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Answer the following questions clearly!

1. Ola puts 10 tomatoes equally into 2 baskets.

Help Ola put the tomatoes equally in each basket.

Each group has _______ tomatoes.

2. Look at the pictures.

Then fill in the blanks.

There are _____ fishes altogether.

There are _____ aquariums.

There are _____ fishes in each aquarium.

3. Draw.
Then fill in the blanks.
There are 12 coins.
Ale puts them equally into 3 purses.
Draw an equal number of coin in each purse.

There are ____ coins in each purse.

4. Put 20 chili into 5 equal group.

There are _____ chilis in each group.

5. There are 12 oranges.

Circle groups of 4.

There are _____ groups of chilis.

6. There are 18 apples.

Miss Dayu gives 2 apples to each students.
How many students are there?

There are ______ students.

7. Fill in the blank.
What time is it?

8. Match the clock with the correct time.

● ● half past 3

● ● 3 o’clock

● ● half past 2

● ● 2 o’clock

9. Look at the pictures. The pictures show what Adam does on Sunday.
Write the right time in the provided box. Answer the question.

brushes teeth has breakfast

reads book
plays tennis

goes to bed

a. What does Adam do at 3 o’clock?


b. At what time does Adam plays tennis?


10. Which is the correct time showed by the clock faces?

Put a √ in the

10 o’clock half past 3

12 o’clock half past 2

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