Crisis Economic Brought About Economic Problems

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Name : Maharani kusumaningayu

class : 1B

NIM : 161412

1. Bring about economic problems

=crisis economic brought about economic problems.
2. Devide the class into several group
= the teacher has devided the class into several groups.
3. Turn in the assigments
= all of us have turned in the assigments.
4. find out the cause of the issues
= the lauyer has fourd out the cause of the issues.
5. atract people attention
= the clown has attracted peoples attention.
6. develop into a serious case
= the unemployement has the developed into a aserious case
7. discover the remedies for cancers
= the profesors have dicovered the remidies for cancers.
8. go trough the data input
= the accountent has gone talk troughtht the data input.
9. go wrong
=something has gone wrong
10. fix the problems
= the tecnician has fixed the problems.

Study the situations below and make statements either negative or positive by using present
peerfect. namber one is done for you...

1. it's very quiet at them moments. everyone has gone to beth / they have not come yet.
2. we can't leave the now because we have not finished out work.
3. it's impossible for him to get the job because they have come to late.
4. some students are not allowed to take the test because he has fiveteen years old.
5. i'm affraid you can't speak to the student consellor because Mr. Priyo have a academy
meeting today.
6. i don’t like cat at all, and my sister buy some kitten to the pet shop. i start to get fed up with
this .
7. please let me know when middle test have begin.
8. you can't eat the food because you have fastingmonts.
9. it's too late. The rain is very heavy, and i have not gone to school.
10. he's broke. He has bought some jewerly for his wife.

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