
01[22:17] <~ShadowDM> An imposing figure greets you at the
door, his hand open in mid-knock, none other than your
uncle, the Sandaime Kazekage.
01[22:17] <~ShadowDM> His ceremonial hat is held in the
crook of his arm, and he looks like he has a headache... so
he looks like he always does.
[22:17] <Tanshin_Yori> A slight smile crosses Yori's face
as he steps aside. "Hello, Uncle."
03[22:18] * Hideki_Junichi (~jordandbennet@OWIRCN- has joined #SunaD20
[22:18] <Tanshin_Yori> (brb)
01[22:19] * Hideki_Junichi sighs, "I know. I'll focus on
being the best ninja I can be."
01[22:19] <~ShadowDM> Yori's voice seems to snap Mayori to
his senses. A smile spreads across his face and his open
hand playfully ruffles his nephew's hair. The sand that
protects the boy reaches up in protest but weakly loses
shape. "What can I do for you Yori-kun?" The Kazekage asks
as he moves smoothly over to the desk and sits down.
[22:22] <Tanshin_Yori> (back)
01[22:22] * ~ShadowDM : -> Jun's_Mom "Your father would be
proud," she states reverently before standing up and
straitening her cloths. "Ah, my break is nearly up. You
wanna have dinner here or see what you can rustle up at
01[22:24] * Tanshin_Yori takes a seat across from his Uncle
as he begins his pitch. "Well, I was thinking; now that I'm
a Genin, I ought to step up the seriousness of my training.
Unfortunately, there aren't many sources of guidance for
someone of my... unique talents."
01[22:25] * Hideki_Junichi feels a weight fall off from the
mention of his father and pride. He considers it, "Chouko-
baachan did a very nice thing for me before the mission and
I think I should go thank her. Later, Mom." Jun gathers up
his gear and strides out as casually as he came in.
01[22:26] <~ShadowDM> As Yori took his seat, the Kazekage
leans back and put his feet-up on the desk. As Yori gets
into his request, his uncle raises and eyebrow. "... And
what exactly did you have in mind?"
[22:27] <Tanshin_Yori> "Sasori-sensei had mentioned that
you knew my predecessor well, so I was hoping you could
tell me about some of his techniques or training methods.
I'd like to gain from his experience if I can."
01[22:27] * ~ShadowDM : -> Jun's_Mom "Alright, have a good
night, Ju-k--Honey!" She smiles and waves you off with just
perhaps the slightest bit of curiosity lighting up her face.
[22:29] <Hideki_Junichi> Jun smiles tiredly, he could
really stand to show more emotion around her but he feels a
need to be firm and solid all of the time... He shrugs off
those thoughts and heads back home
01[22:30] <~ShadowDM> The Kazekage's eyes shift to the
painting on the wall for the briefest of seconds as he
bites his lower lip. Others might be alarmed to see such a
powerful man locked with indecision, but you have seen it
before as terrible decisions tormeneted him in the sanctity
of your home as he talked quietly with his brother, you
father, for advice.
01[22:35] * ~ShadowDM : -> Kazekage "Did he now? Well...
I'm... not certain you're prepared..."
01[22:36] * Tanshin_Yori bites his lip in thought.
[22:38] <Tanshin_Yori> "Do you have any suggestions as to
how I should prepare, then? Is there anything specific I
ought to do?"
01[22:39] <~ShadowDM> Yasu finds that the streets are
rather empty when he first sets off, but as he travels to
the western side of the village, he finds crowds forming
and moving about. If he doesn't stop anywhere, he makes it
home without incident.
01[22:41] <~ShadowDM> Jun makes his way home through the
cluttered streets. It is still too early for drunkards, but
you can hear snippets of arguments that will likely
escalate into fights as the night grows longer. Jun makes
it to his appartments without trouble.
[22:41] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu purposefully goes slowly on
his way home, not looking forward to the inevitable
disapproval. Yet still, he eventually makes it there and
enters quietly.
01[22:44] * ~ShadowDM : -> Kazekage "I wouldn't know of
any..." He looks hesitant, but under your unwavering gaze
he finally laments. "Everything the former bearers wrote or
learned is recorded and kept at a secure location outside
the village. One day, I'll let you travel there yourself...
but for now... I suppose I could have them send over
something that won't be dangerous for you."
01[22:44] <~ShadowDM> "Tell me, how have you been
handling /him/?”
01[22:45] * Hideki_Junichi Jun enters the apartment and
makes it a point to stop by Chouko's... he had a feeling
that woman was much more than she seemed. She might even
know about the creatures he ran into. "Chouko-baachan, its
01[22:47] <~ShadowDM> Yasu reaches home. It is quiet; your
mother is preparing dinner and does not notice you enter
the home. Your father is nowhere to be seen, and it is
highly likely he is on a mission.
01[22:48] <~ShadowDM> There is no answer at door of the
apartment. If Junichi takes the liberty of looking through
the spyhole or under the door, he'll notice the lights are
off. The kindly, old woman must be out, perhaps buying
groceries or feeding orphans, who knows?
