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WVSU Education 300 Technology Unit Lesson Plan

Lesson Author
Teacher Candidate Christi Clendenin
School Name Ruthlawn Elementary Class/Grade Level 2nd Grade
Holidays Celebrated by West
Lesson Topic Subject Social Studies
Lesson Overview
Lesson Title
Let’s Celebrate Ramadan!
Lesson Summary
Students will learn about the holiday, Ramadan. We will discuss who celebrates Ramadan, how they celebrate it and where it
originates from.
Students will:
 Practice good citizenship and patriotism, and choose a volunteer project in which to participate
 Use Microsoft Word to create a letter explaining the significance of a Penny Jar.
 Use Google Slides to deliver a presentation.
 Come to discussions prepared to stay on topic, explore ideas, check understanding, link and explain their own ideas,
determine main ideas and supporting details presented visually, quantitatively and orally while offering elaboration and
 Understand Ramadan, who celebrates it and where it originated from.
 Use materials, tools, and technology in a safe and responsible manner.
 Manage negative emotions, aligns his/her goals to the goals of others, and works cooperatively and productively with
others in small groups.
 Use art supplies, materials, tools, and technology in a safe and responsible manner to create a Penny Jar.
 Understand different reasons for creating artwork, e.g., functional, nonfunctional, crafts, digital media.

WV NxtGen Standards
SS.2.C.1 participate in volunteer service projects and examine patriotism and the traits of compassion, empathy and
trustworthiness that are found in effective citizens in the community, state and nation.

ELA.2.L.C15.2 demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when
writing. capitalize holidays, product names, and geographic names. use commas in greetings and closings of letters.

VA.S.2.1 Students will: • identify media and materials used in creating art; • understand processes and techniques in creating
art; • apply problem-solving skills in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art; and • use materials and tools
in a safe and responsible manner.

VA.S.2.5 Students will: • identify multiple purposes for creating works of art; • analyze contemporary and historic meanings in
specific artworks through cultural and aesthetic inquiry; and • describe and compare a variety of individual responses to their
artworks and to artworks from various eras and cultures.

ELA.2.W.C10.3 with guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including
in collaboration with peers.

ELA.2.SL.C13.2 recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other

ELA.2.SL.C14.3 produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested detail or

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SS.2.WV.1 identify state symbols, celebrations, holidays, famous West Virginians and the governor of the West Virginia state

21st Century Skill(s)

21C.S.PK-2.1 The student will access, analyze, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information in a variety of forms using
appropriate technology skills and communicate that information in an appropriate oral, written, or multimedia format.

21C.O.PK-2.1.LS3 Student articulates thoughts and ideas, representative of real and imaginary experiences, clearly and
effectively through oral, written or multimedia communication.

21C.S.PK-2.3 The student will exhibit leadership, ethical behavior, respect for others; accept responsibility for personal actions
considering the impact on others; take the initiative to plan and execute tasks; and interact productively as a member of a group.

National Standards
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work

Make art or design with various materials and tools to explore personal interests, questions, and curiosity.

Demonstrate safe procedures for using and cleaning art tools, equipment, and studio spaces.

Repurpose objects to make something new.

Create works of art about events in home, school, or community life

CCSS L.2.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when

Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 2 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and
larger groups.

Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media.

With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration
with peers.

Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., read a number of books on a single topic to produce a report; record
science observations).

Management Framework
Overall Time: 60 minutes
Time Frame: 10 minutes for introduction to lesson and to watch video on Ramadan
10 minutes Group 1 will present their Google Slide Presentation on Ramadan
20 minutes introduction of Penny Jars/Activity
20 minutes explanation of assignment/ Letter
Teacher led discussion and review, review of KWL chart discussion, video on Ramadan, Group 1 presents, Art activity and

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individual writing assignment

Instructional Procedures
Introduction/Lesson Set
• During the introduction, I will have the students join me at the carpet and briefly go over what we learned the day
before about various holidays. Using the WhiteBoard I will display the KWL that we worked on and just reiterate
what we know.
• I will advise students that we will be learn about Ramadan today. I will explain that we will be watching a short
video on Ramadan and that Group 1 will then present their Google Slide presentation on Ramadan
• Using the Whiteboard and laptop, we will watch a 3-minute video found on about Ramadan.

