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| og IMRAD FORM Sale of n‘inkedvton® Insummary,cnintoducon should have: Clear and eal inodtcton fhe rcblem being investigated Algroblemsshoukbe accu) ond deat dened, Lierature review conveys what s known about the topic, and possble research gaps. Lire ued inrevew shoude appropri ie om a peer reviewed jounal, Lagicalpresentofon ideas, no logical mos eosin, Research proposed is discussed inthe context of what i already known, ‘Study Framework and Significance of the Study shal be included here. typothess oe stated ff oppo) ‘L MATERIALS AND METHODS (odd not exceed pages) Tis econ sould provide encugh dtl to allow fl repfcaton ofthe study by Aa sie invesig‘os. Poioco for new metnods shoud be incded, but wel-estatited groiocds may simply be reftenced. We encowage oufhos fo submis separate supporinginlonaion le, delaled prolocc or newer rls wehelablhed methods, lp IMRAD FORMAT pdf ( 0 y % | be a\/@e Q O03" HOO ™- REET OS ‘question. + Yourcifcal queson. Bring your naratve fo a cain which youlay out you crlicd ‘question in detal. xcain brief what your action(s] conssted of. Tel besly what your conclusions look Ike (don't fry to keep the reader in ssperse. What she purpose ofthe study? Why are you conducing the study? The inroduction mest slate the goak of the reeorch being conducted. must include a ronal forthe study clang wth a hypathess. An important part of ihe iftoduction ia brief background ihatis sed onc thorough erature search otha! the readers krow what the study based on, Give e genetalidea on what has been done alteady, ond in what ways your tudyis difeert. Theoretical ad operafonal frameworks of he study should be dscussed here fo filin the research gaps. Ishould abo be supported by other related research theofies and ndings Pp VRAD FORMAT pdf Q 00 Ea 2 0 k 8 00 om. A BRP e¢ [Zoom in (i+?) 1. INTRODUCTION (all cops, (should be around 5 pages oli Inthe nteducton secon, present cleat and bref ihe problem inveigated, wah evant references, Tis secon should put the focus of the manuscript into a broader context. As you compose the Irtoducton, tink ofreaders who are not experisin this Feld, Incude a biel review of he key teal. There ore relevant corrovenies or dsogreementsn the fel, they should be menfoned so that a nor-expert reader con delve ino these sues furhes.Ishould conclude wilh a brief statement of the overal aim of the research or experiments and a comment bout whether that cim was achieved. The god ofthis sections fo corbin infomation about te sating of he action research project and the stay betind the proc ino @ smooth naratve thot gets the reader éengoged in your wos context the ctical quesion i bo inroduced here. hi section i usvoly about tee to five pages ong, The reader sould have c good idea what he paper is cbout before frshing the fst page. Inthe inftoducton be mindil ofthe flowing: + Confettsimporant io commuricate fo the reader a dear picture of he overall conte of youttesgarch project. Te way you wre the begining of your pape lays the foundation (veak or song) forthe cecby and tustwortines of your tests and conctors. Use soveling Instead of teling about yoursting, tate it forthe reader using slres ond anecdotes fen from your noes, refecons, and data, iroduce major ployets in your ana and resus Include ocfve and layered descripfon. se multiple datasources fo state the sefng ond story betnd he research. must be cero the reader that youre thoroughly immersed ard engagedin yout sting, and re therefcre quad fo make credible onal andiferretaions. By refering fo some data hete you signal {othe teade por fo he rest of the paper wha ype of research isis and how data were gereraly colected, Yours tis dso important fe commuricote tothe reader cleor picture ofyouset ax the researcher anc how your oun biases and experiences, ond assumptions not onlyinfluence the study bu aso proved te fodder for your crcl question. Tis may be woveninlo youtushaion of context by incuding your own thoughts and memes. ete are key quoles that il your sor in anothers words, consider

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