Ed 300 Technology Unit Lesson Plan 1

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WVSU Education 300 Technology Unit Lesson Plan

Lesson Author
Teacher Candidate Christi Clendenin
School Name Ruthlawn Elementary Class/Grade Level 2nd Grade
Holidays Celebrated by West
Lesson Topic Subject Social Studies
Lesson Overview
Lesson Title
Holidays celebrated by West Virginians
Lesson Summary
Students will learn about holidays celebrated by people of different ethnic backgrounds in West Virginia and where the holidays
Students will:
 Learn to use technology to collaborate with others to plan organize, develop and publish a Power Point/Google Slide
 Learn to conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic, take notes from print and digital sources
and sort information into provided categories.
 Come to discussions prepared to stay on topic, explore ideas, check understanding, link and explain their own ideas,
determine main ideas and supporting details presented visually, quantitatively and orally while offering elaboration and
 Use materials, tools, and technology in a safe and responsible manner.
 Participates in a group to locate and create pictures, clip art, graphs, tables and other appropriate objects and to insert
into documents and presentations.
 Student logs on to computer, starts and exits programs, finds files, and handles and uses output devices (e.g., CDs,
DVDs, USB drives, diskettes) with care. Student uses file menu commands (e.g., New, Open, Close, Save, Save as,
Print) and saves computer files to diskette, hard drive and server.
 Use presentation software to illustrate concepts and communicate ideas.
 Use existing common databases (e.g., online or CD-ROM encyclopedias, electronic dictionaries, and other online
library archives) to find information for classroom assignments.
 Locate information in a variety of developmentally appropriate technology resources (e.g., interactive books,
educational software, CD-ROMs, elementary multi-media encyclopedias and web-based search engines) to support
classroom assignments.
 manage negative emotions, aligns his/her goals to the goals of others, and works cooperatively and productively with
others in small groups.
 Identify and practice the responsible use of technology systems and software.
 Demonstrate positive social and ethical behaviors when using technology. Student identifies appropriate and
inappropriate use of computers and describes how to work collaboratively with others when using technology at home
or in school.
 Focus on a project goal, and with teacher guidance, frames appropriate questions related to the goal, considers possible
courses of action, selects a plan of action and completes the project.

WV NxtGen Standards
ELA.2.W.C10.3 with guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including
in collaboration with peers.

ELA.2.W.C11.1 participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., read a number of books on a single topic to produce a
report; record science observations.)

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ELA.2.SL.C13.2 recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other

ELA.2.SL.C14.3 produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested detail or

SS.2.WV.1 identify state symbols, celebrations, holidays, famous West Virginians and the governor of the West Virginia
state government.

21st Century Skill(s)

21C.S.PK-2.1 The student will access, analyze, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information in a variety of forms using
appropriate technology skills and communicate that information in an appropriate oral, written, or multimedia format.

21C.O.PK-2.1.LS3 Student articulates thoughts and ideas, representative of real and imaginary experiences, clearly and
effectively through oral, written or multimedia communication.

21C.S.PK-2.3 The student will exhibit leadership, ethical behavior, respect for others; accept responsibility for personal actions
considering the impact on others; take the initiative to plan and execute tasks; and interact productively as a member of a group.

National Standards
Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 2 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and
larger groups.

Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media.

With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration
with peers.

Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., read a number of books on a single topic to produce a report; record
science observations).

Management Framework
Overall Time: 60 minutes
Time Frame: 10 minutes teacher intro and KWL chart
5 minutes students will watch short clip on different holidays
35 minutes group students, assign holiday for group project and have students research holiday
10 minutes for each student to use the research and create a slide each for a Google Slide presentation

Teacher led discussion, KWL chart discussion, video on holidays, group research and individual activity.

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Instructional Procedures

Introduction/Lesson Set
• During the introduction, I will have the students join me at the carpet and advise them that we are going to learn
about holidays that people in West Virginia celebrate. I will then ask the students why it is important that we know
and understand different holidays and why they are celebrated. I will ask the students if it is important to know our
neighbors and respect them. I will ask the students if understanding holidays that they celebrate and why they
celebrate them will help us to know our neighbors better?
• I will hand each student a KWL chart, while having one displayed on the whiteboard, using the projector, and will
have the students write down what they know about each holiday on their KWL chart. Once they have written
down what they know, we will discuss it and fill in the KWL chart that is displayed with answers that are given. I
will then have students write down what they would like to know about each holiday and briefly discuss this.
• I will have the students watch a 3-minute video, located at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sjC13dFRS8, on
the different holidays that we will be learning about. I will use the Smartboard and laptop to present this video.
• I will split the students up into 4 groups of 4-5 students and assign each group one of the holidays that we will be
learning about.
• I will give instructions on the group project and answer any questions that the students have about it.
• I will assess prior knowledge by looking over what the students have put down as their prior knowledge of each
holiday and from feedback given during the introduction discussion.

Body & Transition

• Each group will be assigned a computer where they will research their holiday to find at least 5 facts about their
holiday. They will use History.com to find the facts about their holiday. Groups will fill out a web for their holiday
with the facts that they find.
• After the groups have found 5 facts they will each take turns creating a slide in Google Slides for a Presentation on
the day that we discuss their holiday. Each slide will contain a picture that they will find on www.pixabay.com.
The students will save their slides to a Google Slide Presentation in our class account.
• Each student must use complete sentences when discussing their slide during the presentation.
• I will spend time with each group to make sure that each group stays on task, is following directions and working

We will reassemble at the carpet to briefly compare and contrast the holidays.

Essential Questions
Why it is important that we know and understand different holidays and why they are celebrated?
Is it important to know our neighbors and respect them?
Unit Questions
Will understanding holidays that our neighbors celebrate, and why they celebrate them, help us to
know our neighbors better?

