Module 9 Physical Injuries

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Deep gaping wounds caused by a blow with the moderately

By the end of the module, the student should be able to: sharp cutting edge of a heavy weapon, applied with a
1. Identify the types of wound based on skin continuity and significant degree of force.
injuring agents
2. Distinguish the different types of gunshot wounds (GSW) STAB WOUND
3. Identify defense wound, suicide injuries, self-injuries, Wound produced from penetration with long narrow
mutilation, torture injuries instruments having pointed ends into the depths
4. Identify fatal wounds of the body; usually deeper than its length and width.
5. Relate the type of wounds as applied to actual cases: a. Penetrating wound: weapon enters into the body
People v. Mayingque et cavity producing only one wound
al.,G.R.No.179709,July 6,2010; b. Perforating wound: weapon after entering into one
People v. Reforma,G.R. No. 133440, June 7, 2004; side of the body will come out through the other side,
People v. Noel Lee, G.R. No. 139070. May 29, 2002. producing two wounds
1. Classification of wounds based on skin continuity FIREARM WOUND


Removal of the superficial epithelial layer of the skin, usually JOINT
the epidermis, by friction against rough surface.
a. Scratch: caused by a sharp or pointed object passing
across the skin 2. Classification of words based on injuring agents
b. Graze abrasion: caused by horizontal or tangential
friction between the skin and the hard rough surface a. Sharp instruments: incisions, cuts, slash, amputations
c. Pressure abrasion: caused by direct impact or linear · sharp instruments
pressure of a rough object over the skin · smooth edges
d. Imprint abrasion: caused when the force is applied · generally, length is greater than width
perpendicular to the skin · generally, not life threatening
· tends to gape
BRUISE/CONTUSION · examples of sharp-edged objects are a knife, razor, or
Extravasation of blood in the subcutaneous/subepithelial glass splinter.
tissues due to rupture of blood vessels; usually no loss of · incisions – a clean cut in the skin, one caused by a
continuity of the overlying skin cutting instrument
· amputations - removal of a body extremity by trauma,
LACERATED WOUND prolonged constriction, or surgery
Tearing or splitting of the skin, mucous membranes, muscles or
internal organs caused by either a shearing or a crushing force b. Blunt instruments: lacerations, contusion (bruise),
and produced by application of a blunt force to a broad area hematoma, macerations, fractures
of the body · length (depth) usually greater than width (diameter)
a. Split laceration: occur when soft tissues are · generally more fatal due to involvement of internal
sandwiched between a hard unyielding deeper organs
structure and the agent applying the force · extent of injury not easily observable on ocular
b. Stretch lacerations: result from a heavy forceful inspection
frictional impact of blunt forces exercising localized · infection may go deeper
pressure with pull · lacerations – tear like wound
c. Avulsion: produced by force delivered at an oblique · contusions - swollen bruises due to accumulation of
or tangential angle to detach a portion of blood and dead cells under skin
traumatized skin surface or viscus · hematoma - a mass of usually clotted blood that
d. Tears: tearing of skin and subcutaneous tissue can forms in a tissue, organ, or body space as a result of a
occur from localized impact by or against some hard, broken blood vessels
irregular object · fractures - break in the continuity of the bone
e. Cut laceration: heavy sharp-edged weapon causes a · macerations - a situation in which the surrounding skin
deep and wide cut over the body tissues of a wound retains too much moisture and thus
causing it to turn white and soften
Clean cut wound through the tissues, caused by a sharp-edged c. Pointed instruments: stabs, prick, puncture, spike
instrument, which is more long than deep. · depth greater than width
· more fatal
· deeper infection h. Gravitational force: contusions, hematoma, fractures,
· not too bloody but internal haemorrhage could be macerations
extensive i. Stretching: avulsions
· wounding instrument may be deduced from shape of j. Poisons, chemicals: Chemical burns
point of entry k. Electricity: electrical burns
· stab - specific form of penetrating trauma to the skin l. Cold: Hypothermia
that results from a knife or a similar pointed object · Hypothermia - medical emergency that occurs when
that is "deeper than it is wide" your body loses heat faster than it can produce heat,
· prick – a puncture made to the skin that is caused by causing a dangerously low body temperature; a
an instrument with a pointed end potentially fatal condition, occurs when body
temperature falls below 95°F (35°C)
d. Rough surface: abrasion, scrape, scratch, excoriate m. Hot: Hyperthermia
· abrasion - made when the skin is rubbed or scraped · defined as a temperature greater than 37.5–38.3 °C
off; rope burns, floorburns, and skinned knees or (99.5–100.9 °F), depending on the reference used,
elbows are common examples of abrasions that occurs without a change in the body's
· this kind of wound can become infected quite easily temperature set point
because dirt and germs are usually embedded in the · elevated body temperature due to failed
tissues thermoregulation that occurs when a body produces
or absorbs more heat than it dissipates.
e. Electricity: electrical burns · extreme temperature elevation then becomes a
· severity determined by voltage, current and medical emergency requiring immediate treatment to
resistance prevent disability or death
· a burn that results from electricity passing through the · most common causes of Hyperthermia include heat
body causing rapid injury. stroke and adverse reactions to drugs
· differs from thermal or chemical burns in that they n. Radiation: Radiation burns
cause much more subdermal damage can exclusively · damage to the skin or other biological tissue caused
cause surface damage, but more often tissues deeper by exposure to radiation
underneath the skin have been severely damaged; · radiation types of greatest concern are thermal
· electrical burns are difficult to accurately diagnose, radiation, radio frequency energy, ultraviolet light and
and many people underestimate the severity of their ionizing radiation.
burn; in extreme cases, electricity can cause shock to · most common type of radiation burn is a sunburn
the brain, strain to the heart, and injury to other caused by UV radiation
organs. · high exposure to X-rays during diagnostic medical
imaging or radiotherapy can also result in radiation
f. Chemicals: chemical burn, poison injury burns
· chemical burn are burns to internal or external organs · radiation burns are often associated with radiation-
of the body caused by contact, ingestion, inhalation induced cancer due to the ability of ionizing radiation
of noxious fumes of acids, alkalis or organic to interact with and damage DNA, occasionally
materials.); all chemical burns are classified as major inducing a cell to become cancerous
burn injuries o. Microwaves/radiowaves: microwave/radiowave injuries
· microwave burns are burn injuries caused by thermal
g. Explosives: blast injury, burns, avulsions, fractures effects of microwave radiation absorbed in a living
· a complex type of physical trauma resulting from organism
direct or indirect exposure to an explosion · in comparison with radiation burns caused by ionizing
· blast injuries occur with the detonation of high-order radiation, where the dominant mechanism of tissue
explosives as well as the deflagration of low order damage is internal cell damage caused by free
explosives and these injuries are compounded when radicals, the primary damage mechanism of
the explosion occurs in a confined space microwave radiation is thermal, by dielectric heating
· avulsion - an injury in which a body structure is forcibly · microwave damage can manifest with a delay; pain
detached from its normal point of insertion by either and/or signs of skin damage can show some time
trauma or surgery; the term most commonly refers to after microwave exposure
a surface trauma where all layers of the skin have
been torn away, exposing the underlying structures p. Bacteria/viruses: Infections
(i.e., subcutaneous tissue, muscle, tendons, or bone);
similar to an abrasion but more severe, as body parts
such as an eyelid or an ear can be partially or fully
detached from the body.
3. Gunshot wounds (GSW) the unyielding object over the exit site – leaving an
abrasion collar on the wound margin.
3.1.1. Medium/high velocity

Penetrating mechanisms of injury can be described as low, 3.1.6. Stellate wound

medium or high velocity. Damage from low-velocity
mechanisms, such as stabbings, is often limited to the o Entry wound
structures directly contacted. Medium-velocity mechanisms, o Due to tearing of skin from expanding gas dissecting
like bullets from most types of handguns, produce less tissue between the scalp and skull.
destruction than high-velocity forces. High-velocity o Associated with the CONTACT RANGE (where the muzzle
mechanisms include shots from rifles and larger military is pressed against the skin when fired).