[22:48] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu waves at his mother and greets
her quietly as he enters the kitchen.
01[22:49] * Tanshin_Yori ponders for a moment before
responding. "As well as can be expected, I suppose. He put
up a bit of a fight during the mission, though."
[22:50] <Tanshin_Yori> "Nothing serious, though. For now."
01[22:51] * ~ShadowDM : -> Yasu's_Mom "Yasu-kun! I'm so
glad to see you alright." She sets the utensils down and
rushes over to hug you. "I can't believe they let that
beastly girl just walk around like nothing happened!"
[22:51] <Hideki_Junichi> Jun doesnt want to make it a point
to pester her too much. She's done so much for him and his
mom. Jun slumps into his room, hits the bed. Thoughts of
the mission, of Sloth, of zombies... bleh, all of these
things fill his head
01[22:52] <~ShadowDM> The corner of Mayori's mouth twitches
as he studies his nephew. "Nothing serious, hmm? You look
terrible. What happened?"
[22:53] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Returns the hug softly and smiles.
"I'm sure they had good, or at least passable reason to
ignore it. It wont happen again. So how were you while I
was out? And how is uncle?"
[22:53] <Chikamastu_Tanaka> Tanaka made his way toward's
his family compound eager to tell his family all about his
first mission.He also made a mentel note to see Chiyo-
basama and tell about how Inu had handled
01[22:54] <~ShadowDM> Junichi's bed is soft (maybe not as
soft as the Inn's) and strangely comforting, if he's not
careful sleep will win him over to the dark side.
[22:54] <Hideki_Junichi> Jun succumbs to sleep. The dark
side takes him....
01[22:56] * Tanshin_Yori reluctantly relates the details of
his encounter in the mines. "One of Sloth's corpse-thing
minions managed to get past my defenses. The moment it hit,
he made an attack of his own. My head's been killing me
ever since."
01[22:57] <~ShadowDM> Yasu's mother kisses her firstborn
son on his forehead before turning back to the meal. "Oh
everything's fine, so far as I know. Your father is out on
another mission, of course I have no idea where to or how
long"--She sighs--"Your uncle should be coming over later
to deliver some things I asked him to pick up after he was
finished today."
01[22:57] <~ShadowDM> " He has some kind of business to
attend to tonight, so he won't be joining us for dinner."
[22:57] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Nods. "I see. Do you need any help
with dinner?"
01[22:59] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka has a rough time moving
through the bustling streets, it seems the everyone is out
looking for a good time tonight. But as sure as the sun
rises in the east, he does arrive home. In the large dining
hall, dinner has already been served and the sound of
conversation and laughter reaches his ears.
[23:02] <Chikamastu_Tanaka> "I'm Home everybody!"
01[23:06] <~ShadowDM> The Kazekage doesn't look happy.
"Feh, of course the coward would chose then to strike...
You should try to relax a little. Ask your father's nurse
if she can take a look at you, I don't like the idea of
One-Tail causing you distress..." A knock at the door tells
the Kazekage that time is up.
01[23:07] * Tanshin_Yori nods. "I will. Thank you for your
time, Uncle."
01[23:07] <~ShadowDM> Yasu's mother smiles and shakes her
head, "No, I'm nearly finished. You just rest, dear."
01[23:09] <~ShadowDM> A chorus of greetings and cheers echo
back to Tanaka as various relatives wave and several seats
are quickly made available to him.
[23:09] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu sighs softly and nods. "I
suppose. I've been assigned to a new team, we'll b e
recieving a mission tommorow. I'll be in my room. Let me
know when dinner is done, or if uncle arrives. I'm
01[23:10] * Tanshin_Yori departs the Kazekage's office and
heads home. After asking his father's nurse to look him
over, he settles into pseudo-sleep.
[23:11] <Chikamastu_Tanaka> "Is Chiyo-basama here?"
01[23:12] <~ShadowDM> "That's wonderful news, dear!" Yasu's
mother beams proudly at her son over her shoulder. "I was
so worried your injury might interfere with your
01[23:13] <~ShadowDM> Yasu finds his room is much as he
left it, though his mother probably tidied up a little.
[23:15] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu pulls out the pink letter and
tosses it onto his desk and flops onto his bed tiredly.
'It's so odd to feel energetic, and tired, all at once.'
Yasu thinks to himself. He rolls over and stares at the
01[23:16] <~ShadowDM> A cousin quickly answers Tanaka's
question, "I saw her heading into the garden with Yuuto-
sama! He's in troouuuuble!" Giggles abound.
01[23:17] <~ShadowDM> Yori is greeted at the door by his
father's nurse, Ishida Hanako. "Yori-kun!~ You're back!"
[23:17] <Chikamastu_Tanaka> "Heh He must be if she's doing
the talking, How have you all been?".
[23:20] <Tanshin_Yori> "Indeed I am. How has Father been?"
01[23:21] <~ShadowDM> Breasts to face. "Onee-san (did I
mention she speaks in third person?) was so worried about
Otouto (you)." The sand tries to fight back, but the power
of her hug is too much for it.
