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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Hari, Tanggal : 11 April 2018
Waktu : 120 Menit

I. Choose The Correct Answer by crossing A, B, C, Or D!

This text is for questions 1 and 2.
Dear Widia,

I’d like to tell you something. I have an idea. What do you think about taking an English
course this semester? Would you like to ? I will be very happy if we can take this course

1. What is the purpose of the text?

A. to tell about the course
B. to ask Widia to take course together.
C. to ask Rani to take course together
D. to ask something

2. How does Rani feel if Widia can take course together?

A. Angry
B. Sad
C. tired
D. joyful
This text is for questions 3 and 4.

I am sorry to tell you that I can’t come to your house to work on our project as we have planned
before. Unexpected thing happens. My granpa must be hospitalized soon.


3. What is the text about?

A. Telling Diana about unexpected thing
B. Telling granpa to be hospitalized
C. Telling Marni that Diana can’t come to her house
D. Telling Marni about her plan

4. Who must be hospitalitzed soon

A. Diana
B. Marni
C. Marni’s granfather
D. Diana’s grandfather
This text is for questions 5 and 6.

Based on the agreement on OSIS meeting on Saturday, March 3th, 2018, the classmeeting
will be held after the examination.
The kinds of competition are football, badminton, and English speech.
Please register your class to sport section of OSIS, break times.


5. Who wrote the announcement?

A. The teacher
B. The OSIS leader
C. The OSIS member
D. The students

6. “please register your class”.

the word register is closest in meaning to ........
A. Enroll
B. Submit
C. Join
D. Participate

The text below is for questions no. 7-10

The stick is a type of insect that actually looks like a stick. It uses camouflage to look like the
stick or branches of the trees where it lives. There is also leaf type bug that looks like leaves.
Together they make up the order of insect called PhasmatoWidia. There are around 3,000
species of insect in this order.
Stick bug vary in size. Some are as small as half in inch long while others can grow to just
over a foot long. Counting their outstretched legs, the longest females can reach up to 22
inches long!
Stick bugs are some of the best camouflaged animals in the animal kingdom. Some can
change colors to match the tree or leaf in the background. Others not only look like sticks but
have other features that mimic the branches of trees. Many also look like a twig blowing in
the wind.
Some stick bugs have wings. They may be bright colored. When a predator comes near the
stick bugs they may open their bright wings and then close them again to confuse the

7. What is the text mostly about?

A. The diet of the stick bug
B. The size of the stick bug’s body
C. The special ability of stick to camouflage
D. The characteristic of the stick bug
8. Why is it difficult to notice the stick bugs?
A. Because they are great in size
B. Because they look similar to their surroundings
C. Because they cover their body with colorful wings
D. Because they transform their body into a twig

9. “… but have her features that mimic the branches of trees.” The word mimic is closest
in meaning to ….
A. Look like
B. Use for
C. Follow to
D. Borrow from

10. “They may be bright colored.” The word they refers to . . . .

A. Stick bugs
B. Predator
C. Animal
D. Tree

This text is for questions 11 to 13.

Attention, shoppers. May we have attention, please.

We have found a lost boy named Jack.
We found him in the toy and accessories section of our store, and he looks for his
parents. He’s about seven years old. He’s wearing a red shirt, trousers, and a red
The boy is with us now at the check-out counter at the main exit

11. Where did the shop assistant find the lost boy?
A. Accessories section
B. Dairy section
C. Store
D. Check-out counter.

12. The statements are correct based on the text. Except . . . .

A. The lost boy is Jack.
B. Jack is 8 years old.
C. Jack is wearing a red trousers
D. Jack is at the main exit.

13. “The boy is with us now at the check-out counter at the main exit.”
What does the word us refer to ?
A. shoppers
B. The boy
C. Shop assistants
D. Parents
The following text is for questions no. 14 to 16
Last holiday, my family decided to visit my grandparents in Ciamis. Grandma and Grandpa
live in a small village. There are a lot of rice fields around their house. It was such a hot day,
we decided to have lunch on one of the huts in the middle of a rice field. Grandma had
cooked delicious traditional dishes for us. The breeze was perfect and we were so hungry.
During our lunch, the sky grew darker. Suddenly, it rained heavily. There was no time to run
to Grandpa’s house, so we remained in the hut. However, water poured into the small hut.
Everything got wet, including our lunch.