3.1.2. Entrance/exit wound 3.1.7. Buckshots

Gunshots may create both entrance and exit wounds. Entrance A large size of lead shot used in shotgun shells for
wounds tend to have a round shape with a surrounding margin hunting game, as pheasants or ducks.
of abrasion. It has three categories- contact wounds, close- or
intermediate-range wounds, and distant-range wounds.
Contact wounds occur when a firearm is held directly against
the body, and can include a muzzle imprint and soot on the
skin. Close- or intermediate-range wounds may have a wider
zone of powder stippling. Distant-range wounds tend to lack
powder stippling and may have holes roughly equal to the
caliber of the projectile fired.

Exit wounds can have a variety of appearances, including

round, oval, slitlike, stellate or crescent. They may be larger
than entrance wounds if the bullet expanded or tumbled on its
axis, but most likely won't have gunshot residue. If an exit
wound was abutted by firm support, such as clothing or
furniture, it may have a circular defect and abraded margin
resembling an entrance wound.

3.1.3. Abrasion rim/collar

Term which identifies a type of wound that occurs when

someone is shot from more than two feet away. It usually looks
like a bruise in the shape of a halo circling the bullet’s point of

3.1.4. Stippling

o Entry wound
o Due to unburned gunpowder grains exiting from the gun –
these cause PINPOINT ABRATIONS on the skin.
§ NOT burns Buckshot wound
o Presence of stippling defines the INTERMEDIATE RANGE
§ Distance: from a few centimeters up to several feet
3.1.8. Shotgun wounds/satellite injuries

3.1.5. Shoring o Shotgun bullets contain numerous pellets

o At contact range up to a few feet, the entrance wound is a
o A shored exit wound is one in which the skin is in contact
single round defect
with another object when the bullet exits.
o At a range of 3-4 feet, the pellets begin to spread out
o Produced when the outstretched skin is impaled,
before reaching the body, producing one large entry
sandwiched, and crushed between the outgoing bullet and
wound surrounded by scalloping or several smaller defects 3.1.9. Snowstorm pattern
due to penetration by individual pellets
o As the range increases, the central defect becomes smaller Centerfire rifle wounds:
and the number of surrounding pellet holes increases o In contact wounds of the head with centerfire rifles, there is
massive tissue destruction of the skin, skull, and brain
o Full metal jacketed bullets produce less tissue damage and
tend to travel through the body undeformed
o Semi-jacketed ammunition creates the classic “lead
snowstorm” appearance on x-ray due to peeling back of
the jacket as it travels through the body, releasing
numerous small lead fragments

3.1.10. Keyhole

o Tangential entrance wounds into bone may produce

"keyhole" defects with entrance and exit side-by-side, so
that the arrangement of bevelling can be used to
determine the direction of fire.
o The mechanism of injury used to explain keyhole lesions is
that as the bullet enters the skull tangentially, the bullet is
split, one portion entering the cranial cavity while the other
is expelled producing the exit defect.
o However, this is not always the case, the keyhole defect
may be produced by a bullet that remains virtually intact.
o Keyhole defects, although, are not exclusive to entrance
sites and have also been observed in exit sites.
Typical Entrance Wounds
3.1.11. Pathology of GSW
Exit wounds can appear round, oval, slit like, stellate, or
crescent shaped. In other words, exit wounds can take any
shape whether small or large. Size does not determine whether
a gunshot wound is an exit wound; rather, it is the lack of a
Typical entrance wounds are ordinarily round in shape with a
margin of abrasion that distinguishes an exit wound from an
circumferential margin of abrasion surrounding the defect
entrance wound. Exit wounds may have small marginal tears
produced by the bullet. The margin of abrasion is a scraping
caused by the bullet pushing the skin outward. Exit wounds
or scuffing of the skin caused by the bullet as it pushes inward.
may also have an atypical appearance. One example is a
The margin of abrasion may be concentric or eccentric. When a
shored or reinforced exit wound. Shored exit wounds are
bullet penetrates the skin nose on, it produces a concentric
encountered when the skin is sup- ported by a firm surface,
mar- gin of abrasion—that is, a ring of scraped skin of uniform
such as a wall or floor, as the bullet exits. The exiting bullet
thickness—because it enters perpendicular to the skin. When
pushes the skin into the supporting surface, which scrapes and
the nose of a bullet penetrates the skin at an angle, it produces
abrades it. Articles of clothing, such as leather belts, may also
an eccentric margin of abrasion, that is, a ring that is thicker in
provide sufficient firmness to produce shored exit wounds.
1 area. The thick area of an eccentric margin of abrasion
indicates the direction from which the bullet came. In addition,
When a bullet perforates flat bones, such as the skull, sternum,
the thicker the margin the shallower the angle of the bullet was
or ribs, beveling allows the forensic pathologist to determine
as it struck the skin.
the direction of the wound by examining the bone. Beveling is
caused by the forward moving force of the bullet, which
Atypical entrance wounds are irregular in shape and may have
creates a cone-shaped deformity as it pushes through the
tears at the margins. They can be caused by a weapon that
layers of bone. The tip of the cone points in the direction from
malfunctions or by defective ammunition, but more often they
which the bullet came. In the example of a gunshot wound of
result from ricochets or the pas- sage of a bullet through an
entrance involving the skull, the outermost layer of bone will
intermediate target, such as an automobile window, before it
have a smaller defect than the inner layers of bone.
strikes the body. The bullet may, in turn, impart velocity to the
intermediate target causing it to strike the skin producing
Graze gunshot wounds occur when a bullet scrapes or grazes
atypical abrasions around the entrance wound. Another type of
over the skin without penetrating more deeply. These wounds
atypical en- trance wound occurs when the muzzle of a gun is
are usually elongated to oval in appearance and may have
in con- tact with the skin over a bony surface, such as the skull
marginal tears at the edges. If the tears are pointed, they can
or sternum
be used to indicate the direction of the bullet the tears point in
the direction the bullet is traveling and away from the direction
from which the bullet came.


