ME170 - Joint Connections & Mechanisms PDF

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‘Joint Connections. Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Joint Connections Introduction The Mechanism Design module uses special assembly constraints, called Connections. These allow the bodies to move in the mechanism assembly. There are many different types of connections, and each one requires different references in the component and the assembly. Each connection type allows some type of movement in the assembly. For example, a Pin connection allows rotation of the body about a single axis. Degrees of Freedom and Redundancy Unconstrained bodies in a mechanism have six degrees of freedom as listed below. Translate along X axis Translate along Y axis pee ‘Translate along Z axis Rotate about X axis Rotate about Y axis awe Rotate about Z axis Constraints and connections limit the degrees of freedom a body has. For example, when you add a pin connection to an unconstrained body, you reduce the degrees of freedom for that body by five (from six to one). If you add a servo motor to that same pin connection, you reduce the degrees of freedom for that body by one (from one to zero). ‘The degrees of freedom for a mechanism can be determined using the following formula: D=6*M-N where D is the degrees of freedom for the mechanism, M is the number of bodies not including the ground bodies, and N is the number of degrees of freedom removed by connections and servo motors. You can quickly determine the number of bodies using the Bodies section of the Mechanism Tree. Page 50 Copyerstr © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Chapter 3 ‘Joint Connections. Redundancy means you have removed excessive degrees of freedom (you over-constrained the tmezhanism), and one or more connections creates redundant degrees of freedom in the ie hanism, To ensure accurate results for dynamic analyses, redundant degrees of freedom must be eliminated. Degrees of freedom and redundancies can both be determined using a measure See pages 289- 294 for information about creating measures. For example, consider a door that, in the real world, is connected with two hinges. In Creo Parametric, without any connections, the door has 6 degrees of freedom. Each Pin connection that is added to the door reduces the degrees of freedom by five. If you add rwo pin connections, ‘one for each hinge, then apply the formula to calculate the degrees of freedom: D=6+*1- (2* 5) =-4 The negative result indicates the mechanism has redundant degrees of freedom, in this case 4. In Creo Parametric, when you measure the Redundaneies of the mechanism, the result is 4 as shown below. In this case the mechanism has four redundant degrees of freedom and should be | — corrected In this case the mechanism has Dlominenier eovey zero redundancies Darema crn oneness [Doren ares To ensure accurate results for dynamic analyses, the mechanism should have zero redundancies. Covyaseutt © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Page 51 ‘Joint Connections. Chapter 3 Joint Connection Types There are many types of joint connections including: © Rigid * Weld © Pin © Bearing «Slider © General © Cylinder * DOF Planar © Gimbal © Ball * Slot Pin Slider Page 52 Select an axis (or revolved surface) and a plane in the component and the assembly, Both sets of references must be to the same two components in the assembly, Pin connections can be flipped in the dashboard tool to reverse the positive direction of rotation for the joint. This connection type allows rotational motion about a single axis only as shown below. Pin Connection Select an axis (or edge) and a plane in the component and in the assembly. Both sets of references must be to the same two components in the assembly. This connection type allows linear motion along a single axis (or edge) only as shown below, ‘Slider Connection Copyarci © 2013 CADQUEST INE. Chapter 3 ‘Joint Connections Planar Select a plane in the component and in the assembly. This connection type allows linear and rotational movement within the selected plane as shown below, and is often used in conjunction with other connections. Planar Connection linder Select an axis (or revolved surface) in the component and in the assembly. This p ly connection type allows both linear motion along the axis and rotational motion Re, about the axis as shown below. Cylinder Connection ‘Copmarsur © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Page 53 ‘Joint Connections Chapter 3 Bearing Weld General 6DOF Page 54 Select a datum point (or vertex) in the component and in the assembly. This connection type allows rotational movement in all directions around the point as shown below. Ball Connection Select a datum point (or vertex) in the component and an axis in the assembly (or vise versa). This connection type allows rotational movement in all directions around the point and translation along the axis, similar to a combination of a Ball connection and a Slider connection. Select a coordinate system in the component and in the assembly. This connection type does not allow any movement of the components relative to each other. This is similar to actually welding the two components together. Use Weld when adding a body that does not move relative to another body. Select any references similar to using constraints rather than connections. This is similar to the Weld connection, however this connection type can be used in conjunction with other connections. Use Rigid when the component being assembled must reference more than one body in the assembly. Use Rigid when the body has no mass, such as a surface model. Select any references similar to using constraints rather than connections. This is similar to using the Automatic constraint type. General connections can be created that have the same number of degrees of freedom as other connection types, such as ball, cylinder, or pin. Select a coordinate system in the component and in the assembly. This connection type does not limit any movement of the components relative to each other. CopyarcuT © 2013 CADQUEST INE. Chapter 3 Gimbal Slot ‘Joint Connections Select a coordinate system in the component and in the assembly. The origins of the selected coordinate systems are constrained to be coincident, but the three axes of the coordinate systems each have free rotation. This is different from the Ball connection in that the rotation in the Gimbal connection is limited to the three axes of the selected coordinate system. Select a curve in the slot part and a single datum point (or vertex) in the follower part. This connection type allows rotational movement in all directions around the point and translation along the curve, and is often used in combination with other connections to fully constrain the model. Slot connections can have the limits of travel defined using the Placement panel of the dashboard tool as shown below. The Slot is defined using a datum curve The Follower is defined using a datum point Slot Connection Comparer © 2013 CADQUEST INc. Page 55 ‘Joint Connections Joint Connection Types (continued) Chapter 3 The following table lists the degrees of freedom for each connection type. Connection Type Pormitted Degrees of Freedom Notes Rotation ‘Translation | Total General When using a general connection, the body Is connected by regular assembly constraints such as Coincident or Parallel This connection type can be used with the other connection types as required. Rigid ‘When using a rigid connection, no rotation or ransiation is permitted for the body. ‘This connection type can be used with the other connection types as required. Weld [When using a weld connection, no rotation or translation is permitted for the body. Pin /When using a pin connection, the body can rotate about the selected axis, no transiation is permitted. Five degrees of freedom are removed when using this connection type. Slider [When using a slider connection, the body can | translate along the selected axis, no rotation is permitted. Slot When using a slot connection, the body can rotate about the selected trajectory, and translate along the same trajectory. Cylinder ‘When using a cylinder connection, the body ‘can rotate about a single axis, and translate along the same axis. Planar ‘When using a planar connection, the body can rotate about an axis perpendicular to the selected plane, and translate both X and Y within the selected plane. Ball Gimbal When using a ball connection, the body can rotate in all directions about the selected point, no translation is permitted. When using a gimbal connection, the body ‘can rotate about the X, Y, and Z axes of the selected coordinate system, no translation is. permitted. Bearing When using a bearing connection, the body can rotate in all directions about the selected point, and translate along a single axis. DOF When using a 6D0F connection, the body ‘can rotate in all directions and translate in all directions. No degrees of freedom are removed when using this connection type. Page 56 Conyers © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Chapter 3 ‘Joint Connections Creating a Connection \*' To create a joint connection, click the Assemble icon shown