Band of Brothers Syllabus Fall 2017 Trent

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Band of Brothers - 82442 - LEAD 150 – 03

Tuesday and Thursday 11am-12:15pm

Killian 305
*Lunch at Courtyard following class (not required)
Trent Mortimer Cody Dunlap
Office Phone: 828-227-2600 Office Phone: 828-227-3264
Cell Phone: 608-290-2961 (text is fine) Cell Phone: 704-877-2901
Email: Email:
Facebook Office: Scott Hall First Floor Lobby
Instagram: TrentMortimer Office Hours: As necessary
Office: Harrill 118
Office Hours: As necessary

Course Description:
You will examine the principles of leadership through the thematic lens of masculinity. You will explore opportunities to express
emotion in an appropriate manner and in a setting where individuals rely on one another for support towards reaching and utilizing
their full potential. There will be opportunities to begin raising awareness of men's issues among others in the campus community and
explore the bonds that are created between men.
Credit Hours: 2

Texts: Albom, Mitch. Tuesdays With Morrie Must Purchase (we will discuss options)

First Year Experience at Western Carolina University: Strategies for Success,

12th ed. – ISBN: 978-1-319-12957-6 (available in book rental)

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks the 2017 One Book. Custom ed. – ISBN: 978-1-524-76304-6
This book was provided to all new freshmen during Orientation.

Leadership Minor
Open to students from any major, the Leadership Minor is interdisciplinary and consists of 18-credit hours
that provide students with in-depth instruction on desired qualities of leaders and the application of these
qualities. The minor provides students with courses and experiences necessary to serve as leaders in their
local and global communities and professional career paths. Additionally, your current LEAD LLC course
counts towards the Leadership Minor, so you are already on your way! For more information on the
Leadership Minor, please contact Mike Corelli, Associate Director for Campus Activities (

Learning Outcomes for LEAD Classes

• Demonstrate an understanding of leadership principles and behaviors of effective leaders
• Utilize leadership styles in diverse contexts
• Apply knowledge of conflict resolution in difficult situations
• Generate and accept constructive feedback
• Define clear and actionable goals
• Experience an intentional and experiential immersion into leadership education
• Build relationships with fellow students, faculty, and staff in the LEAD LLCs
• Successfully transition to the Western Carolina University community
The Band of Brothers Guiding Principles
Each Class will be based on at least one of the following principles:
A man is a good student
A man is a gentleman
A man is respectful of others
A man knows how to give and receive love
A man knows where he stands
A man knows what is close to his heart
A man knows how to give thanks
A man has a grateful heart
A man knows his pitfalls
A man is his own man
A man is a leader
A man is a responsible and informed member of society
A man knows where he has been
A man knows where he is
A man knows where he wants to go
A man is aware of his significance
A man knows when to rely on the wisdom of other men
A man is a Peaceful Warrior

Items that Will Be Covered:

Academic Components/Policies
Academic Success Centers
Academic Resources
Academic Advising
Blackboard/Catamount Email/Other Communication Tools
Campus Activities/Involvement
Career Counseling
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
Leadership and the Social Change Model
A Liberal Studies Education
Responsible Living and Wellness
Service Learning
Study Skills/Time Management
Values Clarification and Exploration
MBTI and Personality Exploration
Gender Roles and Their Impact
Tuesdays With Morrie
Hunter Library
Diversity and Inclusion
Financial Literacy

Grade Breakdown:

Class participation and Attendance

As this course is based on interaction and sharing, it requires student participation. This participation will be
evaluated on attendance and the quality of actual class discussion. You are expected to be prepared to actively
discuss all assigned material for the class. Failure to attend class without proper notification and approval by
me will result in a point deductions being taken. (15 points)

Any unexcused absence will result in the deduction of ONE POINT on your final grade (there is a big difference
between excused and unexcused). The second and third unexcused absence will result in the loss of one point
each off of your final grade. If there are more than 3, it will be five points off of your final grade per absence.
Movie Attendance
We will watch three movies in this class that go along nicely with the spirit of this class. Early in the semester
we will watch, The Mask You Live In and Peaceful Warrior, and closer to the end of the semester we will watch
The Ultimate Gift. These will be double classes (there may be BRIEF assignments based on these movies).
Technically there are no points for this if is part of your attendance and participation, BUT if you miss these
you WILL have points deducted!

