Progress Calculation For Oil Tank Fabrication

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Tutorial: Progress Calculation/Tracking System for Oil and Fuel Storage Tank Fabrication If Progress Calculation/Tracking System for Oil and Fuel Storage Tank Fabrication Works is not in placed for a specific project or you are drafting ‘a progress tracking system, this tutorial could help you to complete your work. Scope of work is the same as described in the earlier post “Oll and Fuel Storage Tank Construction Project Sample WBS". We will focus specifically on the fabrication of an extemal floating type tank with single deck and internal pontoon. The three main ‘components of progress calculation system are (1) WBS (work breakdown structure) elements (2) Work Step (3) Work Step Weight Factor Tank WBS element is broken down into fabrication components which are the deliverable of fabrication work. See sample WBS as below. 269 TANK2 Exemal Floating Foot Tark Fabrication = TANK21 Shel Plate Fabrication Wy TANK214 1stCourse Laval WB TaNK212 2nd Course WBS Wy TaNk213 sid Course Wy TANK214 4th Course and so on Ely TANK22 Bottom Plate Fabricaion iy TANK221 Annular Plate Wy TANK222 Rectangular Pate Wy TANK223 Sketch Flate cy TANK23 Floof Plate Fabriatien TB TANK231 Center Deck late TANK 32 Pontoon Plate Wy TANK233 Pontoon Stifenor Ei TANK24 Tank Accessaies and Fitngs Fabricaion By TANK 41 Flom « Haris WB TANK2.42 Spial Steiwaye WB TANK2.43 Faoling Ladders Fis By TANK2.44 Fat Suppatts(Poorton Leg/Centte Deck Leg} WB TaNK245 Gauge Pale Work Steps and Weight Factor for Tank Bottom & Roof Plate Fabrication Fabrication works steps for Bottom & Roof Plate may include as minimum before sent for erection on site 1) Blasting/Primer coating of plates 2) Marking and cutting operation 3) Weld edge finishing/grinding to remove burrs and slag 4) Inspection as per API 650 or specific client requirements. AAs for progress calculation, "Material Received at Shop" and “Delivery at Site" is added so as to claim the progress as part of shop fabrication. 5% progress is eamed when material is received at shop as well as once fabricated materials arrived at site. Sample Work Step and Weight Factor for each fabrication step is defined as below to illustrate progress calculation. It should be discussed and agreed with Owner/Client before official progress report is issued. Weight Work Steps Factor Material Received at Shop | 5% Blasting/Primer Coating of y Plates 25% Marking and Cutting Operation! Weld edge 50% Finishing/Grinding to remove ° burrs and slag Inspection as per API 650 oF | 459, Specific Client Requirements. Delivery at Site 5% Work Steps and Weight Factor for Shell Side Fabrication Fabrication work steps and weight factor for Shell Pates are slighly diferent from Bottom and Roof plate fabrication as it involves rolling and circular shaping of shell plates, reinforcement pads welding for nozzles and man ways installation. Weight Work Steps Faeor Material Received at Shop 5% Blasting/Primer Coating of 15% Plates Marking, Cutting/Shaping & | Goo, Weld Edge Finishing Inspection as per AP! 650 or 15% Specific Client Requirements. Material Delivery at Site 5% Work Steps and Weight Factor for Tank Accessories and Fittings Fabrication Work steps and Weight factor of Tank Accessories and Fittings may include as minimum before sent for field erection at site. Work Steps Weight Material Received at Shop _| 5% Marking/Cutting/Welding 35% Preparation Complete ° Full Weld Done/NDT 35% Final Inspection Blasting Painting/ Galvanised 15% 5% Material Delivery at Site 5% 3 Points to Understand How WBS and Work Step Weight Factor Works to Evaluate Overall Physical Progress 1. Prepare Progress Status by Quantity Sheet 1.1 Populate each component per GA drawing which is inline with WBS, for instance, each fabrication member of annular plate, sketch plate and rectangular plates are listed to track the overall progress of Tank Bottom fabrication. Drawing Description Roar GA Drawing Tank Bottom, GADrawing Tank Bottom GADrawing Tank Bottom GADrawing Tank Bottom GADrawing Tanke Bottom GADrawing Tank Bottom GADrawing TanicBottom GADrawing Tani Bottom GADrawing Tank Bottom. GADrawing Tanic Bottom GADrawing Tank Bottom GADrawing Tank Bottom GADrawing Tank Bottom “A Drawing Tank Bottom 46. |GADrawing