above. In the Component Placement dashboard tool, select the desired type of connection then select the appropriate model geometry. After selecting the type of connection, select the appropriate references for the connection in both the component and the assembly. For some connection types, both references must be in the same two components or bodies of the assembly. For some connections, the Flip command in the Placement panel of the dashboard tool is used to flip the body by 180°. For some bodies, multiple connections may be required to fully connect the mechanism. Click New Set in the Placement panel of the Component Placement dashboard tool to add additional connections. ‘The Component Placement dashboard tool is used to add Connections. The Component Placement dashboard tool is shown below. Flip the connection asi -— Enter offset value here a a ace nn [oss corns [Ffeaace ¢ — Change the offset of the Hayes EE concn connection here sacvinaer —|— Select the appropriate Paar connection type here |— Click New Set here when multiple connections are required to fully connect the mechanism +— Click Flip in the Placement panel to change the direction of the connection Comassut © 2013 CADQUEST INC, Page 57 ‘Joint Connections: Chapter 3 Joint Axis Limits Joint connections have additional control settings, which can be defined during the creation of the connection. + In the Placement panel of the Component Placement dashboard tool, click Rotation ‘Axis, and then select the appropriate datum planes in the component and in the assembly to define the zero position for the connection. + Enter an appropriate angle and click >> to set the position the component will assume When the assembly is regenerated as shown below. You must also add the checkmark next to Enable regeneration value as shown below © Enter appropriate values for both the minimum limit and the maximum limit for the joint as shown below. © Joint axis limits and other connection parameters can be added to family tables. 7 ic a oo | Click Rotation Axis here then select the model entities that define the joint axis limits ml Enter an appropriate angle here then click >> ‘YprrcreenoTMF1O/ ‘Agence AP OTMZFROA Settee reation } * = Eratieregereraton vane <-——— Add the checkmark here to etna nt som allow the regen value ruckiaue fem aN po ss Enter appropriate values for both the minimum limit and the maximum limit here Page 58 Covers © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Chapter 3 ‘Joint Connections Joint Axis Dynamic Properties connections can also have dynamic properties defined during the creation of the connection. In the Placement panel of the Component Placement dashboard tool, click Dynamic Properties >> Add the checkmark next to Coefficient of Restitution to enable bounce for the connection. Enter an appropriate value between 0 and 1 for the e value, which represents the ratio of the body's speed before and after an impact. Add the checkmark next to Enable Friction to enable friction for the connection. Enter an appropriate value between 0 and 1 for the jt, value, which is the static friction coefficient. Static friction occurs between two or more bodies that are not moving relative to each other. In Creo Parametric, the static friction coefficient must be equal to or greater than the kinetic friction coefficient. Enter an appropriate value between 0 and 1 for the px value, which is the kinetic friction coefficient. Kinetic friction occurs when two objects are moving relative to each other. In Creo Parametric, the kinetic friction coefficient must be less than or equal to the static friction coefficient. conmeston_2¢0) ls eet [contr of Reston = e- fom |v Enter friction coefficients for the connection here cam. soo0RHTFacoaTA A Erle ton [agasn porn roan © Enter an appropriate value greater than or equal to 0.001 for the R value, which is the contact radius. Conyers © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Page 59 Introduction In addition to joint connections, cams, gears, belts, and 3D contacts can be created as connections. You must enter the Mechanism application before you can create and modify these connection types. Cams |# Cam connections are created by clicking the Cams icon shown above. A typical cam connection is shown below. Two parts are defined as Cam/ (the cam) and Cam2 (the follower) to create a connection between them. ‘Chapter 5 Cams, Gears, Belts, and 3D Contacts Chapter 5 Cams, Gears, Belts, and 3D Contacts > = . . 2 ° 2 2 = 2 > > > > Cam2 Cam! Qe (Commaisur © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Page 135 Coms, Gears, Belts, and 3D Contacts Chapter 5 Cams (continued) The Cam! and Cam2 tabs of the Cam-Follower Connection Definition dialog box are shown below. Use this dialog box to define the surfaces of the cam and cam follower in the mechanism. iter a'name'for the cam ‘Cam Follower Connection Definition X Name connection here E ‘Com Follower Goad | Cam repriee Surfaces Curves |VALVE_cAM_G-urtace In the Cam1 tab, click here then select the surfaces or curves that define the cam in the first part | DD Autosetect Click here to flip the normal of the selected entity ‘Cam-Follower Connection Definition vame x [can Foewers | cant Jara) [Ronee ‘SurfacesiCurves * ] Autoselect In the Cam? tab, click here then select the surfaces or curves that define the cam in the second part \VALVE_ROCKER-surtece Flip Use Autoselect to select all the surfaces tangent to the selected surface Depth Display Settings Back Reference * Center Reference rk Depth Page 136 Copyeastt © 2013 CADQUEST INE. peuvvVveTTs Chapter 5 Cams, Gears, Belts, and 3D Contacts Cams (continued) In some cases, the cam follower must ‘liftoff from the cam, as in the Geneva wheel mech: shown below. This mechanism uses four cam connections, each using the same follower surfaces. Each of the cams uses the Enable Liftoff option in the Properties tab of the Cam- Follower Connection Definition dialog box as shown below. Cam Follower Connection Definition X Add the checkmark here to allow the follower to ‘liftoff from the cam Friction Enable Friction Bs [c Pye [0 ‘The Geneva wheel uses four cam connections Comisiir © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Page 137 Cams, Gears, Belts, and 3D Contacts Chapter 5 Cams (continued) Facts about Cam connections are: Cams are defined in pairs of bodies only. Only one follower can be defined for each cam defined. Solids and datum curves can be selected for the cam and follower geometry. When selecting the cam and follower surfaces, the system displays the surface normal direction with a purple arrow. Use the Flip command to reverse the surface normal direction. Cam and follower surfaces can be curved in one direction only. A cylindrical surface can be used for a cam; a spherical surface cannot be used for a cam. When using flat surfaces for the cam or follower, two additional references must be specified to determine the depth of the cam along the surface. Use the Depth Display ‘Settings section of the Cam-Follower Connection Definition dialog box. ‘The Enable Liftoff option allows the cam and follower to separate and reconnect during a drag or motion analysis. If you have a choice between using a cam and a slot, choose the slot. Cams are fussy and do not always behave properly. When using a flat surface fora cam or follower, you must specify the front and back by selecting two vertices Poge 138 CovyercHT © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Chapter 5 Gears Cams, Gears, Belts, and 3D Contacts Gear pair connections are created by clicking the Gears icon shown above. Several different types of gears can be defined as listed and shown below Spur Bevel Worm Rack and Pinion Used for regular straight gear sets as shown below. This gear connection type can also be used to create relationships between any rotational or translational joint axes. Used to connect two gears with parallel pin connections, and when the Pressure Angle and the Helix Angle must be defined. Used to connect two g: 1s with coplanar non-parallel pin connections. Used to connect two gears with non-coplanar non-parallel pin connections. Used to connect a gear with a pin connection to a rack with a slider connection as shown below. Govyarcur © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Page 139 Coms, Gears, Belts, and 3D Contacts Chapter 5 Generic Gears ‘The gear connection called Generic is used to create relationships between any two rotational or translational joint axes in the design. Page 140 Use this gear connection for regular straight gear sets. This gear connection can also be used to create motion relationships between the following pairs of joint axes: # Rotation — Rotation: Use this to create a relationship between any two connections that allow rotational motion. © Rotation ~ Translation: Use this to create a relationship between any connection that allows rotational motion and any connection that allows linear motion. © Translation — Translation: Use this to create a relationship between any two connections that allow linear motion. The workflow for creating a generic gear connection is listed below. © Click the Gears icon. [| © Select Generic for the gear type in the dialog box. © Click