Range of fire is an estimate of how close the muzzle of the gun
was to the surface of the victim’s body or clothing at the time
of discharge. his determination is usually made by an unaided
visual inspection for the presence or absence of substances
that exit the muzzle of the gun along with the bullet with
consideration of the circumstances of the shooting.
Depending on the range of fire, these substances can be the amount of kinetic energy transferred by the bullet to the
deposited on the skin or clothing. If the muzzle of the gun is in surrounding tissues, the internal organs and structures
contact with the skin, these substances may be deposited damaged by the bullet, and the bullet’s final disposition.
within the wound or, if the muzzle is in very close proximity to The anatomic location of the wound is critical—a gunshot
the skin, around the entrance wound. In general, substances wound to the central nervous system, even one of low velocity,
exiting the barrel of a gun along with the bullet will be can be more life threatening than a high-velocity wound
deposited on the skin if the muzzle is within 2 feet of the through the arm. Tissue damage is not, however, limited to the
victim’s body. path the bullet travels through the body. Damage may occur
remote from the bullet path if the kinetic energy of the bullet is
The principle indicator of close range fire is stippling, that is, a great enough to produce a shock wave. Cavitary effect is the
pattern of tiny punctuate abrasions in the skin surrounding the concept that explains the shock wave produced by a bullet as
entrance wound. Stippling is caused by unburned particles of it passes through an organ or other anatomical structure. As a
gunpowder striking the skin. In contrast to other substances bullet passes through a body and transfers its kinetic energy, it
that may be deposited on the skin, such as soot, stippling produces a shock wave that creates a temporary cavity greater
cannot be washed away. The presence of stippling indicates than the bullet’s diameter. The greater the kinetic energy that
that the muzzle of the gun was within 2 feet of the victim’s is transferred the greater the size of the temporary cavity. The
body when it was discharged. Contact range firing occurs when extent of damage de- pends on whether the transient
the muzzle of the gun is in contact with the skin at the time of expansion of tissues and organs exceeds the elasticity of the
discharge. Contact range wounds are commonly seen in particular structure through which the bullet passes. Organs
suicidal firearm injuries. These wounds are often characterized such as the liver and spleen, which lack elasticity, are easily
by a dense pattern of combusted gun- powder residue or soot lacerated. Organs that are more elastic, such as the stomach
within and around the wound margin. Soot is lighter in weight and intestines, may only suffer contusions. After the temporary
than unburned particles of gunpowder. Most of the soot will, cavity collapses, a permanent cavity wider than the bullet may
therefore, only carry a few inches from the muzzle of the gun persist
before falling away. Unlike stippling, soot may be washed
away. Contact range gunshot wounds are no exception to the
general rule that entrance wounds have a margin of abrasion, 4. Other types of wounds
but the margin of abrasion in a contact wound may be seared
or charred. There may also be red discoloration of the 4.1. Defense wounds
surrounding skin from carbon monoxide, which is a component
of the gases discharged from a gun when it is fired. A muzzle o Injuries received by the victim of an attack while trying to
imprint is not an uncommon finding and is virtually defend against the assailant.
pathognomonic of a contact range gunshot wound. o Any type of injuries that result from an attempt, or repeated
attempts, to defend against an assailant using such sharp
Distant range gunshot wounds, that is, wounds inflicted when edged weapons as knives or blunted instruments such as
the muzzle of the gun is more that 2 feet away, will show no
fists and clubs. Such wounds are usually deeply indented
evidence of soot or stippling. It is absolutely critical that the
stab wounds, but can be either blunt or sharp in nature.
forensic pathologist recognizes that the absence of soot or
o Presence of defense wounds is justly considered an
stippling does not absolutely mean that the wound was not
important sign that an individual has been the victim of an
fired from close range. Intermediate targets and clothing can
screen out stippling and soot even when the muzzle of the gun assault.
is pressed up against the clothing. The most accurate way to o Indicate that the attacked person was – at least initially –
determine range of fire is to test fire the weapon at various conscious and able to use his limbs for protection resulting
distances with the same type of ammunition to create a pattern in injuries to the forearms or hands or – in rare cases – to
of soot or stippling matching that found at the time of autopsy. the legs.
Muzzle to garment testing, as this technique is sometimes
called, is ordinarily done by a ballistics expert in a crime
laboratory. Clothing can also be tested for the presence of
gunpowder residue to determine whether, for example, a 4.2. Suicide wounds
bullet caused a particular defect in the clothing. This type of
testing cannot establish range of fire, but it can give the − Firearms
maximum distance from which the gun was fired based on the o Where on the body the injury occurred: A shot
distance the gunpowder residue may travel. to the side of the head, in the mouth, or to the front of
the chest is usually suicide. Wounds located anywhere
INTERNAL INJURIES FROM GUNSHOT WOUNDS else are most likely homicide.
Gunshots inflict damage by disrupting tissues, causing o Distance of gun from the body: Most suicide shots
hemorrhage, and permitting the entrance of infection. are at contact or near contact range, causing a burn
Generally, 3 factors determine the severity of a gunshot injury: mark around the wound and leaving gunpowder
residue (which can be wiped off). At contact range, and There are many different reasons why a person may hurt
if the gun is fired just above a bone, such as the skull or themselves, though it is often hard to find an exact cause.
the sternum, a star-like wound is produced. Anything Sometimes, the self-harm helps relieve unbearable emotions,
further away is likely homicide. or feelings of unreality or numbness. Self-harm is often a
o Angle of the shot: Most suicide shots are angled symptom of other problems. These problems may include
slightly upward. physical abuse, sexual abuse, or eating disorders. Self-harm
o Number of shots fired: After one shot, even if a may also stem from mental problems such as low self-esteem
suicide victim isn't dead, he would likely be unconscious or perfectionism.
or physically unable to fire a second time. Multiple shots Studying the causes of self-injury can be difficult or inaccurate,
usually indicate homicide. because many self-harmers try to hide their injuries
o Presence of gunpowder residue on victims
hand: If a man shot himself, there would be powder
residue from unburned carbon on the hand that fired Types of Self-Injury
the gun. There are many things that can be considered self-harm. If
someone works their body too hard, for example, this can be
− Knives seen as a mild form of self-injury. In other mild cases, a self-
o Defensive cuts: In a homicide, there will be defensive harmer may purposely pick off scabs to keep cuts or scratches
cuts on the palms of the victim's hands and on the from healing. Compulsive hair-pulling (trichotillomania) and
underside of her arms as she tries to fight off her compulsive skin-picking (dermotillomania) are impulse control
attacker. disorders which are also mild forms of self-harm.
o Number of wounds and their location: A murder In more severe cases, a self-harmer could break or sprain a
usually involves multiple stab wounds to the side, back bone, or lose a dangerous amount of blood. Biting, burning,
or stomach. In a suicide, while there may be additional and cutting are other forms of self-injury. Overdosing on
cuts across the wrist and tentative test stabbings to see medication is another common type of self-harm.
if it will hurt, or to work up courage, there will usually Self-harm may get worse the longer a person has been doing
only be one wound and most likely in the chest. it. This is because a person's body builds up tolerance to (gets
o Location of the murder weapon: In a suicide, the used to) the pain from their injuries. Because of this, they have
weapon will be at the scene with the victim's to hurt themselves more to get the same effect. In some cases,
fingerprints on it. In a homicide, the weapon is often this can lead to fatal or near-fatal injuries.
missing. A person may go through voluntary pain for other reasons that
are usually not considered self-injury. A self-inflicted wound is
− Hanging when someone injures themselves to avoid something, not
o Hanging, whether done with rope, an electrical cord or because of psychological problems. Some people give
a belt, always leaves an inverted V bruise, and is easy to themselves a self-inflicted wound during wartime so that they
tell from ligature strangulation (murder), which leaves a do not have to serve in the military.
straight-line bruise. Hanging compresses the veins, but
arterial blood flow continues, causing small bleeding
sites on the lips, inside the mouth and on the eyelids. Treatment
As with ligature strangulation, the face and neck are Self-harm is an addictive behavior. Once someone starts self-
congested with blood and become dark red. injury, it is difficult for them to stop, even if they want to. This
o Ligature strangulations are almost always homicide and makes professional help and treatment an important part of
the victims are almost always women. Often the recovery from self-injury.
murderer uses more force than necessary to kill the The type of treatment that is most effective is different from
victim, causing deep bruises and abrasions around the person to person. There are many different types of therapy
neck. The victim will usually struggle, which results in that have been used to help people that self-harm.
damage to both the interior and exterior structures of
the neck and throat. Cognitive-behavioral therapy may help a person understand
why they self-harm. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is used to
4.3. Self-injuries help patients understand the reasons for their problem. This is
so that the patient may learn what is causing their self-harm,
Self-injury (SI) or self-harm (SH) occurs when a person hurts his and learn how to deal with these problems in a way other than
or her body on purpose. This kind of harm is not suicidal self-harm. Therapies used for post-traumatic stress disorder
behavior. Many self-harmers hurt themselves because they feel may also help. This is because many people who self-harm
it is the only way to stay alive.[2] However, in some cases the have been victims of abuse.
self-harm becomes so bad it can lead to death, and those who Drugs may also be used to help treat self-injury. It is thought
self-harm are more likely to commit suicide than those who do that self-injury can release chemical endorphins into the brain.
not. Over time, these chemicals can become addictive. There are
some drugs that can help with this addiction, but they have not
been proven to help people who self-injure. Naltrexone and Torture, etc.) report widespread use condoned by states in
naloxone are two drugs being researched for this kind of many regions of the world. Amnesty International estimates
treatment. Research involving endorphins has been mostly that at least 81 world governments currently practice torture,
done with animals. It is unclear if their brain chemistry changes some of them openly. Historically, in those countries where
the outcome of the research. torture was legally supported and officially condoned, wealthy
patrons sponsored the creation of extraordinarily ingenious
4.4. Torture devices and techniques of torture.

