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Peperiksaan Semester Pertarna
Sidang Akademik 20 13/20 14

10 Januari 20 14

' ENT 242 - Mid Mechanics 1

mekanik Pepejal I]

Masa: 3 Jam

Please make sure that this question paper has FIFTHTEEN (15) printed pages including
this h n t page before you start the examination.
[Sila pastikan ke-s soalan ini men;grnd& LIMA B E U S (15) muku swat ymg bercetak fern&
muku hadapan sebelum anda memulakun peperibam ini,]

This question paper has SIX (6) questions. Answer TWO (2) questions from PART A
and ALL h m PART B. Each question contributes 20 marks.
[Kertas soalan ini rnengamhgi ENAM (6) s m h Jawab DUA 12) soalan dbripada 6AhYGIAN A dan
SEMUA daripda BAHAGZANB. Markah bagi ti-tiap soalan addah 20 markah]


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