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Volume 15


Unit Operations 2-3
Formulating 3
Granulating 4-5 The Manufacturing Process
was created for companies
Milling 5 and individuals to gain a com-
plete understanding of the
Blending 6 basic requirements needed to
make tablets and capsules.
Tabletting 7
The objective is that the read-
Coating 8 er will gain a quick, yet com-
prehensive understanding of
Encapsulation 9 solid dosage operations used
in the manufacturing process.
Tablet Defects 10-11
Packaging 12 The focus will be a step by
step explanation of each unit
dose operation, common
equipment, and practical
Objectives in learning knowledge of each operation.

• Understanding the principles The main topics are Formula-

of the manufacturing process tion, Blending, Milling, Granu-
lation, Drying, Final Blending, enced employee training, the understand each unit of oper-
• Designed for new employees, Tabletting, Tablet Press Tool- expectation is that having this ation. They should under-
recent transfers, Managers, ing, Coating, and Encapsula- information will create a com- stand how machines work
QA, R&D, Supervisors, tion. mon denominator; thus pro- and the usage of each piece
Leads and Operators ducing an opportunity for of equipment and why one
better communication be- technology is preferred over
• Gain a quick and compre- Common tablet & capsule tween manufacturing groups. another.
hensive understanding of defects and problem solving The company will no longer
tablet manufacturing are also part of the objective. hear that the problem is the
fault of another department.
• Get different departments on Designed for new & experi- The reader should be able to
the same page

Michael Tousey has devel- agers, R&D, Engineering, tailored to meet the specific
oped a complete series of Maintenance, Quality Assur- needs of the customers facili-
training programs. ance, and packaging person- ty and application.
nel will all be able to gain
knowledge and a better com-
These programs can be pre- munication method between All training courses and semi-
sented for everyone involved nars can include testing mod-
in the manufacturing pro- ules.
cess. Operators, Leads, Man- Each of the programs can be

Copyright © 2015 Techceuticals

Page 2 Training Volume 15.0

Every separate manufacturing do to make a tablet out of the Time under pressure is Dwell
step is called a “Unit Opera- active ingredient. time. Tablet Press speed
tion”. Weighing, Blending and relates to compressibility and
Tabletting are individual unit Powders must Flow; making a time under pressure. Tablets
operations. A “Batch” of tablet or a capsule requires and capsules must also eject
powder or granulation is pro- the powders to be somewhat from the die after being com-
cessed in each unit operation. fluid. Good flow can be com- pressed.
The objective is Batch to pared to granulated sugar.
Batch Reproducibility in each Bad flow can be compared to
Unit Operation. Unit Opera- powdered sugar. Products
tions are determined by what must flow freely to achieve
manufacturing steps are proper dosage. Tablet press-
needed to combine the active es and encapsulation machin-
ingredient with other needed ery do not actually weigh the
ingredients to make a quality individual dosage amount,
finished product. they fill by volume.

The three most common Unit Powders must Compress;

Operation pathways are Di- Particles must lock together.
rect Compression, Wet Granu- Overly wet particles will cause
lating, and Dry Granulating. Sticking. Overly dry particles
Which pathway is used de- will cause Lamination. Fine
pends on what is needed to particles escape during com-


