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This article was published in ASHRAE Journal, September 2011.

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Optimizing Design & Control

Of Chilled Water Plants
Part 2: Condenser Water System Design
By Steven T. Taylor, P.E., Fellow ASHRAE 6. Select chillers.

7. Finalize piping system design, calcu-
his is the second of a series of articles discussing how to optimize the late pump head, and select pumps.
8. Develop and optimize control se-
design and control of chilled water plants. The series will summarize quences.
Each of these steps is discussed in this
ASHRAE’s Self Directed Learning (SDL) course called Fundamentals of series of five articles. This article dis-
cusses Step 3: designing the condenser
Design and Control of Central Chilled Water Plants and the research water distribution system. Steps 2 and 4
will be discussed in the next article.
that was performed to support its development. See sidebar, Page 36 Three common piping arrangements
for condenser water pumps are:
for a summary of the topics to be discussed. The articles, and the SDL
•• Option A: Dedicate a pump for each
course upon which it is based, are intended to provide techniques for condenser (Figure 1a);
•• Option B: Provide a common header
plant design and control that require little or no added engineering at the pump discharge and two-way au-
tomatic isolation valves for each con-
time compared to standard practice but at the same time result in sig- denser (Figure 1b); and
•• Option C: Provide a common head-
nificantly reduced plant life-cycle costs. er with normally closed (NC) manual
isolation valves in the header between
A procedure was developed to provide 3. Select condenser water distribution pumps (Figure 1c).
near-optimum plant design for most chill- system. The advantages of dedicated pumps
er plants including the following steps: 4. Select condenser water tempera- for each condenser (Option A) include:
1. Select chilled water distribution tures, flow rate, and primary pipe sizes.
system. 5. Select cooling tower type, speed con- About the Author
2. Select chilled water temperatures, trol option, efficiency, approach tempera- Steven T. Taylor, P.E., is a principal at Taylor
flow rate, and primary pipe sizes. ture, and make cooling tower selection. Engineering in Alameda, Calif.

26 ASHRAE Journal a s h r a e . o r g September 2011

Cooling Cooling Cooling
Tower Tower Tower
Cooling Cooling Cooling No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Cooling Cooling Cooling
Tower Tower Tower Tower Tower Tower
No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3

Chiller No. 1
CHW Pump
Chiller No. 1 No. 1 Chiller No. 1
CHW Pump No. 1 CHW Pump
Chiller No. 2
No. 1 N.C.
CHW Pump
Chiller No. 2 No. 2 Chiller No. 2
CHW Pump No. 2 Chiller No. 3 CHW Pump
No. 2 N.C.
CHW Pump
Chiller No. 3 No. 3 Chiller No. 3
CHW Pump No. 3 CHW Pump
Optional No. 3
Standby Pump

Figure 1: Condenser water pump piping options. Option A (left): Dedicated pumps. Option B (center): Headered pumps with con-
denser auto-isolation valves. Option C (right): Headered pumps with manual isolation valves.

1. The pump can be custom-selected for the condenser it 2. Including a standby pump is much simpler. Adding a
serves. Pump selection can then account for variations in standby pump to Option A is cumbersome and expensive because
condenser pressure drop and flow rates when chillers are not it requires extensive piping and manual or automatic isolation
identical. This can reduce pump energy compared to Option B valves. If standby pumps are desired, Option B is the best option.
where the head of each pump must be the same and sized for 3. Isolation valves can double as head pressure control valves.
the condenser with the highest pressure drop; balance valves See discussion on head pressure control later. For Option A,
at the other condensers must be throttled to generate this same head pressure control would require the addition of variable
pressure drop. speed drives on condenser water pumps or tower bypass valves.
2. Controls are a bit simpler because the pump can be con- 4. It is easier to integrate a water-side economizer. See
trolled using the contact provided with the chiller controller. discussion on waterside economizers below. Since waterside
This ensures that the pump starts and stops when the chiller economizers are only operational in cold weather when loads
wants it to. With Option B, the control of the isolation valves are generally low, the condenser water side can use one (or
and pumps is by the direct digital control (DDC) system and more) of the condenser water pumps serving chillers rather than
must be coordinated with the needs of the chiller controller to providing a dedicated pump. This reduces first costs.
avoid nuisance trips. For instance, the pumps generally must Headered pumps with manual isolation valves (Option C)
run for several minutes after the command for the chiller to stop can have the advantages of Option A (although it works best
so that the chiller can pump down the refrigerant. with identical chillers) and it overcomes the redundancy dis-
3. Pump failures do not cause multiple chiller trips. With advantage of Option A but accommodating a pump failure
dedicated pumps, if a pump fails, only the chiller it serves will requires manual manipulation of valves vs. the automatic
see a flow disruption and trip. With Option B, all operating response in Option B. Including a standby pump is possible
chillers will see a flow reduction when a pump fails, possibly with Option C but it only works (depending on which pump
causing more than one chiller to trip due to low flow or high fails) with the header isolation valves open and chillers must be
refrigerant head. However if there is a lag or standby pump staged by manually opening and closing their isolation valves.
with Option B that can be started quickly, trips can usually be First costs are usually lowest with Option A if the chiller and
avoided because it takes some time for refrigerant head to rise. pump pairs are close-coupled and the manual isolation valves
The advantages of headered (manifolded) pumps (Option between the two are eliminated (each chiller-pump pair is iso-
B) include: lated for service as a pair). Option C is usually less expensive
1. Redundancy is improved. With Option A, if a pump fails than Option B, but Option B is usually the best choice where
and a chiller other than the one it serves also fails (albeit a head pressure control and standby pumps are required.
rare event), then two chillers will be inoperative. With Option
B, any pump can serve any chiller and under many conditions Refrigerant Head Pressure Control
one pump can provide enough flow for two chillers to operate All chillers will require a minimum refrigerant head (lift)
near full capacity. between the evaporator and condenser. This can be quite high

