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abode a home darkness

access an outburst of an emotion deep, the the sea

adieu goodbye dell a small valley
afar at a distance dingle a deep wooded valley
apace quickly divers of varying types
argosy a large merchant ship Dives a rich man
arrant utter dolour great sorrow
asunder into pieces dome a stately building
melancholy or bad- dulcify sweeten
effulgent shining brightly
aurora the dawn
eld old age
bard a poet
eminence a piece of rising ground
barque a boat
empyrean the sky
bedizen dress gaudily
ere before
beget produce (a child)
erne a sea eagle
behold see
espy catch sight of
beseech ask urgently and fervently
ether the clear sky
bestrew scatter
evanescent quickly fading
betake oneself go to
farewell goodbye
betide happen
fervid hot or glowing
betoken be a warning of
fidus Achates a faithful friend
blade sword
finny relating to fish
blithe happy
firmament the sky
bosky covered by trees or bushes
flaxen pale yellow
brand a sword
fleer jeer or laugh disrespectfully
brume mist or fog
flexuous full of bends and curves
celerity swiftness
fulgent shining brightly
surround with a rampart or
circumvallate fulguration a flash like lightning
fuliginous sooty; dusky
clarion loud and clear
fulminate explode violently
cleave to stick fast to
furbelow adorn with trimmings
cockcrow dawn
gird secure with a belt
coruscate flash or sparkle
glaive a sword
relating to the drinking of
alcohol gloaming dusk
crescent growing greensward grassy ground
darkling relating to growing gyre whirl or gyrate
hark listen moon a month
gooseflesh; hair standing morrow, the the following day
on end
muliebrity womanliness
hymeneal relating to marriage
nescient lacking knowledge; ignorant
ichor blood, or a fluid likened to it
nigh near
illude trick someone
niveous snowy
stain one's hand or sword
imbrue noxious, harmful, or
with blood nocuous
impuissant powerless
noisome foul-smelling
incarnadine colour (something) crimson
nymph a beautiful young woman
ingrate ungrateful
orb an eye
inhume bury
orgulous proud or haughty
inly inwardly
pellucid translucent
ire anger
perchance by some chance
isle an island
perfervid intense and impassioned
knell the sound of a bell
perfidious deceitful and untrustworthy
connected with weeping or
lachrymal philippic a bitter verbal attack
plangent loud and mournful
lacustrine associated with lakes
plash a splashing sound
lambent softly glowing or flickering
plenteous plentiful
lave wash or wash over
plumbless extremely deep
lay a song
poesy poetry
lea an area of grassy land
a song or poem celebrating
lenity kindness or gentleness prothalamium
a wedding
lightsome nimble
puissant powerful or influential
represent in painting or
limn pulchritude beauty
purl flow with a babbling sound
lucent shining
an inquisitive and gossipy
madding acting madly; frenzied quidnunc
a magician or learned
mage realm a kingdom
refulgent shining brightly
main, the the open ocean
rend tear to pieces
malefic causing harm
repine be discontented
manifold many and various
stern and incorruptible in
marge a margin Rhadamanthine
mead a meadow
a short, simple song with a
mephitic foul-smelling refrain
mere a lake or pond rubescent reddening
glowing or glittering with red a rendezvous between
rutilant tryst
or golden light lovers
sans without unman deprive of manly qualities
scribe write vestal chaste; pure
sea-girt surrounded by sea vesture clothing
sempiternal everlasting virescent greenish
serpent a snake greenish or becoming
shade a ghost
visage a person's face
ship of the
a camel
desert want lack or be short of
shore country by the sea wax become larger or stronger
slay kill a person who travels on
slumber sleep
wed marry
star-crossed ill-fated
welkin, the the sky or heaven
steed a horse
stilly still and quiet a hypocrite
storied celebrated in stories
wind blow (a bugle)
strand a shore
without outside
Stygian very dark
wondrous inspiring wonder
summer a year of a person's age
wont accustomed
relating to the sky or the
supernal wonted usual
wrathful extremely angry
a whispering or rustling
sound wreathe twist or entwine
swain a young lover or suitor yon yonder; that
sword, the military power; violence yore of former ties or long ago
sylvan wooded youngling a young person or animal
tarry delay leaving zephyr a soft, gentle breeze
temerarious rash or reckless
tenebrous dark; shadowy
threescore sixty
thrice three times
tidings news; information
toilsome involving hard work
tope drink alcohol to excess
travail painful or laborious effort
troublous full of troubles

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