Tablets made by blending the maintained even after the “granules”. Each granule will
dry powdered ingredients liquid is dried and milled. contain a proper mix of the
together, and then compress- There are many different ingredients of the formula.
ing into tablets is called “A types of binders that can be We can control the final den-
Directly Compressible Formu- used. sity of the granules by the
la”. We are saying that the amount of liquid binding solu-
All powders have a variety of tion and the mechanical ener-
characteristics of these pow- characteristics; some may
ders will blend together with gy created by the type of ma-
only require a very small chine used. The machines
the other ingredients and stay amount of binder and some
mixed. This combination of used to blend powders and
may require large amounts of add liquid are called
ingredients will flow, com- binder. Many powders re-
press and eject from the tab- “granulators”.
quire some level of intense
let press. Furthermore, the mixing while adding a liquid Some granulators have the
tablet will have good hard- binder, actually comparable ability to dry the excess mois-
ness, friability, and will dis- to kneading dough when mak- ture. Many granulators do
solve quickly. ing bread. Once the powder not have the ability to dry the
If powders will not make a and binding solution are wet massed granulation;
The three principle methods good tablet because they do kneaded they are then milled therefore the wet granulation
not compress, don’t flow well, for drying. The bonds that must be moved to the next
of developing powders for are too fluffy or separate after hold the particles together unit operation which is called
blending, the particles need can withstand the milling Drying.
tablet making are: process forming a uniform
to be combined and attached There are many types of Dry-
using a pharmaceutical glue size “granule”. If we accom-
plish these “unit operation” ers that we will discuss later.
Direct Compression called a binder. When the When powders are sensitive
binder is put into water or a steps correctly (pre-blending,
binder addition, milling, drying to liquids, heat, or both, we
solvent solution and is must blend the powders with
Wet Granulating sprayed or metered into the and final blending) the result
is a compressible powder a pre granulated “dry binder”.
powders this process is called If the blended powders will
“The Wet Granulation Pro- called a granulation.
not work with the addition of
Dry Granulating cess”. The solids within the A granulation is the formation the dry binder and liquid, or
liquid solution form bonds of small agglomerates called heat cannot be used, then we
between particles which are

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T he M a n u f a c tu r i n g P r o c es s Page 3

(Three Principle Methods ods, the “Wet Granulation” ▪ No Capping

continued) method is the most common.
It is also the most demanding ▪ No Lamination
must “Dry Granulate”. The and requires many unit opera-
Dry Granulation method uses ▪ No Sticking
mechanical force to densify
and compact powders togeth- In The Tablet & Capsule Pro- ▪ Good Friability
er which forms dry granules. cess, we will discuss each of
This compaction can be done the principle methods and ▪ Good Disintegration
on a tablet press using discover the unit operations
“slugging tooling”. Slugging required for each method.
▪ Good Dissolution
tooling or slugging punches & We will define each pro-
dies are a method to dry com- cessing step and the common As we go through each unit
pact powders into granules. equipment types used in each operation we will refer to one
unit operation. of these three principle pro-
The other method is to use a
machine called a Roller Com- cessing methods.
The final goal is to make a
pactor or Chilsonator. This is quality tablet with the follow-
basically the same kind of
“All formulas have a
ing attributes:  Direct Compression
machine used to make the limit to how fast they
charcoal briquettes for our ▪ Good Weight Control  Wet Granulating
outside grill. The slugged or
roller compacted powders are
▪ Good Thickness Control  Dry Granulating can work on a tablet
then milled, final blended and ▪ Good Hardness Control press. Even the best
compressed on a tablet press.
Of these three principle meth-
▪ Good Ejection tablet press cannot
improve this limitation
without changes in the
THE FORMULA of the tablet to eject from the press a formula at any speed.
tablet press without falling Each formula has a limit to
apart. Excipients also en- how fast it can be com-
We have determined that a hance the hardness, disinte- pressed. In order to increase
formula contains many ingre- gration, appearance, color, the speed, the formula must
dients other than just the taste, and the overall perfor- be changed.
active ingredient. The ingredi-
mance of the tablet.
ents within the formula in
addition to the active are As stated previously, a formu-
called excipients. la that is designed on a slow
Excipients are needed to speed tablet press may not
make a good quality tablet at work on a high speed press.
the required tablet press Even the best tablet press
speed. They help the flow, with all the best design fea-
compressibility and the ability tures may not be able to com-


 To improve powder flow.

 To improve compressibility.
 To reduce fines.
 To control the tendency of powders to segregate.
 To control density.
 To capture and fuse small quantities of active material.

The average tablet press speed in the pharmaceutical industry

produces 3,000 tpm (tablets per minute) or 50 tablets per sec-
ond. Tablet press speeds can exceed 10,000 tpm or 166 tps.

