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Herbal Therapeutics





 What is Herbal Therapeutics?

o An herb simply means Plant material used in Treatment (in any form).

o Herbs are any plants "with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavoring, food, medicine, or
perfume" or parts of such a plant as also used in cooking. (Oxford Definition-Different
from Botany Definition)




 Naturopathy believes…………..

 Accumulation of Morbid matter in body, results as disease

 Power of Vital Energy in Healing, works by eliminating toxins through anyway.

 Allow this vital energy to work proper (up to till end), can only become a
fundamental treatment.

 Naturopathy believes…………..

 Naturopath should remain just as a attendant to natural process, assimilate toxins

removal and protect life supportive functions of body.

 Once the process over, Health recovers.

 Naturopathy and Medicine

Naturopathy refuses using any type of material in the form of medicine-said to,

 Creates Interruptions in vital energy driven normal healing mechanism.

 Confuses body- as symptoms are the best possible way that body can follow.
Medicines suppresses this best possible way.
 Converts acute illnesses in chronic ones, many time.

 Make the person irresponsible, towards needs of body during disease condition.

 Why Herbal Therapeutics?

 Herbs can be helpful in natural processes of toxic removal, if use appropriately. They can
be either augment cleaning processes or at least retain body endurance (stamina) in
natural cleaning.

 Herbs may sometime works like allopathic medicine, in the case they can replace or lessen
the allopathic medicine and thus its side effects.

 Why Herbal Therapeutics?

• Herbs can serve as a best food containing combinations of nutrition & functional elements
(having protective and supportive role) during illness.

• Herbs can repairs the end functional damage occurs in disease, if used gradually after
naturopathic modalities.

• Herbs may be adjutants to the various naturopathic procedures.

 Conditions …

 Herbs are not the naturopathy; even they are from the natural source. They may be a one
part of naturopathy system. Not maintaining healthy life style and taking herbs, is the
same as taking allopathic medicines during disease. It will not give a fundamental cure.

 Herbs should not be regarded as medicine. It can create dependency by which natural
healing process may not run far.

 For best results and radical cure, suggested herbs should be used after natural cleaning
process finished or about to finish

 Conditions …

 Herbs may be supportive if used after toxin elimination, and may be harmful and
interruptive also if used before toxic elimination. This can be regarded as a golden rule
related to use of herbs in naturopathy.

 If the results not produced in the treatment, blame should be made on lacks in natural life
style and enough toxins elimination, and not on herbs. Otherwise natural healing cannot
be made, in spite of symptomatic relief.

 Many Herbal and so called ayurvedic preparations are commercialized with false and
unrealistic claims. Users discretion required in such cases.

 Ayurvedic Terminology

 रसपंचक- रस, गण
ु , वीयय, ववपाक, प्रभाव
 रस- मधुर,अम्ऱ,कटु,तिक्ि,ऱवण,कषाय

 गण
ु - रूक्ष-स्निग्ध,ऱघ-ु गरु
ु ,शीि-उष्ण (up to 20)

 वीयय- शीि & उष्ण

 ववपाक- मधरु , अम्ऱ, कटु

 प्रभाव- Specific action

 कमय- Combine actions due to above all

 वािशामक

 वपत्िशामक

 कफिाशक

Modern Clinical Terminology

• Anti-inflammatory

• Analgesic

• Anthelmintic

• Anti-hypertensive

• Anti- hyperlipidaemic

• Anti-convulsant

• Anti hyperglycemic

• Anti diabetic

• Anti-rheumatic

• Anti-septic

• Cardiac tonic

• Immunomodulator

• Digestive

• Galactogogue

• Hepatoprotective
• Nephroprotective

• Carminative

• Constipating

• Expectorant

• Demulcent

• Laxative

• Purgative

 Ginger (Fresh & Dry Form)

Regional name

Fresh- Adrak (San), Adu (Guj), Adarak(Hindi)

Dry- Sunth (Guj, Hindi)

Botanical name

Zingiber Officinalis, Zingiberaceae

Part Used


 Ginger (Fresh & Dry Form)

Ayurvedic attributes

रस- कटु,ऱवण,

ु - गरु
ु , रूक्ष, िीक्ष्ण (Fresh Form)

स्निग्ध,ऱघु (Dry Form)

वीयय- उष्ण

ववपाक- मधरु (Dry Form) &कटु (Fresh Form)

 Ginger (Fresh & Dry Form)

Modern science attributes

 Contains gingerol, shogol, zingerone like pungent principles.

