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special issue the world’s richest people

Price ` 250. aPril 27, 2018

net worth:
$9.1 trillion
billionaires PLUS
MEEt thE
india list’s First
119 $100 billiOn
usa Man


they’re twin
running different
businesses in
the same sector.
(from left) Meet anurang
anurang and tarang Jain,
Managing india’s newest
director, moneybags

Welcome to the

Tablet Edition
Editor’s Note
For some billionaire entrepreneurs, the doors of perception never shut. And the hard work never stops

Want to be a Billionaire?

hink fires of entrepreneurship in a hallowed club of 119—
‘billionaire’ and keep burning. making India the country
the first rush of Entrepreneurship with the third-highest
slides that run captures the imagination number of billionaires,
through your mind are: because it’s mostly after the US and China—are
A: Luxury cars, mansions, about people who start twins Anurang and Tarang
exotic vacations, from scratch—often Jain. In this fortnight’s
yachts, private jets. with nothing more than cover story, Samar
B: Grunt work, nuts and their wits and dollops Srivastava captures the
bolts, sacrifice, failure, get- of desperation. Turning fascinating journey of the
rich-slow-but I’ll get there. billionaire by building brothers who run different
You don’t have to be Bill on a family business is businesses in the same
Gates or Warren Buffett indeed creditable; but sector—auto components. For Anurang Jain, who leads auto-com-
to figure that those who to improvise on that old What next after you ponents maker Endurance Technolo-
gies, it has been an exhilarating ride to
spend more time mulling joke about billionaires become a billionaire? Bill the `5,000-crore revenue mark. For
good measure, he finds himself among
Option B are more likely turning millionaires once Gates put it succinctly in a Forbes’s billionaires along with twin
to succeed in building a they enter the aviation speech at the University of Tarang Jain (above), who has made his
own auto-components business, Varroc
business with size and business, many next-gen Washington in 2011 when Engineering, a force to reckon with
scale. That, of course, scions and their billions he said that “it’s the same
doesn’t mean you block out may have been preceded by hamburger”, once you get
the jet set lifestyle. That’s patriarchs who were multi- much beyond wanting to
a byproduct, not what you billionaires to begin with. have millions of dollars.
spend your waking hours Of the 2,200-odd In a similar vein, Francis
dreaming about. A germ of billionaires on the Forbes Holder, who has built a
an idea that painstakingly list, perhaps the most billion-dollar bread-and-
metamorphoses into stirring story is that pastry empire to become
a blueprint and then of Rocco Commisso, a the 1,867th wealthiest
evolves into a business penniless Italian immigrant person in the world, told
plan and eventually into turned American cable Forbes: “If tomorrow I was
a competitive business tycoon whose business was 10 times richer, it would not
model perhaps is the at last count worth $4.3 make any difference to me.”
difference between billion. Commisso, who Gates, along with wife
vision and delusion. owns the company outright, Melinda, found his calling
Celebrating billionaires makes his debut on the in attempting to solve some
and their successes is Forbes Billionaires List. of the world’s most difficult
important for various Also inspiring is the problems revolving around
reasons, the biggest story of Robert Smith, poverty, education and
being the part they play founder of Vista Equity health. He’s doing so by
in inspiring tomorrow’s Partners, who has emerged disbursing billions in grants
entrepreneurs. Bill Gates as the richest black person to find innovative solutions
looked up to Warren in America, the 155th- in science, medicine and
Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg richest person in America computer technologies. The
has Bill Gates as his role and the 480th in the world. Dom Perignons and the
model and, for good or Does that shield him from yachts and the Ferraris will
otherwise, Zuckerberg is racist taunts? Not really. come and go, but for some
proving to be an icon for For Smith, the sting of such billionaire entrepreneurs Brian Carvalho
millions of millennials. For incidents only means that the doors of perception Editor, Forbes India
the most part, it’s a virtuous “we had to work harder”. never shut. And the hard
cycle that will ensure the Back home, debuting work never stops.

APRIL 27, 2018 forbes india | 3

Contents / apRiL 27, 2018  VoLume 10 issue 9

on the CoVer

23 | Billionaire
Twin brothers who moved
from Mumbai to Aurangabad
make it to the Forbes
Billionaires’ List with their
grand vision

24 | twin-win
Tarang Jain has an eye on
the future. As he prepares
to take Varroc Engineering
public, he has set his sights
on doubling revenues to
`20,000 crore by 2020

28 | an enduring ride
Anurang Jain anticipated
technological advancements
and remained ahead of the
game with his Endurance
Technologies. His single-
minded focus has ensured
that the company’s growth
is profitable

WE VAluE your fEEdbAck. Anurang Jain of Endurance

Write to us at: | Letters may be edited for brevity. Technologies and
Read us online at (right) Tarang Jain of
on the cover & this page: Photographs by Mexy Xavier Varroc Engineering
digital Imaging by: Sushil Mhatre
9 | the world’s 20 riChest
The list’s first $100 billion man
(spoiler: Not Bill Gates), a fresh L’Oréal heir
and a new wealthiest man in Asia

12 | down and oFF

A pizza empire goes cold, accounting troubles
and other dramatic billionaire drop-offs

14 | Billion-dollar CheCkout
After a corruption crackdown in Saudi Arabia and the
asset handover that ensued, Forbes ejects the country’s
formerly super-rich

15 | rest in ProsPerity
Farewell to a haircare king, a magazine mogul,
a pharma boss and more IcIcI bank’s chanda kochhar is under the scanner for a loan to Videocon

16 | Vaunted Mansions 32
Former castles of the three-comma club,
now on the market

17 | white house Blues

Donald Trump’s fortune has fared poorly
under his administration

18 | iCiCi, axis Bank ControVersies turn

the sCrew on indian Banking
Questions raised against Chanda Kochhar and Shikha
Sharma means the crisis has reached private banks

20 | aPaC yet to uP ai gaMe

Only 7 percent of companies ready to take

18: FRancis mascaRenhas / ReuTeRs; 32: Tim panneLL FoR FoRbes; 40: FRanco VogT FoR FoRbes
advantage of newer technologies, says study

22 | tyCoons oF twitter
How Indian billionaires are influencing the Twitterati
Vista Equity billionaires brian Sheth (left) and robert Smith

32 | how to Beat wall street and siliCon
Valley siMultaneously
The American Dream is alive and well on Wall Street due
to Robert Smith, the richest black person in the US

40 | PerFeCt tiMing
From a penniless Italian immigrant to a multibillionaire
cable magnate, Rocco Commisso has shown an uncanny
knack for being at the right place at the right moment

44 | the artisanal industrialist

Francis Holder built a billion-dollar bread-and-pastry
empire by mixing American mechanical production with
traditional French techniques. Now he is savouring his
greatest success—selling macarons

rocco commisso came to the uS at 12, unable to speak a word of English

april 27, 2018 forbes india | 5

apRiL 27, 2018 ContentS

the world’s Billionaires

49 | the 2018 alManaC oF wealth 44
From Algeria to Zimbabwe, our definitive
guide to the world’s 2,208 billionaires

50 | algeria 70 | Monaco
50 | angola 70 | Morocco
50 | argentina 70 | nepal
50 | australia 71 | netherlands
51 | austria 71 | new Zealand
51 | Belgium 71 | nigeria
52 | Brazil 71 | norway
54 | Canada 71 | oman
55 | Chile 72 | Peru
56 | China 72 | Philippines
59 | Colombia 72 | Poland
59 | Cyprus 72 | Portugal
59 | Czech republic 72 | Qatar
60 | denmark 72 | romania
60 | egypt 73 | russia
60 | Finland 74 | singapore bread billionaire francis Holder plans to build a baking museum in Paris
60 | France 74 | slovakia
63 | germany 75 | south africa
63 | georgia 75 | south korea 65
63 | greece 75 | st kitts & nevis
63 | hungary 76 | spain
64 | hong kong 76 | swaziland
65 | india 76 | sweden
65 | iceland 77 | switzerland
65 | indonesia 78 | taiwan
65 | ireland 78 | thailand
67 | israel 79 | tanzania
67 | italy 79 | turkey
68 | Japan 80 | ukraine
69 | kazakhstan 80 | united arab emirates
69 | kuwait 80 | united kingdom
69 | lebanon 84 | united states
69 | liechtenstein 86 | Venezuela
Savitri Jindal, the Jindal family matriarch, is the richest Indian woman
69 | Mexico 88 | Vietnam
70 | Malaysia 88 | Zimbabwe
ForBes india leadershiP agenda
90 | india’s Best Minds talk
all things leadershiP
With political and economic uncertainty looming
large, only astute leadership can save the day

ForBes india ConVersations

44: phiLip JinTes FoR FoRbes; 65: maDhu KappaRaTh

94 | sCaMPering For sustainaBility

India is making the right noises on climate change,
but it’s efforts don’t match the scale of the problem

Cross Border
98 | hardware hiVe
For startups at a Shenzhen accelerator in China,
a month’s R&D takes only a week A hardware accelerator at china’s Shenzhen is mentoring startups

regulars | 8 letters | 100 thoughts |

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6 | forbes india april 27, 2018

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Editor: Brian Carvalho

april 27, 2018 forbes india | 7

the world’s
Podcast billionaires

By Samar Srivastava & Neeraj Gangal

Click Here

Magazine ForbesLife India Thought Leadership Web Special Lists Blogs Multimedia

ThoughT Leadership Follow us on

‘likes’ lead to nothing and

other hard-learnt lessons of
social media marketing
A decade-and-a-half after the dawn of
social media marketing, brands are still
learning what works and what doesn’t
with consumers

elon musk hates advertising and P&g is listening

We don’t know whether he is too smart or too cheap to spend money on traditional
advertising, but as a result, he created the most iconic automobile brand in the US

ge’s Jeff immelt: five ways

leaders can show authenticity
People around the world are asking their
leaders the same question: Are you telling
us the truth?

Pricing strategy for service

startuPs: how to emPloy
access and usage fee? co-oPetition: imPact of
Pricing is important for products consumed technology asymmetry on
in multiple units because not only does the Platform comPetition and
firm need to set a price point but it also collaboration what will trigger the next
needs to pick a pricing scheme. That apart, An analysis of how asymmetries in financial crisis?
it needs to balance between charging for platform technology affect incentives for Did we learn enough from the last financial
access to the service and for each unit used collaboration crisis to get better at engineering more
resilient business systems? A survey of
global experts suggests that even with
using choice architecture to change behaviour safeguards in place, there’s a perpetually
One of the most successful approaches to helping people act on their intentions is to carefully unpredictable element that creates systemic
design the choice architecture risk: People

8 | forbes india april 27, 2018

Vaulted Mansions: White House Indian Banking APAC Yet to Up
Desirable Properties Blues Sector In Crisis AI Game
Billionaires opt to buy Trump’s financial Impropriety allegations Very few firms can take
the best mansions performance is reach doors of private advantage of emerging
for themselves P/16 hardly laudable P/17 sector banks P/18 technologies P/20


the very wealthiest people
on the planet are worth a
staggering $1.2 trillion—a sum
roughly equivalent to the annual
economic output of Mexico. In
aggregate, their riches represent
13 percent of the total fortune of
all 2,208 billionaires worldwide.
The minimum figure for
admission to this august club:
$39 billion, up by 28 percent
from $30.4 billion a year ago.

$112 billion 
The richest person
on Earth, Amazon’s
chief is the first
centibillionaire atop
our annual ranking.
Shares of his
ecommerce colossus
alberto e. rodriguez / getty images

rose by 59% in 12
months, helping lift
his fortune by $39.2
billion, the biggest
one-year gain ever
recorded. (The $27.6
billion increase he
logged in 2017 ranks
third.) Bezos also
owns the
Washington Post
and aerospace firm
Blue Origin.
LeaderBoard 3. WARREn bUFFETT
$84 billion 
$71 billion 
2. bill GATES In January, the octogenar- Facebook’s CEO faces
$90 billion  ian promoted two Berkshire pressure over his social
1. JEFF bEZoS $72 billion 
US Hathaway executives to vice media giant’s role in Russia’s
$112 billion  FrancE
Cedes the top spot for only chairman roles—a step toward election meddling. Still, the
US Record results at his luxury
the sixth time since 1995. The a much-anticipated succession company’s shares rose by
(See previous page.) empire LVMH and a deal to
Microsoft co-founder’s net plan. Buffett, who says he’s 32% in the past year, adding
buy out nearly all of Christian
worth rose by $4 billion in in “remarkably good health”, $15 billion to his net worth.
Dior helped boost Arnault’s
the past year, but that was no continues to run Berkshire,
fortune by $30.5 billion.
match for Bezos’s epic increase. whose stock is up by 16% since
last year.

13 14 16


3 2

11. MiCHAEl blooMbERG

$50 billion 
New York City’s former
mayor continues to run his
financial-information and
media firm, Bloomberg LP. A
gun-control organisation he 15. S RobSon WAlTon
backs, meanwhile, is forming 13. SERGEY bRin $46.2 billion 
a new initiative geared toward $47.5 billion  US
students in the wake of the US Sam Walton’s oldest son was
school shooting in Parkland, Page’s partner as Google’s Walmart’s chairman for 23
Florida. co-founder is America’s richest 14. JiM WAlTon years. He’s now one of three
immigrant. Now Alphabet’s $46.4 billion  family members still involved
$48.8 billion 
president, Brin is reportedly US in the company; he and
spending over $100 million on the The youngest son of Steuart Walton, the son of
The Google co-founder, now
world’s largest airship for both Walmart founder Jim Walton, sit on its board.
CEO of its parent, Alphabet, has
personal luxury travel and Sam Walton sat on His son-in-law Gregory
reportedly been in talks with
delivering aid to remote locations. the company’s board until Penner is chairman.
Saudi Arabia to build a
2016. He runs the family’s
technology hub inside the
regional bank, Arvest.
kingdom. Page’s fortune grew by
$8.1 billion over the past year.

10 | forbes india april 27, 2018

10. lARRY ElliSon
6. AMAnCio oRTEGA $58.5 billion 
$70 billion  US
$60 billion  $60 billion 
Spain Even as Oracle faces competition from
Most of his fortune is tied 7. CARloS SliM HElU Salesforce and Amazon in the cloud market, its
In November, his $100 billion The Koch Industries
up in Inditex, best known $67.1 billion  stock has risen by 13%. Ellison, who owns about
(sales) Koch Industries executive vice president
for fashion chain Zara. MExicO a quarter of the company, is $6.3 billion richer.
launched Koch Disruptive and his brother
Its shares have sagged, Slim is worth $12.6 billion
Technologies, a Charles made news in
helping knock $1.3 billion more than a year ago, due
venture-capital arm run by November when their
off his net worth. mostly to a 39% jump in the
his son Chase; it has already investment arm put
stock of his telecom firm,
led a $150 million investment $650 million toward
América Móvil.
in an Israeli medical-device Meredith Corp’s $2.8
startup. billion purchase of
struggling magazine
publisher Time Inc.







16. AliCE WAlTon

$46 billion  17. MA HUATEnG
$45.3 billion  18. FRAnÇoiSE 20. JACK MA
illustration by michael witte


china bETTEnCoURT MEYERS $39 billion 
Sam Walton’s only $40.1 billion 
Ma is Asia’s wealthiest $42.2 billion  china
daughter has no role in the india
person for the first time, FrancE Ma took ecommerce behemoth
family business but still The Indian tycoon is back in
thanks in part to his firm Her mother, L’Oréal heiress Alibaba to new heights in
holds plenty of Walmart the Top 20 for the first time
Tencent’s WeChat, a Liliane Bettencourt, died in 2017, inking its first Olympic
shares, making her the since 2012.
ubiquitous social-messaging September 2017; sponsorship and scoring a
richest woman in the
app with nearly 1 billion Bettencourt Meyers and her streaming agreement with
active users. Tencent also family inherited the fortune. Disney. Alibaba’s shares have
has stakes in Tesla, Snapchat increased by 76% since last
parent Snap and music- year, boosting him into the
streaming service Spotify. Top 20 for the first time.

april 27, 2018 forbes india | 11

$700 mln
The estimated net worth of Us sec-

retary of Commerce Wilbur ross,
down from $2.5 billion in 2017. A
Forbes investigation revealed he
had been lying about his wealth

drop-offs name

Down and Off

2018 net worth
Steven roth
$970 million
over the past year, 120-odd individuals fell from the global billionaire anaS Sefrioui
ranks. China lost the most—around 50—while all 10 Saudi Arabians (see page 20) also MOROccO | cONSTRUcTION
dropped out of the three-comma club. The four former billionaires below experienced $950 million
especially dramatic drops; 20 other notables are on the right. To see the names of all eSther Grether
people who fell off the list, go to $900 million
maGGie maGerKo
$900 million
o Bruton Smith
$880 million
eDwarD StacK
$880 million
Bryan SheffielD
$870 million
DaviD hinDawi
$850 million
ayman aSfari
$840 million
Jonathan orinGer
JoHN: JAMEl ToppIN; dANIl: KIrsTIN sINClAIr / fIlMMAgIC vIA gETTy IMAgEs; Top: JosHUA robErTs / rEUTErs

$820 million
Ken GroSSman
$800 million
Jannie mouton
John Schnatter $800 million
Schnatter blamed slowing growth at his Papa John’s pizza chain partly on the National Football League’s (NFL) “poor $800 million
leadership” in handling national anthem protests. Football fans eat a lot of pies, and Papa John’s is a major NFL sponsor.
wanG Junmin
Danil Khachaturov chriStoffel wieSe cHINA | PHARMAcEUTIcALS
2018 NET WORTH: $170 MILLION An accounting scandal ravaged Steinhoff International, a home-goods retailer cANADA | SHOES
(DOWN 92 PERcENT) that forms a major part of Wiese’s expansive empire. He resigned as chairman $780 million
His insurance company, Rosgosstrakh, in December; company shares have lost nearly 87 percent of their value. wilBur roSS
was absorbed by Otkritie Bank in US | PRIvATE EqUITy
2017; Russia’s central bank then $700 million
nationalised the troubled Otkritie nirav moDi
Bank in December. INDIA | DIAMOND JEWELLERy eDGar Sia
$100 MILLION (DOWN 94 PERcENT) $650 million
State-run Punjab National Bank BoriS mintS
alleged in January that Modi and RUSSIA | REAL ESTATE, PENSION FUNDS
his business partner had colluded $540 million
with some executives at one of the
li fuchenG
bank’s Mumbai branches to conduct
fraudulent transactions, resulting in
$500 million
a reported $1.8 billion flowing into
Modi’s jewellery companies. Modi, who Bruno Steinhoff
left India before the scandal broke, GERMANy | HOME GOODS RETAIL
reportedly denied the allegations. $225 million

12 | forbes india a p r i l 27, 2018


Hotel Saudi Arabia

MohAMMed Al AMoudi
$8.1 billion
Assets include a Swedish refinery,
Saudi gas stations and an
it’s hard to imagine a faster Ethiopian conglomerate (gold
mining, farming, construction).
or more audacious way to obtain
billions of dollars than the route
recently taken by Saudi Crown
Prince Mohammed bin Salman:
Force the country’s richest
Prince SultAn bin
people to turn over their personal MohAMMed bin SAud Al
fortunes to the state as part of an $3.8 billion
“anticorruption campaign”. His publicly traded Almarai dairy
company is among the largest in
Late last year the 32-year-old the Middle East.
heir to the throne locked up a
group of Saudi billionaires and
Prince AlwAleed
other businessmen at an ultra-luxe bin tAlAl
prison—the 492-room, palm-lined $18.7 billion
Chairs publicly traded Kingdom
Ritz-Carlton Riyadh. Some were Holding, which has investments in MohAMMed Al iSSA
Lyft, Twitter, Citigroup and $2.6 billion
his own relatives, including Prince the Four Seasons. His Assila Investments has stakes
in a bank, a food processor
Alwaleed Bin Talal, 62, the most and hotels.
recognisable Saudi mogul in
the West.
Alwaleed and many others have
been released, but checking out of
the Ritz-Carlton cost billions. There SAleh kAMel
AlwAleed: NicolAs KovAriK / iP3 / Getty imAGes; sAleh-KAmel: FAhAd shAdeed / reUters; ritz: reUters

are a thousand and one stories about $2.3 billion

Founded Dallah Albaraka
what precisely happened, making conglomerate (real estate,
food, health care).
it impossible to know definitively
who gave how much to whom when.
Given these shifting sands of truth,
we’ve chosen to leave all 10 Saudis
off our billionaires list this year;
AbdullAh Al rAjhi
none would comment. With greater $1.9 billion
clarity regarding their wealth, With brothers, built Al Rajhi Bank,
one of world’s largest Islamic banks.
some might eventually return
to the ranking.

Abdul MAjeed AlhokAir

$1.2 billion

SAlMAn AlhokAir
$1.2 billion
FAwAz AlhokAir
$1.2 billion
The three brothers’ real estate empire
includes 19 shopping malls.

MohAMMed SerAFi
$1.1 billion
Real estate investor.

The Ritz-Carlton Riyadh

14 | forbes india april 27, 2018

The number of people
Portugal’s cork industry
employs. americo amorim,
known as the King of cork,
passed away in July 2017

deceased Peter Alfond | 65

Rest In Prosperity
US, $1.4 blN | ShoeS
Americo Amorim | 82
PortUgal, $4.4 blN | eNergy,
late last year, toronto police made a chilling discovery: Belmiro de Azevedo | 79
The strangled bodies of generic-drug billionaire Bernard ‘Barry’ PortUgal, $1.5 blN | retail
Sherman, 75. (left) and his wife, Honey, hanging beside their indoor liliAne Bettencourt | 94
pool. Sherman battled competitors in court and engaged in a decade- FraNce, $39.5 blN | l’oreal
long lawsuit with his cousins over an ownership stake in his firm, Arnold clArk | 89
Apotex. The deaths are being investigated as homicides, but no UK, $1.1 blN | aUtomobileS
suspects have been named. dAvid consunji | 95
PhiliPPiNeS, $3.1 blN | coNStrUctioN
His death is by far the most lurid of those of the 25 billionaires
(listed on this page) who died in the past year. “People tell me life is short, and I say, sAnford diller | 89
US, $1.7 blN | real eState
‘Yeah, so I better get the work done’,” Sherman said in his first appearance in Forbes,
in July 2000. Here’s how we first covered four other recently deceased titans: desh BAndhu GuPtA | 79
iNdia, $4.7 blN | PharmaceUticalS
Bruce hAlle | 87
US, $6.5 blN | tyreS
dorrAnce hAmilton | 88
US, $1.3 blN | camPbell SoUP
niklAs herlin | 53
FiNlaNd, $1.4 blN
elevatorS, eScalatorS
erich kellerhAls | 78
germaNy, $1.8 blN | electroNicS
kArl-heinz kiPP | 93
germaNy, $4.5 blN | retail

sherman: dicK LoeK/ToronTo sTar/GeTTy imaGes; newhouse: ron GaLeLLa; LTd. / wireimaGe via GeTTy imaGes;
lu GuAnqiu | 72
chiNa, $5.7 blN | diverSiFied
sieGfried meister | 78
germaNy, $3.8 blN | aPPliaNceS
neAl PAtterson | 67
US, $1.5 blN | health care it
A jerrold Perenchio | 86
US, $2.8 blN | SPaNiSh-laNgUage tv

jon huntsmAn, 80 dAvid rockefeller sr | 101

henrY hillmAn, 98 US, $1 blN | chemicalS US, $3.3 blN | real eState,
US, $2.6 blN | iNveStmeNtS “Jon huntsman is a rare iNveStmeNtS
“through hillman land, the family combination. he is both a joAn tisch | 90
investment holding company, henry great dealmaker and a great US, $3.8 blN | iNSUraNce, Ny giaNtS
hillman owns, controls or otherwise operating businessman. Yeoh tionG lAY | 87
influences enough other companies the two rarely go together. malaySia, $2.1 blN
to make most conglomerators green in him they do.” coNStrUctioN, real eState, Power
with envy. he is a director of no less (November 27, 1989) net worths from Billionaires 2017
than ten major companies.”
(September 15, 1969)
sAmuel ‘si’
newhouse jr, 89
US, $12.1 blN | media
By Madeline Berg and Michela Tindera

“Since the death of founder

Si Newhouse Sr last august,
leAndro rizzuto, 79 his sons, Si, 52, and donald,
US, $4.5 blN | coNSUmer 50, have been the two chief
ToP: nacho doce / reuTers

ProdUctS executives... the biggest

“hair dryers had been around since the problem the family must
twenties, but no one until rizzuto had deal with... has to do with
noticed that by greatly increasing air the changing nature of
velocity and heat in careful mixture, communications. Newspapers
a handheld dryer and a brush could now face more competition
replace most of the hairdresser’s than ever before, especially in
existing tools and do the job four times big-city markets.”
faster.” (September 3, 1979) (October 29, 1979)

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 15

Live Like a BiLLionaire

Vaunted Mansions
although warren buffett has lived in the same home
since 1958, other billionaires swap houses the way the rest of
us change light bulbs. Most of the billionaire-owned properties
currently for sale were purchased or completed in the last five years;
a few have never been lived in at all. Agents say the ultra-wealthy’s
wandering ways are easy to explain: They want only the best

Thomas Tull
Net worth: $1.1 billioN
Source: eNtertaiNmeNt
Listing: 3970 Victoria Lane
(WestLake ViLLage, caLifornia)
Vitals: a 32,000-sq-ft French
romantic mansion with 12 bedrooms
and 18 bathrooms on a 33-acre lot
Posh amenities: the grounds
include a 5-acre organic farm, a
garden inspired by monet’s ‘Giverny’
and a private museum
asking Price: $85 million

michael Dell
Net worth: $22.7 billioN
Source: Dell computerS
Listing: casa DeLL
(Los cabos, Mexico)
Vitals: a 9,990-sq-ft
mediterranean villa with five Jeff Greene
bedrooms, six full and three Net worth: $3.8 billioN
half-bathrooms and nearly Source: real eState, iNveStmeNtS
4,700 sq ft of terraces Listing: PaLazzo Di aMore
Posh amenities: located 282 (9505 Lania Lane, beVerLy HiLLs, caLifornia)
Jeff Greene: Tim rue / CorBis via GeTTy imaGes; PeTra eCCLesTone: PauL Harris / GeTTy imaGes

feet above the Sea of cortez Vitals: a 35,000-sq-ft, 12-bedroom, 23-bath estate
on mexico’s baja peninsula, the on a 25-acre lot
property boasts sweeping water Posh amenities: the property’s 15,000-sq-ft
views and comes with a entertainment centre houses a ballroom, a screening room
collection of art by emerging and a bowling alley. there’s also a working vineyard and
latino and mexican artists a 27-car garage
asking Price: $18.5 million asking Price: $129 million

PeTra ecclesTone sTunT

Father’S Net worth: $3.5 billioN | Source: Formula oNe
Listing: tHe Manor (594 soutH MaPLeton DriVe, HoLMby HiLLs)
Vitals: owned by a daughter of F1 founder bernie ecclestone, a 56,500-sq-ft
mansion with 14 bedrooms and 27 bathrooms on 4.7 acres
Posh amenities: its 123 rooms include a nightclub, a hair salon and a
private spa
ProVenance: built for the late producer aaron Spelling and his wife, candy,
who famously had rooms for cutting flowers and wrapping gifts
asking Price: $200 million

a JerrolD Perenchio
Net worth: DeceaSeD; $2.8 billioN iN maY 2017
Source: uNiviSioN
Listing: cHartWeLL (beL air, caLifornia)
Vitals: the 25,000-sq-ft French Neoclassical mansion has 10 bedrooms and
by Samantha Sharf

12 bathrooms on a 10.3-acre lot

Posh amenities: the property includes a ballroom, a tennis court and a
40-car garage
ProVenance: land with a house once owned by ronald and Nancy reagan
is now part of the property, and chartwell’s exterior was made famous as the
clampett estate on The Beverly Hillbillies
asking Price: $350 million

16 | forbes india april 27, 2018

$1.5 bln
the worth of donald
trump’s real estate in
new york City. it is the
largest contributor to his
personal wealth

donald tRuMP over the last 12 months, us president donald trump’s fortune

has fallen by $400 million, to $3.1 billion. Except for a complete wipeout
during George HW Bush’s administration, his financial performance has

House Blues
been the weakest during his own presidency. Trump’s most lucrative
years? Obama’s, when he added $2.9 billion to his net worth.
$5,000 MLN donald tRuMp
–$400 Mln
HW BusH geoRge W BusH BaRaCk oBaMa
–$1.7 Bln +$1.3 Bln +$2.9 Bln

Ronald Reagan Bill Clinton

+$800 Mln +$1.7 Bln



’82 ’84 ’86 ’88 ’90 ’92 ’94 ’96 ’98 ’00 ’02 ’04 ’06 ’08 ’10 ’12 ’14 ’16 ’18
Sources: The Forbes 400 (1982–2000); Forbes’s World’s Billionaires (2001–present)

WHat tRuMp oWns

Ronald: FRed PRouseR / ReuteRs; GeoRGe HW: Jason Reed / ReuteRs; Clinton: HannaH MCkay /
40 Wall st ten golf CouRses in CasH/liquid assets one iRisH and seven spRings HoMe
NYC six u.s. states plus $134 Mln tWo sCottisH pRivate estate Beverly Hills
$395 Mln WasHington, dC p $4 MLN golf CouRses Bedford, New York $11 Mln
p$32 MLN $205 Mln $50 Mln $24 Mln p $500K

ReuteRs; GeoRGe W: BRendan MCdeRMid / ReuteRs; oBaMa, tRuMP: sHutteRstoCk

p $7 MLN tRuMp toWeR q $28 MLN p $9 MLN
1290 avenue of pentHouse tRuMp
tHe aMeRiCas Hotel NYC tRuMp paRC/ tRuMp inteRnational
NYC ManageMent $64 Mln tRuMp paRC east WoRld toWeR Hotel & toWeR
$391 Mln and liCensing tu NYC NYC NYC
p $44 MLN $170 Mln $47 Mln $23 Mln $11 Mln
q $50 MLN tRuMp q $40 MLN tu q $19 MLN
555 CalifoRnia st inteRnational
San Francisco tRuMp paRk avenue Hotel las vegas tRuMp WineRy spRing CReek ConsuMeR
$347 Mln NYC $57 Mln Charlottesville, Virginia toWeRs pRoduCts liCenCing
p $27 MLN $161 Mln q $18 MLN $30 Mln Brooklyn, New York $6 Mln
q $29 MLN tu $18 Mln q$4 MLN
tRuMp q $14 MLN
tRuMp toWeR inteRnational tWo aiRplanes, tRuMp
NYC MaR-a-lago
Palm Beach, Florida Hotel tHRee HeliCopteRs HoMe inteRnational
$245 Mln WasHington, dC $30M St Martin, West Indies Hotel & toWeR
q $41 MLN $160 Mln
q $15 MLN $53 Mln q $5 MLN $15 Mln CHiCago
niketoWn q $51 MLN NEWLY INCLUDED $6 Mln
tRuMp national tRuMp plaza ASSET q $94 MLN
NYC doRal MiaMi NYC
$228 Mln golf ResoRt $28 Mln HoMes WaReHouse
q $137 MLN $149 Mln p $9 MLN Palm Beach, Florida Charleston, South Carolina
q $21 MLN $15 Mln $4 Mln
total net WoRtH: $3.1 Billion p $500K tu
(doWn $400 Mln)
BY dan alexander
loan trouble

ICICI, Axis Bank Controversies

Turn the Screw on Indian Banking
With allegations of impropriety against Chanda Kochhar and questions on Shikha Sharma’s
leadership, the banking crisis has reached the doors of the private sector
By Salil Panchal

bankers in india its way to the doors of Kochhar is under the NuPower Renewables,
could possibly never private lenders ICICI scanner for a `3,250 with Venugopal Dhoot.
have it worse. After years Bank and Axis Bank, but crore loan extended by The Videocon promoter
of witnessing lending there are also accusations the bank to the Videocon allegedly loaned Kochhar
decisions go awry, clients’ of impropriety and lapses Group in 2012. `64 crore through his
stretched balance sheets in corporate governance. Earlier, Kochhar’s company Supreme Energy
and higher provisioning for In the case of ICICI husband Deepak Kochhar and then transferred its
bad loans, events in recent Bank, MD & CEO Chanda had started a joint venture, ownership to Deepak
weeks have become visibly
ugly and strained for some.
For years, public sector
banks faced the wrath of
market conditions and
regulators, leading to
the current tipping point
where privatisation and
mergers of state-owned
banks are being weighed.
Till now, the disarray in
the Indian banking sector
was, at best, seen as a
fallout of a larger economic
slowdown; or, at worst, a
case of mismanagement.
There weren’t personal
allegations raised against
bank chieftains.
But now, the ongoing
crisis has not only found

ICICI Bank has

defended Chanda
Kochhar even
as the CBI is
examining if
there was any

18 | forbes india april 27, 2018

Fall in ICICI
bank’s stock
price, year
to date

Kochhar for `9 lakh. interest” and reposed full disclosures to the bank. Kochhar was guilty of
ICICI’s Videocon loan, in faith in her leadership. The Some suggest she should any financial impropriety,
2017, turned into a non- CBI is investigating the loan step down from her he says: “She had always
performing asset (NPA). transaction to understand if post and allow for an disclosed information
The matter was brought there was any wrongdoing. independent investigation about her husband. To ask
to light by investor Arvind In the case of Axis to take place. Bankers, details of all investors or
Gupta in a blog post in Bank, MD and CEO Shikha however, have faith that borrowings of a particular
March 2016 and was Sharma’s leadership has ICICI Bank will come out company [NuPower
recently widely reported come under scrutiny after of this mess, unscathed. Renewables, in this case] is
by the media. Kochhar has a series of weaker-than- asking for too much. The
denied any wrongdoing and expected earnings growth, Bank StaBle, corporate world will go
the bank has said, in a press ballooning provisioning Don’t Panic crazy. We need to draw a
statement on March 28, for bad loans in recent “The two issues red line on what defines
that while Chanda Kochhar quarters and earnings [sanctioning the Videocon corporate governance.”
was part of the credit data leaks (see box). loan and a wrongful gain But investors don’t seem
committee meeting which While the debate is open for the Kochhars] are convinced. “For someone
evaluated the Videocon on whether Kochhar and separate. This was not a of her calibre, Kochhar
loan in 2012, “there was no Sharma—lauded by the fresh loan and it is not that should have dealt with
question of any quid pro industry for their leadership ICICI Bank has increased it differently. If she had
quo/nepotism/conflict of skills in previous years— its exposure to Videocon, in just stayed away from the
have done any wrong, the recent years. In fact this has credit committee meeting
investor community has come down,” says a former and the bank had agreed
not taken to this kindly. ICICI Bank chief, who has to this move, she would
The ICICI Bank stock has been a common mentor have come out clean,” says
fallen by 12.3 percent to to Kochhar and Sharma the CEO of an institutional
`268.45 as on April 4 on the in previous decades, on investment fund house.
Bombay Stock Exchange condition of anonymity. An analyst with a foreign
(BSE) from `306.35 on Calling Kochhar’s equity research house,
March 14, whereas Axis leadership “decent”, he declining to be named,
Bank’s has slid by 9.18 says both ICICI Bank and says: “As things came out
percent in the same period. Axis Bank were born from in the open, she should
In a similar vein, on a legacy of being corporate have stepped down calling
April 4, ICICI Securities, banks and not retail banks. for [CBI] investigations
India’s largest broking When asked whether to continue… this would
arm, made a weak market allow for an independent
debut on BSE. The stock inquiry and she could
opened 13.65 percent below THE AXIS TILTS have always come back.”
recent times have not spelt
its issue price of `520. The much good news for shikha The timing of such news
sharma—illegal practices of
company had been forced axis bank staff during demon-
flows cannot be ignored.
to scale down the size of its etisation, the rbI pointing out ICICI Bank will, like Axis
abnormalities in its assessment
IPO to `3,500 crore from Bank, be in the spotlight.
VIkas khot; top: shaIlesh andrade / reuters

of bad loans and rising npa

an initial `4,016 crore. levels, all led to fingers pointing The Narendra Modi-led
at sharma’s leadership. the rbI
Market experts and is believed to have asked the
government is eager to
former bankers Forbes bank to reconsider its move to tackle corruption and
extend sharma’s term for the
India spoke to seem to fourth time, starting June 2018.
may be in a mood to show
disagree on what these In response, the bank said: “the that it can take punitive
board follows a standard process
private bankers should do, with regard to senior appoint-
action against bankers,
chanda kochhar is or have done, to support ments, and forwards its recom- considering that it has
under the scanner for mendations to the regulator. this
a `3,250 crore loan corporate governance. They process is currently in progress.”
been unsuccessful so far in
extended by icici believe Kochhar should a weak March quarter earnings, arresting defaulters such as
Bank to the Videocon which cannot be ruled out, will
group of companies have been more transparent only make matters worse for the
diamantaire Nirav Modi or
and forthcoming in her now reclusive banker. —SP liquor baron Vijay Mallya.

april 27, 2018 forbes india | 19

APAC Yet to Up
The fifth, ‘customer advocacy’, a child
of the internet-era social media, is
jargon for categorising customers

AI Game
into those who hold a negative view
of a company’s products and services
and those who are strong advocates.
This is where most ‘followers’
Only 7 percent of Asia-Pacific companies are are coming up short. They lack
prepared to take advantage of emerging digital strategies that include ways
of effectively listening to naysayers
technologies, says Microsoft-IDC study and turning them into converts.
As the Microsoft-IDC study bears
By HaricHandan arakali out, such companies are in short
supply in the Asia-Pacific region.
artificial intelligence has strategy defined within the board; two, “If you take these [five]
been propelling technology-led in many cases, they have an owner criteria, then only 7 percent of the
changes in modern times like no on the board, and, three, they have respondents fall into the bucket
other, but only a small proportion of dedicated budgets—for products, first of leaders and the rest are in the
companies in the Asia-Pacific region wins or some first reference cases,” camp of followers. They have a lot
are prepared to take advantage of the Ralph Haupter, a vice president at of work to do,” says Haupter.
emerging technologies to overhaul Microsoft and president, Microsoft
their enterprises. Microsoft Corp Asia, tells Forbes India. “Leaders india noses aHead
and market researcher IDC recently also communicate what their A second big theme the study
put together a study by surveying digital transformation agenda is.” looks at is the impact of digital
1,560 companies, categorising them The study identifies five ways that transformation on Asia-Pacific
as either ‘leaders’ or ‘followers’. companies can benefit from digital economies. It projects that, by 2021,
According to the study, there are transformation, Haupter says. Four of Asia-Pacific’s GDP growth will get
several differences that separate the them are traditional metrics—higher an additional 0.8 percent CAGR
leaders from followers. “First, people productivity, lower costs, higher (compounded annual growth rate)
leading the transformation have a revenues and wider profit margins. boost specifically due to products
and services enabled by digital
technologies. That would equal $1.16
Tech-led growTh: IndIa sTands To benefIT mosT
The impact digital transformation will have on India’s economy will be more than
trillion, says the study (See chart).
APAC as a whole, since the country is now in the early stages of tech adoption The India nuance is that the
impact on GDP growth here is
Impact on Asia-Pacific GDP among the highest in the 15 markets
2016 24,498 surveyed, because of the digital
2021 24,498 6,685 1,161
transformation initiatives taking
place in the country, says Anant
4.9% cagr 0.8% cagr
(forecasted (additional growth digital Maheshwari, president of Microsoft
GDP growth)
Impact on India GDP transformation will bring) India. India’s GDP can growth at
2,264 an additional 1 percent CAGR, by
2016 2021, with digital transformation.
That said, India is among the
1% cagr
2021 154 (additional growth digital
economies that can get a bigger
transformation will bring) fillip in GDP growth because it is
7.5% cagr
981 (forecasted GDP growth)
currently in the early stages of digital
change. The country’s late start also
gives it an opportunity to leapfrog
GDP GDP Growth Impact of digital transformation
to the newest and most promising
Based on World Bank’s projected GDP growth and revenue growth projections by firms undergoing digital transformation
technology. “This is playing out in
Source: Microsoft-IDC study (GDP figures in $ bln) businesses today,” adds Maheshwari.

20 | forbes india a p r i l 27, 2018

noT dIsplacemenT
Two hundred top executives were
queried about the future of current job
roles in their organisations
Outsourced, New roles created
automated or made due to digital
redundant transformation

of jobs will be
transformed in
three years

Retrained and
upskilled Unchanged

33% 8%
73% are confident that young professionals
already have future-ready skills that will
help them to transition to new roles.

Source: Microsoft-IDC study

ceo’s agenda
There is broad acceptance among
CEOs that, in the coming years, the
number of products and services
Microsoft’s anant Maheshwari (left) and ralph Haupter say companies are thinking of taking
that will be affected by emerging advantage of digital changes, which will impact 60 percent of products and services by 2021
technologies will rise. The
Microsoft-IDC study projects that a consumer-facing app etc. the right partners—these are the
products and services touched Maheshwari adds: “Digital questions they are grappling with.
by digital technologies, which transformation has become In the Indian context, there is also
constituted about 6 percent of mainstream.” He recalls how in the factor of having much fewer
the total in 2017, will mutiply February, at a conference organised practitioners of this data-driven art
10-fold to 60 percent in 2021. by India’s software lobby Nasscom, than in the advanced economies,
The focus, therefore, is switching “a number of industrial companies which is an important challenge.
towards how to take advantage talked about IoT, customer Other obstacles include the need
of these changes, Haupter and service, predictive maintenance, for massive re-skilling, the entrenched
Maheshwari point out. Their meeting how data should flow back to cultures of traditional organisations
with Forbes India, at Microsoft’s products, productivity in supply where silos exist, and the resultant
Mumbai office, was immediately chain etc”. “It’s very normal. This resistance to change because it
after multiple customer meetings. isn’t innovation any longer.” requires people to deliberately
And one of the customers, Haupter The innovation will be in “how step out of their comfort zones.
says, is a large consumer products do I get this done, there are so Says Maheshwari: “This isn’t a
mexy xavier

company looking to completely many things to do, and what needs one-time project, but a continuous
digitise products, including air to be prioritised”. Where do CEOs piece of work, so the CEO
and water purifiers, using sensors, find the resources and who are agenda is different today.”

april 27, 2018 forbes india | 21

330 mln
Twitter’s average

monthly active usage
for the quarter
ended December 2017

Deep connecT

Tycoons on Twitter
Mixing up the inspirational with informative, or thought-provoking with tongue-in-cheek,
these Indian billionaires are influencing the Twitterati, one post at a time

A pick of the populAr business leAders on the sociAl networking site

Anand Mahindra Nandan Nilekani Kiran Harsh Goenka

@anandmahindra @nandannilekani Mazumdar-Shaw @hvgoenka
6.54M followers* 2.47M followers @kiranshaw 1.49M followers
45.30% 61.40% 1.41M followers
Sarkar (govt) alone cannot fix our 38.20% Choose a leader who will invest in
problems, it can only help create
the right conditions for samaaj (civil building bridges not walls. Books not
society), sarkar and bazaar (market weapons. Morality not corruption.
players) to co-create context-aware Stability not fear. Peace not chaos.
solutions. I am glad to see this year’s Love not hate. Convergence not
budget underlining this approach. segregation. Character not immaturity.
Transparency not secrecy. Justice not
8:47 am - 1 feb 2018 lawlessness. Truth not lies.

