Group 7 Report

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What is Your Learning Style?

EDT 180B-Problem Solving using Digital Technology Applications

Research Report–Group 7
Spring 2018
Dora Khamer, Sage Jenkins, and Duchess Dankwah
What is your learning style?

For our research we decided to look into the question “What is Your Learning Style”?
We researched the learning styles of students based on age, grade and major. We found what
learning style students likely had based off our questions, rather than directly asking what their
learning style is. To ensure we had useful and reliable data, the questions we asked students
were: How old they are, what year they are in school, what majors they are in, where they
study best, if they created their own final exam, what type of final format would it be? and what
tools they use to help them study. To collect our data, we created a survey on Google Forms.
We were very fortunate to have such turn out, and received 133 responses for our survey.

The majority of the participants, 61.7%, were freshman, 21.5% were sophomores, 10.5%
juniors and 4.5% were senior. The remaining 1.5% were graduate students.

We found out that the majority of the students, 78% like to study at home or in the dorm and
10% like to study in the library. These numbers were similar to every class, so we did not see an
effect of the grade on this preference.

We also asked to students about their preferences about different study tools. The most popular
answers were to use the textbook, 67% of the students gave that answer, and using note
cards, 61% chose that answer. We noticed that the answers varied more according to classes
regarding the study tools. Higher percentage of freshman preferred podcast and notecards,
while more sophomores preferred textbooks and highlighters. Juniors and seniors preferred
research articles and other study tools.

The most preferred final exam format was project based or multiple-choice tests. We did not see
an effect on the preferences by classes with the exception that a little bit higher percentage of
sophomores preferred projects for finals.

What is your learning style?

This is a chart of the classes that our survey takers are in. We wanted to know their
level of education and if that had any effect on the results. A lot of them were freshman, as you
can see, and then descends to the least being already graduated. Out of 133 responses there
were 82 Freshman, 29 Sophomores, 14 Juniors, 6 Seniors, and 2 Graduates.

What is your learning style?

On top of knowing the class that our survey takers were in, we wanted to narrow down the age
as well. We wanted to pinpoint the age range of those who prefered what when learning. In
this chart we found that there were 107 people between 18 and 20, 21 people between 21 and
25, and 5 people between 26 and 34.

What is your learning style?

For this chart we wanted to ask about what finals format they would choose if they had the
option to pick. It was clear on what most people wanted. 66 chose project based, 8 chose
essay, 52 choose multiple choice, and 7 chose short answers. With this we got to see what
students prefered when taking finals and it helped with our results because it gave us a look into
how students like their questions when learning.

What is your learning style?

A homework or study place is crucial to how people learn. Some liked to do it in the confines of
their home while other may prefer a more social environment where other could motivate them.
107 liked to study or do homework in their home/dorm, 14 chose library, 5 chose to be with
friends, and 10 chose a coffee shop. With knowing this, we can determine where students
prefer to learn.

What is your learning style?

Learning tools are what help students get ready for test, quizzes, or finals. We wanted to ask
what they did when doing homework or getting ready for a test to see if they learned visually,
hands on, reading, etc. We found that 19 people used podcasts/apps, 90 people used
textbooks, 35 use research articles, 81 use notecards, 61 use highlighters, and 34 people had
other sources to help when learning and preparing.

What is your learning style?

This chart helped us analyze what college/programs they are involved in. 4 are in Business, 4
are in design, 72 are in teachers college, 4 are in Honors: Barrett, 5 are in Science, 5 are in
Interdisciplinary arts/science, 2 are in journalism, 1 in law, 31 in liberal arts, 3 public service, and
2 in school of sustainability.

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