Copyright © 2015 Techceuticals

Page 4 Training Volume 15.0

Most of the early research in the binding solution and form
granulating took place in pans small granules by pendular
and drums and some of the bridging. Continued addition
theory and knowledge gained of binding solution and tum-
using that equipment is not bling action consolidates and
directly applicable in all tech- strengthens the granules
nologies. There are however through the funicular stage
at least three theories which and into the capillary stage.
have been accepted by aca- In this transition stage the
demics as applicable. These granules continue to grow by
three mechanisms are: one of two mechanisms: (1)
(1) Nucleation single particle addition and
(2) multiple granule for-
(2) Transition in the funicu-
lar and capillary stage
(3) Ball growth. In nuclea- Theoretically, at the end of
tion, the formation starts with the transition stage there are
loose agglomerates or single a large number of small gran-
particles which are wetted by ules with a fairly wide size


In the pre-mix step the pow- the “LOD” or loss on drying tion producing the final blend.
ders to be granulated are test. The finished granulation Granulation is actually
added and mixed prior to the is then milled to reduce the caused by a complex interac-
introduction of the binder. In size of any caked material tion of several variables and
the wet massing step the into a standardized particle knowledge of each is neces-
binder is added to the mixture size distribution. This distribu- sary to control the granule
Wet Granulating is the and the components are tion is usually measured us- formation process. If we es-
massed to a predetermined ing a series of screens lined tablish which variables are
most common processing end point. up top to bottom from largest critical to granule formation,
screen to a pan to collect the we will have the basis to con-
method used in In the drying step the wet
dust. trol granule growth for a re-
mass is dried to a predeter-
pharmaceutical mined end point, commonly In the final blend, the lubri-
producible process.
measured with a test called cant is added to the granula-

There are four standardized Two of the four tests, Loss on

tests which are commonly Drying (LOD) and Particle
performed on either milled or Size Distribution, are com-
finished granules: monly performed by opera-
tors on the production floor.
1. LOD- water content
In some cases, the operator
2. Bulk Density, mg/ml only performs the LOD and
the other three tests are
3. Particle Size Distribution
performed in the laboratory. Moisture Balance for checking
4. Angle of Repose, flow The practice varies depend- LOD...Loss on Drying
gradient. ing on the situation.

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T he M a n u f a c tu r i n g P r o c es s Page 5


Dry granulating, also called 3. Improve flow properties. high shear mill may over-mill
Slugging, Chilsonating or Roll- 4. Control dust. or result in an over production
er compaction, involves the of fine particles.
pressing of mixed powders 5. Control bulk density.
into an object to be reground 6. Produce uniform blends
into a precise powder. This
action increases particle den- 7. Control particle hardness.
sity, improves powder flow
8. Improve wetting or disper-
and captures fines.
sion rates.
The Dry Granulating method
is used over other technolo- Powders can be compacted
gies for one or more of the using a tablet press; this is
called Slugging. Once slug-
follow reasons:
ging is completed or powders
1. Granulate materials which are compacted on a Chilsona-
are sensitive to heat and/or tor or Roller Compactor, they
moisture. are milled.
2. Produce a uniform particle It is best to Mill densified
size range. powders using a low shear
mill for best results. Using a

Milling equipment is used to shear force. Therefore, mill- Often different mills are used “Fines” are small dust
Improve flow, reduce segrega- ing machinery is defined by within different unit opera-
tion, enhance drying, and
limit wide particle size distri-
Low, Medium and High shear tions throughout the com-
plete manufacturing process:
like particles, that do
Some milling machines allow
At weigh-up for de-lumping, not flow or compress well
before blending for proper
Milling machinery used in the for changes in the type of
preparation of tablet & cap- mechanical action used to
particle size distribution, after and also contribute to
wet granulating to enhance
sule formulations can be cate- reduce the powder to the drying, and after dry granulat- lower yields and more
gorized as to their mechanical proper final particle size ing to prepare powders for
energy; Low, Medium or High
energy mills will impart a
range. Mills can be used to
de-lump powders without
final blending and tablet com- frequent cleaning.
force on the powders called actual particle size reduction.