01[23:22] * Tanshin_Yori is too tired to resist.
01[23:22] <~ShadowDM> "Kuro-sama is doing fine! What about
[23:23] <Tanshin_Yori> "I've got a splitting headache, but
I'm alright otherwise."
01[23:24] <~ShadowDM> Yasu's sheets are cool and
comforting, such a relief compared to the controlled
atmosphere of the hospital. In a short while, he hears
someone enter the house, the footsteps are heavy.
[23:25] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Sits up and listens carefully to
see who it might be.
01[23:26] <~ShadowDM> Everyone nearby tries to answer
Tanaka at once. One had a great time last night on a date
with a "real cutey", another complains about her hips
acting up and swears it will rain soon, others answer
simply that they're fine and could be better before posing
the question back at him.
01[23:28] * ~ShadowDM : -> Ishida_Hanako "Oh no-o-o-o~! Let
Onee-san make everything better~" She takes your face in
both hands which begin to glow softly, changing from purple
one moment to green the next.
[23:29] <Chikamastu_Tanaka> "Well, I sucessfully completed
my first mission, got to use Inubtsu in combat and made
home alive, so far I'm doing great."
01[23:29] <~ShadowDM> One hour later (your back is
beginning to hurt from standing like this) your headache is
gone and Shukaku seems like a distant memory--for the
01[23:30] <~ShadowDM> Yasu! Give me an awareness check!
[23:33] <Nawa_Yasunaka> 1d20+6 awareness for justice that
is only great on Tuesdays
01[23:33] <~ShadowDM> Another round of cheers fill the air
around Tanaka as a plain puppet in a chef's hat and apron
flies overhead, dropping a plate an up in front of him. It
is soon followed by water, several rolls of sushi, a glob
of green pudding, and a few slabs of unidentifyable meat.
[23:33] <Orac> Nawa_Yasunaka rolls 1d20+6 awareness for
justice that is only great on Tuesdays and gets <13 + 6> =
01[23:33] <~ShadowDM> You hear your uncles voice and your
mother say 'thank you' but no much else.
[23:34] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu gets up and heads down stairs
to try and catch his uncle before he leaves.
01[23:35] * Tanshin_Yori sighs in relief. "Thanks. I think
I'm going to settle in for the night."
01[23:37] <~ShadowDM> When Yasu gets downstairs, he sees
his mother cutting red peppers while talking to your uncle.
As you reach the bottom, he smiles and greets you warmly,
obviously happy to see you up and about.
[23:38] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Smiles widely. "Hello Uncle, how
have you been?"
01[23:39] * ~ShadowDM : -> Ishida_Hanako "Sure thing, Yori-
kun! Rest up!" She gives you one last squeeze before
leaving you in peace as she goes to check on your father.
01[23:40] <~ShadowDM> He laughs, "How have I been? You're
the one that's been in the hospital! It's good to see you
up; you know, the doctors thought you were in trouble for a
while there."
[23:45] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu seems surprised by this, but
on further thought, he nods simply. "I didn't know it was
all that bad. I'll have to be a lot more careful in the
future. But still, you didn't answer my question." He grins
01[23:48] <~ShadowDM> His uncle grins back, "I'm doing
well--busy, sorry I can't join you two for dinner."
[23:48] <Tanshin_Yori> (brb)
[23:49] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu nods. "I understand, we're
ninja, busy is part of the job description right?"
01[23:50] <~ShadowDM> His grin widens to a smile, "That's
right, your mother told me about your assignment! Not that
I didn't already know." He punctuates the sentance with a
[23:52] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu chuckles. "I'm interested to
find out what my team is like. The letter I got wasn't too
informative. Do oyu know anything about it?"
01[23:54] * ~ShadowDM : -> Yasu's_Uncle "I know a bit. The
One-tail is on that team"--your mother pales slightly, but
continues cutting peppers--"along with a Chikamatsu and
several others."
01[23:55] <~ShadowDM> "They just got back from a mission.
Details about it are pretty tight."
[23:57] <Nawa_Yasunaka> "Hmm, interesting. It'll be
interesting to see the one-tails or a puppet master in
action. How about my team leader? Who is he, or she?"
01[23:58] * ~ShadowDM : -> Yasu's_Uncle "Akasuna no Sasori?
You must have heard about him! He was trained by Chiyo-sama
herself and is by all accounts an excellent puppeteer and
poison crafter."
[23:59] <Tanshin_Yori> (back)
Session Time: Fri Sep 17 00:00:00 2010
[00:00] <Nawa_Yasunaka> "Well I just like to be sure and
seperate the rumor from the fact. That's important to
trackers like me."
01[00:00] <~ShadowDM> Yasu
01[00:01] * ~ShadowDM : -> Yasu's_Uncle: "That's a good
start! Ah, but I gotta get going. It's good seeing you
both, have a good night."
01[00:01] <~ShadowDM> With that, he kisses your mother on
the cheek and pats you on the head before heading out into
the night.
[00:03] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Smiling, Yasu goes to set the table
for dinner, gathering up the various dishes and untencils
and setting places for his Mom and himself.
