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The present study is about Preparation of Mugdharasa, its Pharmaceutical

standardization and Antimicrobial study.
The discussion is carried mainly under three headings.
1. Pharmaceutical processing of Mugdharasa
2. Analytical results.
3. Antimicrobial results.

1.) Pharmaceutical processing of Mugdharasa.

Procurement of Raw materials
The main raw materials required for Mugdharasa are Grahya Khatika and Grahya
1) Grahya Khatika:
Related to Khatika it is one of the familiar drug in the field of Rasashastra,but it was
not available easily in south Indian market, on the name of Khatika black board
chalks are used, but it was not an original sample of Khatika, and is prepared
artificially and having chemical composition CaSO4. Based on all these factors
grahya Khatika was selected for the preparation. The main object of this is to identify
Khatika, examine and evolve some methods to identify it, by physical, geological and
analytical methods.And the results shows,
2) Grahya Hingula.
Hingula was collected from Desh Bhagat Ayurvedic Pharmacy, after observing the
grahya lakshanas and applying geological principles like color, streak, hardness etc,
and based on percentage of Hg present in it.

Pharmaceutical Standardization of Mugdha Rasa and its Anti-Microbial Study
Table No. 47 - Showing results acc to Geological properties.

SI No Geological parameters Results

1 Color Brownish red
2 Streak Scarlet
3 Luster Adamantine
4 Diaphaneity Translucent to opaque
5 Tenacity Brittle & sectile
6 Cleavage Perfect
7 Fracture Conchoidal - subconchoidal
8 Hardness 2-3
9 Specific gravity 5.1

3) Sudha was collected from Sunna (Lime) bhatti, and other required drugs like
Nimbuka, Lashuna and Saindhava from the market, based on grahya lakshanas.

In process.
1. Khatika shodhana
Raw Khatika is buff white in colour, after shodhana it turns into bright white. When
Khatika churna mixed with water it easily mixes with it and colour changes to dull
off-white (muddy white) after filtering the mixture through cloth the impurities gets
settles on cloth piece, so after shodhana colour brightens. For nirmaleekarana it takes
about 8-10 hours, during this stage Khatika powder slowly settles at the bottom and
watery part separates and dull transparent watery portion seen on supernant part of
vessel. In glass vessel we can easily see the settled Khatika and supernant watery
a. The supernant water should be separated carefully, otherwise again Khatika mixes
with water and it has to be kept again for settlement.
b. Minimum loss was seen about 6gms.

1. Hingula bhavana
Pharmaceutical Standardization of Mugdha Rasa and its Anti-Microbial Study

a. The Nimbuka swarasa is added for trituration, here swarasa acts as media that
helps to convert rough particles of Hingula in to fine and soft particle form.
b. The swarasa was taken equal to the weight of Hingula and added to Hingula
powder, on waiting for 5 minutes the reduction in the supernant swarasa was
c. The shining property of Hingula gradually reduced after continuous trituration
of about 8-10hrs, due to this the fineness of Hingula increased the shining property
was reduced.
d. The practical difficulty felt at the time of trituration in starting stage due to
addition of more swarasa the mixture was triturated slowly, as it spills out of khalva
and while collecting the Hingula powder after completion of bhavana as the most of
the Hingula was adhered to the surface of khalvayantra, which was difficult to collect
on scraping, so the little wastage of powder is observed.
e. Even though the wastage of Hingula powder the weight gain of about 7gms
gms was seen, it might be due the addition of equal amount of swarasa to the Hingula
churna, i.e. equal to weight of Hingula (Ref-Chakradatta-pp-192.)
f. At the end colour changes from shiny dark brown to dark red and the mixture
has fragrance of Nimbuka.
2. Extraction of Parada from Hingula.
a. For extraction of Parada from artificial Hingula,Bhavita powder 550gm is
taken & spread in assembled vidhyadhara yantra and subjected to Agni for 8hrs, here
large size gas burner was used and the temperature noted was 770 0C, and Parada
obtained was 69.6gms. So by this we can say that to get more % of H.Parada it may
requires temperature more than 8000C-10000C.
b. In the text there is explanation regarding superiority of Hingulotta Parada, as it
is devoid of Saptakanchukadosas and having properties like Shadgunabalijarita
Parada, and this was explained mainly for the Parada that was extracted from the ores
of Hingula. Parada which we get from extraction from Hingula is very chanchala,
bright and shines like silver. However Hingula which is available in the market is
artificially prepared from Hg+S combination and in the process of extraction, we are
separating the Hg from the sulphur.The process is very tedious and not at all cost

Pharmaceutical Standardization of Mugdha Rasa and its Anti-Microbial Study
effective. So we should think about the use of Hingulotta Parada, which was extracted
from artificial Hingula.