Generally we want to be as impede the flow, do not com- equipment: Low Shear Mills;
gentle with powders as possi- press well and can become Oscillators and Comils. Medi-
ble. Some powders have high air born. The air born dust can um Shear Mills; Quick Sieves
moisture content and they be witnessed on filters, walls, and Hammer Mills. High Shear
may be subject to compaction cabinets and machine compo- Mills; Pulverizes and Hammer
within the mill; others are very nents. Besides affecting Mills.
hard and friable and yields, the dust will
are subject to pro- combine with oil and Many companies do not have
ducing “fines”. grease on the tablet designated milling rooms which
Fines are powders press causing the requires moving single mills
that are very small punches to become from location to location. In this
and “dusty”, which tight, requiring more event, you must always check
will pass through a frequent cleaning motor rotation before operating
200 mesh screen. cycles. any milling equipment.

Fine dusty particles Comm on mil ling

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Page 6 Training Volume 15.0

There are at least ten (10) Surface texture tions begin to affect unwant-
different variables that can Cohesivity ed change in powder flow.
contribute to the success or Bottom line: Recognize that a
failure of powder flow on a Surface coating “good” final blend is often
tablet press. In addition to the Particle interaction viewed as such because it
well studied particle size, Electro-static charge has good content uniformity
shape and distribution. There and potency, not by its ability
are also particle surface tex- Compaction recovery
to flow.
ture, cohesivity, surface coat- Wear/attrition characteristics
ing, particle interaction, static However, good flow is impera-
Most powders, without the tive to attaining a good tablet.
electricity, recovery from com- aide of granulation and flow
paction and wear/attrition Understanding powder char-
agents, simply cannot flow at acteristics will contribute to
while in the holding container. speeds required for high accurate blending practices.
These other non-traditional speed tabletting. All powders
measurements, studied and have the capacity to form
appreciated, shed significant bridges, create rat holes and
light on flow issues heretofore stick to contact surfaces. To
some extent, most powder
not fully understood:
mixes exhibit some degree of
Particle size each problem situation above.
Size distribution The issue becomes critical
Shape when any or all of the situa-

“The main purpose of

FINAL BLEND An individual powder or fin- duction floor.
the final blend is to ished blend may flow very well Powder Flow; Flow rate, Com-
under one set of circum- paction and flow, Hysteresis
The final blend represents the
distribute the lubricant” result of the formulating,
stance and not flow well at all and flow, Wall Friction perfor-
under another. Notice that mance, Vertical shear, Tensile
granulating and lubrication under Powder Flow we see
effort. The reason we test Strength
attributes of the powder itself
blends is to optimize blend while under Powder Process Powder Processing Segrega-
time, demonstrate lack of we see what may happen tion: Attrition, Over-
segregation after blending is under different processing processing, Post-
completed, and confirm that storage/transportation time.
specified blend conditions
produce acceptable uniformi- The message here is for man-
ty during validation. agement to be aware of these
potential issues on the pro-

Materials go from an unmixed have a unique pathway to All use low shear tumble blend-
state to a state of relative their optimum state of uni- ing as the most effective way to
homogenous consistency. formity. Because under achieve good mixing with a
Achieving a homogenous blending and over blending variety of powders and gran-
blend is accomplished fall on either side of the opti- ules.
through a combination of time mization curve, the symptoms
and mechanical energy. Given are somewhat similar; and
enough time, components will include Content Uniformity
pass from an unblended state problems, Weight and Hard-
to a relatively homogenous ness variation.
blend and back to an un-
The most common blenders
blended state.
used for final blending are the
Blend studies determine the V blender, the double cone
optimum endpoint. All blends blender and the tote blender.

