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Announcement of the 1st WoodWisdom ERA-NET project ReCell

Summer School on

Cellulose based polymers –

Characterization and Application
August 24-26, 2009

Stockholm, Sweden
The Steering Group of the ReCell consortium invites you to attend the first Summer School
on Cellulose based polymers. The course is intended for PhD students, industrial participants
and other interested people working in this field.

Summer school starts at 12.00 on August 24th on M/S Gabriella, which is located at the
Viking Line terminal, address: Stadsgården, 116 45 Stockholm (visit for
details). The course will be given during a round-trip to Helsinki, and end in Stockholm on
August 26th at 10.00.

Course contents
Structure and chemistry of cellulosic fibres
Structure and determination of functional groups in cellulose
Structure determination of polysaccharides by light scattering
Mass spectrometry for chemical structure analysis
Enzymes and polysaccharides
Chemical modification of polysaccharides
Graft co-polymerisation on cellulosic polymers
Adhesion between polymers and fibres - General concepts and practical applications
Industrial R&D of cellulosic polymers
Cellulose derivatives in pharmaceutical applications

Dr. Roland Adden (Dow Wolff Cellulosics GmbH, Germany), Prof. Walter Burchard
(University of Freiburg, Germany), Associate Prof. Anette Larsson (Chalmers University of
Technology, Sweden), Prof. Sirkka Liisa Maunu (University of Helsinki, Finland), Prof. Petra
Mischnick (Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany), Dr. Dane Momcilovic (KTH,
Sweden), Prof. Antje Potthast (BOKU, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life
Sciences, Vienna, Austria), Associate Prof. Henrik Stålbrand (Lund University, Sweden), Dr.
Tarja Tamminen (VTT, Finland), Prof. Lars Wågberg (KTH, Sweden)
Literature/Course material
Handouts (CD containing course material)

Course responsible
The course is organised by the WoodWisdom ERA-Net project: Refined Cellulose Derivatives
for High-value Biomedical applications (ReCell)

Coordinator Professor Sigbritt Karlsson. School of Chemical Science and Engineering, Fibre
and Polymer Technology, KTH, SE-100 STOCKHOLM, Sweden, email:

Contact responsible
Dr. Dane Momcilovic (Dept. of Fibre and Polymer Technology, Royal Institute of
Technology –KTH, Stockholm, Sweden), email:, phone: +46 8 790 8234

Registration and course fee

Dead-line for registration is May 31st. Registration by email to contact responsible, Dane
Momcilovic. The course fee is SEK 5000. PhD students are entitled to a reduced course fee of
SEK 2500. Dead-line for payment of the course fee is June 12th.

The fee covers CD with course contents, 2 nights in sleeping quarters on board (share in
double room), 2 dinners and 2 breakfasts.

Payment must be made before June 30th to:

Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
Bank name: Plusgiro
Swiftcode: NDEASESS
Bank address: 105 06 Stockholm, Sweden
Account name: Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
Bank account number: 156 53-9
IBAN number: SE0595 0000 9960 3400 156539
Payment reference: KFED/Sigbritt Karlsson
Reference account: KFED/63243
VAT No. SE202100305401

NOTE. On payment please specify the name of the course and the name(s) of the course

80% of the course fee will be reimbursed on cancellation of registration before July 10th. No
reimbursement on cancellations after July 10th. If the course is cancelled, 100 % of the course
fee will be reimbursed.

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