EDUC 2220-Educational Technology Lesson Plan Andrea Ray: Common Core Standards

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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology Lesson Plan

Andrea Ray

2nd Grade Mathematics Lesson

Common Core Standards:

“Critical Area 3: Using standard units of measure. Students recognize the need for standard units of measure
(centimeter and inch), and they use rulers and other measurement tools with the understanding that linear
measure involves an iteration of units. They recognize that the smaller the unit, the more iterations they need to
cover a given length. They also apply number concepts solving real-world problems”

Lesson Summary:
In this lesson plan, students will be focusing on their concept of linear measurements. They will be using items
such as scales and rulers to measure the height, width, length, and weight of objects within their classroom. To
incorporate technology into the lesson, my students will use an App on their iPad that is called EasyMeasure.
This app may use the camera of the tablet to measure the length and distance of objects. Also, students may
use a computer to record their measurements to create a class table to portray their results. We plan to make a
presentation out of all their differing measurements,

Estimated Duration:
This lesson should take about 150 minutes and will be spread across three (50 minute) periods. Breaking the
assignment into three days will help students time to work through the unit.

I hope to engage my students into the activity as soon as they come into the classroom, and plan to not dwell
on the fact that it is indeed an assignment. I hope to get them excited about measuring items and encourage
them to just try and measure. It will take trial and error, but they can get the right answer. I think getting an
accurate measurement will be the biggest challenge of this lesson plan. That is why I plan of dedicating one
day to measuring the items with basic tools such as a ruler and another day will be dedicated to using the
tablets and camera to measure the items. Having two days of measurement may make them see the differences
between the two techniques.

Instructional Procedures:
Day 1:
First 10 minutes: I will have the students sit down as soon as they enter class and give them a pre-assignment.
This assignment will help me see their knowledge about basic units of measurements. Then I will show them a
tape measure, ruler, meter stick, and a yard stick will then use each tool and show them how to measure
random items.
10 minutes: Introductory activity- I will group the students into groups of three and have them sit together and
try to guess the measurements of items such as a pencil, book, watch etc. in inches and feet. This will give my
students a sense of giving an estimation, this is important for them to have an idea of an objects size.
25 Minutes: I use the smartboard to show them the true measurements of the objects and explain the
importance of estimation. It is important they have an idea of how to make an educated guess. Then I will give
them a lesson on the units of measurement and help explain the difference between them. It is important that
they realize the differing units and how they differ.
5 minutes: In the last five minutes I will explain that we will be measuring five items in the classroom in
inches and feet. We are going to use rulers and tablets to use the app EasyMeasure. After this we will compile
the classes’ measurements to make a class table to compare our results.

Day 2:
5 Minutes: I will spend this time directing half of the groups to the tablets and giving half of the groups tape
measures to use. I also want them to take estimations on the items before they start the activity.
15 minutes: The students will work on measuring their five items within the class room with either the app or
their tape measures. It is important that they make an estimate and measure the items twice because their first
measurement may be wrong.
15 Minutes: The groups will switch and work on the other half of the assignment.
10 minutes: After the students have their four measurements recorded we will get back together and discuss the
assignment. I will take any questions they have and get their results.

Day 3: Compile information and have a post assignment.

5 Minutes: As the class comes in I will divide them into groups of fours and give them all the data they
15 Minutes: I will give the groups this time to get onto the computers and use word to compile our class
measurements. This will also give them time to discuss the assignment with their classmates. In word they will
be expected to create a table and to enter all the data of the measurements.
15 minutes: We will get back together and look over the class results. I will show them the importance of
taking an average of two measurements, they may differ if only one is taken. Getting back together allows the
class to see the differing measurements. Measurements are interpretive.
15 minutes: I will give the students a post assignment in the form of a small exam. This will consist of ten
questions and will be a small percentage of their overall grade for the assignment.
As a pre-assessment, I would design a pre-test discussing the basic principles of measurements and measuring.
This short quiz would not be given as a grade but would be given to the students before the assignment started.
This is a great way to test their knowledge and allow me to see what parts of the lesson I can go through
quickly and parts I need to spend more time on. This assignment would also give the students an idea of their
knowledge prior to the assignment and they may see their growth in the post assignment.
Scoring Guidelines:
The pre-assignment will not count in the grade percentage but will be used to help me shape my lesson.
I will give the pre-assignment on day 1 and conduct the assignment on day 2. This time will give me
time to gauge where all my students stand and can help me shape the lesson to help best fit their needs.
It is important to have an idea prior to the assignment to where my students’ knowledge stands on the
subject. I can also use the pre and post assignments to compare their growth overall.

After the assignment I would like to give my students a post-assignment in the form of an exam. This will be a
short exam that will be a small percentage of their overall grade for the assignment. The exam will be set up
like the pre-assignment and will help me gauge their knowledge of the material.
Scoring Guidelines:
This assignment will be a pass or fail, second graders do not have much of a percentage-based grade. It
is more important to use this lesson to decide whether they understand the concept of measurement.

Differentiated Instructional Support

Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the needs of gifted or accelerated
students: For gifted students I may have them create an overall class average of the measurements of each of
the five objects. They would have an average of the app-based measurements and the traditional
measurements. This comparison could help the other students see how to compile data and create an average or
mean of the data. This activity would further expand their math knowledge.
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the
For students who may be struggling with the material I may adapt the activity and only have them focus on
measuring the items with a ruler. This would give them more time to spend on one activity and I would have
the gifted students step in and help them. Havin peer guidance may help the struggling students understand

YouTube was a great resource for me as a student! I found this video that would be a great aid for a student
learning about measurement.

Homework Options and Home Connections

I would like to see my students learning about measurement at home. So, I would come up with an assignment
that would have them go around their house and measure and weight different items.
Interdisciplinary Connections
In this lesson we are focusing on strengthening basic measuring skills and we could incorporate History and
focus on economics. Students in second grade are focusing on learning about money and economics around the
world. It would be beneficial to include money and counting and measuring into the lesson, they could get
practice with this life skill. The students are also expanding their reading skills because they will have to
follow and read directions. I could incorporate real world problems into their math lesson to further the amount
they have to read and reflect on.

Materials and Resources:

For teachers  Smartboards: needed for lecturing and introducing the unit.
 iPad: the teacher will need this to use the app EasyMeasure.
 Computers: needed to compile the data from the students.
 Rulers: to measure
 Worksheets: for the assignment and post assignment
 5 identical items of the students to measure.

For students  Rulers: to measure

 Laptops- insert data
 Word/Excel: to enter in the data
 iPad: Use the app EasyMeasure

Key Vocabulary

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