Copyright © 2015 Techceuticals

T he M a n u f a c tu r i n g P r o c es s Page 7

While an experienced opera- is the same for each applica- better compression and
tor can take a marginal granu- tion. The final granulation to weight control at high speed.
lation and make a good quali- be compressed must have
ty tablet, an inexperienced three basic characteristics, all However, understanding the
operator (not fully under- of which are critical: Flow, basics of compression is the
standing tablet press opera- key to understanding all tab-
Compress and Eject.
tion) will be unable to produce let presses. The tablet press
A tablet press can be fully is the report card on all previ-
a quality tablet.
automated to the point that it ous unit operations; the tablet
Understanding the machine can be operated in a lights press is only half responsible
operation and being able to out operation. This puts all for the final tablet quality, the
identify the difference be- the emphasis on the cleaning formula and powder prepara-
tween a machine issue and a and proper set up of the ma- tion operation is the other
granulation issue is im- chine. This is also true of a half. A good press cannot
portant. Operators should be non automated machine. The improve a bad formula.
qualified, tested and certified emphasis is on cleaning and
in the operation of a tablet proper setup.
With few exceptions, rotary
While tablet presses are used tablet presses operate the
for many applications, the same basic way. Many ma-
basis of formula development chines have very advanced
features that may provide


Having consistent flow of a thickness will result in a given hard tablet with acceptable
granulation provides the hardness. Though excipients disintegration & dissolution “During compression the
needed avenues to control play a large roll in the dissolu- rates.
tablet weights. Consistent
tablet weight will result in
tion rate of a tablet, so does
The three most important air evacuation forces fine
tablet hardness.
variables of making a good
repeatable tablet hardness.
A tablet press and tools will tablet are; weight control, particles to the edge of
Tablet hardness is a function
not improve a granulation. If weight control and weight
of tablet thickness and tablet
used correctly though, the control.
the tablet, since “fines”
press and tools can be used
A given volume of granulation to maximize the granulation
will not compress, the
compressed to a specific and maintain a consistently result is Capping”

The compression cycle on a COMPRESSION

rotary tablet press:
Overfill the die = die fill.
Adjust the volume of fill =
weight adjustment.
Compress the tablet =
remove the air.
Eject = push the tablet from
the die.
When setting up the tablet
press; Adjust Tablet Weight,
Adjust Thickness, Balance
weight & thickness and ma-
chine speed, to get proper

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Page 8 Training Volume 15.0

Once a good tablet is made, can smell like the solvent, leaves the solids as a thin film
we often need to add a coat- which is not a desirable attrib- on each tablet.
ing. The coating can serve ute.
many purposes; it makes the The coating system continu-
tablet stronger and tougher, In general, many manufactur- ously supplies hot air, at the
improves taste, adds color, ers have moved to a water same time pulling air through
and makes the tablet easy to based solution instead of small holes in the coating
handle and package. using a solvent. This presents drum. The drum is commonly
a challenge in applying and referred to as the coating pan,
The coating can be a thick quickly removing this water with small holes called perfo-
sugar based coating or a very based solution so it does not rations. This process can take
thin film. Most pharmaceuti- disrupt the integrity of the as little a 30 minutes or it can
cal tablets are coated with a tablet. take several hours.
thin film coating. This coating
is sprayed as a solution (a Tablet film coating equipment Tablets must be tough
mixture of solids in a liquid). has evolved to enhance this enough to tumble while the
drying capability. Essentially solution is added. The solu-
For many years the liquid was a tablet coating system is tion is distributed from tablet
a solvent such as alcohol or much like a fancy clothes to tablet during the tumbling
some other quick drying sol- dryer. The water based solu- and drying process. The
vent. The use of solvents can tion is sprayed in a very fine spraying, distribution and
present problems in handling, mist so as to dry almost im- drying all takes place at the
operator safety, solvent recov- mediately as it reaches the same time.
ery and the odor of the tablet tablets. As the water dries it