01[00:06] <~ShadowDM> He does so and his mother thanks him.
In moments the soup and fried vegetables are done and she
doles out portions for each of you.
01[00:06] <~ShadowDM> She makes attempts at small talk
throughout the meal, but you can tell she's tired.
[00:06] <Chikamastu_Tanaka> Tanaka dug into his meal
wholeheartedly and made general small talk with his
relivtives.I'll have to ask Chiyo-basama about her first
time using the Ten, he thought to himself.
01[00:06] <~ShadowDM> And worries, she always seems worried
when your father is gone.
[00:07] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu knows his Mom is worrying, but
like always he can't think of anything good to say. He
stays pretty quiet throughout the meal, though he does
respond to her small talk.
01[00:07] <~ShadowDM> As the night passes, Tanaka's
relatives finish their meals and trickle off. Soon Tanaka
is left alone with a few others and the cook.
01[00:09] <~ShadowDM> Yasu's mother is soon finished. She
puts her dishes in the sink and tells him to do so as well
when he is done before kissing him good night and heading
to bed.
[00:12] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu bids her good night and tells
her to get plenty of rest. He finishes eating soon
afterward and takes his dishes to the sink. He cleans them
off quickly and heads up to go to bed. He makes sure to
pack his gear for tommorows mission.
01[00:12] <~ShadowDM> And he does so, anything else?
[00:13] <Nawa_Yasunaka> He goes to sleep after getting into
osme sleeping clothes.
01[00:13] <~ShadowDM> anything else Tanaka?
[00:14] <Chikamastu_Tanaka> nope
01[00:15] <~ShadowDM> alright! 15 minute break!
01[00:15] <~ShadowDM> possibly 10 minute.
01[00:32] <~ShadowDM> The dawn finds you all healthy.
01[00:32] <~ShadowDM> Knowing your sensei (in most of your
cases) you know it's best to arrive at the council chamber
01[00:33] <~ShadowDM> actions?
[00:35] <Chikamastu_Tanaka> Tanaka gets up and
dressed,strapping Inu to his back and munchs on a piece of
toast as he heads out the door
[00:35] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu wakes up and rushes through
his preparations, intent on showing up early. Once he's all
packed up he rushes out the door, energetically saying
farewell to his mother.
01[00:36] * Tanshin_Yori awakens from his trance, bathes,
and changes into some clothes that aren't sandy (yet). He
grabs an apple on the way out the door for breakfast and
shows up at the meeting place a bit early.
01[00:38] <~ShadowDM> Your various family members (that are
up) bid you a fond farewell and see you off. Of course,
Sasori is already there waiting, looking somewhat
impatient. To those of you he knows, the puppet master
merely nods. As Yasu arrives, he cocks his head to the side
for a moment, "And you are?"
[00:42] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Bows respectfully. "Nawa Yasunaka,
I'm to join Team Three as of today, I believe?"
01[00:43] * ~ShadowDM : -> SASORI-SENSEI: "Oh yea."
01[00:43] <~ShadowDM> Mai and Jun show up eventually. Jun
looks well rested, but Mai looks like she didn't quite get
enough beauty sleep.
01[00:43] * ~ShadowDM : -> SASORI-SENSEI: "Well, let's
hurry up."
[00:44] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Nods and stands off to the side to
await news of his first real mission.
01[00:45] <~ShadowDM> He leads the way inside the Council
Chambers, which today are quite empty. The Chuunin Aide at
the tall doors within opens it to admit the team. The
Kazekage sits in his normal seat and most of the Council is
[00:49] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu follows along, hanging back a
bit nervously.
01[00:51] * ~ShadowDM : -> Kazekage: "Team Sasori, you are
to travel to the Fuushamorimura and provide protection for
one, Monobikei Mitsuke." The Kazekage seems tired, and
doesn't seem to be in the mood for small-talk. "According
to reports, there have been several attempts on her life
and threats of kidnapping." He passes the mission file to
an Aide who walks over to Sasori and passes said file off
to him.
[00:55] <Chikamastu_Tanaka> "Are there any suspects
01[00:58] * ~ShadowDM : -> Kazekage: "Nothing promising.
The report mentions that people were hired to do so, but
finding out the responsible party isn't part of the
mission. Just make sure nothing happens to the client while
the contract is in place."
01[00:59] <~ShadowDM> Sasori nods and flips through the
files before tucking them into a pocket within his cloak.
01[01:00] * ~ShadowDM : -> Sasori-sensei: "Let's get going,
Fuushamorimura is several days travel."
01[01:00] <~ShadowDM> If nobody has any actions we can just
right into the fun part: traveling.
01[01:01] * Tanshin_Yori has nothing to add.
[01:01] <Chikamastu_Tanaka> nothing to declare
[01:01] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Same here.
01[01:02] <~ShadowDM> Alright then! Back to the long cave
of doom! AKA, the Western Gate.
01[01:03] <~ShadowDM> The wall slides open ominously into
pitch black darky darkness. Sasori creates a ball of light
from chakra as he did before and begins a steady pace down
the long corridor.