September 2011 ASHRAE Journal 27


Cooling Cooling Cooling Cooling Cooling Cooling Cooling Cooling Cooling

Tower Tower Tower Tower Tower Tower Tower Tower Tower
No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3

Figure 2: Cooling tower cell isolation options. Option A (left): Weir dams and/or low flow nozzles. Option B (center): Auto-
isolation valves on supply only. Option C (right): Auto-isolation valves on supply and suction.

for most screw chillers and some hermetic centrifugal chill- condenser water temperature leaving the chiller, not entering
ers, and very low for magnetic bearing chillers, which have no the chiller). Pump speed can be controlled by the temperature
oil return considerations. There are two common reasons why leaving the condenser at a setpoint that corresponds to mini-
low refrigerant head pressure can occur: mum condenser pressure, or (preferably) by a signal from the
•• At start-up when water temperature in the cooling tower chiller controller indicating head pressure needs; most chiller
basins is cold. Some chillers can operate for a short period of controllers have an analog output dedicated for this purpose.
time with low start-up head while others will trip on low head •• For systems with headered pumps (Option B, Figure 1), the
pressure safeties almost immediately. To determine if head isolation valves can double as head pressure control valves by
pressure control is required, for cold starts, consult with the converting them from two-position to modulating. Valve position
chiller manufacturer. is typically controlled by the chiller controller head pressure con-
•• When integrated waterside economizers are used (dis- trol analog output, either directly or through the DDC system.
cussed later). Head pressure control is almost always manda- This signal will close the valve when the chiller shuts off.
tory since cooling tower water temperatures are deliberately The second two options mentioned previously reduce flow
kept very cold for long periods. through the condenser. Many engineers are concerned that
Options to avoid low head pressure problem include: low condenser water flow will contribute to fouling of the con-
•• Tower three-way bypass valves. The bypass water is di- denser tubes, but there is little definitive evidence to support
verted around the tower fill into the cooling tower sump or the concept that high velocity keeps tubes clean; strainers and
into the suction piping, thus avoiding natural cooling that oc- sidestream filters that prevent particles from entering the con-
curs across the tower fill even when tower fans are off. Piping denser in the first place are preferred. But even if this is an is-
the bypass to the suction line also avoids the mass of water sue, for most head pressure control applications there are few
in the basin for an even faster warm-up, but the design can hours at reduced flow—only during cold starts—so the impact
be problematic: unless the bypass line is balanced to create a on tube fouling should not be significant. Low flow through
pressure drop equal to the height of the cooling tower, air will the cooling tower may also be an issue (see discussion later)
be drawn into the system backwards from the spray nozzles but, again, it should not be given the short duration.
since piping above the basin will fall below atmospheric pres-
sure. For staged or variable condenser water flow systems, the Minimum Flow Rates
bypass must be balanced at the lowest expected flow rate. This When water enters the cooling tower, it is distributed uni-
creates a high pressure drop and reduced flow if more pumps formly across the fill through spray nozzles via a piping head-
operate, but reduced flow is acceptable when the intent of the er or gravity distribution basin. Each cell has a minimum flow
bypass is to raise head pressure. The bypass valve is controlled rate to ensure that tower fill is fully wetted along the face of
by supply water temperature typically with a low limit setpoint the air entering the fill. If there are dry spots along this face,
well below the normal setpoint used to control tower fan on/ air will bypass the wetted fill due to lower pressure drop and,
off and speed. Tower bypass is most commonly used where more importantly, cause scale to build up at the boundary be-
towers must operate in very cold weather to avoid freezing tween the wet and dry fill as water is evaporated and dissolved
in the fill. The following two options are less expensive and, solids remain. So it is important to maintain minimum tower
therefore, preferred in other applications. cell flow rates, particularly in areas with hard makeup water.
•• For systems with dedicated condenser water pumps (Op- In plants with multiple cooling towers and chillers, it is
tion A or C, Figure 1), variable speed drives on the pumps can desirable to operate one condenser water pump at low loads,
be used to reduce water flow to the chiller. Head pressure can which will reduce the flow rate through cooling towers. Op-
be maintained even with very cold supply water as long as tions for maintaining minimum flow rates (Figure 2) include:
the flow rate can be reduced so that the condenser refrigerant Option A: Select tower weir dams and/or nozzles to allow
pressure can be high enough (head pressure depends on the one pump to serve all towers. For systems with two or three