 Resin present is in unscrapped and scrapped rhizome powder. Mainly contains gingerin
 Volatile oil present more in unscrapped powder- contains zingiberene

 Fresh ginger contains 80.6% water, 2.6% protein,12.3% carbohydrate,20% calsium,

Vitamin A, B, and C

 Dry Ginger contains only 10.6 % water and loss in volatile oil.

 Anti inflammatory, analgesic activity (Prostaglandin Inhibition)

 Carminative, Digestive, anti-emetic, anti-diarrhea functions

 Anti Diabetic (Good on Insulin Resistance)

 GRAS (Generally regarded as safe) category given by US-FDA

 Ginger (Fresh & Dry Form)

Therapeutic Aspects

 Digestive, appetizer and carminative contain Proteolytic constituents

 Diarrhea

 RA

 Cough and asthma

 Diabetes to decrease Insulin Resistance

 Edema

 Fever

 Shivering due to cold and fever

 After Pregnancy as tonic and restorative

 Ginger (Fresh & Dry Form)


 5-10ml fresh juice/twice a day to 6-8 time a day depending a condition.

 5-6 gm powder/twice a day to 4-6 time a day depending a condition

Special Aspects

Contra indication In Ulcer (any), Bleeding Conditions (Epistaxis, Piles), Burning Condition,
Pitta Prakruti, Pitta Season (Grishma & sharad)

Ayurvedic Formulations

Trikatu churna and many

 Aloe Vera

Regional name

Kuvarpathu (Guj), Ghritkumari (San)

Kuvari (Hindi)

Botanical name

Aloe vera, liliaceae

Part Used

Gel, Juice

 Aloe Vera

Ayurvedic attributes

 रसपंचक

 रस- तिक्ि, मधरु ,

 गण
ु -स्निग्ध, गरु
ु ,

 वीयय-शीि

 ववपाक- कटु

 वािशामक

 वपत्िशामक

 Aloe Vera

Modern science attributes

 Contain Aloin and Barbaloin like purgative substances

 Gel rich in complex polysaccharides, sugars which functions as skin protective and anti-
infective, immune enhancer

 Found useful in number of animal and clinical study as anti-inflammatory, anti infective,
immune-modulator, and restorative to many functions of body.

 Aloe Vera

Therapeutic Aspects

• Laxative & Purgative

• Burns

• Women Reproductive System-Amenorrohoea, Dysmenorrohoea

• Hepatomegaly and splenomeghaly

• Anti edema (Diuretic)

• Wound Healing

 Aloe Vera


 5-10 ml juice/twice a day

Special care

 Purgative effect, can generate pain

Ayurvedic Formulations

 Kumari-asava

 Rajpravartini vati and many

 Turmeric

Regional name

Haridra (San), Haldi (Hindi), Haldar (Guj)

Botanical name

Curcuma Longa, Zinziberaceae

Part Used


 Turmeric

Ayurvedic attributes


 रस- कटु,तिक्ि

 गण
ु -रूक्ष,ऱघ,ु उष्ण

 वीयय-उष्ण
 ववपाक- कटु

 वािशामक

 कफिाशक

 Turmeric

Modern science attributes

 Contain curcumin in many form, as an active constituent

 In number of animal and human study widely exhibited as

 Anti inflammatory, Anti-septic and anti- infective

 Wound healer and skin protective

 Anti-rheumatic and other myopathy

 Anti-diabetic

 Anti- hyperlipidaemic in diabetic and normal condition

 Anti- allergic, Anti-oxidant, Immuomodulator

 On cancer as preventive and progress inhibitor.

