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Construction Project Risk Management Based on the View

of Asymmetric Information
Pengcheng Xiang1; Jin Zhou2; Xiaoyu Zhou3; and Kunhui Ye4

Abstract: Construction projects are facing a greater number of uncertainties and more severe risks, which could cause much bigger losses
than in the past. From the perspective of information economics, asymmetric information gives rise to opportunistic behavior, which is the
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primary cause of loss of faith and increased risk in the construction market. Asymmetric information theory is helpful for solving problems
arising in construction projects and for preventing construction project risk. The main objective in this paper is to explore risk prevention
mechanisms and measures in construction projects on the basis of asymmetric information theory. The research processes are (1) exploring
the relationship between asymmetric information and construction project risk and exploring the mechanisms of construction project risk
formation on the basis of asymmetric information; (2) analyzing the issue of asymmetric information in construction projects and creating an
information model of construction project management; (3) proposing measures for resolving information asymmetries of construction
projects. The contributions to the literature are (1) an application of asymmetric information theory to construction project management,
confirming that asymmetric information theory is helpful for resolving problems and preventing construction project risk; (2) showing that
incomplete information, especially asymmetric information, is the essential cause of construction project risk. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO
.1943-7862.0000548. © 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Construction management; Risk management; Project management; Asymmetry; Information systems.
Author keywords: Asymmetric information theory; Construction project risk; Project management; Construction project risk
management; Construction project management.

Introduction information theory can explain these dynamics and has become
widely applicable in this context. Because project risk is becoming
As a result of global economic growth, technological progress, an increasingly serious problem in the Chinese construction
large-scale changes in economic structures, and increasingly fierce market, it is important to apply asymmetric information theory
market competition, construction projects will face a greater num- to construction project risk management.
ber of uncertainties and more substantial risks in the future, which Asymmetric information theory assumes a situation in which
will lead to bigger losses. From the point of view of information one party involved in a transaction has more or superior informa-
economics, asymmetric information gives rise to opportunistic tion than another. This often happens in transactions where the
behavior, namely, adverse selection and moral hazards, which is seller knows more than the buyer, although the converse can
the primary cause of breaking faith in the construction market happen as well. This is a potentially harmful situation as one party
and essentially drives construction project risk (Sha et al. 2004; can take advantage of the other party’s lack of knowledge. The
Ren et al. 2004; Xiang 2005; Xiang and Ou 2009; Xiang and Ren phenomenon of information asymmetry appears everywhere and
2010; Xiang et al. 2006, 2007; Xiang and Xie 2008). Asymmetric has been studied since the pioneering work of Akerlof (1970);
Spence (1973, 1978); Stiglitz (1972, 1975); and Rothschild and
Associate Professor, Faculty of Construction Management Stiglitz (1976). These three established the foundations of asym-
and Real Estate, Chongqing Univ., P.R. China; Senior Research Fellow metric information theory and received the 2001 Nobel Prize in
of Advanced Construction Management Research Center, Chongqing Economic Sciences, “for their analyses of markets with asymmetric
Univ., P.R. China, 400045 (corresponding author). E-mail: pcxiang@cqu information” (Nobel Foundation 2001). In short, the advent of asymmetric information theory provided a revolutionary break-
Master Student, Faculty of Construction Management and Real Estate,
through in economics research.
Chongqing Univ., P.R. China; Member of CIOBSC, Chongqing Univ.,
P.R. China, 400045. E-mail: The theory of markets with asymmetric information has been
Master Student, Faculty of Construction Management and a lively field of economics research for more than two decades.
Real Estate, Chongqing Univ., P.R. China, 400045. E-mail: xyzxiaoyu@ Today, models with imperfect information are indispensable instru- ments in the researcher’s toolbox, with applications extending from
Associate Professor, Faculty of Construction Management and Real traditional agricultural markets in developing countries to modern
Estate, Chongqing Univ., P.R. China; Senior Research Fellow of Advanced financial markets in developed economies. In recent years, asym-
Construction Management Research Center, Chongqing Univ., P.R. China, metric information theory has been at the core of information
400045. E-mail: economics and has been used widely in fields such as finance, in-
Note. This manuscript was submitted on April 13, 2011; approved on
surance, job markets, auction markets, venture capital and business
February 29, 2012; published online on March 3, 2012. Discussion period
open until April 1, 2013; separate discussions must be submitted for indi- administration (Coller and Yohn 1997; Hellwig 2001; Sheng 2003;
vidual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Construction Engineer- Garmaise and Moskowitz 2004; Iyer et al. 2005).
ing and Management, Vol. 138, No. 11, November 1, 2012. © ASCE, Asymmetric information means that some participants possess
ISSN 0733-9364/2012/11-1303-1311/$25.00. information that others do not. For example, a trader may obtain