Uday Kotak 644 retweets 1,210 likes 8:29 am - 30 mar 2018

@udaykotak 411 retweets 1,150 likes

Vijay Shekhar
111% @vijayshekhar
FY 18 ends and a new year begins for 275K followers
Indian markets. Watch oil, Trump, US 10
year. In India, monsoons, fiscal deficit,
politics. Interest rates some move up 139%
through the year. Indian micro doing
well. Equities tug of war between
Harsh Mariwala
good micro, tough macro,politics. @hcmariwala
Happy FY 19!
7:12 pm - 30 mar 2018 876K followers Anil Agarwal
245 retweets 858 likes 72.10%
infographics: sameer pawar

Acharya Balkrishna 3%
Gautam Adani
@gautam_adani * as of april 4, 2018
** year-on-year growth in Twitter
101K followers followers
138% Source: Twitter
119% —compileD by neeraj gangal

22 | forbes india april 27, 2018

Twins from Aurangabad made rapid strides in their
respective businesses and earned their riches with a grand vision
By Samar SrivaStava

anurang (left) & tarang jain

ometimes, in life, it’s best to separate the businesses in 2002.
go out on a limb—for that’s Endurance Technologies run by
where the fruit really lies. Anurang and Varroc Engineering run
In 1985, two brothers left the by Tarang are both among the top five
city of dreams and went 330 component makers in India. Over the
kilometres to the east, to Aurangabad, last three decades, they’ve kept their
to start a small entrepreneurial venture. heads down and steadily expanded
Mumbai-bred twins Anurang and Tarang capacities and acquired businesses
Jain had just turned 23 and were about to abroad. In doing so, they strode a
try their hand as auto component makers path that had been taken by several
for what was then India’s largest and of their north-based counterparts.
photographs: mexy xavier

most recognisable brand, Bajaj Auto. Maruti Udyog Limited had given rise
Related to the Bajaj family (their mother to India’s component industry and their
Suman is Rahul Bajaj’s sister), the brothers lead was followed by the likes of the Jain
started supplying aluminium castings brothers. Just as Maruti’s millionaires
to Bajaj Auto’s plant in Aurangabad. (and billionaires) have become some of
A few years later, they entered the the most recognisable faces in the auto
polymer business before deciding to industry, the Jains, too, have come of age.
the world’S BillionaireS / tarang Jain

As he prepares to take
Varroc Engineering
public, Tarang Jain
joins twin brother

VenTure Anurang on the

2018 Forbes World’s
Billionaires List
BY Samar SrivaStava
Mexy xavier

24 | forbes india April 27, 2018

n August 2012, Tarang Jain that was spun off from Ford Motor market cap by 62 percent a year
had his most consequential Company in 2000. Jain, now 56, had in the last decade. Their smaller
chance at hitting the to play a delicate balancing act. A India-based counterparts too have
big league. Almost six misstep would have cost him dearly, grown rapidly and regularly added
years on, it’s clear he’s perhaps even sunk the company. capacity every few years. The BSE
made the most of it. Jain had acquired Visteon for $90.5 Auto Index has compounded at 18.9
Varroc Engineering, the company million (`452 crore then). What he percent a year in the last ten years.
he founded in 1990, had completed the gained was the world’s sixth largest Varroc’s journey has been on a
acquisition of Visteon’s global lighting lighting business. Varroc now had similar vein. Successfully digesting
business. Visteon Corp is an American access to a company that served the the Visteon acquisition was a
global automotive electronics supplier best global automakers. In addition veritable turning point in its three-
its manufacturing footprint was decade journey. This year in all
tarang Jain entirely in low-cost manufacturing likelihood should see the company
bought a economies. “[We had] the humility emerge as a publicly-traded entity.
one-way ticket
from mumbai to accept that we were buying into While it is hard to predict where
to aurangabad superior capability and technology,” Varroc lists, this much is certain: With
in 1984 and in
hindsight feels says Jain, who set about building sales of `9,700 crore in the financial
it was the right a durable partnership with the year ended March 2017 and profits
team in Detroit. The problems of `303 crore, it is likely to emerge in
Visteon faced—like low Ebitda and the top five after Motherson Sumi,
lack of customer satisfaction—he Bosch, Bharat Forge and Exide. The
realised, arose because the business group has got a 2020 sales target of
had not been an area of focus `20,000 crore though Jain is quick
for the earlier management. to clarify that is more of a statement
In order to win Visteon’s trust, of intent. He concedes that he’d
Jain ensured no Indian was sent need another successful acquisition
to its facilities and the Visteon to get there. That won’t be a bad
managers were given full operational result for someone who in December
control. The only direction from 1984 bought a one-way train ticket
the top was to maintain a relentless from Mumbai to Aurangabad.
focus on customer needs. For Jain, who grew up in Mumbai
The Visteon deal has helped Varroc and went to Cathedral and John
emerge as a true global automotive Connon School and Sydenham
player with plants in India, Mexico, College, starting in Aurangabad was
the Czech Republic and China. Its not something he’d planned. The
customers include marquee global Jains’ relationship with the Bajaj
names—Ford, Jaguar, Groupe PSA family (mother Suman is Rahul
and Tesla. And its mainstay products, Bajaj’s sister) helped them get a foot
LED lamps and matrix lamps, have a in the door. In 1985, the family set
far better margin profile than the India up Anurang Engineering, named
business, which is heavily dependent after his twin brother (Anurang
on the two-wheeler market. It has runs Endurance Technologies
also made Jain India’s newest auto after an amicable business split
billionaire, ranked 2124 on the 2018 in 2002), to supply aluminium
Forbes World’s Billionaires List, engine casts for Bajaj scooters.
with a net worth of $1 billion. A Bajaj Auto factory is located in
In many ways, Jain’s journey the vicinity of the Jain brothers’
is no different from the top tier of facilities in Waluj, Aurangabad.
India’s auto component makers. Jain admits that the first years
They’ve globalised aggressively and in Aurangabad were tough. The
expanded their footprint in both 22-year-old twins were trying their
developed and developing markets. hand at a new business and were
Motherson Sumi, for instance, has for the most part alone. Their father
grown its topline by 41 percent and Naresh Chandra Jain who had run the

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 25

the world’S BillionaireS / tarang Jain

Bajaj-owned Kaycee Industries was in India are Varroc customers. financial officer at Varroc. It was for
in Mumbai and only played a guiding It was in the 2000s that Varroc the Visteon acquisition in 2012 that
role. In hindsight, Jain says moving found itself in a sweet spot. It grew Varroc roped in Tata Opportunities
to Aurangabad was the right decision. by over 40 percent a year to `1,500 Fund, a private equity fund, which
“There were so many businesses crore in sales in the eight years up brought in `300 crore for a 13.7
where the owners chose to stay back to the Lehman crisis. Jain attributes percent stake. “We took a contrarian
in Mumbai and those companies this to a relentless focus on customer call on a sector that was out of favour
have all withered away,” he says. needs. Varroc set up plants where in 2014 and are pleased in the manner
After a one-year MBA from customers were—Manesar in in which Varroc has executed,”
the International Institute for Haryana for Hero MotoCorp (then says Padmanabh Sinha, managing
Management Development in Hero Honda) and Chennai for the partner, Tata Opportunities Fund.
Lausanne, Switzerland, Jain returned likes of Royal Enfield and Yamaha. Jain is pleased with the 20 percent
to set up Varroc in 1990 as a VAVE It developed its own products growth in topline in the last decade,
(value added value engineering) and paid for expensive moulds. and the fact that the business is not
company. This time it was polymers In 2007, with cash in hand, Jain disproportionately dependent on one
that excited him. He saw the bought Imes, an Italian auto parts product, customer or market. Jain
increased use of plastics and the company that makes parts for says none of his product categories
light-weighting opportunities they earth-moving equipment. That was is likely to be impacted by the shift
brought in the future, and decided to followed in 2011 with Triom, another to electric vehicles. If anything, the
get into this nascent area. Up north, Italian firm, which makes lighting move to make vehicles lighter will
Maruti Suzuki had started using systems for two-wheelers. And a year only accelerate. And in the lighting
plastics in dashboards and in time later came the Visteon acquisition. space there will be an increased need
they would start using it in mirrors While Jain worked on integrating for and use of sensors, something
as well as lighting equipment. these companies, he also realised that the company is already working on.
Varroc took the help of the their edge lay in their higher spends Still, there are potential
National Chemical Laboratory, on research and development. While risks. Varroc may not be able to
Pune, and TIPCO—a manufacturer Visteon spent 5 percent of sales, its anticipate customer needs as rapidly
of plastic raw material—which had Indian counterparts spent no more changing technologies may result in
developed a glass-filled polypropylene than 1 percent, points out Jain. competitors making parts cheaper
compound, and proposed the idea Jain took a cue from Visteon and and better. The cyclical nature of
to Bajaj Auto. From using it to make post-acquisition upped spends for the auto industry may also result
fans and fan covers for scooters, his India businesses to 2 percent in an elongated working capital
this has since expanded to mirrors of sales. “Over the years the onus cycle during a downturn. And the
and plastic moulds for seats and air has also shifted on us to tell the company may end up spending
filters. But Jain also realised that OEMs what we can make for them. time and effort in obtaining patents
Bajaj Auto may not be able to absorb This means we need to spend a all of which may not necessarily
all his production. Fortunately, lot more in developing our own have a commercial application.
Videocon had set up a manufacturing products and patents,” he says. Although the Indian two-wheeler
unit in Aurangabad for refrigerators For now, Varroc aims to move market is growing in double-digits,
and became an early customer. up to the third position, from sixth globally a 3-4 percent growth in
In the first ten years, the company currently, in the global lighting space. the lighting market won’t allow
had just `100 crore in sales and a And while the company is always on Varroc to reach the `20,000-crore
profit margin in low single digits. the lookout for new opportunities, target. All that Jain is willing to let
Jain was conscious that his business it is careful to eschew leverage. “We on is that he is looking at a potential
was too dependent on one company wouldn’t be comfortable taking deal in Turkey. Meantime, Varroc
and one product category—two- more debt than our net worth,” last November did a small deal and
wheelers. Initially, he set about says TR Srinivasan, group chief acquired Team Concepts, a high-
fixing the latter and in the next end auto accessory company. It is
few years Varroc expanded its base a category that has the potential to
of customers. (Despite Varroc’s
comPAny finAnciAlS double to `5,000 crore by 2020 as
Sales PAT
current size, Bajaj still accounts for 2015 7,038 16
Indians instal more metallic wheel
`1,700 crore worth of business, or 2016 8,239 369 rims and floor racks. Though a small
half of the India business.) Today 2017 9,702 303 buy, once again, you can’t fault Jain
almost all two-wheeler makers All numbers in ` crore for not having seen the future.

26 | forbes india April 27, 2018

the world’S BillionaireS / anurang Jain

Anurang Jain, who along with twin Tarang joins
the ranks of the world’s billionaires, has placed
Endurance Technologies on the runway to growth

BY Samar SrivaStava

n the ten years to 2005, two-wheeler companies in India.
Anurang Jain and But as he surveyed India’s
Endurance Technologies automotive landscape circa 2005,
were on a roll. Jain, now 56, was also acutely aware
A rapidly expanding of the need for a pivot. At 95 percent
market for two-wheelers of sales, the business was heavily
saw the company increase revenues dependent on Bajaj Auto. “We realised
by a staggering 50 times to about `500 that we needed to further diversify
crore over those ten years. Endurance our customer base,” he says. Simply
Technologies, which had started put there was a limit to how rapidly
two decades earlier as an aluminium Bajaj Auto could grow and what had
castings supplier to India’s second taken Endurance to `500 crore would
largest two-wheeler company, Bajaj not take it to `5,000 crore. Just as
Auto, had come a long way. Jain was setting up the business in 1985 in
grateful to the Bajajs of Bajaj Auto Aurangabad had tested Jain’s mettle, flying colours. For good measure, for
for their backing during the initial making the company a top league the first time, Jain (along with brother
years (Jain’s mother, Suman, is Rahul auto component maker would prove Tarang) finds himself among Forbes’s
Bajaj’s sister) and quickly moved to be another test—a sterner one. billionaires (one of 119 Indians)
to enlarge the product footprint. A little over a decade later, it’s clear with a net worth of $1.5 billion.
He’d expanded the base of products that Jain has passed the test with Endurance has joined the
to include shock absorbers, front acquisitive list of Indian auto
forks, clutch assemblies and disc component makers that have
brakes. Importantly, they had been
comPAny finAnciAlS successfully sought incremental
Sales PAT
developed by Endurance alone and 2015 4,955 253
growth outside India. Companies
Mexy xavier

were its proprietary technology. An 2016 5,263 300 like Bharat Forge and Motherson
expanding national footprint meant 2017 5,622 330 Sumi have gained access to new
that they could serve virtually all All numbers in ` crore technologies and customers and also

28 | forbes india April 27, 2018

anurang Jain, with
a net worth of $1.5
billion, has debuted
on Forbes’s the
world’s Billionaires
list at rank 1561

reduced their dependence on their a successful listing in October 2016. in the door, Endurance still has room
home markets. In the last decade, it Since then, the company’s market to increase the range of products
has proven to be a tried-and-tested cap has more than doubled to it supplies to two-wheeler makers.
mantra for entering the big league. `18,000 crore. With a strong roster For instance, while it supplies clutch
Not only has Endurance surpassed of customers, the market expects the assemblies to Bajaj Auto and Royal
the `5,000 crore mark in revenue, company to continue to compound Enfield, it is yet to sell them to Hero
it has successfully completed revenues handsomely and has priced MotoCorp and Honda Motorcycle and
acquisitions in Italy and Germany the business at over 50 times its Scooter. “I expect their growth to be
giving it access to a wider set of March 2017 earnings of `330 crore. faster than the industry on the back
customers—Audi, Porsche, Renault, The last decade has seen the of ramping up by Hero MotoCorp
Peugeot and BMW, in addition to company compound revenues at and Honda,” says Jinesh Gandhi,
Indian two-wheeler makers. 26 percent a year and as a report by senior vice president, equity research,
Jain also led Endurance through Motilal Oswal explains, with its foot at Motilal Oswal. Jain, on his part,

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 29

the world’S BillionaireS / anurang Jain

is a little more circumspect, “with business. Jain also used this time reschedule its loan repayment cycle.
uncertainty being the new normal, to develop his own tool room that In the years since, Jain’s single-
8-10 percent growth is all I can allowed him to make molds in-house minded focus has been on improving
promise”, he says. While it’s certainly and reduce the time it took to develop efficiencies and making sure that
a number he’s happy with, he’s also products. In addition, Jain decided Endurance’s growth is profitable.
confident that’s a number investors to take his India business where He’s consolidated plants—down from
would be more than happy with. his customers are and plants were 19 to 16 and now back up to 26—
set up in Gurugram and Chennai. outsourced component manufacturing

he Jains’ journey in the Around 2005, Endurance had to smaller suppliers and formed
automotive business successfully crossed several bumps the Endurance Vendor Association.
happened partly by chance and Jain prepped for the next leg of This has allowed the company to
and partly by design. Their father growth. He decided to stick to his reduce its capital expenditure spends
had retired as managing director of first product segment, aluminium and at the same time maintain a
the Bajaj-owned Kaycee Industries. castings, and scout for companies watchful eye on quality. Net debt
After Anurang Jain’s graduation that were financially strong and has since been brought down to a
from Sydenham College in Mumbai, had a good customer base. In 2006, manageable 0.18 times equity and
the family was on the lookout Endurance acquired the German Jain alludes that this time he would
for a manufacturing business to company Amann Druckguss GmbH be more cautious before taking on
enter when the Bajajs suggested such high debt levels. There have
aluminium castings to cater to been two more acquisitions in the
scooters manufactured at its plant anurang Jain last decade. In addition, Endurance
in Waluj, Aurangabad. (Anurang led Endurance has chosen to set up greenfield
Engineering Pvt Ltd was later
renamed Endurance Technologies
through a capacity at the units it has acquired.
As Jain prepares for the next
while Varroc Engineering was successful listing leg of growth, he is mindful both of
started in 1990. The businesses
were formally split in 2002.)
in October 2016. the huge two- and three-wheeler
growth opportunity in India where
The only abiding memory that Since then, the 70 percent of his sales come from
Jain has about the first ten years is company has more as well as the fact that these are
how hard it was for the company probably the first categories that
to achieve any size and scale. He than doubled its will shift to electric propulsion.
describes them as great learning years. market cap to He’s quick to point out that the
What helped him was the fact that
because the company had been set
`18,000 crore government has shelved a plan to
move all public transport to electric
up in Aurangabad, the government vehicles. In the absence of an adequate
gave them a ten-year rebate on sales charging infrastructure, issues of
tax (the tax was collected but only range anxiety are bound to persist.
deposited with the government and a year later, it bought Fondalmec Add to that the high cost of batteries
after ten years) and that became an SpA & Fondpress Srl in Italy. Both and he believes it will take time for
interest-free advance. “That was were high quality companies, the cars to move to electric fleets.
our initial cash flow,” recalls Jain. former owned by a private equity Still, Endurance is in a good spot
While the aluminium castings fund and the latter by a family where as aluminium lessens the weight.
were made to order, Jain realised there was no clear succession plan. “Tesla cars have more aluminium than
that from a long-term perspective, it While the acquisitions reduced internal combustion engine cars,” he
would be best if Endurance owned the the dependence on Bajaj from 95 says before adding that hybrid cars
technology as well. In order to do this, percent of sales to 56 percent (it is are a good intermediate step and that
Jain entered into collaborations and 35 percent at present), they involved is where the market will probably
joint ventures. New products—shock considerable leverage with the gravitate towards. It is clearly a
absorbers to front forks and clutch debt-to-equity ratio rising to 4:1. topic Jain has spent considerable
assemblies to disc brakes—were rolled Jain admits he was caught time thinking about and one can’t
out after testing them under Indian unawares by the Lehman crisis. Sales help but conclude that if Endurance
conditions and since Endurance in Germany were down by 40 percent requires another pivot to adjust to the
owned the technology, it could also while Indian sales had dipped by electric vehicle opportunity, Jain will
cater to the lucrative after-market 25 percent and the company had to probably be more than ready for it.

30 | forbes india April 27, 2018

the world’s billionaires / robert smith

The American Dream

is alive and well on
Wall Street thanks
to Robert Smith, the
richest black person
in America, who has
figured out a way
to re-engineer both
private equity and
enterprise software—
and used this secret
playbook to build a
$4.4 billion fortune

How to Beat wall

Silicon Valley
by nathan vardi

32 | forbes india April 27, 2018

Street and
vista equity billionaires brian sheth
and robert smith: their lbo-software
mashup and its eye-popping returns
are changing the game
Tim Pannell for forbes

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 33
the world’s billionaires / robert smith

t’s a Saturday afternoon, to limited partners, according to the modern private equity industry
at the height of vacation PitchBook data. Smith’s annual and who has been a co-investor in two
season, in one of South realised returns, which reflect exits, Vista deals. Taken together, Vista’s
Beach’s hottest hotels, and stand at a staggering 31 percent portfolio, with 55,000 employees
Robert Smith, the founder net. His funds have already made and more than $15 billion in revenue,
of Vista Equity Partners, is distributions of $14 billion, including ranks as the fourth-largest enterprise
dressed like exactly no one within a $4 billion in the last year alone. software company in the world.
100-mile radius of Miami: In a three- Not surprisingly given those Smith deploys quickly for a simple
piece suit. His signature outfit—today, numbers, Vista has become America’s reason: While the rest of private
it’s gray plaid, accented by an indigo fastest-growing private equity firm, equity relies on identifying and
tie and a pink paisley pocket square— managing $31 billion across a range rectifying inefficient companies, Vista
apparently doesn’t take a day off, and of buyout, credit and hedge funds. bets that it can improve the operations
Smith isn’t taking one now either. Smith is putting all that money to of even well-run firms—and claims
He’s gathered dozens of CEOs from work at a breakneck pace, with 204 that it’s never lost money on a buyout
his portfolio companies, software software acquisitions since 2010, more transaction in its 18-year history.
firms all, for a semiannual weekend than any tech company or financial Perpetual wins translate into
offsite to drill them in the ways he firm in the world. After finishing an mammoth personal gains. With an
expects his companies to operate. $11 billion fundraising for its latest estimated net worth of $4.4 billion,
It’s not just the suit that’s unusual. flagship buyout fund last year, Smith Smith has now eclipsed Oprah
Private equity firms almost never has already deployed more than half Winfrey as the nation’s wealthiest
treat their portfolio companies, of it, focusing as usual on business-to- black person. Vista has created
transactional chits by design, like an business software. “They recognise another billionaire, Brian Sheth, the
organic cohort. And until recently, it’s a kind of central nervous system,” firm’s 42-year-old president and
PE, a field built on borrowing against says Michael Milken, whose bond- dealmaker extraordinaire, who has
cash-generating assets, wouldn’t market innovations basically birthed a fortune estimated at $2 billion.
touch software firms, which offer
little that’s tangible to collateralise.
Yet Smith has invested only in
software over Vista’s 18-year history,
as evidenced by the CEOs, like Andre
Durand of the security-software
maker Ping Identity and Hardeep
Gulati of the education-management
software company PowerSchool,
who have been summoned to Miami
Beach, waiting to swap insights
about artificial intelligence and other
pressing topics. And Smith deploys
more than 100 full-time consultants
to improve his companies.
“Nobody ever taught these guys
the blocking and tackling of running a
software company,” says Smith, as he
takes a lunch break at South Beach’s
1 Hotel to nibble on a plant-based
burger. “And we do it better than
Jamie mccarThy / GeTTy imaGes

any other institution on the planet.”

Smith includes the likes of
John Utendahl,
Oracle and Microsoft in that boast, bank of america
and his numbers back up the vice chairman
and pioneering
braggadocio. Since the Austin-based african-american
firm’s inception in 2000, Vista’s wall streeter,
saw smith’s
private equity funds have returned spark early
22 percent net of fees annually

34 | forbes india April 27, 2018

Smith’s rise was also incredibly Some people are just blessed to have
it,” Utendahl says. “That’s how I felt
abnormal. even today, as the 155th- when I met Robert as a young man.”
richest person in america, he faces
constant, if often unwitting, racism
mith landed in Goldman Sachs’
department, eventually moving
to San Francisco to advise companies
Ever since Forbes outed Smith as where he focussed on coffee-machine like Microsoft and eBay and becoming
a billionaire in 2015, there has been technology. His efforts won him two cohead of enterprise systems and
a steady stream of press about him, patents: One for a stainless-steel filter storage. He was part of the team that
from the lowest-brow (tabloid interest and another for a brewing process helped Apple recruit Steve Jobs back.
in his marriage to a former Playboy that makes crema, the layer of foam For all his prominent clients, it
playmate) to the highest (coverage on top of espresso. In 1992, Smith was a little-known Houston company
of his philanthropy, including his entered Columbia Business School. specialising in software for auto
Giving Pledge commitment and his He was deftly acquiring the kinds of dealerships, Universal Computer
stint as the chairman of Carnegie skills that would prove invaluable Systems, that caught Smith’s eye.
Hall). But neither Smith nor Sheth has as the tech revolution exploded. Its margins were higher than any
ever before delved into Vista’s secret But Smith’s rise was also incredibly business Smith had advised, and he
formula, which has many lessons abnormal. Even today, as the 155th- was stunned to learn the company’s
for entrepreneurs, operators as well richest person in America and the owners were plowing its cash into
as financiers. “We do something 480th in the world, he faces constant, certificates of deposits. Why not
no one else does,” Smith says. if often unwitting, racism. At a recent acquire other mature software
dinner in New York City with a group companies, Smith asked, and apply

n paper, Robert Smith’s of senior Wall Street types, including a their best business practices there
journey was a textbook high-level executive of an investment too? Great advice, but the owners
American success story: A bank, Smith moved to pick up the insisted that Smith roll up his sleeves
fourth-generation Coloradan, he was cheque for dinner, but the senior and execute the plan for them.
the son of two PhDs who became banker stopped him. “I can’t have a They backed up their offer with
Denver school principals and put black guy buy me dinner,” he chortled. a commitment of $1 billion of the
education first at home. “Their father The sting of such incidents, company’s cash, as the sole investor, if
and I stressed the need for both of our whether offhand remarks or he started a private equity fund. “I had
sons to persevere once they identified doors more overtly shut to him, one of those in-the-mirror moments,”
and pursued a goal,” say Smith’s had an effect on Smith. “It meant Smith says. “I looked at myself and
mother, Sylvia. “Robert understood we had to work harder,” he says. asked, ‘If I don’t do this, how will I
that preparation, hard work and “And that’s what we did.” feel about it ten years from now?’ ”
dedication were key to success in his From his college days, when he The short answer: Regretful. And
classes.” In 1981, Smith headed to joined the nation’s preeminent black so, in 1999, Smith left Goldman and
Cornell University to study chemical fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha, known soon began recruiting co-founders,
engineering, spending many nights for its bookish but professionally notably a business-school classmate,
and weekends in a three-person study ambitious members like Thurgood Stephen Davis, and a young analyst
group that met in the basement of the Marshall and Martin Luther King who worked under him at Goldman,
engineering school’s Olin Hall. During Jr, Smith had support. A crucial Brian Sheth. The son of an Indian-
summers, Smith worked at Bell Labs mentor: John Utendahl, who founded immigrant father with experience in
back home in Denver—a college a pioneering black-run investment tech marketing and an Irish-Catholic
internship he landed as a high school bank and happened to speak at Smith’s mother who worked as a reinsurance
student after persistent cold-calling. Columbia graduation. Soon after, analyst, Sheth would provide the
After graduating from Cornell in Utendahl, currently a vice chairman yang to Smith’s yin, focusing on
1985, Smith took engineering jobs, first at Bank of America, took Smith to acquisitions and divestitures, so
at a Goodyear Tire & Rubber chemical lunch and over tuna sandwiches that his boss could concentrate
plant outside Buffalo, New York, and persuaded him to ditch his MBA focus on investors and the companies
later at Air Products & Chemicals in of marketing to work on Wall Street. themselves. Their relationship would
Allentown, Pennsylvania. In 1990, “There is a spark, a poise, even a become ironclad: “When something
Smith moved to Kraft General Foods, wisdom that you can’t teach or learn. is happening with our families we

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 35

the world’s billionaires / robert smith

are each other’s first call,” says existing customers substantially—a product launches, with little analysis
Sheth, who vacations with Smith and subsequent sale to ABB resulted of whether they made sense.
served as best man at his wedding. in a profit of nearly $1 billion. Drawing on his background as an
When Smith quit, most of his When the dust settled, Smith’s engineer and a Goldman vet, Smith
colleagues thought he’d lost his first buyout fund returned 29.2 began writing what amounted to
mind. He was on a partnership track percent annually net of fees. Smith user manuals for running enterprise
at Goldman, which meant he was raised money for a second fund from software companies. The manuals
set to receive a multimillion-dollar institutional investors, returning weren’t just about efficiency but
windfall given the firm’s impending a net 27.7 percent annually. In also incorporated cost-cutting
initial public offering. What’s more, 2011, seeking to escape the Silicon measures and fee-generating ideas.
banks didn’t lend against software Valley bubble, Smith moved Vista’s Eventually, Smith’s playbook became
companies because they didn’t have headquarters to Austin, Texas. He the Vista Standard Operating
hard assets. How could Smith run a could, by this point in his career, do Procedures—VSOPs. These were
leveraged-buyout business in software pretty much anything he pleased. later renamed a more generic and
without leverage? The concentration “I still experience racism in user-friendly Vista Best Practices.
risk also seemed huge—investing in a my professional life,” Smith says. “If you are a software executive,
single industry where a few innovative But by being smarter and working how do you build your commission
lines of code from a competitor could harder, Smith proved the American structures or run your go-to-
make a business obsolete overnight. Dream extended to the finance market strategy? How do you find
But Smith saw things differently. industry, where he became the first and train talent? Who teaches
Software was eating the world. self-made Wall Street billionaire you those things?” Smith asks.
Soon every company would become who wasn’t a white male. To implement his playbook, Smith
a software company, its business created an in-house McKinsey: Vista

digitised. A portfolio of software hen Vista sells a company, Consulting Group. These employees,
companies serving 50 industries Smith reverts to engineer now 100 strong, help portfolio
would be diversified with a stream mode, often giving its CEO companies implement the best prac-
of recurring revenue, given the an expensive Swiss or German watch. tices, also 100 strong, most of which
shift to “software as a service”. “It is not about being generous,” run three to ten pages, with reams of
Smith’s bet: Wall Street would soon Smith says. “It is a function of the attachments and examples. Printed
realise that software companies not process and focusing on the detail of out, they fill binders. They are stored
only gushed cash but actually had finding the person who is going to be in a password-protected online
terrific assets to lend against—those the best at making that one gear.” library, available only to authorised
ironclad maintenance contracts. To Smith the watch represents portfolio company managers.
“Software contracts are better that “we created a system”. And “I just had an employee get a
than first-lien debt,” Smith says. it’s that system that has allowed promotion,” says Kristin Nimsger,
“You realise a company will not Vista to gobble up enterprise CEO of Social Solutions, a cloud
pay the interest on their first lien software companies, confident company providing data-management
until after they pay their software that it can almost always make software for nonprofits like the
maintenance or subscription fee. We them better. When Smith started United Way of Metro Chicago. “He
get paid our money first. Who has shopping for software companies, was super-excited to get a log-in.”
the better credit? He can’t run his he found that many were run by The playbook includes exhaustive
business without our software.” former programmers and other details on things like contract
In 2000, Smith opened Vista’s technologists who were not administration and steps needed to
doors in San Francisco. His first formally trained in business and ensure a company is being paid for all
acquisitions were all equity. As the grew rapidly by sheer strength of the code or services its customers use.
firm went from one profitable deal to
another, Smith eventually got lenders
to finance Vista’s purchase of Applied “nobody ever taught these guys
Systems, an insurance software the blocking and tackling of
maker, in 2004, Vista’s first leveraged
buyout. In 2007, Vista merged running a software company.”
software companies serving utilities Robert Smith, Founder, Vista Equity Partners
and created Ventyx, increasing
the number of products it sold to

36 | forbes india April 27, 2018

In one case, a company Vista bought a new path to playbook pRofitS
charged customers only for inbound
there was a time when buyout firms like KKR and apollo could be successful
support calls, neglecting to charge
simply by piling debt on a company, cutting costs and then letting the magic
a minimum amount for ongoing
of leverage and compounding do its work. But what worked in the past may
support. Vista cancelled all the
no longer be viable. there is now more than $1 trillion of private equity cash
contracts and got 100 percent of the
chasing deals and bidding up prices. according to DealLogic, private equity
customers to enter into new deals with
firms did $58 billion of tech transactions in 2016, a third of all US deals.
higher minimum support payments.
Even Vista has had to pivot from buying legacy software companies to
Another set of playbook
acquiring higher-growth operations, often at big prices and valuations. Vista’s
commandments revolve around
acquisition of Marketo, a marketing automation software leader based in San
sales, including incentives for
Mateo, California, is a good example. after investors became disenchanted with
salespeople cross-selling and
its less than stellar 30 percent to 40 percent revenue growth rate, Marketo’s
upselling additional products. In
share price plummeted by some 50 percent in early 2016. then in May 2016,
one case, a portfolio company was
Vista swooped in to buy the company, putting up $1.3 billion in cash in a $1.8
rewarding salespeople the same way
billion deal. It was a generous 64 percent premium, but Vista knew that, before
whether they brought in one-year
long, an operational overhaul, coupled with the small amount of debt it added
contracts or longer-term ones.
to its balance sheet, would turn the cloud-based marketing software company
In isolation, many of the playbook’s
into a winner. Recently, Marketo’s cash flow (Ebitda) has turned positive. —NV
best practices seem mundane. But
software companies are often rife with
eccentricities and legacy processes 50
The sTock
peaked in
The deal
closes on

endemic to startup culture. Things 2014 aT
augusT 16,
2016, so
like weekly deal-pipeline meetings, markeTo
sTock sTops
commonplace at B-school-driven 40 in march 2016, VisTa
corporations like IBM and Procter & sTrikes a deal To
buy markeTo for
$35.25 per share
Gamble, are often absent. By sticking
to the rules in Smith’s playbook, his 30
software companies are transformed. ebiTda
Add some modest leverage, and, iT hiT an all-Time
low of $12.86 in
voilà, Vista got amazing returns. 20 february 2016
aT The
sTarT of
ebiTda is aT -$50 million in
Smith’s playbook is ever 12 monThs prior To deal

evolving, and Vista partners and

portfolio companies are welcome 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 6
to make suggestions. “One of the
things I am most proud of is that
we are going to add ten new best
practices to the group,” says Reggie personality-and-aptitude test, like We all know something about
Aggarwal, the CEO of Cvent, a one first developed by IBM. The each other, that we came through
company that makes software for hour-long test assesses technical and this meritocratic system.”
managing events and meetings. social skills, and attempts to gauge The Vista test also identifies roles
Of course, critics argue that analytical and leadership potential. that fit personality profiles. A woman
companies swallowed up by Vista For Smith the test is particularly who ran a Domino’s Pizza franchise
are in no way immune to the important because it attempts to in North Carolina was deemed to be a
traditional private equity slash and bypass inherent biases, such as where good sales trainer and was promoted
burn. Lawrence Coburn, CEO of people grew up or went to school, to do so for a Vista company. Another
Cvent competitor DoubleDutch, not to mention race or gender. Vista from the mailroom, for example,
blasted Vista after the purchase, says 35 percent of the employees at its scored high on Vista’s test and became
saying, “They eliminate duplication, portfolio companies are women. Last a programmer. “To write code you
slash R&D, optimize for financial year Vista companies administered need to be creative,” Sheth says. “How
performance and raise debt.” 850,000 tests to hire 6,000. much of that is going to happen if
Smith’s playbook goes well “The meritocratic system creates you all have the same background?”
beyond corporate to-do lists. When loyalty,” Smith says. “People After Vista has people where it
Vista buys a company, all employees from all over the country from wants them, there are boot camps
and recruits are required to take a different places all take the test. that train employees, not just for two

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 37

the world’s billionaires / robert smith

MR SMith’S SoftwaRe EMPIRE

Move over Larry Ellison. Vista owns 48 enterprise software companies servicing
20 industries ranging from energy to law to higher education and live events

tibco Software, Solera holdings Cvent, which finastra makes powerSchool Marketo is a giant ping identity
which makes makes software makes software risk management makes education- in cloud-based makes identity-
business-intelli- for auto and home for managing and software for banks management marketing auto- security software
gence software, insurers and was planning corporate and financial software. It was mation software. It and was pur-
was purchased by purchased by events, was pur- firms. It was cre- purchased in 2015 was purchased by chased by Vista
Vista in 2014 for Vista in 2015 in a chased by Vista ated by Vista in for $350 million. Vista in 2016 for for $600 million
$4.3 billion. $6.5 billion deal. in 2016 in a $1.7 2017 through the It’s spent another $1.8 billion. in 2016.
billion deal. merger of D+H $1 billion on add-
and Misys. on acquisitions.

weeks but for six to nine months. ith the rest of private money once leverage was factored
In the past three years, Vista has equity getting turned on in. In January, Vista sold its majority
put 12,000 new hires through these to enterprise software stake in Trintech, which makes
boot camps. They start by giving deals, Vista’s system is about to get a software for financial professionals,
employees the big picture: How the major test. While bargains are much after it doubled revenues in two
Vista company makes money and harder to come by, Vista’s goals for years. On an average, Vista’s exits
the way customers use its products. each buyout will remain the same: tend to occur 4.7 years after purchase,
The focus later shifts to specific Three times its money. Smith expects compared with 5.7 for Blackstone.
corporate roles. Vista University to hold on to his portfolio companies While it would be easy enough for
provides “nanodegrees”, like one longer, identifying each acquisition Smith to fall back on philanthropy—
now being offered in artificial target based on how much the Vista recent pledges include $20 million
intelligence. Monthly meetings playbook can juice results. “We don’t to the new National Museum of
designed to cross-pollinate best underwrite to hope. We underwrite African American History & Culture
practices among Vista employees based on critical factors for success and $50 million from a foundation
from different companies in similar under our control,” Smith says. “What linked to Vista’s first fund to help
roles—from cybersecurity to HR and we need to change, we have changed Cornell boost the representation of
product development—are held. before, so we know how to do it.” women and minorities in scientific
All of this is run by Smith’s On average, Vista doubles the Ebitda research—numbers like that keep
consulting group, which operates of its companies within five years. Smith feeling upbeat, even cocky.
like a seasoned special-forces A lot of the responsibility will Nearly two years ago, at the Milken
unit. “Financial performance of a fall to Sheth, who has previously Institute’s annual Global Conference,
company is just a trail in the sand made a practice of racing to the exit Smith found himself shoulder-to-
of the operational performance,” door. For example, Vista bought shoulder onstage with the old-guard
Smith says. “The more standardised Transfirst, a payments-processing billionaires of the buyout business,
the input, the more standardised software maker, for $1.5 billion in including David Rubenstein, Leon
the output. You have to design your 2014, then sold it for $2.35 billion Black and Jonathan Nelson.
system, and you have to believe in it.” in just over a year, tripling Vista’s When Rubenstein said his investors
had been conditioned to accept
lower returns given the high price
to implement his playbook, Smith of assets, Smith shifted in his chair
created an in-house mcKinsey—Vista and parried, “I got to go get some
of his [investors].” He then turned
consulting Group—to help portfolio to Rubenstein and, with the brio of
companies learn best practices someone who knows he’s arrived,
quipped: “Let me know where you
are flying next. I will go with you.”

38 | forbes india April 27, 2018

the world’s billionaires / teCh disrUPtors

On his 55-year journey from penniless Italian immigrant to multibillionaire
cable magnate, Rocco Commisso has shown an uncanny knack for being at
the right place at the right moment—and taking full advantage of it

by noah KirsCh

occo Commisso stuff!” he yells. Then he scans the revenue neared $1.9 billion in 2017.
darts around his room for another prize to trot out. Commisso owns the company outright,
office, gnawing a Forgive him the braggadocio. and its value constitutes virtually his
stick of nicotine Commisso, 68, has risen farther than entire fortune. Thanks to a white-hot
gum and playing nearly anyone in America. The son of mergers-and-acquisitions market, the
show-and-tell. a penniless carpenter, he immigrated business is worth an estimated $4.3
“Look at the rates,” he says, holding from Italy at age 12 unable to speak a billion—and Commisso, who makes
up a plaque celebrating a $2.4 billion word of English. A quirky talent for his debut on Forbes’ Billionaires list
financing round from 2001, his cable playing the accordion got him into this year, seems ready to cash out.
firm’s largest ever. Up next are some Catholic school, the first step on a He founded Mediacom at a time of
personal keepsakes: A picture with prosperous path that included stops industry upheaval, when new federal
fellow billionaire Charles Dolan, a at Columbia University and the Royal regulations, which both restricted
golden telescope to take in views Bank of Canada before he founded his prices and increased competition,
Franco Vogt For Forbes

of the Catskill Mountains, a signed cable company, Mediacom, in 1995. were scaring small cable operators
photo of Pelé, the Brazilian footballer. Mediacom focused on buying into selling. As others jumped ship,
Every few minutes Commisso calls cable assets in rural areas, where he leveraged about $3 million—most
out to his assistant as if this tour is prices were low and competition of his small fortune—to start buying
taking place against his will. “Jen, this scant. The firm has increased its top the cheapest cable lines available,
guy wants to see all of my personal line every year since its founding; concentrating on secondary markets

40 | forbes india April 27, 2018

the ultimate
hat trick: rocco
Commisso went
from hardscrabble
immigrant to ivy
league grad, wall
street banker and
billionaire Ceo
the world’s billionaires / teCh disrUPtors

in states like Iowa and Georgia. Even Commisso to cash out soon. In his to pay his own way. As a teenager he
his offices are far off the beaten path: mind, there is little left to prove. “In worked at his brother’s diner to come
Mediacom HQ is in Chester, New the history of Italian immigration, up with the $300 annual tuition.
York, a verdant speck of 12,000 people. in the business world, I don’t When college application time
Commisso is as much a financier think there’s another one like me rolled around, Commisso again relied
as he is a cable guy—he has an MBA in the last 100 years,” he says. on a favour. His gym teacher called the
from Columbia and spent nine years soccer coach at Columbia University

as CFO of Cablevision Industries. occo Commisso grew up in and told him about a promising
Mediacom’s rapid growth was Calabria, Italy, as the country student with good grades. Within a
enabled by arbitraging differing reeled from its defeat in World month, Commisso, who hadn’t even
perceptions of cable assets in the War II. “We were losers,” he says. “Just played soccer in high school, was
debt and equity markets. Banks, like the Americans coming back from accepted with a full scholarship.
reassured by the sector’s predictable Vietnam, we came back as losers.” A natural athlete, Commisso had
cash flows, were willing to lend at Commisso’s father, Giuseppe, served shown a knack for the sport in Italy
reasonable rates even as investors, in North Africa during the war and under starkly different conditions:
spooked by regulation, were willing was captured in 1942 by the British. On cement, with a ball made of rags.
to sell cheaply. In his first five years He spent the remainder of the war That training somehow translated
in business, Commisso made more in a POW camp in Kenya. When he to the Ivy League turf. By his senior
than 20 acquisitions. Mediacom at one returned home, work was scarce. year he was co-captain of the varsity
point accumulated $3 billion in debt, In 1956, Giuseppe sailed to the squad and was invited to try out for
over eight times operating cash flow. United States to start anew. Rocco, the 1972 Olympic team. The trials
Commisso admits he borrowed meanwhile, stayed back in Italy with went terribly. Commisso arrived out
to the precipice of insolvency, but his mother and two sisters. In 1962, of shape and the other players ran laps
he stayed afloat by keeping an eagle when he was 12, they joined his around him. Still, his legacy remains
eye on costs and by meticulously older brother and father in Baden, strong at Columbia, which named
managing his debt. “You know, Pennsylvania, 10 miles from Joe its soccer stadium for him in 2013, in
we watch the store,” he says. Namath’s hometown. The family recognition of the millions of dollars
But now the core business is moved to the Bronx the following year. he has donated to the university.
changing. The broadband generation From the outset, New York After graduating in 1971, Commisso
is increasingly cutting the cord City brought good luck. Just after found work at a Pfizer plant in
and relying on online services like Commisso arrived, he spotted an ad for Brooklyn, a job he kept even after
Hulu, Netflix and Amazon Prime a talent competition. He entered as a beginning an MBA programme at
Video to entertain themselves. Over solo accordion act and won, which led Columbia in 1974. Each day he rose
the past 10 years, the number of to a gig playing intermission music at at 7 am, attended class, then headed
subscribers to Mediacom’s television the Wakefield Theater on East 233rd to the plant. At midnight, when his
offerings has plummeted 38 percent Street in the Bronx. More important, it shift ended, he spent two hours on the
to 821,000. This is a faster rate drew the attention of the Wakefield’s subway getting home to the Bronx.
of decline than the 3 percent the manager, who wrote a letter to a local Commisso graduated with one of
industry as a whole has suffered. Catholic school, Mount Saint Michael Columbia’s top honours, the Business
Mediacom’s woes in television Academy, and got Commisso admitted School Service Award, and a plan to go
are fueled, in part, by its success without an entrance exam, which he into investment banking. But no offers
in broadband. Commisso has had arrived too late to take. “I ended came in. “There was discrimination,”
aggressively invested in tech up being the only kid that ever got he says. “I’ll never forget the guy from
upgrades; customers in places like in without taking the test,” he says. Kuhn Loeb telling me, ‘Rocco, you
Cecil, Georgia, enjoy internet speeds Commisso is now one of the largest know what your problem is? You’re
on par with those in Seattle and San benefactors of Mount Saint Michael. neither Jewish nor Irish. The Italians
Francisco. Mediacom’s broadband But back then he could barely afford haven’t arrived on Wall Street.’ ”
subscriber base has increased 84 So Commisso took a commercial
percent over the last decade, far commisso borrowed banking job at Chase Manhattan Bank
outpacing the industry average of 54 (now part of JPMorgan Chase). He
percent—and many customers are to the precipice later moved on to the Royal Bank of
using their lightning-fast connections of insolvency Canada, where he led lending to media
to watch TV and movies online. and communications businesses.
Hence the temptation for “I got attracted in banking to these

42 | forbes india April 27, 2018

types of guys and ladies,” he says. “We
used to call them ‘the cowboys.’ The
the question now decision to stop when we did.”
Through shrewd balance sheet
cable cowboys. Because they dressed is when commisso management and frequent refinancing,
differently than everybody, they
talked differently than everybody—
will lock in his gains Mediacom never missed a loan
payment, allowing it to stay afloat
and they were entrepreneurs.” and walk away until 2009, when it finally began
In 1986 Commisso left banking to producing enough cash to start
join one such cowboy—Alan Gerry, the paying down the principal debt.
founder of Cablevision—in Liberty, Still, stockholders were not
New York. Commisso spent almost a on an acquisition spree, borrowing impressed. Mediacom’s share
decade as Gerry’s finance chief. “He’s millions—then hundreds of millions— price fell nearly 80 percent in the
one of the brightest guys I’ve ever to buy up cable systems in Arizona, decade following its IPO. By 2010,
known,” says Gerry, now 89 years old. Delaware, Florida, Missouri, North Commisso decided he’d had enough
After the new regulations hit Carolina, Mississippi and Alabama. of the public markets. He moved
the industry in 1992, Gerry opted He closed nine purchases in his to buy the company outright.
out, selling Cablevision to Time first three years. “[I] was viewed After negotiations, he acquired the
Warner for more than $3 billion as just a crazy buyer who’d buy business in March 2011 for roughly
in 1996. Commisso hated that anything that was for sale,” he says. $600 million, a 64 percent premium.
decision. “This is a phenomenal Commisso then invested heavily Borrowing against the company’s
time to buy as opposed to sell,” he in infrastructure. To date he has assets, he became its sole owner.
recalls thinking. “And to prove it, I’m spent $2.5 billion upgrading his Again, his timing could
going to start my own company.” networks, which has deterred other not have been better.
operators from entering his territory.

c S
ommisso’s optimism was not Historically, Mediacom has instead ince Commisso took Mediacom
shared by his peers. That fought for subscribers against satellite- private, the company’s value
disparity only widened in television firms such as DirecTV. has skyrocketed sevenfold. The
1996 when an additional batch of Phone companies, despite the early question now is when Commisso will
regulations brought new competition panic, never posed much of a menace. lock in his gains and walk away.
from telecom firms, like SBC By the end of the 1990s, gloomy The company is an attractive
Communications and Ameritech, forecasts for the sector had softened. acquisition prospect for larger firms
that had previously been barred Commisso seized on that and, with like Altice, which has scooped up
from the cable television space. “The perfect timing, took Mediacom public several operators in the last several
fear was that the phone companies on Nasdaq at a $2.5 billion valuation years, driving up valuations across the
would enter the cable business in February 2000, just weeks before industry. Mediacom is the dominant
and, with their stronger balance the dot-com collapse. In all, he raised broadband provider in much of its
sheets and brand names, crush $380 million to pay down debt, territory, and its new gigabit-speed
the cable companies,” says Craig and his Class B shares allowed him service is on par with the fastest in
Moffett, co-founder of the equity to retain majority voting control. the country. “For a large portion
research firm MoffettNathanson. “Nobody could kick me out,” he says. of their footprint, they’ve got a
That anxiety made it possible for The following July, Mediacom clear product advantage over their
Commisso to buy cable assets on the made its largest acquisition ever. competitors,”says James Ratcliffe,
cheap, and he went all in. He bought After AT&T became strapped for managing director at Evercore ISI.
his first network of cable lines, in cash, it put some of its cable assets Commisso is coy about plans to
rural Ridgecrest, California, for $18.8 on the market. Commisso snatched sell but admits he’s taken multiple
million in 1996, using a loan from his up properties in Georgia, Iowa meetings with investment bankers in
old friends at Chase Manhattan. and Missouri for $2.2 billion. the past year. A man who made his
The risk was extreme, and to By late 2002, company debt had fortune on the basis of good timing,
outsiders Commisso might have exploded to $3 billion. The banks he seems to concede that his work
seemed a loose cannon. He can wouldn’t lend another dime, and is largely finished. “Unless I’m here
be brash and domineering, his Commisso was forced to end his on earth just to become the biggest,
Calabrian accent amplifying heated buying binge. “What saved us was the biggest, the biggest buffoon,
bursts of profanity. But the banks not doing the next deal,” he says. I’m very happy with what we have
trusted his background in finance. “It was a great decision to buy accomplished,” he says. “I’m not
After Ridgecrest, Commisso went when we did. It was an even better Warren Buffett. I’m very content.”