 Studies shows absorption can be increase with use of piperine (mari, lindipiper

 Turmeric

Therapeutic Aspects

 Anti inflammatory (Trauma, RA etc)

 Anti edema

 Skin disease/ Infections

 Wound Healing

 Diabetes (very good to prevent complication)

 Cholesterol

 Allergic condition (Urticaria)

 Respiratory conditions/ Asthma/ Wet Coughing

 Turmeric

High safety range.

Special care

 Ayurveda considered little bit grahi (constipative)

 Its constituents are lipid soluble

 Enhance effect if use with mari/ lindipeper

 Amba Haldi (Mango Turmeric) is Madhur and Sita

Ayurvedic Formulations

Haridra Khand, Dhatri-nisha yoga and many

 Amla

Regional name

Amlaki (San), Amla (Hindi, Guj), Indian Goose berry (Eng)

Botanical name

Embelica Officinalis, Euphorbiaceae

Part Used

Fruits (Extensively), Seeds

 Amla

Ayurvedic attributes

 रसऩंचक

 रस- मधुर,अम्ऱ,कटु,ऱवण,कषाय

 गण
ु -रूक्ष, ऱघ,ु शीत

 वीयय-शीत

 ववऩाक- मधुर

 कमय

 वातशामक (High),वऩत्तशामक (High),कपनाशक (low)

 Amla
Modern science attributes

 Contains Vit. C, micronutrients and tannin in rich amount. Also embelicanin and many.

 Proven Highly anti-oxidant and thus useful in many disease prevention and progression
like cancer, RA, diabetes, Atherosclerosis, and hormonal Imbalance.

 Direct effect on pancreas, liver, heart, blood vessels, brain, skin, Immune system etc

 World wide documented as effective in number of studies.

 Amla

Therapeutic Aspects

• Pittashamak (various ulcers, Hyperacidity)

• Diabetes and its complications

• In Haemorragic disorders (Menorrhagia, Epistaxis)

• Burning Sensation

• Male reproductive system

• Eye tonic

• Leucorrhoea

• In Fever

• Liver ailments and Anemia

• For skin & hair

 Amla


High safety range

Special care

 Sitveerya so care when use in cold condition.

 Juice and Powder may have variable effect.

Ayurvedic Formulations

 Triphala churna, dhatri-nisha, chywanprash & many.

 Galo

Regional name
Guduchi (San), Tinospora (Eng), Giloy (Hindi)

Botanical name

Tinospora cordifolia, Menspreamaceae

Part Used

Stem, Leaves

 Galo

Ayurvedic attributes

 रसपंचक

 रस- तिक्ि,कषाय

 गण
ु -स्निग्ध,ऱघ,ु उष्ण

 वीयय-उष्ण

 ववपाक- मधुर

 वािशामक

 वपत्िशामक

 कफिाशक

 Galo

Modern science attributes

 Various terpenes, complex sugars and alkaloid reported. (more than 50 actives)

 Immunomodulator-widely studied and accepted

 Anti-oxidant, Anti-hyperglycaemic, Anti diabitic, etc reported.

 Studies shows excellency in RA, Fever, Cancer, Hepatoprotection, Allergy, Diabites and

 Galo

Therapeutic Aspects

 Fever/chronic fever

 Diabetes
 Allergy

 RA

 Liver ailments

 Recurrent infections

 Skin Diseases

 Galo


 10-20 ml fresh juice/2-3 times a day

 5-7 gm powder/2-3 times a day

Special care

 Grahi-according to ayurveda

 Effect varies for powder and Juice

Ayurvedic Formulations

 Rasayana Churna

 Sanshmani vati 1,2 and 3 number

 Amrita sattva (Giloy sattva)

 Amritarishta

 Methi

Regional name

Methika (San), Methi (Hindi), Fenugreeek (Eng)

Botanical name

Trigonella foenum Graecum, Leguminosae

Part Used

Dry Seed, Fresh Leaves

 Methi

Ayurvedic attributes

 रसऩंचक
 रस- ततक्त, कटु,

 गण
ु - स्ननग्ध,ऱघ,ु उष्ण

 वीयय- उष्ण

 ववऩाक- कटु

 वातशामक

 कपनाशक

 Methi

Modern science attributes

 Contains saponin type glycosides-steroids and pentacyclic constituents.

