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DISTRICT OF HOPE POLICY MANUAL, DEPARTMENT: All Deporiments POLICY NUMBER: 201-05 POLICY TITLE: _ COUNCIL INDEMNITY Authority: Legislative: x Effective Date: February 14, 2005 (Council) Date for Review: January 1* annually ‘Administrative: Council Resolution Number: 164RCIOG/D4/14_ | Issue Date: ‘April 14,2003 ‘Amended: July 26,2010 Resolution Number: O42RC/0S/02/14 February 14,2005 Policy Guidelines 1. The Distict shall pay out of general revenue, an annual indemnity to the Mayor in the amount of Sixteen Thousand Dollars ($16,000.00). One-third ofthis remuneration shall be paid as an allowance for expenses incidental tothe discharge of the duties of office, when representing the Distict, ot engaging in Disrit business, The annual indemnity to the Mayor shall be increased annually by the Consumer Price Index for Vancouver starting January 1, 2004, 2. ‘The Distict shall pay out of general revenue, an annual indemnity to each Councilor in the amount of Fight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00). One-third ofthis remuneration shall be paid as an allowance for expenses incidental to the discharge of the duties of office, when representing the District, or engaging in District business. ‘The annual indemnity to each Councilor shall be ineeased annually by the Consumer Price Index for Vancouver stating January 1, 2006. 3. The Distr policy insuring the members of Council, on a group insurance bas! injury while on official business forthe District of Hope. shall provide for the payment of all of the premiums for an accident insurance agninst accident or 2018 ‘Mayor - $20,763.21 ‘Councillors - $10,384.67 Mayor and Councillor Remuneration and Expenses (2017) [Mayor Annual Remuneration [Councillor Annual Remuneration Name \Jurisdiction Population |Full Tims or Part Time Mayor ___ including Expense Allowance Including Expense Allowance larmstrong [City 4247] Part-time (Mayor is paid for less than 2768 3064] [35 hours per week) \Castegar Gly 7255)Par-time (Mayor is paid for less than 28,000) 74,000] [35 hours per week) (Gosream [iit ‘ETi|Survey Not Retumed [Sunvey Not Returned [Survey Net Retumed [Creston Frown '4826|Partime (Mayor is paid for less than 76 484.00) T3270 [35 hours per week) [Duncan ieiy -4966|Part-time (Mayor is paid for fess than 24,987.05) Ta7a TT 135 hours per week) Femie [ei @2i7|Survey Not Returned [Survey Not Returned [Survey Not Returned [Gibsons Town “4162]Part-time (Mayor is paid forless than 330,585 $4370) 35 hours per week) \Grand Forks |Ciy 4036 Part-time (Mayor is paid for ess than eB S| TeaTT Ga) 135 hours per week) kent Dstt 4738] Survey Not Returned [Survey Not Returned. [Survey Not Returned Ikimberey [Ci 1139[Survey Not Returned, [Survey Not Returned. [Survey Not Returned. Kitimat [Dstt '8987)Part-time (Mayor is paid Yor ess than 031.05] TE 765.00 35 hours per week) ICadyemih [Town 7638|Part-time (Mayor paid for ess than 3055] aT 35 hours per week) [Cake County |Datnct 1606] Survey Not Returned [Survey Not Returned (Survey Net Retumed Mackenzie [District -4536|Survey Not Returned [Survey Not Returned. [Survey Not Returned Merit icity '6996|Parttime (Mayor is paid for less than 25,000 salary 15,000 salary 35 hours per week) IMetchosin [District 7785] Survey Not Reumed [Survey Not Returned [Survey Not Returned [Nelson icity 1258)Part-time (Mayor is paid Yor Tess than ‘37600) 5300] [35 hours per week) [Olver \Fown -37O|Part-time (Mayor is paid for less than 2 3A9) Ta Baa [35 hours per woek) [Osoyoos Town “F7S2]Parctime (Mayor fs pad for less than DHaaaa| TESA OB) {35 hours per week) [Peachiand — |Diswict BRS )Part-time (Mayor is pai for less than aaa 14168 135 hours per week) lauatcum ——|Town 502 Survey Not Retumed [Survey Not Returned [Survey Not Retumed IBeach [Quesnel [iy ‘9526| Partie (Mayor is pald Yor less han Wasa 74907 99 [35 hours per week) IRavelstoxe —|Ciy "7230 |Parttime (Mayor is pald Yor less than Eo 75000] [3s hours per week) [Sechett [Dirt ‘3454 Fulltime (Mayor is paid Tor 35 hours 3710823) Tessa aa lor more per week) Smithers [Town 27 Part-time (Mayor is paid foress than 27485] Ta7a3| las hours per week) Soars: [Daaet '3704|Survey Not Returned (Survey Not Returned [Survey Not Returned [Spalumcheen Township 4960]Part-time (Mayor is paid Yor less han E507 35] TAO [35 hours per week [Trai ica 737 Part-time (Mayor is paid for less than $50,330) $15 165] 35 hours per week) [Vanderhoof —[Disiet “4064)Part-ime (Mayor is paid for less than 37200) aa] [35 hours per woek) [View Royal Town, 3768 |NA ‘07T0) Tr0sa78| [whistler Resor '9248)Part-time (Mayor Is pad for less than 35.038) 34,384 Municipality [35 hours per week) Village of Harrison Hot Springs - population 1468 ‘Mayor - $30,000 CCouniclor - $18,000 District of Kent - population 5664 ‘Mayor - $33,239, Deputy Mayor $15,796 plus 15% of the Mayor's remumeration Councilor = $16,798 ‘There have been on increases since 2016 and currently 1/3 is deemed as an allowance for expenses.

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