Tablet coating equipment The spraying system consists tion and/or humidification
combines several technolo- of spraying guns, a solution maybe be needed depending
gies and is commonly referred pump, tank & mixer and air on your location and applica-
to as a coating system. This lines. tion requirements.
Tablet Coating system consists of the coating
pan, spraying system, air han- The solution is pumped into The Dust Collector collects
dling unit, dust collector and the guns and the air com- the dust during the preheat
Art or Science? controls. bines with the solution for
atomization into a very fine
and tumbling cycles and the
Controls connect all of the
The coating pan is really a mist. components creating a com-
drum within a cabinet, allow- plete coating system.
ing for control of air flow, air The air handling unit (AHU) is
temperature and controlled basically a way of heating and
solution application. filtering the air. Dehumidifica-

Tablets are loaded into the When the tablet bed temperature
coating pan, creating a bed of reaches the proper temperature
tablets. There must be the spraying can begin. Once
enough tablets to attain good tablets have an initial base coat-
mixing, but not too many or ing the spray rate can be in-
the tablets will spill when the creased.
door is opened. Consistent
batch sizes are important to The controls are monitored by
attain consistent results. the operator or computer, record-
ing data frequently. Tablet de-
The tablet bed is tumbled fects can occur if the tempera-
slowly, as the warm air is in- ture, spray rate and air volume
troduced; the dust collector are allowed to fluctuate.
pulls the dust off the tablets
and into a collection bin.

Copyright © 2015 Techceuticals

T he M a n u f a c tu r i n g P r o c es s Page 9

Commonly referred to as a weight), and then the product requires the operator to move
capsule filler, the encapsula- filled body is rejoined with the rings (capsule holder rings)
tion machine has the ability to cap and ejected from the from the rectifier to the filling
fill many different products. machine. Some capsule fill- and closing stations allowing
Powders, granulations, liq- ing machines have the ability for production up to 25,000
uids, tablets and capsules to compress or tamp the pow- capsule per hour.
can be filled into a two piece der for proper filling volume
Automatic machines with
capsule. and weigh control.
speeds up to 90,000 per hour
Encapsulation machinery Encapsulators can be defined can be divided into two cate-
technology varies a great deal as 1) Hand operated 2) Semi gories: Continuous and Inter-
from one manufacturing to Automatic 3) Automatic. The mittent operation.
the next. Not all machines Hand Operated capsule filler
can fill a wide variety of prod- requires the operator to or- The intermittent motion ma-
ucts; most are designed to ganize the capsules in the chine is divided into seg-
handle free flowing powders correct position, separate the ments. Each segment index-
much like powders that are cap from the body, and fill & es from each machine func-
close the caps (basically the tion; rectify, fill, tamp, close
prepared for a tablet press.
hand filler is a holder for the and eject.
The capsule filler must first
capsule body). The automatic machine is a
position all of the incoming
capsules into an upright posi- There are exceptions and continuous operation some-
tion (rectification), separate some hand operated fillers what comparable to a rotary
the cap from the body (top assist the operator with sepa- tablet press in that the rota-
from bottom), attain the prop- ration and closing functions. tion is continuous and does
er fill volume (capsule The Semi automatic machine not start and stop. “Capsules are sensitive
to temperature and
moisture variations”
Gelatin capsules that are old defective capsules have on
and improperly stored can dry production rates. Even on the
out and become brittle; they semi-automatic model 8 ma-
have a rather high defect rate chinery defective capsules
when compared, say, to fin- can slow production rates
ished tablets. Even with all significantly. Common Cap-
the quality check points many sule defects include: Dented,
capsules are unusable by the cracked, split, over size caps,
time they reach the produc- and empty capsules after the
tion floor. Just ask any pro- filling cycle.
cess operator and they will
tell you about the impact that