 Resembles physiological glucorticoids

 Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, Anti-rheumatic effects

 Very good in anti-hyperglycemic, works on sugar absorption and Insulin resistance

 Anti-hyperlipidaemic

 Thyroid like effect produces anti-obesity manifestations

 Methi

Therapeutic Aspects

 Vatshamak

 Anti inflammatory

 Analgesic

 Anti Hyperlipidemic

 Anti RA

 Diabetes

 Obesity

 Methi

 5-7 gm/2-3 times a day

 Sprouted can be use

Special care

 Sometime pitta aggravating

Ayurvedic Formulations

 Hing

Regional name

Asafoetida (Eng), Hingu (San), Hing (Hindi)

Botanical name

Ferula Foetida- Umbeliferae

Part Used


 Hing

Ayurvedic attributes

 रसपंचक- रस, गण
ु , वीयय, ववपाक, प्रभाव

 रस- कटु,

 गण
ु - स्निग्ध, ऱघ,ु उष्ण

 वीयय- उष्ण

 ववपाक- कटु

 वािशामक

 कफिाशक

 Hing

Modern science attributes

 Ferulic acid in combined form, contain sulphides like compounds, vol.oil, oleogum resin

 Strong carminative, analgesic, anti inflammatory, rubefaciant

 potent anti-colic action

 Hing

Therapeutic Aspects

 Digestive, Strong carminative, Locally for gas trouble, colic pain, constipation, Anthelmintic

 Analgesic-stomach pain, muscular pain

 Fever-in cooling sensation, protective for malaria

 Dysmenorrhoea, amenorrohoea

 Ear pain—ear drops

 Vatvikar like paralysis, sciatica, convulsion, epilepsy

 Diuretic

 In coughing and asthma, locally and internally

 Hing


2-5 gm/2-3 times in day

Special care

 Not to be given in pitta condition

 Gastic irritant effect can be minimized with Ghee roasted Hing.

Ayurvedic Formulations

 Hingvastak churna

 Kapurhingu vati

 Rajpravartini vati

 Tribhuvan Kirti rasa

 Ardusi

Regional name

Vasa (San), Vasaka (Eng)

Botanical name

Adhatoda Vasica, Acanthaceae

Part Used


 Ardusi

Ayurvedic attributes

 रसपंचक

 रस- तिक्ि, कषाय

 गण
ु -रूक्ष,ऱघ,ु शीि

 वीयय-शीि

 ववपाक- कटु

 वपत्िशामक

 कफिाशक

 Ardusi

Modern science attributes

 Vasicine and vasicinol, major alkaloids

 Highly effective expectorant and bronchodilator effect.

 May have oxytocic like effect but not problematic when use orally

 Absorption greatly increase when use with piperine (Black piper fruit active)

 Ardusi

Therapeutic Aspects

 Kaphapitta nashak

 Wet coughing (expectorant and Bronchodilator)

 Haemorragic disorder (Bleeding in stool, bleeding from nose)

 Tuberculosis

 Fever

 Ardusi

10-20 ml fresh juice or fresh water decoction/2-5 times a day

Special care

 Not hot but having cooling in nature

 Only indicated in wet coughing/ not in dried.

 Use with ginger juice in ruksha condition.