Torture (from the Latin tortus, "twisted") is the act of 4.5. Mutilations
deliberately inflicting physical or psychological pain on an
organism in order to fulfil some desire of the torturer or Mutilation or maiming is an act of physical injury that degrades
compel some action from the victim. Torture, by definition, is a the appearance or function of any living body.
knowing and intentional act; deeds which unknowingly or Some ethnic groups practice ritual mutilation, (scarification,
negligently inflict pain without a specific intent to do so are not burning, flagellation, tattooing, or wheeling) as part of a rite of
typically considered torture. passage. In some cases, the term may apply to treatment of
Torture has been carried out or sanctioned by individuals, dead bodies, such as soldiers mutilated after they have been
groups, and states throughout history from ancient times to killed by an enemy.
modern day, and forms of torture can vary greatly in duration The traditional Chinese practices of língchí and foot binding
from only a few minutes to several days or longer. Reasons for are forms of mutilation. One form of mutilation that has
torture can include punishment, revenge, political re- captured the imagination of Westerners, as well as the now
education, deterrence, interrogation or coercion of the victim tourist centered "long-neck" people, a sub-group of the Karen
or a third party, or simply the sadistic gratification of those known as the Padaung where women wear brass rings around
carrying out or observing the torture. The need to torture their neck. The act of tattooing is also considered a form of
another is thought to be the result of internal psychological self-mutilation according to some cultural traditions, such as
pressure in the psyche of the torturer. The torturer may or may within Christianity. A joint statement released by the United
not intend to kill or injure the victim, but sometimes torture is Nations and numerous other international bodies opposes
deliberately fatal and can precede a murder or serve as a form female genital mutilation as a form of mutilation. Whether or
of capital punishment. In other cases, the torturer may be not male circumcision amounts to mutilation is a subject of
indifferent to the condition of the victim. Alternatively, some active academic debate. Castration is also a form of mutilation.
forms of torture are designed to inflict psychological pain or Maiming, or mutilation which involves the loss of, or incapacity
leave as little physical injury or evidence as possible while to use, a bodily member, is and has been practiced by many
achieving the same psychological devastation. Depending on societies with various cultural and religious significances, and is
the aim, even a form of torture that is intentionally fatal may be also a customary form of physical punishment, especially
prolonged to allow the victim to suffer as long as possible applied on the principle of an eye for an eye. In Sharia law,
(such as half-hanging). mutilation is, in certain cases, used as a punishment for crimes.
Although torture was sanctioned by some states historically, it For example, thieves may be punished by having the right
is prohibited under international law and the domestic laws of hand amputate
most countries, as developed in the mid-20th century. It is
considered to be a violation of human rights, and is declared
to be unacceptable by Article 5 of the UN Universal 5. Cases
Declaration of Human Rights. Signatories of the Geneva
Conventions of 1949 and the Additional Protocols I and II of 8 5.1. People v. Mayingque et al.,G.R.No.179709,July 6,2010
June 1977 officially agree not to torture captured persons in
armed conflicts, whether international or internal. Torture is People v. Mayingque
also prohibited by the United Nations Convention Against
Torture, which has been ratified by 158 countries. Although Facts:
torture is universally condemned by all democratic nations, 1. Appellants Toribio Mayingque alias Loloy, Gregorio
there have been many suspected or known instances of its Mayingque alias Gorio, and Filomeno Mayingque alias
sanctioned use - regardless of its legality. An example of this is Boy Roti were charged with the murder of Edgardo
the use of euphemistically-named enhanced interrogation Sumalde Tusi.
techniques including waterboarding, known to have been used 2. Wife of Edgardo, Salvacion Tusi, testified that:
by the United States after the September 11 attacks. a. She knew the appellants because they usually had
National and international legal prohibitions on torture derive their drinking sessions on Sundays at Edwin’s place,
from a consensus that torture and similar ill-treatment are which was beside her residence at Pedro Sabido
immoral, as well as impractical. Despite these international Street, BF Resort Village, Las Piñas City
conventions, organizations that monitor abuses of human b. In one such drinking session, Edgardo, annoyed by
rights (e.g., Amnesty International, the International the noise made by the appellants and Edwin, was
Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, Freedom from prompted to admonish them to tone down their
voices; that the appellants and Edwin resented RTC: guilty of murder and upheld the prosecution’s
Edgardo’s admonition version. They ratiocinated that:
c. While she and Edgardo were resting in front of their The multiple wounds suffered by the victim even
house at around 5 pm on May 30, 1999, Toribio belies a any pretension of self defense. The victim
arrived and without saying anything stabbed suffered 10 stab wounds and 2 incised wounds. In all, the
Edgardo twice on his side victim suffered 12 wounds1
d. She shouted for help, but her cousin Ruben Bernal
could not do anything because Edwin, Filomeno and According to Dr. Talen, the relative position of the
Gregorio had meanwhile joined Teofilo in assaulting assailant in inflicting wounds No. 7 to 10 most probably
Edgardo was facing the victim and the trajectory is directed
3. Ruben Bernal and Jaime Bernal corroborated Salvacion’s downwards and the infliction came from above. Injury
recollection of the assault on Edgardo. According to them, Nos. 1, 2, 4 and 5 were inflicted in any position. Wound
the appellants ganged up on Edgardo, with Teofilo
wielding a kitchen knife with which he stabbed Edgardo
1  No.   1   Stab   Wound,   parietal   region,   measuring   4   by   0.5   cm   right   of   the  
twice and Gregorio hacking Edgardo on the head with a mid-­‐sagittal  line  which  is  on  the  right  part  of  the  head  measuring  4  x  .5  cm  which  is  
bolo while Filomeno and Edwin restrained Edgardo. They a   superficial   wound   because   there   was   no   other   organ   damaged   and   it   is   not   a   fatal  
injury.    This  is  caused  by  a  sharp  bladed  weapon  and  that  he  pointed  injury  No.  1  in  
heard Edwin tell the appellants to ensure that Edgardo the  Anatomical  Sketch;  
No.  2  Stab  Wound,  parietal  region,  measuring  2.5  by  0.2  cm,  10  cm  right  of  
was lifeless before leaving him.
mid-­‐sagittal   line,   he   described   that   this   wound   is   a   superficial   wound   which   is  
4. Dr. Romeo T. Salen, Medico Legal Officer of the Western almost  the  same  size  of  injury  No.  1  which  was  likewise  caused  by  a  sharp  bladed  
Police District (now Manila Police District) Crime weapon;  
No.  3,  stab  wound,  right  orbital  region,  measuring  4  by  0.4  cm.  4  from  the  
Laboratory, appeared in court in representation of Dr. anterior  midline,  6  cm  deep,  directed  posterior  wards  and  downwards,  piercing  the  
optic   nerve   and   the   adjacent   soft   tissues   and   muscles   which   means   from   front   to  
Emmanuel L. Aranas, and brought the following
back  and  it  pierced  the  optic  nerve  which  is  responsible  for  the  movement  and  for  
documents: (a) Request for Examination on the Cadaver of the   eyes   to   see.    Wound   No.   3   is   very   damaging   because   it   will   cause   blindness   to  
the deceased transmitted by the Las Piñas Police and the   right   eye   and   if   the   bleeding   is   profuse   and   if   no   medication   is   done,   the   patient  
could  die.    This  is  a  fatal  injury  and  is  indicated  in  the  Anatomical  Sketch;  
received by Dr. Aranas; (b) Certification of Identification No.  4,  Incised  wound,  right  temporal  region,  measuring  5  by  0.7  cm,  8  cm  
and Consent for Autopsy signed by the brother of anterior   midline.    This   is   an   incised   wound   also   a   superficial   injury   caused   by   a  
sharp  bladed  instrument;  
Edgardo; (c) Post Mortem Examination or Anatomical No.  5,  Incised  Wound,  submental  region,  measuring  3  by  0.5  cm,  4  cm  left  
Sketch; (d) Medico Legal Report; and (e) Death Certificate of   the   anterior   midline.    This   wound   is   located   on   the   chin   a   superficial   and   non  
fatal  injury  and  this  injury  is  indicated  in  Exhibit  “L”  as  injury  No.  5;  
of Edgardo prepared by Dr. Aranas No.   6,   Stab   wound,   neck,   measuring   1.5   by   1.5   cm,   along   the   anterior  
5. Dr. Salen explained that based on Dr. Aranas’ written midline,   7   cm   deep,   directed   posterior   wards,   downwards,   and   lateral   wards,  
piercing  the  upper  lobe  of  the  left  lungs.    This  injury  is  located  on  the  left  side  of  the  
findings, Edgardo had sustained 12 wounds in the head, neck   directed   posterior   ward   or   front   to   back   and   the   upper   lobe   of   the   left   lung  
neck and chest, eight of which had been fatal. was  destroyed.    This  wound  is  fatal  and  caused  the  death  of  the  victim.    This  injury  