01[01:03] <~ShadowDM> The rumbling of shifting rock can be
heard throughout your journey through the Western Gate
until the light of day greets you on the other end.
[01:06] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Squints and shades his eyes with
his hand, he nevertheless keeps walking.
01[01:06] <~ShadowDM> The path seems familiar to most of
you, but quickly makes a hard turn toward the north at the
first possible intersection.
01[01:08] <~ShadowDM> A soft breeze kicks up flurries of
loose sand as you walk in relative silence. Sasori seems
tired and does not respond to questions or conversations
with more than one-word answers or a 'hmm'.
01[01:08] <~ShadowDM> Awareness checks!!!
[01:09] <Nawa_Yasunaka> 1d20+6 awareness for detecting
[01:09] <Orac> Nawa_Yasunaka rolls 1d20+6 awareness for
detecting things! and gets <5 + 6> = 11
[01:09] <Chikamastu_Tanaka> 1d20+6
[01:09] <Orac> Chikamastu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+6 and gets <4 +
6> = 10
[01:09] <Chikamastu_Tanaka> awarness
[01:09] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+6 Awareness!
[01:09] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+6 Awareness! and
gets <19 + 6> = 25
01[01:13] <~ShadowDM> Several hours into your journey, a
strange silence falls over the landscape. Though most of
you trudge along unaware, Yori has the sense that something
is watching group of travelers. To the right of the path in
front of you a barbed tail flies at Yori only to hit a wall
of protective sand.
01[01:14] <~ShadowDM> Sand shifts as a large creature rises
from the sand, a large creature matching Sasori's personal
emblm, a scorpion!
01[01:15] <~ShadowDM> From beneath the large creature,
several more skitter with clicking movements.
01[01:15] <~ShadowDM> Initiative!
[01:15] <Tanshin_Yori> d20 Init
[01:15] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20 Init and gets 19
[01:15] <Nawa_Yasunaka> d20+1 initiative
[01:15] <Orac> Nawa_Yasunaka rolls 1d20+1 initiative and
gets <11 + 1> = 12
[01:15] <Chikamastu_Tanaka> 1d20+2 init
[01:15] <Orac> Chikamastu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+2 init and gets
<13 + 2> = 15
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> 1 . . . . | . . . | . * . .
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> 2 . . . * | . . . | . . . .
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> 3 . . . . M . . M | . . . .
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> 4 . . . . | . . . | G G . .
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> 5 . . . . | . M . | G G . .
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> 6 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> 7 . * . . | . . . | . * M .
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> 8 . . . * | . . . | . . . .
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> 9 . . . . | . . . | . . * .
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> 10 . . . . | . . . | * . . .
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> 11 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> 12 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> 13 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> 14 . . . . | . . . | * . . .
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> 15 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> 16 . . . . | . . . | . * . .
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> 17 . . * . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> 18 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> 19 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> 20 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> Mai, Yori, Jun, Tanaka, Yasu, G
Scorp, M Scorps
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> * brush/cactus
01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> what's positions, you're out the
southern end
01[01:22] <~ShadowDM> like, who'd be in the front/mid/back
[01:22] <Nawa_Yasunaka> I'd be in the back.
[01:22] <Tanshin_Yori> I think I'd be middle-ish.
[01:22] <Chikamastu_Tanaka> I'll be in the back
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> 1 . . . . | . . . | . * . .
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> 2 . . . * | . . . | . . . .
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> 3 . . . . | . . M | . . . .
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> 4 . . . . | . . . | G G . .
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> 5 . . . . | . M . | G G . .
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> 6 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> 7 . * . . | . . . | . * M .
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> 8 . . . * | . S . | . . . .
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> 9 . . . . | M J . | . . * .
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> 10 . . . . | T . . | * . . .
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> 11 . . . . | . . Y | . . M .
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> 12 . . . . | A . . | . . . .
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> 13 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> 14 . . . . | . . . | * . . .
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> 15 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> 16 . . . . | . . . | . * . .
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> 17 . . * . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> 18 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> 19 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> 20 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> Mai, Yori, Jun, Tanaka, Yasu, G
Scorp, M Scorps
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> * brush/cactus
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> Mai rushes past sasori at the closest
medium-ish Scorpion. Her double-blade flies from its sheath
biting into the creature's carapace.
01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> Yori!
01[01:26] * Tanshin_Yori lashes the scorpion at L11 with
[01:26] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+2 Atk
[01:26] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+2 Atk and gets <14 +
2> = 16
01[01:26] <~ShadowDM> hit!
[01:26] <Tanshin_Yori> d4+2 damage
[01:26] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d4+2 damage and gets <3
+ 2> = 5
[01:27] <Tanshin_Yori> and end turn.
01[01:28] <~ShadowDM> The sand scrapes across carapace with
a sand similar to sandpaper across gravel.
01[01:28] <~ShadowDM> the force itself seems to knock a
plate of armor loose, and the giant insect seems ticked.
01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M
01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> 1 . . . . | . . . | . * . .