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2012.138:1303-1311.

some private information of which the other traders have no knowl- influence of the degree of reliability of the planned schedule on
edge. The trader with this information can take strategic advantage subcontractors’ and project managers’ behaviors under traditional
of it for his or her own profit. The realities of market transactions unit price contracting.
are entirely different from the neoclassical analysis of market There is a typical principal-agent relationship between owners
equilibrium with complete information, because the existence of and supervisors, and owners and contractors in a construction
information asymmetry causes difficulties with achieving Pareto project, and to ensure that the project succeeds the fundamental in-
efficiency. In the study of asymmetric information, one who terests of the participants should coincide. However, when one par-
possesses an information advantage is usually known as the agent, ticipant acts to maximize his or her own interests, his or her actions
while one who is at a disadvantage is called the client. The agent may adversely affect the interests of others. Several effective mea-
can use their information advantage to perform some adverse sures for reducing project risk have been put forward by researchers.
behavior for their own benefit, which raises the two central prob- Bower et al. (2002) explore incentive mechanisms for project suc-
lems in asymmetric information theory: adverse selection and cess. Their research describes the key features of motivation and
moral hazard (An 2001; Liu 2002). incentive contracting, and three real contracts are outlined and com-
In recent years, the application of asymmetric information pared with particular attention given to the incentive mechanisms
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theory to construction project management has been explored, used. They found that incentive arrangements must be aligned with
where it can help solve problems and reduce construction project the needs of the client and contractor, must correctly allocate risk,
risk arising from asymmetric information (Zhang and Li 2002; Sha and must allow for an appropriate level of client involvement.
et al. 2004; Xiang 2005; Xiang and Ou 2009; Xiang and Ren 2010; The allocation of risk among the contracting parties in construc-
Xiang et al. 2006, 2007; Xiang and Xie 2008; Bergmann and Friedl tion contracts must be done rationally and is an important factor in
2008). The major objective is to explore risk prevention mecha- project success. Lam et al. (2007) present a decision model that
nisms in construction projects on the basis of asymmetric informa- uses fuzzy logic to transform the linguistic principles and experi-
tion theory, and some measures for construction project risk ential expert knowledge into a more usable and systematic quanti-
management in China will be proposed. In this paper, we will first tative-based analysis. Li et al. (2005) and Medda (2007) explore
explore the relationship between asymmetric information and con- risk allocation in public–private partnership (PPP) projects. They
struction project risk. Second, we will examine the mechanisms of put forward risk allocation principles and establish risk allocation
construction project risk on the basis of asymmetric information. frameworks for PPP projects. The allocation of risk among the par-
Third, we will analyze the issue of asymmetric information in con- ticipants is closely related to each participant’s attitudes to risk. The
struction project management and create an information model for expected utility approach for studying risk behavior suggests that
construction project management. Finally, we will propose some we should adjust for risk perception and risk attitude to obtain sub-
measures for resolving information asymmetries in construction jective values (Han et al. 2005). Chan and Au (2007, 2008) explain
projects, such as strengthening regulations, putting incentives and the relationships between a contractor’s risk perception, risk atti-
constraints in place, strengthening sincerity, and methods of early tude, and risk behavior by examining the potential change in pat-
risk warning. terns from perception to attitude and further from attitude to
behavior. It was also suggested that risk-pricing behavior could best
be measured by examining risk perception and attitude together
Previous Studies with other situational variables that affect behavioral expression.
The asymmetric distribution of information in cooperation can have
Several researchers have recently explored the application of an effect both before and after a contract is closed. Attention must
asymmetric information theory to construction project management therefore be given to information imbalances. Once an awareness
and project risk management. of possible information imbalances has been developed, the flow of
Lampel et al. (1996a, b) discuss information asymmetries and information can be designed to address any problems. Furthermore,
technological innovation in large engineering construction projects. transparency within the project can be increased by the means of a
Innovation in complex engineering projects is hampered by infor- suitable reporting system (Schieg 2008). Optimal incentive con-
mation asymmetries that accompany joint problem solving by tracts may aid in avoiding moral hazards and asymmetric informa-
owners and external organizations. This uncertainty creates addi- tion in projects (Bergmann and Friedl 2008). Juan (2009) proposes
tional informational asymmetries between owners and firms a systematic decision support approach for solving asymmetric in-
engaged in designing, building, and supplying projects. Besfamille formation problems by using case-based reasoning and data envel-
2003 studies local public works decisions in a hierarchical setting opment analysis.
with two-dimensional asymmetric information. Thevendran and In recent years, asymmetric information problems have caused
Mawdesley (2004) describe how those in the construction industry extensive concerns in China. Some researchers have applied asym-
perceive risk management and, in particular, human risk factors. metric information theory to construction projects. Zhang and Guan
They report that human risk factors are, according to the respond- (2000) explore the information model of the construction industry
ents, the most influential construction risk and stress the need to and study asymmetric information problems between clients and
incorporate human risk factors into project risk management. contractors in the tendering and construction phases. Zhang and
The findings of this research form the basis for an extended inves- Li (2002) discuss asymmetric information problems between
tigation that aims to identify and model human risk factors that owner and government, owner and contractor, and owner and
influence the procurement of construction projects. supervisor in the construction market. Ren et al. (2004) and Sha
The research of Turner and Müller (2003, 2004); Müller and et al. (2004) explore the asymmetric information problem in con-
Turner (2005) showed that project owners and project management struction projects from the perspective of information economics.
have a principal-agent relationship. Project performance can be im- This research indicates that a principal-agent relationship exists be-
proved significantly if the client and project manager collaborate tween the participants in a construction project and that asymmetric
well. Sacks and Harel (2006) establish an economic game theory information is the major cause of project risk.
model for understanding the behavior of subcontractors in allocat- Several researchers have applied principal-agent theory and
ing resources to construction projects; the model describes the game theory in an attempt to solve the asymmetric information