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 43

the world’s billionaires / Francis holder

Francis Holder built a billion-dollar bread-and-pastry empire

by mixing American mechanical production with traditional
French techniques. Now the Henry Ford of baking is savouring
his greatest success—selling millions of macarons to the
classes on Madison Avenue and the masses at McDonald’s
bY chloe sorvino

loaves and wishes: holder

plans to create a baking
museum in Paris with his
collection of paintings and
books on the subject

The ArTisAnAl
PhotograPh by PhiliP Jintes for forbes
the world’s billionaires / Francis holder

t his pastry factory
in Lille, France,
where the air smells
like chocolate,
Francis Holder is
wearing a white
baker’s coat, his name embroidered
on the front, over a tailored blue suit
and red-striped tie. Paintings dating
back centuries cover the three walls
of his office. One is a portrait of a
young baker wearing a stained coat
and a floppy toque. Another depicts
a dog chewing on a baguette. One
more shows a hand coming out of the
shadows to steal a loaf, an apparent
homage to Jean Valjean’s petty crime
in Les Misérables. There’s not a
famous artist to be found in his 8,000-
work collection. The only requirement some. His original dream was to Parisian macaron maison Ladurée,
is that each painting must focus on have a small bread factory with “a which has 85 shops in 50 countries,
Holder’s billion-dollar passion, baking, chimney with smoke coming out of and the artisanal bakery-cafe chain
or his favorite obsession, bread. it.” Since then, Holder has spent six Paul with 740 stores in 43 countries.
The fourth wall is made of glass decades perfecting the marriage of Groupe Holder’s yearly revenue is
so Holder can stare across the hall at industrialisation with artisanal baked about $1 billion, and Forbes estimates
the research-and-development centre goods. Long obsessed with America’s net profit margins of 14 percent—more
for Château Blanc, the industrial industrial food processes, Holder than double those of bakery-cafe chain
arm of Groupe Holder, the private embraces smooth mass production, Panera Bread before it acquired Au
baking conglomerate he founded and that has propelled his rise. But he Bon Pain in 2017. And all that dough
and controls. The 77-year-old loves balances affordability and speed with has made Holder a billionaire—the
to spend his days watching over the a distinctly French attitude about the 1,867th wealthiest person in the world,
experimental bakeshop’s seven mixers best ingredients and product quality— with a net worth of $1.2 billion.
and three countertops, checking in still using fresh yellow butter in mass- “If tomorrow I was 10 times richer,
with the chefs throughout the day produced loaves and pastries. “He’s so it would not make any difference for
to sample the test runs. “We are improved the industrial applications,” me,” says Holder, who declines to
industrialists with the mentality says Steven Kaplan, who has spent comment on his net worth and profits.
of craftsmen,” Holder says. five decades researching French That modesty, however, didn’t
Just down the hall, past dozens of bread at Cornell University and has stop him from embracing the
office employees all wearing matching worked with Holder as a consultant astronomical rise of the macaron—the
white baker’s coats, is the heart of for Château Blanc. “He’s modeled petite saucers sandwiched together
Château Blanc’s 100,000-square- the industrial by the artisanal mold. with jelly or ganache fillings. In
foot factory, which now makes the It’s through the methodology which 1993 he purchased Ladurée, a chic
company’s most craved product, he knows like the back of his hand.” Paris restaurant founded in 1862
the macaron. The heart of Holder’s Groupe Holder has three main that invented the modern macaron
masterful assembly-line operation subsidiaries: Aside from Lille-based and has since collaborated with
is a machine with a conveyor belt Château Blanc, there is the renowned major fashion houses ranging
Donato sarDella / getty images

the length of two football fields from Lanvin in 2012 (bubble-

that bakes more than 30,000 “i wasn’t going gum-flavoured) to Emilio Pucci in
meringue macaron shells an hour.
Château Blanc’s headquarters—
to ladurée for 2015 (tangerine-lemon-lavender
macarons inside a box wrapped in
which, as its name implies, is painted their macarons,” the company’s signature silk print,
white and modeled after a castle—
fulfills a boyhood ambition Holder
holder says Capri), as well as rapper Pharrell
Williams in 2014 (peanut butter
had growing up in Lille. And then and another that’s cola-flavoured)

46 | forbes india April 27, 2018

and performance artist Marina year because the company continually
Abramović in 2017 (Prussian blue and outgrew its space. “I never made
edible gold leaf, stamped with the projections about what it would be in
Abramović family’s coat of arms). 10, 20 or 30 years,” says Holder, who
And just as Ladurée produces kept the books himself back then.
more than macarons, the cookie has Then, in the 1970s, the
expanded far beyond Ladurée—and supermarkets—locked in
Holder is to thank (or blame) for that. hypercompetition—began demanding
Today, he estimates, 60 percent of bigger and bigger discounts. His 11
Groupe Holder’s in-store sales come percent discount soon became 45
from macarons. Holder is responsible percent. He also had to buy back
for France’s top three macaron sellers: unsold bread at the end of the day.
Ladurée, Paul and, surprisingly, Holder’s factory fell below break-even,
McDonald’s. McDonald’s McCafé and he realised he had to diversify
macarons are sold in many countries beyond the commodity bread business.
outside France, including Spain, Italy He reorganised the factory to keep its
and Belgium, as well as in Japan. existing customers, producing about 1
“Some were surprised about million pounds of bread a month, but
McDonald’s being third,” Holder says. he no longer invested in expanding
“We said, ‘That’s obvious. We are it. During moneylosing periods, he
the one who delivers them.’ Because converted areas of the factory into
McDonald’s is really loyal, this baker parking spaces and sold them by the
has factories throughout the world.” month. Over the years, he learned to
renegotiate contracts to protect future

rancis Holder took over his profits by locking in prices, and he
family’s small bakery, below stopped taking back unsold loaves.
the apartment where he had With the low-margin industrial
grown up, when he was 18, after bread operations stuck in neutral,
his father, who was abandoned as a Holder refocussed on the Paul bakery,
child and raised in foster care, died under the family apartment. “I still
of a heart attack at 51. From there, had nostalgia for craftsmanship,”
his ascent can be divided into three he explains. Paul was selling thick,
distinct phases: Creating a bread chewy, yellow bread with a slight
factory, building the Paul bakery hazelnut taste—drastically different
brand and then melding the two to from his factory bread—at a time
bring artisanal bread to the masses. when the number of local bakeries
The first starts in 1961, when in France had dwindled by about
Holder came back from a brief 25 percent amid competition from a slice of the business: holder’s three
children each have a domain in Groupe
tour of duty in the Algerian War supermarkets. He decided to make holder, including the Paul bakery brand
(with a popped eardrum that left Paul an artisanal chain and installed and the ladurée bakery
him partially deaf) and found himself as head of the company.
that the way people shopped had Holder opened two more stores in had 120 shops, about a dozen times
drastically changed—mom-and- Lille before expanding to Paris in more than at the start of the decade.
pop boulangeries had given way to 1974. Then came shopping malls: Holder’s experience left him better
supermarkets. Holder realised where As with supermarkets, Holder was prepared for growth this time. To
the future lay and within five years early to the next wave of mass retail. cope with high rents, he opened small
persuaded two future multibillion- Around the same time he toured the retail locations without full kitchens
dollar French supermarket United States and became enamoured and supplied them from a centralised
PhiliP Jintes for forbes

chains—Monoprix and Auchan—to of American food-processing methods. bakery, delivering fresh loaves three
carry his baguettes and loaves. Holder helped found a successful times a day. That way, he avoided
While he clearly had the ambition, chain of French bakeries and cafes, having to prebake or freeze bread—
Holder was ill-prepared to manage La Madeleine, before being ousted by common among Holder’s competitors,
such a fast-growing company. He his partners and returning to France. like Louis Le Duff (No. 822 on the
had to move factories three times in a By the end of the 1980s, Paul Billionaires list, worth $2.9 billion).

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 47

the world’s billionaires / Francis holder

With the Paul brand thriving—so

much so that the head of McDonald’s
Macaroon vs inspired luxury lifestyle brand
with a product line that included
Europe tried to acquire it, with plans Macaron vs Macron $65 candles (the first scent was
to increase growth from 80 openings brioche), $75 fragrances with
a year to 2,500—Holder was ready atomisers and $20 boxes of teas.
to go back to building the bread While Ladurée took the high
factory of his dreams, but with an ground, Francis saw the macaron’s
important twist. “Some companies are Macaroon mass-market potential and grew
(mak-uh-roon) noun
interested in producing a lot, without bullish on the cookie. “It wasn’t a
a cookie made with
quality,” he says. “Moving away from egg whites, sugar, trend at all,” he recalls. “Then we
the craft was never a question.” and ground almonds or coconut. said to ourselves, ‘Why don’t we
Building on what he learned make macarons in Paul bakeries and
in America, he spent millions on elsewhere?’ From that point, it became
designing customised machines that huge”—literally and metaphorically.
would assemble the products the One petite macaron, about an inch
same way a baker would by hand. Macaron wide, costs about $3. Paul locations in
(mah-kuh-ron) noun
For croissants, the machine rolls out France started selling larger macarons
a meringue-based cookie made
dough and spreads butter onto each with almond flour, egg whites and in 2005, and international stores
piece. The layers are then stacked sugar, with a ganache filling. adopted them soon after. Château
to make the flaky pastry. But these Blanc had gone all in by 2007, when
assembly lines don’t change the it built the automated macaron
amount of time the dough needs to production line in Lille, the first in
set (especially necessary for breads the world. It was just in time for
that ferment with yeast) and cook. McDonald’s in France to launch its
That was an important lesson from McCafé version the next year. Today’s
Holder’s days baking with his father; Macron Château Blanc macarons are in more
most food companies have scaled (mah-kron) noun than 300 McDonald’s in Europe.
from toP: alweis / the Denver Post via getty images; tony bock / toronto star via getty images; reUters

up quickly by adding preservatives the 25th president of france, Then came similar white-label
elected may 7, 2017.
or chemicals that cut the length offerings for American customers—
of time and increase production such as a limited-edition run at
without adding storage demand. he should die. David accepted and Starbucks and a line at Sam’s Club.
spent the next two years working 15- The gamble paid off. Over the past

hough macarons mint money hour days and losing 15 pounds. When decade, the macaron has replaced
for his company, Holder says he emerged from his apprenticeship, the cupcake as the pastry du jour
he still doesn’t really enjoy David started pushing his father in America, where there are nine
eating them. “I love flaky pastries,” to retire. And Francis realised that Ladurée locations (run by Holder’s
he says with a shrug. His fortuitous acquiring Ladurée, and sidelining 45-year-old daughter, Elisabeth,
foray into pastel cookies began 25 David to run it, gave Francis more from New York) and 12 Paul shops
years ago when he purchased Ladurée, time for Paul and Château Blanc. (overseen by Paul International’s
the 19th-century Parisian tea salon Going from brunch regular to boss, head, 48-year-old son Maxime, from
known for its gilded dining room and 25-year-old David supplemented London). Under Maxime, Paul has
pastel ceiling frescoes. The Holders Ladurée’s four flavours of added over 250 stores outside France.
were Saturday regulars, snacking macarons with a seasonal menu, And despite more than 60 years
on tea sandwiches and mushroom including passion fruit and salted as a baker, Holder remains hungry.
omelettes. “I wasn’t going to Ladurée caramel. In 1997, Ladurée opened He dreams of opening a Château
for their macarons,” he admits. But he a 14,000-square-foot flagship on Blanc factory in the United States,
sure loved the baba au rhum pastry, the Champs-Élysées. The first where he hopes to replicate his
despite not drinking alcohol. So when international location opened in 2005 success in Europe. “In France,
Ladurée’s heirs wanted to cash out, at Harrod’s in London, followed by people tend to forget that when we
Holder was the first person they asked. Tokyo and the US two years later. become successful, it is because
At the time, he was in the market The more ubiquitous the macaron we are brave,” Holder says of his
for a diversion. When he turned 51— became, the more David faced a all-American ambition. “In the
the age his father died—he begged his knockoff problem. He responded United States, someone who takes
oldest son, David, to apprentice in case by positioning Ladurée as a bakery- risks and succeeds is a hero.”

48 | forbes india April 27, 2018

the world’s

nEt worth:
$9.1 trillion

unitEd statEs thE aMEricas EuropE MiddlE East & africa asia-pacific
worth: worth: worth: worth: worth:
$3.1 trillion $563 billion $2.4 trillion $250 billion $2.8 trillion
BillionairEs: BillionairEs: BillionairEs: BillionairEs: BillionairEs:
585 138 559 99 827
Capitalism’s global conquest continues. There were 140 billionaires in the world when we published our
first list, 31 years ago. Today there are more than 2,200. The vast majority are entrepreneurs—including
Jeff Bezos, the world’s wealthiest person and the first to appear with a $100 billion-plus fortune—who
got rich building their own companies, creating wealth and jobs and sparking innovation along the way.
Surging stock markets and rising commodity prices have made this a particularly strong year for the
ultra-rich: The average billionaire is worth some $4.1 billion this year, up by 9 percent over the past 12
months. Still, 120 people fell from our ranks, for reasons ranging from politics to philanthropy; another
25 died. For much more on the world’s wealthiest, including a global ranking in order of net worth, go to:

Editors: luisa Kroll and KErry a dolan

AdditionAl Editing: John Koppisch, chasE pEtErson-withorn
Country Editors: GrahaM Button, GracE chunG, russEll flannEry, naaznEEn KarMali, aBraM Brown, tatiana sErafin
WEAlth tEAm: anGEl au-yEunG, ElEna BErEzansKaya, iGor BosilKovsKi, dEniz ÇaM, MaGGiE chEn, cartEr coudriEt, alExandra GarfinKlE, Max JEdEur-palMGrEn, noah Kirsch, ElainE Mao,
zina MouKhEiBEr, andrEa Murphy, anis MusliMin, oMa sEddiq, chloE sorvino, MichEla tindEra, JEnnifEr wanG
and rEportErs at Forbes licEncEd Editions in austria, czEch rEpuBlic, hunGary, francE, KazaKhstan, KorEa, indonEsia, MiddlE East, MExico, poland, russia, slovaKia, turKEy and viEtnaM
rEportErs: yuri aKsyonov, dan alExandEr, prisca anG, MEGha BahrEE, MadElinE BErG, KiM BodE, nilGun cavdar, laurEn GEnslEr, ricardo GEroMEl, roBErt Kidd, nicolE lindsay, roBErt
olsEn, lucinda schMidt, lEonard schoEnBErGEr, JaMEs siMMs, ozEr turan, alExandra wilson, susan adaMs, Jason Booth, Biz carson, carolinE chEn, shu-chinG JEan chEn, MuhaMMad
cohEn, till dalrup, JaMEs dunn, rEBEcca fEnG, antoinE Gara, christophEr hElMan, alvaro hErnandEz zorrilla, JanE ho, sEan Kilachand, Joann MullEr, JohannEs Musial, suzannE naM,
lan anh nGuyEn, wEndy puGh, anuradha raGhunathan, nataliE roBEhMEd, shEEla sarvananda, saMantha sharf, nEha soni, JEssica tan, tiM trEadGold, KatE vinton, JEnnifEr wElls
rEsEArCh: Sue RadlaueR • photo rEsEArCh: MeRRilee BaRton, Gail toivanen, KRiStine Gentile SMith • dAtAbAsE: dMitri slavinsKy
ACknoWlEdgmEnts: spEcial thanKs to lw hospitality advisors, factsEt rEsEarch systEMs, orBis By BurEau van diJK, rEal capital analytics, EuroMonitor intErnational,
pitchBooK and dozEns of othEr ExpErts who hElpEd us with our rEportinG and valuations

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 49

the world’s billionaires / the list

GDP: $176.5 BLN 7 16%
PoPulation: 41 MLN METALS & MINING 72%
Billionaires: 1 GDP: $1.4 TLN 5

total net worth: $4 BLN PoPulation: 25 MLN MANUFACTURING

(+$900 MLN VS 2017) 4
Billionaires: 43 (+10 VS 2017) INHERITED & GRoWING
total net worth: $117.9 BLN (+$26.9 BLN VS 2017) 4


Issad Rebrab & family 
$4 BLN #550 fooD 3

Gina Rinehart  Len Ainsworth 

$17.4 BLN #69 mininG $1.3 BLN #1756
BettinG machines
Harry Triguboff 
luanDa $9.2 BLN #167 real estate John Hancock ★
GDP: $124 BLN Vivek Chaand Sehgal  $1.3 BLN #1756 mininG
PoPulation: 30 MLN $6 BLN #289 auto Parts Solomon Lew 
Billionaires: 1 Frank Lowy  $1.3 BLN #1756 retail
total net worth: $5.9 BLN #296 shoPPinG malls Bianca Rinehart ★
$2.6 BLN (–$500 MLN $1.3 BLN #1756 mininG
VS 2017) Anthony Pratt 
$5.5 BLN #334 PackaGinG
Andrew Forrest 
$4.4 BLN #480 mininG
Isabel dos Santos 
$2.6 BLN #924 investments John Gandel 
$4.1 BLN #527 shoPPinG malls
James Packer 

$4.1 BLN #527 casinos
Mike Cannon-Brookes 
$3.4 BLN #679 software
LA riojA
GDP: $620.1 BLN Scott Farquhar 
PoPulation: 44 MLN $3.4 BLN #679 software
Billionaires: 9 Lindsay Fox 
(+2 VS 2017) $3.4 BLN #679 loGistics,
total net worth: $15.6 menDozA real estate
BLN (+$3.2 BLN VS 2017)
Kerry Stokes 
$3.1 BLN #766 construction
equiPment, meDia
Fiona Geminder 
$2.7 BLN #887 PackaGinG,
Michael Hintze 
$2.4 BLN #1020 investments
Stanley Perron 
$2.3 BLN #1070 real estate,
Buenos Lang Walker  peRth
aiRes $2.2 BLN #1103 real estate 5
9 David Hains 
$2.1 BLN #1157 investments mArgAret river
Heloise Pratt 
$2.1 BLN #1157 PackaGinG,
investments Ginia Rinehart ★
$1.3 BLN #1756 mininG
Maurice Alter 
$1.8 BLN #1339 real estate Hope Welker ★
$1.3 BLN #1756 mininG
Alejandro Bulgheroni  Jack Cowin 
$1.8 BLN #1339 fast fooD Brett Blundy ★
$3 BLN #791 oil & Gas
$1.2 BLN #1867 retail,
Eduardo Eurnekian  Angela Bennett  aGriBusiness
$2.7 BLN #887 airPorts, $1.7 BLN #1394 mininG

eduardo investments Gerry Harvey 

Terry Snow 
$1.2 BLN #1867 airPorts, richard white
$1.7 BLN #1394 retail
costantini Gregorio Perez Companc 
$1.8 BLN #1339 oil & Gas Kerr Neilson 
real estate NeWcomer: a former musician,
John Van Lieshout  refrigeration engineer and
trophy: costantini, who Alberto Roemmers  $1.7 BLN #1394 investments $1.2 BLN #1867 real estate computer wholesaler, white
made his fortune in real $1.8 BLN #1339 David Teoh  at one time repaired guitars for
Gretel Packer ★
estate in argentina and the Pharmaceuticals $1.6 BLN #1477 telecom $1.1 BLN #1999 casinos top australian rock bands like
us, collects contemporary Marcos Galperin  ac/Dc and the angels. But his
Richard White ★ Alan Rydge 
latin-american art and has $1.6 BLN #1477 ecommerce $1.6 BLN #1477 software fortune comes from wisetech
$1.1 BLN #1999 entertainment
his collection on display at Jorge Horacio Brito  Global, which provides software
Judith Neilson  Huang Bingwen 
the museum of latin amer- $1.3 BLN #1756 BankinG to the logistics industry and
$1.5 BLN #1561 investments $1 BLN #2124 PackaGinG
ican art in Buenos aires, which he founded in 1994 and
Eduardo Costantini  Nigel Austin ★
which he founded. his new Paul Little ★
$1.2 BLN #1867 real estate $1.4 BLN #1650 retail $1 BLN #2124 loGistics,
took public in 2016. the
south florida luxury condo company has more than 7,000
development, oceana Bal Delfin Jorge Ezequiel Bob Ell  real estate
Carballo ★ $1.4 BLN #1650 real estate customers in 125 countries, and
harbour, features two Jeff Sam Tarascio ★
$1.1 BLN #1999 BankinG
$1 BLN #2124 real estate shares have jumped by 160% in
koons sculptures and works Manny Stul  the past year, following strong
Julio Patricio Supervielle ★ $1.4 BLN #1650 toys
by other artists. $1.1 BLN #1999 BankinG growth in revenues and profits.

Wealth StatuS:
up Down  unchangeD 
wine-growing oiL & gAS FieLDS mining & timber FinAnciAL SPortS tech PLAygrounD new ★ RetuRnee 
region AnD DePoSitS minerALS centre teAm centre

sPorts team Denotes

Billionaire-owneD sPorts team
50 | forbes india April 27, 2018
Bianca rinehart AustriA
NeWcomer: Rinehart has been battling her mother, Gina Rinehart, Australia’s richest person, since 2011. She
and her brother John Hancock argued that their mother mishandled the family trust, which Gina denied. Set up GDP: $417 BLN
by her grandfather Lang Hancock, it included a 24% stake in the family’s mining assets that was meant for Bi- PoPulation: 9 MLN; Billionaires: 8
anca, John and their two siblings, Hope Welker and Ginia Rinehart. By court order, Bianca replaced her mother total net worth: $43.4 BLN (+$12.2 BLN VS 2017)
(who owns the rest) as trustee in 2015. The stake is now worth $5.2 billion, making all four billionaires.
Dietrich Mateschitz  Wolfgang Leitner 
$23 BLN #37 reD Bull $2 BLN #1215 enGineerinG
Johann Graf  Reinold Geiger 
FRANK LoWy $8.1 BLN #186 GamBlinG $1.5 BLN #1561
Beauty ProDucts
NeWSmaker: the mall Heidi Horten 
magnate agreed to sell $3.4 BLN #679 retail Helmut Sohmen 
his 9.5% stake in west- $1.3 BLN #1756 shiPPinG
Georg Stumpf 
field corp, which owns 35 $2.9 BLN #822 real estate, Stefan Pierer ★
shopping centres in the uk construction $1.2 BLN #1867 automotive
and the us (including one
in new york city’s world
trade center) to european
property giant unibail-ro- fuschl am see
damco in late 2017. lowy is eXpatRiates reD buLL
expected to walk away with Dietrich
nearly $1.5 billion in cash Mateschitz
hAymAn iSLAnD and shares. a holocaust ArLberg
survivor, he opened his first burgenLAnD
hAmiLton iSLAnD
shopping centre in western cArinthiA gRaz
sydney in 1959. lowy, 87, zürS
plans to retire from west-
field but continue to lead
his family office.

richArD brAnSon’S
mAkePeAce iSLAnD


byron bAy

stefan Pierer
NeWcomer: for the 17th year in a row, a motorcycle made by
Pierer’s ktm won its category at the Dakar rally, one of the most
popular motorsport events in the world. Pierer founded cross
bAroSSA holding group (now ktm industries) in 1987 and still serves as
yArrA vALLey
syDney ceo. sales surpassed $1.8 billion in 2017.


Eduardo: agustin Marcarian / rEutErs; richard: Jason rEEd / rEutErs;

GDP: $494 BLN
12 PoPulation: 11 MLN; Billionaires: 2 chaRleRoi
total net worth: $8.3 BLN
(+$1.6 BLN VS 2017)

Frank: JaMEs d Morgan / gEtty iMagEs; Lang: gEtty iMagEs

Albert Frere 
$6.2 BLN #281 investments
Patokh Chodiev 
$2.1 BLN #1157 mininG, metals

lang walker
trophy: the property developer
bought a 140-acre private island in HoW To READ THE MAPS
fiji in 2011 and spent millions
fixing it up. renamed kokomo, the
city with seconD thiRD fouRth fifth
pseudonym of a composer whose the most
music he played as a child and the BillionaiRes
name of all but one boat walker Boxes correspond to the cities where billionaires
has ever owned, the island opened live, one box per person. coloured names on the list
to visitors in march 2017. the correspond to the colour of the city where they live.
luxury resort is enclosed by the
John Doe 
Great astrolabe reef, and is $1 BLN #1940 furniture
accessible to travellers only via total worth
private seaplane or helicopter. source of wealth
Guests can book the whole island rank
for $130,000 per night. change in wealth status from 2017

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 51

the world’s billionaires / the list

Pedro Moreira salles
tRophy: with his three billionaire brothers,
moreira salles supports the instituto moreira
salles, a museum with branches in rio de
janeiro, são paulo (pictured at right) and poços de caldas,
in the state of minas gerais. exhibits include a time-lapse se-
gdp: $2.1 TLN ries of the são paulo location’s construction and 200 works
population: 209 MLN; billionaires: 42 (–1 VS 2017) by brazilian photographer chichico alkmim taken in the first
total net worth: $176.4 BLN (+$4.3 BLN VS 2017) half of the 20th century in the hinterlands of brazil. their
late father, walther moreira salles, built unibanco into one of
WEALTH the country’s largest banks (now called itaú unibanco) and
served as ambassador to the us in the 1950s.
6 45%


ABILIO DINIz comandaTuba

Island, bahIa
NewsmakeR: the re-
tail tycoon spent much of his
life running—and expanding—
supermarket chain grupo pão de Trancoso
açúcar, which his father started
with a single bakery. after French
retailer casino increased its stake
in 2011, diniz clashed with the campinas CaMpos do Jordão
French owners. he eventually sold red bull brasIl
his pão de açúcar shares and in 2014 invested in French superstore firm (and Dietrich Mateschitz rio de
casino competitor) groupe carrefour’s brazil arm, joining the board. in july, Janeiro
são paulo 10 Richest
carrefour brasil, also known as atacadão, completed an ipo, raising nearly 21
santo andre
$1.6 billion. diniz is one of the largest shareholders, with about 8%. Jorge Paulo
são JosÉ
dos pinhais Lemann
Jorge Paulo Lemann  Ermirio Pereira de Moraes 
$27.4 BLN #29 beer $2.7 BLN #887 diversiFied Lemann’s fortune fell by
Joseph Safra  Jorge Moll Filho  $1.8 billion over the past
$23.5 BLN #36 banking $2.6 BLN #924 hospitals year as shares of beer be-
porto alegre hemoth Anheuser-Busch
Marcel Herrmann Telles  Maria Helena Moraes
$14 BLN #102 beer Scripilliti  InBev, the source of the
$2.6 BLN #924 diversiFied majority of his wealth,
Carlos Alberto Sicupira  dropped by 5%. AB-In-
Abilio: PhiliPPe WojAzer / reuters; Pedro: PAulo WhitAker / reuters;

$12 BLN #124 beer Aloysio de Andrade Faria 

$2.5 BLN #965 banking Bev sales in North Amer-
Eduardo Saverin  ica have declined—people
$10.1 BLN #148 Facebook Jose Roberto Marinho  Dulce Pugliese de Godoy
são PAulo: PedroVAnnucchi; jorge: PAulo WhitAker / reuters

are drinking less Budweiser

$2.5 BLN #965 media Bueno 
Pedro Moreira Salles  $2.2 BLN #1103 hospitals, and switching to craft
$5.1 BLN #382 banking, Roberto Irineu Marinho  health care beers, wine and spirits.
minerals $2.5 BLN #965 media
Ana Lucia de Mattos Barretto AB-InBev replaced its chief
Fernando Roberto Moreira Carlos Sanchez  Villela  of North American opera-
Salles  $2.5 BLN #965 generic drugs Lirio Parisotto 
$2.2 BLN #1103 banking $1.6 BLN #1477 investments tions in November.
$5 BLN #388 banking, minerals
Jose Luis Cutrale  Alexandre Grendene Bartelle
Joao Moreira Salles  $2.4 BLN #1020 orange juice Jose Joao Abdalla Filho ★
 $1.5 BLN #1561 investments
$5 BLN #388 banking, minerals Daisy Igel 
Alfredo Egydio Arruda Villela $2.2 BLN #1103 shoes
Walther Moreira Salles Filho  Miguel Krigsner  $1.2 BLN #1867 gas,
Joao Alves de Queiroz $1.5 BLN #1561 cosmetics petrochemicals
Junior  $2.4 BLN #1020 banking
Filho 
$5 BLN #388 banking, minerals Jose Isaac Peres & family  Ana Maria Marcondes Penido
Andre Esteves  $2 BLN #1215 pharmaceuticals
Abilio dos Santos Diniz  $2.4 BLN #1020 banking $1.5 BLN #1561 shopping malls Sant’Anna 
Jayme Garfinkel  $1.2 BLN #1867 toll roads
$3.5 BLN #652 retail Antonio Luiz Seabra 
Joao Roberto Marinho  $2 BLN #1215 insurance
Walter Faria  $2.4 BLN #1020 media $1.5 BLN #1561 cosmetics Maurizio Billi 
Julio Bozano  $1 BLN #2124 generic drugs
$3.2 BLN #729 beer Rubens Ometto Silveira
Nevaldo Rocha & family  $1.8 BLN #1339 banking
Luis Frias ★ $2.4 BLN #1020 retail Mello  Elie Horn 
Liu Ming Chung  $1.4 BLN #1650 sugar, ethanol $1 BLN #2124 real estate
$3 BLN #791 mobile payments
Lia Maria Aguiar  $1.7 BLN #1394
$2.2 BLN #1103 banking paper manuFacturing

wealth status:
up down  unChanged 
wIne-growIng oIl & gas FIelds mInIng & TImber FInancIal sPorTs Tech Playground new ★ returnee 
regIon and dePosITs mInerals cenTre Team cenTre

52 | forbes india April 27, 2018

the world’s billionaires / the list

billionaires: 46 (+7 VS 2017) 4
total net worth: $148.5 BLN (+$14.7 BLN VS 2017) FOOD & BEVERAGE

Joseph tsai
biggest gainer: A Canadian citizen based in Hong
Kong, Tsai saw his net worth soar by 67% over the past
year, thanks to a jump in the shares of Chinese ecommerce Silicon valley north
giant Alibaba. The group’s co-founder and executive vice
chairman reportedly agreed in October to buy 49% of the
Brooklyn Nets basketball team from Russian billionaire
Mikhail Prokhorov. Forbes values the team at $2.3 billion. Edmonton
canadian rockieS edmonton oilerS
daryl Katz
seBastián: ivan alvaRado / ReuteRs; toBi: luCas JaCkson / ReuteRs; toys foR ChRistMas: tRistan fewinGs / Getty iMaGes

David Thomson & family  Carlo Fidani 

$25 BLN #32 media $2.4 BLN #1020 real estate
Joseph Tsai  Mitchell Goldhar 
$9.7 BLN #154 ecommerce $2.4 BLN #1020 real estate
Stuart iSland
Galen Weston & family  Bob Gaglardi ★
$9.5 BLN #160 retail $2.1 BLN #1157 hotels whiStler blackcomb

James Irving  Brandt Louie 

$8.3 BLN #183 diversified $2.1 BLN #1157 drUGstores calgary
calgary FlameS
Jim Pattison  N Murray Edwards  N Murray Edwards
Joseph: Mike Blake / ReuteRs; Chip: JiM Bennett / Getty iMaGes; Jean: ChRistinne MusChi / ReuteRs;

$6.9 BLN #237 diversified $1.8 BLN #1339 oil & Gas claytoN riddEll
David Cheriton  Gerald Schwartz  winnipeg jetS
$6 BLN #289 GooGle $1.8 BLN #1339 finance david tHoMsoN

Emanuele “Lino” Saputo & Marcel Adams & family 

family  $1.7 BLN #1394 real estate
$5.3 BLN #365 cheese
Serge Godin 
Garrett Camp  $1.7 BLN #1394
Guy Laliberte 
$1.2 BLN #1867 cirqUe dU soleil
$4.8 BLN #422 Uber information technoloGy
Mark Scheinberg  Huang Chulong  Michael Lee-Chin 
$1.2 BLN #1867 mUtUal fUnds
$4.8 BLN #422 online GamblinG $1.7 BLN #1394 real estate
Tobi Lutke ★ anton rabie
Peter Gilgan  Jacques D’Amours 
$3.8 BLN #588 home bUildinG $1.6 BLN #1477 retail
$1.2 BLN #1867 ecommerce and ronnen harary
Arthur Irving  Stephen Jarislowsky  Terence “Terry” Matthews  neWCOMers: remote-control
$1.2 BLN #1867 telecom
$3.5 BLN #652 oil $1.6 BLN #1477 air hogs, robotic hatchimals
Alain Bouchard 
money manaGement Clayton Riddell  and paw patrol rescue-dog
$1.2 BLN #1867 oil & Gas
$3.3 BLN #703 retail Hal Jackman  toys have helped make these
$1.5 BLN #1561 insUrance, K Rai Sahi  childhood friends (and co-
Daryl Katz  investments $1.2 BLN #1867 real estate ceos) billionaires. the partners
$3.1 BLN #766 pharmacies
Frank Stronach  Stephen Smith ★ launched toy company spin
Lawrence Stroll  $1.5 BLN #1561 aUto parts $1.1 BLN #1999 master in 1994, pulling together
$2.7 BLN #887
finance & investments $10,000 to create their first
fashion investments Ronald Joyce 
$1.4 BLN #1650 tim hortons Jack Cockwell ★ product, the earth buddy (it
Robert Miller 
$1 BLN #2124 real estate, resembled a chia pet), in a
$2.6 BLN #924 Bruce Flatt 
private eqUity
electronics components $1.3 BLN #1756 garage. they took the company
Chip Wilson 
money manaGement Lawrence Rossy ★ public in 2015; shares have risen
$1 BLN #2124 dollarama by nearly 180%. their spin master
$2.6 BLN #924 lUlUlemon Ronnen Harary ★
$1.3 BLN #1756 toys V Prem Watsa  entertainment also produces the
Charles Bronfman 
$1 BLN #2124 insUrance, tv show paw patrol, which airs
$2.4 BLN #1020 liqUor Pierre Karl Peladeau 
investments on nickelodeon Jr.
$1.3 BLN #1756 media
Jean Coutu 
$2.4 BLN #1020 drUGstores Anton Rabie ★
$1.3 BLN #1756 toys

Wealth status:
up down  unchangEd 
wine-growing oil & gaS FieldS mining & timber Financial SportS tech playground nEw ★ rEturnEE 
region and depoSitS mineralS centre team centre

54 | forbes india April 27, 2018

chip wilson
neWsMaker: after a series of pr blunders, the founder
of workout-wear retailer lululemon stepped away from Gdp: $270.6 BLN; popUlation: 18 MLN
the company in 2015. since then, wilson—who remains billionaires: 11 (–1 VS 2017)
lululemon’s largest individual shareholder with 14% of the
total net worth: $41.9 BLN (+$500 MLN VS 2017)
company—has been forced to find creative ways to make
his voice heard. he launched the now-defunct website in 2016 to offer his opinions. in
2017 he placed a bus-stop ad directly in front of lululemon’s
Iris Fontbona & family 
vancouver headquarters, imploring lululemon to “buy Under $16.3 BLN #80 mininG
armour now”.
Horst Paulmann & family 
$4.8 BLN #422 retail
Julio Ponce Lerou 
$4.8 BLN #422 fertilizer
Alvaro Saieh Bendeck 
$3.2 BLN #729 bankinG
Sebastian Pinera & family 
$2.8 BLN #859 investments
Roberto Angelini Rossi 
Jean coutu $2.7 BLN #887 forestry, mininG
neWsMaker: the 90-year-old pharmacist is finally Patricia Angelini Rossi 
hanging up his white lab coat. in october he agreed $2.1 BLN #1157 forestry, mininG
to sell his Jean coutu Group—which operates more Jean Salata 
than 400 pharmacies in quebec, new brunswick and $1.6 BLN #1477 finance
ontario—to canadian grocery chain metro for about Luis Enrique Yarur Rey 
$3.6 billion in cash and stock. coutu, who founded the $1.6 BLN #1477 bankinG
business with a single montreal location in 1969, will
Bernardo Matte 
pocket nearly $2 billion. $1 BLN #2124 paper
Eliodoro Matte 
$1 BLN #2124 paper


pucón sebastián
QuEbEc city Piñera
saint John POlitiCs: In
puerto montt December, Piñera was
montrEal elected to his second
9 term as Chile’s president
muSkoka ottawa (he also served from
2010 to 2014) in a
EXpatriatEs run-off against former
north york 7 journalist Alejandro
mississauga toronto Guillier. A conservative
burlington 11 leader who made his
oakVillE fortune with credit
card firm Bancard, he
divested his assets after
the 2010 election.

tobi lütke
neWCOMer: a coder who favours
tweed caps, lütke founded shopify, an
ecommerce platform that powers some
600,000 online stores, in 2006. the
German native had learnt to program by
age 12 and dropped out of school at 16
for a computer engineering apprentice-
ship. he immigrated to canada in 2003
after meeting his now-wife on a snow-
boarding trip to whistler. he and a friend
launched an online snowboard shop but
couldn’t find decent software to run it, so
lütke created it himself. that became the
basis for shopify, which he took public in
2015. shares are up by 320% since then,
making him a billionaire—though he still
bikes to work.