is   indicated   in   the   Anatomical   Sketch   as   Wound   No.   6   and   the   injury   was   caused   by  
6. Defense’s Version sharp  bladed  instrument;  
• For Toribio: SELF DEFENSE: he was hit by Edgardo No.   7,   Stab   Wound,   neck,   measuring   3.5   by   1.5   cm,   along   the   anterior  
midline,   7   cm   deep,   directed   posterior   wards,   downwards   and   lateral   wards,  
by a lead pipe and was mauled by the 2 other piercing  the  upper  lobe  of  the  left  lung.    This  injury  is  located  on  the  middle  part  of  
companions of Edgardo. Edgardo spotted him, held the  neck  and  injured  a  major  organ  which  is  the  lung  and  fatal,  this  is  indicated  in  
the  Anatomical  Sketch  as  Injury  No.  7  and  caused  by  a  sharp  bladed  instrument;  
him by the collar, and punched him; that Ruben and No.  8,  Stab  Wound,  left  supraclavicular  region,  measuring  2.5  by  1.5  cm,  12  
Jaime also hit him with a lead pipe and a wooden cm  from  the  anterior  midline,  5  cm  deep,  directed  posterior  wards,  downwards  and  
medial  wards,  piercing  the  upper  lobe  of  the  left  lung.    This  wound  is  located  at  the  
club (dos por dos), injuring his left chest; that he clavicular   which   is   the   bone   of   the   chest   and   directly   behind   the   clavicular   is   the  
parried their blows until they reached the street, lungs   and   this   injury   is   fatal   and   could   cause   the   death   of   the   victim   and   said   injury  
is  indicated  in  the  Anatomical  Sketch  and  the  injury  was  caused  by  a  sharp  bladed  
where he fell on a small table used for selling Indian instrument;    
mangoes; that he was able to pick up a small knife No.   9,   Stab   wound,   left   clavicular   region,   measuring   2   by   0.5   cm.   9  
cm.    From  the  anterior  midline,  6  cm  deep,  directed  poster  wards,  down  wards  and  
used for peeling the mangoes, and while he was medial   wards,   passing   thru   the   1st  left   intercostals   space,   piercing   the   upper   lobe   of  
about to stand up from a prostrate position, he the  left  lung.    This  injury  is  located  at  the  clavicular  region  and  destroys  the  upper  
lobe   of   the   left   lung   and   this   is   a   fatal   wound   caused   by   a   bladed   weapon.    This  
stabbed Edgardo on the head, neck and chest with injury  is  indicated  in  the  Anatomical  Sketch  as  Wound  No.  9;  
the knife. Thereafter, he surrendered to the No.  10,  Stab  wound,  left  infraclavicular  region,  measuring  2  by  1  cm.  12  cm  
from   the   anterior   midline,   10   cm   deep,   directed   posterior   wards,   downwards   and  
authorities medialwards  passing  thru  the  2nd  left  intercostals  space,  piercing  the  upper  lobe  of  
• For Gregorio: he was taking care of his grandson the   left   lung.    This   injury   is   located   at   the   clavicular   region   directly   behind   is   the  
lung  and  this  injury  is  fatal  caused  by  a  bladed  instrument  and  the  same  is  indicated  
during the incident and was advised by his neighbor in  the  Anatomical  Sketch  as  Wound  No.  10.  
to leave his house since Toribio had been involved in No.   11.    Stab   wound,   sternal   region,   measuring   3   by   0.6   cm.      Along   the  
anterior   midline,   10   cm.    Deep,   directed   posteriorwards,   downwards   and  
a fight and he left and went to Antipolo city and lateralwards,  piercing  the  upper  lobe  of  the  right  lung.    This  injury  is  on  the  external  
stayed there for 2 months region  so  from  the  center  to  the  outside  it  hits  the  upper  lobe  of  the  right  lung  and  
this  is  a  fatal  wound  and  also  indicated  as  Injury  No.  11  in  the  anatomical  sketch.  
• For Filomeno: he was at a birthday party of his No.  12,  Stab  wound,  right  mammary  region,  measuring  3  by  2.5,  4  cm  from  
nephew at Golden Gate and stayed there because of the   anterior   midline,   directed   posteriorwards,   downwards   and   to   the   right,  
fracturing  the  3rd  right  thoracic  rib,  piercing  the  pericardium  and  the  right  ventricle  
threats from the family of Edgardo. Thereafter, when of   the   heart.    This   injury   is   located   on   the   right   chest   directed   posteriorwards,  
he visited Toribio, he was detained and transferred to downwards  and  fractured  the  third  right  thoracic  rib  and  hit  the  pericardium  and  
the   right   ventricle   of   the   heart   on   the   middle   and   this   wound   was   very   fatal   and  
Las Pinas City Jail without questioning. caused   by   a   sharp   bladed   instrument   and   this   injury   is   likewise   indicated   in   the  
Anatomical  Sketch  
No. 3 was inflicted from up to down. Multiple stab (12) and the different sizes of the wounds
wounds, head, neck and chest caused of death of the inflicted on Edgardo. The presence of a large
victim. number of wounds on the victim’s body negated
self-defense, and indicated, instead, a
The foregoing 12 injuries of the victim belie the self determined effort to kill the victim.
defense of accused Toribio Mayingque. The multiple Toribio did not convincingly establish, first of all, that
injuries of the victim support the claim of conspiracy by there was unlawful aggression against him. His claim that
the prosecution. Dr. Salen told the Court that the Edgardo and the Bernals had attacked him with a lead
different sizes of the wounds show that indeed more than pipe and wooden club, which impelled him to stab
one assailant inflicted the wounds and more than one Edgardo, became implausible to the lower courts, and to
instrument used (TSN, pp. 32-33, Feb. 14, us, too, because Toribio did not even submit himself to
2001). Moreover, all three have been positively identified any medical attention. He should have done so, if, truly, he
in court as the perpetrators. Thus, the Court can not had sustained injuries at the hands of the victim and his
accept the denial and alibi by the other two co-accused, group. At any rate, the question as to who between the
namely: Gregorio Mayingque and Filomeno Mayingque. accused and the victim was the unlawful aggressor was a
question of fact best addressed to and left with the trial
It is clear from the testimonies of prosecution courts.
witnesses that the accused treacherously
attacked the victim. They suddenly assaulted the 2. As regards the alibi, they do not satisfy all the
victim. As held: “it is necessary to show that the requirements. To establish alibi, the accused must prove:
aggressors cooperated in such a way as to secure (a) that he was actually in another place at the time of the
advantage from their superiority in strength. perpetration of the crime; and (b) that it was physically
impossible for him to be at the scene of the crime when
CA: affirmed the RTC the crime was perpetrated. Physical impossibility refers to
• The nature, number and location of the wounds the distance between the place where the accused was
sustained by the victim belie the assertion of self-
defense since the gravity of the said wounds is Fairly developed, fairly nourished male cadaver in
indicative of a determined effort to kill and not just rigor mortis with post-mortem lividity over the
defend. The number of wounds was established by dependent portions of the body. Conjunctivae and
the physical evidence, which is a mute manifestation lips were pale. Nail beds were cyanotic. There was a
of truth and ranks high in the hierarchy of trustworthy surgical incision at the anterior distal 3rd left forearm.
(1) Penetrating stab wound, anterior left thorax,
ISSUES: W/N the self-defense theory of Toribio should 120 cms. from heel, 7 cms. from anterior midline,
flourish. NO measuring 10 cms. x 4 cms. x 7 cms. depth, directed
upwards, backwards, towards midline, fracturing the
Dispositive: WHEREFORE, appellants TORIBIO 4th left thoracic cartilage, piercing the pericardium and
MAYINGQUE and FILOMENO MAYINGQUE are right ventricle of the heart.
found GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the crime (2) Incised wound, anterior left lower thorax,
of MURDER, and each is sentenced to measuring 5.5 cms. x 0.2 cm. x 2 cms. from anterior
suffer reclusion perpetua. The appellants are ordered to midline.
pay to the heirs of Edgardo Tusi P50,000.00 as civil (3) Incised wound, posterior left scapular region,
indemnity, P50,000.00 as moral damages, P30,000.00 as measuring 3 cms. x 0.5 cm. (sic) 8 cms. from posterior
actual damages, and P20,000.00 as burial expenses. midline.
(4) Incised wound, posterior right scapular region,
HELD: measuring 6.5 cms. x 0.2 cm. (sic) 5 cms. from
1. Elements of self-defense i.e. (a) unlawful aggression; (b) posterior midline.
reasonable necessity of the means employed to prevent or (5) Multiple abrasions, right elbow, measuring 5 cms. x
repel it; and (c) lack of sufficient provocation on the part of 5 cms.
the person defending himself ARE NOT present. (6) Incised wound, anterior distal 3rd right thigh
Teofilio’s self-defense evidence did not prevail over the extending to right knee, measuring 17 cms. x 0.6 cm.
clear showing by Salvacion and the Bernals that Teofilo
and his co-conspirators had ganged up on Edgardo with a INTERNAL FINDINGS:
knife (Teofilo) and bolo (Gregorio) while the other two had (1) Recovered from the left thorax, 1,500 cc of blood
held Edgardo to render him defenseless. Indeed, we and blood clots.
agree with the conclusion of both lower courts that the (2) Recovered from the stomach 1/4 glass of rice meal.
plea of self-defense was belied by the number CONCLUSION:

