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Tonight is a Halloween night, I’m walking along the street among a bunch of people making Commented [G1]: Inserted: H
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up their faces like ghosts. I used to be fun with this festival, but it seems not to be like that now. I feel

very bad tonight. Everything in my life seems to be different from now on. I don’t know how it is going Commented [G2]: Inserted: a
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to be. I feel like I’m getting lost now. I’m out of my home in just over night. Now I become a homeless
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person. It’s like the boot is on the other foot. I don’t know what to do.

I walk and walk and walk without knowing where am I going. I don’t know where is my

destination. I don’t even know when will I stop walking like this. It’s like playing football without the

goal. My life now is seemed like a football that keeps on going but doesn’t know what am I going Commented [G6]: Inserted: es
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Back to the night before, I was trying on my new Halloween costumes. I put on my new dress and Commented [G9]: Deleted:,

high heels. I turned around many times smiling with my dress for Halloween night. Eventually, the

door open, and mom came in. She saw me on my dress with a pair of high heels. She stunned for a

while before starting to ask. Commented [G10]: Inserted: H

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“ What are you doing, Micheal ? ”
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“Whose high heels? ” Commented [G13]: Deleted:h

“Why are you wearing the dress?” Commented [G14]: Inserted: the

“Mom!………" I said. Commented [G15]: Inserted: !

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“Mom!………” now I shouted out loud.

“Please understand me…. This is how I really am" I calmed down a little bit. Commented [G17]: Inserted: am
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I am a boy. That’s what I suppose to be, but it is not what my heart really feels. I feel like a

girl. Yes , I am an LGBT. This is what have been keeping it as a secret to my parents for many years

since I was twenty. I have never told any of my parents. I know that they are not going to take that.

They cannot accept the third gender like me. I have been hoping that one day, they are going to

change their mind until today when my secret is opened. Commented [G19]: Deleted:s
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I was trying to explain to them, but it did not seem to be work. They didn’t even look at my face.
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They tend to be very upset. The situation was getting more stress. I was fired from the house. All my

stuff were thrown out as well as my high heels. That’s why I am here. Commented [G22]: Deleted:s
Suddenly, I got the goal where I am heading to. I saw a little house far away in the forest

behind the village. At first, I was thinking that I was going to ask them for shelter and food if they

want to help. However, I change my mind.

I knocked the door, and an old woman came out. I could feel something that is uncommon about

her. Everything was in silence. The temperature was cooling down. It turned to be scary. Although I

ignored that, and then our first conversation began. Commented [G23]: Inserted: a
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“ What are you coming for?” “Are you coming to see anyone?” said the old woman.

“ No…Ahhhh… I meant yes.” I faltered. “ I am coming to see you” I answered.

“ To see me?” the old women ask again curiously.

“Yes…. I am coming to see you. I want to ask you for help. Can I live here with you ? I asked” Commented [G25]: Inserted: e
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The old woman turned quiet for a while before she let me go into her house. “Come in," she said.
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She let me sit at the table before she went to the kitchen for cooking. I walked around to discover

the house. There were no one in the house. Again it is very quiet. I looked around on the shelves,

and I saw lots of magical solutions on the shelf. I walked along the shelf, and keep observing on

those bottles. Then, finally, I found the one that can help me with my problems. It’s the chemical that Commented [G28]: Inserted: ,
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helps to change people’s mind. I grabbed it and put it in my pocket. Suddenly, the old woman came
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out from the kitchen with two meals which do not look really good, though. We went back to the table, Commented [G30]: Inserted: e
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ready for dinner. We were eating for a while completely without any conversation. The mood is
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seemed to be okay, but not very good, though. However, I the next few seconds, the mood became

stress. Commented [G32]: Inserted: I

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The old woman turns her face to the shelf, then she recognizes what is wrong about the shelf.
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“Where is my changing mind solution bottle? Give me that. said the old woman. She told me to do Commented [G35]: Inserted: ,
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what she want in return if she gives me that bottle. At that time, I agreed to do so as I want my
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parents to accept my gender, the gender that I want to be. It seems like she already knows everything Commented [G40]: Deleted:is
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before it actually happened. It seemed like she knows that I want to change my parent’s mind. She
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did not say anything to me. Then, she took the bottle out of my hand ,and walk straight to the wall. Commented [G43]: Inserted: ze

Then, I felt like I was merged into the wall, and fell into a large tube sucking my body into the bottom. Commented [G44]: Deleted:e
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There was a large room under the ground. There was a huge black pot filled with purple liquid Commented [G46]: Inserted: s

bubbling in the center of the room. The old woman walked straight to the pot. She mumbled a long
spell which I do not know what does it means. However, I was very happy that my parent is going to

understand me. They are going to accept the third gender like I wish. After the old woman had

mumbled for a long time, she finally finished her spell, and give me a bottle of consecrated solution.

She told me to bring the bottle home and put mix it with drinks for my parents. She told me that they

are going to believe me on everything I say. I went out to the streets, running straight back home.

However, I had fallen down before I arrived. The cover of the bottle opened, and the solution leaked

out. A homeless dog walking along the streets came beside the solution and licked it. I thought that

it supposed to be nothing happened as my understanding was that the solution was just to make

people who drink it lost their memories, and allows others to change their thoughts. Although, the

power of this solution is to turn living people into zombies. The old woman had lied to me. She was

borrowing my hands to be the one killing people. The street dogs licking the solutions now turns into

zombies. They were running to me before they began to bite me. Commented [G47]: Inserted: in
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“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” I screamed very loud before I woke up frightened. It was just a bad
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dream at first before it seems to be more realistic when I woke up from the dream, and see the dress Commented [G50]: Deleted:,
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on my body. The two dresses were looked alike. Even more, I heard the sound of stepping foot from
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outside coming to my room. That is my parents. I was really panic, and became more panic after Commented [G53]: Deleted:s

looking down to my feet, and saw the high heels on both sides. I quickly ran into the toilet as hoping

that my parents will not see me on the dress and high heels. I locked the door so that my parents

could not come in to get me. As I ran to the toilet, a shoe accidentally gets out of my foot. When both

of them came in, they saw the high heel left. Therefore, they started to yell at me. Commented [G54]: Inserted: s
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“Micheal…..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” the loud voice came into my ears.
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It seemed like flashback scenes which we see in the movies. Everything in my dream repeated in Commented [G57]: Inserted: i
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my real life. It looked like I can predict my future. Anyway, it means that it is the worst dream for me

as I still cannot find the way to make my parents understand and accept how the LGBTs are. Commented [G59]: Inserted: the
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