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 55

the world’s billionaires / the list

gdp: $12.3 TLn 36 inHeRiTeD & GROWinG
population: 1.4 BLn HEALTH CARE
billionaires: 373 (+54 VS 2017) 32
total net worth: $1.12 TLn (+$311.4 BLn VS 2017) DIVERSIFIED

Ma Huateng  Pang Kang 

$45.3 BLn #17 internet media $6.4 BLn #265 soy sauce
Jack Ma  Ma Jianrong & family 
$39 BLn #20 e-commerce $6 BLn #289 textiles, apparel
Hui Ka Yan  Yao Liangsong 
$30.3 BLn #24 real estate $5.8 BLn #305 furniture
Wang Jianlin  Zhang Jindong 
$30 BLn #26 real estate $5.8 BLn #305 appliance retail
Yang Huiyan  Kei Hoi Pang 
$21.9 BLn #43 real estate $5.6 BLn #321 real estate NeWSmaker UrUmqi xinjiang
He Xiangjian  Zhang Bangxin  Wang Jianlin
$20.1 BLn #50 appliances $5.5 BLn #334
after-school tutoring
Wang Wei  wang, formerly china’s Xinjiang Flying Tigers
$18.2 BLn #63 package delivery Zhang Shiping & family  richest man, made a retreat Sun GuanGxin
$5.5 BLn #334 aluminum in 2017 shortly after boast-
William Ding 
$17.4 BLn #69 online games Lin Xiucheng & family  ing about his dalian wanda
$5.4 BLn #351 electronics group’s record number of
Zhang Zhidong 
$15.6 BLn #87 internet media Xu Chuanhua & family  overseas acquisitions.
$5.3 BLn #365 chemicals, the owner of us movie the-
Li Shufu  logistics
$15.3 BLn #91 automobiles atre chain amc, wang aban-
Wang Chuanfu  doned his dream of best-
Lei Jun  $5.2 BLn #372 batteries, ing disney when he agreed
$12.5 BLn #118 smartphones automobiles in july to sell wanda’s chi-
Robin Li  Liu Yonghao & family  nese hotel and tourism port-
$12 BLn #124 internet search $4.9 BLn #404 agribusiness folio—including its theme
Wang Wenyin  Yu Yong  parks and a movie studio
$11.7 BLn #130 mining, copper $4.9 BLn #404 mining complex—for over $9 billion.
Xu Shihui & family  Zhou Jianping  its international business
$11.3 BLn #135 snacks, $4.9 BLn #404 fashion retail also hit the skids: wanda’s
planned $1 billion acquisition
fu Liquan 
Zhou Hongyi  $4.8 BLn #422 of dick clark productions fell
$11.3 BLn #135 surveillance equipment through in march 2017, and
security software
Li Shuirong  the group is offloading real
Richard Qiangdong Liu  $4.7 BLn #441 petrochemicals estate assets in london and
$10.8 BLn #140 e-commerce australia, as well as a stake in
Cai Kui 
Yan Zhi  $4.6 BLn #456 real estate spanish soccer club atlético
$10.1 BLn #148 real estate de madrid.
Liang Wengen 
Pan Zhengmin & family  $4.6 BLn #456
$9.7 BLn #154 electronics construction equipment
Zong Qinghou  fang Wei 
$9.5 BLn #160 beverages $4.5 BLn #466 steel
Yao Zhenhua  Ji Changqun  Jiang Weiping & family 
Wang: Thomas PeTer / reuTers; William li: norihiko shirouzu / reuTers;

$9.2 BLn #167 diversified $4.5 BLn #466 real estate $3.8 BLn #588 chemicals
zhou: liang zhen / ChinaFoToPress / geTTy images; liu: geTTy images

Guo Guangchang  Chu Mang Yee & family  Zeng fangqin ★

$8.1 BLn #186 diversified $4.4 BLn #480 real estate $3.8 BLn #588 Xu Jingren  Liu Zhongtian & family 
smartphone components $3.6 BLn #629 $3.3 BLn #703 aluminum
Sun Piaoyang  Wang Yusuo & family  pharmaceuticals
$7.7 BLn #202 pharmaceuticals $4.2 BLn #514 natural gas Zhang Jin  Luo Liguo & family ★
$3.8 BLn #588 diversified Zhang Li  $3.3 BLn #703 silicon products
Wu Yajun & family  fan Hongwei ★ $3.6 BLn #629 real estate
$7.7 BLn #202 real estate $4.1 BLn #527 petrochemicals Li Gaiteng  Jiang Bin 
$3.7 BLn #606 hair dryers Zhang Xin & family  $3.2 BLn #729
Wang Wenxue  Wang Xing  $3.6 BLn #629 real estate acoustic components
$7.2 BLn #217 real estate $4.1 BLn #527 e-commerce Tse Ping 
$3.7 BLn #606 Chen Bang  nie Tengyun & family 
Lu Zhiqiang  Che Jianxing  pharmaceuticals $3.5 BLn #652 hospitals $3.2 BLn #729 logistics
$7 BLn #228 real estate $4 BLn #550 furniture retail
Cao Longxiang & family  Gao Tianguo  frank Wang 
Wu Shaoxun ★ Huang Rulun  $3.6 BLn #629 $3.5 BLn #652 real estate, $3.2 BLn #729 drones
$7 BLn #228 wine $4 BLn #550 real estate pharmaceuticals finance
Cheng Cheung Ling ★
Chan Laiwa & family  Yu Huijiao  Jiang Rensheng & family  Melissa Ma ★ $3.1 BLn #766 pharmaceuticals
$6.8 BLn #242 real estate $4 BLn #550 package delivery $3.6 BLn #629 vaccines $3.4 BLn #679 internet search
Meisong Lai 
Liu Yongxing  Zhang Xuexin & family ★ Qin Yinglin & family  Sun Guangxin  $3.1 BLn #766 package delivery
$6.7 BLn #248 diversified $4 BLn #550 aluminum $3.6 BLn #629 pig breeding $3.4 BLn #679 diversified
Liang Xinjun 
Wei Jianjun & family  Zhang Yiming ★ Qiu Guanghe & family  Ji Qi  $3.1 BLn #766 diversified
$6.5 BLn #261 automobiles $4 BLn #550 software $3.6 BLn #629 fashion retail $3.3 BLn #703 hotels, motels
Ren Jianhua 
Jason Jiang  Chen Dongsheng  $3.1 BLn #766 appliances
$6.4 BLn #265 advertising $3.8 BLn #588 insurance

Wealth StatuS:
Up Down  UnchangeD 
wine-growing oil & gas FielDs mining & Timber Financial sPorTs Tech PlaygrounD new ★ retUrnee 
region anD DePosiTs minerals cenTre Team cenTre

56 | forbes india April 27, 2018

william li Zhou xiaoguang
N e Wcom e r: the seri-
NeWcomer: the Zhejiang native,
al entrepreneur’s three-
who reportedly left school at age
year-old startup, nio,
16 due to a lack of funds, got her
began taking orders for
start peddling trinkets. with her
its first electric suv in
husband, yu yunxin, Zhou later
december. nio’s es8
cofounded neoglory, which still
sells for a base price
sells inexpensive baubles on
of $71,000, much less
amazon and elsewhere. now,
than tesla’s model x,
it also has interests in property
which starts at roughly
and finance, including a publicly
$130,000 in china. nio,
listed real estate arm.
which has raised $2.1 bil-
lion in funding, is aim-
ing to build a network of
1,200 mobile charging LiaoYang
vans and 1,100 battery
swap stations by 2020. Wang Jian ★
beijing $3.1 BLn #766
genome sequencing
62 YingkoU
Lu Xiangyang 
$3 BLn #791 automobiles,
DaLian Shanghai batteries
46 Wang Zhenhua 
LangFang $3 BLn #791 real estate
baoDing LongkoU Simon Xie 
weiFang $3 BLn #791
binZhoU weihai online payment service
taiYUan qingDao Cai Dongchen ★
DongYing $2.9 BLn #822
LUancheng jinan riZhao pharmaceuticals
hengShUi LinYi
Liaocheng LianYUngang Ding Shizhong & family 
wUZhong xinxiang
ZhengZhoU wUxi
hangZhoU $2.9 BiL #822 sportswear
feng Hailiang 
heZe nantong 24 $2.9 BLn #822 diversified
changge YanZhoU jiangYin Ke Zunhong & family 
Xi’an $2.9 BLn #822
soFTware Park heFei nanjing
LanZhoU pharmaceuticals
jiaxing taixing Wang Laichun 
xian LUohe $2.9 BLn #822
changZhoU electronics components
nanYang ningbo
tongxiang Wang Laisheng 
chengDU ShangYU Shaoxing SUZhoU $2.9 BLn #822
wUhan electronics components
taiZhoU YiwU
wUjiang qUZhoU Ding Shijia 
DaYe $2.8 BLn #859 sportswear
nanping wenZhoU ZhUji
nanchang Shi Yuzhu 
ningDe $2.8 BLn #859 online games,
changSha FUZhoU
Gu Yuhua & family 
qUanZhoU $2.7 BLn #887 furniture
guangzhou r&F Fc
ZhanG Li xinYU jinjiang Huang Wei 
hong kong
xiamen gUangZhoU expatriateS $2.7 BLn #887 real estate
kunming hUiZhoU 8 Zhang Wenzhong ★
gUiYang DonggUan 19

The neoglory JeWelry: geTTy images; liu: andreW BurTon / geTTy images
$2.7 BLn #887 retail
ShUnDe ShantoU
Zuo Hui ★
chaoZhoU $2.7 BLn #887
anShUn real estate services
FoShan pUning
Chen fashu 
YUnFU $2.6 BLn #924 investments
ZhongShan Lam Kong 
ZhUhai $2.6 BLn #924
ShenZhen Shen Wenrong 
$2.6 BLn #924 steel
41 Shen Yuxing ★
$2.6 BLn #924 real estate
Song Zuowen 
$2.6 BLn #924 aluminum,
hainan islanD
Zhang fan 
$2.6 BLn #924 touchscreens
Liu Qiangdong Zhu Xingliang 
$2.6 BLn #924 construction
NeWSmaker: his e-commerce giant reached
Du Jiangtao & family 
an agreement in may with the provincial government $2.5 BLn #965 chemicals
of shaanxi to build china’s largest drone network. the
company already has seven models of drones that carry Hui Lin Chit 
$2.5 BLn #965
packages along a fixed route, landing on pads in rural hygiene products
villages. one of the models can carry parcels weighing
Sze Man Bok 
up to 66 pounds, while another can fly at up to 62 mph. $2.5 BLn #965
once they land, contractors deliver the orders. hygiene products

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 57

the world’s billionaires / the list

China Wang Liping & family 

$2 BLn #1215
Yu Rong ★
$1.6 BLn #1477 health clinics
Yi Zheng 
$1.4 BLn #1650 software
hydraulic machinery
Chen Jinxia  Zhou Chengjian  Yuan fugen & family 
$2.4 BLn #1020 investments Wang Xicheng & family  $1.6 BLn #1477 retail $1.4 BLn #1650 metals
$2 BLn #1215 tyres
Geng Jianming & family  Zhou Yaoting & family  Zeng Kaitian 
$2.4 BLn #1020 real estate Wei Shaojun  $1.6 BLn #1477 apparel, real $1.4 BLn #1650 online games
$2 BLn #1215 real estate estate
Li Zhongchu  Zhang Wanzhen 
$2.4 BLn #1020 software Zhu Baoguo & family  Zhuang Kuilong & family ★ $1.4 BLn #1650
$2 BLn #1215 pharmaceuticals $1.6 BLn #1477 polyester electronics components
Tong Jinquan 
$2.4 BLn #1020 real estate Liang Jiankun & family ★ Che fengsheng  Zhang Yubai ★
$1.9 BLn #1284 cobalt mining $1.5 BLn #1561 pharmaceuticals $1.4 BLn #1650 wine
Yu Minhong  NeWcomer
$2.4 BLn #1020 education Qiu Jianping & family  Chen Qingzhou & family  Changpeng Zhao ★
Chen Hua 
$1.9 BLn #1284 hand tools ning Tang $1.5 BLn #1561 $1.4 BLn #1650 cryptocurrency
communications equipment
$2.3 BLn #1070 real estate Wang Qingtao  tang pioneered marketplace Zhou Yifeng & family 
$1.9 BLn #1284 steel smelting Huang Qiaoling  $1.4 BLn #1650 chemicals
Hu Baifan  lending in china when he $1.5 BLn #1561 amusement parks
$2.3 BLn #1070 Xiao Yongming & family  founded creditease, a peer- Zhou Yongli & family ★
pharmaceuticals` $1.9 BLn #1284 fertiliser
to-peer lending firm, in 2006. Huang Zhuangmian & family ★ $1.4 BLn #1650 diversified
$1.5 BLn #1561 logistics
Lin Li  Xie Zhikun  the privately held compa- Zhu Wenchen 
$2.3 BLn #1070 investments $1.9 BLn #1284 investments ny also offers other services Lee Yin Yee ★ $1.4 BLn #1650 pharmaceuticals
$1.5 BLn #1561 glass
He Qiaonv  Xue Xiangdong & family  like crowdfunding and on- Cheng Xianfeng 
$2.2 BLn #1103 $1.9 BLn #1284 software line financial management. Li Weiwei  $1.3 BLn #1756 pharmaceuticals
landscape architecture creditease, which operates $1.5 BLn #1561 online games
Yuan Yafei  fu Meicheng & family 
Ke Xiping & family  $1.9 BLn #1284 retail, in 255 cities in china as well William Li ★ $1.3 BLn #1756 tv shows, movies
$2.2 BLn #1103 investments investments as around the world, listed its $1.5 BLn #1561 automobiles
Don Gao 
Kong Jian Min  Zhang Daocai  lending arm yirendai on the Li Yihai  $1.3 BLn #1756 power tools
$2.2 BLn #1103 real estate $1.9 BLn #1284 valves new york stock exchange in $1.5 BLn #1561 pharmaceuticals
Gao Yunfeng ★
Shen Guojun  Zhang Xuansong ★ 2015; shares have risen Li Yong  $1.3 BLn #1756
$2.2 BLn #1103 retail $1.9 BLn #1284 supermarkets 43 percent in the past year. $1.5 BLn #1561 chemicals industrial lasers
Wu Zhigang & family  Zheng Yuewen & family  Lou Zhongfu & family  Hu Keqin & family ★
$2.2 BLn #1103 bakery chain $1.9 BLn #1284 investments $1.5 BLn #1561 real estate $1.3 BLn #1756 chemicals
Xiao Wenge  Zhou Xiaoguang ★ Ou Zonghong  Li Jiaquan ★
$2.2 BLn #1103 entertainment $1.9 BLn #1284 jewellery, $1.5 BLn #1561 real estate $1.3 BLn #1756 chemicals
Ou Zongrong 
real estate
Zhang Xiugen & family  $1.7 BLn #1394 real estate Que Wenbin & family  Lin fanlian ★
$2.2 BLn #1103 automobiles an Kang  Pan Weiming  $1.5 BLn #1561 pharmaceuticals $1.3 BLn #1756 diversified
$1.8 BLn #1339 pharmaceuticals
Cheng Xue  $1.7 BLn #1394 real estate Tang Jianfang  Lin Jianhua & family 
$2.1 BLn #1157 soy sauce Chen Jianhua  Qi Jinxing  $1.5 BLn #1561 packaged foods $1.3 BLn #1756
$1.8 BLn #1339 chemicals solar panel materials
Huang Hongyun & family  $1.7 BLn #1394 real estate ning Tang ★
$2.1 BLn #1157 real estate Cheung Yan  Qi Shi & family  $1.5 BLn #1561 online lending Liu Baolin 
$1.8 BLn #1339 $1.3 BLn #1756 pharmacies
Huang Zhenda & family  $1.7 BLn #1394 Wang Jiufang 
paper products
$2.1 BLn #1157 construction financial information $1.5 BLn #1561 real estate Lu Di 
Cui Genliang  Wang Chaobin  $1.3 BLn #1756 drones
Jiang Yehua & family  $1.8 BLn #1339 Wong Hong King ★
$2.1 BLn #1157 real estate $1.7 BLn #1394 real estate $1.5 BLn #1561 real estate Shao Qinxiang ★
electric components
$1.3 BLn #1756 diversified
Li Hongxin & family  Wang Yanqing & family ★ Xiao Chunhong 
Dou Zhenggang  $1.7 BLn #1394
$2.1 BLn #1157 paper products $1.8 BLn #1339 energy, $1.5 BLn #1561 real estate eric Ya Shen 
electrical equipment $1.3 BLn #1756 e-commerce
Li Xiting ★ chemicals Zhang Hongwei 
$2.1 BLn #1157 medical devices Wu Guangming  $1.5 BLn #1561 oil, banking Shum Chiu Hung ★
Huang Qisen  $1.7 BLn #1394 medical equipment
$1.8 BLn #1339 real estate $1.3 BLn #1756 real estate
Liang Yunchao  Zhang Tao ★
$2.1 BLn #1157 Xu Qiming  $1.5 BLn #1561 e-commerce Sun Qinghuan 
Li Zongsong & family  $1.7 BLn #1394 food, art
nutrition supplements $1.8 BLn #1339 pharmaceuticals $1.3 BLn #1756 lighting
Chen Liying 
Mao Lixiang & family ★ Zhang Xiaojuan  $1.4 BLn #1650 Sun Yinhuan 
Qin Hui ★ $1.7 BLn #1394 logistics
$2.1 BLn #1157 appliances $1.8 BLn #1339 movie theatres package delivery $1.3 BLn #1756 real estate
Wang Changtian  Cai Wensheng  Chen Tianqiao  Wan Long ★
Sun Shoukuan  $1.6 BLn #1477
$2.1 BLn #1157 tv, movie $1.8 BLn #1339 metals, coal $1.4 BLn #1650 online games $1.3 BLn #1756 food
production photo-sharing app
Wong Luen Hei  Chi Yufeng  Wang Muqing & family 
Wang Wenjing  Chen Xiaoying  $1.4 BiL #1650 software $1.3 BLn #1756 car dealerships
$1.8 BLn #1339
$2.1 BLn #1157 business $1.6 BLn #1477 package delivery
building materials Du Weimin ★ Wang Yong 
Lei Jufang  $1.4 BLn #1650 vaccines $1.3 BLn #1756 food sweeteners
Wu Yulan ★ $1.6 BLn #1477 pharmaceuticals
Ye Cheng  $1.8 BLn #1339 pharmaceuticals
$2.1 BLn #1157 diversified Li Guoqiang  Wen Yibo & family 
Li Li  $1.4 BLn #1650 car dealerships $1.3 BLn #1756
Xu Hang ★ $1.6 BLn #1477 pharmaceuticals
Zhu Gongshan  $1.8 BLn #1339 medical devices wastewater treatment
$2.1 BLn #1157 Li Liangbin ★
Li Liufa & family  $1.4 BLn #1650 lithium Wu Lanlan & family 
solar panel materials Yang erzhu  $1.6 BLn #1477 steel, diversified
$1.8 BLn #1339 real estate $1.3 BLn #1756 packaging
Dong Wei ★ Ma Hong & family 
Liu Hanyuan  $1.4 BLn #1650 retail Xu Ziquan & family 
$2 BLn #1215 pharmaceuticals Yao Kuizhang ★ $1.6 BLn #1477 agribusiness
$1.8 BLn #1339 beverages $1.3 BLn #1756 software
Hu Kaijun  nan Cunhui 
ni Zugen  $1.4 BLn #1650 Yang Meirong ★
$2 BLn #1215 pharmaceuticals Chen Dejun  $1.6 BLn #1477 appliances
$1.7 BLn #1394 package delivery power equipment $1.3 BLn #1756 education
Li Ge ★ Ruan Shuilong & family 
$2 BLn #1215 biotech Chen Xueli  Ou Xueming ★ Yang Tingdong ★
$1.6 BLn #1477 chemicals $1.4 BLn #1650 real estate $1.3 BLn #1756 brewery
$1.7 BLn #1394 pharmaceuticals
Liu Ming Hui  Su Weizhong 
$2 BLn #1215 natural gas Huo Qinghua  Su Rubo ★ You Xiaoping 
$1.6 BLn #1477 oil, fertilisers $1.4 BLn #1650 real estate $1.3 BLn #1756 chemicals,
$1.7 BLn #1394 coal
Ma Xingtian  Wang Jinshu  spandex
$2 BLn #1215 pharmaceuticals Jiang Yintai & family ★ Wang Jianfeng & family 
$1.6 BLn #1477 chemicals $1.4 BLn #1650 auto parts Yu Qibing & family ★
$1.7 BLn #1394 auto parts
Miao Shouliang  Wang Yaohai  $1.3 BLn #1756 glass
Wang Jing 
Jason lee / reuTers

$2 BLn #1215 real estate Li San Yim  $1.6 BLn #1477 lighting
$1.7 BLn #1394 $1.4 BLn #1650 telecom services Yu Yunxin ★
Ren Zhengfei  construction equipment Wong Kwong Yu & family  $1.3 BLn #1756 jewellery,
$2 BLn #1215 telecom equipment Wang Qunbin  real estate
$1.6 BiL #1477 appliance retail $1.4 BiL #1650 diversified
Ma Xiuhui 
Su Suyu & family  $1.7 BLn #1394 led lighting Wu Xushun & family  Zan Shengda 
$2 BLn #1215 utilities, $1.3 BLn #1756 diversified
$1.6 BiL #1477 online games,
real estate
auto parts

58 | forbes india April 27, 2018

China Xiu Laigui 
$1.2 BLn #1867
Liu Zhendong 
$1.1 BLn #1999 industrial
pharmaceuticals parks
Zhang Guiping & family  gdp: $311.4 BLn; population: 49 MLn
$1.3 BLn #1756 real estate Xu Xiong  Liu Zhiqiang 
$1.2 BLn #1867 driving schools $1.1 BLn #1999 diversified billionaires: 3
Zhao Weiguo  atletico nacional
CarLoS ardiLa LuLLe total net worth: $18.6 BLn
$1.3 BLn #1756 chipmaker Xu Xudong & family ★ Jonathan Lu  (+$1.5 BLn VS 2017)
$1.2 BLn #1867 auto parts $1.1 BLn #1999 e-commerce
Zheng Jianjiang & family 
$1.3 BLn #1756 Xue Hua ★ Peng Jianhu  bogota
electrical equipment $1.2 BLn #1867 agribusiness $1.1 BLn #1999 tourism Luis Carlos Sarmiento 
$12.1 BLn #123 banking
Cai Dongqing  Yan Yude ★ Lucy Peng 
$1.2 BLn #1867 animation $1.2 BLn #1867 private schools $1.1 BLn #1999 e-commerce Jaime Gilinski Bacal 
$3.7 BLn #606 banking
Chen Bo & family ★ Yang Keng  Wan Lianbu 
$1.2 BLn #1867 wind power $1.2 BLn #1867 real estate $1.1 BLn #1999 fertilisers Carlos ardila Lülle 
$2.8 BLn #859 soft drinks,
Cheng Wei  Yang Shaopeng ★ Wang Miaotong  expatriate diversified
$1.2 BLn #1867 $1.2 BLn #1867 shipping $1.1 BLn #1999 auto parts 1
ride-hailing service
Zhang Cheng fei  Wang Zhenghua 

Chu Jinfu  $1.2 BLn #1867 paper products $1.1 BLn #1999 budget airline
$1.2 BLn #1867
Zhang Jingzhang  Wen Jianping 
electrical equipment
$1.2 BLn #1867 $1.1 BLn #1999
fang Hongbo ★ precision machinery sewage treatment gdp: $21.3 BLn; population: 1 MLn
$1.2 BLn #1867
Zhang Keqiang  Xia Zuoquan ★ billionaires: 7 (+1 VS. 2017)
$1.2 BLn #1867 real estate $1.1 BLn #1999 automobiles total net worth: $17.6 BLn (+$1.2 BLn VS 2017)
fu Guangming & family  Zhang Xuanning ★ Swift Xie 
$1.2 BLn #1867 poultry
$1.2 BLn #1867 retail $1.1 BLn #1999 drones
Gu Wei  Zhang Zhangsun  Yao Jinbo ★
$1.2 BLn #1867
$1.2 BLn #1867 real estate $1.1 BLn #1999
consumer electronics
online marketplace expatriateS LeFkoSa
Zhou Bajin ★ 6
Huang Jianrong & family ★ $1.2 BLn #1867 auto parts Zhao Yan 
$1.2 BLn #1867 minerals
$1.1 BLn #1999 real estate, John fredriksen 
Zhou Wenyu ★ finance
Jiang Ganjun ★ $1.2 BLn #1867 real estate
$7 BLn #228 shipping
$1.2 BLn #1867 furniture
Zhou Zongwen & family ★ Yakir Gabay 
Bu Yang ★ $1.1 BLn #1999 jewellery Polys Haji-ioannou 
Jiang Zhaobai  $1.1 BLn #1999 retail
$3.1 BLn #766 real estate
$1.2 BLn #1867 real estate $1.4 BLn #1650 easyjet
Cao Kejian  Suat Gunsel 
Cai Rongjun ★ $1 BLn #2124 air compressors Clelia Haji-ioannou 
Jin Huiming  $1.1 BLn #1999
$1.9 BLn #1284 real estate,
$1.2 BLn #1867 real estate education $1.3 BLn #1756 easyjet
electronics components Chen Jianming ★
Li Guangyu ★ $1 BLn #2124 real estate Stelios Haji-ioannou  Surendra Hiranandani 
Cai Xiaoru  $1.6 BLn #1477 easyjet $1.3 BLn #1756 real estate
$1.2 BLn #1867 education
$1.1 BLn #1999 He Simo 
Li Jun ★ electronics components $1 BLn #2124 power supplies
$1.2 BLn #1867 electronics
Li Rucheng 
Chen Jinshi & family 
$1.1 BLn #1999 construction,
Huang Xiaofen & family ★
$1 BLn #2124 circuit boards CzeCh republiC
$1.2 BLn #1867 apparel real estate
Jiang Wei 
Li Xuhui ★ Chen Qixing  $1 BLn #2124 pharmaceuticals gdp: $216.5 BLn; population: 11 MLn
$1.2 BLn #1867 soy sauce $1.1 BLn #1999 billionaires: 6
electronics components Jiang Xuefei & family 
Liu Jiang ★ $1 BLn #2124 circuit boards total net worth: $30.1 BLn (+$6.6 BLn VS 2017)
$1.2 BLn #1867 natural gas Chen Shiliang ★
$1.1 BLn #1999 polyester Liang Zhaoxian 
Liu Xuejing & family  $1 BLn #2124 appliances
$1.2 BLn #1867 copper, Chen Xiaxin & family  Petr Kellner 
$1.1 BLn #1999 Liu fuhai & family  $15.5 BLn #88 banking,
industrial machinery $1 BLn #2124 textiles, energy insurance
Liu Zhenguo  pragUe 5
Dang Yanbao ★ Liu Jincheng & family ★ andrej Babis 
$1.2 BLn #1867
$1.1 BLn #1999 coal $1 BLn #2124 lithium batteries $4.6 BLn #456
sewage treatment veLke popovice
Liu Shaoxi  agriculture
Ma Yunsheng  fu Kwan 
$1.1 BLn #1999 real estate, $1 BLn #2124 real estate Karel Komarek 
$1.2 BLn #1867 energy
diversified Lu Weiding ★ $3.2 BLn #729 lotteries
ni Zhaoxing  $1 BLn #2124 diversified
$1.2 BLn #1867 real estate Huang Shilin ★ Radovan Vitek 
$1.1 BLn #1999 batteries Mi enhua  $2.9 BLn #822 real estate
Peng Hao ★ $1 BLn #2124 retail
$1.2 BLn #1867 electronics Huang Wen Tsai  Daniel Kretinsky 
$1.1 BLn #1999 real estate Sun Shangchuan & family  politicS $2.6 BLn #924
Shang Jiyong  energy generation
$1.2 BLn #1867 tyres, Lam Lung On & family ★ $1 BLn #2124
electronics components
anDReJ BaBiS Pavel Tykac 
chemicals $1.1 BLn #1999 real estate
Wang Jianyi  The Czech Republic’s Donald $1.3 BLn #1756 coal mines
Tian Ming  David Xueling Li ★ Trump, Babiš was elected prime
$1.1 BLn #1999 $1 BLn #2124 fibre-optic cables
$1.2 BLn #1867
live streaming service minister in October and took of-
measuring instruments Wen Pengcheng & family 
$1 BLn #2124 agribusiness fice in December. Weeks before
Wang Han  Li Tan  the election, he was charged with
$1.2 BLn #1867 airline $1.1 BLn #1999 pharmaceuticals Yang Jianxin & family ★
$1 BLn #2124 apparel
fraud by Prague prosecutors over
Wang Junjin  Li Weiguo ★ allegations that his business im-
$1.2 BLn #1867 airline $1.1 BLn #1999 Yao Xinyi 
construction materials
properly received EU subsidies a
$1 BLn #2124 air conditioning
Wang Wenbiao ★ decade ago; he got immunity upon
$1.2 BLn #1867 natural gas, Liang feng ★ Zhao Xiaoqiang  election, but Czech lawmakers
fertilisers $1.1 BLn #1999 $1 BLn #2124 fashion,
battery parts voted to strip him of the protection
Wu Daohong  in January. Babiš has denied the
$1.2 BLn #1867 energy Liang Guangwei  Zhou Liangzhang & family ★ fraud allegations. Meanwhile, his
FranCois lenoir / reuTers

services $1.1 BLn #1999 diversified $1 BLn #2124

electrical equipment
minority government failed to win
Wu Yiling  Liang Shezeng ★ the support of other parties and
$1.2 BiL #1867 $1.1 BiL #1999 real estate Zhu Xingming ★ lost a confidence vote in parlia-
pharmaceuticals $1 BLn #2124
Liao Chang  ment. He is expected to try again.
$1.1 BiL #1999 wine electrical equipment

Wealth StatuS:
Up Down  UnchangeD 
wine-growing oil & gas FielDs mining & Timber Financial sPorTs Tech PlaygrounD new ★ retUrnee 
region anD DePosiTs minerals cenTre Team cenTre

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 59

the world’s billionaires / the list

GDP: $325.2 BLn
PoPulation: 6 MLn eXPaTriaTe
aarhus 1
Billionaires: 10 (+4 VS 2017) WeALTH
total net worth: $43.7 BLn (+$5.1 BLn VS 2017) silkeborg GDP: $2.6 TLn TOP SecTOrS Origin
PoPulation: 65 MLn 9
Anders Holch Povlsen  niels Peter Louis-Hansen  humlebaek Billionaires: 40 FASHION & RETAIL 22%
$7.4 BLn #207 fashion retail $4.7 BLn #441 meDical Devices (+2 VS 2017) 6
Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen  Lars Larsen  total net worth: HEALTH CARE
$5.4 BLn #351 leGo $4.2 BLn #514 retail billund $320.4 BLn 6
nordborg (+$75.3 BLn VS 2017) FOOD & BEVERAGE
Sofie Kirk Kristiansen ★ Hanni Toosbuy Kasprzak  4 inHeriTed & grOWing
$5.4 BLn #351 leGo $2.6 BLn #924 shoes inHeriTed
Thomas Kirk Kristiansen ★ Martin Moller nielsen  3
$5.4 BLn #351 leGo $2.1 BLn #1157 copenhagen
aircraft leasinG 2
Agnete Kirk Thinggaard ★
$5.4 BLn #351 leGo Bent Jensen  LOGISTICS
$1.1 BLn #1999
electric motors

Kjeld Kirk
trophy: Third-
generation Lego owner
Kristiansen opened his
latest homage to the
plastic brick, the Lego
House, in September.
Designed as both
a museum and an
interactive play zone,
the 130,000-square-
foot structure is built
on the site of the
former town hall in
Billund, Denmark, and
resembles 21 larger-
than-life Lego bricks
stacked on top of
each other. Françoise Bettencourt Meyers
Newcomer: After her mother, Liliane Bettencourt, died at
age 94 in September, Bettencourt Meyers officially became
Egypt FinlanD France’s new L’Oréal heiress and the richest woman in Eu-
rope. The granddaughter of L’Oréal’s founder, she had al-
GDP: $193.7 BLn ready been running the holding company through which
GDP: $253.1 BLn
she, her husband and their two sons own L’Oréal stock. She
PoPulation: 92 MLn PoPulation: 6 MLn has written three books, including one about the Greek gods.
Billionaires: 6 (–1 VS 2017) Billionaires: 6 (–1 VS 2017)
Kjeld KirK: Michael dalder; lego Model: alKis Konstantinidis / reuters; Meyers: charles

total net worth: $18.2 BLn total net worth: $13.5 BLn
(+$100 MLn VS 2017) (+$600 MLn VS 2017)
Platiau / reuters; eurofins scientific: yves forestier / sygMa via getty iMages

Antti Herlin  clement fayat

$4.2 BLn #514 elevators, Newsmaker: a street in libourne, france, northeast of
Bordeaux, was renamed avenue clement fayat in may
cairo Heikki Kyostila  in honour of the french billionaire who 60 years earlier
5 $2.2 BLn #1103
opened his first public works company, the national
Dental ProDucts
company for terracing, in the city. libourne’s mayor
eXPaTriaTe Antti Aarnio-Wihuri  joined fayat for the unveiling. fayat started the group
$2 BLn #1215 DiversifieD
at age 25 and was in charge until 2013, when he handed
Mika Anttonen  oversight to his two sons. he is now fayat Group’s
$2 BLn #1215 oil & Gas honorary president. he also owns three vineyards.
nassef Sawiris  ilkka Herlin 
$6.6 BLn #251 construction, $1.6 BLn #1477 elevators,
chemicals escalators

naguib Sawiris  ilona Herlin 

$1.5 BLn #1561 elevators,
Gilles Martin
$4 BLn #550 telecom
escalators helsinki Newsmaker: Martin is CEO of Eurofins
Mohamed Mansour  5 Scientific, a food and pharmaceutical testing
$2.7 BLn #887 DiversifieD
company that he founded in 1987; it claims
Yasseen Mansour  the greatest total shareholder return of any
$1.9 BLn #1284 DiversifieD
company listed on a European exchange
Mohamed Al Fayed  over the past two decades. His brother Yves-
$1.6 BLn #1477 retail, Loïc, the company’s former chief technolo-
kirkkonummi gy officer, joins Martin in the wealth ranks,
Youssef Mansour  thanks to a 13 percent rise in the value of
$1.4 BLn #1650 DiversifieD
Eurofins shares in the past 12 months.

wealth status:
uP down  unchanged 
wine-growing oiL & gAS FieLDS mining & timber FinAnciAL SPortS tech PLAygrounD trumP new ★ reTurnee 
region AnD DePoSitS minerALS centre teAm centre ProPerty

60 | forbes india April 27, 2018

marc ladreit de Bernard Arnault & family  Xavier niel 
lacharrière $72 BLn #4 lvmh
Francoise Bettencourt
$8.1 BLn #186 internet,
Newsmaker: ladreit de Meyers & family ★ Vincent Bollore & family 
lacharrière took his hold- $42.2 BLn #18 l’oreal $7.4 BLn #207 investments
ing firm fimalac private in Francois Pinault & family  carrie Perrodo & family 
July 2017 in a deal that val- 9 $27 BLn #30 luxury GooDs $7.2 BLn #217 oil
ued the company at an es- Serge dassault & family  Patrick drahi 
timated $3.7 billion. he al- $22.6 BLn #41 DiversifieD $7.1 BLn #222 telecom
ready owned 94 percent of
emmanuel Besnier  Jacques Saade & family 
the shares at the time. $14.7 BLn #97 cheese $7 BLn #228 shiPPinG
fimalac has a 20 percent
stake in fitch ratings, the Alain Wertheimer  Pierre Bellon & family 
$13 BLn #108 chanel $6.1 BLn #287 fooD services
world’s third-largest credit- lille
rating agency, with opera- gerard Wertheimer  Jean-Michel Besnier 
$13 BLn #108 chanel $5.4 BLn #351 cheese
tions in over 30 countries.
Marie Besnier Beauvalot 
$5.4 BLn #351 cheese
Martin & Olivier Bouygues 
$4.9 BLn #404 construction,
Jean-Pierre cayard 
$4.5 BLn #466 sPirits
chAmPAgne Michel Leclercq & family 
$4 BLn #550 sPortinG GooDs
Marc Ladreit de Lacharriere
StADe rennAiS Fc Paris $3.7 BLn #606 finance
Francois Pinault 17 ALSAce
Alain Merieux & family 
$3.2 BLn #729
laval Anne Beaufour 
$3 BLn #791 Pharmaceuticals
Henri Beaufour 
$3 BLn #791 Pharmaceuticals

Loire Philippe Foriel-destezet 

nanTes $2.9 BLn #822
emPloyment aGency
Louis Le duff 
$2.9 BLn #822 Bakeries

burgunDy nicolas Puech 

$2.8 BLn #859 hermes
Mohed Altrad 
$2.7 BLn #887 scaffolDinG,
cement mixers
iLe De
gilles Martin 
courcheVAL $2.6 BLn #924
laBoratory services
lyon Bernard Fraisse 
$2.3 BLn #1070

Marc: stePhane grangier / corbis via getty iMages; xavier: charles Platiau / reuters;
grenobLe Alain Taravella 
$2.2 BLn #1103 real estate
Philippe ginestet 
sainT-emilion $2.1 BLn #1157 retail stores
VALbonne christian Latouche 
Pujols $2.1 BLn #1157
accountinG services
charles edelstenne 
oLymPique mArSeiLLe $1.9 BLn #1284 aviation
montPeLLier herAuLt rugby MarGarita louis-dreyFus
Mohed altrad edouard carmignac 
touLouSe St. troPez $1.8 BLn #1339
asset manaGement
St. rAPhAeL clement Fayat & family 
LAngueDoc $1.8 BLn #1339 construction
St. mAxime
dominique desseigne 
$1.7 BLn #1394 casinos
Michel chalhoub & family 
$1.6 BLn #1477 retail

XAVier nieL norbert dentressangle 

station f: charles Platiau / reuters

$1.2 BLn #1867 transPort,

Newsmaker: in June 2017, french pres- loGistics
ident emmanuel macron and Paris mayor Francis Holder ★
anne hidalgo, along with over a thou- $1.2 BLn #1867 Bakeries
sand entrepreneurs, attended the launch Yves-Loic Martin ★
of station f, billed as the world’s biggest $1.1 BLn #1999
startup campus. funded by telecom laBoratory services
billionaire niel, the 366,000-square-foot Francois Feuillet ★
building in Paris has 3,000 desks. $1 BLn #2124 motor homes,
station f has partnered with companies rv’s
like facebook and microsoft to offer
mentoring programmes and workshops.

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 61

the world’s billionaires / the list

WeaLTh TOp SecTOrS
PoPulation: 83 MLn 11 inheriTed & grOWing TECHNOLOGY
Billionaires: 123 (+9 VS 2017) TECHNOLOGY SeLf-Made 10
total net worth: $578.7 BLn (+$110.9 BLn VS 2017) 10 AUTOMOTIVE
AUTOMOTIVE 8 expatRiates
Beate heister & Sylt
Karl albrecht Jr 
$29.8 BLn #27 suPermarkets kiel
georg Schaeffler 
$25.3 BLn #31 auto Parts
Susanne Klatten 
$25 BLn #32 Bmw,
Stefan Quandt 
$22 BLn #42 Bmw
dieter Schwarz 
$20.9 BLn #46 retail auRich hambuRg
Theo albrecht Jr & family  JULia STOScheK
$20.2 BLn #48 alDi, traDer Joe’s espelkamp
NeWSmaker: Stoschek has assem-
Klaus-Michael Kuehne  bled a collection of contemporary loweR saxony
$15.3 BLn #91 shiPPinG art that she exhibits in galleries in
reinhold Wuerth & family  Düsseldorf and Berlin; her collection
$13.6 BLn #105 fasteners has attracted more than 100,000
heinz hermann Thiele visitors over the past decade. Her bRunswick
& family  latest exhibition in Berlin features bielefelD beRlin
$12.9 BLn #113 Brakes work from American artist Arthur stRaelen gueteRsloh
hasso plattner & family  Jafa that centres on identity and
$12.7 BLn #116 software race. Her fortune lies in her
alexander Otto ★ stake in German DuDeRstaDt
$11.8 BLn #127 real estate car-parts compa- DuisbuRg
rb LeiPzig
Udo & harald Tschira  ny Brose, founded Dietrich Mateschitz
$11.7 BLn #130 software by her grandfather mulheim an DeR RuhR leipzig
Max Brose and now allenDoRf
Michael Otto & family  maRbuRg
$11 BLn #138 retail, real estate run by her father, DreSDen
Michael Stoschek. kRefelD melsungen
Walter pJ droege  DusselDoRf
$10.3 BLn #146 consultinG
dietmar hopp & family  haigeR
$10.2 BLn #147 software cologne
beRgish-glaDbach gRebenhain
august von finck 
$9.2 BLn #167 investments baD hombuRg
andreas von Bechtolsheim
& family  Oliver samwer montabauR RottenDoRf
$6.8 BLn #242 GooGle
NeWSmaker: it’s heRzogenauRach
Ludwig Merckle  fRankfuRt DaRmstaDt
$6.7 BLn #248 Pharmaceuticals the comeback of the
copycats as oliver neustaDt an DeR
Julia: andreas rentz / Getty imaGes; Oliver: Hannibal HanscHke / reuters

aloys Wobben  walDnaab

and his brothers
$6.6 BLn #251 winD turBines Rheingau weinheim
marc and alexander neckaRsulm nuRembeRg
erivan haub & family  return to the wealth st. wenDel
$6.4 BLn #265 retail heiDelbeRg
ranks after a two-year
guenther fielmann & fam  hiatus, thanks most- kuenzelsau
$6.3 BLn #274 oPtometry ly to a stronger euro.
wallDoRf bRuchsal
Maria-elisabeth Schaeffler  shares of rocket internet, gailDoRf
$6.3 BLn #274 auto Parts the investment firm that oli- schwiebeRDingen
ralph dommermuth  ver runs, are also up slightly. Best winnenDen lanDshut
$5.9 BLn #296 known for creating knockoffs of kaRlsRuhe
internet service ProviDer american tech firms, rocket internet has
Wolfgang Marguerre  more than 100 companies in its portfolio,
ulm ehc reD buLL munchen
$5.9 BLn #296 including online food-ordering firm Dietrich Mateschitz
Pharmaceuticals augsbuRg
Delivery hero, which went public in June.
Martin Viessmann & family 
$5.7 BLn #315 aschau
heatinG equiPment ohningen passau
friede Springer  am lech munich
$5.6 BLn #321 PuBlishinG Rosenheim
Michael herz & family 
$5.4 BLn #351 coffee tegeRnsee

Wolfgang herz & family 

$5.4 BLn #351 coffee

Wealth StatuS:
up Down  unchangeD 
wine-growing oiL & gAS FieLDS mining & timber FinAnciAL SPortS tech PLAygrounD new ★ RetuRnee 
region AnD DePoSitS minerALS centre teAm centre

62 | forbes india April 27, 2018

elisabeth Mohn & family 
$5.2 BLn #372 PuBlishinG
Otto philipp Braun 
$4 BLn #550
alfred Oetker 
$2.4 BLn #1020
hubertus Benteler 
$1.7 BLn #1394 auto Parts
meDical technoloGy consumer GooDs
gabriella Meister & family ★ Ludwig Theodor Braun  GDP: $200.5 BLn
$5 BLn #388 aPPliances Traudl engelhorn & family  august Oetker  $1.7 BLn #1394 PoPulation: 11 MLn
$4 BLn #550 Pharmaceuticals, $2.4 BLn #1020 consumer GooDs meDical technoloGy
Juergen Blickle  meDical equiPment
Billionaires: 4
$4.7 BLn #441 auto Parts carl ferdinand Oetker  rolf gerling  (+1 VS 2017)
daniela herz  $2.4 BLn #1020 $1.7 BLn #1394 insurance total net worth:
Bernard Broermann 
$4.7 BLn #441 hosPitals
$3.9 BLn #572 coffee consumer GooDs
peter Leibinger  $9.6 BLn (+$3.1 BLn VS 2017)
guenter herz & family  christian Oetker  $1.7 BLn #1394 machine tools
alexandra Schoerghuber  $3.9 BLn #572 coffee $2.4 BLn #1020
$4.7 BLn #441 real estate regine Leibinger 
hubert Burda & family 
consumer GooDs
$1.7 BLn #1394 machine tools
Spiro Latsis & family 
paul gauselmann & family ★ $3.8 BLn #588 PuBlishinG Julia Oetker  $3.2 BLn #729 BankinG, shiPPinG
$4.4 BLn #480 Torsten Toeller 
arcaDe Game machines Katharina Otto-Bernstein ★
$2.4 BLn #1020
$1.7 BLn #1394 Pet fooD
philip niarchos 
consumer GooDs $2.8 BLn #859 art collection
$3.8 BLn #588 real estate
Theo Mueller  richard Oetker  nicola Leibinger-
$4.4 BLn #480 Dairy andreas Struengmann  Kammueller  aristotelis Mistakidis 
$2.4 BLn #1020 consumer GooDs $2.5 BLn #965 mininG,
$3.7 BLn #606 $1.5 BLn #1561 manufacturinG
Wolfgang reimann  Pharmaceuticals rosely Schweizer  commoDities
$4.4 BLn #480 consumer GooDs Monika Schoeller 
Thomas Struengmann 
$2.4 BLn #1020
$1.5 BLn #1561 PuBlishinG
Vardis Vardinoyannis & fam ★
Matthias reimann- consumer GooDs $1.1 BLn #1999 oil & Gas
$3.7 BLn #606
andersen  Pharmaceuticals peter Unger  Stefan von holtzbrinck 
$4.4 BLn #480 consumer GooDs $2.4 BLn #1020 auto rePair $1.5 BLn #1561 PuBlishinG
friedhelm Loh 
Stefan reimann-andersen  $3.6 BLn #629 manufacturinG dirk rossmann & family  andreas pohl 
$4.4 BLn #480 consumer GooDs $2.3 BLn #1070 DruGstores $1.3 BLn #1756 mutual funDs
gabriele Volkmann ★
renate reimann-haas  $3.6 BLn #629 auto Parts hans-Werner hector  reinfried pohl Jr 
$4.4 BLn #480 consumer GooDs $2.2 BLn #1103 saP $1.3 BLn #1756 mutual funDs athens
Maren Otto ★
rainer Blickle  $3.5 BLn #652 retail Josef Boquoi & family  Karin Schick ★
$4.3 BLn #499 auto Parts $2.1 BLn #1157 frozen fooDs $1.3 BLn #1756 technoloGy
clemens Toennies 
axel Oberwelland  $3.5 BLn #652 meat ProcessinG Willibert Krueger  dieter Schnabel 
$4.1 BLn #527 canDy $2.1 BLn #1157 fooD ProcessinG $1.3 BLn #1756 chemicals
Yvonne Bauer 
Ursula Bechtolsheimer-Kipp ★ $3.2 BLn #729 meDia guenther Lehmann & gudrun heine 
$4 BLn #550 retail $1.2 BLn #1867 meDical expatRiates
family 
Otto happel  $2.1 BLn #1157 DruG stores Devices
$3.2 BLn #729 enGineerinG
georg nemetschek  helga Kellerhals ★
Kurt Krieger  $2.1 BiL #1157 software $1.2 BLn #1867

$3.2 BLn #729 electronics retail
furniture retailinG Sylvia Stroeher 
$2.1 BLn #1157 cosmetics Sybill Storz 

Paul: sPieGl / ullstein bild via Getty imaGes; Hans: aslu / ullstein bild via Getty imaGes; sandOr: laszlO balOGH / reuters
hans georg naeder  $1.2 BLn #1867 meDical
$3.2 BLn #729 Prosthetics Bernhard Braun-Luedicke  Devices GDP: $138 BLn
$2 BLn #1215
Michael & reiner Schmidt- meDical technoloGy Wolfgang egger ★ PoPulation: 10 MLn
ruthenbeck  $1.1 BLn #1999 real estate Billionaires: 1
$3.2 BLn #729 retail eva Maria Braun-Luedicke  (+1 VS 2017)
$2 BLn #1215 frank Otto ★
robert Toennies  meDical technoloGy $1.1 BLn #1999 retail total net worth:
$3 BLn #791 meat ProcessinG $1.1 BLn (+$1.1 BLn VS 2017)
friederike Braun-Luedicke  alexander Samwer 
hedda im Brahm-droege  $2 BLn #1215 $1.1 BLn #1999
$2.9 BLn #822 consultinG meDical technoloGy tech investments
erwin franz Mueller  fritz draexlmaier  Marc Samwer 
Paul Gauselmann $2.9 BLn #822 DruG stores $2 BLn #1215 auto Parts $1.1 BLn #1999
tech investments buDapest
Lutz Mario helmig  christoph henkel 
NeWcomer: A former part-time $2.6 BLn #924 hosPitals Oliver Samwer 
$2 BLn #1215 consumer GooDs
jukebox operator and a tinker- $1.1 BLn #1999
horst Julius pudwill  albert Berner & family  tech investments
er with 300 patents to his name, he $2.5 BLn #965 manufacturinG $1.9 BLn #1284 fasteners
launched his first slot machine in anton Kathrein Jr 
Klaus-peter Schulenberg  Thomas Bruch & family  Sandor csanyi ★
1977. The Gauselmann Group has $2.5 BLn #965
$1 BLn #2124 antennas
$1.1 BLn #1999 finance,
since produced more than 2 million $1.9 BiL #1284 retail
ticketinG service dirk Stroeer ★ real estate
in Germany and operates over 300 Bernd freier  $1 BLn #2124 aDvertisinG
Bergit douglas 
casinos in Germany and eight other $2.4 BLn #1020
$1.9 BLn #1284 fashion retail
peter-alexander Wacker ★
European countries. Gauselmann consumer GooDs Johannes Kaercher  $1 BLn #2124
chairs the company, which had $1.9 $1.9 BLn #1284 vacuums, chemicals
hermann Langness  cleaninG ProDucts
billion in revenue in 2016. $2.4 BLn #1020 fooD, retail
friedrich Knapp 
$1.9 BLn #1284 fashion retail
horst Wortmann 
hans-Georg naeder $1.9 BLn #1284 footwear
NeWSmaker: naeder closed a deal in august to sell 20 per- Susanne Zimmermann
cent of his prosthetics company ottobock to swedish private von Siefart 
equity firm eqt for a reported $700 million. naeder’s grand-
father founded the company in 1919 to make prostheses for
$1.9 BLn #1284 vacuums,
home cleaninG ProDucts GeorGia
world war i veterans. now 56, naeder took over when he was anna Maria Braun 
$1.8 BLn #1339 GDP: $15.2 BLn SandOr cSanYi
28. ottobock has operations in more than 50 countries and
revenues of $1.1 billion.
meDical technoloGy PoPulation: 4 MLn NeWcomer: Hungary’s first
Johanna Braun  Billionaires: 1 billionaire, Csanyi turned the
$1.8 BLn #1339 total net worth: $4.6 BLn country’s largest retail bank
meDical technoloGy (+$100 MLn VS 2017) into one of the biggest finan-
Karl friedrich Braun  cial-services firms in Central
$1.8 BLn #1339 and Eastern Europe. He then
meDical technoloGy moved into agriculture, buy-
Julia Stoschek  ing a winery in the early 2000s
$1.8 BLn #1339 auto Parts and acquiring other assets to
Maximilian Stoschek  tbilisi create Bonafarm Group, the
$1.8 BLn #1339 auto Parts largest vertically integrated
agricultural and food
Bidzina ivanishvili 
$4.6 BLn #456 investments conglomerate in Hungary.