Ayurvedic Formulations

 Vasarishta,

 Vasadi kwath

 vasavaleha

 Garlic

Regional name

Lasun (San), Lahsan (Guj), Lahsun (Hindi)

Botanical name

Allium sativum,liliaceae

Part Used

Underground Parts

 Garlic

Ayurvedic attributes

 रसऩंचक

 रस- मधुर,कटु,ततक्त,ऱवण,कषाय

 गण
ु -स्ननग्ध, ऱघ,ु उष्ण

 वीयय-उष्ण

 ववऩाक- कटु

 वातशामक

 कपनाशक

 Garlic
Modern science attributes

 Alicinase present in outer layer and activates other constituents, so crushing of outer layer
is important.

 Significant anti hyperlipidaemic, anti inflammatory, analgesic and anti-RA activity


 Also exhibits inhibition of platelet aggravation and anti infective action (dysentery, TB &


Therapeutic Aspects

 Vatnashak paralysis, sciatica

 Analgesic,Anti inflammatory

 Digestive, carminative, stomaic, anthelmintic

 Anti edema

 Amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea

 Ear pain

 In Tuberculosis

 Bone injury

 Cholesterol

 Fever, specifically malaria preventive

 Garlic


Can be consumed with high therapeutic safety

Special care

Carefully during Pitta aggravation

Ayurvedic Formulations

Lasunadi vati

 Drumstick Plant

Regional name

Sargavo (Guj), Sigru (San)

Botanical name

Moringa Olefera- Moringaceae

Part Used

Beans,Seed, Seed oil

 Drumstick Plant

Ayurvedic attributes

 रसपंचक

 रस- कटु,तिक्ि,

 गण
ु -रूक्ष,ऱघु

 वीयय-उष्ण

 ववपाक- कटु

 वािशामक

 कफिाशक

Modern science attributes

 Drumstick Plant

Therapeutic Aspects

 Digestive, appetizer, constipative

 Anthelmintic

 Anti-oedema

 Diuretic

 Amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea

 Perspirative

 RA, OA
 Obesity

 Fever-sitajwar

 Garmalo

Regional name

Argvadha (San),(Hindi)

Botanical name

Cassia fistula, caeselpiniaceae

Part Used

Gum from legumes

 Garmalo

Ayurvedic attributes

 रसपंचक

 रस- मधुर, कषाय

 गण
ु -स्निग्ध, गरु

 वीयय-शीि

 ववपाक- मधुर,

 वािशामक

 वपत्िशामक

 Garmalo

Modern science attributes

Contain Anthraquinone glycoside, produce laxative effect without pain

Therapeutic Aspects

• Vatpitashamak

• Carminative, laxative

• Diuretic (little)

• Fever (chronic fever-later stage)

• Use more in children, elderly patients, and weak

 Garmalo


fresh or dry fruit pulp 5-10 gm with hot water

Special care

Not any

Ayurvedic Formulations

Argvadha avleha & many

 Kutaj

Regional name

Kadachaal (Guj), Kuraiya (Hindi), Kurchi (Eng)

Botanical name

Holarrhena anti-dysentrica, apocynaceae

Part Used

Bark, seed

 Kutaj

Ayurvedic attributes

 रसऩंचक

 रस- ततक्त, कषाय

 गण
ु -रूक्ष,ऱघु

 वीयय-शीत

 ववऩाक- कटु

 वऩत्तशामक

 कपनाशक

 Kutaj

Modern science attributes

 Contain alkaloid conisine and isoconisine which are significant anti-dysenteric action.

 Also works in amoebic ulcer and duodunal ulcer.

 Active on some strain of bacteria and malerial parasites also.

 Kutaj

Therapeutic Aspects

 Kaphapittavikar,

 Digestive, diarrhea and dysentery

 Anti amoebic

 Hemorrhagic disorder- bleeding piles

 Kutaj


 1-3 gm/2-3 time a day

Special care

 Some time produce emesis action

 Not to be given in acute diarrhoea

Ayurvedic Formulations

 Kutaj ghanvati

 Kutajarishta

 Isabgol

Regional name

Ashwagol (san)