Cause of death is penetrating stab wound, anterior

left thorax.
when the crime transpired and the place where the crime was, however, no document executed between
was committed, as well as to the facility of access between them to serve as evidence of the sale. The
the two places Damian brothers took back the property and
Filomeno’s alibi would place him in Golden Gate whose failed to refund him of his P30,000.00.
distance was a 30-minute tricycle ride from the crime • Virgilio filed a criminal complaint against Rolando and
scene, which did not render impossible for Filomeno to be Jaime Damian in the Office of the City Prosecutor of
in the place of the crime when it was committed. Quezon City.
o To support the complaint, the accused presented
5.2. People v. Reforma,G.R. No. 133440, June 7, 2004 Dioscoro Balingit, his helper, who testified that
he and Virgilio were arranging the bananas which
PEOPLE V REFORMA the latter sold for a living. A heated altercation
FACTS: ensued between his employer and Rolando
• Zenaida Damian and her brothers, Nazario, Rolando and Damian concerning their stalls. Rolando threw a
Jaime, all surnamed Damian, Roger Ramos and Virgilio bottle at Virgilio, but the latter managed to
Reforma (the brother-in-law of the Damians) had stalls in evade the bottle. Jaime and Nazario then arrived
the Balintawak market, Cloverleaf and helped Rolando maul the accused. They hit
Market, Balintawak, Quezon City. Their respective stalls the latter with a lead pipe and a folding bed.
were near each other. Rolando then got a knife and stabbed him on the
• On February 9, 1993, Roger was sleeping side by side left thigh. Rolando stabbed him a second time,
with Nazario in the latters stall when Roger was awakened but as he was able to evade the
by a commotion at 11pm. Nazario and Virgilio were blow, Nazario was hit on the chest
quarreling. Roger was aghast when he saw the latter, who instead. Rolando withdrew the knife, threw it
was only about four arms length away from the stall, away and fled. Jaime brought Nazario to the
stab Nazario on the left side of the chest. Zenaida, who hospital.
was barely an arms length away, also saw the appellant as • RTC rendered judgment convicting the accused of
he stabbed Nazario on the chest. murder. This is an appeal from that decision.
• Rolando and Jaime rushed to the scene. Rolando wrestled • The appellant asserts that the trial court erred in giving
with Virgilio for the possession of the bolo and managed credence and full probative weight to the testimonies of
to wrest it away from the latter. Virgilio then fled from the Zenaida and Roger and in disbelieving his testimony and
scene. that of Balingit. He avers that the inconsistencies between
• The Damians then brought Nazario to the Quezon City his testimony and that of Balingit are trivial and did not
General Hospital where the latter expired. render the same incredible and barren of probative
• Dr. Florante F. Baltazar performed an autopsy on the weight. As shown by his injuries, he was the victim of the
cadaver of Nazario and signed a Medico-Legal Report vicious assault by Rolando, Nazario and Jaime.
(quoted in full below) which contained the following
findings: ISSUE: WON Virgilio is guilty of murder - YES