14. What does the text tell us about?

A. heavy rain
B. a nice hut
C. failed lunch
D. Grandma’s best dishes

15. Why did the writer’s family decide to have lunch in the hut?
A. The hut was near the house
B. It was raining heavily
C. It was such a hot day
D. The hut was pretty

16. Why didn’t they get back to the house when it rained?
A. The food was so delicious
B. The rain came sudden
C. They liked to stay in the hut
D. The hut was so far from the house
The text is for questions no. 17 to 19

Hotel and Conventional Hall

 124 opulent bedrooms and suites

 Full choice of restaurants
 Convention Room
 Free secure parking
 Capacity for up to 1200 persons
 Minutes from limerick tunnel & motorways
 90 minutes from Dublin
 15 minutes from Shannon Airport

17. The text is probably addressed to someone who wants to stay in the hotel to . . . .
A. Have fun
B. Enjoy beautiful scenery
C. Work hard
D. Have important meetings
18. A company probably want to hold an event in that hotel because . . . .
A. It is luxurious hotel
B. It is close to the airport
C. It can accommodate many people
D. It has free parking area

19. “124 opulent bedrooms and suites”

The word opulent is closest in meaning to . . . .
A. Luxurious
B. Spacious
C. Large
D. Neat
The dialogue for number 20 to 22
Lina : “Dika, you look very pale. I think you need to see the doctor soon (20) .............. get
right medicine for your diarrhea. You should not take the diarrhea lightly.”
Dika : “No, I shouldn’t. Actually, my mom is on the way from her office. She is going
early in order to take me to the hospital. I hope I will be in the right hands soon.”
Beni : “You will, I’m sure.”

20.What is the approprite word to complete the dialogue!

A. For
B. So that
C. In order to
D. In order not to

21.Who was sick according to dialogue above?

A. Dika
B. Lina
C. Beni
D. Dika’s mother
22.Dika, you look very pale. The word pale has similar meaning with…
A. Strong
B. Sad
C. Happy
D. Weak
The table below is for question number 23-24
The ways to activate the hand phone

1. First, open the cover of the hand phone

2. Secondly, open the battery part of the phone and you can find sim card slot inside
3. Third, insert the sim card to the sim card slot and put back the battery.
4. Fourth, close the battery with a cover of the hand phone.
5. Fifth, connect the cable of charger to the hole in the bottom of the hand phone.
Charging the battery may take four up to six hours.
6. Sixth, when the battery is fully charged, the bar will stop scrolling.
7. Seventh, we can activate the hand phone with pushing the button on the side of it.
8. Finally we are ready to use our hand phone.
23. The text describes?

A. How to get a hand phone.

B. How to activate a hand phone.
C. The materials of a hand phone.
D. How to put a sim card.

24. What should we do after inserting the sim card?

A. Open the cover of the hand phone.

B. Disconnect the charger.
C. Close the battery with the cover of hand phone.
D. Insert the battery inside.

The following text is for questions 25 to 28

I live in a small house. It was five rooms, there are two bedrooms, a living room, a
bathroom, and a kitchen. Indeed, it is a small house but I love it very much.
When the door is open. I can see the living room. There is only a set of three sofas,
nothing else. I prefer reading a novel in this room.
My bedroom is in the left side of the living room. There is a night table next to the bed, a
radio tape, and a computer. When I am tired of reading school books, I usually play
online games, chat with my friends through facebook and so on.
Next to my bedroom is my parents’s. I love to sleep with my mom. The bed is large and
comfortable. Besides, we can watch TV while we are laying on the bed. At times when
my father work out of town, I sleep with my mom.
The last is the kitchen, I have everything I need when I get hungry. My mother keeps
snacks, fruits, and vegetable in the refrigrator. The smell of cakes or soups fills the whole
house when my mother cooks.
I love my home sweet home, the place that nurtures me a lot.

25.What does the text tell us about?

A. The writer’s house
B. The nurturing place
C. The writer’s hobby
D. A comfortable bedroom

26.Which of the following statement is stated in the text?

A. Mother trains her to cook at the weekends
B. The writer sometimes sleeps with her mother
C. The writer does her school work in the living room
D. Reading adventure stories is comfortable in the writer’sliving room

27.The writer’s house is very . . . .

A. Interesting
B. Messy
C. Terrible
D. Comfortable
28.“I live in a small house”. The word small has the closest meaning to . . . .
A. Large
B. Big
C. Tiny
D. Huge

Read the following text to answer questions number 29 to 30.

Making Colored Egg
- Hard boiled egg (cooled)
- Paper towels
- Food coloring
- Glass jar
- Vinegar
- Salt

1. Rinse eggs in cold water and dry it with paper towels. To make the dye, pour half a small
bottle of food coloring into a glass jar and add 300 ml of hot water
2. Add 300 ml vinegar and 15 ml salt. Lower an egg into the jar of dye and leave it for a few
minutes. Check the color of the egg regularly.
3. When the egg has reached the desire color, lift it out and repeat the process with the
remaining eggs.

29. From the text above we get the information about….

A. What coloring eggs are
B. How to make coloring eggs
C. Which the best coloring eggs
D. Where we can dry coloring eggs

30. What liquid do we need to make colored eggs?

A. Salt
B. Vinegar
C. Glass jar
D. Paper towel

This text is for questions 31 to 34.