the Gear tab of the dialog box then select the appropriate joint axis in the assembly. If the joint axis is rotational, enter a diameter for the pitch circle. © Click the Gear? tab of the dialog box then select the appropriate joint axis in the assembly. If the joint axis is rotational, enter a diameter for the pitch circle. © Click the Flip Direetion icon next to the motion axis listed in the Gear2 tab of the dialog box to flip the rotation direction of the gear connection as required. «If both joint axes are translational, enter the gear ratio in the Properties tab of the dialog box. Click OK in the dialog box to complete the gear pair definition. O ¢— The Generic gear connection ean be used to rotate the wheels and tires as the loader moves forward Covyntetr © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Chopter 5 Cams, Gears, Belts, and 3D Contacts Generic Gears (continued) ‘The Gear! tab of the Gear Pair Definition dialog box is shown below. Use this dialog box to define the joint connection for the first gear in the set. Enter the appropriate Pitch Circle Diameter in the dialog box as shown below. Enter a name for the gear pair here Select the Type of gear set here In the Gearl tab, click here then select the joint connection that defines the first gear part Motion Axis Connection | axis_1 Pinion, fea Click here to flip the bodies in the selected joint connection Carer (round Enter the Pitch Cirele jiameter for the first gear here Pitch Cirele Di (325 Icon Location Copyatsttr © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Cams, Gears, Belts, and 3D Contacts Chapter 5 Generic Gears (continued) The Gear? tab of the Gear Pair Definition dialog box is shown below. Use this dialog box to define the joint connection for the second gear in the set. Enter the appropriate Pitch Cirele Diameter in the dialog box as shown below. Gear Pair Definition Name [oeerPart ] Twe Generic . coat [Gna Topoane ‘Motion Axis * In the Gear? tab, click here then select the joint connection that defines the second gear part Connection 2.01 Click here to flip the bodies in the selected joint connection [oroune Enter the Pitch Circle Diameter for the second gear here Pitch Circle Diameter 1s leon Location Click OK to complete the x ! gear connection Apply || Cancel Page 142 Covyersir © 2013 CADQUEST Ine. Chopter 5 Cams, Gears, Belts, and 3D Contacts Generic Gears (continued) In the Properties tab of the Gear Pair Definition dialog box, set the method for defining the Gear Ratio. When using the User Defined option, you can manually enter the gear ratio as shown below ‘Gear Pair Definition x Mame (CearPairt Type Select the Properties tab of the dialog box Gear Ratio Click User Defined here ‘User Defined: + Enter the gear ratio here Click OK to complete the ‘gear connection Cancel Note The bodies used for gears can be simplified parts as shown below. It is not necessary to create the actual gear geometry. This simplified gear pair uses datum curves to define each gear body CopyarcHT © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Page 143 <= -- .. Cams, Gears, Belts, and 3D Contacts Chapter 5 Spur Gears Another type of gear connection called Spur is described below. Page 144 Covvarsur © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Use this gear type to connect two gears with parallel Pin connections. Use this gear type when the Pressure Angle and the Helix Angle must be defined. In the Gear! tab of the dialog box, select the appropriate pin connection symbol and enter an appropriate value for the Piteh Cirele Diameter for the first gear. In the Gear? tab of the dialog box, select the appropriate pin connection symbol for the second gear. The system automatically calculates the Piteh Circle Diameter for the second gear. In the Properties tab of the dialog box, enter appropriate values for the Pressure Angle and the Helix Angle as shown below. The system creates a dynamic preview of the gear diameters and helix angle in the graphics area. The preview is only visible when the Gear Pair Definition dialog box is open. In the Properties tab enter appropriate values for the Pressure Angle and the Helix Angle Cater Body Chapter 5 Cams, Gears, Belts, ond 3D Contacts Bevel Gears ‘Another type of gear connection called Bevel is described below. © Use this gear type to connect two gears with coplanar non-parallel pin connections. © Inthe Gear! tab of the dialog box, select the appropriate pin connection symbol and enter an appropriate value for the Pitch Circle Diameter for the first gear. © In the Gear? tab of the dialog box, select the appropriate pin connection symbol for the second gear. The system automatically calculates the Pitch Circle Diameter for the second gear ‘© In the Properties tab of the dialog box, enter appropriate values for the Pressure Angle and the Helix Angle as shown below. © The system creates a dynamic preview of the gear diameters and helix angle in the graphics area. The preview is only visible when the Gear Pair Definition dialog box is open. In the Properties tab pen [=e enter appropriate values tabs Ani) for the Pressure Angle 2 oy and the Helix Angle eve Ante 7) eat “ cy Bevel Angle) Gea 2 cc 7 Cater toy Coryaasur © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Page 145 Coms, Gears, Belts, and 3D Contacts Chapter 5 Worm Gears ‘Another type of gear connection called Worm is described below. Use this gear type to connect two gears with non-coplanat non-parallel pin connections. In the Worm tab of the dialog box, select the appropriate pin connection symbol and enter an appropriate value for the Pitch Circle Diameter for the worm gear. In the Wheel tab of the dialog box, select the appropriate pin connection symbol for the wheel gear. The system automatically calculates the irele Diameter for the wheel. In the Properties tab of the dialog box, enter appropriate values for the Pressure Angle and the Serew Angle as shown below, ‘The system creates a dynamic preview of the gears in the graphics area. The preview is only visible when the Gear Pair Definition dialog box is open. irewsre Are) In the Properties tab center appropriate values for the Pressure Angle and the Serew Angle Page 146 Coprarcuir © 2013 CADQUEST INE. Chapter 5 Rack and Pinion Gears Cams, Gears, Belts, and 3D Contacts ‘Another type of gear connection called Rack & Pinion is described below «Use the Pinion tab of the dialog box to select the gear with a Pin connection, and use the Rack tab to select the gear with a Slider connection. «In the Properties tab of the dialog box, enter appropriate values for the Pressure Angle and the Helix Angle as shown below. «The system creates a dynamic preview of the gears in the graphics area. The preview is only visible when the Gear Pair Definition dialog box is open. In the Properties tab enter appropriate values for the Pressure Angle and the Helix Angle Copyarcur © 2013 CADQUEST INC. ae nate Page 147 Cams, Gears, Belts, and 3D Contacts Chapter 5 Belts Belt connections can also be defined. The belt forms a closed loop around existing pulleys that are assembled using pin connections. ‘© Open the pulley assembly then enter the Mechanism application. © Click the Betts icon. [4] * Select each pulley in the appropriate order to route the belt. The pulley order can be changed in the References panel of the dashboard tool or in the RMB popup menu. © Click Belt Plane in the RMB popup menu then select a plane for the belt curve. In the References panel of the dashboard tool, set the diameter to Coincident or enter a diameter for each pulley. © The belt direction around each pulley can be flipped using the RMB popup menu. ‘* In the Options panel of the dashboard tool, enter the number of wraps for each pulley. * Ifyou want to determine the belt's tension, click the icon then enter the un-stretched belt length as shown below. The system displays the tension value in the dashboard tool (for belts with tensioners on pin connections, the tension value is not displayed). [— Click this icon Enter Young's modulus [- The system displays the ie Enter the belt length [ times the belt's section area belt's tension value here [Falcom -[n [>| eee [antooomo Ty[er ) Y [sess rat01a| nb seo? References | Options | Properties I fer West ormeton [raya | Mente Reem Racys carer Baty — Enter the number of wraps [oars 4 for cach pulley here —_ 1 Reorder the selected pulley |— Select Coincident or enter a diameter for each pulley here Sut 8375 At— Flip the belt direction around the selected pulley +— The belt plane is listed here Page 148 Cormrctir © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Chapter 5 Cams, Gears, Belts, and 3D Contacts Belts (continued) ; © During the creation of the belt, drag handles, popup menus, and notes are used to manipulate the shape as shown below. ok 2 oo an 1 WRAPS oo RMB popup menu —P] © Fey ssectine ome ‘© Belts are created as assembly features and can be redefined in both the assembly and mechanism modules. For belts with tensioners, two options are available as listed below. © By default the system calculates the belt length based on the current position of the tensioner pulley. If you move the tensioner pulley, the belt length automatically updates. © If