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Questionnaire Results and

1. Do you like the slogan? If no explain why
17 yes 0 no
Conclusion: This means that my slogan will appeal to my target audience
2. Do you like the colour scheme? If no explain why
17 yes 0 no
Conclusion: This means that my colour scheme will appeal to my target audience
3. Do you like the font? If no explain why
14 yes 2 no
Constructive feedback:
● No it looks a bit unprofessional
● I think it is too big
Conclusion: The majority of people think the font is okay so I will use it
A very small percentage of my questionnaires gave criticism so this shall be considered such
as the font size but not that it looks unprofessional because I am not campaigning for
professionally dressed people
4. Do you think that my age range is concise enough? If no explain why
14 yes 2 no
Constructive feedback:
● I think it could be a wider age range
● Maybe larger range/older
Conclusion: A very small percentage of my questionnaire gave me criticism but this
constructive criticism is not valid as my age range spans 10 years and my target audience is
focused on young people enjoying vintage clothing
5. Will my launch date be successful in conveying the season to the audience
17 yes 0 no
Conclusion: My launch date will be successful in conveying the season to the audience
6. Do you like my campaign message? If no explain why
17 yes 0 no
Conclusion: My audience will like my campaign message
7. Do you like my typography? If no explain why
17 yes 0 no
Conclusion: My audience will like my typography design
8. Do you like my advertisement locations? If no explain why
17 yes 0 no
Conclusion: My audience will like the locations my advertisements feature

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