• Information was filed in the Regional Trial Court of • The trial court gave credence and full probative weight to
Quezon City, charging Virgilio with murder, with treachery, the testimonies of the said witnesses.
taking advantage of superior strength and evident o Zenaida testified how the appellant stabbed her
premeditation. brother with a bolo (gulok) on the left chest. She
• Virgilio denied stabbing Nazario. He testified that he and was only four arms length away from the place of
his brothers-in-law, Rolando, Nazario and Jaime, all the stabbing.
surnamed Damian, were having a drinking spree. He was o Roger testified how he was awakened by the
in his stall at that time. After a while, his brothers-in-law commotion between the appellant and the
invited him to join them in their drinking spree, but upon victim, both an arm’s length away. He saw the
seeing that they were already drunk, Virgilio appellant as he stabbed the victim on the left
refused. Rolando, Nazario and Jaimeand forthwith mauled chest and left leg with a bolo, and thereafter,
him, hitting him with hard objects. He lost consciousness. fled from the scene.
After about ten minutes, the appellant came to and found o It declared that the testimonies of the
himself in the stall of Dioscoro Balingit. Momentarily, a prosecutions witnesses are clear, positive,
policeman arrived, handcuffed him and brought him to the straightforward and devoid of signs of
La Loma police station. A doctor at the Philippine artificiality. No ill motive could be ascribed to
Orthopedic Hospital examined his wounds and issued a them, even by herein accused Reforma, to falsely
Temporary Medical Certificate thereon. incriminate the accused.
o Rolando, Nazario and Jaime also sold a coconut o The well-established rule is that, the trial courts
land in Quezon City to him for P30,000.00. There calibration and assessment of the credibility of
the witnesses and the probative weight of their out of proportion to the means of defense
testimonies, as well as its findings, are accorded available to the person attacked.While the
high respect, if not conclusive effect, by the appellant used a bolo, there is no evidence on
appellate court because of the unique record that he purposely used it precisely to
advantage of the trial court of observing and commit the crime.
monitoring at close range the demeanor and In fine, the appellant is guilty only of homicide under Article
deportment of the witnesses as they testify. 249 of the Revised Penal Code. Thus, the appellant may be
• The testimonies of the prosecutions witnesses are sentenced to an indeterminate penalty ranging of from eight
corroborated by the post-mortem report of (8) years and one (1) day of prision mayor, in its medium
Dr. Florante Baltazar that the victim was stabbed on the period, as minimum, to fourteen (14) years, eight (8) months
chest. and one (1) day of reclusion temporal in its medium period, as
o The appellants and Balingits testimony, that the maximum. He is also ordered to pay P50,000 as civil indemnity
appellant was mauled and hit with a lead pipe and P25,000 as temperate damages to the heirs of the victim.
and that Rolando stabbed Nazario once when he
attempted to stab the appellant, is belied by the 5.3. People v. Noel Lee, G.R. No. 139070. May 29, 2002.
medico-legal report of Dr. Florante Baltazar that
the victim sustained one penetrating stab wound People v. Noel Lee - Puno (2002)
on the anterior left thorax and four (4) incised
wounds and multiple abrasions. FACTS for the Prosecution:
o Balingit has not adduced in evidence any Prosecution presented the following witnesses: (a) Herminia
medical certificate that he sustained a stab Marquez, the mother of the victim; (b) Dr. Darwin Corpuz, a
wound on his left hand. The appellant adduced resident doctor at the Manila Caloocan University (MCU)
in evidence a mere machine copy of the Hospital; (c) PO2 Rodelio Ortiz, a police officer who examined
temporary medical certificate issued to him by the crime scene; and (d) Dr. Rosaline Cosidon, a medico-legal
an unidentified doctor who did not testify. The officer of the Philippine National Police (PNP) Crime
appellant cannot, thus, rely on the said Laboratory.
certificate to fortify his defense. While he filed a 1. At 9:00PM of September 29, 1996, Herminia Marquez (46 yrs)
criminal complaint against Rolando and Jaime in and her son, Joseph (26) were in the living room of their house
the Office of the City Prosecutor, it is incredible at No. 173 General Evangelista St., Bagong Barrio, Caloocan
that he is not even aware of what happened to City. The living room was brightly lit. Outside their house was
his complaint. an alley leading to General Evangelista Street. The alley was
• The flight of the appellant from the situs criminis, and his bright and bustling with people and activity.
throwing away of the bolo in the process, are evidence of 2. In their living room, mother and son were watching a
his guilt of the crime charged. basketball game on television.
• The Information alleges that the appellant killed the victim 3. Herminia looked away from the game and casually glanced
with treachery, taking advantage of superior strength and at her son and she saw a hand holding a gun coming out of the
evident premeditation. However, the prosecution failed to open window behind Joseph.
prove any of the said circumstances beyond reasonable 4. She looked up and saw Noel Lee peering through the
doubt. window and holding the gun aimed at Joseph.
o Since the prosecutions witnesses did not see 5. Joseph turned his body towards the window, and
how the attack was carried out and cannot testify simultaneously, appellant fired his gun hitting Joseph's head.
on how it began, the trial court cannot presume Herminia stood up but could not move as accused-appellant
from the circumstances of the case that there fired a second shot at Joseph and three (3) shots more two hit
was treachery. the sofa and one hit the cement floor.
o The three requisites needed to prove evident 6. Herminia ran to the window and saw Lee, in a blue sando,
premeditation are the following: (a) the time flee towards the direction of his house. 10. Herminia turned to
when the offender determined to commit the her son, dragged his body to the door and shouted for help.
crime; (b) an act manifestly indicating that the 7. Joseph was brought to the MCU Hospital where he later
offender had clung to his determination; and (c) died.
a sufficient interval of time between the 8. Herminia told the police officers that her son was shot by
determination and the execution of the crime to Noel Lee and subsequently gave her sworn statement about
allow him to reflect upon the consequences of the shooting.
his act. The prosecution failed to prove any 9. Dr. Rosaline O. Cosidon, a medico-legal officer of the PNP
essential element of these circumstances. Crime Laboratory Service made the following findings:
o Abuse of superior strength is considered when
there is a showing that the accused purposely FINDINGS:
employed superior strength to consummate the Fairly developed, fairly nourished male cadaver in rigor mortis
crime; that he used purposely excessive force with postmortem lividity at the dependent portions of the
body. Conjunctiva are pale, Lips and nailbeds are cyanotic. A 19. Joseph had a bad reputation in their neighborhood as a
needle puncture mark was noted at the dorsum of the right thief and drug addict.
hand. 20. Six days before his death Lee caught Joseph inside his car
trying to steal his car stereo but he scampered away. As proof
HEAD: of the victims bad reputation, Lee presented a letter
(1) Gunshot wound, frontal region, measuring 0.5 x 0.5 cm, just handwritten by Herminia, addressed to Mayor Reynaldo
right of the anterior midline, 161 cm from heel, with an Malonzo of Caloocan City where she was surrendering her son
upbraded collar, measuring 0.2 cm superiorly and laterally, 0.1 to the Mayor for rehabilitation because he was hooked on
cm medially and inferiorly directed posteriorwards, downwards shabu, a prohibited drug, and was a thief.
and to the left fracturing the frontal bone, lacerating the brain. 21. Lee says that the information for attempted murder was
A deformed slug was recovered embedded at the left cerebral dismissed as a result of the victims desistance while in the
hemisphere of the brain. frustrated homicide case, the real assailant appeared and
(2) Gunshot wound, occipital region, measuring 0.5 x 0.5 cm, 2 admitted his crime.
cm left of the posterior midline, 162 cm from heel, with a
uniform 0.2 cm upbraded collar, directed slightly 22. RTC: found Lee guilty and sentenced him to the penalty of
anteriorwards, downwards and lateralwards, fracturing the death. Hence, this appeal.
occipital bone and lacerating the brain. A deformed slug was
recovered at the left auricular region. ISSUE:
(3) Contusion, right eyebrow, measuring 3 x 2 cm, 3 cm from WON Herminia Marquez, the lone prosecution eyewitness, was
the anterior midline. a credible witness
There are subdural and subarachnoidal hemorrhages.
Stomach is full of partially digested food particles and positive RATIO: YES (See case for full transcript of Herminia's
for alcoholic odor. testimony in open court)
- Herminia’s testimony is positive, clear and straightforward.
CONCLUSION: She did not waver in her narration of the shooting incident,
Cause of death is intracranial hemorrhage as a result of neither did she waffle in recounting her son’s death. She was
gunshot wounds. Head. subjected by defense counsel to rigorous cross and re-cross
examinations and yet she stuck to her testimony given in the
10. Herminia filed a complaint for murder against Lee. The direct examination. She readily gave specific details of the
complaint was however dismissed for insufficiency of evidence crime scene because the crime happened right in her own
11. Herminia appealed the order of dismissal to the Secretary living room. She explained that she was unable to warn Joseph
of Justice who reversed and set aside the appealed Resolution because she was shocked by the sight of Lee aiming a gun at
and ordered the City Prosecutor of Caloocan City to file an her son.
information for murder against the Lee - The inconsistency between her affidavit and her testimony
12. The Information was filed and a warrant of arrest issued was satisfactorily explained by Herminia on cross-examination
against Lee (see case for full transcript)
13. October 16, 1998: Lee was arrested by agents of the - Herminia corrected her affidavit by saying in open court that
National Bureau of Investigation (NBI). she saw the hand and the gun coming out of the open window,
14. Lee has several criminal cases pending against him in not from a hole in the window. In her direct testimony,
Caloocan City. He was charged with frustrated homicide in Herminia presented a photograph of her living room just the
1984 and attempted murder in 1989. way it looked from her side on the night of the shooting.
- Between Herminia’s testimony in open court and her sworn
FACTS for the DEFENSE: statement, any inconsistency therein does not necessarily
For his defense, accused-appellant presented two witnesses: discredit the witness.
(a) Orlando Bermudez, a neighbor; and (b) himself. Lee denies - It is thus clear that when Herminia approached her son, she
the killing of Joseph Marquez. saw that the person firing the gun was Lee. Lee continued
16. Lee claims that from 8:00pm to 10:00pm of September 29, firing and then ran away towards the direction of his house.
1996, he was in his house located at 317 M. de Castro St., This account is not inconsistent with the witness testimony in
Bagong Barrio, Caloocan City and having some drinks with his open court.
neighbor, Orlando Bermudez, and his driver, Nelson Columba - Herminia’s declarations are based on her actual account of
and singing with the videoke. Also in the house were his wife, the commission of the crime. She had no ill motive to accuse
children and household help. Lee of killing her son, or at least, testify falsely against
17. At 10:00 P.M., Orlando and Nelson went home and Lee appellant. Lee himself admitted that he and Herminia have
went to sleep. Lee woke up at 5:30 in the morning of the been neighbors for years and have known each other for a
following day and learned that Joseph Marquez and he was long time.
tagged as the latter's killer - The Solicitor General points out that it was Lee who had
18. Lee knew the victim since childhood and their houses are strong motive to harm or kill Joseph. Lee revealed that six days
only two blocks apart. before the shooting, he caught Joseph inside his car
attempting to steal the stereo. The alibi that Lee was drinking
with his friends that fateful night of September 29, 1996 does
not rule out the possibility that he could have been at the
scene of the crime at the time of its commission. The victim’s
house is merely two blocks away from Lee’s house and could
be reached in several minutes.