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 63

the world’s billionaires / the list

Hong Kong*
lawrence ho 
lee man tat $2.5 Bln #965 casinos

neWSmaker: Lee, 88, has con- Vincent lo 

$2.5 Bln #965 real estate
trolled 100 percent of Lee Kum
Kee Group, the world’s larg- Or Wai Sheun 
Wealth tOp SectOrS gdp: $341.9 Bln $2.5 Bln #965 real estate
Origin est oyster-sauce maker, since he
population: 7 mln
28 bought out his brother in the Vivien chen 
billionaires: 68* 1980s. The 130-year-old LKK $2.4 Bln #1020 real estate
9 total
35% net worth: also produces one of the most
9 35% $336.1 Bln chu lam Yiu 
NUFACTURING 65% (+$64 Bln VS 2017)* popular soy sauces. In August $2.4 Bln #1020 flavorings
6 the company’s property arm michael Ying 
bought a famous London sky- $2.4 Bln #1020 retail
5 inherited & grOWing GAMBLING
scraper, nicknamed the Walkie- martin lau 
Self-made 4 Talkie, for almost $1.7 billion. $2.3 Bln #1070 e-commerce
VERSIFIED tang Yiu 
3 $2.3 Bln #1070 fashion retail
ERGY Wong man li 
$2.3 Bln #1070 furniture
chan tan ching-fen 
EXPATRIATES 11 $2.2 Bln #1103 real estate
tung chee hwa 
$2.2 Bln #1103 shipping
Xiong Xuqiang & family 
$2.2 Bln #1103 real estate
tang Shing-bor 
Vivien Chen $2.1 Bln #1157 real estate
Family Feud: a court huang Yi 
ruling in July put an end $2 Bln #1215 auto
Hong Kong to a lengthy lawsuit be- distribution
56 tween chen and her robin Zeng ★
mother, yang foo-oi, $1.9 Bln #1284 batteries
hong kong science park over the distribution of thomas lau 
her late father chen din $1.6 Bln #1477
hwa’s wealth. it denied department stores
her permission to appeal allan Wong 
an earlier order that she $1.6 Bln #1477 electronics
pay her mother more Wu Jianshu 
than $1 billion. chen had $1.6 Bln #1477 auto parts
taken the reins of her albert Yeung 
Lan kwai Fong
family’s property devel- $1.6 Bln #1477 real estate,
Deep water Bay oper nan fung group retail
in 2009 after her fa- tang hsiang-chien 
repuLse Bay ther was declared men- $1.5 Bln #1561 textiles,
tally incapacitated. she electronics
stepped down in 2016 henry cheng ★
and is now honorary $1.4 Bln #1650 real estate
chairman. William fung 
$1.4 Bln #1650 sourcing
MAcAu 1 hoi Kin hong1 
$1.4 Bln #1650 real estate
lin tianfu 
li Ka-shing  michael Kadoorie  Henry Cheng Samuel tak lee  $1.3 Bln #1756 footwear,
$34.9 Bln #23 diversified $7.3 Bln #211 hotels, energy $4.1 Bln #527 real estate apparel
lee Shau Kee  pollyanna chu  neWcomer: His father, Cheng li Wa 
Yu-tung, was Hong Kong’s gordon Wu 
$30.3 Bln #24 real estate $7 Bln #228 financial $3.8 Bln #588 real estate $1.3 Bln #1756 real estate
services third-richest person in 2016,
lui che Woo  angela leong  Yu peidi 
$20.1 Bln #50 casinos francis choi  the year he died. Yu-tung ap- $3.7 Bln #606 casinos $1.3 Bln #1756 real estate
parently put most of his wealth
The Walkie Talkie building: eye ubiquiTous / uig via geTTy images;

$6.4 Bln #265 real estate

Joseph lau  in a family trust for future gen- edwin leong  King pak fu 
$16.7 Bln #75 real estate Yeung Kin-man  $3.5 Bln #652 real estate $1.2 Bln #1867 real estate
$5.6 Bln #321 electronics erations. Henry, 71, makes
thomas & raymond Kwok  his debut thanks to the value rita tong liu  lo Ka Shui 
$16.5 Bln #77 real estate pan Sutong  $3.4 Bln #679 real estate
$5.5 Bln #334 real estate,
of Knight Dragon, the real es- $1.2 Bln #1867 real estate
peter Woo  finance tate developer that he owns and li Sze lim  lo Siu-tong 
$12.2 Bln #122 real estate that’s behind the estimated $9.5 $3.3 Bln #703 real estate $1.2 Bln #1867 real estate,
lam Wai Ying  hotels
lee man tat  $5.4 Bln #351 billion Greenwich Peninsula, ronald mcaulay 
$11.6 Bln #132 oyster sauce, smartphone screens a residential-and-commercial $3.2 Bln #729 energy cui lijie 
real estate
pansy ho 
project under way in London. Wu Kaiting ★ $1.1 Bln #1999 gambling
gong hongjia & family  $5.3 Bln #365 casinos $3 Bln #791 electronics neil Shen 
$11.2 Bln #137 $1.1 Bln #1999 venture
video surveillance law Kar po  huang Shih tsai 
$2.8 Bln #859 real estate capital
$5 Bln #388 real estate
hui Wing mau  Zhang Zhirong 
$8 Bln #190 real estate patrick lee  tung chee chen 
$2.8 Bln #859 shipping $1.1 Bln #1999 real estate,
$4.6 Bln #456 paper shipbuilding
Walter Kwok 
henry: bobby yip / reuTers

$8 Bln #190 real estate Ye chenghai & family  fong Yun Wah 
$2.6 Bln #924 real estate hon Kwok lung & family 
$4.5 Bln #466 $1 Bln #2124 real estate
Zhou Qunfei  pharmaceuticals
$7.8 Bln #198 cho tak Wong 
$2.5 Bln #965 auto parts Zhuo Jun ★
smartphone screens richard li  $1 Bln #2124
$4.4 Bln #480 telecom printed circuit boards

Wealth StatuS:
uP Down  uncHAngED 
wine-growing oiL & gas FieLDs mining & timBer FinanciaL sports tech pLaygrounD nEw ★ RETuRnEE 
region anD Deposits mineraLs centre team centre
*includes macau. 1macau citizen

64 | forbes india April 27, 2018

INDIA hariDWar
eXpatriates hisar
GDP: $2.6 TLN 11
PoPulation: 1.3 BLN Delhi 23
Billionaires: 119 (+18 VS 2017)
total net worth: $440.1 BLN rajastHan royals
(+$114.6 BLN VS 2017) RupeRt MuRdoch & FaMily

WeaLTh TOp SecTOrS

16 47%
16 7
10 FINANCE & INVESTMENTS vaDoDara kolkata
iNheriTed 9 mumbai
9 SeLf-made FOOD & BEVERAGE 43 aurangabaD
TECHNOLOGY MuMbai indians
TECHNOLOGY Mukesh aMbani
sunrisers Hyderabad
mukesh ambani  MuMbai fc kalanithi MaRan
subhash chandRa
$40.1 BLN #19 Petrochemicals,
oil & Gas
Hitec city
azim premji 
$18.8 BLN #58
software services
Lakshmi mittal  pune 6
$18.5 BLN #62 steel electronic city
rising pune
Shiv Nadar  sanjiv Goenka
$14.6 BLN #98
software services bengaluru 9
tidal park
dilip Shanghvi 
$12.8 BLN #115 goa
Pharmaceuticals chennai
Kumar Birla 
$11.8 BLN #127 commoDities
Uday Kotak  shashi & Ravi Ruia
$10.7 BLN #143 BankinG
BiggeSt loSer: The broth-
infopark Radhakishan damani
radhakishan damani & fam 
$10 BLN #151 investments,
ers’ debt-laden steelmak- BiggeSt gainer: Damani’s wealth has more than quadru-
retail er Essar Steel was put up for kochi pled, thanks to the march 2017 listing of avenue supermarts,
auction under India’s new In- which operates supermarket chain Dmart. shares have near-
gautam adani 
$9.7 BLN #154 commoDities, solvency & Bankruptcy Code. ly tripled since the iPo, making him india’s biggest percent-
Ports London steel baron Laksh- age gainer. Damani got into retailing in 2003 with one store
mi Mittal, who has been eye- in suburban mumbai, targeting middle-class shoppers. he
cyrus poonawalla 
$9.1 BLN #170 vaccines ing assets back home, got his was an investor before delving into retail and still has stakes
ArcelorMittal to bid. Numet- in such companies as tobacco firm vst industries.
Savitri Jindal & family 
$8.8 BLN #176 steel
al, in which Ravi’s son Re-
want holds a minority stake,
Sunil mittal & family  also bid but may be disquali-
$8.8 BLN #176 telecom hasmukh chudgar 
fied because of ties to Essar—
Kushal pal Singh  $3 BLN #791 Pharmaceuticals
defaulters can’t participate in
$6.4 BLN #265 real estate rakesh Jhunjhunwala 
the auction.
acharya Balkrishna  $3 BLN #791 investments
$6.3 BLN #274 consumer GooDs Bajaj brothers  Kiran mazumdar-Shaw  Smita crishna-godrej 
$4.8 BLN #422 DiversifieD $3.6 BLN #629 Biotech $2.9 BLN #822 consumer GooDs
Vikram Lal 
$6.3 BLN #274 motorcycles Kapil & rahul Bhatia  Karsanbhai patel  adi godrej 
$4.5 BLN #466 airlines $3.6 BLN #629 consumer GooDs $2.9 BLN #822 consumer GooDs
Nusli Wadia 
$6.2 BLN #281 micky Jagtiani  Kuldip Singh & gurbachan Jamshyd godrej 
consumer ProDucts $4.4 BLN #480 retail Singh dhingra 
$3.5 BLN #652 Paints
$2.9 BLN #822 consumer GooDs anurang jain
Benu gopal Bangur  rahul Bajaj  Nadir godrej 
$6 BLN #289 cement $4.3 BLN #499 motorcycles Baba Kalyani  neWcomer: The nephew of
$2.9 BLN #822 consumer GooDs
$3.5 BLN #652 enGineerinG motorcycle magnate Rahul
Kalanithi maran  pawan munjal & family  rishad Naoroji 
$4.1 BLN #527 motorcycles Shashi & ravi ruia  Bajaj founded Endurance Tech-
$5.2 BLN #372 meDia $2.9 BLN #822 consumer GooDs
$3.4 BLN #679 DiversifieD nologies in 1985 to supply alu-
Subhash chandra  Br Shetty  aloke Lohia  minium castings to his uncle’s
$5 BLN #388 meDia $4 BLN #550 health care anil agarwal & family  $2.8 BLN #859 Petrochemicals
$3.3 BLN #703 mininG, metals Bajaj Auto. He listed the $867
pankaj patel  Sudhir & Samir mehta  chandru raheja  million (revenue) autoparts
$5 BLN #388 Pharmaceuticals $3.9 BLN #572 DiversifieD ashwin dani  $2.8 BLN #859 real estate firm in 2016; the stock has
$3.3 BLN #703 Paints
ma Yusuff ali  ravi pillai  anil ambani  nearly doubled in the past year.
$5 BLN #388 retail $3.9 BLN #572 construction Sameer gehlaut & family  $2.7 BLN #887 DiversifieD His twin brother, Tarang, who
$3.2 BLN #729 finance
ajay piramal  mangal prabhat Lodha  pV ramprasad reddy  controls privately held auto
$4.9 BLN #404 Pharmaceuticals $3.7 BLN #606 real estate rajan raheja & family  $2.5 BLN #965 components maker Varroc
$3.1 BLN #766 DiversifieD Pharmaceuticals Group, also debuts.

Wealth StatuS:
up DoWn  unchangeD 
wine-growing oil & gas fields Mining & tiMber financial sports tecH playground neW ★ returnee 
region and deposits Minerals centre teaM centre

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 65

the world’s billionaires / the list

Jai hari & Yadu hari

dalmia & family ★
Niranjan hiranandani 
$1.5 BLN #1561 real estate IcelAND
$2.4 BLN #1020 cement
anurang Jain ★
abhay firodia  $1.5 BLN #1561 auto Parts GDP: $25.1 BLN
$2.4 BLN #1020 automoBiles PoPulation: 335,000
rajju Shroff  1
Leena Tewari  $1.5 BLN #1561 aGrochemicals Billionaires: 1
$2.4 BLN #1020 Thor Bjorgolfsson 
Shamsheer Vayalil  total net worth: $2 BLN $2 BLN #1215 investments
$1.5 BLN #1561 health care (+$200 mLN VS 2017)
Sunny Varkey  anu aga 
$2.4 BLN #1020 eDucation
$1.4 BLN #1650 enGineerinG
murali divi 
$2.3 BLN #1070
Krishna Kumar Bangur ★
$1.4 BLN #1650 IrelAND pallonji mistry 
$17.8 BLN #66 construction
Michael o’leary
GraPhite electroDes neWcomer: Known for his brash
harsh goenka  GDP: $328.6 BLN John grayken  leadership style, the longtime CEO
rg chandramogan ★ $6.6 BLN #251 Private equity
$2.3 BLN #1070 DiversifieD
$1.4 BLN #1650 Dairy PoPulation: 5 mLN of Ryanair has turned cost-cutting
murli dhar & Bimal Kumar Billionaires: 9 denis O’Brien  into an art form, building the no-
K dinesh  $4.6 BLN #456 telecom
gyanchandani ★ $1.4 BLN #1650 (+1 VS 2017) frills airline from a $85 million
$2.3 BLN #1070 DeterGents John dorrance iii 
software services total net worth: $38.2 (sales) business into a $7.1 billion
Shyam & hari Bhartia ★ Balkrishan goenka 
BLN (+$4 BLN VS 2017) $2.8 BLN #859 camPBell souP one. A former accountant, O’Leary
$2.2 BLN #1103 DiversifieD dermot desmond  worked as a financial advisor to
$1.4 BLN #1650 textiles
Vinod & anil rai gupta  TS Kalyanaraman 
$2.3 BLN #1070 finance the airline’s founder, Tony Ryan
$2.2 BLN #1103
$1.4 BLN #1650 jewellery michael O’Leary ★ (died 2007), before joining the
electrical equiPment $1.1 BLN #1999 ryanair company in 1988; he took over as
Nimesh Kampani  meath
Jitendra Virwani  $1.4 BLN #1650 finance John collison  CEO six years later.
$2.2 BLN #1103 real estate $1 BLN #2124 striPe
dinesh Nandwana ★
Sanjiv goenka  $1.4 BLN #1650 patrick collison 
$2.1 BLN #1157 DiversifieD $1 BLN #2124 striPe
software services
ravi Jaipuria  Subhash runwal  Dublin martin Naughton 
$2.1 BLN #1157 soft Drinks
$1.4 BLN #1650 real estate 3 $1 BLN #2124
harsh mariwala  heatinG equiPment
rana Kapoor 
$2.1 BLN #1157 consumer GooDs
$1.3 BLN #1756 BankinG
Nr Narayana murthy  habil Khorakiwala 
$2.1 BLN #1157
$1.3 BLN #1756
software services eXpatriates 5
Vikas Oberoi  mahendra prasad 
$2.1 BLN #1157 real estate

$1.3 BLN #1756
Vivek chand Burman  Pharmaceuticals ciputra & family 
$2 BLN #1215 consumer GooDs $1.4 BLN #1650 real estate
Bhadresh Shah 
ramesh Juneja & family ★ $1.3 BLN #1756 enGineerinG martua Sitorus 
$2 BLN #1215 Pharmaceuticals $1.4 BLN #1650 Palm oil
harindarpal Banga 
Lachhman das mittal  $1.2 BLN #1867 commoDities GDP: $1 TLN; PoPulation: 264 mLN djoko Susanto 
$2 BLN #1215 tractors Billionaires: 20 $1.3 BLN #1756 suPermarkets
amit Burman 
mofatraj munot  $1.2 BLN #1867 consumer GooDs total net worth: $72.5 BLN (+$19.4 BLN VS 2017) alexander Tedja 
$2 BLN #1215 real estate $1.3 BLN #1756 real estate
Kochouseph chittilappilly ★
arvind poddar ★ $1.2 BLN #1867 manufacturinG harjo Sutanto 
$2 BLN #1215 tyres r Budi hartono  peter Sondakh  $1.2 BLN #1867
ajay Kalsi  consumer GooDs
$17.4 BLN #69 BankinG, $1.9 BLN #1284 investments
arvind Tiku  $1.2 BLN #1867 oil & Gas
$2 BLN #1215 oil & Gas, Theodore rachmat & fam  Soegiarto adikoesoemo 
hemendra Kothari ★ $1.1 BLN #1999 chemicals
investments michael hartono  $1.7 BLN #1394 DiversifieD
$1.2 BLN #1867
$16.7 BLN #75 BankinG, hary Tanoesoedibjo 
Nandan Nilekani  financial services
toBacco Low Tuck Kwong 
$1.9 BLN #1284 $1.5 BLN #1561 coal $1.1 BLN #1999 meDia
Sd Shibulal 
software services Sri prakash Lohia  Sukanto Tanoto 
$1.2 BLN #1867
$7 BLN #228 Polyester eddy Kusnadi Sariaatmadja 
ranjan pai  software services $1.5 BLN #1561 meDia, tech $1.1 BLN #1999 DiversifieD
$1.9 BLN #1284 eDucation Tahir & family 
Basudeo Singh ★ $3.5 BLN #652 DiversifieD
anand Burman  $1.2 BLN #1867
$1.8 BLN #1339 consumer GooDs Pharmaceuticals chairul Tanjung  soegiarto adikoesoemo
RyanaiR: Tony GenTile / ReuTeRs; Michael: axel schMidT / ReuTeRs

$3.5 BLN #652 DiversifieD

Senapathy gopalakrishnan  Samprada Singh  trophy: indonesia’s first private museum dedicated to modern
$1.8 BLN #1339 $1.2 BLN #1867 mochtar riady & family  and contemporary art, museum macan is the brainchild of chem-
software services Pharmaceuticals $3 BLN #791 DiversifieD icals tycoon adikoesoemo’s son haryanto. located in jakarta, the
Yusuf hamied  chirayu amin  prajogo pangestu  43,000-square-foot space opened in november and includes a
$1.7 BLN #1394 $1.1 BLN #1999 $2.9 BLN #822 Petrochemicals sculpture garden featuring works by jeff koons and yayoi kusama,
Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals
murdaya poo  a children’s area and rotating exhibits. haryanto also heads akr
devendra Jain  Sheela gautam ★ $2 BLN #1215 DiversifieD corporindo, which his father founded in 1960.
$1.7 BLN #1394 chemicals $1.1 BLN #1999 mattresses

anand mahindra  madhu Kapur ★

$1.7 BLN #1394 automoBiles $1.1 BLN #1999 BankinG

Kishore mariwala  Satish mehta 

$1.7 BLN #1394 consumer GooDs $1.1 BLN #1999
Vijay Shekhar Sharma 
$1.7 BLN #1394 analjit Singh 
financial technoloGy $1.1 BLN #1999 health care

radhe Shyam agarwal  raamdeo agrawal ★

$1.6 BLN #1477 consumer GooDs $1 BLN #2124
financial services
achal Bakeri 
$1.6 BLN #1477 air coolers Tarang Jain ★
$1 BLN #2124 auto comPonents jakarta
radhe Shyam goenka  14 surabaya bali
$1.6 BLN #1477 consumer GooDs Nirmal minda ★
$1 BLN #2124 auto Parts suMbawa
Joy alukkas  suMba
$1.5 BLN #1561 jewellery ravindra Kishore Sinha ★ kuDus
$1 BLN #2124 security services eXpatriates

66 | forbes india April 27, 2018

Israel Beit yanai

netanya 24
gDp: $349.2 Bln FASHION & RETAIL
siLiCon 9 9
population: 9 Mln wadi FOOD & BEVERAGE 42% 46%
Billionaires: 20 3 3
(+2 VS 2017) Bnei Brak
total net worth: $57 Bln petah tikva
gDp: $1.9 Tln; population: 61 Mln
inhEriTEd & grOWing 2
(+$2.9 Bln VS 2017) Billionaires: 43 (+1 VS 2017) inhEriTEd
tel aviv total net worth: $170.4 Bln 1 1
1 1

maCCaBi teL aviv FC

giovanni ferrero ✂ Massimiliana landini Aleotti Piero Ferrari
mitcheLL goLdhar $23 Bln #37 nutella, & family 
ChoColates $7.9 Bln #196 BiggeSt gainer: shares of
pharmaCeutiCals his luxury sports-car maker
leonardo del Vecchio
& family  Augusto & giorgio perfetti  have more than doubled since
$21.2 Bln #45 eyeglasses $6.6 Bln #251 CanDy its 2015 ipo and raced ahead
82 percent in the past year
Stefano pessina  paolo & gianfelice Mario
$11.8 Bln #127 Drugstores rocca  alone, in large part because
$4.9 Bln #404 of the brand’s increasing pop-
giorgio Armani  pipe manuFaCturing
$8.9 Bln #174 Fashion
ularity. Ferrari sold a record
giuseppe de’longhi  number of cars in 2017, and its
eXpatriates Silvio Berlusconi & family 
5 $4.3 Bil #499 CoFFeemakers waiting list is on average one
$8 Bln #190 meDia
year. his father, enzo Ferrari,
founded the company in 1947;
his second and only
idan Ofer  living child, piero,
$3.6 Bln #629 Drilling, Cortina
shipping is the largest indi-
Lake Como vidual shareholder
Arnon Milchan  and vice chairman.
$3.5 Bln #652 moviemaking
Bassano del Grappa
turin CoMo
Teddy Sagi  CroCetta del
Montello 5
adam neumann $3.4 Bln #679
gamBling soFtware
neWSmaker: His office space Shaul Shani  Milan treviso
inter miLan
company WeWork received $3.4 Bln #679 teleCom Zhang Jindong
$4.4 billion from Japanese in- gil Shwed  aC miLan
vestment conglomerate Soft- $2.6 Bln #924 soFtware Yonghong Li

Bank in March 2017, valuing Adam neumann 

WeWork at $20 billion. Last $2.5 Bln #965 wework
year WeWork acquired Flat- 4 Modena
Alexander Machkevich 
iron School, a coding academy, $2.3 Bln #1070 mining, metals BoLogna FC
and Meetup, a platform for or- 15
sCuderia Ferrari
Piero Ferrari
emanueLe SaPuto
ganising events. Neumann also Shmuel harlap ★ & FamiLY
$1.9 Bln #1284 automotive Casette d’ete
found time for another mile-
Marius nacht  soloMeo
stone: He finally graduated
$1.6 Bln #1477 soFtware
from Baruch College, 15 years aCF Fiorentina tusCany
after he first enrolled. He gave Mori Arkin  diego & andrea deLLa VaLLe
a Mare
the commencement speech at $1.4 Bln #1650
his own graduation in May.
Zadik Bino 
$1.2 Bln #1867 Banking, oil roMe
5 3
dan gertler 
Eyal Ofer  $1.2 Bln #1867 mining
$9.4 Bln #162 real estate,
shipping liora Ofer 
$1.1 Bln #1999 investments
Stef Wertheimer & family  Capri
$5.7 Bln #315 Morris Kahn  sardinia
metalworking tools $1 Bln #2124 soFtware

mAnuel silvestri; renzo: PhiliPPe WoJAzer / reuters;

AdAm: JAmie mccArthy / Getty imAGes; riAlto BridGe:
Shari Arison  lev leviev 
$5.5 Bln #334 Carnival $1 Bln #2124 DiamonDs
Cruises Beny Steinmetz 
Yitzhak Tshuva  $1 Bln #2124 mining,
$3.7 Bln #606 real estate DiamonDs, real estate

Shmuel harlap
neWcomer: harlap joins the three-
Piero: AlBert GeA / reuters

comma club after tech giant intel

bought israeli startup mobileye, a
maker of software used in self-driv-
ing cars, for $15.3 billion in cash.
angel investor harlap had a 7.2 per-
cent stake in mobileye, for which he renzo rosso
paid about $12 million over several neWSmaker: In 2013 his multibillion-dollar fashion firm OTB—known for its denim brand Diesel—
years. he also chairs Colmobil, israel’s pledged $6 million to restore one of Venice’s oldest bridges, Ponte di Rialto, under one condition: OTB
largest car importer, which his father would oversee the restoration. It completed the project in June 2017. And under budget. Rosso invested
bought in 1962. the unused $600,000 to upgrade the historic walkways around the famous bridge.

Wealth StatuS:
up down  unChanGed  split fortune ✂
wine-growing oiL & gas FieLds mining & timBer FinanCiaL sports teCh pLayground new ★ returnee 
region and deposits mineraLs Centre team Centre

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 67

the world’s billionaires / the list

renzo rosso & family 

eiichi kuriwada

$4.1 Bln #527 Fashion hokkaido
carlo Benetton  neWcomer: kuriwada debuts on our list follow-
$3.5 Bln #652 Fashion, ing the December ipo of sg holdings, parent of
Japanese package delivery service sagawa ex-
gilberto Benetton  press. kuriwada, who has only a high school diplo-
$3.5 Bln #652 Fashion, ma, chairs the company and owns an 18 percent
gDp: $4.9 Tln population: 127 Mln stake. his late father, kiyoshi sagawa, founded the
giuliana Benetton  Billionaires: 35 (+2 VS 2017) company in 1957. Back in the 1990s the company
$3.5 Bln #652 Fashion,
total net worth: $138.1 Bln was the focus of a big
(+$23.6 Bln VS 2017) scandal: an executive
luciano Benetton  at the tokyo affiliate of
$3.5 Bln #652 Fashion,
WEAlTh TOp SEcTOrS sagawa express was
Origin convicted of making tohoku rakuten
patrizio Bertelli  15% payoffs to politicians. goLden eagLes
9 FASHION & RETAIL hiroShi mikitani
$3.2 Bln #729 Fashion 15%
FASHION & RETAIL 6 11% sagawa, a billionaire
Miuccia prada  6 11% TECHNOLOGY in 1992, resigned as
$3.2 Bln #729 Fashion
TECHNOLOGY 74% 4 chairman that year;
Ennio doris & family  4 GAMBLING neither he nor kuriwa-
$3 Bln #791 FinanCial 3 da was charged.
serviCes 3 inhEriTEd & grOWing REAL ESTATE
piero ferrari  SElf-MAdE
$2.7 Bln #887 automoBiles
Sandro Veronesi  2 TELECOM
$2.7 Bln #887 Fashion
francesco gaetano
caltagirone  tokyo 23
$2.6 Bln #924 Cement,
DiversiFieD 2 kyoto
luca garavoglia  ChiBa
$2.5 Bln #965 spirits
luigi rovati & family  yokosuka
$2.4 Bln #1020 osaka kansai sCienCe City researCh
pharmaCeutiCals park
gustavo denegri 
$2.3 Bln #1070 BioteCh
Maria franca fissolo ✂
$2.2 Bln #1103 nutella,
Mario Moretti polegato &
family 
$2 Bln #1215 shoes yusaku maezawa
remo ruffini  neWSmaker: In May the founder of
$1.9 Bln #1284 online fashion mall Zozotown purchased
luxury sportswear an untitled 1982 painting by Jean-Michel
diego della Valle  Basquiat for $110.5 million, a record
$1.8 Bln #1339 shoes price for the artist. Maezawa lent the
nicola Bulgari  piece to the Brooklyn Museum in New
$1.7 Bln #1394 luxury gooDs York for a show early this year. He says
paolo Bulgari  he plans to eventually build a mu-
$1.7 Bln #1394 luxury gooDs seum in his hometown of Chiba
luigi cremonini & family  to exhibit his collection, which
$1.7 Bln #1394 kazuo okada also includes works by Jeff Koons,
meat proCessing Picasso and Andy Warhol.
neWSmaker: in June
domenico dolce  pachinko-machine
$1.7 Bln #1394 Fashion
maker universal en-
Masayoshi Son  Yusaku Maezawa  Yoshiyuki Sankai 
Stefano gabbana  tertainment removed $22.7 Bln #39 internet, $1.4 Bln #1650 roBotiCs
$2.9 Bln #822 online retail
$1.7 Bln #1394 Fashion okada as chairman as teleCom
chang-Woo han & family  Soichiro fukutake 
Massimo Moratti  part of an investiga- Tadashi Yanai & family  $1.3 Bln #1756 eDuCation
$2.5 Bln #965 paChinko
$1.7 Bln #1394 oil reFinery tion into what it says $19.5 Bln #55 Fashion retail parlours
nobutoshi Shimamura &
KAzuo: issei KAto / reuters; yusAKu: toru hAnAi / reuters;

pier luigi loro piana  were fraudulent finan-

JAcK tAylor/ Getty imAGes; eiichi: Kiyoshi otA/BloomBerG

Takemitsu Takizaki  Yoshiko Mori  family 

$1.6 Bln #1477 Fashion cial deals. in novem- $17.5 Bln #68 sensors $2.5 Bln #965 real estate $1.3 Bln #1756 retail
gian Marco Moratti  ber, the company—
which okada founded Akira Mori & family  Takao Yasuda  Eiichi Kuriwada ★
$1.6 Bln #1477 oil reFinery $6.3 Bln #274 real estate $1.2 Bln #1867
$2.2 Bln #1103 retail
in 1969—sued him for paCkage Delivery
Alberto prada  Shigenobu nagamori 
$1.4 Bln #1650 Fashion misconduct, seeking Katsumi Tada 
$5.6 Bln #321 motors $2.1 Bln #1157 real estate Kentaro Ogawa & family 
$17 million in damages. $1.2 Bln #1867 restaurants
Marina prada  hiroshi Mikitani 
$1.4 Bln #1650 Fashion
okada has reported- Satoshi Suzuki 
ly denied wrongdoing. $5.5 Bln #334 online retail $2 Bln #1215 CosmetiCs Yoshikazu Tanaka 
Brunello cucinelli & family  $1.2 Bln #1867 soCial network
okada also reported- Keiichiro Takahara & family  Masateru Uno & family 
$1.3 Bln #1756 Fashion $5 Bln #388 Diapers hideyuki Busujima 
ly sued his two adult $1.9 Bln #1284 Drugstores
Andrea della Valle  $1.1 Bln #1999
children and his wife Akio nitori  Masahiro noda 
$1.3 Bln #1756 shoes paChinko maChines
for control of the en- $4.4 Bln #480 home Furnishings $1.8 Bln #1339 soFtware
Emanuella Barilla  tity that holds his uni- hiroshi ishibashi ★
Yasumitsu Shigeta & family  Kenji Kasahara  $1.1 Bln #1999 tyres
$1.1 Bln #1999 pasta versal entertainment $4.1 Bln #527 $1.6 Bln #1477 soCial
guido Barilla  shares. he could not be moBile phone retailer network Yoshiko Shinohara 
$1.1 Bln #1999 pasta reached for comment. $1.1 Bln #1999 staFFing
Masatoshi ito  Yasuhiro fukushima 
luca Barilla  $3.9 Bln #572 retail $1.5 Bln #1561 viDeogames Susumu fujita ★
$1.1 Bln #1999 pasta $1 Bln #2124 internet meDia
Masahiro Miki  nobutada Saji 
paolo Barilla  $3.8 Bln #588 shoes $1.5 Bln #1561 Beverages Masayuki ishihara & family 
$1.1 Bln #1999 pasta $1 Bln #2124 paChinko
Kazuo Okada & family  Kagemasa Kozuki  maChines
$3 Bln #791 Casinos $1.4 Bln #1650 viDeogames

68 | forbes india April 27, 2018

KazaKhstan Lebanon Bahaa hariri  Liechtenstein
$2.1 Bln #1157 real estate,
investments, loGistics
GDP: $52.7 Bln GDP: $6.3 Bln
GDP: $158 Bln robert Mouawad & fam 
PoPulation: 6 Mln PoPulation: 37,900
PoPulation: 18 Mln $1.6 Bln #1477 fine jewellery
bEiRut 3 Billionaires: 1
Billionaires: 5 Billionaires: 7 Saad hariri 
(+3 VS 2017) total net worth:
total net worth: $14.4 Bln $1.5 Bln #1561 construction,
$3.9 Bln
(+$3.9 Bln VS 2017) total net worth: $13.3 investments
(+$1.2 Bln VS 2017)
Bln (+$4.3 Bln VS 2017) Ayman hariri  vaDuz
$1.3 Bln #1756 construction,
Taha Mikati  investments Christoph Zeller 
$2.8 Bln #859 telecom $3.9 Bln #572
Fahd hariri 
astana najib Mikati  $1.3 Bln #1756 construction, Dental imPlants
$2.7 Bln #887 telecom investments EXPatRiatEs

OrIgIn Jeronimo Arango & family 
4 4 $4.3 Bln #499 retail
Antonio Del Valle ruiz &
Timur Kulibaev  3 37% family 
METALS & MINING $3.4 Bln #679 chemicals
$3.2 Bln #729 BankinG METALS & MINING 44%
GDP: $1.1 tln; PoPulation: 124 Mln 2
Jose and Francisco Jose
Dinara Kulibaeva  FASHION & RETAIL
$3.2 Bln #729 BankinG Billionaires: 16 (+1 VS 2017)
FASHION & RETAIL 2 Calderon rojas 
total net worth: $141 Bln 2 InherITeD & grOWIng FINANCE & INVESTMENTS
$2.9 Bln #822 BeveraGes
Vladimir Kim  (+$24.3 Bln VS 2017) FINANCE & INVESTMENTS InherITeD
$3.1 Bln #766 mininG SelF-MADe 1 Carlos hank rhon 
1 TELECOM $2 Bln #1215 BankinG
Bulat Utemuratov  TELECOM 1
$2.6 Bln #924 mininG, BankinG, 1 gonda de rivera & fam  roberto hernandez
Carlos Slim helu & family 
$67.1 Bln #7 telecom
$7.1 Bln #222 BeveraGes
germán larrea
MEDIA ramirez 
Alijan Ibragimov  mota Velasco $1.9 Bln #1284 BankinG
german larrea Mota ricardo Salinas Pliego & fam  emilio Azcarraga Jean 
$2.3 Bln #1070 mininG, metals Velasco & family  $7.1 Bln #222 retail, meDia
$17.3 Bln #72 mininG
neWSMaker: Larrea’s Grupo $1.7 Bln #1394
Maria Asuncion tv BroaDcastinG
México, one of the world’s
Alberto Bailleres Aramburuzabala & family  largest copper miners, took its rufino Vigil gonzalez 
Kuwait gonzalez & family 
$10.7 Bln #143 mininG
$5.9 Bln #296 Beer,
investments railway subsidiary GMéxico $1.4 Bln #1650 steel
Transportes public on the David Penaloza Alanis 
Juan Francisco Beckmann Mexican stock exchange in $1.3 Bln #1756 toll roaDs
GDP: $119 Bln Vidal & family 
PoPulation: 4 Mln $5.7 Bln #315 tequila November. The company has Alfredo harp helu & family 
Billionaires: 4 nearly 7,000 miles of railroads $1.2 Bln #1867 BankinG
total net worth: $5.2 Bln across Mexico and in Texas
(–$200 Mln VS 2017) and Florida.

Kutayba alghanim
FaMily Feud: Alghanim chairs his
family’s Alghanim Industries. Its di-
verse interests include the Wendy’s
franchise in the Middle East and,
in Kuwait, the
auto dealer-
ships that sell
GM and Ford montERREy
cars. He and
his brother Bas-
sam, also a bil- LOS cAbOS
lionaire, have
been fighting SAN miGueL De ALLeNDe
over how to divide their late father’s
business empire since at least 2007; cLub AtLAS
the arbitration between them has riCardo salinas Pliego cF PAchucA EXPatRiatE
Carlos slim Helu
dragged on for years. cLub LeON 1
Carlos slim Helu

mEXico city tuLum

kuwait city PuNtA mitA cLub AmericA
3 emilio azCarraga Jean
emilio azcárraga Jean
neWSMaker: after two decades at the 13
Emilio: Al SEib / loS AngElES TimES viA gETTy
imAgES; CArloS: EdgArd gArrido / rEuTErS

helm, azcárraga resigned as ceo of Grupo

EXPatRiatE televisa, mexico’s biggest broadcaster, in
january at a challenging time. ad revenues
for televisa’s tv unit fell 11 percent in 2017, Carlos slim Helú
Bassam Alghanim  following a net income plunge of over 50
$1.4 Bln #1650 DiversifieD richeSt: Slim’s foundation partnered with Mexico’s
percent in 2016. azcárraga, who owns near-
Kutayba Alghanim 
National Autonomous University (UNAM) and Mexico’s
ly 15 percent of televisa, is staying on as ex-
$1.4 Bln #1650 DiversifieD National Human Rights Commission in March 2017 to
ecutive chairman of the company. his late
help millions of Mexicans living in the US apply to become
Fawzi Al-Kharafi  father, emilio azcárraga milmo, is cred-
$1.2 Bln #1867 DiversifieD
American citizens. The groups support a website called
ited with turning televisa into a power-
Acceso Latino, which offers information about free legal
Mohannad Al-Kharafi  house that exports its soap operas around
aid and loans for the citizenship application fee.
$1.2 Bln #1867 DiversifieD the world.

