Maryam Thani 201720

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Mentor College Teacher Assessment Report First observation – B.

Ed Teaching Practice

Year3 Semester 1

Name of the student: Maryam ID#: H00327121

Abdulla Ali Bin Thani Alshehhi
Name of the School: PYP Grade:
Grade level: 2 Date of the observations: 11 March
Unit / lesson title: hour and half Number of students: 23
Competency Area E G S M US

A- Commitment to the Profession *

B- Planning for Learning *
C- Managing Learning *
D- Implementing Learning *
E- Assessment *
F- Reflection on Practice *
E=Excellent G=Good S= Satisfactory M=Marginal US= Unsatisfactory
Strengths of the lesson:
 Great start with the clock sound and the sound effects for group movement.
 Good clock model used in the lesson.
 Focused on why its --:00 minutes.
 Doing 3 steps for reading the time.
 Well prepared lesson and creative activities.
 Good end for the lesson.

Areas for development:

 When you were reading the minutes by counting by 5s you could keep minutes on the
clock missing.
 You could ask the sts to show you the clock then put it down when it correct, this will
help you follow the sts performance.
 In the lesson plan be careful about the right place to write the lesson plan phases.

Students reflection on the feedback ( submit after 2 days form the day of the
observation- Wednesday 14th March 2018)

On Sunday, 11th March, I presented a lesson for Ms. Alya Alzaabi about reading o’clock

and half hour from the clock. I will analyze the positive points of my lesson. I think that

my lesson was completive because of my good lesson planning even that I have some

mistakes in the organization. The section that I preferred about my lesson that I did a

good job in the engagement section when I worked in the students brainstorming by

applying a listening activity by opening a clock voice to introduce them to the main lesson.

I noticed from my previous weeks teaching this class that the majority of the students

are auditory because of that I started the lesson by applying a listening activity to
attract their attention from the beginning of the class. I also liked the evaluation section

by applying the memory game for connecting the number with the key term of the number

because they have to make a connection to help them match the information together

and then understand well. I always focus more in the activities that I applied at the

beginning and the end of the class because these two points prepare the students to the

main lesson and help them find the lesson with the important points that they need from

the whole class.

On the other hand, I like that you wrote 3 areas of development because this is will help

me learn from my mistakes and give a better lesson next time. Also, I believe that the

person itself can’t see his areas of development so, having these observations give the

student’s teacher the chance to focus in small details that can improve the level of the

lesson. You mentioned that I forgot some points, so, I decided to write down all the

important points that I have to focus on during the class to remember it while I’m

teaching also, as you mentioned I think that I should focus on the student's performance

by giving them the chance to work more during the activities. Moreover, selecting

suitable time for the activities contribute in increasing student's productivity. I also

think that putting lesson phases in the correct place is important because this will help

teachers in arranging and organizing the lesson.

Mentor College Teacher Assessment Report Second observation – B.Ed Teaching


Year3 Semester 1

Name of the student: ID#: H00327121

Maryam Abdulla Ali Bin
Thani Alshehhi
Name of the School: PYP Grade:
Grade level: 2 Date of the observations: 15th March 2018
Unit / lesson title: Number of students: 16
Competency Area E G S M US

A- Commitment to the Profession *

B- Planning for Learning *
C- Managing Learning *
D- Implementing Learning *
E- Assessment *
F- Reflection on Practice *
E=Excellent G=Good S= Satisfactory M=Marginal US= Unsatisfactory
Strengths of the lesson:
 Very good start in the begging of the lesson with the pillows. However, the engagement
part was very short, you moved to the core directly.
 Very creative and wonderful activities.
 You check the students work and asked them questions to check their knowledge.
 Great activity to end up the lesson. (lock and key)

Areas for development:

 Keep the method that you explained to the student the same, follow the same steps.
Great job Maryam, I am proud of you and I assure you that you will
be a great Math teacher 
Students reflection on the feedback: ( submit after 2 days form the day of the
observation – Monday 19th March 2018)

On Thursday, 15th March, I presented a lesson for Ms. Alya Alzaabi about halving numbers.

I will discuss the positive points of my lesson. I think that my lesson was completive because

of the creative activities that match the students level, especially that I focused on the

differentiation strategy. I gave a variety of activities for the three different levels high,

middle and low. An important point that I want to mention that some of the students in my

class considered as student’s that have difficulties in learning, so, my MST consider them

as special needs student’s that needs different system in giving activities.

What I liked more about my lesson that I identify instructional practice by using teacher

directed questions and answers by assisting student’s knowledge while they are working. I

also did a good job in the engagement part at the beginning of the lesson because I connect

between the lesson and the real life by using examples from real materials such as pillows

even though it was short and I need to extend it in the next time. I also prefer the

evaluation section because I used the lock and key activity to check students

understanding. I think that if you love what you do, you will do it in a better way. I like

Math, so, I enjoyed preparing for the activities.

On the other hand, I liked that you wrote that I should follow specific instructions while

I’m explaining to give students the ability to follow the same steps. I believe that if the

students follow the same steps each time, they will give the work a strong quality because

they will apply it well. Also, this can reflect positivity in the lesson’s level because it will

provide more time. And this is will help in fixing my time management, especially that I will

have the chance to add more practices to the lesson which can improve the level of the


Mentor College Teacher signature : Alya Alzaabi

Date: 15th April 2018

Final grade

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