28 ASHRAE Journal a s h r a e . o r g September 2011

tower cells, this can eliminate the need for isolation valves, of the cell that is supplied will rise while the other two ba-
which cost much more than the weir dams and nozzles. This sin levels will fall. The difference in the two elevations must
option is also the most efficient; tower energy use is mini- provide enough head for water to transfer from the supplied
mized by operating as many cells as possible, particularly cell to the others through the equalizer. If the equalizer is
when tower fans are controlled by variable speed drives. undersized, water will overflow in the supplied cell, and the
This is because fan speed is reduced (reducing fan power others will be drawn so low that makeup water valves open,
by almost the cube of the speed) and cooling is achieved wasting water and water treatment chemicals. There are only
through tower cells even when fans are off. With most man- a few inches of elevation difference between the overflow
ufacturers and tower types, nozzles and dams are available and fill lines, so it is imperative that the equalizer be properly
to reduce flow by 50%, and many can go down to 33% or sized for this option to work. Another approach is to elimi-
even 25% depending on the selection and design flow rate. nate the basins at each tower and use a common sump, often
Because of low cost and high efficiency, this option should located indoors in cold climates. This avoids the need for
always be the first choice. When a plant has many tower equalizer lines entirely but is much more expensive.
cells and automatic isolation valves are unavoidable, the Option C: Install automatic isolation valves on both sup-
dams and nozzles should still be selected to allow as many ply and suction lines. This is usually the most expensive
cells to operate as possible. option since automatic valves are expensive relative to an
Option B: Install automatic isolation valves on supply incremental increase in equalizer size. This design also in-
lines only. This option uses the equalizer to keep basin levels creases exposure to a valve failure; an oversized equalizer
between overflow and fill lines and will require that equal- line has no failure modes. It also increases the risk of freez-
izers be oversized from that required by normal duty. For ing (or increases the energy used by basin heaters) in the
example, assume there are three tower cells, and only one basins of inactive cells in systems that must operate in cold
is active; supply flow to the others is shut off. But water is weather. But this is often the best option when there are
drawn out of all three cell basins since the suction lines have many tower cells that are not located close together (long
no automatic isolation valves. The water level in the basin equalizer lines).

September 2011 ASHRAE Journal 29

Cooling Cooling Cooling Cooling
Tower Tower Tower Tower
No. 1 No. 2 No. 1 No. 2

Chiller No. 1 Chiller No. 1

Chiller No. 2
Chiller No. 2

Either Pump
Or Valve
Plate and Frame (Not Both)
Heat Exchanger

Plate and Frame

Heat Exchanger

Figure 3: Waterside economizer, non-integrated. Figure 4: Waterside economizer, integrated, primary-secondary.

