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St Lucia’s CE Primary School

& Nursery
“Our school is a Safer School”
We implement essential School problems are reviewed
security/safety measures by our Safer School Group.
for staff, pupils & property.
We use a risk management
Security/safety is regularly process and analyse issues
reviewed by our Safer or problems.
School Group.
We consult parents/carers
If parents have an issue or and pupils for their views.
concern, the Safer School
Group needs to know. The school’s curriculum
illustrates how crime or
problems impact
Through our newsletters on a school and life.
we update parents on
Safer School progress. The school governors have
endorsed the Safer School
Visitors on our school scheme.
grounds wear a school
visitor badge. Our curriculum includes We have professional advice and support
good citizenship. from the Police and Council.

For further information on ‘Safer Schools’ please contact

Ian Bartlett - tele (01743) 252821 or 252819
E mail –

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