3-Paper Reflection Series

This series of 3, 3-5 page reflection papers will become a 9-15 page journey of your personal path to manhood.
The papers will be given at different points throughout the class. The topics: The Man I Used to Be, The Man I
am Today, and The Man That I Want To Be. The final paper will act as your final exam. All three papers are
worth 10 points each. (30 points)

Tuesdays With Morrie

This is a book that you will need to purchase for this class (we can discuss options). You will need to be
familiar with the story and be prepared to have a detailed discussion regarding it. There will also be a 2- 3
refection paper that will be assigned based on the reading as well. (10 points)

Myers-Briggs/Career/Major Reflection
We will have a class based on your personality type and what it all means. Write a 1-2 page reflection about
your personality type and how it applies to your life. Use and delve deeper into what
your letters actually mean. Specifically make sure that you address what the website says about your possible
major/career choices. (5 points)

One-on-one Meeting With Your Instructor

That would be me…so get excited. This will be a 30 minute-1 hour meeting with me simply to chat (see how
your semester is going etc). The format and location is up to you. The order will be randomly generated. (5

The Better Man Project

Over the course of the semester I would like you to introduce something to your life that you feel will make you
a “better man.” We will discuss options for this but there is a lot of room for interpretation.

I need for you to submit a proposal to me by Thursday, August 31st with a paragraph stating what you plan to
do. At the end of the semester you will need to submit a 2-3 page reflection paper detailing the following
things: what made you choose what you chose, how did it go, and what impact did it have on you or your life or
those around you. (10 points: 2/8)

Program Attendance/SSI Completion

Attending campus events and activities is one of the best ways to become involved at WCU! You will be
required to attend two campus events. One event must be a One Book event. The other event can be a speaker,
a concert, a football game, etc. If you are wondering if something will count, just ask. After you have attended
the event just write a brief summary of the event, what you thought of the event.

The One Book events are as follows: You must attend ONE of these events:

Reading Roundtable: A Peer-facilitated Book Discussion

September 20, 2017 4:30-6:00 in Blue Ridge
One Book Film Screening: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks: University Center Theatre
October 2 (Monday) show times - 4:30, 6:30, 9:00 - open seating, no reservations - WCU
October 3 (Tuesday) show times- 4:30, 6:30, 9:00 - open seating, no reservations
Panel Discussion Series: A topic/theme-based Faculty-facilitated series.
October 5 (Thursday) 3:30-4:30 - Blue Ridge Conference Room A
Topic: Leadership
October 10 (Tuesday) 12:00-1:00 - Blue Ridge Conference Room A
Topic: Health Disparities & Cultural Humility
October 11 (Wednesday) 4:00-5:00 - Blue Ridge Conference Room A
Topic: Science and Technology
October 25 (Wednesday) 4:00-5:00 - University Center Multipurpose Room
Topic: Reading to Research
November 2 (Thursday) 12:00-1:00 - Blue Ridge Conference Room A
Topic: Ethics

You are also required to meet with your Resident Assistant twice during the first semester to complete your
SSI. We will discuss this in class. These points are all or nothing. You complete two SSI’s and two programs or
no points. (10 points)

Service Learning
Each of you will be expected to work (with me) the Friday dinner shift at the local community table (soup
kitchen). We will meet in front of Scott Hall at 3pm on your assigned Friday and we will get back to campus
between 6:30pm and 7pm. You will be expected to work two shifts. You will be expected to write a 2-3 page
reflection on your participation after you complete the second shift. We will also process the experience each
week, after we finish working.

If you have class during this time on Friday or have some type of pre-approved conflict, you will need to
complete 8 hours of community service on your own. You will need to have the organization that you choose to
work with approved by me, and will need to provide documentation of your work. (15 points)

Late Policy
Any written assignment that must be turned in or emailed to me falls under the late policy. Unless you have
worked something out with me you will lose two points each day that the assignment is late.