you enter the belt length in the dashboard tool, the system calculates the angle of the tensioner pulley. When the belt length is changed, the tensioner pulley is automatically relocated. The belt length is stored as a parameter in the belt feature. GQ Tensioner pulley Coprareur © 2013 CADQuEsT INC. Page 149. Part command in the RMB popup menu as shown below. Select the Belt feature Eat References: then click Make Part in set re the RMB popup menu —}> msiePst sense + streets ‘© Enter a name for the belt part then click OK. ‘© Select the appropriate creation options then OK. © Assemble the belt using the default constraint then click the checkmark in the dashboard Cams, Gears, Belts, and 3D Contacts Chapter 5 Belts (continued) © After the belt feature is created in the assembly, a belt part can be created using the Make tool. «A curve representing the belt's trajectory is copied into the belt part; use this curve to ' define the solid geometry for the belt. Page 150 Copyaret © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Chapter 5 Cams, Gears, Belts, and 3D Contacts 3D Contacts The 3D Contact connection type is a special connection type used to simulate the reaction when ‘two bodies contact each other during an analysis. The 3D Contaet connection type allows two bodies to be connected with the following pairs of references: * Sphere and sphere © Sphere and plane. © Vertex and vertex. Vertex and sphere. Vertex and plane. Plane and cylinder. © Cylinder and cylinder. ‘A few example uses for 3D Contacts are listed below. © When one body must intermittently "push” another body, such as an index machine pushing a product along a track, or in a ratchet mechanism. © When one body must transfer energy to another body upon collision, such as balls in a multiple pendulum as shown below. Facts about 3D Contacts are listed below. * When a vertex is used, the system displays a sphere at the vertex, and handles the connection as if the vertex were a sphere. You enter a diameter value for the simulated sphere. When the simulated sphere contacts the selected entities in the other body, the contact is made. © 3D Contact connections are a feature listed in the model tree, ‘* Collision detection is enabled between the two bodies when you drag the mechanism or run an analysis. © Friction can be enabled or disabled. lar to cam connections, you can measure pressure angles, contact areas, and slip velocity between the two bodies of a 3D contacts connection Copmicir © 2013 CADQUEST IN. Page 151 Cams, Gears, Belts, and 3D Contacts Chapter 5 3D Contacts (continued) ‘The workflow for creating a 3D Contact connection is listed below. Click the 3D Contacts icon. [& Select a single surface or a vertex in the first body. Select one or more surfaces or vertices in the second body. If you selected a vertex in either body, or in both bodies, enter the radius value in the dashboard tool. If you want to enable friction for the connection, click With Frietion in the pull-down list in the dashboard tool, then enter appropriate values for the friction coefficients. In the Contact panel of the dashboard tool, select the units and enter appropriate values (or select a material with the appropriate properties) for Side J and Side 2 for the following properties: © Poisson's ratio — enter a value between 1x10 and 0.4999. Most materials have Poisson's ratio values in this range. Steels and rigid polymers, when used within their design limits, exhibit values of about 0.3. A perfectly incompressible material would have a Poisson's ratio of 0.5. Poisson's ratio has no units. © Young's modulus — select the units (pressure) then enter a value greater than Ix10°. Young's modulus is the modulus of elasticity for the material. The following units ean be selected: © GPa + Pa + ksi * kPa © dynefem? = Ib fr ° MPa © psi © Ibm/in sec” ‘© Damping — select the units (velocity) then enter a value zero or greater for the damping coefficient. The following units can be selected: © sec/m © secift © secimm © seclin Click the checkmark in the dashboard tool to complete the connection. Page 152 Covyntcur @ 2013 CADQUEST INC. ann @ sone | * Mochaniom Tree BS neon » By pene AE orwery + Bi comecrens ¢—__| » cers ee | __ Expand Cams, Gears, Belts, and/or an | 3D Contacts here Expand Conneetions here + & coms ‘Chapter 5 Cams, Gears, Belts, and 3D Contacts Managing Cams, Gears, Belts, and 3D Contacts The Mechanism Tree is used to manage cams, gears, belts, and 3D contacts as shown below. After selecting a cam, gear, belt, or 3D contact, use the right mouse button popup menu to access the Edit Definition, Delete, and Copy commands. Model Tree a5 - a nie mince aes . 22S. 0H | D918 2 191 7ROT | Ye 1s c5v8. pe | > Gi runcer.worcr mr » CF nceara zon J > > aa @ ears eatoetten¢}— Select a cam, gear, belt, or 3D Lar dale te then use the RMB 7 contact then use the RMB popup aeaaee omy menu as required 3% susHmo Loans: = _ roncesnoncues 9D nama. conomTons @ TewmuiToN covemens > X anayses Covyareur © 2013 CADQUEST Ine. Introduction Servo Motors and Force Motors are added to existing joint connections to make the connection move during an analysis. The movement created by the motor can be: «Linear — added to an existing Slider connection, © Rotational — added to an existing Pin connection. © Mixed — added to an existing Slot connection. Chapter 6 Servo and Force Motors = Servo Motors cause motion over a period of time without regard to forces. The bodies are set into motion following the profile and magnitude values you assign to the servo motor. a force (or torque) over a period of time. If the applied Force Motors cause motion by applying ‘odies, gravity (when used), and friction force or torque is enough to overcome the mass of the b (when used), then the bodies are set into motion. Servo and force motors are created using the appropriate icons in the Mechanism tab of the ribbon as shown below. Click here to create [— Click here to create a servo motor E a force motor Fie) Mechanism 2X0 B® vy - a2 Ak Soi 08 mmx Sinmary “© wacrn Paytck Meonree Oa es agent sure 2” sxacn cove "ov eres roe Q can ern oa a ue Comet © 2013 CADQUEST INC. ‘Servo and Force Motors Chapter 6 Creating Servo Motors ‘The workflow for creating Servo Motors is listed below. ‘To create a Servo Motor click the Servo Motors icon. |> The Servo Motor Definition dialog box is used to define the attributes of the servo motor including the following: ‘© The joint on which the servo motor is to act. ‘© The direction of rotation or translation of the servo motor. * The increment profile: ‘* Position — the joint is fixed in a specified position ‘© Velocity — the joint has constant velocity. ‘© Acceleration ~ the joint has constant acceleration. ‘© The magnitude (value) of the increment. The dialog box also allows the creation of graphs displaying the position, velocity, and acceleration of the selected joint, see the next page. The Type tab of the dialog box is shown below. Enter a name for the servo motor here In the Type tab, click here then select the Pin, Slider, Driven Entity or Slot connection I” @ Motion Ass to define the servo motor 1 © ceoneiry (€43(42570} Connection 6.e018_1 Click Flip to change the direction of the motor Page 204 Conyers © 2013 CADQUEST Ine, Chapter 6 Servo and Force Motors Servo Motors - Profile The Profile tab of the Servo Motor Definition dialog box is shown below. Use this part of the dialog box to specify the increment profile (Position, Velocity, or Acceleration) and enter the value as shown below, The Profile tab of the Servo Motor Definition dialog box can also be used to create graphs representing the Position, Velocity, and Acceleration of the joint connection used for the s motor. Click as shown below to create these graphs. Servo Motor Definition Mame ~ ServoMetor Click the Profile tab of the dialog box iF speciation Select the appropriate TR [voor Misses profile in the pull- Postion down list here ——f tng. yb Vescty * acceleration 29702 es Magnitide When using Velocity or ‘Constent = Acceleration, enter the value here ———}+__|120 Graph Postion L wks I vetocty Click here bn seperate woots JA) acceteeton to create graphs of the selected parameters ———} OK Apply Cancel Click OK to complete the servo motor Cormatsitr © 2013 CADQuEsT Ine. Page 205 ‘Servo and Force Motors Chapter 6 Creating Force Motors The workflow for creating Force Motors is listed below. © Click the Foree Motors icon. [2 © The Force Motor Definition dialog box is used to define the attributes of the force motor including the following: © The joint on which the force motor is to act. The magnitude (value) of the force exerted by the motor on the assembly. * The Force Motor Definition dialog box also allows the creation of graphs displaying the magnitude (and the derivative of the magnitude) of the motor's force profile. The Force Motor Defi shown below. jon dialog box is used to define the attributes of a force motor as Enter a name for the force motor here Click here then select the appropriate connection Select the magnitude type here Enter the magnitude here Click here to create graphs of the selected parameters Click OK to complete the force motor Page 206 CorvazciT © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Chapter 