3. Parada shodhana.
a. While doing shodhana of Parada with Sudha churna – Parada completely
mixes and converted in to fine form and again after some time collects at the centre in
globular form, and that was collected in a container by triturating the mixture
repeatedly. It is difficult to collect Parada from Sudha churna and it takes more time
i.e two days. If the procedure is carried carefully then minimum loss of Parada was
b. After triturating with nisthusha lashuna kalka and saindhava Parada easily
mixes and converted in to fine globular form and the mixture turns in to fine black
colored paste (5hrs). After washing with water due to its heaviness Parada settles at
the bottom of vessel and it is easy to collect but some of Parada particles which are
too fine floats on the surface of water in a thin layer form and it goes out with water,
so if carefully washed there will be minimum loss of Parada was observed. After
washing the Parada which was collected has more shining, and it shines like silver.
At the end of the procedure there was a minimum loss of Parada is seen about
4gms.After shodhana colour and shining of Parada was increased compared to the
extracted H.Parada which was dull in colour.

4. Preparation of Mugdharasa I and II.

a. For preparation of Mugdharasa 50gm of S.H.Parada and 100 gms of
S.Khatika are taken and triturated continuously for about 3daya i.e 6hrs per day, after
4hrs continuous trituration Parada globules were not seen in mixture converted in to
fine particles form and at the end after 12 hrs, the mixture turns in to nischandra and
homogenous form and slowly color changes from white to dark grey colour. While
preparing Mugdharasa drida mardana is required. Mugdharasa is not a compound
The prepared Mugdharasa was tested for nischandrika and mridutva.

Pharmaceutical Standardization of Mugdha Rasa and its Anti-Microbial Study
Chandrika: is the metallic luster and its absence is considered as a criterion for
assessing the perfection of a prepared oushadhi. This absence of natural luster is an
indication that the specific mineral has converted into proper form. A small quantity
of the prepared powder is taken in between the thumb and the index finger and
rubbed vigorously. Then the portion stuck in the grooves of these fingers is exposed
to the sunlight and viewed very carefully. If very tiny shining particles are observed
on the fingers, it is presumed that the the mineral has not converted into the proper,
form perfectly whereas its absence indicates about the perfection of the prepared rasa.

Mriduttwa: The softness is denoted by the adjective Mriduttwa. This is perception

through the touch sense. All the minerals etc are Bhoomija or Parthiva Dravyas and
the ancient scholars have said that the Parthiva Dravyas contain Guru, Kathin, Khara
etc qualities. When these substances attain a Mrita state or fine powder form, they
loss their physical characteristics and as such the Kharasparsha of minerals gets lost
and the prepared rasa are felt soft and smooth. The prepared Mugdharasa passes both
the tests.

II Discussion on Analytical results.

Qualitative analysis.
a. Minerogical study
Minerological study of Hingula and Khatika shows some standard values and these
mineralogical physical parameters helps for identification of Perticular minerals.
b. Grahya Khatika, Shodhita Khatika and Mugdharasa shows,

Loss on drying -5.37% , 26.17% ,70.03% -Due to presence of moisture in shodhita

Khatika and due to evaporation of mercury from Mugdhrasa % of LOI was
LOI-100% & 99.65% - As Khatika is naturally available mineral in fine powder form
with some of impurities and already it is in ash form, so after ignition no such weight
difference was observed only colour changes are seen.
For Mugdharasa this test was not performed because mercury gets evaporates.
Water soluble ash - 94.36% & 98.75% -Due to absence of impurities in shodhita
Khatika may helps to increase % of w.s.ash.

Pharmaceutical Standardization of Mugdha Rasa and its Anti-Microbial Study
Acid insoluble ash - 60.12% & 10.44% - in raw Khatika due to presence of
impurities like silica and mud particles which are insoluble in acid so % of acid
insoluble ash was obtained more. After shodhana with water the impurities gets
separated only pure form of Khatika remained so % of acid insoluble ash was
Specific gravity – In geology for minerals a particular method is mentioned to
measure the specific gravity i.e weight of mineral in air w.r.t to weight of mineral in
water. As Khatika absorbs water so it is not possible from this method. So to measure
specific gravity 10% solution of Khatika was prepared and was measured by
picnometer method and the results shows specific gravity of G.Khatika, S.Khatika &
of prepared Mugdharasa is 1.
pH - 7.57, 7.50 & 7.41 – Grahya Khatika,shodhita Khatika and prepared Mugdharasa
shows pH slight alkaline in nature and the end product Mugdharasa shows pH near to
Solubility test – All the three samples like Grahya Khatka,shodhita Khatika and
Prepared Mugdharasa forms suspension with water i.e it mixes with water but not
dissolved in water & sparingly soluble in Alcohol & Insoluble in Ether, Benzene and

c. Hingulotta Parada,S.Parada are assessed for presence of any trace elements

like lead and tin. Results shows there is absence of Lead and Tin in both the samples.
d. Mugdharasa also assessed for trace elements analysis like Lead,
Tin,Mg,Al,Fe,Silica and results shows Lead,Tin,Silica are absent & Mg,Al,Fe are
present. Loss on drying is -70.03%,Particle size -7 to 45microns,Solubility-
Suspension forms in water, Sparingly soluble in Alcohol & Insoluble in
Ether,Benzene,Chloroform, pH-7.41.