Body & Transition

• Using the WhiteBoard, laptop and Google Slides, Group 1 will present their slide.
• I will use this presentation to assess their current level of knowledge on their holiday and the use of technology.
• I will allow the other students to fill in the KWL chart with what they learned about Ramadan during the video and
presentation. I will use this to assist in my assessment of the content.
• I will then explain the importance of good deeds and charity during Ramadan. I will explain the Penny Jar to the
students and let them choose a charity that they would like to give money to.
• I will use the laptop, WhiteBoard, and display a picture of examples of decorated Penny Jars and let each student
decorate their own Penny Jar.
• I will give each student a list of Good Deeds that they can do celebrate Ramadan and any other time to just be a
good citizen.
• After students are finished with their Penny Jars I will have each one use Microsoft Word to create a letter to
friend explaining the significance of the Penny Jar and good deeds during Ramadan. I will let students use the
template located at as a visual to properly
complete their letter

We will reassemble at the carpet to recap what we learned and discuss Ramadan.

Essential Questions
Why it is important that we know and understand different holidays and why they are celebrated?
Is it important to know our neighbors and respect them?
Will understanding holidays that our neighbors celebrate, and why they celebrate them, help us to
Unit Questions know our neighbors better?

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Do you think that good deeds are important?
What good deed can you do celebrate Ramadan and be a better citizen?
What charity would you like to donate your Penny Jar to?
What will you do to earn pennies for your Penny Jar?
What do you think of Ramadan?
What is your favorite thing about Ramadan?
Lesson Content

Assessment Timeline

Before the lesson begins During the lesson assessment. After project work is completed
Diagnostic (Formative) Formative

I can still assess prior knowledge on this I will work with each group to assess I will review each project as a final
subject by information that students their understanding of the project, assessment of their understanding.
included on the What We Know section of the technology, and of the Groups will be assessed on their
the KWL chart. We will discuss what they information that they gather on their individual slide and how they
know in a group setting during the lesson holiday. I will assess students on presented that slide during the
introduction. I will use fact finding their contribution to the presentation presentation. I will also use the
questions to assess as well. for their project. Other students will Penny Jar and the Letter
be assessed by what they fill in on assignment to assess their
Ramadan under What We Learned. I knowledge on the content of the
will observe students during their lesson.
Penny Jar project and while they are
writing their letter to determine their
current knowledge of the content.

Lesson Details
Prerequisite Skills
Students must be able to read and have basic knowledge of computers. Students must be able to speak in
full sentences for the presentation. Students must be able to use paint, scissors and other art materials, as

If Student Finishes Early If Lesson Finishes Early If Technology Fails
If a student finishes early, I will proof If lesson finishes early, students can use If technology fails, I will have printed
read their letter, give feedback and the on their ipads to the slides off when they were completed
opportunity for them to fix any continue research Ramadan. prior to the presentation and will let the
mistakes that may have been made. students use those to do their
presentations. I will have a printed copy
of the sample Penny Jars, too. Students
can do their writing assignment on paper
and then type it up when they are able to

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use the programs required.


(Learning Styles, Students with Special Needs, Cultural Differences, ELL)
This is how you will accommodate students’ individual needs as these needs relate to lesson objectives.
I will pair students with special needs with a high achieving “buddy” for the project. This buddy can
Special Needs help the student if they are unable to use the equipment, are vision impaired, hearing impaired or low
Students level achievers.

I will work with nonnative speakers to make sure that they understand the lesson and will make sure
Nonnative to pair them with a high level achiever for additional assistance.

This project allows for individual contributions to a collaborative project which lets each student
work to their highest potential and at their own pace. Gifted/Talented students will have more
responsibility by being paired with a low level achiever.

Materials and Resources Required For Lesson

Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed)

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Camera Projection System Other WhiteBoard
Computer(s) Scanner Other      
Digital Camera Television Other      
DVD Player VCR Other      
Internet Connection Video Camera Other      
Laser Disk Video Conferencing Equip. Other      
Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.)
Database/Spreadsheet Web Page Development Other      
Desktop Publishing Internet Web Browser Other      
E-mail Software Multimedia Other      
Image Processing Word Processing Other      
Presentation Suite Spreadsheet Other      

KWL Chart
Good Deed Sheet
Printed Materials
Printed slides in case of technology failure
Printed examples of Penny jars
Paints, Stickers, other crafting materials for Penny Jars
Internet Resources

Other Resources

Any handouts, worksheets, WebQuest guides created for THIS Lesson should be attached behind this

Good Deeds YOU Can Do For Ramadan!