Book Fair
rd th
When : May 3 and 4 2018, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Where : School cafetaria
Why : All money from the sale will be used to support the school orchestra. We are
preparing to change the musical instruments with the new ones. Therefore
many school events are held to collect the fund. The team will participate in
the national contest 2019 next year at Galuh Convention Center.

MTsN Ciamis Students Fair

31. How long will the fair be held?
A. Four hours
B. Five hours
C. Six hours
D. Seven hours
32. The text is mostly about . . . .
A. School orchestra
B. The musical instruments
C. Book fair
D. The national contest

33.Where will the Book Fair be held ?

A. In a book store.
B. At MTsN Ciamis’s Cafetaria
C. At a school hall
D. At Galuh Convention Centre.

34.Book Fair will start at 10 a.m. . . . close at 5.p.m.

A. And
B. But
C. Or
D. If
The following text is for questions No. 35 to 38
There once lived a very rich, greedy king named Midas. He was fond of gold and had
so much, but was never content. One day, a god come to him and told the king that he could
grant him a wish. King Midas asked to have the golden touch. King Midas was so happy that
his wish was granted, so he touched everything and was amazed to see that it turned into
sparkly gold.
The next day, his daughter found out that the roses in the garden had changed into gold,
so she went to meet her father and cried desperately for she loved the flowers very much.
King Midas was so sorry and he touched his daughter’s cheeks to wipe away her tears. King
Midas was shocked to see his beloved daughter suddenly turned into gold. He then begged
the god to take away his touch of gold and to return everything to normal. Luckily, the god
granted his wish and King Midas realized that wealth was not everything.

35.What is the text about?

A. A rich king.
B. A benevolent king.
C. A greedy king and his gift.
D. A greedy king and his curse

36.“One day a god come to him and told the king that he could grant him a wish”
” ( Paragraph 1)
What does the word him refers to?
A. King Midas’ daughter.
B. King Midas.
C. The king’s father
D. The god.
37.“ . . . and told the king that he could grant him a wish.” The word grant has the same
m meaning with . . . .
A. Accept
B. Give
C. Keep
D. Get in touch

38.How did King Midas’ daughter react to her roses turning into gold?
A. She was indifferent.
B. She became very sad.
C. She became very happy.
D. She was mad at her father.

Read the following text to answer questions number 39 to 40.

How to Clean an LCD Screen

1. Shake up the detergent and put it 15 — 20 cm away from the LCD screen.
2. Spray on the LCD screen surface directly.
3. Cleanse gently using the fabric cleanser or brush.

You can also do the following steps:

1. Spray the detergent on the fabric cleanser.
2. Clean the LCD screen surface to make it as bright as a new one.

39.What should you do to detergent first?

A. Spray it
B. Clean it
C. Put it away
D. Shake it up

40. "Cleanse gently with the fabric cleanser or brush" (step 3). What does the underlined
word mean?
A. Carefully
B. Directly
C. Harshly
D. Cleanly

41.Write at least five sentences to tell about your past experience.

42.Make a simple procedure text with your own words and choose one of the titles below.
1. How to make Fried Rice
2. How to make an orange juice
3. How to operate Computer
4. How to order delivery service food by phone
5. How to make an envelope

43. Write a descriptive text about your friend/your family/ your school/ house/ room at
home or your beloved things with your own sentences at least five lines.

44. Write at least five sentences based on the question below:

“What do you do on Sunday?” / “What are your activities on Sunday?”

45.Complete the dialog with the correct expressions by using the given situation.
a. Rani has become the best player in volleyball competition. Donita congratulates
for her success.
Donita : . . . .
Rani : Thank you very much Donita
Donita : Don’t mention it

b. Anisa looks so sad today. She has lost her mobile phone. Debby gives her
Debby : You look so sad, Anita. What’s going on?
Anisa : I have lost my mobile phone, Debby. I don’t know where is it?
Debby : . . . . I hope you can find it again or someone will bring it back to you.

c. Aisyah will join Singing Contest in Province next month. She has practiced three
times in a week. Siti wishes that Aisyah can win the contest and be the best.
Aisyah : Siti, I will join singing contest in Province next month.
Siti : . . . . You have practiced well


1 B 11 A 21 A 31 D
2 D 12 B 22 D 32 C
3 C 13 C 23 B 33 B
4 D 14 C 24 C 34 A
5 B 15 C 25 A 35 D
6 A 16 B 26 B 36 B
7 D 17 D 27 D 37 A
8 D 18 C 28 C 38 C
9 A 19 A 29 B 39 D
10 A 20 C 30 B 40 D


NO Jawaban Skor
41. Based on students writing 6
42. Based on students writing 6
43. Based on students writing 6
44. Based on students writing 6
45. A. Good luck Rani/ Congratulation Rani. You have become the best player 2
in volleyball competition.
B. I’m sorry to hear that 2
C. Good luck Aisyah. I hope you can win the contest 2

(all the answers can be based on the students opinion)

Jumlah 30

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