Botanical name

Plantago Ovata, plantaginaceae

Part Used

Seed, Husk

 Isabgol

Ayurvedic attributes
 रसपंचक

 रस- मधुर,कषाय

 गण
ु - स्निग्ध, गरु

 वीयय- शीि

 ववपाक- मधुर

 वािशामक

 वपत्िशामक

 Isabgol

Modern science attributes

 Rich in mucilage so produces Bulk laxation

 Helpful in protective on internal ulcers

Therapeutic Aspects

 Vatkaphanashak

 Laxative, demulcent, adsorbent

 Fever-later stage

 Isabgol


5-10 gm in water or milk

Special care

 Not to be taken regularly for long time

 Mixed with hardae or triphala churna

Ayurvedic Formulations

 Cumin (Jeera)

Regional name

Jeeru (Guj) Jeerkdraya (San)

Botanical name
Cuminm cyminum (Umbeliferae) & others

Part Used


 Cumin (Jeera)

Ayurvedic attributes

 रसपंचक

 रस- कटु

 गण
ु -रूक्ष , ऱघु

 वीयय-उष्ण

 ववपाक-कटु

 कमय

 वािशामक

 कफिाशक

 Cumin (Jeera)

Modern science attributes

 Carminative, anti-septic, digestive and aromatic

Therapeutic Aspects

 Digestive, carminative, in stomachache

 In infectious skin diseases-external application,

 Aromatic & anti septic in oral bad smell

 Can be churn in excessive sputum

 Cumin (Jeera)


 5-7 gm powder or whole form as much require

Special care

Some time Pitta aggravating

Ayurvedic Formulations

 Hingvastak churna

 Jirkadhya taila

 Black Piper

Regional name

Mari (Guj), Kali mirch (Hindi)

Botanical name

Piper nigrum, Piperaceae

Part Used

Dry Fruit, some time fresh

 Black Piper

Ayurvedic attributes

 रसपंचक

 रस- कटु,

 गण
ु -ऱघ,ु उष्ण

 वीयय-उष्ण

 ववपाक-कटु

 कमय

 वािशामक

 कफिाशक

 Black Piper

Modern science attributes

 Contain piperine and other alkloids

 Significantly increase absorption of nutrients and actives from food and medicines

 Can be mixed with number of medicines to increase their absorption

 Also produces anti infective, and thyroid hormone like effect on metabolism
 Black Piper

Therapeutic Aspects

 In cough, asthma, & other respiratory diseases

 Can be mixed with turmeric, milk, ginger etc

 Digestion

 Headache, and shivering due to any reason

 In dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhoea

 Preventive to maleria

 Black Piper


3-5 gm/ 3-4 times a day

Special care

Pitta aggravation

Ayurvedic Formulations

Trikatu churna & many

 Jethimadh

Regional name

 Yashti madhu (San), Licorice (Eng), mulheti (Hindi),

Botanical name

 Glycyrrhiza glabra, leguminosae

Part Used

 Stems, stolon, rhizomes

 Jethimadh

Ayurvedic Properties


 रस- मधरु , ततक्त

 गण
ु - गरु

 वीयय- शीत

 ववऩाक- मधुर


 वातशामक

 वऩत्तशामक

 Jethimadh

Modern science attributes

 Contain glycyrrhetinic acid, liquiritin, isoliquiritin

 Physiological mineralocorticoid like constituents

 Produces significant anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer and wound healing property

 Reported as expectorent, demulsent and anti-tussive

 Jethimadh

Therapeutic Aspects

 Anti ulcers

 Anti inflammatory, analgesic

 Anti tussive & expectorant

 Wound healing

 Burning mituration

 Tonic to male and female reproductive system

 Weight gainer

 Any pitta and vatta aggravation

 Rasayana and jeevaniya category of ayurveda

 Jethimadh


 3-5 gm/3-4 time a day (powder form)

 Licorice stick for expectorant , anti-tussive and anti-ulcer effect

Special care

 Said urine and water retentive in modern science literature

 Ayurveda hasn’t mention such effect however grahi gun of ayurveda resembles this

Ayurvedic Formulations

 Yashtimadhu churna, ghrita, ghanvati and many

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