6 ‘Servo and Force Motors Magnitude Options for Servo and Force Motors The Profile tab of the Servo Motor Definition dialog box can also be used to define the type of magnitude assigned to the servo motor. Use the pull-down menu in the Magnitude section to select the appropriate type as listed below. See the next page for graphical descriptions of each magnitude type. Constant The magnitude is a constant value (A). Ramp The magnitude changes linearly over time (A=Constant, B=Slope) Cosine The magnitude is defined by a cosine function (A=Amplitude, B=Phase, C-Offset, T=Period), SCCA (Sine Constant Cosine Acceleration) The profile is defined by a complex trigonometric function, used to simulate a cam profile output. This option is only valid with Acceleration Servo Motors. Cycloidal The magnitude is defined by a complex equation, also used to simulate a cam profile output. Parabolic ‘The magnitude of the motor is defined by a parabolic equation (L=Total rise, T=Period) Polynomial The magnitude of the motor is defined by a complex polynomial equal nm (A=Constant term coet wear term coefficient, C=Quadratic term coefficient, D=Cubic term coefficient). Table ‘The magnitude of the motor is defined using a results table. User Defined The magnitude of the motor is specified using any number of user-defined equations, Custom Load The magnitude of the motor is specified using pre-defined custom loads, a a a Ve Comistir © 2013 CADQUEST IN, Page 207 ‘Servo and Force Motors Chapter 6 Magnitude Options for Servo and Force Motors (continued) The figures shown below depict seven of the different magnitude types available for servo and force motors. z = | | | Constant fy Ramp 7 Cosine ; Cycloidal SCCA Parabolic Page 208 CopyarsHr © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Chapter 6 Servo and Force Motors Managing Servo and Force Motors ‘The Mechanism Tree is used to manage servo and force motors as shown below. After selecting a motor, use the right mouse button popup menu to access the Edit Definition, Delete, and Copy commands. > GD opnaon cean rar > GD srwaon Rack rat > GB Bervon_searr ear > oer tere “¥ mechantem Tree |_— Expand Motors here | _Expand Servo here |¢—— The Servo Motors are listed here |_ Select a servo motor then use the RMB popup menu as required CopyaisuT © 2013 CADQUEST Inc. Chapter 7 ‘Springs and Dampers Chapter 7 Springs and Dampers Introduction To add dynamic motion and analysis capability to the mechanism, springs and dampers can be created as assembly features. You must enter the Mechanism application before you can ereate these entity types, Spring and Damper Units A wide variety of units can be used for springs and dampers as listed below. Be sure to select the Uunits you want to use before entering the values in the dashboard tool. [Compression Spring |Torsion Spring Compression Damper | Torsion Damper [dyne rem Jem ayne/deg ‘dyne sec / em ‘om dyne sec / deg If [em dyne rad bf sec / ft ‘cm dyne sec / rad [iotrin fibt/deg bf see /in ftibf sec /deg ch [ibm 7 sec fibt/ rad lm / see ftIbf sec rad [Nia nea oe, acl eect [intotsec/deg | [Nim in Ibt Frac N sec /mm in bf sec rad in® Im / (Sec deg) in? tom / (sec deg) [ in? tom / (sec? rad) in? tom / (sec rad) Ie [mN/deg Fle mN sec / deg mN/ rad oe MN sec / rad ‘| fe mm N/ deg mm N sec /deg | mm N rag rim N sec rad mm? kg/ (sec? deg) Imm? kg/(sec deg) | Lm ka i606?raa) | nm? kg 7 (506 rd) Convers © 2013 CADQuEsT Ine. Page 229 ‘Springs and Dampers Chapter 7 Springs Springs are created by clicking the Springs icon shown above. Two types of springs can be created: extension/compression (linear) and torsion (radial). Click the appropriate icon in the dashboard tool as shown below or use the right mouse button popup menu. Extension/Compression Springs An extension/compression spring is created by selecting two points (or vertices) or a translation axis in a connection. In the dashboard tool, enter the stiffness coefficient and the free length. Use the Options panel to set the diameter of the spring as shown below: this is cosmetic only and has no effect on the stiffness coefficient Enter stiffness coefficient Select the rate units — Extension/compression Enter free length c Torsion Use current length — at i “q] 0 (ae efemanat Jelmroed Gewese FS) whem ep areas | Select the length units J & hastens ‘Diemeter [7.000000 ¥| > \_ Enter the cosmetic diameter and select the units Be sure to select the units you want to use before entering the values. I Page 230 Commer © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Chapter 7 ‘Springs and Dampers Extension/Compression Springs (continued) When creating an extension/compression spring «Ifyou select two points, the spring length is defined by the distance between the points, + Ifyou select a translation axis, use the References panel in the dashboard tool to define the spring length. «Click Use motion axis zero if you want to use the zero position of the selected translation axis as the starting point for the spring length. + Ifyou want to select entities to define the spring length, click Custom then select two points or vertices as shown below. ‘© The right mouse button popup menu is also shown below. iy freee onion pln ieee + current Le) wien ieee Cera rosy | |— When using a translation axis If you want to select entities to define the spring length, click Custom then select ‘two points or vertices Use motion ais 20 ‘Vertex £696 FE(EXTRUOE NLM = ‘Vert Eope FREVOLYE NYU * Use the right mouse button popup menu for shortcuts ——>} Covyareur © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Poge 231, ‘Springs and Dampers ‘Chapter 7 Torsion Springs A torsion spring is created by selecting a rotational axis in a connection. ‘© Inthe dashboard tool, enter the stiffhess coefficient and the free angle. ‘© Flip the direction using the icon in the dashboard tool as shown below. ‘© Use the References panel in the dashboard tool to define the free spring angle. © Click Use motion axis zero if you want to use the zero position of the selected rotation axis as the starting point for the spring angle, ‘© Ifyou want to select entities to define the spring angle, click Custom then select two planes or planar surfaces as shown below. Flip the angle here 4[B p= america io ewrrent |S Tae] 6 Oa) ool a | A peterencn: cones 2a tacos Pats ineaaeaeee Ifyou want to select entities eo ee to define the spring angle, | click Custom then select two j planes or planar surfaces Poge 232 Cormersr © 2013 CADGUEST INC. Chapter 7 ‘Springs and Dampers Dampers |*| Dampers are created by clicking the Dampers icon shown above. Two types of dampers can be created: extension/compression (linear) and torsion (radial). © Click the appropriate icon in the dashboard tool as shown below or use the right mouse button popup menu. An extension/compression damper is created by selecting two points (or vertices) or a translation axis in a connection. © A torsion damper is created by selecting a rotational axis in a connection, ‘* In the dashboard tool, select the units first, then enter the damping rate as shown below. [—— Extension/compression Enter damping rate L Torsion iF Select the rate units +N Ofoywx References | Properties Be sure to select the units you want to use before entering the valu ] Cormacir © 2013 CADQUEST INe. Poge 233 ‘Springs and Dampers Chapter 7 Managing Springs and Dampers ‘The Mechanism Tree is used to manage springs and dampers as shown below. After selecting a spring or damper, use the right mouse button popup menu to access the Edit Definition, Delete, and other commands. Expand Springs here Select a spring then use the RMB popup menu as required Page 234 Conmzeur © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Chapter 10 ‘Mechanism Analyses and Measures Chapter 10 Mechanism Analyses and Measures Introduction This chapter covers Position, Kinematic, Dynamic, Static, and Force Balance analyses, as well as a variety of options to measure and study the results. Position Kinematic Dynamic Static Servo motors are run and the mechanism is put into motion over a specified length of time. Use a Position analysis when you want to put the mechanism in motion, check interference between components, and/or create trace curves and motion envelopes of the motion during the analysis. Servo motors are run and the mechanism is put into motion over a specified length of time. Use a Kinematic analysis when you want to measure acceleration and velocity in the mechanism. Servo motors, foree motors, springs, dampers, force loads, torque loads, gravity, and friction can all be used over a specified length of time. Use a Dynamic analysis when forces, springs, gravity, and/or friction are required. Springs, dampers, force loads, torque loads, gravity, and friction can all be used to determine the equilibrium position in the mechanism. Force Balance Use a Force Balance analysis to determine the forces required to keep the mechanism fixed in a particular configuration. Multiple analyses can be created for a single mechanism and each can be run, measured, and played back independently. wi Xo & & f yioi nw pe sean cine ee 3 x E Click here to create an analysis Copmaici © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Page 