The principle of operation in using a jeweler’s glass to 50 mix of n-butanol and isopro-
printing is the successful inspect the ink retaining pyl alcohol as both an ink thin-
transfer of the image from a screens is recommended ning and cleaning agent. All ink
surface to the object. In the before the roll is placed in manufacturers supply recom-
case of tablets the transfer is use. Rolls received with in- mended specific gravity ranges
made from the ink pot to the complete or missing screens for their inks.
gravure (or design roll) roll, to will not be able to hold ink in
the rubber roll to the tablet. the impression cavities and Controlling the ink viscosity is
the image cannot be trans- critical throughout the entire
All offset printing, regardless ferred to the rubber roll. If this batch.
of equipment manufacturer, occurs, you will have unknow-
is accomplished in this man- ingly introduced defectively
ner. Gravure rolls should be printed tablets into the batch.
inspected for defects before
they are used on the produc- Most equipment manufactur-
tion floor. As an example, ers recommend using a 50-

Copyright © 2015 Techceuticals

Page 10 Training Volume 15.0


Making tablets batch after  Capping The first one distributes pow-
batch without an occasional ders which begin to stick,
defect would be unusual.  Laminating especially to the punches and
Some products start up with  Chipping to the die table. The operator
problems and end with them. will often remove the stuck
Tablet to tablet weight varia-  Mottled granules and then at second
tions create tablet defects.  Double pressing start up no sticking occurs
Consistent tablet weight is because the working surfaces
Often problems with compres-
essential to making a good are now protected by the lub-
sion can be associated with
tablet. Without good and ricant.
many root causes. One very
consistent weight control,
common issue is machine
solving other defects will be
start up. The tablet press is
difficult (if not impossible)
cold. the steel is cleaned and
because of how a tablet press
bare metal can allow granules
operates. Some of the most
to stick to these metal surfac-
common tablet defects are: es. The reason a lubricant is
 Weight variation in the product is to prevent
granules from sticking. Many
 Friability variation
companies are very accus-
 Picking & Sticking tomed to a double start up.
Tablet Defects

Good tablet weight

control must be attained WEIGHT, FRIABILITY
before trouble shooting
other tablet defects. Tablet weight is the key to press set-up, and control of well they will withstand the
controlling hardness and fria- flow rates into the die cavity. tumbling action which repli-
bility. Controlling tablet cates typical handling situa-
weights within a tight range However, the importance of tions. This test is done to
will contribute to better tablet weight control cannot be over make certain that the tablet
emphasized. Weights must does not fracture of break
hardness and friability.
be uniform in order to trouble apart. Too much friability
Many variables can influence shoot most other tablet de- means that the tablet chips
weight fluctuations. The key fects. or fractures break away from
weight control factors are
Friability testing is done by the rest of the tablet.
product uniformity in particle
size & density, proper tablet tumbling tablets to see how


Picking & Sticking occurs granules break open and the protecting the granule from
when granules stick to the wet product sticks to the sticking to the punch cup sur-
punch faces during compres- punch faces. If this occurs, face. If all else fails polish the
sion. Sometimes the punch the drying process must be punch cup surface.
face design and debossing improved. To overcome stick-
can be modified to eliminate ing on the press, increase
the problem. Other times hardness by making the tab-
granules are not dried proper- let thinner and increase dwell
ly. They become case hard- time to make the wet gran-
ened during the drying pro- ules adhere to other granules
cess, which means that the rather than the punch face.
granules are wet on the in-
side. Also, if a blend is incomplete
this could mean that the lubri-
Sticking occurs when particles
During compression these cant in the formula is not
adhere to the punch face

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T he M a n u f a c tu r i n g P r o c es s Page 11