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2012.138:1303-1311.

problem in construction projects. Wang (2004) describes incentive neither can be in a position of holding an information advantage.
and constraint mechanisms for the principal-agent relationship in a Instead, they must rely on predictions based on public information
construction project. In Yang and Wang (2006), the game between and the situation of market demand and supply. Thus the informa-
the participants of a large capital construction project was analyzed tion is symmetric. Fluctuation in interest and exchange rates may
using game theory, and some policy suggestions and measures were increase the risk for one party, but this possibility is fair and favors
suggested for preventing collusion. Guan (2007) establishes a game neither party. Systematic risk is also present in construction markets
model for the government, designing departments and supervising and again is related to symmetry of information. The risk factors
companies following game theory methods. Xiang et al. (2007) include policy, political events, economic cycles, and natural disas-
apply asymmetric information theory to project risk management ters. Under normal circumstances, these information variables are
and analyze the behavior of participants in construction projects, in known equally by market participants, and therefore participants
particular, the bidding and fulfillment between owner and contrac- face the same level of risk. However, the symmetry of information
tor, owner and supervisor, and contractor and supervisor. Xiang and is relative while asymmetric information is absolute. For example,
Xie (2008) present some countermeasures for resolving informa- because of the unsound construction market system in China, trad-
tion asymmetries in project risk management, such as strengthening ing activities that should be transparent with symmetric information
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regulations, mechanisms of incentive and constraint, strengthening often involve asymmetric information because some participants
sincerity, and early risk warnings. obtain information in advance through illegitimate channels. The
In light of the preceding literature review, some issues in the re- participants who have the additional information can take advan-
search of construction projects using asymmetric information tage of it to manipulate the market, conduct insider trading, and
theory are as follows. First, the relationship between asymmetric transfer the risk to other parties, who then incur additional losses.
information and project risk should be explored more deeply. This is the essential difference between the risk associated with in-
Second, most current economic models assume a noncooperative formation symmetry and that associated with information asymme-
game, where people pursue their own interests and do not care about try. The risk arising from symmetric information is often referred to
social goals. However, behavioral economics and experimental eco- as objective risk, while the risk arising from asymmetric informa-
nomics research indicates that people have a social preference for tion is a consequence of decision-making behavior of the market
cooperative games. Third, there is no systemic method or measure participants.
for preventing construction project risk under asymmetric informa- From the perspective of information economics, information
tion. In view of the importance of understanding construction asymmetry gives rise to the issues of adverse selection and moral
project risk under asymmetric information, we attempt to analyze hazards, which place a premium on opportunistic behavior and
the issue of asymmetric information in construction projects and are the root cause of behavior risk. Information asymmetry in con-
build a formative model for construction project management. struction project management has an effect on the decision-making
We explore the relationship between asymmetric information and behavior of the participants, often decreasing the effectiveness of
construction project risk and propose a systematic measure for pre- decision making. Therefore, information asymmetry is a key factor
venting construction project risk under asymmetric information. behind the problems arising in construction project management,
and to reduce construction project risk it is necessary to avoid in-
formation asymmetry. Hence it is essential to design mechanisms
Incomplete Information and Construction Project for effectively managing this risk. That is, the application of asym-
Risk metric information theory to construction project risk management
is absolutely necessary.
Risk is an uncertain event, which, if it occurs, has an effect (positive The relationships between incomplete information, asymmetric
or negative) on one or more project objective (PMI 2004). Risk is information, and project risk are shown in Fig. 1.
the unity of risk factor, accident, and loss. Of the three components,
risk accidents incur unexpected losses, while risk factors lead to
accidents. People face risks in any economic activity because they Issues of Information Asymmetry in Construction
are not able to know all relevant information when making deci- Project Management
sions. Moreover, they cannot foresee the future accurately because
All market players are always exposed to asymmetric information,
of the objective existence of uncertainty. If there is no uncertainty,
and because of the distribution of asymmetric information, people
future results will not deviate from the target, and there is no risk.
will engage in all kinds of information collection and exchange
However, risk can be reduced. According to Shannon (1948, 1949),
activities, information services, and production and consumption
information is used to eliminate uncertainty that infers that eco-
of information. The purpose of information activities is to reduce
nomic reality is in a state of incomplete information. Therefore,
information asymmetry, so that all parties are able to obtain infor-
if the amount of information increases, uncertainty will be reduced,
mation that is as complete as possible. Asymmetric information
and risk will also be reduced. Accordingly, in the extreme cases,
theory has deeply affected every aspect of the market economy
there is no risk when people have complete information, and the
and changed many important market concepts. It has also had an
risk is greatest when people have no information. Thus it is clear
important impact on construction project management.
that incomplete information is the root cause of risk.
Incomplete information is divided into symmetric information
and asymmetric information according to the information pos-
sessed by the parties involved in a transaction. The risks associated
with symmetric information in construction projects include the in-
terest rate, the exchange rate, and political risk. In general, these
variables cannot be predicted and information about them can
be obtained only by observing the market. For example, under
normal circumstances neither party involved in a transaction can
Fig. 1. Information asymmetries and project risk
predict future changes in interest and exchange rates. Therefore


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2012.138:1303-1311.