Tank Roof 47, |GADrawing Tank Roof 48 |GADrawing Tank Roof, 49 |GADrawing Tank Roof 20, |GADrawing Tank Roof ]GADrawing Tank Roof. GADrawing Tape goof DwG-0184001 Dwe-013A002 Dwe-0134003, Dwe-018A004 Dwe-013A005, Dw-013R001 Dwe-013R002 Dwe-01aR003 Dwe-o1aR004 Dwe-01sR005 Dwe-o73so01 Dwe-018s002 Dwe-01as003 we-o2Rcoa2 Dwe-o22c003 Dwe-o2RP00t DWwe-o2RPo0d Dwe-02RP003 we-023s001 Dwe-o2Rs002 Jannular Plate JAnnular Plate JAnnutar Plate lAnnutar Plate Jénnular Plate Rectanguler Plate Rectangular Plate Rectangular Plate Rectangular Plate Rectanguler Plate Sketch Plate Sketch Plate [Sketch Plato Sketch Plate Center Deck. Center Deck Fontoon Plate Fontoon Plate Fontoon Plate Fontoan Stifener Plate Plate 1.2 Record the actual status of fabrication progress. E.g Blasting/Primer Coating Completion Date, Final Shop Inspection Completion Date, etc. This is to monitor and claim the progress of each fabrication step. Developed by Toolbox4Planning Lean moreat mwuing Section- Bottom Plat 12 J Faoncaton Jaaorar |snop ising & jain tem |rawina Descrotion Fished Rocened |PrmerCoaing {cutingou | late jat Shop (if required) [Edge Finishing es + [GADranieg Tare Bato Elona] WOaana]___ ivan] ___1auan9) Oana a 2 [cxbrameg Tancbstorn Quin [10 an Hanae 9) eden 3) Cuaheterosoe eet See eee a lek ieee Tee Record the actual status of fabrication progress for f" 5: |eADeaning Tare Batam | 8._|GA Drawing Tank Botom, each Work Step 7 |exbramng Tancbotom — seen 8. [abrameg Tancbotam Sintloens Winey een al ay 9. JeADraning Tare Bator ‘oven3 oui} tian 73) t4v0 40,|enDramieg Tare Botom soven-*2 eum) tivans3) 14a 514 |GA Drawing Tank Botom “aan 13] 10-Jan-73 Yasjon-ta) t4Jon3) 154 42 [Gn Dramieg Tare Botom fain 9] 0sen 19 fain 42) tan ‘9) isa Sponse Tae Bot olin tig ae 1.3 Fabrication status is calculated based on the quantity of each member, for instance, 450 kg of progress is, ‘earned out of 5320 kg once a bottom plate member delivered at site. Developed by Toolhox4Pianning Learn more at hnpuis Progress Calculation Section Drawing Description (GADrawing Tank & Ag ahs: Calculate fabrication status of each member. Progress is based on Quantity, IGA Drawing Tank Bottom |GA Drawing Tank gottom |GADrawing Tank Botton. (GADrawing Tank Bottom |GADrawing Tank Bottom 2. Prepare Progress Summary by Quantity Prepare progress summary sheet that includes the total quantity of all members, overall progress of each work step. e.g 100% progress for a work step “Marking/Cutting/Weld Edge Finishing” is earned when all the members ‘completed on that particular step. 100% progress for delivery at site for Tank Bottom fabrication is earned when all the tank bottom plates are delivered on site. Remember that progress status is measured in terms of quantity at this stage. [ex orawina Tar od In put for physical progress calulation Tank Sheil Piate Shop Fabncatios Progresy by Quantity bn we ao ter [Drawing Descrtion ‘eight (ka) (Coating (ir | Welt Edge ‘equred) _|rimsning 2650] TOO, 100%] —— 100%) 700%) 100% 1 [A Drawing She Pi 3. Prepare Physical Progress Status Sheet Work steps weight factors and man hour weighting are used when physical progress is measured, for instance, 250 man hours is estimated to be spent in order to complete Tank Bottom plate fabrication prior to field construction on site. Therefore, man hour weighting (W) "0.179" is calculated against overall tank fabrication works as shown in below figure. Complete the spreadsheet with Work Steps and Weight Factor for Tank Bottom & Roof Plate Fabrication as slated above. ‘To find out Individual progress (e.g Tank Bottom Plate), ‘Tank Bottom Plate Fabrication IB+AZC+A3D+A4E*ASF, “A” is equal to Quantity Progress where linked to “Fab Status by Qty” sheet. To find out “Overall Percent Complete” when tank bottom fabrication is completed, Overall Progress = Weighting of Tank Bottom (0.179) x Individual progress of Tank Bottom (100%) = 17.9% Physical Progrese Status Sheat-Exteral Floating Tank Shop Fab} B c D eke & Roof Plate Shop Fabrication Physical Prngr w [sAbrawng Temcactor{ ss20 | 200 | 0-179 are | 17% [eaDeawng TenkReot [2709 | 290 | 0-18 jor [149% Download the sample Progress Calculation/Tracking System for Oi and Storage Tank Fabrication for your quick reference. | hope you enjoy it.

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