01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> 2 . . . * | . . . | . . . .
01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> 3 . . . . | . . C | . . . .
01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> 4 . . . . | . . . | G G . .
01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> 5 . . . . | . C . | G G . .
01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> 6 . . . . | . M . | . . . .
01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> 7 . * . . | . . . | . * C .
01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> 8 . . . * | . S . | . . . .
01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> 9 . . . . | . J . | . . * .
01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> 10 . . . . | T . . | * . . .
01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> 11 . . . . | . . Y | . . C .
01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> 12 . . . . | A . . | . . . .
01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> 13 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> 14 . . . . | . . . | * . . .
01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> 15 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> 16 . . . . | . . . | . * . .
01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> 17 . . * . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> 18 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> 19 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> 20 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> Mai, Yori, Jun, Tanaka, Yasu, G
Scorp, M Scorps
01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> Jun!
[01:32] <Hideki_Junichi> Throw kunai at M Scorp in front of
Sasori. 1d20+3 kunai throw
01[01:32] <~ShadowDM> the roll has to be on a seperate line
01[01:33] <~ShadowDM> and you're going throw past Sasori
and Mai into melee?
[01:33] <Hideki_Junichi> 1d20+3 throw
[01:33] <Orac> Hideki_Junichi rolls 1d20+3 throw and gets
<4 + 3> = 7
01[01:33] <~ShadowDM> oof, total whiff.
01[01:33] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka!
[01:33] <Hideki_Junichi> Im done
01[01:34] <~ShadowDM> Chikamastu_Tanaka
[01:34] <Chikamastu_Tanaka> 1d20+1
[01:34] <Orac> Chikamastu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+1 and gets <18
+ 1> = 19
01[01:35] <~ShadowDM> aaand what are you doing precisely?
[01:35] <Chikamastu_Tanaka> sending inu in for a slam attack
01[01:36] <~ShadowDM> against which one?
[01:36] <Chikamastu_Tanaka> 1d4+1 targeting the same
scorpian as Yori
[01:36] <Orac> Chikamastu_Tanaka rolls 1d4+1 targeting the
same scorpian as Yori and gets <2 + 1> = 3
01[01:36] <~ShadowDM> but more imprtantly, you ahve to cast
Kugutsu first :P
[01:37] <Chikamastu_Tanaka> oh right
01[01:38] <~ShadowDM> so you'll do that?
[01:38] <Chikamastu_Tanaka> yep
01[01:38] <~ShadowDM> ok
01[01:38] <~ShadowDM> Yasu!
[01:39] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Drawing my kodachi and moving to
k12, and that'll be it.
01[01:42] <~ShadowDM> The giant scorpion rushes over to
Mai, intent on ripping her apart, but she nimbly dances
around its reching claws. The scorpion she previous attack
tries to return the favor, and while Mai is distracted a
second assaults her from her right and scores a shallow
01[01:43] <~ShadowDM> Mai grits her teeth and with a cry,
slices the damaged scorpion in three.
01[01:43] <~ShadowDM> Yori!
01[01:46] * Tanshin_Yori aims to finish off his target!
[01:46] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+2 atk
[01:46] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+2 atk and gets <13 +
2> = 15
01[01:46] <~ShadowDM> hit! Barely!
01[01:46] <~ShadowDM> damage...?
[01:47] <Tanshin_Yori> d4+2 dmg
[01:47] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d4+2 dmg and gets <4 +
2> = 6
[01:47] <Tanshin_Yori> woot
01[01:47] <~ShadowDM> The beast stubbornly clings to life,
but looks about as threatening as a wet paper towel as it's
body is caked with oozey sand.
01[01:47] <~ShadowDM> Jun!
[01:48] <Hideki_Junichi> swiching to throw kunai at Yoris
01[01:48] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M
01[01:48] <~ShadowDM> 1 . . . . | . . . | . * . .
01[01:48] <~ShadowDM> 2 . . . * | . . . | . . . .
01[01:48] <~ShadowDM> 3 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:48] <~ShadowDM> 4 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:48] <~ShadowDM> 5 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:48] <~ShadowDM> 6 . . . . | C M G G . . . .
01[01:48] <~ShadowDM> 7 . * . . | . . G G . * . .
01[01:48] <~ShadowDM> 8 . . . * | . S C | . . . .
01[01:48] <~ShadowDM> 9 . . . . | . J . | . . * .
01[01:48] <~ShadowDM> 10 . . . . | T i . | * . . .
01[01:48] <~ShadowDM> 11 . . . . | . . Y | . . C .
01[01:48] <~ShadowDM> 12 . . . . | . . . | . A . .
01[01:48] <~ShadowDM> 13 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:48] <~ShadowDM> 14 . . . . | . . . | * . . .
01[01:48] <~ShadowDM> 15 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:48] <~ShadowDM> Mai, Yori, Jun, Tanaka, Yasu, G
Scorp, M Scorps
[01:48] <Hideki_Junichi> d20+3 throw
[01:48] <Orac> Hideki_Junichi rolls 1d20+3 throw and gets
<16 + 3> = 19
01[01:48] <~ShadowDM> hit!