Wealth StatuS:
uP Down  unchangED 
wiNe-GrOwiNG OiL & GAS FieLDS miNiNG & timber FiNANciAL SPOrtS tech PLAyGrOuND nEw ★ REtuRnEE 
reGiON AND DePOSitS miNerALS ceNtre teAm ceNtre

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 69

the world’s billionaires / the list


Malaysia TAwAU
GDP: $315.4 Bln sibU GDP: $6.9 Bln
PoPulation: 32 Mln PoPulation: 39,000
Billionaires: 14 (+2 VS 2017) Billionaires: 4
total net worth: $61.8 Bln eXpATRiATe total net worth: $6.9
(+$16.1 Bln VS 2017) KUAlA 1 Bln (–$200 Mln VS 2017)
9 lim Kok thay
Robert Kuok  lau Cho Kun 
robert Kuok
neWCoMer: the son of late gaming
$14.8 Bln #96 Palm oil, $2.6 Bln #924 Palm oil, AS monAco Fc
riCheSt: Ma- billionaire lim Goh tong disclosed his Dmitry rybolovlev
shiPPinG, real estate real estate
laysia’s rich- stake in casino group Genting in
Kuan Kam Hon  Monte Carlo
Ananda Krishnan  est for 22 years, november, following reports of a long-
$7.2 Bln #217 telecom, meDia $2.5 Bln #965 synthetic the press-shy
running family dispute over ownership
Quek leng Chan  mogul made head- of the shares. his nasdaq-listed empire
$7.2 Bln #217 BankinG, Koon Poh Keong ★ lines last year with a memoir, resorts opened a resort in the catskills
real estate $2.4 Bln #1020 aluminium
sharing little-known details of in february that has over 150 table eXpATRiATes
Syed Mokhtar AlBukhary  2
Teh Hong Piow  his life, including his days as games and 2,150 slot machines.
$6 Bln #289 BankinG $1.9 Bln #1284 DiversifieD a rice, sugar and wheat-flour Tatiana Casiraghi 
$2.2 Bln #1103 Beer
lee Shin Cheng  Jeffrey Cheah ★ trader as well as his ties to
$5.6 Bln #321 Palm oil, $1.3 Bln #1756 DiversifieD politicians in the early years of David nahmad 
real estate Malaysia’s independence. He $1.9 Bln #1284 art
lim Wee Chai ★
lim Kok Thay ★ $1.2 Bln #1867 ruBBer Gloves controls an empire that Ezra nahmad 
$4.7 Bln #441 casinos includes hotel chain Shangri- $1.5 Bln #1561 art
Tiong Hiew King 
Chen lip Keong  $1.1 Bln #1999 timBer, meDia La and the agribusiness lily Safra 
$3.3 Bln #703 casinos, Wilmar International. $1.3 Bln #1756 BankinG
real estate

GDP: $110.7 Bln; PoPulation: 36 Mln
netherlands Charlene de Carvalho-
Heineken & family 
$15.8 Bln #86 heineken
Frits Goldschmeding 
Billionaires: 2 (–1 VS 2017) $5.2 Bln #372 temP aGency
GDP: $823.9 Bln; PoPulation: 17 Mln
total net worth: $3.8 Bln Hans Melchers 
(–$700 Mln VS 2017) Billionaires: 9 (–1 VS 2017) $2.9 Bln #822 chemicals,
total net worth: $35.5 Bln (+$3.9 Bln VS 2017) investments

Aziz Akhannouch & Ralph Sonnenberg 

family  $2.9 Bln #822 BlinDs
$2.2 Bln #1103
Petroleum, DiversifieD cAsAblANcA
Hans melchers John de Mol 
$2.1 Bln #1157 television
Othman Benjelloun  trophy: an avid art
Kommer Damen 
$1.6 Bln #1477 BankinG, collector, melchers $1.8 Bln #1339 shiPBuilDinG
insurance opened his second
lesley Bamberger 
more museum in a $1.7 Bln #1394 real estate
14th-century castle in
the Dutch village of ru- Robert Defares 

$1.6 Bln #1477
urlo in June. it features electronic traDinG
works by Dutch painter
Wim Van Der leegte 
RobeRt: ReuteRs, Lim: PabLo sanchez / ReuteRs; binod: mexy xavieR; KommeR: tiJmen KieLen

GDP: $24.9 Bln; PoPulation: 29 Mln carel willink and chi-

$1.5 Bln #1561 manufacturinG
Billionaires: 1 nese-Dutch fashion de-
total net worth: $1.5 Bln signer fong leng. his
(+$200 Mln VS 2017) first more museum,
which exhibits mod-
Binod Chaudhary  ern Dutch realist art,
$1.5 Bln #1561
opened in Gorssel in


binod Chaudhary
politiCS: The chairman of CG Corp Global
secured a nomination from the Nepali AMsTeRDAM
Congress party 3 blARicUM
in the December
federal elections. VoRDeN
His party didn’t
win, but now as
a member of par-
liament sitting in goRiNcHeM
the opposition,
Kommer Damen
Chaudhary says eiNDHoVeN neWSMaker: His $2.5 billion (sales) Damen Shipyards worked
he hopes to play a with four other companies to develop the world’s first 3D-printed
role in “furthering ship propeller, the WAAMpeller. Built with 298 layers of nickel
Nepal’s economic aluminium bronze alloy, the propeller was tested on one of
agenda”. 2 Damen’s tugboats and displayed at its headquarters in November.

Wealth StatuS:
Up DowN  UNcHANgeD 
wine-growing oiL & gAS FieLDS mining & timber FinAnciAL SPortS tech PLAygrounD New ★ ReTURNee 
region AnD DePoSitS minerALS centre teAm centre

70 | forbes india April 27, 2018

tOp SectOrS

new Zealand Origin 3
GDP: $191.9 Bln; PoPulation: 5 Mln FASHION & RETAIL 26.5%
3 47%
Billionaires: 2 3 47% DIVERSIFIED
total net worth: $12.2 Bln GDP: $397.2 Bln DIVERSIFIED 3
Kauri Cliffs 26.5% FINANCE & INVESTMENTS
(+$800 Mln VS 2017) PoPulation: 5 Mln 3
Billionaires: 15 (+1 VS 2017) inherited & grOWing LOGISTICS
graeme hart 
aucKland total net worth: $39.1 Bln (+$6.7 Bln VS 2017)
$10.1 Bln #148 investments 2 SERVICE
richard chandler 
$2.1 Bln #1157 investments 1 REAL ESTATE

Kjell Inge Rokke REAL ESTATE

Graeme Hart eXpaTriaTe
trophy: In May, Rokke
rICheSt: new Zealand’s rich- CaPe KiDnaPPers
commissioned the world’s larg-
est since 2007, hart assembled est yacht, REV, to be complet-
a packaging empire that in- ed in 2020. The 596-foot boat will
cludes reynolds wrap alu- have all the typical amenities for a
minium foil and trash-bag billionaire—including a gym and
maker hefty. in october two helipads—but will also be a
he sold his 351-foot su- floating research centre, with mul-
peryacht ulysses tiple labs, underwater vessels, a 40-
for approxi- seat auditorium and space for 90
mately $195 scientists and crew. He’s partnered
million. with the World Wildlife Fund Nor-
way, which will also use the yacht.
Rokke started out as a fisherman.

Odd reitan  alexandra andresen 

$6.6 Bln #251 retail,

$1.4 Bln #1650 investments
real estate
Katharina andresen 
Johan Johannson  $1.4 Bln #1650 investments
$4.4 Bln #480 Grocery stores
GDP: $376.5 Bln; PoPulation: 191 Mln ivar erik tollefsen ★
andreas halvorsen 
Billionaires: 3 $3.7 Bln #606 heDGe funDs
$1.2 Bln #1867 real estate
total net worth: $20.9 Bln (+$1.3 Bln VS 2017) Svein Stole  5
arne Wilhelmsen & family  $1.1 Bln #1999 investments
$3.6 Bln #629 cruises
alexander Vik 
aliko dangote  Kjell inge rokke  $1 Bln #2124 investments
$14.1 Bln #100 cement, $3.5 Bln #652 shiPPinG,
Ivar Erik Tollefsen

Graeme Hart: FairFax media / Getty imaGes. aliko danGote: lucas Jackson / reuters; katHarina: Frédéric Boudin
suGar, flour seafooD
Mike adenuga  caroline hagen Kjos  NeWComer: A rally car driver and
$5.3 Bln #365 telecom, oil $2.8 Bln #859 DiversifieD polar explorer, Tollefsen made a for-
folorunsho alakija  Stein erik hagen  tune buying up more than 27,000 rent-
$1.5 Bln #1561 oil $2.5 Bln #965 consumer al apartments across Scandinavia. At age
lagos GooDs 14, he started working as a DJ and soon
3 torstein hagen  Kverva ran a DJ supply business and built night-
$2.2 Bln #1103 cruises 1 clubs. In the early 1990s, he started to invest
ALIKO DANGOTE gustav Magnar Witzoe  in real estate through his company Fredens-
$1.9 Bln #1284 fish farminG borg Norge AS. Tollefsen bought the build-
rICheSt: Dangote holds
petter Stordalen & family  Trondheim 1 ing that formerly housed the US Embassy in
on to his spot as Africa’s Oslo in late 2017.
$1.8 Bln #1339 hotels
richest person while con-
tinuing to diversify his ce-
ment-heavy empire. His
Dangote Fertilizer is slat-
ed to start operations this
year, and his massive oil
refinery is expected to open
for business in late 2019.

oman oslo
GDP: $68.5 Bln muscaT 7
PoPulation: 5 Mln
Billionaires: 2 (–1 VS 2017)
total net worth: $5.4 Bln
(–$1.3 Bln VS 2017) Katharina Andresen
NeWSmaker: in april police pulled over an audi Q3 near a tony ski resort in
norway. the driver turned out to be andresen, 22, the world’s second-youngest
billionaire. her blood alcohol content was three times the legal limit. her lawyers
Suhail Bahwan  argued that she was a student with limited funds, including a $1,100 monthly sti-
$3.9 Bln #572 DiversifieD
pend. the court, which issues fines based on income, considered her stake in her
pnc Menon  family’s investment firm—an estimated 42 percent holding worth $1.4 billion—
$1.5 Bln #1561 real estate eXpaTriaTe and handed her a $32,000 fine and a 13-month driver’s licence suspension.

Wealth StatuS:
up down  unchanged 
wine-growing oil & gas fielDs mining & timber finanCial sPorts teCh PlaygrounD new ★ reTurnee 
region anD DePosits minerals Centre team Centre

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 71

the world’s billionaires / the list

GDP: $215.1 Bln
philippines Top SecTorS
PoPulation: 32 Mln 25%
Billionaires: 6 orIGIn 3
(+1 VS 2017) PoPulation:
105 Mln
total net worth: $10.9 Bln 5 1
(+$2.5 Bln VS 2017) LIma DIVERSIFIED12
Billionaires: 25% ENERGY
(–2 VS 2017) 3
6 1
total FOOD
net &worth:
$55.3 Bln1 1
Bln VS 2017)
carlos rodriguez-pastor  Jorge rodriguez rodriguez  REAL ESTATE
SCienCe City of Muñoz 1 InHerITeD & GroWInG
$3.4 Bln #679 finance $1.5 Bln #1561 ProcesseD Milk InHerITeD 1
Vito rodriguez rodriguez  eduardo Hochschild  1
$1.9 Bln #1284 ProcesseD Milk $1.4 Bln #1650 MininG
Ana Maria Brescia cafferata  eduardo Belmont Anderson  1
$1.5 Bln #1561 MininG, BankinG $1.2 Bln #1867 cosMetics

GDP: $522 Bln
warsaw PoPulation: 38 Mln
chrostnIK palawan
Billionaires: 6 (+2 VS 2017)
total net worth: $13.8 Bln
KonstancIn (+$3.9 Bln VS 2017)


Jerzy Starak
N e Wco mer: Starak chairs the su- Henry Sy
pervisory board of Polpharma, richest: sy’s fortune surged
which says it is Poland’s largest drug Davao City
by 57 percent over the past
manufacturer. In 2000 he helped year because of the strong
privatise the business, which spe- performance of his sM in-
cialises in pharmaceuticals used in vestments, a holding com-
Henry: erik de Castro / reuters; Jollibee: dondi tawatao / reuters; Jerzy: Venturelli / Getty imaGes for bulGari;

cardiology, neurology and gastroen- pany that owns shopping

terology. He founded the chemical malls, banks and buildings.
company Comindex in the 1970s. the 93-year-old is founder of
Roberto Ongpin Tony Tan Caktiong the sM Group and chairman
Dominika & Sebastian Dariusz Milek  emeritus of sM investments,
Kulczyk  $1.4 Bln #1650 real estate, NeWsmaker: Best known for his
NeWsmaker: ongpin is bet- which invested in a chain of
$3.8 Bln #588 DiversifieD retail
ting on a comeback for himself fast-food restaurant chain Jollib- dormitories for young profes-
Michal Solowow  Jerzy Starak ★ and his luxury property firm al- ee, the foodie is increasingly betting sionals in april.
$3.2 Bln #729 investMents $1.4 Bln #1650 on real estate. His DoubleDragon
PharMaceuticals phaland, which delisted from
Zygmunt Solorz-Zak  the Philippines stock exchange Properties is building a 1,001-
$2.8 Bln #859 tv Tomasz Biernacki ★ in 2014 after a messy split from room, eco-friendly hotel in Bo-
BroaDcastinG $1.2 Bln #1867 retail racay and a 519-room hotel in
uk investment group ash-
more. in 2016, Philippine presi- Davao City, Mindanao. Henry Sy 
$20 Bln #52 DiversifieD
dent rodrigo Duterte vowed on
portugal tv to destroy oligarchs and sin-
gled out ongpin. undeterred,
John Gokongwei Jr 
$5.8 Bln #305 fooD,
GDP: $217 Bln ongpin (pictured above with
his daughter) has been building enrique razon Jr 
PoPulation: 10 Mln $4.9 Bln #404 Ports
luxury villas on Balesin island.
Billionaires: 1 (–3 VS 2017) GrIjó
he also has plans to construct lucio Tan 
total net worth: $5.1 Bln $4.7 Bln #441 DiversifieD
(–$5.6 Bln VS 2017) an international airport on near-
by Patnanungan island , most Tony Tan caktiong 
of which he bought up over the $4 Bln #550 fooD

Maria Fernanda Amorim & past two years. he says he will George Ty 
family ★ relist his firm by next year. $3.9 Bln #572 BankinG
$5.1 Bln #382 enerGy,
Manuel Villar 
$3 Bln #791 real estate

romania Andrew Tan 

$2.7 Bln #887 DiversifieD
Qatar Faisal Bin Qassim
ramon Ang 
Al Thani  GDP: $210 Bln $2.5 Bln #965 DiversifieD
GDP: $165.9 Bln Doha $1.6 Bln #1477 hotels, PoPulation: 20 Mln robert coyiuto Jr 
PoPulation: 3 Mln DiversifieD Billionaires: 1 $1.4 Bln #1650 Power
Billionaires: 2 Hamad bin Jassim total net worth: eduardo cojuangco 
total net worth: bin Jaber Al Thani  Bucharest $1.2 Bln (+$100 Mln $1.3 Bln #1756 fooD,
$2.8 Bln $1.2 Bln #1867 VS 2017) BeveraGes
Ion Tiriac 
(–$900 Mln VS 2017) investMents
$1.2 Bln #1867 BankinG, roberto ongpin 
insurance $1.1 Bln #1999 DiversifieD

Wealth status:
up Down  unchanGeD 
wine-growing oil & gaS fielDS Mining & tiMber finanCial SportS teCh playgrounD new ★ returnee 
region anD DepoSitS MineralS Centre teaM Centre

72 | forbes india April 27, 2018

TOp SecTOrS Origin andrey andreeV
22 NeWcomer: this russian entrepreneur is
ENERGY the ultimate matchmaker. in 2004 he found-
18 ed mamba (renamed wamba), a russian on-
METALS & MINING line dating site that now has 31 million users in
16 100%
15 countries. two years later he started Badoo,
GDP: $1.6 Tln today the world’s largest online dating site, with
PoPulation: 144 Mln inheriTed & grOWing
over 377 million users in 47 languages across 190
Billionaires: 102 (+6 VS 2017) Self-Made countries. most recently he invested $10 million
total net worth: $410.8 Bln (+$24.5 Bln VS 2017) in seed money for a 79 percent stake in Bumble,
america’s fastest-growing dating-app company,
which has more than 28 million registered users.

Dmitry rybolovlev
trophy: Rybolovlev sold Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Salvator Mundi’ for a rec­
ord­breaking $450 million in November; the buyer was reported to be
Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Despite the high
price, Rybolovlev is suing the art dealer, Yves Bouvier, who brokered the
original sale to him for $127.5 million in 2013. Rybolovlev, who acquired
38 works through Bouvier, alleges that he was overcharged by an estimat­
ed $1 billion for the combined purchases. Bouvier denies any wrongdoing.

sT. PETERsbuRg

SeverStaL cherepovetS
Alexei MordAshov


Fc Spartak MoScow
leonid Fedun solIkAmsk

Fc kraSnodar chElyAbInsk PyshmA
sergei gAlitsky
kAzAn 4

karpukhin / reuterS; leonid: oleSya aStakhova / reuterS; andreev: antoine antoniol / Getty imaGeS
poLyana Lake BaikaL

da vinci: ilya S. Savenok / Getty imaGeS; oleG: SerGei karpukhin / reuterS; otkritie arena: SerGei
Sochi IRkuTsk

Vladimir lisin 
$19.1 Bln #57 steel, transPort
alexey Mordashov 
$18.7 Bln #60 steel,
Oleg deripaSka investments

NeWSmaker: russian state leonid Mikhelson 

$18 Bln #64 Gas, chemicals
media watchdog roskomnadzor
reportedly threatened in febru- Vagit alekperov 
$16.4 Bln #78 oil
ary to block youtube and ins-
tagram if the sites did not take gennady Timchenko 
moscow down content showing alumini- $16 Bln #82 oil, Gas
77 um tycoon Deripaska on a yacht Vladimir potanin 
$15.9 Bln #83 metals
with politician sergei Prikhod-
ko and nastya rybka, a 21-year-
leOnid fedUn
andrey Melnichenko 
old social media figure who has $15.5 Bln #88 coal, fertiliser trophy: The Lukoil executive in­
called herself Deripaska’s mis- vested a reported $500 million in Ot­
Mikhail fridman 
tress on instagram. the ultima- $15.1 Bln #93 oil, BankinG, kritie Arena, a soccer stadium in
tum came after he won an in- telecom Moscow. The stadium, which hosted
EXPATRIATEs junction in russia in february, Viktor Vekselberg 
its first game in 2014, is home to Fe­
11 citing invasion of privacy. $14.4 Bln #99 metals, enerGy dun’s soccer team, FC Spartak Mos­
instagram complied in russia. cow. It will host matches during the
alisher Usmanov 
youtube has not yet. $12.5 Bln #118 steel, telecom,
2018 FIFA World Cup.

Wealth StatuS:
uP down  unchAngEd 
wine-growing oiL & gaS FieLdS Mining & tiMBer FinanciaL SportS tech pLayground nEw ★ RETuRnEE 
region and depoSitS MineraLS centre teaM centre

sPorts team Denotes

Billionaire-owneD sPorts team

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 73

the world’s billionaires / the list

roman abramovich  alexander frolov  gavril yushvaev 
$10.8 Bln #140 steel, $2.2 Bln #1103 mininG, steel $1.4 Bln #1650 Precious
investments metals, real estate
Oleg Tinkov 
german khan  $2.2 Bln #1103 BankinG leonid Boguslavsky 
$9.8 Bln #152 oil, BankinG, $1.3 Bln #1756 venture
telecom nikolai Buinov  caPital GDP: $311 Bln
$2.1 Bln #1157 oil, Gas PoPulation: 6 Mln
Mikhail prokhorov  andrei kosogov 
$9.6 Bln #158 investments igor Makarov  $1.3 Bln #1756 oil, BankinG, Billionaires: 22 (+1 VS 2017)
$2.1 Bln #1157 Gas telecom total net worth: $64.5 Bln (+$5.1 Bln VS 2017)
Viktor rashnikov 
$9.3 Bln #164 steel alexey repik ★ elena Baturina 
$2.1 Bln #1157 $1.2 Bln #1867 construction
alexei kuzmichev  Pharmaceuticals
$7.6 Bln #205 oil, BankinG, gleb fetisov  sIngAPoRE
telecom andrei Bokarev  $1.2 Bln #1867 investments 20
$2 Bln #1215 metals, mininG
iskander Makhmudov  Sergei kolesnikov ★
$7.3 Bln #211 mininG, metals, Vadim Moshkovich  $1.2 Bln #1867
machinery $2 Bln #1215 aGriculture, BuilDinG materials
leonid fedun  Ziyavudin Magomedov 
$6.9 Bln #237 oil Vladimir yevtushenkov  $1.2 Bln #1867 Port, Gas
$2 Bln #1215 telecom,
dmitry rybolovlev  investments andrei Molchanov 
$6.8 Bln #242 fertiliser $1.2 Bln #1867 construction
alexander nesis  materials
Oleg deripaska  $1.9 Bln #1284 metals, Marina Bay
$6.7 Bln #248 aluminium, BankinG, fertiliser Boris rotenberg 
utilities $1.2 Bln #1867 construction,
Megdet rahimkulov  PiPes, chemicals
Suleiman kerimov  $1.9 Bln #1284 investments
$6.4 Bln #265 investments igor rybakov ★ EXPATRIATEs
aras agalarov  2
$1.2 Bln #1867 BuilDinG
alexander abramov  $1.8 Bln #1339 real estate materials
$5.2 Bln #372 steel, mininG
Vladimir Bogdanov 
pyotr aven  $1.8 Bln #1339 oil
airat Shaimiev  Min-liang tan
$1.2 Bln #1867 refinery,
$5.1 Bln #382 oil, BankinG,
telecom roman avdeev  chemicals NeWcomer: In November, just
$1.7 Bln #1394 BankinG, radik Shaimiev  after he turned 40, Tan listed
andrei Skoch  DeveloPment $1.2 Bln #1867 refinery, Razer, which makes products like
$4.9 Bln #404 steel chemicals
pavel durov ★ keyboards and headphones for
Mikhail gutseriev  $1.7 Bln #1394 messaGinG aPP Mikhail Shelkov ★ videogame players; he was a bil­
$4.8 Bln #422 oil,
real estate Sergei gordeev  $1.2 Bln #1867 titanium lionaire the next day. He quit his
$1.7 Bil #1394 real estate leonid Simanovsky  job as a lawyer to co­found Razer
andrei kozitsyn  $1.2 Bln #1867 investments in 2005. Its investors include
$4.8 Bln #422 metals konstantin Strukov ★
$1.7 Bln #1394 GolD, coal Vadim yakunin  Temasek Holdings and Hong Kong
andrei guriev  $1.2 Bln #1867 Pharmacy legend Li Ka­shing.
$4.5 Bln #466 fertiliser roman Trotsenko 
$1.7 Bln #1394 transPort, andrei filatov 
Sergei popov  enGineerinG, real estate robert & philip ng  Ong Beng Seng &
$1.1 Bln #1999 Ports,
$4.5 Bln #466 BankinG rail transPort
$10.8 Bln #140 real estate christina Ong 
alexander dzhaparidze  $2.1 Bln #1157 DiversifieD
Sergei galitsky  $1.6 Bln #1477 oil services goh cheng liang 
Vladimir kogan ★
$4 Bln #550 retail $1.1 Bln #1999 BankinG
$7 Bln #228 Paints Sam goi 
dmitry pumpyansky  $2 Bln #1215 frozen fooDs
Viatcheslav kantor  $1.6 Bln #1477 steel PiPes Wee cho yaw 
nikita Mishin 
$3.7 Bln #606 fertiliser, $1.1 Bln #1999 Ports,
$6.6 Bln #251 BankinG chung chang yun 
real estate andrey andreev ★ $1.9 Bln #1284 shiPPinG
$1.5 Bln #1561 online DatinG rail transPort kwee family 
Samvel karapetyan  konstantin nikolaev 
$5.6 Bln #321 real estate Zhong Sheng Jian 
$3.7 Bln #606 real estate Oleg Boyko  $1.8 Bln #1339 real estate
$1.5 Bln #1561 finance, $1.1 Bln #1999 Ports, Jason chang 
yuri Milner  GamBlinG rail transPort $2.9 Bln #822 electronics lim Oon kuin 
$3.7 Bln #606 andrei rappoport  $1.7 Bln #1394 oil traDinG
alexander klyachin  kwek leng Beng 
tech investments $1.1 Bln #1999 investments
$1.5 Bln #1561 real estate $2.9 Bln #822 real estate asok kumar hiranandani 
dmitry kamenshchik  igor rotenberg ★ raj kumar & kishin rk  $1.5 Bln #1561 real estate
$3.5 Bln #652 airPort yuri Shefler 
$1.5 Bln #1561 alcohol $1.1 Bln #1999 construction, $2.6 Bln #924 real estate chua Thian poh 
igor altushkin  real estate $1.4 Bln #1650 real estate
arkady Volozh  Zhao Tao 
$3.4 Bln #679 metals albert Shigaboutdinov 
$1.5 Bln #1561 search enGine $2.5 Bln #965 Oei hong leong 
alexander ponomarenko  $1.1 Bln #1999 refinery, Pharmaceuticals $1.4 Bln #1650 investments
$3.4 Bln #679 Ports farkhad akhmedov  chemicals
$1.4 Bln #1650 natural Gas peter lim  ron Sim 
alexander Skorobogatko  rustem Sulteev  $2.2 Bln #1103 investments $1.2 Bln #1867 retail
$3.4 Bln #679 Ports Vasily anisimov  $1.1 Bln #1999 refinery,
$1.4 Bln #1650 real estate chemicals choo chong ngen  koh Wee Meng 
Zarakh iliev  $2.1 Bln #1157 hotels $1.1 Bln #1999 real estate,
$3.3 Bln #703 real estate eugene kaspersky  eduard chukhlebov ★ hotels
$1.4 Bln #1650 software $1 Bln #2124 metallurGy kuok khoon hong 
god nisanov  $2.1 Bln #1157 Palm oil Min-liang Tan ★
$3.3 Bln #703 real estate Viktor kharitonin  filaret galchev  $1.1 Bln #1999 GaminG
$1.4 Bln #1650 $1 Bln #2124 construction
alexander Svetakov  Pharmaceuticals materials

$3.3 Bln #703 BankinG,
real estate pyotr kondrashev  yuri gushchin 
$1.4 Bln #1650 fertiliser $1 Bln #2124 canDy,
arkady rotenberg  real estate
$3 Bln #791 construction, yuri kovalchuk 
$1.4 Bln #1650 BankinG, igor kudryashkin ★ GDP: $95.5 Bln
PiPes, BankinG
insurance, meDia $1 Bln #2124 metallurGy PoPulation: 5 Mln
igor kesaev  Billionaires: 1
$2.4 Bln #1020 toBacco anatoly lomakin  lev kvetnoi 
DistriBution, retail $1.4 Bln #1650 fertiliser $1 Bln #2124 cement, airPort total net worth: $1.3 Bln (+$200 Mln VS 2017)
alexander Mamut  kirill Shamalov  Sergei petrov 
$1.4 Bln #1650
tan: BoBBy yip / reuterS

$2.4 Bln #1020 investments $1 Bln #2124 auto

Petrochemicals DealershiPs ivan chrenko 
$1.3 Bln #1756 real estate
Wealth StatuS:
uP down  unchAngEd  nEw ★ RETuRnEE 

wine-growing oiL & gaS FieLdS Mining & tiMBer FinanciaL SportS tech pLayground
region and depoSitS MineraLS centre teaM centre

sPorts team Denotes

Billionaire-owneD sPorts team

74 | forbes india April 27, 2018

St KittS MYROn WEnTz South AfricA
& NeviS NeWCOMeR: Briefly a
billionaire in May 2015, GDP: $346 BLn
Wentz officially joins PoPulation: 57 MLn
GDP: $951.7 MLn johannesbuRg 2
the ranks thanks to a Billionaires: 5 (–3 VS 2017)
PoPulation: 55,000 30 percent rally in shares total net worth: $20.9 BLn
Billionaires: 3 (+1 VS 2017) of his multilevel market- (–$5.7 BLn VS 2017)
total net worth: $4.2 BLn ing company USANA
(–$700 MLn VS 2017) Health Sciences, which nicky Oppenheimer &
sells vitamins and family 
$7.7 BLn #202 DiamonDs
skin-care prod-
ucts. Wentz, who founded USANA in Johann Rupert & family 
$7 BLn #228 luxury GooDs
1992, renounced his US citizenship DuRban
Wu Xu  in the mid-1990s. He spends Koos Bekker 
much of his time in the Cay- $2.6 BLn #924 meDia,
$1.6 BLn #1477 real estate clifton
man Islands and Rosari- camps Bay
Jacky Xu  franschhoek
to, Mexico, where his Patrice Motsepe 
$1.5 BLn #1561 aPParel
Sanoviv Medical Insti- $2.4 BLn #1020 mininG
Myron Wentz ★ eXpatRIates
tute is located.
3 Stephen Saad 
$1.1 BLn #1999
$1.2 BLn #1867
health ProDucts
Pharmaceuticals cape town 2

South KoreA
WEaLTH digital media city
GDP: $1.5 TLn TOP SECTORS ORigin samsung town
teheran valley
PoPulation: 51 MLn 11 seoul lg twins
Billionaires: 44 (+6 VS 2017) TECHNOLOGY 41 koo Bon-Moo

total net worth: $126.8 BLn 7 41%

(+$34.1 BLn VS 2017) DIVERSIFIED
48% anyang
inHERiTEd & gROWing
HEALTHCARE daedeok science town
Lee Kun-Hee  Chung Eui-Sun  Lee Seo-Hyun 
$18.6 BLn #61 samsunG $2.6 BLn #924 loGistics $1.9 BLn #1284 comPuter
services, tourism
Seo Jung-Jin  Lee Joong-Keun 
$11.9 BLn #126 Biotech $2.3 BLn #1070 construction, Park Hyeon-Joo 
real estate $1.9 BLn #1284 mutual funDs
Jay Y Lee  JeonBuk hyundai
$7.4 BLn #207 samsunG Koo Bon-Moo  Chung Mong-Joon  motors
$2.2 BLn #1103 DiversifieD $1.8 BLn #1339 shiPBuilDinG, Chung Mong-koo
Suh Kyung-Bae  inDustrial machines
$7.1 BLn #222 cosmetics Shin Chang-Jae 
$2.1 BLn #1157 insurance Kim Jun-Ki 
Kim Jung-Ju  $1.7 BLn #1394 DiversifieD gImhae
$6.9 BLn #237 online Games Lee Boo-Jin 
$2 BLn #1215 comPuter Park Yeon-Cha ★
Kwon Hyuk-Bin  services, tourism $1.7 BLn #1394 sneakers
$5.8 BLn #305 online Games
Lee Jay-Hyun  Cho Jung-Ho 
Chung Mong-Koo  $2 BLn #1215 fooD ProDucts, $1.6 BLn #1477 finance
$4.9 BLn #404 motor vehicles entertainment
Kim Taek-Jin 
Chey Tae-Won  Lee Myung-Hee  $1.6 BLn #1477 online Games
$4.5 BLn #466 it, telecom $1.9 BLn #1284 retail
Shin dong-guk ★
Lim Sung-Ki  $1.6 BLn #1477 eXpatRIate
$3.6 BLn #629 1
Kim nam-Jung 
Kim Beom-Su  $1.5 BLn #1561 fooD
$2.7 BLn #887 online services
Chang Pyung-Soon 
JeJu united Lee Joon-Ho ★
Bang Jun-Hyuk  Chey Tae-won $1.1 BLn #1999 online Games
$1.4 BLn #1650
$2.6 BLn #924 online GaminG
eDucational services Lee Sang-Hyuk 
$1.1 BLn #1999 investments
Chey Ki-Won 
$1.4 BLn #1650 comPuter Shin dong-Joo 
services, telecom $1.1 BLn #1999 retail
Lee Ho-Jin 
seo Jung-Jin
Wentz: Paul zimmerman / Getty imaGes

Chung Yong-Jin  $1.3 BLn #1756 DiversifieD Cho Yang-Rai 

$1.4 BLn #1650 retail $1 BLn #2124
biggeSt gaiNeR: The bio- Hong Seok-Joh  tire manufacturinG
pharma tycoon’s wealth soared Hur Young-in  $1.2 BLn #1867
by $9.7 billion in the past year, $1.4 BLn #1650 Bakeries, convenience stores Kim dae-il ★
fast fooD $1 BLn #2124 moBile GaminG
up 440%, as shares in Celltrion jumped after it released a drug to Lee Hae-Jin 
treat non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and rheumatoid arthritis. A for- Shin dong-Bin  $1.2 BLn #1867 internet Michael Kim ★
mer employee of Samsung Electro-Mechanics, Seo also worked at $1.4 BLn #1650 retail $1 BLn #2124 investments
Koo Bon-Joon 
Daewoo Motor but left in 1999 shortly before the company filed for Koo Bon-neung  $1.1 BLn #1999 electronics, Koo Bon-Sik 
bankruptcy. He founded Celltrion in 2002. $1.3 BLn #1756 electronics householD ProDucts $1 BLn #2124 electronics,
householD ProDucts

Wealth StatuS:
up Down  unchangeD 
wine-growing oil & gas fields mining & timBer financial sports tech playground new ★ RetuRnee 
region and deposits minerals centre team centre

sPorts team Denotes

Billionaire-owneD sPorts team
April 27, 2018 forbes india | 75
the world’s billionaires / the list

spain sweden
GDP: $540.6 BLn
PoPulation: 10 MLn
GDP: $1.3 TLn Billionaires: 32 (+1 VS 2017)
PoPulation: 47 MLn total net worth: $124.6
Billionaires: 29 (+4 VS 2017) BLn (+$7.1 BLn VS 2017)
total net worth: $136 BLn
(+$11.3 BLn VS 2017)

NeWSMaKeR: His fast-fashion retailer Mango hit the skids amid stiff competition from the likes of H&M
and Zara. The Barcelona-based company, which Andic founded in 1984, closed its nearly 450 US mini-bou-
tiques inside JCPenney stores in 2016, leaving it with just 10 standalone American stores. The company also
announced its first-ever loss: $68 million on $2.5 billion in revenue in 2016.
real ovIeDo
CarLos sLim HeLu
la coruna 11

DePortIvo De la coruna
amanCio ortega
GoThenburG 14
barcelona basTad

vIllarreal cf esPorles
Fernando roig

IbIza Stefan Persson  Erik Selin 

Palma de
$16.8 BLn #73 h&m $1.9 BLn #1284 real estate
madrid majorca Hans Rausing  Karl-Johan Persson 
16 Valencia $12.5 BLn #118 PackaGinG $1.6 BLn #1477 h&m
valencIa cf 3
Peter Lim Melker Schorling  Tom Persson 
$8.2 BLn #185 investments $1.6 BLn #1477 h&m
formentera Frederik Paulsen  Charlotte Soderstrom 
$7.3 BLn #211 health care $1.6 BLn #1477 h&m
Jorn Rausing  Carl Douglas 
$7 BLn #228 PackaGinG $1.5 BLn #1561 investments
2 Finn Rausing  Eric Douglas 
$6.6 BLn #251 PackaGinG $1.5 BLn #1561 investments
Isak: albert Gea / reuters; model: Gustau NacarINo / reuters; alberto: mIquel beNItez / Getty ImaGes

Kirsten Rausing  Madeleine Olsson Ericksson 

$6.6 BLn #251 PackaGinG $1.5 BLn #1561 DiversifieD
Amancio Ortega  Tomas Olivo Lopez ★ Maria Del Pino y Calvo-
$70 BLn #6 Zara $2.2 BLn #1103 shoPPinG centres Sotelo  Antonia Ax:son Johnson  Thomas Sandell 
$1.4 BLn #1650 construction $6.3 BLn #274 DiversifieD $1.5 BLn #1561 heDGe funDs
Sandra Ortega Mera  Manuel Jove 
$6.9 BLn #237 Zara $2.1 BLn #1157 real estate Fernando Roig  Dan Olsson  Markus Persson 
$1.4 BLn #1650 suPermarkets $6 BLn #289 DiversifieD $1.4 BLn #1650
Juan Roig  Florentino Perez  comPuter Games
$4.5 BLn #466 suPermarkets $2 BLn #1215 construction Jose Llado Fernandez- Fredrik Lundberg 
Urrutia  $4.7 BLn #441 real estate, Louise Lindh 
Miguel Fluxa Rossello  Francisco Jose Riberas Mera $1.3 BLn #1756 construction investments $1.3 BLn #1756 investments
$4.4 BLn #480 hotels 
$2 BLn #1215 steel, auto Parts Isak Andic & family  Bertil Hult  Katarina Martinson 
Rafael Del Pino y Calvo- $1.2 BLn #1867 fashion retail $4.5 BLn #466 eDucation $1.3 BLn #1756 investments
Sotelo  Gabriel Escarrer 
$3.4 BLn #679 construction $1.8 BLn #1339 hotels Jose Maria Aristrain  Carl Bennet  Erik Paulsson 
$1.2 BLn #1867 steel $4.1 BLn #527 investments $1.2 BLn #1867 construction,
Juan-Miguel Villar Mir & Juan Maria Riberas Mera  real estate
family  $1.7 BLn #1394 steel Sol Daurella  Gustaf Douglas 
$3.4 BLn #679 construction $1.2 BLn #1867 coca-cola $3.8 BLn #588 investments Jonas Kamprad 
Alberto Alcocer  $1.1 BLn #1999 ikea
Manuel Lao Hernandez  $1.4 BLn #1650 investments D. Leopoldo Del Pino y Stefan Olsson 
$3.1 BLn #766 GamBlinG Calvo-Sotelo  $2.8 BLn #859 DiversifieD Mathias Kamprad 
Alberto Cortina  $1.2 BLn #1867 construction $1.1 BLn #1999 ikea
Alicia Koplowitz  $1.4 BLn #1650 investments Torbjorn Tornqvist 
$2.9 BLn #822 construction, Alberto Palatchi ★ $2.6 BLn #924 oil traDinG Peter Kamprad 
investments $1.1 BLn #1999 weDDinG Dresses $1.1 BLn #1999 ikea
Lottie Tham 
Helena Revoredo  $2.5 BLn #965 h&m Jenny Lindén Urnes ★
$1.1 BLn #1999 PowDereD metal
$2.7 BLn #887
security services alberto Palatchi
Juan Abello  NeWCOMeR: In October,
$2.6 BLn #924 investments Palatchi sold 90 percent of
Daniel Mate  wedding dress company Pro- swaziland
$2.6 BLn #924 mininG, novias to British private equity firm
commoDities BC Partners for an estimated $655 GDP: $4.7 BLn
Jaime Botin  million. The dressmaker, which ini- PoPulation: 1 MLn
$2.5 BLn #965 BankinG tially specialised in lace and silk fab- Billionaires: 1 eXPaTriaTe
rics, was founded in 1922 by Palat- 1
Hortensia Herrero  total net worth: $4.3 BLn
$2.4 BLn #1020 suPermarkets chi’s father, who had fled Turkey for (+$400 MIL VS 2017) nathan Kirsh 
Barcelona during World War I. $4.3 BLn #499 retail,
real estate

Wealth StatuS:
uP down  unchanGed 
wIne-growIng oIl & gaS fIelDS mInIng & tImber fInancIal SPortS tech PlaygrounD new ★ reTurnee 
regIon anD DePoSItS mIneralS centre team centre

sPorts team Denotes

Billionaire-owneD sPorts team

76 | forbes india April 27, 2018

Martin haefner 
$3 Bln #791 software,
Sergio Mantegazza 
$2.9 Bln #822 travel
Wealth GDP: $677.8 Bln
tOp SectOrS Origin thomas Straumann 
PoPulation: 8 Mln $2.7 Bln #887 Dental
8 Billionaires: 36 imPlants
30% total net worth: $123.8 Bln Stephan Schmidheiny 
53% (+$16.4 Bln VS 2017) BenJaMin de rOthSchild $2.5 Bln #965 investments
6 17% trophy: The banking heir con- Marcel erni 
MANUFACTURING tinues his famous family’s lega- $2.4 Bln #1020 Private equity
2 inherited & grOWing
cy in the French Alps. In Decem- alfred gantner 
FASHION & RETAIL Self-Made ber, he opened the Four Seasons $2.4 Bln #1020 Private equity
Hotel Megève. The resort offers Urs Wietlisbach 
helicopter ski safaris, glacier snow- $2.4 Bln #1020 Private equity
METALS & MINING shoeing and canyon jumping. His grandmoth- eva Maria Bucher-haefner 
er Noemie bought land in the alpine village in $2.3 Bln #1070
1920. King Albert I of Belgium was an early ComPuter assoCiates
guest; Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant filmed thomas flohr ★
a sequence of Charade at the pool in the older $2.3 Bln #1070 aviation
3 hotel (built by Benjamin’s father, Edmond). peter Spuhler 
basel $2.3 Bln #1070 train Cars
3 RheInfelDen
RuschlIkon Karl Scheufele iii & family 
bInnIngen ZSc LionS
Walter Frey $2.2 Bln #1103 jewellery

Benjamin: Charles Platiau / reuters; Four seasons: riChard Waite / Four seasons; les trois rois: shutterstoCk; straumann: moritz hager / reuters
Maja Oeri 
wIlen $2.1 Bln #1157 roChe holDinG
weInIngen georg von Opel 
$2.1 Bln #1157 real estate,
zuRIch jona investments
5 felDmeIlen
Miriam Baumann-Blocher 
$1.9 Bln #1284 ChemiCals
luceRne Jean-paul & Martine
bulle clozel 
$1.9 Bln #1284
zug Davos
VAuD cAnton 4 Benjamin de rothschild 
$1.9 Bln #1284 BankinG
Willy Michel 
gsTaaD $1.8 Bln #1339
sT. moRITz
meDiCal DeviCes
Matthias reinhart 
geneva $1.8 Bln #1339 finanCe
thomas Meyer 
Verbier gianluigi & rafaela aponte  $1.5 Bln #1561
$9.3 Bln #164 shiPPinG aPParel retailer
ZermAtt lugano
ernesto Bertarelli  gary fegel 
$8.9 Bln #174 BioteCh, $1.4 Bln #1650
investments CommoDities traDinG

Willi & isolde liebherr & Markus Blocher 

family  $1.3 Bln #1756 ChemiCals
$7.1 Bln #222 ConstruCtion Beda diethelm 
ivan glasenberg  $1.2 Bln #1867 hearinG aiDs
$6.5 Bln #261 mininG
hansjoerg Wyss 
$5.7 Bln #315 meDiCal DeviCes
rahel Blocher 
$5.5 Bln #334 ChemiCals
Magdalena Martullo-
Blocher 
thomas flohr $5.5 Bln #334 ChemiCals
Margarita louis-dreyfus &
Newcomer: his private
family 
aviation company, vista- $5.4 Bln #351 CommoDities thomas
jet, raised $200 million
thomas Schmidheiny  Straumann
in august at a $2.7 billion $5 Bln #388 Cement
valuation. flohr found- trophy: Les Trois
ed vistajet with three air- dona Bertarelli  Rois (‘The Three Kings’) hotel
$4.6 Bln #456 BioteCh
craft in 2004; it now has has had quite the guest list:
72 planes that fly heads of Michael pieper  Since the 17th century it has
$4.1 Bln #527 hosted Casanova, Napoleon
state, executives, entrepre- kitChen aPPlianCes
neurs and high networth and Hans Christian Andersen.
individuals to 187 coun- rudolf Maag  In 2004 Straumann, a dental-
$3.4 Bln #679 meDiCal DeviCes implant billionaire, bought the
tries. flohr himself trav-
els close to 750 hours, or hans peter Wild  101-room hotel, located on the
$3.3 Bln #703 flavourinGs banks of the Rhine in Basel,
150 days, a year on vista-
jet planes. Martin ebner  Switzerland, and spent two
$3.2 Bln #729 investments years renovating the property.

wealth StatuS:
uP Down  unchangeD 
wine-growing oiL & gAS FieLDS mining & timber FinAnciAL SPortS tech PLAygrounD new ★ ReTuRnee 
region AnD DePoSitS minerALS centre teAm centre

sPorts team Denotes

Billionaire-owneD sPorts team

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 77

the world’s billionaires / the list



9 9%
7 34% 57%
gdp: $573.3 Bln 5 gdp: $449 Bln TOP SECTORS ORiGin
population: 24 Mln FOOD & BEVERAGE population: 69 Mln 11
billionaires: 35 (+4 VS 2017) 4 inHERiTED & GROWinG billionaires: DIVERSIFIED 20%
total net worth: $84.4 Bln MANUFACTURING SElf-MaDE 30 (+10 VS 2017) 5
(+$9.2 Bln VS 2017) 4 total net worth: FINANCE & INVESTMENTS
REAL ESTATE $93.3 Bln (+$30.1 Bln 4
Terry Gou  Chen Yung-Tai  Wei Yin-Heng  REAL ESTATE SElf-MaDE
$8.5 Bln #181 electronics $2 Bln #1215 real estate $1.6 Bln #1477 food, 2
Tsai Eng-Meng & family  liao long-shing  ENERGY
$6.8 Bln #242 food, $1.9 Bln #1284 Wei Ying-Chiao  1
beverages petrochemicals $1.6 Bln #1477 food, TELECOM
lin Yu-ling  lin Shu-Hong 
$5.8 Bln #305 real estate $1.9 Bln #1284 lin Ming-hsiung 
petrochemicals $1.5 Bln #1561 supermarkets
Barry lam 
$3.9 Bln #572 electronics Tseng Shin-yi  Chao Teng-hsiung 
$1.9 Bln #1284 $1.4 Bln #1650 real estate
Samuel Yin  petrochemicals
$3.7 Bln #606 diversified liu Ko-chen & family ★
Tony Chen & family  $1.4 Bln #1650 manufacturing
luo Jye & family  $1.7 Bln #1394 electronics
$3.2 Bln #729 tyres Thomas Wu 
Wei ing-Chou  $1.4 Bln #1650 finance
Daniel Tsai  $1.6 Bln #1477 food,
$3.2 Bln #729 finance beverages
Bruce Cheng 
$1.3 Bln #1756 electronics
Richard Tsai  Wei Yin-Chun  Bangkok Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi 
$3.2 Bln #729 finance $1.6 Bln #1477 food,
archie Hwang  27 $17.9 Bln #65 drinks,
$1.3 Bln #1756 real estate
Tsai Hong-tu  beverages
$2.9 Bln #822 finance Dhanin Chearavanont 
andre Koo ★ $14.9 Bln #95 diversified
Pierre Chen  $1.3 Bln #1756 finance ko kut iSland
$2.7 Bln #887 art, Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha 
electronics Tsai Ming-Kai  eXpatRiateS $5 Bln #388 duty-free
$1.3 Bln #1756 3
Tsai Cheng-da  semiconductors Sumet Jiaravanon 
$2.7 Bln #887 finance $4.2 Bln #514 diversified
Douglas Hsu & family 
Chin Jong Hwa  $1.2 Bln #1867 diversified Jaran Chiaravanont 
$2.5 Bln #965 auto parts $4.1 Bln #527 diversified
Morris Chang ★
Scott lin & family  $1 Bln #2124 semiconductors Montri Jiaravanont 
$2.2 Bln #1103 $4.1 Bln #527 diversified
optical components Richard Chang 
$1 Bln #2124 real estate, Sarath Ratanavadi ★
TY Tsai  electronics $3.6 Bln #629 energy
$2.2 Bln #1103 finance
Wu Chung-yi  Somphote ahunai 
taipei $1 Bln #2124 manufacturing $3.4 Bln #679 energy
taoyuan 25 Phuket
Vanich Chaiyawan 
MORRiS CHanG $3.3 Bln #703 insurance,
HSincHu Fubon GuardianS newcomer: a legendary figure in
Chang: PiChi Chuang / ReuteRs; setthasit: anusak LaowiLas; aed CaRabao: shutteRstoCk

Daniel & RichaRD Tsai taiwan’s chip industry, chang makes

3 his debut on the list after shares of tai-
wan semiconductor manufacturing hit an
hSinchu Science Park all-time high in January. chang, who got
both his undergraduate and master’s de-
grees from mit and a phd from stanford,
founded tsmc in 1987. a decade later, the
company became the first taiwanese firm to
trade on the new york stock exchange.