5. Quantitative analysis.
a. H.Parada and shodhita Parada shows 99% and 100% of Parada(Hg).
In classics related H.Parada explanation available is, the Parada which is extracted
from Hingula is considered best, because it is free from various types of dosas and
therefore it does not need any further shodhana or any sanskaras for the removal of
dasas and can be used even without subjecting it into eight sanskaras.

Pharmaceutical Standardization of Mugdha Rasa and its Anti-Microbial Study
b. Grahya Khatika shows 87% of CaCO 3, and after shodhana, its percentage
increases up to 92%. As during shodhana the impurities which are present, settled on
cloth ,due to loss of foreign materialas like silica,dust etc the % of CaCO 3 may be
increased and after shodhana Khatika turned in to bright white colour.
c. Prepared Mugdharasa shows 36.96% of Hg and 62.12% of Ca CO3.
III. Discussion on Antimicrobial aspects.
The antimicrobial study was carried in Maratha Mandal’s Dental college
microbiology department Belgaum under the guidance of microbiologist.
The study is conducted on Mugdharasa after preparing drug and to view over all
sensitivity of the drug on microorganisms and the methods followed are ,
Agar disc diffusion method and
Broth dilution method (MIC).
The second method was adopted after first method for more accuracy of the
antimicrobial study.
i) Antimicrobial study by Agar disc diffusion method:
 The test solution i.e. Mugdharasa powder of prepared standard drug is
weighed to 500 mg separately and mixed in 1 ml of saline water and mixture is
stirred to dissolve the powder in water completely. Then from prepared stock solution
different concentrations of Mugdharasa are prepared by taking 4 different
concentrations like 1:2 (125mg/ml), 1:5 (62.5mg/ml), 1:10 (13.8mg/ml),
1:20 (6mg/ml) ratio by further adding distilled water to it.
 Thus four different concentrations are prepared and compared with standard
allopathic drug-Ciprofloxacin 2mg/ml.
 Anti bacterial study was done on one gram +ve and three gram –ve negative
bacterias i.e., S.aureus and V.cholera, S. flexneri, E. coli respectively that are
causative organisms for infectious diarrhea & dysentery.
 S.aureus,E.coli,S.flexner-shows sensitivity up to 1:2-(125mg/ml), 1:5 –
(62.5mg/ml),1:10(13.8mg/ml) & V.Cholerae shows-sensitivity-up to-1:2, &1:5
concentrations of Mugdharasa.

Pharmaceutical Standardization of Mugdha Rasa and its Anti-Microbial Study
ii) Antimicrobial study by Broth dilution method:
 MIC study of Mugdharasa carried on S.aureus gram + ve and, Vibreo
cholera,Shigella flexneri,E.coli - gram – ve strains respectively by serial dilution. The
stock solution of Mugdharasa was prepared by taking 1 gm of drug sample
separately and mixed in 1ml of saline water to it. From this stock solution by serial
dilution method 10 concentrations were taken ranging from 500 mg,250 mg, 125mg,
62.5mg, 31.25mg and 16mg ,8mg,4mg,2mg and 1mg per ml for all organisms.
Mugdharasa have shown maximum inhibitory concentration (MIC) against all four
organisms, even up to 1mg/ml concentration respectively.
 MBC was expressed as the lowest concentration which was able to kill the
bacterias and it shows there will be growth of bacterias is there or not, after getting
MIC values ,the 7th (8mg), 8th (4mg).9th (2mg), and 10th(1mg) tubes are subcultured
and inoculated for 24hrs and next day pates are observed for growth of organisms.
The results shows Mugdharasa is able to kill all four organisms on its different
concentrations i.e it shows 100% - result on-V.cholerae up to 1mg, S.aureus up to
2mg, E.coli up to - 4mg , S.flexner up to 32mg.
 In our study prepared standard drug tested for their antimicrobial activity on
selected bacterial species and the antimicrobial effect shows sensitivity towards tested
microorganisms by both methods in different concentrations of Mugdharasa. The
prepared standard drug was found to have both bacteriostatic and bactericidal
properties on both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
 Thus the in vitro susceptibility testing detect resistance by both methods and it
provides valuable data that are used in conjunction with other diagnostic information
to optimize the therapy.

Pharmaceutical Standardization of Mugdha Rasa and its Anti-Microbial Study

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