Information Model in Construction Project Management Analysis of Asymmetric Information Problems in
Construction Project Management
Throughout the duration of a construction project, there are many
participants involved, including the owners, designers, builders, In construction project management activities, information asym-
suppliers, supervisors, and government administrative departments. metry exists among the owners, the contractors, and the supervi-
The three major participants in the construction market are the own- sors. In this section, we will analyze the problems arising from
ers, the contractors, and the supervisors. The owners, also known as this information asymmetry.
the development organization or the developer, are the buyers First of all, information asymmetry exists between owners and
of the construction project products, whom we will call the prin- contractors in the bidding stage of the construction project. The
cipal. The contractors, including survey and design units and bidding stage involves mutual responses between owners and con-
construction units, are called the agent and are the seller of the con- tractors and is a two-way selection process. In choosing a contrac-
struction project products. The supervisors, including supervision tor the owners have to consider factors such as qualifications, past
units and advisory bodies, are commissioned by the owners or on performance, and details of the tender for each bid. However, the
behalf of the owners to conduct supervision and management or contractors choose which projects to bid for according to their as-
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advisory services during the project. The relationship between sessment of the owner’s credibility, financial strength, and overall
owners and contractors is principal-agent identified by the con- procedures. Thus the two sides have asymmetric information in this
struction contract, while the relationship between owners and process of mutual selection. The asymmetry can be summarized as
supervisors is principal-agent determined by the supervision con- follows. The owners know more about the requirements of the con-
tract, and that between supervisors and contractors is a relationship struction project, but have less information about the contractor’s
of supervising and being supervised. We can build a general infor-
ability, quality, technology, equipment, management, and services.
mation model of construction project management as shown in
Therefore, the owners are at an information disadvantage, and the
Fig. 2(a).
contractors have an information advantage. Conversely, the con-
We point out that in China, the government is also a participant
tractors know more about their own capacity than the owners
and plays an important role in the construction market. At the
very beginning of the foundation of new China, a planned but less about the purposes of the construction, the owner’s finan-
economy dominated the whole country. In a planned economy, cial situation, and the construction project procedures. In this
the government interferes in almost every economic field. Since respect, the contractors are at a disadvantage, whereas the owners
1978, the Chinese government has enacted a series of reforms to have an information advantage. In these circumstances, the two
build a market system with great success. Still, there is a lot of sides will try to obtain as much information as possible and con-
work to be done to ensure a sound market system. During the stantly propose countermeasures to reach balance and agreement.
transition period, many older laws and regulations are still in That is, the contractors will transfer information about their con-
force. The significance of the government in project management struction capacity to owners through advertising, quality certifica-
is mainly reflected in guidance, supervision, and control. The tion, and other means, while the owners will need to investigate,
government administration, including construction competent understand, and evaluate the contractors to make their selection.
authorities and the related environmental, municipal, fire, health, Second, information asymmetry also exists between owners and
and planning departments, oversees construction project manage- contractors in the performance stage of the construction project.
ment and supervision according to laws and regulations. For After the owners have chosen the contractors and signed a contract,
example, local government maps out the function of each field there is still asymmetric information in the process of contract
and identifies certain control indices, such as building height, plot performance. The contractors know more about their own behavior
ratio, building density, and so on, in view of the overall situation. than the owners, such as the quality of personnel, the quality of
Each land user must strictly follow the rules and operating materials, the construction methods, and their technology. The
procedures under the supervision of the authority or face punish- owners cannot fully assess whether the contractors are follow-