Capping is often referred to together, resulting in tablet
as air entrapment. During “caps” wanting to come off
compression, air is evacuated the tablet.
from between the granules to
allow the granules to lock to Lamination is when the tablet
one another. If the “air” does splits apart anywhere except
not escape during the com- at the upper cap. Lamination
pression process the top of is often blamed on over com-
the tablet (the tablet cap) pressing. Too much compres-
wants to come off. The tool- sion force flattens out the Punch tip edges are easily
ing (punches & dies) are de- granules and they no longer damaged, usually from poor han-
signed to allow air to escape lock together. dling practices, rarely from opera-
during compression along the Lamination can also occur Capping
upper punch tip and die wall. when groups of fine and light
This is why capping occurs on particles do not lock together.
the top “cap” of the tablet. These groups of fine and light by adding pre-compression or
particles simply will not com- slowing the machine speed
Capping is not just air entrap- down. Machining a taper into
press well. Reducing thick-
ment. During compression air the die will help eliminate
ness and increasing dwell
evacuation pushes the very capping and lamination.
time will give these particles
fine dry granules out with the
air. It is these dry & light par- more of a chance.
ticles that do not want to lock Dwell time can be increased
The tablet press punches
are designed to allow air
CHIPPING to escape during
Many tablets are sensitive to proper ejection off the ma- Transferring finished tablets
compression along the
chipping after compression. chine. If the blade is too high must be done carefully. upper punch tip.
First make certain that the it will allow the tablet to Many times investigations
punch tip edges are not dam- wedge under the blade caus- into chipped tablets discover
aged. Some punch tip de- ing chipping. If the tablet is poor handling and transfer of
signs are more sensitive to friable the tablet can become tablet bins from compression
damage from handling than chipped as the tablet travels to storage and then onto the
others. Once confirmed that off the press, down the tablet packaging floor. Packaging
the chips are not being creat- chute, through the tablet met- machinery can also cause
ed by damaged punches then al detector, tablet deduster chipping.
make certain that the “take and finally into the collection
off blade” is set correctly for bin.

Double Impressions will hap- punch retainers are clean and
pen on a tablet press when not worn. They do need to be
the punches are allowed to replaced often. When a ma-
twist or jump. Round punch chine starts up it is cold. As it
tips want to twist naturally warms up, lower punch retain-
due to the rotation of the ers can become loose and Extreme chipping and breakage
press. Double impressions may need to be tightened to
usually occur on the bottom prevent double impressions.
of the tablet from the lower Therefore, it is important to
punches. It usually means check them often at start-up.
that the lower punch retainers
are loose and the punches Also, many newer machines
are jumping during compres- now use punch seals. As
seals become worn they will Double Impressions are caused by
sion. punches twisting and jumping during
allow the punches to bounce
Make certain the lower or twist during compression.

Copyright © 2015 Techceuticals

I have been involved in the pharmaceutical industry since 1973 and have provided training to phar-
maceutical and nutritional companies throughout the world.
Everyone within the manufacturing facility from management to the operator, including R&D, QA,
Tech Services, Maintenance, Supervisors, and Leads will benefit from our training programs.

Techceuticals The goal is to have everyone exposed to the same information, to create a common denominator and
to open communication between departments.
PO Box 605100
Cleveland, OH USA 44105 Companies that participate in our programs are encouraged to use our training materials to improve
Phone: 216-658-8038 their own in-house training programs.
Fax: 216-916-4383
If you would like to discuss this information with me in person, please contact me.

Michael D Tousey
Technical Director/Owner

Solid Dose Packaging types of applications will be will be main topics.
Mike Tousey
Training covers each compo- covered in detail. We will This is a multiple shift
nent of the packaging line, training session; we will pro-
setup, operation, cleaning, vide the program based on
changeover, covering a wide your shift requirements.
variety of applications. Often we present this pro-
Each packaging line compo- gram to 2nd shift from 3pm
nent item is discussed sepa- until 10 pm and then pre-
rately: Unscrambler, Bottle sent the same information to
Cleaner, Counter/Fillers, focus on Bottles (plastic & 1st shift from 8am to 3pm
Cottoner, Capper, Induction glass), Caps, Cotton, La- on the following day. This is
Sealer, Retorquer, Body/ bels, Coding, Shrink wraps, a classroom lecture series
Neck Bander, Labeler, Inserts, Outserts, and bun- presented to managers, su-
Over-wrapper, Cartoning dlers. We will discuss line pervisors, tech services, quali-
and Conveyors. We will speed, machine flow and ty control, leads, mainte-
also discuss line integration, process and the roll of the nance and operators. inspections stations and trou- operator. Supervisor func-
bleshooting. Many different tion and line management

Copyright © 2015 Techceuticals

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