277 ‘Mechanism Analyses and Measures Chapter 10 Creating Position and Kinematic Analyses ‘The workflow for creating a position or kinematic analysis is listed below and on the next page. ‘* Click the Mechanism Analysis icon. [| ‘* Enter a name for the analysis, select Position or Kinematie for the Type of analysis. In the Preferences tab of the dialog box, enter the Start Time, End Time, and Frame Rate. © Bodies and motion axes can be locked during the analysis, see page 281. © Select an Initial Configuration. Enter a name for the analysis Select the Type here In the Preferences tab enter the Start Time here Enter the End Time here Enter the Frame Rate here, which is the number of increments per second peers Moana interval [0:1 Looked Entities ‘Connection 1 Locked Lock entities and/or motion axes here, see page 281 Set the Initial Configuration of the mechanism here itis! Configuration O Curent © Snapshot, | Snepshott Page 278 Chapter 10 Each Servo Motor defined in the mechanism is listed in the Motors tab of the Analysis Definition dialog box. For a simple mechanism with only one servo motor, nothing needs to be done in this tab of the dialog box as shown here. Fora simple mechanism with only one servo motor, simply click OK to complete the analysis definition If the mechanism has more than one motor, or if you want intermittent motion, set the order and the timing for each motor as shown below. ravssdomtent ‘Mechanism Analyses and Measures Creating Position and Kinematic Analyses (continued) Type | | Postion Preferences (Motors) sions Motor From To ServMtot Sat Ed When the mechanism has more than one motor, the From and To times for each motor can be set here Click here to add a row to the motor list: a single ‘motor may be listed multiple times Delete the selected row from the motor list Add all existing motors to the list Use the pull-down to set the order of the motors ‘Mechanism Analyses and Measures Chapter 10 Initial Configuration for Position and Kinematic Analyses ‘The Initial Configuration portion of the Analysis Definition dialog box is used to set the position of the bodies in the mechanism at the beginning of the analysis run. There are two options available: # Use the current position of the bodies. © Use an existing Snapshot (see pages 116-118 for details about creating Snapshots of the mechanism). When using the Snapshot option, the mechanism returns to the position set in the Snapshot at the beginning of each analysis run. This is an effective way to set the timing of the mechanism. If there are multiple Snapshots for the mechanism, choose the appropriate Snapshot in the dialog box as shown below. Tatil Diepny ‘tort Tine Length end Rate End Tine Frome Court Frome Rte Miiman terval [0.1 Use caution when using Snapshots, be sure they have been saved after each change to the mechanism, such as adding components or editing dimension values. I's easy to produce erroneous results if the assembly is not configured correctly during the analysis, oched Entice ——— [A cornection_t Locked | XPOS Click here to use an existing Snapshot for the Initial Configuration of the analysis © curert Initiat Configuration Choose the appropriate Snapshot name here Page 280 Copyareur @ 2013 CADQUEST INC. Chapter 10 ‘Mechanism Analyses and Measures Locking and Disabling Entities for Analysis The following options are available for locking or disabling entities during an analysis: Body Lock Connection Lock Enable/Disable Cam Liftoff Disable Connection Loadcell Lock Delete Selected Lock a body to another body or to the ground. Select the lead body first, or click the middle mouse button to indicate you want to use the ground. Next select the follower body (or bodies), which stay fixed relative to the lead body during the analysis. Lock a motion axis connection, such as a pin connection. The selected connection remains fixed during the analysis. Enable or disable the liftoff property for a cam connection. When using this option, use the Liftoff pull-down list in the dialog box to set the condition (Enabled or Disabled) for the selected cam connection. Disable a connection, such as a pin or slot connection, The selected connection is not active during the analysis. ‘This is a special type of entity that is only available and is required when creating a Force Balance analysis. Select a point or vertex for the measurement location first, select a body on which to apply the load, then enter X, Y, and Z values to define the direction vector. The coordinate system of the selected body is used to determine the direction vector. Remove the selected item from the list in the dialog box. The icons for these options are shown below. XP Oe Delete Selected Eacl Create Body Lock Create Connection Lock Enable/Disable Cam Liftoff Disable Connection Create Loadcell Lock item can be disabled during the analysis by removing the checkmark next to the item in the Locked Entities list in the dialog box as shown below. Enabled Disabled Covyarsur © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Page 281 ‘Mechanism Analyses and Measures Creating Dynamic Analyses Chapter 10 The workflow for creating a dynamic analysis is listed below and on the next page. © Click the Mechanism Analysis icon, ¥ © Enter a name for the analysis; select Dynamic for the Type of analysis. ‘© In the Preferences tab of the dialog box, enter the Duration and Frame Rate. * Bodies and motion axes can be locked during the analysis, see page 281. © Select an Initi Enter a name for the analysis Select Dynamic here In the Preferences tab enter the Duration here Enter the Frame Rate here, — which is the number of increments per second Lock entities and/or motion axes here, see page 281 Set the Initial Configuration of the mechanism here Set the Termination Condition of the mechanism here Page 282 Configuration and a Termination Condition. tia Coniguraton cert Leste, | intCona Teemintion Condition O None ©) conation:_ | TeamConat | Coparcsir © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Chapter 10 ‘Mechanism Analyses and Measures Creating Dynamic Analyses (continued) ‘* In the Motors tab of the dialog box: ‘© Include servo motors and force motors as required. This is similar to including servo motors in position and kinematic analyses, see page 279. © Inthe Ext Loads tab of the dialog box: ‘© Include extemal loads (Fore and Torque loads) as required. © Change the order and edit the From and To values for each load as required. * Add the checkmark next to Enable Gravity to enable gravity for this analysis. Add the checkmark next to Enable All Friction to enable friction for this analysis. Friction must be specified in the motion axis definition to be included in the analysis. © Click Run to verify and run the analysis. © Click OK to complete the analysis definition. yneic_anelysis Dee Dynamic Preferences M Load broke: Click here to add a load to the list onds00 Delete the selected load from the list Add all existing loads to the list Enable gravity here 1 Enable Gravity Enable friction here C1 Enable Al Friction Copyersur © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Page 283 ‘Mechanism Analyses and Measures Chapter 10 Initial and Termination Conditions for Dynamic Analysis yns for the initial configuration of the mechanism. Dynamic analyses can use Initial Cond «In the Initial Configuration section of the dialog box, click I.C.State then select the appropriate initial condition in the pull-down list, «Initial conditions can define the initial position (using a Snapshot) and/or the initial velocity of bodies in the mechanism. «Initial conditions must be created before you can use them in an analysis. See page 265 for more information about creating initial conditions. n Conditions to define ending criteria for the Dynamic analyses can also use Terminat analysis. «In the Termination Condition section of the dialog box, click Condition then select the appropriate termination condition in the pull-down list. © Termination conditions can define criteria such as time, position, acceleration, velocity, and so on, In most cases you must create and run the analysis first, create a measure, then ria in the termination condition. use the measure as the crit «Termination conditions must be created before you can use them to stop an analysis. See page 266 for more information about creating termination conditions. For example, in the cart assembly, we use an Initial Condition that defines the initial position and the initial velocity (and direction) of the cart rolling forward during a dynamic analysis. The dynamic analysis also includes a braking force in the opposite direetion of the velocity. After the analysis has run, we create a measure to determine the velocity of the cart at each step in the analysis. After the measure is created, we create the Termination Condition to stop the analysis when the velocity of the cart reaches zero. Page 284 Copyarcur © 2013 CADQUEST IN. Chapter 10 Creating Static Analyses ‘Mechanism Analyses ond Measures ‘The workflow for creating a static analysis is listed below and on the next page. © Click the Mechanism Analysis icon. * Enter a name for the analysis; select Static for the Type of