ment of some kind. Based on the theory of modern construction ing the contract strictly or whether there are shortcuts being
project management and the relationships between the project taken or “lazy” behavior. In this respect, the owners have less in-
participants, we can build an information model of construction formation than the contractors. At the same time, the contractors
project management in China as shown in Fig. 2(b). cannot be certain about the credibility and financial capacity of

Fig. 2. Information model of construction project management: (a) general information mode; (b) information model in China


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2012.138:1303-1311.

the owners and may open themselves to losses arising from moral mutual selection. However, the two sides can prevent moral hazards
hazards. by establishing incentive and constraint mechanisms. As the goal of
A common phenomenon in business transactions is one party both the owners and the supervisors is to maximize the expected
purposely not disclosing all the known information based on the utility at the minimum cost, the owners can set in place rules that
fact that the other party may take advantage of evident weaknesses will encourage the supervisors to maintain a certain standard, while
to increase his or her own profit. Because of the phenomenon also preparing constraints that will make the supervisors work hard.
mentioned earlier, both owners and contractors tend to believe that The problems arising from asymmetric information between
certain core information is being purposely hidden from them owners and supervisors are shown in Table 2.
whether it is or not. This reasoning causes both parties to really The relationship between supervisors and contractors involves
hold back information, which makes transactions less transparent. supervising and being supervised. In general, the supervisors will
Therefore, uncertainty, whether objective or intended, exists on be familiar with the processes in the construction project but may
both sides as a result of asymmetric information in this transaction know little about the contractor’s production capacity, technical
process. The owners and contractors cannot completely control the knowledge, management capacity, business reputation, and subjec-
final outcome of their choices and are confronted with risk arising tive effort, and they may also not know much about whether
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from the possibility of adverse selection. the contractor’s behavior is consistent with the client’s goals.
The problems of asymmetric information between owners and Therefore, there is an asymmetric information problem between
contractors are shown in Table 1. the two sides in the supervision process, where the contractor
When the owners choose supervisors, they have inferior infor- has information dominance and the supervisor has an information
mation about the supervisors’ skill level, management quality, disadvantage.
service level, and goodwill, while the supervisors have full infor- Both the supervisor and the contractor face the risk of moral
mation regarding their own technological strengths, management, hazards because of the information asymmetry. Generally speak-
and service quality. The supervisors face the same problem in that ing, when there is a risk of moral hazards on the supervision side,
they do not know much about the owners’ construction intentions, it has little effect on the goals of the owner as long as the contractor
financial payment capacity, or business reputation, and this puts shares these objectives and has sufficient capacity to act. When
them at an information disadvantage. there is the risk of moral hazards on the contractor’s side, these
During the construction process, the supervisors have complete may cause issues in spite of the supervision if the contractor takes
information because they are completely familiar with the progress actions contrary to the owner’s goals. If there is the risk of moral
of the project and are clear about the extent of their efforts. This hazards on both sides, there is the possibility of rent-seeking behav-
puts the supervisors at an information advantage, as the owners ior that increases the risk to the owner and decreases the probability
cannot directly observe the operations of the supervisors during of the owner’s objectives being achieved.
the entire process and cannot be fully aware of the extent of the In summary, there is the possibility of adverse selection and mo-
supervisors’ efforts. ral hazards because of information asymmetry between the two
The information asymmetry between owners and supervisors sides. The information asymmetry between supervisor and contrac-
can result in adverse selection and moral hazards. The owners tor may lead to rent-seeking behavior because of the informa-
and the supervisors must pay to collect relevant information that tion asymmetry allowing the pursuit of increased self-utility.
will further their understanding of each other in the process of The information asymmetry between the participants is at the core