- The lone eyewitness account of the killing finds support in the
medico-legal report. Dr. Rosalie Cosidon found that the
deceased sustained two gunshot wounds one to the right of
the forehead, and the other, to the left side of the back of the
victims head. Two slugs were recovered from the victims head.
Judging from the location and number of wounds sustained,
Dr. Cosidon theorized that the assailant could have been more
than two feet away from the victim. Both gunshot wounds were
serious and fatal.

- In the instant case, proof of the bad moral character of the

victim is irrelevant to determine the probability or
improbability of his killing. Lee has not alleged that the victim
was the aggressor or that the killing was made in self-defense.
There is no connection between the deceased's drug addiction
and thievery with his violent death in the hands of Lee. In light
of the positive eyewitness testimony, the claim that because of
the victims bad character he could have been killed by any one
of those from whom he had stolen, is pure and simple
- As to the aggravating circumstance of evident premeditation,
this cannot be appreciated to increase the penalty in the
absence of direct evidence showing that accused-appellant
deliberately planned and prepared the killing of the victim.
- Neither can the aggravating circumstance of dwelling found
by the trial court be applied in the instant case. The
Information alleges only treachery and evident premeditation,
not dwelling.
- Without the aggravating circumstance of dwelling, the
penalty of death was erroneously imposed by the trial court.
There being no aggravating circumstance, there is no basis for
the award of exemplary damages.

DISPOSITIVE: Noel Lee is found GUILTY of murder for the

death of Joseph Marquez. The death sentence imposed by the
trial court is however reduced to reclusion perpetua, there
having been no aggravating circumstance in the commission of
said crime. Except for the award of exemplary damages, the
award of civil indemnity, other damages and costs are likewise

6. Anatomy

6.1. Major arteries & veins

Arteries distribute oxygenated blood throughout the

body, while veins carry deoxygenated blood to the
heart. Pulmonary arteries and veins function Internal jugular vein - Vein collecting blood from the
differently. encephalon and from one portion of the face and neck; it is the
largest vein in the neck.
Internal iliac artery - Branch of the common iliac artery
flowing to the pelvis, the genital organs and the inner thigh. Arch of foot artery -Continuation of the dorsalis pedis
artery; it divides into the arteries of the metatarsus.
Superior vena cava - Vein carrying deoxygenated blood
from the upper body (above the diaphragm) back to the right Dorsalis pedis artery- Artery flowing to the ankle and the
atrium. back of the foot.

Great saphenous vein - Superficial vein collecting blood Anterior tibial artery - Artery running along the front of the
from the inner leg and thigh and receiving blood from certain leg and supplying blood to the extensor muscles; it extends
veins of the foot; it is the longest vein in the body. through the dorsal artery of the foot.

Abdominal aorta - Fourth segment of the aorta circulating Femoral artery - Main artery of the lower limb; it is a
to all the organs and to the walls of the abdomen; it branches continuation of the external iliac artery and runs along the
into the common iliac arteries. femur.

Femoral vein - Vein collecting blood from the deep Common iliac artery - Branch of the abdominal aorta that
structures of the thighs and receives blood from the great circulates blood to the pelvis and the lower limbs; it divides
saphenous vein, among others. into the internal and external iliac arteries.

Superior mesenteric artery - Branch of the abdominal Superior mesenteric vein - Vein collecting blood from a
aorta that supplies blood to the ascending colon and half of section of the intestine (small intestine, right colon); it is one of
the transverse colon. the veins that flows into the portal vein.

Renal artery - Branch of the abdominal aorta circulating Inferior vena cava - Vein carrying blood deoxygenated in
blood to the kidney. the lower portion of the body (below the diaphragm) to the
right atrium; it is the largest vein in the organism.
Renal vein - Large vein collecting blood from the kidney; it
flows into the inferior vena cava. Pulmonary vein - Vein that returns blood to the heart after
it has been oxygenated in the lungs; unlike other veins, the
Pulmonary artery - Artery carrying blood that is poor in pulmonary veins carry oxygen-rich blood
oxygen and rich in carbon dioxide to the lungs; it is the only
artery that transports oxygen-poor blood. Brachial artery - Artery flowing along the humerus and
supplying the flexor muscles of the arm; it divides into the
Basilic vein - Large superficial vein of the inner surface of the radial and ulnar arteries at the bend in the elbow.
arm; it connects to the humeral vein in the armpit to form the
axillary vein. Axillary artery - Artery crossing the hollow of the armpit
and extending through the brachial artery; it also circulates
Cephalic vein - Superficial vein of the outer arm emptying through the thoracic wall and the shoulder.
into the axillary vein; it also receives blood from the superficial
veins of the shoulder. Subclavian artery - Main artery of the upper limb passing
through the clavicle and extending through the axillary artery;
Axillary vein - Deep vein running through the hollow of the it also flows to the lower section of the neck.
armpit and ending at the subclavian vein; it receives the flow of
the shoulder and thorax veins, among others. Common carotid artery - Branch of the aorta flowing to
the head and upper portion of the neck; it is divided into
Subclavian vein - Vein collecting blood from the arm and internal and external carotid arteries.
part of the neck and face; it passes beneath the clavicle and  
receives the flow of the external jugular vein, among others.

External jugular vein - Vein carrying blood from the cranial

walls, deep regions of the face and outer walls of the neck to
the subclavian vein.

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