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Student Name: Christian Roldan Date: 4/20/2018 Grade: 8th Grade

School Wide Learning Expectations Acc No

Be De o t
gi ve m Ev
n lo pli al Comments
ni pi sh ua
ng ng e te
d d
Faith - Centered Individual who:
1. reads the Bible and lives by Jesus’ example  X
2. prays daily  X I’m trying to pray everyday in the
morning, at lunch, and at night
before going to sleep.
3. participates in Mass  X
4. celebrates the seasons of the church  X
5. serves others  X
A Responsible Individual who:
1. is accountable for words and actions  X
2. is prepared and organized  X I’m working on always be
responsible of all my things that I
need to be responsible.
3. is punctual and uses time well  X
4. meets daily expectations  X
5. works independently and cooperatively  X
A Respectful and Merciful Individual
1. respects self, others, and the environment  X
2. is kind and accepting  X I will always be respectful and do
everything that other people
won’t like at all.
3. is forgiving  X
4. prays for others  X
5. helps those in need  X
A Life-Long Learner who:
1. is self-motivated   X
2. takes ownership of his/her work  X I’m always going to be learning
even if I don’t have someone that
can help me. I always goi
3. thinks critically and independently  X
4. applies knowledge to achieve personal and  X
academic goals 
5. effectively uses a variety of resources, including  X
Beginning Developing Accomplished
Seldom; lacking in participation;  Inconsistent; participates  Consistent; participates 
reluctant  sometimes; needs  regularly (whole-heartedly); 
encouragement  takes initiative; 

Parent Signature​:​ ​Loreli Cota 

a. SLE Rubric Questions   

Although I am working on all of the learning expectations, I think I show that I am a respectful and a 
merciful person. This is important to me because I know that I need to be respectful to others so they will 
respect me back It has to start with me. I try to give people a break because I know that no one is perfect. 
We all make mistakes. The hardest SLE for me is being a responsible individual because I am only beginning 
to develop in this area. I don’t show control for my words or actions. I don’t study enough and I am not 
keeping up with when things are due. When I think about why I am not responsible, I think about how hard 
it is for me to study, and I just give up and do something that doesn’t make me feel so bad as school work 
does. This is not a good reason, but It is the truth. 

I pray daily and feel like my relationship with God is close. A time when I do show responsibility is when 
I have a project which is something I feel I can succeed in. I have shown respect for each student when he 
gives a speech. I listen and feel glad to learn something new. I can motivate myself to learn things that 
involve technology. Right now, I think my life-long learning is really about the projects that I am interested 

b. Reflections 

The assignment as the Michael Jackson biography project. I needed to research about many parts of his 
life and write an essay about him. I presented it to my class and to other classes too. The objective was to 
learn how to research someone’s life and reflect on what I could learn from my person. 

I earned a good grade, so this means that I reached the object of this assignment. I realized how important 
is is to be organized in my research. Also, that what happens in a person’s life is meaningful and I can grow 
from the successes and failures of others. I also learned to follow my dreams like Michael Jackson did. 

I did a good job because I was interested in Michael Jackson. I know I can’t be interested in every topic of 
school, but it really seems to make a difference for me. I need to find something I can connect with in every 
assignment so I will give the same effort I did on the Michael Jackson project. If I would do the project again, 
I would add more to it, so I could go deeper into what made Michael Jackson motivated. 
This assignment connects to being responsible because Michael Jackson could not have accomplished so 
many amazing things in his career without being responsible. But I did notice that he was doing something 
he loved to do. So, I think I better find something I love to do, so I can be successful too. I have learned that 
to achieve my goals, I need to be a life-long learner which means I am always getting better and reaching to 
do more. Even though this year might not look to everybody that I grew a lot, I know that I have improved 
so much in my studying and learning. 


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