Table 1. Information Asymmetries between Owner and Contractor

Bidding stage Performance stage
Participant Information dominance Information inferiority Information dominance Information inferiority
Owner Construction purpose, Contractor’s qualifications, Financial payment capacity, Contractor’s management ability,
financial strength, technology and management management ability, employee talent, business
construction project ability, performance, business reputation reputation, construction
procedures business reputation technology, equipment
Contractor Own quality, technology, Owner’s construction purpose, Employee talent, construction Owner’s business reputation,
equipment, management, financial payment capacity, method and technology, financial payment capacity
and service business reputation management ability and
instruments, material quality

Table 2. Information Asymmetries between Owner and Supervisor

Before signing the contract After signing the contract
Participant Information dominance Information inferiority Information dominance Information inferiority
Owner Construction standard Supervisor’s skill level, Financial payment capacity, Supervisor’s service
and purpose, financial management ability, management ability, contract quality, goodwill,
strength, construction service quality, goodwill control ability, technology management ability,
project procedures quality, goodwill effort degree
Supervisor Own quality, Owner’s construction Technical design and Owners’ business reputation,
technology level, standard and purpose, construction criteria, quality financial payment capacity,
management ability, financial payment capacity, control, site conditions, technical quality control,
service quality, goodwill goodwill construction process, own contract control ability
service quality, effort degree


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2012.138:1303-1311.