analysis. © Bodies and motion axes can be locked during the analysis. Thi similar to locking entities for the other analysis types, see page 281. © Select an Initial Configuration for the analysis. This is similar to the initial configuration for position and kinematic analyses, see page 280. ‘© Set the Minimum Step Factor for the analysis. Remove the checkmark then enter a value between 0 and 1. Smaller values create an analysis with more steps. Enter a name for the analysis Select Dynamic here Lock entities and/or motion axes here, see page 281 Set the Initial Configuration of the mechanism here Set the Minimum Step Factor for the analysis here Commscur © 2013 CADQUEST INc, Iria Configuration @ Curent ) Snapshot Maximum step Factor ‘Mechanism Analyses and Measures Chapter 10 Creating Static Analyses (continued) «Servo motors and force motors cannot be included when creating a static analysis. Inthe Ext Loads tab of the dialog box: ‘* Include extemal loads (Force and Torque loads) as required. © When creating a static analyses, you cannot edit the From and To fields for loads. © Add the checkmark next to Enable Gravity to enable gravity for this analysis, Add the checkmark next to Enable All Friction to enable friction for this analysis. Friction must be specified in the motion axis definition to be included in the analysis. © Click Run to verify and run the analysis. * Click OK to complete the analysis definition | [Static_anaiysis Type Click here to add a load to the list Delete the selected load from the list Add all existing loads to the list Enable gravity here Enable friction here Page 286 Coprersiir © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Chapter 10 Mechanism Analyses and Measures Creating Force Balance Analyses The workflow for creating a force balance analysis is listed below and on the next page. * Click the Mechanism Analysis icon. [2 * Enter a name for the analysis at the top of the dialog box * Select Force Balance for the Type of analysis. * Click the Loadcell Lock icon [é] then select a point, then select a part, then enter appropriate values for the X, Y, and Z coordinates for the direction of the loadcell * You must reduce the number of degrees of freedom (DOF) to zero: * Click the Evaluate ico33] to check the DOF value; you must reduce the value listed in the dialog box to zero before you can run the analysis. Create additional entity locks and motion axis locks as required, see page 281 * Select an Initial Configuration for the analysis. This is similar to the initial configuration for position and kinematic analyses, see page 280. Anatyaisdetnwion Enter a name for the analysis ere bees. nays Select Force Balance here rorce Balance Preferences Motore Ext Loads JM Loadcet One Loadcell Lock is required for the analysis to run Other entities and motion axes can be locked, see page 281 Click here to check the DOF value, you must achieve zero before you can run the analysis 33 Set the Initial Configuration i Cartoon of the mechanism here omrert "9 Soastot: Oh_ogl 45-0 |v) OP Copyarsir © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Page 287 ‘Mechanism Analyses and Measures Chapter 10 Creating Force Balance Analyses (continued) ‘© Servo motors and force motors cannot be included when creating a force balance analysis. ‘© In the Ext Loads tab of the dialog box: Include external loads (Force and Torque loads) as required. ‘© When creating a force balance analyses, you cannot edit the From and To fields for loads. «Add the checkmark next to Enable Gravity to enable gravity for this analysis. «Friction cannot be included when creating a force balance analysis. © Click Run to verify and run the analysis. * Click OK to complete the analysis definition. Click here to add a load to the list Delete the selected load from the list Add all existing loads to the list Enable gravity here IM Enable Gravity | Enable Al rition Page 288 Coryerstt © 2013 CADQUEST INE. Chapter 10 ‘Mechanism Analyses and Measures Measures The Mechanism Design module allows the creation of position and kinematic measurements for the mechanism. These "measures" use an existing Position or Kinematic analysis result set to calculate the measured values. Acceleration, Velocity, and Position can be calculated for any point, joint axis, or coordinate system in the mechanism. The results of the measures can be displayed in the Graphtool as shown below (see Appendix B (pages B3-B7) for more information about the Graphtool). Anal ysisDefinition! (Kinematic) Acceleration and Velocity Results Graph Convazetir © 2013 CADQUEST Inc. Page 289 ‘Mechanism Analyses and Measures Chapter 10. Measure Types ‘There are a variety of measures that can be created as listed below and on the next page. ‘Measure Type [Property Reference Entities | Description — nee. ‘Motion axis, datum | Measure the location ofthe selected reference entity point, orvertex | relative tothe soloctod coordinate system, Motion axis, datum | Measure the velocty ofthe selected reference entity Velocity fete. point, or vertex | relative to the selected coordinate system, Motion axis, datum | Measure the acceleration ofthe selected reference Acesierston-. Hone point, orvertex | entity relative tothe selected coordinate system. [Connection | one Joint, Siot, Cam, or | Measure the reaction forces and moments at the Reaction ‘Gear connection | reference connection. Motion axis, spring, fe ‘damper, force, | Moasure the magnitude of a force load on the reference et Poed eta eore torque, Servo motor, | entity or torque motor Loadcelt ‘Measure the load on the reference entity during a force Reaction _|None ee balance analysis. Joint slot, or cam _ [Determine if an impact event occurs during an analysis Impact None ale ata joint limit, slot end, or between two cams with liftoff ‘connection a a Joint, slot, or cam _ | Measure the change in momentum resulting from an eee bss connection impact event. Deore None Measure the degrees of freedom inthe entire assembly. | Redundancies __|None Measure the redundant connections in the assembly. Time None ‘Measure the elapsed time of the analysis. a ae ‘Measure the kinetic energy in the assembly during a eee | dynamic analysis. ‘Measure the linear momentum in the assembly, in the system Linear Momentum | None eee econ [Angular Raa ‘Measure the angular momentum in he assembly, in the Momentum specified direction, Total Mass None Measure the total mass of the assembly. Calculate the location ofthe center of mass of the entire Sclicindamenel i assembly during an analysis Total Centroidal | one Calculate the centroidal inertia of the entire assembly Inertia during an analysis. Copmarcur © 2013 CADQUEST INC. ‘Chapter 10 ‘Mechanism Analyses and Measures ‘Measure Type [Property Reference Entities |Description F ‘Measure the orientation of the selected body in the eo selected direction during an analysis. fAntitarVelocny [Body Measure the angular velocity ofthe selected body in the ‘selected direction during an analysis. Measure the mass ofthe selected body during an Mass Body : | Body analysis. re the weight ofthe sol - Weight Body Measure te weight of to slotd body dra m Calculate the location ofthe center of mass of the Comer of Mess | Bod: ‘selected body during an analysis. Centroidal Inertia | Body Gall he enol nara of he sled body ae Two datum points | Measure the straightine distance betwoen the selected or vertices tentty must be on a separate body, Measure the speed at which the two releronee enon Seperaton | speed Zre,catum pins | move elatve fo each cher dung an aeayee, tae efrence entity must be ona soperat boy. Measure the change in speed for two reference entities ‘elerence entities during an analysis. Each reference Two datum points [Change in Speed | Two aatum {8 they move relative to each other during an analysis, Each reference entity must be on a separate body. Curvature: Cam connection | Measure the curvature ofthe selected cam, Pressure Angle _|Cam connection __| Measure the pressure angle of the selected cam. ‘cam Pressure Angle | cam, on _ | Measure the pressure angle of the selected cam along on Axis Gam connection |e selected ars or edge. sip vetocty [cam conection [Measure reatve voc of amt to Candin he Define a measure as a mathematical expression that User Defined {None None can include measures, constants, parameters, operators, and algebraic functions, Belt Tension | Belt connection _| Measure the tension in the selected belt Batt Slip Belt connection __| Measure the slip for the selected belt connection Measure the contact area between the two bodies in the [Contact Area |30 contac ‘selected 3D contact connection. 