Southern taiwan
Science Park

newcomer: Setthasit teamed up with a friend, popular folk singer
Aed Carabao (above), to create the energy drink Carabao Dang
in 2002. Setthasit is the majority owner and CEO, but Aed, who has
a smaller stake in the company and appears in ads, is the one most
associated with Carabao, now Thailand’s second-most-popular en-
ergy drink brand.

wealth StatuS:
up Down  uncHangeD 
wine-GrowinG oil & GaS FieldS mininG & timber Financial SPortS tech PlayGround new ★ RetuRnee 
reGion and dePoSitS mineralS centre team centre

sports team denotes

billionaire-owned sports team
78 | forbes india April 27, 2018
Prasert Prasarttong-Osoth 
$3 Bln #791 hospitals
Krit Ratanarak 
gdp: $847.7 Bln
$2.7 Bln #887 media,
real estate population: 80 Mln
William Heinecke  billionaires: 36 (+7 VS 2017) aBDUlHaYOGlU
$2.1 Bln #1157 hotels total net worth: newcomer: Comodo, his inter-
Harald link  $64.7 Bln (+$16.2 Bln VS 2017) net security firm, has been develop-
$2 Bln #1215 diversified WEalTH ing products since 1998. Today the
Chuchat & Daonapa TOP SECTORS ORiGin New Jersey-based company con-
Petaumpai ★ 18 trols 37 percent of the over $1 bil-
$2 Bln #1215 DIVERSIFIED lion SSL-certificate market, which
motorcycle loans 64% protects sensitive information like
5 30.5%
Kiat Chiaravanont  CONSTRUCTION user names and credit card num-
$1.9 Bln #1284 diversified 3 bers through encryption for such
Thaksin Shinawatra  FASHION & RETAIL customers as Intel and Xerox. In
$1.8 Bln #1339 investments 3 inHERiTED & GROWinG
October private equity fund Fran-
Prayudh Mahagitsiri 
SElf-MaDE cisco Partners bought a majority
$1.7 Bln #1394 coffee,
stake for an undisclosed sum.
Wichai Thongtang  HEALTH CARE
$1.7 Bln #1394 investments
Keeree Kanjanapas 
$1.5 Bln #1561 transportation
Thongma Vijitpongpun  2
$1.5 Bln #1561 real estate
Phongthep Chiaravanont ★
$1.2 Bln #1867 diversified
Rit Thirakomen 
$1.2 Bln #1867 restaurants
Manas Chiaravanond ★
$1.1 Bln #1999 diversified
Yupa Chiaravanond ★
$1.1 Bln #1999 diversified ankaRa
iStanBul 3
Prathip Chiravanond ★ 31
$1.1 Bln #1999 diversified
Chatchai Kaewbootta ★ ceSme
$1.1 Bln #1999 auto loans
niti Osathanugrah ★
$1.1 Bln #1999 investments
Pete Bodharamik ★ bodrum
$1 Bln #2124 telecom
Sathien Setthasit ★
$1 Bln #2124 energy drinks
Surin Upatkoon 
$1 Bln #2124 telecom,
lotteries, insurance Murat Ulker 
$4.8 Bln #422 food
Erman ilicak 
fuat tosyali
$4 Bln #550 construction
Husnu Ozyegin  newcomer: tosyali and his two brothers, also new billion-
$2.9 Bln #822 finance,
aires, were born in the mediterranean town of iskenderun,
gdp: $51.6 Bln diversified
where they helped their father make stovepipes and boiler
population: 57 Mln Mustafa Kucuk  buckets out of tin cheese cans in his 100-square-foot shop.
billionaires: 1 $2.7 Bln #887 fashion retail
today their tosyali holding is one of turkey’s largest inte-
total net worth: $1.5 Bln Semahat Sevim arsel  grated steel producers, with a production capacity of 12 mil-
(+$100 Mln VS 2017) $2.6 Bln #924 diversified lion tonnes. all three brothers sit on the company’s board.
Mustafa Rahmi Koc  fuat is chairman; his brother ayhan is vice chairman.
$2.5 Bln #965 diversified
Mohammed Dewji  Sarik Tara 
$1.5 Bln #1561 diversified $2.5 Bln #965 construction
ferit faik Sahenk  nihat Ozdemir  Mehmet Hattat  Mustafa latif Topbas 
$2.4 Bln #1020 diversified $1.7 Bln #1394 diversified $1.4 Bln #1650 diversified $1.2 Bln #1867 food, retail

filiz Sahenk  Melih abdulhayoglu ★ fuat Tosyali ★ ali ibrahim agaoglu 

$2.3 Bln #1070 diversified $1.6 Bln #1477 $1.4 Bln #1650 steel $1.1 Bln #1999 construction
internet security
Suna Kirac  ahmet nazif Zorlu  Hamdi akin 
$2.2 Bln #1103 diversified ahmet Calik  $1.4 Bln #1650 diversified $1.1 Bln #1999 diversified
$1.6 Bln #1477 energy,
Hamdi Ulukaya  banking, construction Deniz Sahenk  Mehmet aydinlar 
$1.8 Bln #1339 greek yoghurt $1.3 Bln #1756 diversified $1.1 Bln #1999 hospitals
DaR eS Salaam Turgay Ciner 
Sezai Bacaksiz  $1.6 Bln #1477 diversified Erol Tabanca ★ Mehmet Rustu Basaran 
$1.7 Bln #1394 diversified $1.3 Bln #1756 construction $1.1 Bln #1999 banking, gas
Bulent Eczacibasi 
Sefik Yilmaz Dizdar  $1.5 Bln #1561 ayhan Tosyali ★ Murat Vargi 
$1.7 Bln #1394 fashion retail pharmaceuticals, diversified $1.3 Bln #1756 steel $1.1 Bln #1999 telecom

Mehmet nazif Gunal  faruk Eczacibasi  fatih Tosyali ★ fatma Tuba Yazici 
$1.7 Bln #1394 tourism, $1.5 Bln #1561 $1.3 Bln #1756 steel $1.1 Bln #1999 diversified
construction pharmaceuticals, diversified Mehmet Sinan Tara  Olgun Zorlu 
$1.2 Bln #1867 construction $1 Bln #2124 diversified

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 79

the world’s billionaires / the list

Fc ShAkhtAr DonetSk
Rinat akhmetov
Gdp: $108.8 BLN kiev
population: 42 MLN 5
Billionaires: 7 (+1 VS 2017)
total net worth: $13.2 BLN donetsk
(+$2.6 BLN VS 2017) dnepRopetRovsk
Gdp: $2.6 TLN
population: 66 MLN
Billionaires: 54 (–1 VS 2017)*
total net worth: $203.7 BLN (+$39.3 BLN VS 2017)*

TOp SecTOrS OriGiN
riNAT rinat Akhmetov  12 6%
AKHMeTOV $5.5 BLN #334 steel, coal
Kostyantin Zhevago  8
richest: in december, a $1.6 BLN #1477 mininG 85%
court in cyprus reportedly 7
Yuriy Kosiuk 
ordered $820 million of $1.5 BLN #1561 aGriculture DIVERSIFIED
akhmetov’s assets frozen as 7
part of an ongoing legal dis- Victor pinchuk  REAL ESTATE
iNHeriTed & GrOWiNG
$1.4 BLN #1650 steel pipes, SeLF-MAde
pute with raga establishment, diversified
a cyprus-based holding com- MANUFACTURING
pany. akhmetov’s investment Henadiy Boholyubov  3
$1.2 BLN #1867 BankinG, ENERGY
firm scm acquired ukraine’s investments
largest landline operator,
ihor Kolomoyskyy 
ukrtelecom, from raga in $1 BLN #2124 BankinG,
2013. raga reportedly accused investments
scm of not making its full
Vadim Novinsky  Hinduja family 
payment. scm disagrees with $1 BLN #2124 steel
the ruling and is contesting it. $19.5 BLN #55 diversified
James ratcliffe 
$16.4 BLN #78 chemicals richard desmond
david & Simon reuben  NeWsMaker: the tabloid tycoon

united arab $15.5 BLN #88 investments,

real estate
announced plans in february to
sell his media portfolio, includ-
emirates Michael platt 
$6.9 BLN #237 hedGe funds
ing Star, ok! and the Daily ex-
press, to publisher trinity mirror
ian & richard Livingstone  for about $177 million. des-
Gdp: $378.7 BLN $6.4 BLN #265 real estate mond dropped out of school
pOpuLATiON: 9 MLN Bruno Schroder & family  at age 14 to become a drum-
Billionaires: 7 (+2 VS 2017) dubai $6.2 BLN #281 BankinG mer. he started his first mag-
total net worth: $24 BLN 5 azine, international musician &
david & Frederick Barclay 
(–$3.3 BLN VS 2017) $5.8 BLN #305 media, retail recording world, in 1974 and
later owned dozens of adult en-
James dyson 
$5.6 BLN #321 vacuums
tertainment publications, such
abu dhabi as Asian babes and Penthouse,
Laurence Graff & family  in the uk.
Abdulla bin Ahmad Al $5.6 BLN #321 diamond jewellery
Ghurair & family 
$5.9 BLN #296 diversified Andrew currie 
$5.5 BLN #334 chemicals
Majid Al Futtaim & family 
$4.6 BLN #456 real estate, John reece 
retail $5.5 BLN #334 chemicals
richard Branson 
Akhmetov : IvAn ChernIChkIn / reuters; DesmonD: olIvIA hArrIs / reuters;

Hussain Sajwani 
$4.1 BLN #527 real estate $5 BLN #388 virGin
melAnIA: neIlson BArnArD / Getty ImAGes; GrAff: tyrone sIu / reuters

Abdulla Al Futtaim  denise coates 

$3.3 BLN #703 auto dealers, $5 BLN #388 online GamBlinG
investments Joe Lewis 
Saeed Bin Butti Al Qebaisi ★ $5 BLN #388 investments
$2.7 BLN #887 hospitals, philip & cristina Green 
investments $4.8 BLN #422 retail
Saif Al Ghurair & family  clive calder 
$1.9 BLN #1284 diversified $4.7 BLN #441 record laBel
Khalifa Bin Butti Al Muhairi ★
$1.5 BLN #1561 hospitals,

laurence Graff
NeWsMaker: high-end jeweller Graff acquired the 1,109-
carat lesedi la rona—the second-largest gem-quality
saeed Bin Butti al Qebaisi diamond ever found—in september, four months after
he bought its 374-carat sibling. an older deal made
NeWcOMer: The investor makes his debut on the list following a surge in the share price of NMC even bigger waves. Forbes confirmed in january that
Health, which bills itself as the UAE’s largest private health care provider. The London-listed firm donald trump, who bought melania’s 12-carat engage-
runs hospitals and clinics in a dozen countries in the Middle East, Europe and Latin America. Bin ment ring from Graff in 2004, fibbed when he publicly boasted he re-
Butti Al Qebaisi owns about 18% of NMC Health, plus stakes in foreign exchange firms Travelex ceived a $1 million discount. Graff says trump was “a pleasure to do
and UAE Exchange. business with” but was given “no favours”.

Wealth status:
up down  unchanged 
wine-growing oiL & gAS FieLDS mining & timber FinAnciAL SPortS tech PLAygrounD new ★ RetuRnee 
region AnD DePoSitS minerALS centre teAm centre
*includes Guernsey. 1Guernsey citizen.
sports team denotes
Billionaire-owned sports team
80 | forbes india April 27, 2018
david mcmurtry robert Miller 
$4.5 BLN #466 retail
david Harding 
$1.8 BLN #1339 finance
trOphy: The co-founder of engineering firm
Anthony Bamford & family  Michael Ashcroft 
Renishaw, McMurtry owns this 30,000-square-foot $4.4 BLN #480 $1.7 BLN #1394 security
mansion, named Swinhay House but better known as construction eQuipment
Anthony Langley 
Appledore to Sherlock fans. The futuristic home was peter Hargreaves  $1.7 BLN #1394 manufacturinG
featured as the lair of villain Charles Augustus $3.9 BLN #572
Magnussen in the hit BBC show’s third-season finale. financial services david McMurtry 
$1.7 BLN #1394 manufacturinG
Michael Ashley 
$3.6 BLN #629 sports retail Farhad Moshiri 
$1.7 BLN #1394 diversified
Bernard ecclestone & family 
$3.5 BLN #652 formula one John Whittaker 
$1.7 BLN #1394 real estate
Tom Morris 
$3.1 BLN #766 retail John Bloor 
$1.6 BLN #1477 real estate,
christopher Hohn  manufacturinG
$3 BLN #791 hedGe funds
richard desmond 
John caudwell  $1.5 BLN #1561 puBlishinG
$2.6 BLN #924 moBile phones
ian Wood & family 
John coates  $1.5 BLN #1561 enerGy services
$2.5 BLN #965 online GamBlinG
Jasminder Singh & family 
Maritsa Lazari & family  $1.4 BLN #1650 hotels
$2.5 BLN #965 real estate
Saket Burman 
Bernard Lewis & family  $1.3 BLN #1756
$2.5 BLN #965 retail consumer Goods
Stephen Lansdown1  charles dunstone 
$2.3 BLN #1070 $1.3 BLN #1756 moBile phones
financial services
Alan Howard 
CelTiC FC Kenneth Lo  $1.3 BLN #1756 hedGe funds
DeRmot DesmonD $2.3 BLN #1070 textiles
raghuvinder Kataria 
Mark coombs  $1.3 BLN #1756 diversified
$2.2 BLN #1103 finance
philip day 
Sunil Vaswani  $1.2 BLN #1867 retail
$2.2 BLN #1103 diversified
newCAsTle uniTed Mark dixon 
michael ashley eddie & Sol Zakay  $1.2 BLN #1867
$2.2 BLN #1103 real estate office real estate
caRlisle Hilton Schlosberg  dennis Gillings ★
$2 BLN #1215 enerGy drinks $1.2 BLN #1867 druG testinG
Stephen rubin  Mohammed ibrahim 
$1.9 BLN #1284 sports apparel $1.1 BLN #1999 communications
isle of man Alex Beard  Simon Nixon 
$1.8 BLN #1339 mininG, $1.1 BLN #1999
commodities price comparison weBsite

meRseyside nottinghamshiRe
John henRy leiCesTer CiTy


mCmurtry: © CopyrIGht renIshAw plC; Dyson: Jeff spICer / BfC / Getty ImAGes
3 heRtfoRdshiRe ArsenAl FC
alisheR Usmanov
Queens PArk rAngers
wotton- lakshmi mittal
undeR-edge cheRtsey ChelseA FC
Roman abRamovich
bRistol london
ToTTenhAm hoTsPur
17 Joe lewis
m4 Corridor siliCon
BrisTol CiTy FC
stephen lansDown roundABouT


james dyson
NeWsMaker: the British inventor has elon musk
in his crosshairs. in september, dyson announced
st peteR poRt, his company will spend $2.7 billion to bring an elec-
tric car to market by 2020, pushing the $3.1 billion
(sales) brand, best known for its bagless vacuums,
into direct competition with musk’s tesla. dyson,
isle of who is obsessed with air pollution, has been work-
ing on a solution to car exhaust since 1990, when
he began trying to adapt the cyclonic vacuum filter
19 to fit a vehicle’s exhaust system and to trap small
st bRelade,

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 81

the world’s billionaires / the list

united states steve wynn

NEWsMakER: the casino kingpin resigned as chairman
and ceo of wynn resorts in february after allegations
gdP: $19.4 TLN ToP SECToRS
WEALTh of sexual misconduct broke in the news. Just a day after
PoPulAtion: 325 MLN oRIGIN 147 the initial report, he stepped down as the republican
national committee finance chair. wynn, who claimed
(+20 vS 2017) 17% 79 sAn JuAn
islAnds the accusations were part of a smear campaign led by
totAl net worth: $3.1 TLN TECHNOLOGY
his ex-wife elaine wynn, denied wrongdoing.
(+$340 BLN vS 2017) 68% 60
SELf-MADE 44 seattle seahawks
REAL ESTATE Paul allen

Jeff Bezos  MissoulA

$112 BIL #1 AmAzon
Bill Gates 
Portland trail Blazers
$90 BIL #2 microsoft, Paul allen
investments BozeMAn
Warren Buffett 
$84 BIL #3 idAho FAlls
Berkshire hAthAwAy
Sun valley
Mark Zuckerberg 
$71 BIL #5 fAceBook
Charles Koch  JACkson
$60 BIL #8 koch industries
David Koch  redding
utah jazz
$60 BIL #8 koch industries Gail Miller
deer valley Fort Collins
Larry Ellison  reno park city
$58.5 BIL #10 softwAre sonoMA truCkee sAlt lAke City
Michael Bloomberg 
$50 BIL #11 BloomBerg lP stoCkton
san FranCisCo giants
Larry Page  Aspen
charleS JohnSon
$48.8 BIL #12 google
Sergey Brin  sAntA Cruz creek,colorado
$47.5 BIL #13 google sAn FrAnCisCo/
pebble beach
Jim Walton  sAn Jose denver
$46.4 BIL #14 wAlmArt 74 sAntA BArBArA
S Robson Walton  MonteCito
$46.2 BIL #15 wAlmArt lAs vegAs
venturA Colorado avalanChe
Alice Walton  Stan KroenKe
$46 BIL #16 wAlmArt westlAke villAge sAn BernArdino
Sheldon Adelson  los angeles dodgers
MarK Walter
$38.5 BIL #21 cAsinos
los angeles lakers
Steve Ballmer  PhiliP anSchutz
$38.4 BIL #22 microsoft
Phil Knight & family 
$29.6 BIL #28 nike phoenix

Jacqueline Mars  sAn diego

$23.6 BIL #34 cAndy, Pet food
John Mars  los Angeles
el pAso
$23.6 BIL #34 cAndy, Pet food lanai/kauai 45
Michael Dell  eren ozmen
$22.7 BIL #39 dell comPuters
NEWCOMER: Along with husband
Paul Allen  Fatih, the Turkish immigrant has
$21.7 BIL #44 microsoft, honolulu
created aerospace and defence
powerhouse Sierra Nevada Corp.
Thomas Peterffy  Top-tier clients include Nasa, the
$20.3 BIL #47
US Air Force and the Japan
discount BrokerAge hoW To READ ThE MAPS Aerospace Exploration Agency. Its
Len Blavatnik  self-flying Dream Chaser (which can
$20.2 BIL #48 diversified
City with seCond third Fourth FiFth take repeated trips and land at any
James Simons  the Most regular airport) has been tapped to
$20 BIL #52 hedge funds BillionAires
deliver supplies to the Internation-
Elon Musk  Boxes correspond to the cities where billionaires al Space Station and help developing
$19.9 BIL #54 teslA motors live, one box per person. coloured names on the list countries get into space in partner-
correspond to the colour of the city where they live
Laurene Powell Jobs & ship with the UN. The Ozmens, who
family  John Doe  purchased the fledgling 20-person
$18.8 BIL #58 APPle, disney $1 BLN #1940 furniture company in 1994, have since
Ray Dalio  total worth orchestrated 19 acquisitions and
$17.7 BIL #67 hedge funds source of wealth opened offices in 34 locations. Eren
Carl Icahn  is one of 72 self-made billionaire
$16.8 BIL #73 investments change in wealth status from 2016 women in the world.

WEalth status:
up down  unChAnged 
wine-growing oil & gas Fields mining & timBer FinanCial sPorts teCh Playground new ★ returnee 
region and dePosits minerals Centre team Centre

sPorts teAm denotes

BillionAire-owned sPorts teAm

82 | forbes india April 27, 2018


westChester BelgrAde
ConneCtiCut Boston red sox
John henry
ChiCAgo portlAnd new england Patriots
robert KraFt

MinneApolis/ philAdelphiA hAnover

st pAul
minnesota detroit red wings BuFFalo Bills
Marian ilitch & FaMily worCester
timBerwolves BirChwood terrence PeGula
Glen taylor
Cleveland Boston
eAu ClAire Dan Gilbert BuFFAlo roChester
sheBoygAn grAnd providenCe
rApids nantucket
MAnkAto erie hamptonS
Ann rhineBeCk
sioux FAlls
ArBor liBerty
AFton hollAnd pottsville
rACine detroit
ChiCago Bulls long islAnd
Jerry reinSDorF kAlAMAzoo youngstown

Adel Brookville BAltiMore

oMAhA new Jersey
indianaPolis Colts wAshington, dC, AreA
JaMeS irSay
washington redskins
Dan SnyDer
BlooMington lexington
ColuMBiA kentucky derby virginiA
st louis lewisBurg BeACh

knoxville ChArlotte
springField ClevelAnd
nAshville CAry

Charlotte hornets

Wynn: Mike Blake / ReUTeRS; OzMen: alBeRTO e. ROdRigUez / geTTy iMageS; MUSk: JOe SkippeR / ReUTeRS
FAyetteville MeMphis ChAttAnoogA Michael JorDan

tulsA memPhis grizzlies

little roCk robert Pera
oklAhoMA City new york
dAllAs/Fort worth ChArleston 79
23 AtlAntA new york kniCks
charleS Dolan & FaMily
dallas CowBoys atlanta FalCons
Jerry JoneS arthur blanK

dallas maveriCks jaCksonville jaguars

MarK cuban houston roCkets ShahiD Khan
CisCo leSlie alexanDer
new orleans saints lAkelAnd
toM benSon & FaMily
dAytonA BeACh
teMple new orleAns
houston st petersBurg port st luCie

orlando magiC
sAn Antonio richarD DeVoS palm beach
BonitA springs
miami dolPhins
Austin nAples StePhen roSS
miami heat
islAMorAdA MicKy ariSon


NEWsMakER: the tesla and spaceX founder

sold out of 20,000 flamethrowers, souped- MiAMi/pAlM
up torches priced at $500 a pop, in just a BeACh
few days earlier in the year. he had pitched 32
them online as a surefire way to liven up any
party. the sale was through his side proj-
ect, the Boring co, which aims to dig under-
ground tunnels to ultimately replace traf-
fic-clogged roads with high-speed public
transportation and an expressway for cars.

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 83

the world’s billionaires / the list

united states Patrick Soon-Shiong 

$7.8 BLN #198 PhArmAceuticAls
Jerry Jones 
$5.6 BLN #321 dAllAs cowBoys

Donald Bren  Micky Arison  Stephen Ross  Richard Lefrak & family 
$16.3 BLN #80 reAl estAte $9.7 BLN #154 cArnivAl cruises $7.6 BLN #205 reAl estAte $5.6 BLN #321 reAl estAte

Abigail Johnson  Thomas frist Jr & family  Pauline MacMillan Keinath  Steven Rales 
$15.9 BLN #83 $9.6 BLN #158 heAlth cAre $7.4 BLN #207 cArgill $5.6 BLN #321 mAnufActuring
money mAnAgement Eli Broad  Dannine Avara 
Lukas Walton 
Charles Schwab 
$9.4 BLN #162 $7.3 BLN #211 investments $5.5 BLN #334 PiPelines John Paul
$15.9 BLN #83 wAlmArt discount BrokerAge Sun hongbin  Scott Duncan  deJoria
Rupert Murdoch & family  herbert Kohler Jr & family  $7.3 BLN #211 reAl estAte $5.5 BLN #334 PiPelines
NEWsMakER: nearly
$15 BLN #94 newsPAPers, $9.3 BLN #164 Christy Walton  Milane frantz  three decades after first
tv network PlumBing fiXtures $7.3 BLN #211 wAlmArt $5.5 BLN #334 PiPelines creating high-end te-
harold hamm & family  Jan Koum  Shahid Khan  Diane hendricks  quila brand Patrón with
$14.1 BLN #100 oil & gAs $9.1 BLN #170 whAtsAPP $7.2 BLN #217 Auto PArts $5.5 BLN #334 roofing a buddy and eventu-
Steve Cohen  James Goodnight  John Doerr  Gabe Newell  ally turning it into one
$14 BLN #102 hedge funds $9 BLN #172 softwAre $7.1 BLN #222 venture cAPitAl $5.5 BLN #334 videogAmes of the world’s top spir-
Dustin Moskovitz  Ken Griffin  David Green & family  Randa Williams  its (it sells 2.6 million
$14 BLN #102 fAceBook $9 BLN #172 hedge funds $6.8 BLN #242 retAil $5.5 BLN #334 PiPelines cases a year), deJoria
Charles Ergen  James Chambers  hank & Doug Meijer  Richard Devos & family  is selling his estimated
$13.4 BLN #106 sAtellite tv $8.7 BLN #178 mediA $6.8 BLN #242 suPermArkets $5.4 BLN #351 AmwAy 70% stake to Bacardi
Eric Schmidt  Katharine Rayner  ltd in a $5.1 billion deal
Brian Acton  George Roberts 
$13.4 BLN #106 google $8.7 BLN #178 mediA $6.6 BLN #251 whAtsAPP $5.4 BLN #351 PrivAte equity (including debt). the
navy vet, who boasts
Philip Anschutz  Margaretta Taylor  Ann Walton Kroenke  Edward Roski Jr 
$13 BLN #108 investments $8.7 BLN #178 mediA that 53 people are in-
$6.6 BLN #251 wAlmArt $5.4 BLN #351 reAl estAte
volved in making each
Jim Kennedy  Gordon Moore  Leon Black  Jim Davis & family 
$13 BLN #108 mediA $8.5 BLN #181 intel
bottle of Patrón, first
$6.5 BLN #261 PrivAte equity $5.3 BLN #365 new BAlAnce
sold a minority stake to
Blair Parry-okeden  Stanley Kroenke  John Paulson  David filo  Bacardi in 2008.
$13 BLN #108 mediA $8.3 BLN #183 sPorts, $6.5 BLN #261 hedge funds $5.3 BLN #365 yAhoo
reAl estAte
Leonard Lauder  David Shaw  henry Kravis 
$12.9 BLN #113 estee lAuder John Malone  Bubba Cathy 
$6.4 BLN #265 hedge funds $5.3 BLN #365 PrivAte equity $4.8 BLN #422 chick-fil-A
$8.1 BLN #186 cABle television
Stephen Schwarzman  John A Sobrato & family  Israel Englander 
$12.6 BLN #117 investments Carl Cook  Dan Cathy 
$6.4 BLN #265 reAl estAte $5.2 BLN #372 hedge funds $4.8 BLN #422 chick-fil-A
$8 BLN #190 medicAl devices
Donald Newhouse  Daniel Gilbert  Marian Ilitch 
$12.3 BLN #121 mediA David Geffen  Rupert Johnson Jr 
$6.3 BLN #274 quicken loAns $5.2 BLN #372 PizzA, $4.8 BLN #422
$8 BLN #190 movies, sPorts teAm
Andrew Beal  record lABels Richard Kinder  money mAnAgement
$11.6 BLN #132 BAnks, $6.2 BLN #281 PiPelines Bruce Kovner 
reAl estAte George Soros  Travis Kalanick 
$5.2 BLN #372 hedge funds $4.8 BLN #422 uBer
$8 BLN #190 hedge funds Robert Kraft 
John Menard Jr  $6.2 BLN #281 George Lucas 
$11.5 BLN #134 Edward Johnson III  Trevor Rees-Jones 
new englAnd PAtriots $5.2 BLN #372 star wars $4.8 BLN #422 oil & gAs
home imProvement stores $7.9 BLN #196
money mAnAgement Ralph Lauren  Robert Rich Jr  Jeffrey Skoll 
David Tepper  $6.2 BLN #281 fAshion $5.2 BLN #372 frozen foods $4.8 BLN #422 eBAy
$11 BLN #138 hedge funds David Duffield 
$7.8 BLN #198 Les Wexner & family  Bernard Marcus  Daniel Ziff 
Pierre omidyar  Business softwAre $6.1 BLN #287 retAil $5.1 BLN #382 home dePot $4.8 BLN #422 investments
$10.5 BLN #145 eBAy
George Kaiser  Whitney MacMillan  frederick Smith  Dirk Ziff 
Ronald Perelman  $7.8 BLN #198 oil & gAs, BAnking $6 BLN #289 cArgill $5.1 BLN #382 fedeX $4.8 BLN #422 investments
$9.8 BLN #152
leverAged Buyouts Marijke Mars ★ Ronda Stryker  Robert Ziff 
$5.9 BLN #296 cAndy, Pet food $5.1 BLN #382 $4.8 BLN #422 investments
medicAl equiPment
JeFF lurie Pamela Mars ★ Stanley Druckenmiller 
$5.9 BLN #296 cAndy, Pet food Martha Ingram & family  $4.7 BLN #441 hedge funds
NEWsMakER: Lu- $5 BLN #388 Book distriBution,
valerie Mars ★ trAnsPortAtion Ted Lerner & family 
rie’s Philadelphia Ea- $5.9 BLN #296 cAndy, Pet food $4.7 BLN #441 reAl estAte
gles won the Super Karen Pritzker 
victoria Mars ★ $5 BLN #388 hotels, Gwendolyn Sontheim Meyer 
Bowl for the first time $5.9 BLN #296 cAndy, Pet food investments $4.7 BLN #441 cArgill
in the franchise’s his-
Nancy Walton Laurie  Robert Bass  J Christopher Reyes 
tory in February, set- $5.8 BLN #305 wAlmArt $4.9 BLN #404 oil, investments $4.7 BLN #441
ting off one of the food distriBution
craziest celebra- Tom & Judy Love  Marc Benioff 
$5.8 BLN #305 $4.9 BLN #404 Jude Reyes 
tions in the city’s his- retAil & gAs stAtions Business softwAre $4.7 BLN #441
JeFF: Mike Blake / ReUTeRS; JOhn: danny MOlOShOk / ReUTeRS

tory. The team beat food distriBution

the New England Pa- Robert Rowling  Charles Dolan & family 
$5.8 BLN #305 investments $4.9 BLN #404 Sheldon Solow 
triots, Lurie’s child-
Dennis Washington  cABle television $4.7 BLN #441 reAl estAte
hood team, which he
$5.8 BLN #305 construction, Ray Lee hunt  Jeremy Jacobs Sr 
had previously tried mining $4.9 BLN #404 oil, reAl estAte $4.6 BLN #456 concessions
to buy. After he lost
out to Bob Kraft, he David Sun  John overdeck  Chris Larsen ★
$5.7 BLN #315 $4.9 BLN #404 hedge funds $4.6 BLN #456 cryPtocurrency
settled on the Ea- comPuter hArdwAre
gles, reportedly paying Sumner Redstone  Paul Tudor Jones II 
about $185 million in John Tu  $4.9 BLN #404 mediA $4.5 BLN #466 hedge funds
$5.7 BLN #315
1994; the team is now comPuter hArdwAre Reinhold Schmieding  John Sall 
worth $2.65 billion. $4.9 BLN #404 medicAl devices $4.5 BLN #466 softwAre
Jen-hsun huang 
$5.6 BLN #321 semiconductors David Siegel  Leonard Stern 
$4.9 BLN #404 hedge funds $4.5 BLN #466 reAl estAte
Charles Johnson 
$5.6 BLN #321 Sam Zell  Tamara Gustavson & family 
money mAnAgement $4.9 BLN #404 reAl estAte, $4.4 BLN #480 self storAge
PrivAte equity

WEalth status:
up down  unChAnged 
wine-growing oil & gas Fields mining & timBer FinanCial sPorts teCh Playground new ★ returnee 
region and dePosits minerals Centre team Centre

sPorts teAm denotes

BillionAire-owned sPorts teAm

84 | forbes india April 27, 2018

Mark Cuban 
$3.7 BLN #606 online mediA
united states
Ken fisher 
$3.7 BLN #606
John Morris  Walter Scott Jr & family  money mAnAgement
$4.4 BLN #480 sPorting goods $4.2 BLN #514 utilities, telecom
retAil h fisk Johnson 
Clemmie Spangler Jr  $3.7 BLN #606
Robert Smith  $4.2 BLN #514 investments cleAning Products
$4.4 BLN #480 PrivAte equity
Arthur Blank  Imogene Powers Johnson 
Russ Weiner  $4.1 BLN #527 home dePot $3.7 BLN #606
$4.4 BLN #480 energy drinks cleAning Products
Jack & Laura Dangermond 
Rocco Commisso ★ $4.1 BLN #527 S Curtis Johnson 
$4.3 BLN #499 telecom mAPPing softwAre $3.7 BLN #606
Tilman fertitta  cleAning Products
James Jannard 
$4.3 BLN #499 restAurAnts, $4.1 BLN #527 sunglAsses helen Johnson-Leipold 
cAsinos $3.7 BLN #606
Isaac Perlmutter  cleAning Products
Terrence Pegula  $4.1 BLN #527 mArvel comics
$4.3 BLN #499 nAturAl gAs Winifred Johnson-Marquart 
h Ross Perot Sr  $3.7 BLN #606
Robert Pera  $4.1 BLN #527 comPuter
$4.3 BLN #499 cleAning Products
services, reAl estAte
wireless networking geAr Michael Milken 
Thomas Pritzker  $3.7 BLN #606 investments
Gary Rollins  $4.1 BLN #527 hotels,
$4.3 BLN #499 Pest control investments Jeffery hildebrand 
Randall Rollins  $3.6 BLN #629 oil
Julian Robertson Jr 
$4.3 BLN #499 Pest control $4.1 BLN #527 hedge funds Edward Johnson Iv ★
$3.6 BLN #629
Alejandro Santo Domingo 
$4.3 BLN #499 Beer
Evan Spiegel  money mAnAgement NIRAJ ShAh
$4.1 BLN #527 snAPchAt
Andres Santo Domingo  Elizabeth Johnson ★ NEWCOMER: with cornell classmate steve conine, also a new
Kelcy Warren 
$4.3 BLN #499 Beer $4.1 BLN #527 PiPelines
$3.6 BLN #629 billionaire, shah started selling stereo racks online in 2002
money mAnAgement and within years ran more than 250 websites. they later
Roger Wang  Ben Ashkenazy ★
$4.3 BLN #499 retAil Peter Kellogg  consolidated them into $4.7 billion (2017 revenues) wayfair,
$4 BLN #550 reAl estAte $3.6 BLN #629 investments which sells more than than 10 million items for the home. its
Stephen Bisciotti  Dagmar Dolby & family 
$4.2 BLN #514 stAffing, Rodger Riney ★ stock has more than doubled in the past year.
$4 BLN #550 $3.6 BLN #629
BAltimore rAvens dolBy lABorAtories discount BrokerAge
Austen Cargill II  John Brown  haim Saban 
Dan friedkin  Steven Spielberg  $3.3 BLN #703 $3.2 BLN #729 tv network,
$4.2 BLN #514 cArgill $4 BLN #550 $3.6 BLN #629 movies medicAl equiPment investments
James Cargill II  toyotA deAlershiPs
$4.2 BLN #514 cArgill Anita Zucker  Charles Cohen  Lynn Schusterman 
Ronald Lauder  $3.6 BLN #629 chemicAls $3.3 BLN #703 reAl estAte $3.2 BLN #729 oil & gAs,
Archie Aldis Emmerson & $4 BLN #550 estee lAuder investments
family  Judy faulkner  Rakesh Gangwal 
Michael Moritz  $3.5 BLN #652 heAlth it $3.3 BLN #703 Airline Mark Shoen 
$4.2 BLN #514 timBerlAnd, $4 BLN #550 venture cAPitAl
lumBer mills $3.2 BLN #729 u-hAul
Joshua harris  Reid hoffman 
Richard Schulze  $3.5 BLN #652 PrivAte equity $3.3 BLN #703 linkedin Meg Whitman 
Marianne Liebmann  $4 BLN #550 Best Buy
$4.2 BLN #514 cArgill $3.2 BLN #729 eBAy
Douglas Leone  Amos hostetter Jr 
Jeff Sutton  $3.5 BLN #652 venture cAPitAl $3.3 BLN #703 cABle television John Catsimatidis 
Bobby Murphy  $4 BLN #550 reAl estAte
$4.2 BLN #514 snAPchAt $3.1 BLN #766 oil, reAl estAte
Anthony Pritzker  Kenneth Langone 
Rick Caruso  $3.5 BLN #652 hotels, $3.3 BLN #703 investments Do Won & Jin Sook Chang 
Igor olenicoff  $3.9 BLN #572 reAl estAte
$4.2 BLN #514 reAl estAte investments $3.1 BLN #766 fAshion retAil
George Lindemann & family 
Tom Gores  Jay Robert (JB) Pritzker  $3.3 BLN #703 investments Barry Diller 
$3.9 BLN #572 PrivAte equity $3.5 BLN #652 hotels, $3.1 BLN #766 online mediA
investments Mary Alice Dorrance Malone 
Stewart & Lynda Resnick  $3.3 BLN #703 cAmPBell souP Jack Dorsey 
$3.9 BLN #572 Agriculture, Mitchell Rales  $3.1 BLN #766 twitter
wAter $3.5 BLN #652 mAnufActuring, henry Nicholas III 
investments $3.3 BLN #703 semiconductors Allan Goldman 
Jerry Speyer  $3.1 BLN #766 reAl estAte
$3.9 BLN #572 reAl estAte Bernard Saul II  Pat Stryker 
$3.3 BLN #703 Jane Goldman 
Patrick harry Stine 
$3.9 BLN #572 Agriculture
$3.5 BLN #652 BAnking,
reAl estAte medicAl equiPment $3.1 BLN #766 reAl estAte

soon-shiong Steven Udvar-hazy  Donald Sterling  Neil Bluhm 

$3.2 BLN #729 reAl estAte
Amy Goldman fowler 
$3.1 BLN #766 reAl estAte
$3.9 BLN #572 AircrAft leAsing $3.5 BLN #652 reAl estAte
NEWsMakER: the sur-
Andrew & Peggy Cherng  Diane Kemper 

niRaJ: lUcaS JackSOn / ReUTeRS; paTRick: gaRy caMeROn / ReUTeRS

geon and biotech bil- Nathan Blecharczyk  Riley Bechtel & family 
$3.4 BLN #679 engineering, $3.2 BLN #729 restAurAnts $3.1 BLN #766 reAl estAte
lionaire is doubling $3.8 BLN #588 AirBnB
construction Scott Cook  James Leprino 
down on media. in Brian Chesky 
Stephen Bechtel Jr  $3.2 BLN #729 softwAre $3.1 BLN #766 cheese
february he agreed $3.8 BLN #588 AirBnB
to buy the los an- $3.4 BLN #679 engineering, Leon G Cooperman  Richard Sands ★
Joe Gebbia  construction $3.2 BLN #729 hedge funds $3.1 BLN #766 food & BeverAge
geles times and san $3.8 BLN #588 AirBnB
diego union-tribune Jimmy haslam  John Paul DeJoria  Donald Trump 
Jeff Greene  $3.4 BLN #679 gAs stAtions, $3.2 BLN #729 hAir Products, $3.1 BLN #766 reAl estAte
and several smaller ti- $3.8 BLN #588 reAl estAte, retAil tequilA
tles for $500 million— investments Romesh T Wadhwani 
twice what Jeff Bezos Min Kao & family  Tom Golisano  $3.1 BLN #766 softwAre
Robert McNair  $3.4 BLN #679 $3.2 BLN #729 PAyroll services
paid for the washing- $3.8 BLN #588 energy, sPorts nAvigAtion equiPment Clifford Asness 
ton Post five years ago. Daniel Loeb  $3 BLN #791
Ira Rennert  Steve Wynn 
soon-shiong’s gamble $3.8 BLN #588 investments
$3.2 BLN #729 hedge funds investment mAnAgement
$3.4 BLN #679 cAsinos, hotels
on transforming health Daniel och  Tom Benson & family 
care, nantworks, has henry Samueli  John Arnold  $3.2 BLN #729 hedge funds $3 BLN #791
$3.8 BLN #588 semiconductors $3.3 BLN #703 hedge funds new orleAns sAints
yet to deliver on his Marc Rowan 
promises. Nick Caporella  Sid Bass  $3.2 BLN #729 PrivAte equity Jim Breyer 
$3.7 BLN #606 BeverAges $3.3 BLN #703 oil, investments $3 BLN #791 venture cAPitAl