[01:48] <Hideki_Junichi> 1d4+2 dmg
[01:48] <Orac> Hideki_Junichi rolls 1d4+2 dmg and gets <4 +
2> = 6
[01:48] <Hideki_Junichi> woot 2
01[01:49] <~ShadowDM> :/ ... orac is playing favorites
01[01:49] <~ShadowDM> The kunai unerringly strikes the
beast between its many eyes, driving the last vestiges of
life from it's carapacey-body.
01[01:49] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka!
[01:50] <Chikamastu_Tanaka> 1d20+1 attack
[01:50] <Orac> Chikamastu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+1 attack and
gets <19 + 1> = 20
01[01:50] <~ShadowDM> hit! which one?
[01:51] <Chikamastu_Tanaka> the one infront of Jun
01[01:51] <~ShadowDM> roll damage!
[01:51] <Chikamastu_Tanaka> 1d4+1 dmg
[01:51] <Orac> Chikamastu_Tanaka rolls 1d4+1 dmg and gets
<2 + 1> = 3
03[01:51] * Jeremy_Shooter is now known as Frankto
01[01:51] <~ShadowDM> The scorpion shakes itself, wondering
wtf just hit it.
01[01:51] <~ShadowDM> Yasu!
01[01:52] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M
01[01:52] <~ShadowDM> 1 . . . . | . . . | . * . .
01[01:52] <~ShadowDM> 2 . . . * | . . . | . . . .
01[01:52] <~ShadowDM> 3 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:52] <~ShadowDM> 4 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:52] <~ShadowDM> 5 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:52] <~ShadowDM> 6 . . . . | C M G G . . . .
01[01:52] <~ShadowDM> 7 . * . . | . . G G . * . .
01[01:52] <~ShadowDM> 8 . . . * | . S C | . . . .
01[01:52] <~ShadowDM> 9 . . . . | . J i | . . * .
01[01:52] <~ShadowDM> 10 . . . . | T . . | * . . .
01[01:52] <~ShadowDM> 11 . . . . | . . Y | . . . .
01[01:52] <~ShadowDM> 12 . . . . | . . . | . A . .
01[01:52] <~ShadowDM> 13 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:52] <~ShadowDM> 14 . . . . | . . . | * . . .
01[01:52] <~ShadowDM> 15 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[01:52] <~ShadowDM> Mai, Yori, Jun, Tanaka, Yasu, G
Scorp, M Scorps
02[01:57] * Hideki_Junichi (~jordandbennet@OWIRCN- Quit (Quit: ¤)
[01:58] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu moves to 8I and attacks the
medium scorpion.
01[01:59] <~ShadowDM> a claw flies past Nawa's head as he
rushes at the scorpion, but he gets into range unscathed.
01[01:59] <~ShadowDM> roll attack
01[02:00] <~ShadowDM> don't forget +2 for flanking
[02:00] <Nawa_Yasunaka> 1d20+4 kodachi
[02:00] <Orac> Nawa_Yasunaka rolls 1d20+4 kodachi and gets
<15 + 4> = 19
01[02:00] <~ShadowDM> hit!
01[02:00] <~ShadowDM> damage!
[02:00] <Nawa_Yasunaka> 1d6+2
[02:00] <Orac> Nawa_Yasunaka rolls 1d6+2 and gets <1 + 2> =
01[02:00] <~ShadowDM> Your blade clips the beast, but it
seems mostly fine.
02[02:01] * Chikamastu_Tanaka (~jeb120889@OWIRCN- Quit (Quit: ¤)
01[02:04] <~ShadowDM> Two claws fly toward Mai and once
again she move through it unscathed, the larger one takes
the opportunity to try its hand (or claw), but only manages
to clip her shoulder.
01[02:04] <~ShadowDM> Mai turns her blade toward the medium
one, slicing of a limb without difficulty.
01[02:04] <~ShadowDM> Yori
01[02:05] * Tanshin_Yori turns his attention to the largest
one and unleashes... sand.
[02:05] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+2 attack
[02:05] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+2 attack and gets
<16 + 2> = 18
01[02:06] <~ShadowDM> hit!
[02:06] <Tanshin_Yori> d4+2 dmg
[02:06] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d4+2 dmg and gets <4 +
2> = 6
[02:06] <Tanshin_Yori> and end turn.
01[02:06] <~ShadowDM> the shifting sand drills into the
creature's hide.
01[02:08] <~ShadowDM> Jun spits a line of fire across the
creature in front of him and the larger scorpion, while
Inubatsu flies at the medium scorpion by jun. It tries to
shift itself out of harm's way, but falls under the
puppet's weight with a sickening crunch
01[02:09] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M
01[02:09] <~ShadowDM> 1 . . . . | . . . | . * . .
01[02:09] <~ShadowDM> 2 . . . * | . . . | . . . .
01[02:09] <~ShadowDM> 3 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[02:09] <~ShadowDM> 4 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[02:09] <~ShadowDM> 5 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[02:09] <~ShadowDM> 6 . . . . | C M G G . . . .
