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1. Let f(x) = log3 x , for x > 0.

(a) Show that f–1(x) = 32x.


(b) Write down the range of f–1.


Let g(x) = log3 x, for x > 0.

(c) Find the value of (f –1 ° g)(2), giving your answer as an integer.

(Total 7 marks)

2. Solve log2x + log2(x – 2) = 3, for x > 2.

(Total 7 marks)

3. (a) Find log2 32.


 32 x 
(b) Given that log2  y  can be written as px + qy, find the value of p and of q.

 8 
(Total 5 marks)

4. Let f(x) = k log2 x.

(a) Given that f–1(1) = 8, find the value of k.


IB Questionbank Maths SL 1
(b) Find f–1   .
(Total 7 marks)

5. Given that p = loga 5, q = loga 2, express the following in terms of p and/or q.

(a) loga 10

(b) loga 8

(c) loga 2.5

(Total 6 marks)

6. (a) Let logc 3 = p and logc 5 = q. Find an expression in terms of p and q for

(i) log c 15;

(ii) log c 25.

(b) Find the value of d if log d 6 = .
(Total 6 marks)

7. Let ln a = p, ln b = q. Write the following expressions in terms of p and q.

(a) ln a3b

 a
(b) ln  
 b 
 
(Total 6 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL 2
8. Let p = log10 x, q = log10 y and r = log10 z.

 x 
Write the expression log10  2  in terms of p, q and r.
y z
 



(Total 6 marks)

x 9. Let a = log x, b = log y, and c = log z.

 x2 y 
Write log  3  in terms of a, b and c.
 z 
 



(Total 6 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL 3
10. Given that log5 x = y, express each of the following in terms of y.

(a) log5 x2

(b) log5  1 
 x

(c) log25 x



(a) ..................................................................
(b) ..................................................................
(c) ..................................................................

(Total 6 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL 4
 P 
11. Let log10P = x , log10Q = y and log10R = z. Express log 10   in terms of x , y and z.
3 
 QR 




(Total 4 marks)

”K12. If loga 2 = x and loga 5 = y, find in terms of x and y, expressions for

(a) log2 5;

(b) loga 20.



(a) ..................................................................

(b) ..................................................................

(Total 4 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL 5
13. Solve the equation 9x–1 =  1  .
 3




(Total 4 marks)

14. Solve the equation 43x–1 = 1.5625 × 10–2.




(Total 4 marks)

•15. Solve the following equations.

(a) logx 49 = 2

IB Questionbank Maths SL 6
(b) log2 8 = x

(c) log25 x = 

(d) log2 x + log2(x – 7) = 3

(Total 13 marks)

16. The functions f (x) and g (x) are defined by f (x) = ex and g (x) = ln (1+ 2x).

(a) Write down f −1(x).

(b) (i) Find ( f ◦ g) (x).

(ii) Find ( f ◦ g)−1 (x).

(Total 6 marks)

17. A population of bacteria is growing at the rate of 2.3% per minute. How long will it take for the
size of the population to double? Give your answer to the nearest minute.



(Total 4 marks)

IB Questionbank Maths SL 7

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