Piping for Waterside Economizers

Waterside economizers are an alternative to airside econ-
omizers. Airside economizers are usually more energy ef-
Cooling Cooling
ficient, but they are not always practical and can be much Tower Tower
more expensive. Applications where waterside economiz- No. 1 No. 2
ers are often preferred include floor-by-floor air handlers in
a high-rise office building or computer room air handlers
serving a large data center. A waterside economizer uses
Chiller No. 1
cold water generated at the cooling tower to produce chilled
water without, or with reduced, mechanical refrigeration.
This is accomplished by running the cooling towers to Chiller No. 2
produce water temperatures typically 45°F (7°C) and less
during periods of low ambient wet-bulb temperatures. The
cold water is pumped through a high effectiveness water-
to-water heat exchanger, usually a plate and frame type, to
produce chilled water at temperatures of 50°F (10°C) or
less. The heat exchanger protects the chilled water system Plate and Frame
from the corrosion, dirt and debris typical of open circuit Heat Exchanger

condenser water.
For detailed design guidance on sizing waterside economiz-
er heat exchangers and flow rates, see Stein.1
Figure 3 shows a “non-integrated” waterside economizer
where the economizer heat exchanger is piped in parallel
with the chiller evaporators on the chilled water side. This
design allows the economizer to operate only if the chill- Figure 5: Waterside economizer, integrated, primary-only.
ers are not operating and vice versa; they cannot operate
together. This design was the most common when water- stead, waterside economizers must use an integrated piping
side economizers first became popular in the 80s, but it arrangement shown in Figure 4 for a primary-secondary
is not very efficient and is no longer allowed to be used system and Figure 5 for a primary-only system. Integrated
by energy standards such as ASHRAE Standard 90.1.2 In- systems, which cost only slightly more than non-integrated

30 ASHRAE Journal a s h r a e . o r g September 2011
systems, allow simultaneous operation of the chillers and
the economizer because the heat exchanger is piped in se-
ries with the chiller evaporators on the chilled water side.
The economizer can provide some pre-cooling of the return
chilled water temperature even if it cannot provide all of the
Cooling Cooling
cooling. This substantially extends the number of hours the Tower No. 1 Tower No. 2
economizer can be operational.
Figure 4 shows two options for how to provide flow
through the heat exchanger. The least expensive option is to
place a two-position valve in the chilled water return line.
The valve closes when the economizer is enabled and is Chiller No. 1
open otherwise. This option requires that secondary pumps
have variable speed drives so that they can slow down when
the heat exchanger is out of the circuit and vice versa. The Chiller No. 2
secondary pumps generally do not need to be sized for the
added head of the heat exchanger since the heat exchanger
will be in the loop only when the economizer is active and
cooling loads (and flows) are low. If secondary pumps are
constant speed (rarely true in modern plants) or if the design
flow rate through the heat exchanger is much lower than the
expected chilled water flow during economizer operation, a
sidestream pump should be used instead of the two-position
valve. This sidestream pump is sized with enough head to

Figure 6: All-variable speed primary-only chilled water plant.

draw water out of the secondary return, pump it through the

heat exchanger then back to the return.
In both the integrated and non-integrated designs, the
heat exchanger is generally not provided with its own con-
denser water pumps. Since the load will be low when the
weather is cold enough for the towers to deliver cold water,
it should not be necessary to run all chillers, so one or more
of the chiller condenser water pumps can serve the heat ex-
changer. The heat exchanger should be selected so that its
pressure drop is similar to the pressure drop across chiller
When using waterside economizers, refrigerant head pres-
sure control is required because of the cold water coming off
the cooling tower. See the earlier discussion regarding head
pressure control options.

Variable Speed Condenser Water Pumps

With the ever-increasing drive to improve plant effi-
ciency, there is more interest in “all-variable speed chilled
water plants,”3 which refers to plants with variable speed
drives on all components, including condenser water
pumps (Figure 6). It is common to find variable speed
drives on cooling towers and chilled water pumps and, in
fact, they are required with few exceptions by energy stan- dards such as Standard 90.1. Using variable speed drives on

32 A S H R A E J o u r n a l September 2011
chiller compressors is also more and
more common as the cost premium vs. 1.4 Million
fixed speed continues to fall. But vari-
able speed drives on condenser water

Annual Chilled Water Plant Energy Use (kWh)

1.2 Million STD
pumps are relatively rare, and for good OAK
reason: it is not clear that they are cost
1 Million
effective and the required control logic
is not self-apparent. For instance, as
condenser water flow falls, both pump 800,000
energy and cooling tower energy (for
the same condenser water supply tem- 600,000
perature) will fall, but chiller energy
will rise as leaving condenser water
temperature rises. The condenser leav-
ing water temperature is indicative of
chiller condensing temperature and, 200,000