of construction project risk. Therefore, it is necessary to put mea- services and can ensure a project through their own credibility.
sures in place that reduce the information asymmetry among the Therefore, they are important as regards establishing and im-
participants and prevent moral hazards in construction project proving the mechanisms of self-regulation in the industry. An
management. Moreover, the participants in the project should be equitable and normative trade agency should be cultivated to
encouraged to consciously observe the goals of the construction establish mechanisms that increase the symmetry of informa-
project, and this should be the focal point of construction project tion. This trade association should establish “the rules of the
management. game” and put in place clear operational guidelines for the dis-
closure of information. This will increase the transparency of
information and make the trade agency an information center
Some Measures for Construction Project Risk and a platform of “equity, fairness and good faith.”
Management in China on the Basis of Asymmetric • Establish a high-performance information system. An im-
Information Theory portant way of improving the information asymmetry situation
is through a comprehensive and accurate information disclosure
Information asymmetries among participants can give rise to ad- reporting system, ideally based on a perfect and reliable com-
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verse selection and moral hazards in construction project manage- puter network. Therefore, government departments must set up
ment and are the main cause of construction project risk (Sha et al. a unified participant information system (PIS) for the construc-
2004). With the progress in science and technology, our ability to tion project and a risk management information system (RMIS)
share information is increasing, but in spite of this information for the participants in the construction project. These systems
explosion information asymmetries still exist. It is necessary to es-
should be fully accessible to all the participants in a construction
tablish effective management mechanisms to reduce information
project. This information system should include not only the
asymmetries among the participants and to enhance the manage-
participants’ individual qualifications, technical and manage-
ment of construction project risk (Campisi et al. 1997).
ment capacities, equipment, services, and other basic informa-
We can transform risks into opportunities or reduce their neg-
tion but also their performance history, and business reputation.
ative effects through elimination, reduction, transfer, and retention.
In this way the information becomes transparent, open, and
In addition to traditional risk management strategies, it is best to
shared. The participants in a construction project can then un-
build a platform that allows the participants in the construction
derstand the others very clearly and determine their risk type
market to choose their trading partners in a way that reduces the
through the PIS and the RMIS, providing a good reference
transaction costs and risk.
for decision making. The assembly of the PIS and the RMIS
Based on Fig. 2, systematic measures on the macro- and micro-
would be such a large project that many departments would
levels should be taken to solve information asymmetry. As we can
be involved. First, national authorities, such as the Ministry
see in the information model, the government influences the other
of Construction, would be responsible for organizing and estab-
three parties and so plays an indispensable role in the reform. We
lishing a unified national information system for construction
propose measures relating to strengthening regulations, building
project management that would improve information sharing
mechanisms of incentive and constraint, strengthening sincerity,
and utilization. Second, authorities at all levels would need
and establishing early warning mechanisms.
to incorporate construction project participants from all regions
into the statistical range, at the same time ensuring that the in-
Strengthening Regulations formation is correctly integrated and is authentic. Third, the
Spence (1973) points out that system guarantees are a primary information system must be updated regularly because the
solution to the problem of information asymmetry. Therefore, participants are all in a process of dynamic change, and these
we should pay attention to formulating rules and principles that changes must be incorporated to enhance the quality of the in-
reduce the degree of information asymmetry among the participants formation system.
and consequently reduce construction project risk. Specifically, we • Strengthen and improve the information disclosure system.
can address the following aspects: To prevent adverse selection and moral hazards and to establish
• Enhance governmental policy guidance. With the maturing open and fair competition, it is important to minimize the asym-
of the modern market and the government’s increasing role metry of information and enhance the transparency of credit
in macrocontrol, the government is becoming an important information. Since 1844, the information disclosure system
participant in the construction industry through its control of has been explored to make transaction markets more transpar-
transactions. This macrocontrol is an effective way of guiding ent. For example, some developed countries solve the problem
the normal development of construction project management of information asymmetry in the construction market through
and of resolving the issues of adverse selection and moral a relatively mature disclosure system. Information disclosure
hazards. This is particularly important in establishing orderly systems, including joint credit information systems, public cred-
market competition in the developing Chinese economy. There- it systems, and credit rating systems, should be strengthened and
fore, the principles and policies of the state, as well as laws, improved, and a redlist and blacklist should be established to
regulations, and systems of construction market management support a system of rewards and punishment that will motivate
should be improved and implemented, with the aim of project participants to act in good faith. The first priority is to construct
coordination that avoids overlaps, omissions, and conflicts. At a public credit record for all the participants in the construction
the same time, government departments should develop the market and to form a platform for inquiry that will increase
Chinese market system with laws and regulations that ensure information transparency and symmetry.
all construction project activities are included in the legal
Building the Mechanisms of Incentive and Constraint
• Cultivate and improve intermediary agencies. Increased
third-party supervision should be introduced in the Chinese con- There are information asymmetries between the participants in con-
struction market to reduce information asymmetry. Supervisors struction projects that can give rise to adverse selection and moral
have the advantage of professional access to information hazards. Therefore, sound incentive and constraint mechanisms


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2012.138:1303-1311.