01[02:09] <~ShadowDM> 7 . * . . | . . G G . * . .
01[02:09] <~ShadowDM> 8 . . . * | . S . A . . . .
01[02:09] <~ShadowDM> 9 . . . . | . J i | . . * .
01[02:09] <~ShadowDM> 10 . . . . | T . . | * . . .
01[02:09] <~ShadowDM> 11 . . . . | . . Y | . . . .
01[02:09] <~ShadowDM> 12 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[02:09] <~ShadowDM> 13 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[02:09] <~ShadowDM> 14 . . . . | . . . | * . . .
01[02:09] <~ShadowDM> 15 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[02:09] <~ShadowDM> Mai, Yori, Jun, Tanaka, Yasu, G
Scorp, M Scorps
01[02:09] <~ShadowDM> Yasu!
[02:10] <Nawa_Yasunaka> Yasu takes a five foot step back to
I9 and uses Raikousen no Jutsu on the large scorpion.
01[02:10] <~ShadowDM> roll it
[02:10] <Nawa_Yasunaka> 1d20+1 ranged touch
[02:10] <Orac> Nawa_Yasunaka rolls 1d20+1 ranged touch and
gets <14 + 1> = 15
01[02:10] <~ShadowDM> hit!
[02:11] <Nawa_Yasunaka> 2d6 electricity
[02:11] <Orac> Nawa_Yasunaka rolls 2d6 electricity and gets
<4,5> = 9
01[02:11] <~ShadowDM> The creature twitches and smoke rises
from between the plates of its armor.
01[02:13] <~ShadowDM> The giant scorpion turns toward Yasu,
leading with both claws. However, the shock it recieved
from the young Nawa causes it to flail jerkily, missing
with both of its weapons.
01[02:13] <~ShadowDM> The medium scorpion makes one last
attempt to bring down Mai, futile though it may be.
01[02:14] <~ShadowDM> both claws strike, though due to the
amount of ooze seeping from it's gaping wound, it is too
weak to do much to her.
01[02:14] <~ShadowDM> Mai returns in kind, ending the
creature's pitiful existance.
01[02:15] <~ShadowDM> Yori!
01[02:15] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M
01[02:15] <~ShadowDM> 1 . . . . | . . . | . * . .
01[02:15] <~ShadowDM> 2 . . . * | . . . | . . . .
01[02:15] <~ShadowDM> 3 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[02:15] <~ShadowDM> 4 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[02:15] <~ShadowDM> 5 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[02:15] <~ShadowDM> 6 . . . . | . M . | . . . .
01[02:15] <~ShadowDM> 7 . * . . | . . G G . * . .
01[02:15] <~ShadowDM> 8 . . . * | . S G G . . . .
01[02:15] <~ShadowDM> 9 . . . . | . J i A . . * .
01[02:15] <~ShadowDM> 10 . . . . | T . . | * . . .
01[02:15] <~ShadowDM> 11 . . . . | . . Y | . . . .
01[02:15] <~ShadowDM> 12 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[02:15] <~ShadowDM> 13 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[02:15] <~ShadowDM> 14 . . . . | . . . | * . . .
01[02:15] <~ShadowDM> 15 . . . . | . . . | . . . .
01[02:15] <~ShadowDM> Mai, Yori, Jun, Tanaka, Yasu, G
Scorp, M Scorps
01[02:15] * Tanshin_Yori aims to finish off the remaining
[02:15] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+2 atk
[02:15] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+2 atk and gets <13 +
2> = 15
01[02:15] <~ShadowDM> wanna AP that?
[02:16] <Tanshin_Yori> mmm... nah.
01[02:16] <~ShadowDM> miss!
[02:16] <Tanshin_Yori> aww.
[02:16] <Tanshin_Yori> end turn.
01[02:16] <~ShadowDM> Jun misses!
01[02:16] <~ShadowDM> Inubatsu hits! dealing meager damage!
01[02:16] <~ShadowDM> Yasu!
[02:17] <Nawa_Yasunaka> 1d20+2 two handed kodachi swing at
the big one!
[02:17] <Orac> Nawa_Yasunaka rolls 1d20+2 two handed
kodachi swing at the big one! and gets <9 + 2> = 11
[02:18] <Frankto> (I note you can't wield a small weapon
with two hands as a medium creature.)
01[02:18] <~ShadowDM> it misses anyways.
[02:18] <Nawa_Yasunaka> ((Ah, I see. Sorry.))
01[02:19] * ~ShadowDM : -> Sasori: "I hate keeping people
01[02:20] <~ShadowDM> Sasori pulls out a kunai and procedes
to stab the scorpion in the face.
01[02:21] <~ShadowDM> What little life it still held onto
quickly passes through its burnt husk.
01[02:21] <~ShadowDM> With the desert predators put down,
your journey continues!
01[02:21] <~ShadowDM> But for now this story must wait as
01[02:22] <~ShadowDM> Fade...
01[02:22] <~ShadowDM> .To....
01[02:22] <~ShadowDM> ..Black

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