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1 (Salutation)

Assalammualaikum and a very good morning to;

1. Madam Normahani Binti Mokhtar, Headmistress of SK LKTP Air Tawar 1,
2. Mr. Zahid Bin Dat; Senior Assistant of Curriculum,
3. Madam Miskiah Binti Asseerah; Senior Assistant of Students’ Affairs,
4. Mr. Mohamad Bin Ahmad; Senior Assistant of Co-Curriculum,
5. Teachers and all my dear friends.

Respected teachers and fellow friends,

Before we proceed, I would like to inform that today’s assembly will be conducted in English in
conjunction of the English day.

Guru-guru dan rakan-rakan yang dihormati,

Untuk makluman semua, perhimpunan pada pagi ini akan dilaksanakan dalam Bahasa Inggeris
bersempena dengan hari Bahasa Inggeris.

2 (Recitation of Doa)

First of all, to begin our assembly, let us start this beautiful day with the blessing and mercy
from the Almighty. I would like to invite to lead the
recitation of prayer.


In the name of Allah. All praises to Allah.

May peace and mercy of Allah be upon the Prophet of Muhammad, his family, companions and

O Allah. I ask You for beneficial knowledge and good deeds, a strong memory and a
perfect understanding and a sound intellect, Ya Rahman Ya Rahim.

O Allah. Grant us Your mercy and precious knowledge. Lead us to fruitful work and
strong faith.

Rabbana aatina fid dunya hasanah wa fil akhirati hasanah wa qina a’zabannar.

Wasallallahu a’la sayyidina Muhammad, wa a’la alihi wa sohbihi wa sallam, wal

hamdulillahi rabbal a’lamin.

Aamiin, aamiin Ya Rabbal A’lamin. Thank you for the

recitation of prayer.
3 (Songs)

Our assembly will proceed with the singing of the National Anthem, the state song and our
school song. For that, please welcome Mr. to lead
the singing of those songs. Let us stand straight and sing the songs enthusiastically.

Thank you, Mr. .

4 (Pledge)

Next, our assembly will be continued with the recitation of Rukun Negara pledge and the
school pledge. For that, I would like to invite to lead the

Thank you for the pledge.

5 (Public Speaking)

Now, I would like to invite to deliver a public

speaking speech entitled . Please welcome.

Thank you for the wonderful speech. Hopefully, all of

us could learn something from this precious knowledge.

6 (Teachers Speech)

Now, I would like to invite to deliver his / her

speech. Please welcome.

Thank you for the speech.

*If there is any teacher request to deliver a speech / Jika ada guru yang hendak
menyampaikan ucapan.

7 (Admin Speech)

Without further ado, I would like to invite to

deliver his / her speech. Please welcome.

Thank you for the speech.

8 (Teachers on duty)

For your information, the teachers on duty for this week are:

1. _____________________________________



9 (Closing)

Teachers and fellow friends.

We have now come to the end of the assembly. I would like to invite __________________
to recite tasbih kifarah and Surah Al-Asr. Please welcome.

Thank you _____________________________________________

10 (Adjourn)

The assembly has officially ended. All pupils are welcome to stand up straight. You may now

Sekian sahaja majlis pada pagi ini. Semua murid dipersilakan berdiri. Majlis bersurai.

10 (Notes)


Respected Teachers and my dear friends,

A warm good morning to one and all.

What is RESPECT?

It means esteem for the worth or excellence of a person.

First of all we should respect ourselves.

Each one of us is created in God’s image. Each one of us is unique—a very special
creation of God. Therefore, each one of us should value ourselves highly.

Secondly we should respect our elders.

It includes our parents, elders, and teachers. In doing so, we are respecting not only
their age but their wisdom and the good they have done to society.

Thirdly we should respect the law.

Our government, our nation, our national anthem and our national flag. We should
always remember with thanks all those people who sacrificed so much for our nation’s

Finally let it be noted that love and respect go hand in hand.

Respect others and you will be respected.

So let us respect all people who come our way–even those who hold a different
opinion than ours!

Thank you.

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