WEalth status:
up down  unChAnged 
wine-growing oil & gas Fields mining & timBer FinanCial sPorts teCh Playground new ★ returnee 
region and dePosits minerals Centre team Centre

sPorts teAm denotes

BillionAire-owned sPorts teAm

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 85

the world’s billionaires / the list

united states Edward DeBartolo Jr 

$2.7 BLN #887
Jane Lauder 
$2.5 BLN #965 cosmetics
Ron Baron 
$2.2 BLN #1103
shoPPing centres money mAnAgement
valentin Gapontsev Jon Stryker  Jeffrey Lorberbaum 
& family  $2.9 BLN #822
Bennett Dorrance  $2.5 BLN #965 flooring Timothy Boyle 
$2.7 BLN #887 cAmPBell souP $2.2 BLN #1103
$3 BLN #791 lAsers medicAl equiPment Joe Mansueto  columBiA sPortsweAr
Johnelle hunt  vincent viola  Don hankey  $2.5 BLN #965
$3 BLN #791 trucking $2.9 BLN #822
$2.7 BLN #887 Auto loAns investment reseArch Chase Coleman III 
$2.2 BLN #1103 hedge fund
John Middleton 
electronic trAding Reed hastings  C Dean Metropoulos 
$3 BLN #791 toBAcco William Conway Jr  $2.7 BLN #887 netfliX $2.5 BLN #965 investments James Coulter 
$2.2 BLN #1103 PrivAte equity
$2.8 BLN #859 PrivAte equity James Irsay  Arturo Moreno 
Jorge Perez 
$3 BLN #791 reAl estAte Daniel D’Aniello  $2.7 BLN #887 $2.5 BLN #965 BillBoArds, frank fertitta III 
indiAnAPolis colts AnAheim Angels $2.2 BLN #1103 cAsinos,
$2.8 BLN #859 PrivAte equity
Jean (Gigi) Pritzker  miXed mArtiAl Arts
$3 BLN #791 hotels, Jim Davis  Bob Parsons  Richard Peery 
investments $2.8 BLN #859
$2.7 BLN #887 weB hosting $2.5 BLN #965 reAl estAte Lorenzo fertitta 
$2.2 BLN #1103 cAsinos,
Michael Rubin 
stAffing & recruiting Phillip Ruffin  Larry Robbins  miXed mArtiAl Arts
$2.7 BLN #887 cAsinos, $2.5 BLN #965 hedge funds
$3 BIL #791 online retAil Doris fisher 
$2.8 BLN #859 gAP
reAl estAte Ernest Garcia II ★
Robert Sands ★ Charles Simonyi  $2.2 BLN #1103 used cArs
$3 BLN #791 food & BeverAge John fisher  howard Schultz  $2.5 BLN #965 microsoft
$2.8 BLN #859 gAP
$2.7 BLN #887 stArBucks Stanley hubbard 
herbert Simon  Mark Stevens  $2.2 BLN #1103 directv
$3 BLN #791 reAl estAte Kieu hoang  E Joe Shoen  $2.5 BLN #965 venture cAPitAl
$2.8 BLN #859
$2.7 BLN #887 u-hAul Thomas Lee 
Don vultaggio & family ★ Peter Thiel  $2.2 BLN #1103 PrivAte equity
$3 BLN #791
medicAl Products frank vanderSloot ★ $2.5 BLN #965 fAceBook,
ArizonA BeverAges h Wayne huizenga  $2.7 BLN #887 nutrition & softwAre Eric Lefkofsky 
wellness Products $2.2 BLN #1103 grouPon
$2.8 BLN #859 investments Elaine Wynn 
Chuck Bundrant ★
$2.9 BLN #822 fishing osman Kibar  Ty Warner  $2.5 BLN #965 cAsinos, hotels Phillip T (Terry) Ragon 
$2.7 BLN #887 reAl estAte, $2.2 BLN #1103 heAlth it
$2.8 BLN #859 Biotech Denise York 
Gerald ford  Plush toys
$2.9 BLN #822 BAnking Penny Pritzker  $2.5 BLN #965 Stewart Rahr 
$2.8 BLN #859 hotels,
oprah Winfrey  sAn frAncisco 49ers $2.2 BLN #1103
Joseph Grendys  $2.7 BLN #887 tv shows drug distriBution
$2.9 BLN #822
investments David Zalik ★
Poultry Processing David Rubenstein  David Bonderman  $2.5 BLN #965 technology T Denny Sanford 
$2.6 BLN #924 PrivAte equity $2.2 BLN #1103 BAnking,
$2.8 BLN #859 PrivAte equity George Argyros & family 
Randal Kirk  credit cArds
$2.9 BLN #822 PhArmAceuticAls Mark Walter  Phillip frost  $2.4 BLN #1020 reAl estAte,
$2.8 BLN #859 finAnce
$2.6 BLN #924 PhArmAceuticAls investments Julio Mario Santo
Jeff Rothschild  Domingo III 
$2.9 BLN #822 fAceBook William Wrigley Jr  B Wayne hughes  John Arrillaga  $2.2 BLN #1103 Beer
$2.6 BLN #924 self storAge $2.4 BLN #1020 reAl estAte
$2.8 BLN #859 chewing gum
Thomas Siebel  Ted Turner 
$2.9 BLN #822 Mortimer Zuckerman  Stephen Mandel Jr  Peter Buck  $2.2 BLN #1103
$2.6 BLN #924 hedge funds $2.4 BLN #1020 cABle television
Business softwAre $2.8 BLN #859 reAl estAte,
suBwAy sAndwich shoPs
Paul Singer 
mediA Sean Parker  William Young 
$2.9 BLN #822 hedge funds Ray Davis  $2.6 BLN #924 fAceBook Drayton McLane Jr  $2.2 BLN #1103 PlAstics
$2.4 BLN #1020 wAlmArt,
$2.7 BLN #887 PiPelines Jay Paul  logistics Leslie Alexander 
$2.6 BLN #924 reAl estAte $2.1 BLN #1157
JB Pritzker Patrick Ryan 
Daniel Pritzker 
$2.4 BLN #1020 hotels,
houston rockets
$2.6 BLN #924 insurAnce Todd Christopher 
pOlitiCs: The Hyatt Hotel heir is moving from private equity to investments
politics. The founder of Pritzker Group and non-profit small business Thomas Secunda  $2.1 BLN #1157
John Pritzker  hAir cAre Products
incubator 1871, he joined the race for Illinois governor last year and $2.6 BLN #924 BloomBerg lP $2.4 BLN #1020 hotels,
is running in the Democratic primary this month. After giving Warren Stephens  investments Gordon Getty 
$2.1 BLN #1157 getty oil
millions to Democratic organisations in 2016, he is advocating for $2.6 BLN #924 Eric Smidt 
investment BAnking
social services, investment in education and the protection of health $2.4 BLN #1020 Alec Gores 
care coverage. Glen Taylor  hArdwAre stores $2.1 BLN #1157 PrivAte equity
$2.6 BLN #924 Printing Alexander Spanos & family  Catherine Lozick 
Jerry Yang  $2.4 BLN #1020 reAl estAte, los $2.1 BLN #1157
$2.6 BLN #924 yAhoo Angeles chArgers vAlve mAnufActuring

Aerin Lauder Zinterhofer  David Gottesman  David Murdock 

$2.5 BLN #965 cosmetics $2.3 BLN #1070 investments $2.1 BLN #1157 dole,
reAl estAte
Edward Bass  Bill haslam 
$2.5 BLN #965 oil, investments $2.3 BLN #1070 truck stoPs h Ross Perot Jr 
$2.1 BLN #1157 reAl estAte
Lee Bass  W herbert hunt 
$2.5 BLN #965 oil, investments $2.3 BLN #1070 oil Tor Peterson 
$2.1 BLN #1157 commodities
Bert Beveridge ★ Bradley Jacobs ★
$2.5 BLN #965 vodkA $2.3 BLN #1070 logistics Kavitark Ram Shriram 
$2.1 BLN #1157 venture cAPitAl,
George Bishop  Brad Kelley  google
$2.5 BLN #965 oil & gAs $2.3 BLN #1070 toBAcco
David Walentas 
Norman Braman  vinod Khosla  $2.1 BLN #1157 reAl estAte
$2.5 BLN #965 Art, $2.3 BLN #1070
cAr deAlershiPs venture cAPitAl Ronald Wanek 
$2.1 BLN #1157 furniture
Kenneth feld & family  Clayton Mathile 
$2.5 BLN #965 circus, $2.3 BLN #1070 Pet food S Daniel Abraham 
live entertAinment $2 BLN #1215 slim-fAst
J Joe Ricketts 
Noam Gottesman  $2.3 BLN #1070 td AmeritrAde Ron Burkle 
$2.5 BLN #965 hedge funds $2 BLN #1215 suPermArkets,
Dan Snyder  investments
pRiTzkeR: JiM yOUng / ReUTeRS

Jonathan Gray  $2.3 BLN #1070

$2.5 BLN #965 investments wAshington redskins James Clark 
$2 BLN #1215 netscAPe,
John henry  John Tyson  investments
$2.5 BLN #965 sPorts $2.3 BLN #1070
food Processing Christopher Cline 
$2 BLN #1215 coAl

WEalth status:
up down  unChAnged 
wine-growing oil & gas Fields mining & timBer FinanCial sPorts teCh Playground new ★ returnee 
region and dePosits minerals Centre team Centre

sPorts teAm denotes

BillionAire-owned sPorts teAm

86 | forbes india April 27, 2018

united states John farber 
$1.7 BLN #1394 chemicAls
Manuel Moroun & family 
$1.6 BLN #1477 trAnsPortAtion
forrest Preston 
$1.4 BLN #1650 heAlth cAre
Robert fisher  Sheryl Sandberg  Jerry Reinsdorf 
TRAvIS KALANICK $1.7 BLN #1394 gAP $1.6 BLN #1477 fAceBook $1.4 BLN #1650 chicAgo Bulls

NEWsMakER: After bowing to investor pressure and resigning William fisher  Niraj Shah ★ Evgeny (Eugene) Shvidler 
$1.7 BLN #1394 gAP $1.6 BLN #1477 online retAil $1.4 BLN #1650 oil & gAs,
as uber’s ceo last summer, kalanick sold almost a third of his investments
stake in the ride-hailing company in January for $1.4 billion, Timothy headington  Ben Silbermann 
$1.7 BLN #1394 oil & gAs, $1.6 BLN #1477 Pinterest Peter Sperling 
pre-tax; it was part of a mega-deal led by softBank. with investments $1.4 BLN #1650 educAtion
kalanick and other early investors cashing out, the Japanese Thomas Steyer 
conglomerate was able to assemble a 15% stake in the Jim Justice II  $1.6 BLN #1477 hedge funds Kenny Troutt 
$1.7 BLN #1394 coAl $1.4 BLN #1650 telecom
company, buying most of it at a $48 billion valuation. it spent Charlotte Colket Weber 
another $1 billion-plus for additional shares at uber’s previous William Koch  $1.6 BLN #1477 cAmPBell souP Dan Wilks 
$1.7 BLN #1394 oil, investments $1.4 BLN #1650 nAturAl gAs
$68 billion valuation. Bill Alfond 
Marc Lasry  $1.5 BLN #1561 shoes farris Wilks 
$1.7 BLN #1394 hedge funds $1.4 BLN #1650 nAturAl gAs
Susan Alfond 
David Lichtenstein  $1.5 BLN #1561 shoes Richard Yuengling Jr 
$1.7 BLN #1394 reAl estAte $1.4 BLN #1650 Beer
Ted Alfond 
Craig McCaw  $1.5 BLN #1561 shoes Edmund Ansin 
$1.7 BLN #1394 telecom $1.3 BLN #1756 television
Carol Jenkins Barnett 
Miguel McKelvey  $1.5 BLN #1561 Steve Case 
$1.7 BLN #1394 wework PuBliX suPermArkets $1.3 BLN #1756 Aol, investments
vincent McMahon  Martha ford  Darwin Deason 
$1.7 BLN #1394 wwe $1.5 BLN #1561 ford motor $1.3 BLN #1756 XeroX
Gary Michelson  Richard hayne  Jamie Dimon 
$1.7 BLN #1394 medicAl PAtents $1.5 BLN #1561 $1.3 BLN #1756 BAnking
urBAn outfitters
Jerry Moyes ★ Anne Gittinger 
$1.7 BLN #1394 trAnsPortAtion Seth Klarman  $1.3 BLN #1756 nordstrom
$1.5 BLN #1561 hedge funds
Charles Munger  Irwin Jacobs 
$1.7 BLN #1394 Eren ozmen ★ $1.3 BLN #1756 semiconductors
Berkshire hAthAwAy $1.5 BLN #1561 AerosPAce
Mitchell Jacobson 
Nelson Peltz  fatih ozmen ★ $1.3 BLN #1756
$1.7 BLN #1394 investments $1.5 BLN #1561 AerosPAce industriAl equiPment
Roger Penske  Mark Pincus  Alexander Karp 
$1.7 BLN #1394 cArs $1.5 BLN #1561 online gAmes $1.3 BLN #1756 softwAre firm
henry Swieca  Kevin Plank  Sidney Kimmel 
$1.7 BLN #1394 hedge funds $1.5 BLN #1561 under Armour $1.3 BLN #1756 retAil

Alexandra Daitch  Charles Zegar  Todd Wagner  Nicholas Pritzker II  Rodney Lewis 
$2 BLN #1215 cArgill $2 BLN #1215 BloomBerg lP $1.7 BLN #1394 online mediA $1.5 BLN #1561 hotels, $1.3 BLN #1756 nAturAl gAs
Glenn Dubin  James Dinan  William f Austin  Cargill MacMillan III 
$2 BLN #1215 hedge funds $1.9 BLN #1284 hedge funds $1.6 BLN #1477 heAring Aids fayez Sarofim  $1.3 BLN #1756 cArgill
$1.5 BLN #1561
Robert Duggan  Bill Gross  Louis Bacon  money mAnAgement John MacMillan 
$2 BLN #1215 PhArmAceuticAls $1.9 BLN #1284 investments $1.6 BLN #1477 hedge funds $1.3 BLN #1756 cArgill
Kevin Systrom 
Thomas hagen  Jeffrey Gundlach  William Berkley  $1.5 BLN #1561 instAgrAm Martha MacMillan 
$2 BLN #1215 insurAnce $1.9 BLN #1284 investments $1.6 BLN #1477 insurAnce $1.3 BLN #1756 cArgill
Jim Thompson 
Bruce Karsh  Jennifer Pritzker  Aneel Bhusri  $1.5 BLN #1561 logistics William MacMillan 
$2 BLN #1215 PrivAte equity $1.9 BLN #1284 hotels, $1.6 BLN #1477 $1.3 BLN #1756 cArgill
investments Business softwAre Jonathan Tisch ★
henry Laufer ★ $1.5 BLN #1561 insurAnce, Craig Newmark ★
$2 BLN #1215 hedge funds Alan N Trefler  o francis Biondi  ny giAnts $1.3 BLN #1756 crAigslist
$1.9 BLN #1284 softwAre $1.6 BLN #1477 hedge funds
Jeffrey Lurie  Kenneth Tuchman  Bruce Nordstrom 
$2 BLN #1215 Evan Williams  David Booth  $1.5 BLN #1561 outsourcing $1.3 BLN #1756 nordstrom
PhilAdelPhiA eAgles $1.9 BLN #1284 twitter $1.6 BLN #1477 mutuAl funds
herb Chambers  Alexander Rovt 
Sarah MacMillan  Nicolas Berggruen  Steve Conine ★ $1.4 BLN #1650 cAr deAlershiPs $1.3 BLN #1756 fertiliser,
$2 BLN #1215 cArgill $1.8 BLN #1339 investments $1.6 BLN #1477 online retAil reAl estAte
John Edson 
howard Marks  James france  Stephen feinberg  $1.4 BLN #1650 leisure crAft Leonard Schleifer 
$2 BLN #1215 PrivAte equity $1.8 BLN #1339 nAscAr, rAcing $1.6 BLN #1477 PrivAte equity $1.3 BLN #1756 PhArmAceuticAls
David Einhorn 
Jonathan Nelson  Stewart horejsi & family  Paul foster  $1.4 BLN #1650 hedge funds Wilma Tisch 
$2 BLN #1215 PrivAte equity $1.8 BLN #1339 $1.6 BLN #1477 oil refining $1.3 BLN #1756 diversified
Berkshire hAthAwAy victor fung 
Peter Peterson  Mario Gabelli  $1.4 BLN #1650 Jayshree Ullal ★
$2 BLN #1215 investments hamilton James  $1.6 BLN #1477 trAding comPAny $1.3 BLN #1756 technology
$1.8 BLN #1339 investments money mAnAgement
Antony Ressler  Alan Gerry  Stephen T Winn ★
$2 BLN #1215 finAnce John Kapoor  Christopher Goldsbury  $1.4 BLN #1650 $1.3 BLN #1756
$1.8 BLN #1339 heAlth cAre $1.6 BLN #1477 sAlsA cABle television reAl estAte services
Rodney Sacks 
$2 BLN #1215 energy drinks William Lauder  Brian higgins  J Tomilson hill  Marc Andreessen 
$1.8 BLN #1339 estee lAuder $1.6 BLN #1477 hedge funds $1.4 BLN #1650 investments $1.2 BLN #1867
Brian Sheth  venture cAPitAl
$2 BLN #1215 investments Linda Pritzker  Michael Jordan  George Joseph 
$1.8 BLN #1339 hotels, $1.6 BLN #1477 chArlotte $1.4 BLN #1650 insurAnce Thomas Bailey 
Lucy Stitzer  investments hornets, endorsements $1.2 BLN #1867
$2 BLN #1215 cArgill Michael Krasny  money mAnAgement
Brian Roberts  Edward Lampert  $1.4 BLN #1650 retAil
Katherine Tanner  $1.8 BLN #1339 comcAst $1.6 BLN #1477 seArs Charles Brandes 
$2 BLN #1215 cArgill James Leininger  $1.2 BLN #1867
William Stone  Thai Lee  $1.4 BLN #1650 money mAnAgement
Amy Wyss  $1.8 BLN #1339 softwAre $1.6 BLN #1477 it Provider medicAl Products
TRaviS: Jane lee / ReUTeRS

$2 BLN #1215 henry Engelhardt 

medicAl equiPment herbert Allen Jr & family  Billy Joe (Red) McCombs  Gary Magness  $1.2 BLN #1867 insurAnce
$1.7 BLN #1394 $1.6 BLN #1477 diversified $1.4 BLN #1650 cABle tv,
Jon Yarbrough  investment BAnking
$2 BLN #1215 videogAmes investments

WEalth status:
up down  unChAnged 
wine-growing oil & gas Fields mining & timBer FinanCial sPorts teCh Playground new ★ returnee 
region and dePosits minerals Centre team Centre

sPorts teAm denotes

BillionAire-owned sPorts teAm

April 27, 2018 forbes india | 87

the world’s billionaires / the list

united states Richard Kayne ★

$1.1 BLN #1999 investments
Yvon Chouinard 
$1 BLN #2124 PAtAgoniA
George Marcus 
$1 BLN #2124 reAl estAte
Donald foss ★ Thomas Tull  Isaac Larian  henry Davis ★ Lowell Milken 
$1.2 BLN #1867 Auto loAns $1.2 BLN #1867 movies $1.1 BLN #1999 toys $1 BLN #2124 Beef Processing $1 BLN #2124 investments
Robert friedland  Alfred West Jr  frank Laukien ★ David hall ★ Carolyn Rafaelian ★
$1.2 BLN #1867 mining $1.2 BLN #1867 $1.1 BLN #1999 $1 BLN #2124 $1 BLN #2124 Jewellery
money mAnAgement scientific equiPment Automotive technology
Donald friese  Alice Schwartz ★
$1.2 BLN #1867 mAnufActuring William Ackman  Nancy Lerner  David Kabiller  $1 BLN #2124 Biotech
$1.1 BLN #1999 hedge funds $1.1 BLN #1999 BAnking, $1 BLN #2124
Ryan Graves  Martin Selig 
credit cArds investment mAnAgement
$1.2 BLN #1867 uBer J hyatt Brown ★ $1 BLN #2124 reAl estAte
$1.1 BLN #1999 insurAnce Norma Lerner  Theodore Leonsis ★
B Wayne hughes Jr  Evan Sharp 
$1.1 BLN #1999 BAnking, $1 BLN #2124 sPorts teAms
$1.2 BLN #1867 Bharat Desai  $1 BLN #2124 Pinterest
credit cArds
storAge fAcilities $1.1 BLN #1999 it consulting John Liew 
Randolph Lerner  $1 BLN #2124 Axel Stawski 
Thomas James  Joseph Edelman ★ $1 BLN #2124 reAl estAte
$1.1 BLN #1999 BAnking, investment mAnAgement
$1.2 BLN #1867 finAnce $1.1 BLN #1999 hedge funds
credit cArds Robert Toll ★
Gail Miller  Paul fireman  Duncan MacMillan ★
William Macaulay  $1 BLN #2124 BloomBerg lP $1 BLN #2124 home Building
$1.2 BLN #1867 utAh JAzz, $1.1 BLN #1999 reeBok
$1.1 BLN #1999 Sandy Weill 
cAr deAlers
J Christopher flowers  energy investments $1 BLN #2124 citigrouP
Michael Price  $1.1 BLN #1999 investments
$1.2 BLN #1867 investments
John Martin 
Drew houston  $1.1 BLN #1999 PhArmAceuticAls
Lynsi Snyder ★
$1.2 BLN #1867 in-n-out Burger
$1.1 BLN #1999 droPBoX
Andrea Reimann-Ciardelli 
$1.1 BLN #1999
consumer goods
Chris Sacca  the Forbes world’s Billionaires list is a snapshot of wealth using stock
venezuela $1.1 BLN #1999
venture cAPitAl
prices and exchange rates from february 9. some people will be-
come richer or poorer within weeks—even days—of publication. for
Michael Steinhardt  example, Jeff Bezos’s net worth climbed more than $12 billion in the
gdP: $36.5 BLN $1.1 BLN #1999 finAnce
PoPulAtion: 32 MLN two weeks between our measuring date for stock prices and when
Laurie Tisch ★ this issue went to press. we list individuals rather than multi-gener-
BillionAires: 2 $1.1 BLN #1999 insurAnce, ational families who share large fortunes, though we include wealth
totAl net worth: expAtriAte ny giAnts
$5.5 BLN (+$400 MLN vS 2017) 1 belonging to a billionaire’s spouse and children if that person is the
Steven Tisch ★ founder of the fortune. in some cases we list siblings or couples to-
$1.1 BLN #1999 insurAnce,
gether if the ownership breakdown among them isn’t clear, but here
ny giAnts
an estimated net worth of $1 billion per person is needed to make the
James Truchard ★ cut. we value a variety of assets, including private companies, real
$1.1 BLN #1999 softwAre
CArACAs estate, art, yachts and more. we don’t pretend to know each billion-
1 Sara Blakely  aire’s private balance sheet (though some provide it). when docu-
$1 BLN #2124 sPAnX mentation isn’t supplied or available, we discount fortunes. for daily
updates of net worths, go to

gdP: $17.1 BLN
Juan Carlos Escotet 
PoPulAtion: 17 MLN 1
$4.4 BLN #480 BAnking BillionAires: 1 (+1 vS 2017)
Gustavo Cisneros & family 
totAl net worth:
$1.1 BLN #1999 mediA
$1.4 BLN (+$1.4 BLN vS 2017)

Strive Masiyiwa ★
vietnam $1.4 BLN #1650 telecom

gdP: $223.9 BLN

PoPulAtion: 96 MLN 2
BillionAires: 4 (+2 vS 2017)
totAl net worth:
$10.5 BLN (+$6.9 BLN vS 2017)

strive masiyiwa
NEWCOMER: zimbabwe’s first-ever billionaire,
masiyiwa studied engineering in the uk and
then went home and worked at zimbabwe
Posts & telecommunications corp. he quit
Pham Nhat vuong  to start his own firm but spent five years
$4.3 BLN #499 diversified
fighting to obtain a licence to operate a tele-
Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao  phone company. the supreme court of zim-
STRive: gUS RUelaS / ReUTeRS

$3.1 BLN #766 Airlines

babwe finally ruled in his favour. he found-
Tran Ba Duong & family ★ ed econet wireless zimbabwe in 1998. today
$1.8 BLN #1339 cArs ho Chi Minh
City the company is the second biggest, by mar-
Tran Dinh Long ★ 2 ket cap, on the zimbabwe stock exchange. he
$1.3 BLN #1756 steel, left zimbabwe in 2000 and lives in london.

WEalth status:
up down  unChAnged 
wine-growing oil & gas Fields mining & timBer FinanCial sPorts teCh Playground new ★ returnee 
region and dePosits minerals Centre team Centre

sPorts teAm denotes

BillionAire-owned sPorts teAm

88 | forbes india April 27, 2018

India’s Best Minds
Talk All Things
The Forbes India Leadership Agenda event explored
key facets of high performance leadership in a

disruptive and dynamic corporate world
ndia occupies a unique position
in the new world order today. By team Forbes IndIa
Its growing economic might
is globally recognised and the 1
country’s top business leaders are
leveraging that as well as its conducive
environment for doing business.
However, the upside of new
opportunities is constantly threatened
by global uncertainties—political,
social, economic and technological.
As a result, only astute leadership
will determine the success of Indian
enterprise in the days to come.
The Forbes India Leadership Agenda
—Convergence of India Inc’s Best
Minds—in association with Mercedes-
Benz provided a platform for an
invigorating exchange of information,
ideas and insights. It sought to
spark a dialogue on the evolution of
leadership in the current global and
local context, and get India’s visionary
leaders to share their learnings and
perspective on “all things leadership”.
The event, held in New Delhi
on March 8, 2018, was attended
by many top corporate leaders,
and included insightful speeches,
stimulating panel discussions, and
thought-provoking tête-à-têtes.
Some of the broad themes addressed
included leadership in times of
crisis, managing businesses in a
high-tech world, building disruptive
ventures, sustainable businesses and
crafting globally-relevant leaders.
Among the highlights of the
evening was the showcasing of the
2018 Mercedes-Benz S-Class by Roland
Folger, chairman and managing
director, Mercedes-Benz India.

90 | forbes india april 27, 2018


1. (L to R) Sudhir Mathur, CEO, Cairn India; Anupriya

Acharya, CEO (India), Publicis Media; Brian Carvalho,
editor, Forbes India; Manoj Adlakha, CEO, American
Express India; Roland Folger, chairman and
managing director, Mercedes-Benz India, engaged
in a discussion on ‘India: Emerging Leader in New
World Order’ 2. Forbes India Editor (Online) Neeraj
Gangal (centre) moderated a panel discussion on
‘Business Leadership in High-Tech World’ with
panelists (L-R) Raman Roy, CEO, Quatrro, and PhotograPhs by madhu kaPParath and amit verma
7 6
Nasscom chairman; Roshni Sanah Jaiswal, promoter
and chief restructuring officer, Jagatjit Industries;
Pramod Saxena, chairman and managing director,
Oxigen Services; Raj Kumar Rishi, managing director,
Xerox India 3. (L-R) Sudhir Mathur with Manoj
Adlakha, MakeMyTrip CEO Deep Kalra and Raman
Roy at the Networking Lounge prior to the event
4. Roshni Sanah Jaiswal 5. Ajay Bijli, chairman and
MD, PVR Cinemas; Kalra (centre) and Padmaja
Ruparel, president, Indian Angel Network and
managing partner, IAN Fund were involved in an
animated conversation 6. Anupriya Acharya shared
her thoughts on ‘Women in the Workforce’ at the
event which was held on International Women’s Day
7. Suresh Narayanan, chairman & managing director,
Nestlé India, gave a rousing speech on ‘Leadership
in Times of Crisis’ 8. The audience heard with
rapt attention the various views on leadership
at the event

april 27, 2018 forbes india | 91

ForBes IndIA LeAdershIp AgendA

Leadership is about influencing For us [companies] to remain

people in such a way that the relevant, we have to stick to
team doesn’t feel like they are our basics and also adapt to
merely following you... rather technological changes.
make your vision their own. pramod saxena, chairman and
—anuprIya acharya, managing director, Oxigen Services
CEO (India), Publicis Media

Today you can never be ‘too

In the absence of education connected’. But you still need
and health, demographic your personal time to plan
dividend can turn into for the day, reflect back on
demographic disaster. the going-ons in your life.
— manoj adlakha, CEO, raj kumar rIshI, managing
American Express India director, Xerox India

We want our experience It was important for us to do

to be as seamless and things ethically and the right way.
personalised as entering a So after a while, fund investors
coffee shop and getting ‘the were comfortable investing in us.
usual’. Couple this with Artificial If you have a good idea and honesty
Intelligence, and we’re in a of intent, there are enough and more
very exciting territory. people who want to fund an idea.
—deep kalra, chairman and — sumant sInha, chairman
Group CEO, MakeMyTrip and CEO, ReNew Power

92 | forbes india april 27, 2018


Today, no matter which sector When you’re called upon as a

you are in, you have to be a leader during a crisis, it is more
technology company first. If you important to look at how you
are not, you’re going to fail. conduct yourself. The talent of
—roshInI sanah jaIswal, leadership demands that you
promoter and chief restructuring go upfront to your employees
officer, Jagatjit Industries and do the talking.
—suresh narayanan,
chairman and managing
director, Nestlé India
Successful people of tomorrow
will need to know how to learn.
The ability to re-learn and reskill Men should take time-off
will determine who will lead. through flexi-times if women
—raman roy, ceo, Quatrro need to travel for work.
& Nasscom chairman
—sudhIr mathur, CEO, Cairn India

A leader needs to have In India, only about 25 percent

integrity, humility and of women have a full-time job. So
sincerity in whatever he/ while picking the best for the top
she does, and the quality job, the ratio doesn’t work in their
and competence at the advantage. Hence, it’s important to
helm of affairs, to be good address fundamental issues first.
at leading a team. —roland Folger,
—ajay bIjlI, chairman and chairman and managing director,
managing director, PVR Cinemas Mercedes-Benz India

april 27, 2018 forbes india | 93

Scampering for
India is making the right noises to tackle
climate change, but its efforts aren’t
commensurate with the scale of the problem
By Aveek DAttA

t’s only the onset of summer continuous rise in global temperature, Parties (COP21) summit held in Paris
and if the Indian Meteorological often referred to as global warming. in 2015, India, along with 194 other
Department predictions are to The Indian government is not only countries, agreed to limit the rise in
be believed, the mercury will making the right noises but also playing global average temperature to 1.5°C by
soar even higher in the days ahead. The its part in stemming the pace of climate reducing its dependence on fossil fuels.
forecast is consistent with a gradual-yet- change. At the annual Conference of Climate change experts and industry

94 | forbes india april 27, 2018


p r e s e n tat i o n

leaders, however, believe a lot more any project on sustainability needs long-
needs to be done at the policy level term capital and patient investors. IFC,
and by way of individual initiatives to with its focus on developmental projects,
ensure a cleaner and greener future. has been at the forefront of backing
As part of the Forbes India sustainability-focussed businesses in
Conversations–The Thought Leadership India, such as those producing renewable
Series, held in association with BNP power. Zhang said his organisation
Paribas in New Delhi on February 21, had invested close to $2 billion across
some prominent thought leaders shared 50 projects in India last year, focussed
their insights on the subject during on inclusive and sustainable economic
a discussion on ‘The Sustainability growth. “Companies supported by IFC
Agenda’. The participants were Jun account for 22 percent of the renewable
Zhang, country manager, International capacity created in the last five years in
Finance Corporation (IFC), India; Andrew this country,” he said, pointing out how Firms supported
Hines, co-founder, CleanMax Solar; access to reasonably priced, long-term by IFC account for
Joe Phelan, director, World Business finance can have a multiplier effect.
Council for Sustainable Development; The euphoria around one particular
22 percent of the
Arunabha Ghosh, CEO, Council on sector, such as solar energy in recent renewable capacity
Energy, Environment and Water; and
Rajneesh Rana, general manager,
times, can lead to a flurry of companies
vying for a share of the pie, according to
created in India
Energy Efficiency Services Ltd (EESL). the experts. The resultant competition in five years.
The panelists were unanimous that drives down power prices to such an —Jun Zhang

extent that experts begin to question

if such projects are a viable. Hines
put the speculation to rest by saying
declining power tariffs will always be
good for the country. “It is up to the
bidder to determine whether the price
quoted to win a bid is viable,” said
Hines. “It is important that government
bodies are running these tenders in
a way that there is enough clarity for
developers to take informed decisions.
The bigger problem occurs when state
governments try to renegotiate tenders
that have been already closed.”
Zhang observed that development
of the capital markets would be a big
step forward for sustainable businesses
to access funds for growth. “We have
been working on this, for example, with
green bonds and masala bonds,” he said.
Apart from green energy, the mass
adoption of a couple of other products,
photographs: madhu kapparath

(From left) Andrew Hines, co-founder, CleanMax

Solar; Jun Zhang, country manager, International
Finance Corporation, India; Forbes India
moderator Aveek Datta; Arunabha Ghosh, CEO,
Council on Energy, Environment and Water;
Joe Phelan, director, World Business Council for
Sustainable Development; Rajneesh Rana, general
manager, Energy Efficiency Services Ltd

april 27, 2018 forbes india | 95

Forbes india Conversations
p r e s e n tat i o n

The government It is possible to We are urbanising

must run tenders work out a business the wrong way. We
with enough clarity model without don’t have a clear
for developers subsidies if the vision of what a
to take informed demand can be smart city should
decisions. aggregated. look like.
—Andrew Hines —Rajneesh Rana —Arunabha Ghosh

like LED lights and electric vehicles government tender for EVs,” he said. be allocated and consumed. “We have
(EVs), is also likely to have a significant While the use of LED bulbs and EVs, to work on a model that is based on
impact on the environment. The Indian and switching to rooftop solar energy the circular economy approach. We
government has tried to give the to power households will help reduce treat less than 30 percent of the urban
adoption of EVs a big push by procuring the carbon footprint, India faces a waste that is generated. If we treated
them in bulk and also exploring how huge challenge in its high density of a greater portion of this waste at our
they can be made more cost-effective haphazardly urbanised population. sewage treatment plants, cleaned
for citizens. Rana of EESL pointed out “Yes, we are urbanising the wrong the waste water and supplied it to
that just as the prices of LED bulbs way. We don’t have a clear vision of power stations, it would be adequate
have fallen drastically from $10 to $1 what a smart city should look like, to support the generation of another
in about four years, it was possible for where it ought to be located, and the 60,000 MW of additional thermal
EV prices to correct in a similar fashion. infrastructure it will need,” said Ghosh. power capacity,” explained Ghosh.
“It is possible to work out a business He added that it was imperative for city The role of private sector companies
model without government subsidies councils and urban planners to harness was also discussed with Phelan admitting
if the demand can be aggregated, the power of big data and analytics that organisations weren’t utilising
like we have tried to do with the to understand how resources need to the opportunity that came as part of
its corporate social responsibility
mandate. “There is no set of products
or services being packaged by
There is no set businesses to enable us to live a

of lifestyle on a middle-class income

that is compatible with a truly
enable us to live sustainable society,” he said.
a middle-class Phelan summed up the discussion
by saying that while India was
lifestyle compatible perceived as a leader when it came
with a sustainable to tackling the climate change
challenge on the world stage, its efforts
society. weren’t yet commensurate with the
—Joe Phelan scale of the problem it faced. ■

96 | forbes india april 27, 2018

Cross Border

hax accelerator Programme 1

Hardware Hive
For startups at a Shenzhen accelerator in China,
a month’s R&D takes only a week
BY Pamela amBler

he most impressive thing assorted industrial testing equipment,
about Shenzhen is not a fabrication facility and even a biolab
that it went from a rural for agricultural and medical research.
village of 30,000 to a “A lot of the companies find us
mega-metropolis of 20 million in because of Shenzhen. Most hardware
30 years—an extraordinary feat, no companies know they need to come
doubt. No, what’s most impressive to Shenzhen as part of their evolution
about Shenzhen is the reason into a full-fledged company,” says everything changes. So you have to re-
behind the unfathomable growth. Duncan Turner, managing director engineer, redesign”. The 30-member
It is ground zero for nearly all the of HAX, who has led the programme staff at the hardware incubator range
world’s hardware manufacturers. since its inception. The mentorship- from mechanical, electrical and
To describe the Huaqiangbei driven seed-funding platform has robotics engineers to industrial and
electronic market in the southern worked with some 150 teams building graphic designers. All of them are at
Chinese city of Shenzhen as a “cool stuff in consumer technology, the beck and call of each cohort.
boomtown for computer components health care, enterprise IoT [internet HAX is one of six accelerator
is a gross understatement. Venturing of things], or industrial robotics programmes run by SOSV (the others
through crowded stalls piled with an and manufacturing technologies”. are in Shanghai, Taipei, San Francisco,
array of microchips, circuit boards, Startup teams come from all over Cork, Ireland and New York), a
LED lights and wireless chargers, all the world. Over half come from venture capital firm headquartered
while flying drones and hoverboards North America, a quarter from in Princeton, New Jersey. Induction
buzz about, you think you’ve seen it China and the rest from Europe. into the coveted programme comes
all. But you’ve barely scratched the “You can prototype anywhere, but it with $100,000 in initial seed funding
surface—or the bottom, in this case. takes a long time. Ninety percent of in exchange for a 10 percent equity in
Perched eight floors above the electronic components originate in the startup. Teams that show potential
bustling makers’ paradise is HAX, a Shenzhen,” adds Turner, who spent have the opportunity to receive
hardware accelerator. The moment years shuttling between London and follow-up investment from its growth
you step into the elevator that leads Xiamen before his time with HAX. scaling fund. “We use the programme
to the shipping-container-stylised As the former lead of product to do our due diligence,” says Turner,
entryway of HAX, the background design and engineering at IDEO who is also a general partner with
chatter goes from colloquial Mandarin Shanghai, Turner knows firsthand that SOSV in charge of deploying capital.
to English spoken in various accents. “you can get Western components, but He often bases his assessment on
Spread across 42,000 square feet, you find that when you manufacture, the working relationship he has
the open-floor-plan layout is built with the entrepreneurs. “It’s far
for creativity. It’s equipped with better than any due diligence you’d
your standard co-working fixtures— do as a typical investor coming in
telephone booths for private calls, Induction into the at Series A.” To date, SOSV has
meeting rooms covered in whiteboard HAX programme invested in nearly 700 startups.
drawings, a Ping-Pong table in the Although there’s a proliferation
kitchen and an amphitheatre for comes with an initial of similar curriculums offering
demo days. In addition, there’s an funding of $100,000 support to startups in the Pearl
entire level of prototyping rooms with River Delta region—AIRmaker,

98 | forbes india APRIL 27, 2018


3 4

1. hax workspace in Shenzhen: “the teams

come here for three months. they get about
a year’s worth of r&D done,” says Duncan
turner, managing director of hax

2. Pushme of the UK offers plug-and-

go, instant-charging stations in cafes,
convenience stores and restaurants for
electric bicycles

3. Keenan Pinto, head of technology at

Nordetect, a Danish biochemical analytics
company, shows off a portable diagnostics 5
tool used by agricultural companies to
test soil samples

Shenzhen Valley Ventures, Seeed

Studio, Brinc, Techcode, Highway1,
Blueprint, to name just a few—HAX
was the first to leverage its position in
Shenzhen to build hardware in 2012.
Corporate accelerators have also been energy or water and food safety. 4. US clothing manufacturer unspun
uses 3D data from body scans to create
cropping up in an attempt to stay Although pockets of technology custom-fit blue jeans. co-founder Kevin
ahead of “disruptive” technologies. development exist across the martin is on the left
Across China there are around mainland, Shenzhen’s position was 5. New York’s Wazer has developed a
3,000 incubators in operation, solidified in 1980 when the city $6,000 desktop waterjet cutter that can
slice through any material, according to co-
estimates professor Andreas Schotter was designated as one of China’s founder and cto matt Nowicki
of the Ivey Business School in London, first Special Economic Zones.
Ontario, in Canada. That number is The metropolis welcomed foreign like Australia and Germany.
expected to exceed 5,000 by 2020, direct investment and attracted Turner maintains that Shenzhen
many of which will be government- prestigious homegrown high-tech is the optimal place to develop
backed. “This is not surprising given companies such as Tencent, Huawei, hardware, both in terms of speed
there is a lot of free money from ZTE, Coolpad, DJI and BYD. to market and efficiency working
the initial industrialisation waves In 2016 Shenzhen’s GDP surpassed the supply chain. One tried and
that seek a place to grow,” says $300 billion. Its economic output true fact he firmly stands behind: A
Schotter. He considers government rivaled leading midsize provinces week in Shenzhen is like a month
support especially pronounced and surpassed countries such as anywhere else. “The teams come here
in innovations that help address Portugal and Greece—putting it for three months. They get about
serious Chinese problems like on par with developed nations a year’s worth of R&D done.”

APRIL 27, 2018 forbes india | 99

If we command our
wealth, we shall be
rich and free.
on abundance burke

I’ve got all the money I’ll

ever need—just so long as
I die by four o’clock.
Wealth comes from
industry and the hard
I was so good at experience of human toil.
being a man, with To dissipate it in waste and
extravagance is disloyalty
henny youngman: Paul natkin / Wireimage; henry miller: larry ColWell/anthony BarBoza/getty images; Burke, Coolidge, johnson: shutterstoCk;

such plenitude to humanity.

and simplicity, —Calvin Coolidge
that I thought I
was something of The thankful receiver
bears a plentiful
a superman. harvest.
—albert CamuS —William blake

My Lord. It is You crown the year with

your bounty, and your
too much, and carts overflow with
not enough. abundance.
—PSalm 65:11
—jaCqueline like the rain, everything comes in
leWis: hans Wild/the liFe PiCture ColleCtion/getty images; diamandis: mike Blake / reuters

Carey bucketsful—or not at all.

—Henry miller
God doesn’t measure his
bounty, but oh, how we do!
—mignon In his heyday,
mclaugHlin Howard Hughes
didn’t have as
good a television
as you do.
It was a rich place. As
—kevin d rich as plumcake.
—CS leWiS
Right now, for the first
time ever, a passionate and final thought
committed individual has
access to the technology,
minds and capital required
You never find people
labouring to convince
An abundance of money can bless
to take on any challenge. you that you may live
very happily upon a
as well as curse. The latter is to be
—Peter H plentiful fortune. vigilantly guarded against.
diamandiS —Samuel joHnSon —bC ForbeS

100 | forbes india AprIl 27 2018

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