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What do you want to learn about these holidays?
What did you learn about Ramadan?
What did you learn about Christmas?
What did you learn about Hanukkah?
Lesson Content
What did you learn about Kwanzaa?
How are they alike?
How are they different?

Assessment Timeline

Before the lesson begins During the lesson assessment. After project work is completed
Diagnostic (Formative) Formative

I will assess prior knowledge on this I will work with each group to assess I will review each project as a final
subject by having the students fill out their understanding of the project, assessment of their understanding. I
what they know using a KWL chart. We the technology, and of the will also have the students fill out
will discuss what they know in a group information that they gather on their the KWL chart on what they have
setting. holiday. I will look over the slides as learned and discuss this for further
the students finish them to make sure assessment of their understanding.
that the information included is
accurate and appropriate.

Lesson Details
Prerequisite Skills
Students must be able to read and have basic knowledge of computers.

If Student Finishes Early If Lesson Finishes Early If Technology Fails
If a group finishes early, they can add If lesson finishes early, students can use If technology fails, I will give each
additional slides to their presentation kidssearch.com on their ipads to student a book on their holiday and let
and work on the delivery of the continue research on their holiday for them make illustrations, instead of
presentation. use in their discussion. slides, for their presentation.

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(Learning Styles, Students with Special Needs, Cultural Differences, ELL)
This is how you will accommodate students’ individual needs as these needs relate to lesson objectives.
I will pair students with special needs with a high achieving “buddy” for the project. This buddy can
Special Needs help the student if they are unable to use the equipment, are vision impaired, hearing impaired or low
Students level achievers.

I will work with nonnative speakers to make sure that they understand the lesson and will make sure
Nonnative to pair them with a high level achiever for additional assistance.

Gifted/Talented This project allows for individual contributions to a collaborative project which gives each student to
Students work to their highest potential.

Materials and Resources Required For Lesson

Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed)

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Camera Projection System Other WhiteBoard
Computer(s) Scanner Other      
Digital Camera Television Other      
DVD Player VCR Other      
Internet Connection Video Camera Other      
Laser Disk Video Conferencing Equip. Other      
Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.)
Database/Spreadsheet Web Page Development Other      
Desktop Publishing Internet Web Browser Other      
E-mail Software Multimedia Other      
Image Processing Word Processing Other      
Presentation Suite Spreadsheet Other      

KWL Chart
Printed Materials
Fact Web

Supplies Pencils

Internet Resources

Other Resources

Any handouts, worksheets, WebQuest guides created for THIS Lesson should be attached behind this

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What concepts do you want students to understand after completing this lesson?
I would like the students to understand how to research a topic, use different websites to obtain
information, the importance of accepting and understanding diversity among our peers and neighbors,
how to work together on a group project, how to use presentation software and incorporate visual aids in
research projects.
Criteria for Success (How will you know students have gained an understanding of the concepts?)
I will know that the students understand these concepts by observing their efforts on the group project and
seeing their final slide for their presentation. I will also assess their understanding by seeing what they
include on the “What They Have Learned” section of the KWL chart.
Resources (What resources will you and your students use?)
We will use a KWL chart, a fact webbing, pencils and our brains.
Technology (What technologies will be used by the teacher and students in the lesson?)
We will use a computer, Interactive White Board, Projector, internet, several websites including YouTube,
Pixabay, and History.com, Google Slides.

Technology Use (How will students use technology in the lesson? How will students share
technology resources?)
The students will watch a short clip about holidays on the Whiteboard using a computer and YouTube.
Students will then work as a group to research using a computer, the internet and specific websites.
Students will then take turns creating a slide on Google Slides to include in a group presentation on the
day that we cover their holiday.
4Cs integration (How are each of the 4Cs being integrated into the lesson?)
Students will Communicate with me and each other to accomplish this assignment, to participate in the
class discussions before and after the lesson and to answer questions regarding the lesson. Students will be
given Creative Freedom when they create their individual slide for their presentation. Students will
Collaborate by putting their slides together into the presentation and then working together to present this
to the class. Students will need to think Critically to determine what facts they will include in their
presentation, how they will set up their slide and when they are answering unit and content questions
during the introduction of the lesson and conclusion.
Prior Knowledge/Skills (What knowledge and skills will students need before the lesson? How will
you asses their readiness?)
Students will need to know how to read, write and basic use of a computer. I will observe them during this
lesson (and prior lessons) to determine their readiness and give them detailed instructions on what to do
before and during the project.
Engage (Capture the students’ attention, stimulate their thinking and help them access prior
I will engage the students’ attention by including them in the lesson and asking questions to access their
prior knowledge by relating it to things that apply to their own lives and experiences.
Explore (Give students time to think, plan, investigate, and organize collected information.)
Students will be given ample time to think about questions before I ask for an answer and to do research
on their topic before creating a slide with a fact that they deem important.
Explain (Involve students in an analysis of their explorations. Use reflective activities to clarify and
modify their understanding.)
Students will reflect on their activity and acquired knowledge when we compare and contrast on what we
have learned and what we would like to learn.
Elaborate (Give students the opportunity to expand and solidify their understanding of the concept
and/or apply it to a real world situation.)
Students will be able to apply the information to real life experiences that they may have had or observed
when we have class discussion and even during their presentation, if they wish.
Evaluate (Evaluate throughout the lesson. Present student with a scoring guide at the beginning. Scoring
tools developed by teachers, sometimes with student involvement, target what students must know and do.
Consistent use of scoring tools can improve learning.)
I will use a rubric that I create to make sure that students are achieving what they need to. I will use the
KWL charts to make sure that I am fair in not only grading on what they have achieved, but also how
much they grew in the lesson.

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