1. Bake and give food to a neighbor

2. Donate money to a charity of your choice
3. Help your parents with some extra house work or chores
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4. Teach something beneficial to a younger sibling or younger family friend
5. Recite, or listen to, an extra page of Quran today
6. Donate to a food bank
7. Choose some of your old toys or clothes that are in good condition, and bring them to a charity shop
8. Make sure to smile at everyone today!
9. Make a card or note to tell someone you love and appreciate them
10. Pick up trash from the street and put it into the bin
11. Look out for someone lonely at school, and make time to talk and play with them
12. Go a day without complaining
13. Let someone go ahead of you in a line
14. Reuse paper when you’re drawing, make an effort not to waste water when washing, and be sure to
recycle any packaging instead of throwing in the bin
15. Read to a younger sibling or friend
16. Visit somebody in hospital
17. Find opportunities to give genuine compliments throughout the day, and make someone smile
18. Say hello to as many people as you can today!
19. Help parents with laundry
20. Call grandparents for a chat
21. Lend books to a friend
22. Buy a gift and give it to a loved one
23. Explain to a non Muslim friend about why we fast during Ramadan
24. Treat an animal with extra kindness
25. Make an effort to learn something new today

Examples of Penny Jars

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What concepts do you want students to understand after completing this lesson?
I would like the students to understand Ramadan and its history/origin, the importance of good
deeds/charity, how to present using Google Slides, using Microsoft Word to create, the proper way to
write a letter and all the parts of the letter, how to use complete sentences to communicate and how to use
their imagination to create art.
Criteria for Success (How will you know students have gained an understanding of the concepts?)
I will know that the students understand these concepts by their final group presentation, their individual
slide, their finished functional art piece, the answers that they give to questions asked during discussion
and the letter assignment. I will also assess their understanding by seeing what they include on the “What
They Have Learned” section of the KWL chart.
Resources (What resources will you and your students use?)
We will use a KWL chart, pencils, art supplies and our brains.
Technology (What technologies will be used by the teacher and students in the lesson?)
We will use a computer, Interactive White Board, Projector, internet, several websites including YouTube,, Google Slides, and Microsoft Word.

Technology Use (How will students use technology in the lesson? How will students share
technology resources?)
The students will watch a short video about Ramadan on the Whiteboard using a computer and Students will then work on an individual letter to explain the significance of good deeds and
the Penny jar to a peer using a template found on a website and Microsoft Word.
4Cs integration (How are each of the 4Cs being integrated into the lesson?)
Students will Communicate with their group to present the slides on Ramadan, to participate in the class
discussions before and after the lesson and to answer questions regarding the lesson. Students will be
given Creative Freedom when they create their Penny Jar and when they write their letter to a peer.
Students will Collaborate on the presentation of their slides, too. Students will need to think Critically in
order to explain the significance of good deeds and the Penny jar to a peer in their writing assignment and
when answering unit and content questions during the introduction of the lesson and conclusion.
Prior Knowledge/Skills (What knowledge and skills will students need before the lesson? How will
you asses their readiness?)
Students will need to know how to read, write, speak and basic use of a computer. I will observe them
during this lesson (and prior lessons) to determine their readiness and give them detailed instructions on
what to do before and during the project.
Engage (Capture the students’ attention, stimulate their thinking and help them access prior
I will engage the students’ attention by including them in the lesson and asking questions to access their
prior knowledge by relating it to things that apply to their own lives and experiences. I will also engage
students by having them choose a charity that they would like to donate to and giving them hands on
activities to demonstrate their understanding of the content.
Explore (Give students time to think, plan, investigate, and organize collected information.)
Students will be given ample time to think about questions before I ask for an answer, they will be able to
plan out their penny jar and create their letter.
Explain (Involve students in an analysis of their explorations. Use reflective activities to clarify and
modify their understanding.)
Students will reflect on their activity and acquired knowledge when we compare and contrast on what we
have learned and what we would like to learn and discuss the day’s activities.
Elaborate (Give students the opportunity to expand and solidify their understanding of the concept
and/or apply it to a real world situation.)
Students will be able to apply the information to real life experiences that they may have had or observed
when we have class discussion and even during their presentation, if they wish. They will be able to use
personal experiences when talking about good deeds, too.
Evaluate (Evaluate throughout the lesson. Present student with a scoring guide at the beginning. Scoring
tools developed by teachers, sometimes with student involvement, target what students must know and do.
Consistent use of scoring tools can improve learning.)
I will use a rubric that I create to make sure that students are achieving what they need to. I will use the
KWL charts to make sure that I am fair in not only grading on what they have achieved, but also how
much they grew in the lesson.

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