should be established and improved to ensure the achievement of and safeguards social credit through laws and regulations that
project objectives. ensure credit information transparency. Furthermore, the gov-
According to principal-agent theory, the relationships between ernment needs to establish intermediary services and a public
owners and contractors and between owners and supervisors are social credit information network, strengthen credit supervision,
essentially contractual relationships. To ensure that the interests and punish discreditable behavior.
of both sides are balanced both before and after the transaction, • Establish and perfect legal credit system for the construction
a reasonable contract design is important for avoiding adverse market. Systems for credit collection, evaluation, and reward-
selection and moral hazards that may result from information ing and punishing behavior should be established according
asymmetry. The purpose of the contract is therefore to establish to the specific features of the industry, along with laws and reg-
a mechanism that can stimulate consistency of information. Such ulations that can guide the creation of a credit system for the
a mechanism must ensure that the agent shares private information entire construction market. It is reasonable to define collection
with the client. The client needs to design a contract that will sup- and publish the scope of credit information. This will ensure the
port their purposes and can be accepted by the agent. Therefore, integrity and reliability of credit information and effectively
no one is able to damage the client’s interests with unobservable protect state secrets, business secrets, and the privacy of citizens.
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behavior. The market regulations are important for governing Moreover, developing punishment mechanisms that target
the conduct of the participants in construction projects and restrict- discreditable behavior in the market will protect the lawful
ing them to fulfilling their respective commitments. A choice ben- rights and interests of enterprises and create a satisfactory legal
efiting both sides should be made to avoid adverse selection and credit environment.
moral hazards. The owners need to design a contract through which • Cultivate and improve credit consciousness in the construc-
they can achieve their purpose and which both the contractors tion market. There is a need to improve media and publicity
and supervisors are willing to accept. The owners prevail on the involvement, guide enterprises to strengthen credit management
contractors to choose their actions through the use of an incentive and prevention awareness, and strengthen the credit understand-
contract. This contract should meet the following two constraint ing of individuals. This applies especially to officials at all levels
terms. First, the individual rationality constraint, also called the of government and managers of enterprises and intermediary
participant constraint, requires the contractor to carry out specific service agencies. Therefore, the ideas of honesty and trust-
tasks. The second is the incentive constraint, which encourages the worthiness become more prevalent. Specifically, the first step
contractor to work hard and in accordance with the owner’s wishes. is to improve understanding of the credit system and develop
“credit first” awareness. The second step is reinforcing public
opinion to form an atmosphere in which “keeping faith is glor-
Strengthening Sincerity ious while breaking faith is shameful.” Therefore, people can
Integrity refers to the reliability, social responsibility, and trustwor- truly understand the importance of credit.
thiness of a person or unit. In the market economy environment, • Nurturing and developing credit intermediation services. It
corporate and individual commercial credit and the degree of is important to promote and develop intermediary services in the
approval of economic credit are important indices for measuring construction market, including credit information, credit rating,
the economic circumstances and the degree of development of a construction project guarantees, and insurance institutions, by
country, region, or economic organization. Therefore, it is impor- using the experience of other countries for reference and
tant to regulate construction market ordering and gradually develop consulting those with experience in the Chinese social credit
moral standards throughout the market based on honesty and moral system. Credit rating is at the core of the credit system, and
integrity. The credit system in the construction market is a series of the reviews and approval of an enterprise’s quality should be
laws, regulations, and standards that improve the market situation determined by mechanisms within the economic system. These
in terms of asymmetric information and restrict opportunistic mechanisms themselves should also continue to be refined.
behavior by market participants. This guarantees a reduction in the Therefore, it is necessary to make an appropriate appraisal
overall transaction costs in the construction market. At present, of an enterprise’s credit through independent, objective, and fair
the Chinese construction market is still relatively chaotic because credit analyses, and to create conditions for furthering the
the behavior of market participants is not standardized. Therefore, reform of administrative examination and the approval system
construction project participants must develop a sense of integrity, based on scientific credit criteria. At the same time, this will
regulate their own behavior, perform according to their contracts, strengthen the management and running of intermediary
strengthen mutual communication, and concentrate on reducing services and establish market access and clear policies for inter-
the phenomenon of information asymmetry. At the same time, mediary services. This will occur through registration, filing,
the credit system should be enhanced through “promoting by supervision, and integration within the intermediary services,
government, market operation, legal protection, social supervision, the end result being information sharing and a highly effective
scientific planning, and implement step by step” (Zhang et al. service for market transactions.
2004). This can restrict the behavior of construction market partic-
ipants, making it difficult for dishonest participants to survive and
Establishing the Mechanism of Construction Project
continue to develop. Measures that should be taken in the construc-
Risk Early Warning
tion of the credit system are as follows.
• Clarify the role of government in the credit system. China A critical point for controlling project risk is the establishment
has a relatively immature market economy, and the government of early warning mechanisms for risk, improving the warnings
should use long-term planning to create a construction market of information asymmetry. Early warnings of project risk forecast
credit system. As social credibility encompasses a huge social the possibility that risk factors will have an effect on the project. An
system, administrative departments should play an important early warning mechanism requires the design of relevant indices
role in the establishment of the social credit system according and empirical parameters based on project risk factors, so that
to the principle of the government leading and the market oper- the target can be compared with observations to determine the
ating. In the creation of the credit system, the government guides appropriate action according to the degree of risk. Establishing


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2012.138:1303-1311.

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