3D Contact | Pressure Angle _ | 3D contact ‘Measure the pressure angle of the selected 3D contact. ; Measure the relative velocity of body to body? in the Sr Neloaty — [Se contact ‘selected 3D contact connection. Comsat © 2013 CADQuEST Inc. ‘Mechanism Analyses and Measures Chapter 10 Measure Evaluation Methods ‘The following methods can be used to evaluate the results of measures: contin Se | LGMnGr eG te ie ee a Semen = spat ocr ease ec ws ce sae ie dt tecsar mi as oa mo aoe ‘Average Results can be displayed in a graph. The dialog box only lists the results for the last) time interval. See the figure shown below. Root Mean Square The root mean square value of the measure as calculated at each time interval in the ‘analysis. Results can be displayed in a graph. The dialog box only lists the results for the last time interval. Root mean square is the square root of the mean of the squares ‘of the values. This is different than the average method, see the figure shown below. At Time ‘The value of the measure at a specified time in the analysis, The Root Mean Square method is useful if the mechanism has symmetrical oscillating motion, with positive and negative values. In the example shown below, the graph displays three evaluation methods for the angular velocity of a motion axis for comparison. The value of the Average method trends toward zero during the analysis, but the value of the Root Mean Square method remains positive and indicates the magnitude of the measure. Page 292 Each time step Root mean square Average Corversir © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Chapter 10 ‘Mechanism Analyses and Measures Creating a Measure After an analysis has been run, measures can be created to further evaluate the results. Click the Measures icon, shown above, then click the Create New Measure icon in the dialog box. In the Measure Defi Type of measure. ion dialog box, enter a name for the measure, then select the appropriate ‘The Measure Definition dialog box is shown below. ‘Measure Definition x tame ‘velocty Enter a name for the measure here Type Select the measure type here Velooty vlinssec Peet or Maion Ade iy [PRoPeL er edge. Select the entity in the mechanism (vertex, point, joint axis, or coordinate system). Coord [wes Component ‘System If you select a vertex, point, or esys, select the axis along which you want to measure here] _X-componert : Evaluation Method Set the measure method here | Comraeur © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Poge 293 ‘Mechanism Analyses and Measures Chapter 10 Measure Results ‘The Measure Results dialog box is used to create and manage mechanism measures. Each measure uses an existing analysis result set to calculate its result. Measure results can be displayed in the Graphtool, see Appendix A for information about the Graphtool Measure results can also be converted to model parameters for use in other design goals. For example, a velocity measure can be converted to a model parameter, then that model parameter can be used when creating a sensitivity or feasibility study. ‘The Measure Results dialog box is shown below. Click here to create the results graph Open a saved result set kee Graph Twwe sure ve. Tine Select the Type of graph here Create model parameters, from the selected measure [3 tame Voce Ste Dearoes_of Freedom 0 Reandences 0 42200 i Click here to create anew measure Edit the selected measure Copy the selected measure Delete the selected 5 measure raph measures separately Result Set Select the result set here Page 294 CopyntcHT © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Chopter 10 Mechanism Analyses and Measures Managing Motion Analyses ‘The Mechanism Tree is used to manage motion analyses as shown below. Expand the Analyses section of the tree, select the analysis, then use the right mouse button popup menu to access the Edit Definition, Delete, Copy, and Run commands. DE vechanSe > 8 coves AE cravey > BS comecnons » D morons = somes 5 Dawes Wf ssro.os Be roncesronoues see | — Expand Analyses here mee | X Rapaaoweaacomeanes; <—|——— Select the analysis wars | exon te — Use the RMB popup menu to Rum the analysis oe | Mechanism Analyses and Measures Review gS |e & 2 5 g/ 8] 3 se jez|/2| 2/3 |3,/ 2 |S/e |e 2|2\¢8 Flees] ¢] se] ess] ¢leslislz Beets | 2) 2] 4 2/28/25) 2) 2) 2/28] 3 |23/a8ias Poston x x x nematic | x xx Lx x [x Dynamic |x| x|[x|}x[x|x[x}x|x|x|x[x]x Static x x | xi{[xilx|[xlx x | x Force Balance x <2 x x Covyarsur © 2013 CADQuEST INc. Playbacks and Movies Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Playbacks and Movies Introduction After an Analysis has been created, there are many options available to further analyze the mechanism. These include interference checking, creating animation sequences, movies, and various other analysis options. Playbacks Click the Playback icon (JJ to open the Playbacks dialog box. The Playbacks dialog box is shown below. oso x o£ Play the current animation Open saved playback (,pbk) files Save the results to a.pbk file Clear the result set from session Export the results to a fra file Create a Motion Envelope Select the analysis you ‘want to playback here {Jaratysccetnitiont Click Collision Detection Settings Colision Detection Settings... to set the desired interference checking options Movie Schedule Display Arrows & Display Tine Detaut Schedule Page 364 Copmrsur © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Chapter 11 Playbacks and Movies Collision Detection Settings During the playback of a motion analysis, the system can perform interference checking on the mechanism. In the Playbacks dialog box, click Collision Detection Settings, The following options are available in the Collision Detection Settings dialog box No Collision Detection ‘The system does not check for interference during the playback. Global Collision Detection _The system performs global interference checking during the playback. Any interference that is detected is highlighted, but the playback is not automatically stopped. Partial Collision Detection _-You select the bodies for the system to perform interference checking between during the playback. Any interference that is detected is highlighted, but the playback is not automatically stopped. Include Quilts Surface quilts are included for interference checking, and are highlighted when the Highlight Interfering Volumes option is selected. Stop When Colliding Use this option if you want the playback creation to be stopped when interference is detected, Highlight Interfering Volumes Interference between surface quilts are highlighted as they occur during the playback, but only if the Include Quilts option is selected. Push Objects on Col Use this option to allow one body to push another body when they interfere during the playback. Sound Warning on Collision The system bell rings when interference occurs during the playback. Stop Animation Playback Use this option if you want the animated playback to stop when on Collision when interference occurs. Several of these options require the following configuration option enable_advance_collision yes Copmarsur © 2013 CADQUEST Ine, Page 365 Playbacks and Movies Chapter 11 Playback Options During the playback of a motion analysis, you can specify the portions of the analysis to be played. In the Movie Schedule tab of the Playbacks dialog box, remove the checkmark next to Default Schedule, then enter a start time and end time as shown below. By default, the system displays the elapsed time of the playback in the upper left comer of the ‘graphics window. Remove the checkmark next to Display Time to prevent the elapsed time from being displayed when capturing the playback. Oo ¢& ~ Res et [araysecetnnons Movie Schedule | Display Arrows [© Display Time Remove this checkmark to define the portions of the animation results to be replayed Enter the Start and End times here then click + here Page 366 Copmareur © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Chopter 11 Playbacks and Movies Animate the Mechanism Click the Playback icon (shown above) in the Playbacks dialog box to animate the mechanism. ‘The Animate dialog box is used to Play, Replay, and Reverse the mechanism as shown below. The frame counter is here Play Backward / Stop / Play Forward Begin / Previous / Next / End Set the speed of the replay here Click Capture to create an MPEG movie of the replay Commaseur © 2013 CADQUEST IN. Page 367 ————————— Playbacks and Movies Chapter 11 Create a Movie After you are satisfied with the analysis results click Capture in the Animate dialog box to ; Greatean MPEG movie file (see the previous page). Set the desired size and quality (frame rate) in the Capture dialog box as shown below. Click OK to create the MPEG file, which is stored in the current working directory or folder. Enter the name for the movie file here Set the size of the image here Click here to create the movie using the current Photorender settings Set the frame rate here Click OK to create the movie Page 368 Comarcur © 2013 CADQUEST INC. Chapter 11 Playbacks and Movies Managing Mechanism Analysis Playbacks Playbacks that have been defined or opened are listed in the Mechanism Tree. Double click Playbacks to expand the Playbacks list. After selecting the appropriate playback, press and hold the right mouse button and select Delete, Play, or Save in the popup menu as shown below. DE MECHAM » hy Boos 18 oraviry > > connections > D motors @ sprmos 58 DaNpERS # pusmoLo“ns Sh rorcesmonoues 4@ wemat conommons @ rervmarionconomions _| —— Expand Playbacks here > X muses }—— Playbacks that have been loaded. y OM plaveacks «— | into session are listed here |— Use the right mouse button popup ment to Delete, Play, or Save the selected playback Coryarsur © 2013 CADQUEST INC.

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