therefore, chiller efficiency; efficiency

will vary little with changes to con- 0
Chiller Tower CHWP CWP Plant Total
denser supply water temperature at the
same leaving water temperature. With
variable speed drives on the chiller Figure 7: Denver chilled water plant energy use using three control strategies.
compressor, the impact of condenser
temperature is even stronger and, in fact, these drives will •• STD. This is the performance of the plant with constant
save no energy at all if leaving condenser water tempera- speed condenser water pumps and cooling tower fans con-
tures are not driven down at low loads. trolled to reset supply water temperature per ARI Standard
Clearly the optimum control logic will not be the same 550/5906 condenser water relief curves. This is most indica-
for all plants. For instance, a plant with very efficient (high tive of conventional practice.
gpm/horsepower) cooling towers will operate more effi- •• OAK. This is the performance of the plant with variable
ciently by driving condenser water temperatures down fur- speed pumps controlled using control sequences that were
ther than a plant with inefficient towers. So what is the best found to provide near-TOPP level performance for the same
control strategy? The answer is “it depends.” A few authors plant located in Oakland, Calif., instead of Denver.
have proposed theoretical approaches to determining the The figure shows that energy use is highest using control
optimum logic,4,5 but the techniques are either difficult and sequences that provided near-ideal performance for the same
time consuming to implement or require proprietary con- plant in another climate zone, significantly higher energy use
trol logic. than the plant without pump variable speed drives. This dem-
As part of the development of the ASHRAE SDL refer- onstrates how sensitive plant performance is to the details of
enced earlier, studies were conducted to develop generalized the control logic. So, variable speed drives should only be used
optimum control sequences for all-variable speed plants and on condenser water pumps if the designer takes the time to en-
to determine life-cycle costs of various design alternatives. sure that control sequences are near-optimum. These sequenc-
Our studies led to two important conclusions about variable es will be discussed in detail in Part 5 of this series of articles.
speed drives on condenser water pumps:
1. They are life-cycle cost effective if optimum control se- Summary
quences are used. This article is the second in a series of five that summarize
2. They can increase the energy use of the plant if not opti- chilled water plant design techniques intended to help engi-
mally controlled. neers optimize plant design and control with little or no added
The second conclusion is disturbing, in particular, because engineering effort. In this article, condenser water system pip-
we found that the difference was very subtle between the con- ing and distribution system options were discussed. In the next
trol logic that minimized energy use and that which increased article pipe sizing and optimizing ΔT will be addressed.
use above constant speed pumps. For example, Figure 7 shows
energy use for a plant serving an office building in Denver, References
using three control strategies: 1. Stein, J. 2009. “Waterside Economizing in Data Centers:
•• TOPP. This is the theoretical optimum plant performance Design and Control Considerations.” ASHRAE Transactions
of the plant with variable speed condenser water pumps deter- 115(2):192 – 200.
mined using the technique described in Reference 5. This is 2. ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2010, Energy Standard for
the theoretical best performance possible. Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings.

34 ASHRAE Journal a s h r a e . o r g September 2011
Central Chilled Water Plants Series Optimized control sequences. The series will conclude
This series of articles will summarize the upcoming Self with a discussion of how to optimally control chilled water
Directed Learning (SDL) course called Fundamentals of plants, focusing on all-variable speed plants.
Design and Control of Central Chilled Water Plants and The intent of the SDL (and these articles) is to provide
the research that was performed to support its develop- simple yet accurate advice to help designers and oper-
ment. The series includes five segments. Part One: “Chilled ators of chilled water plants to optimize life-cycle costs
Water Distribution System Selection” was published in July. without having to perform rigorous and expensive life-cycle
Pipe sizing and optimizing ΔT. This article will discuss cost analyses for every plant. In preparing the SDL, a
how to size piping using life-cycle costs then how to use significant amount of simulation, cost estimating, and life-
pipe sizing to drive the selection of chilled water and con- cycle cost analysis was performed on the most common
denser water temperature differences (ΔTs). water-cooled plant configurations to determine how best
Chillers and cooling tower selection. This article will to design and control them. The result is a set of improved
address how to select chillers using performance bids and design parameters and techniques that will provide much
how to select cooling tower type, control devices, tower higher performing chilled water plants than common rules-
efficiency, and wet-bulb approach. of-thumb and standard practice.

3. Hartman, T. 2001. “All-Variable Speed Centrifugal Chiller 5. Hydeman, M., G. Zhou. 2007. “Optimizing Chilled Water Plant
Plants.” ASHRAE Journal 43(9):43 – 51. Control.” ASHRAE Journal 49(6):44 – 54.
4. Hartman, T. 2005. Designing Efficient Systems with the Equal 6. ARI Standard 550/590-2003, Performance Rating of Water Chill-
Marginal Performance Principle. ASHRAE Journal 47(7):64 – 70. ing Packages Using the Vapor Compression Cycle.

36 A S H R A E J o u r n a l September 2011

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