Grading Scale
Out of 100 Possible Points
A (93 or above)
A- (90-92)
B+ (87-89)
B (83-86)
B- (80-82)
C+ (77-79)
C (73-76)
C- (70-72)
D+ (67-69)
D (63-66)
D- (60-62)
F (below a 60)

This syllabus is always subject to change, and probably will honestly. I will try to construct a week by week
listing of what we will be doing, but that is really tough to do for a lot of reasons. I have taught this class many
times, and each time the class has been different. I need to know all of you, and your needs before I can really
sketch out the class the way that I want to. Many times, I let the class determine the direction that we will go
in. It is really hard for me to describe this class in a syllabus. It is very difficult to explain what this class is all
about, just trust me.
Other random notes:
As stated in the beginning, Lunch at Courtyard is not required though it is highly recommended. It has become
a tradition of this class and allows us to get to know each other outside class.

There may be some classes that meet outside of our normal class time. We will do some activities with the other
section of Band of Brothers like the movies. This will not happen very often, but with the few times that it may,
I always try to give you a heads up and I will always try to give you that time back in your schedule on a later
class date.

Western Carolina University: Community Creed

I will practice personal and academic integrity.
I will respect the dignity and rights of all persons.
I will demonstrate concern for others and live up to my community responsibilities.
I will engage myself in the arts, culture and intellectual life of my University.
I will celebrate and take pride in Western Carolina University.

Plagiarism and Cheating

Western Carolina University, as a community of scholarship, is also a community of honor. Faculty, staff, administrators and students work together
to achieve the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Academic dishonesty is a serious offense at Western Carolina University because it
threatens the quality of scholarship and defrauds those who depend on knowledge and integrity. Academic dishonesty includes:
a. Cheating – Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise.
b. Fabrication – Intentional falsification of information or citation in an academic exercise.
c. Plagiarism – Intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of someone else as one’s own in an academic exercise.
d. Facilitation of Academic Dishonesty – Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help someone else to commit an act of
academic dishonesty, such as knowingly allowing another to copy information during an examination or other academic exercise.
Instructors have the right to determine the appropriate sanction or sanctions for academic dishonesty within their courses up to and including a final
grade of “F” in the course. Within 5 calendar days of the event the instructor will inform Program Director in writing of the academic dishonesty
charge and sanction.

You can read the full policy online in the Student Code of Conduct

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: Western Carolina University is committed to providing equal educational
opportunities for students with documented disabilities and/or medical conditions. Students who require
accommodations must identify themselves as having a disability and/or medical condition and provide current
diagnostic documentation to the Office of Accessibility Resources. Please contact the Office of Accessibility Resources,
135 Killian Annex (next to the One Stop), (828) 227-3886 or by email at
Calendar of Assignments
Assignment Date Assigned Due Date

Better Man Part 1 August 22 August 31

The Man I Used To Be September 5 September 19
(3-5 pages)
Myers-Briggs Reflection September 12 October 3
(2 pages)
The Man I Am Today October 5 October 26
(3-5 pages)
Program Attendance 1* August 22 October 26
Tuesdays With Morrie Paper* Ongoing November 12
(2-3 pages)
Program Attendance 2* August 22 November 28
Better Man Reflection August 22 November 30
(2-3 Pages)
Service Learning Reflection * August 22 December 12
(2-3 pages)
The Man I Want To Be November 30 December 12
(3-5 pages)
*can be turned in early

Longer classes or exceptions to our meeting times…

Tuesday, September 19th-movie in the UC Theater (Peaceful Warrior) at 6pm

Thursday, October 10th-6pm in the Blue Ridge Multi-Purpose Room, “Why I Carry My Backpack”

Sunday, November 12th-8pm in Scott Blue, Tuesdays With Morrie listening party. The book is about three and
a half hours long. Don’t grumble about how long it is, this is not required, it is only if you want to attend or if
you do want to read the book.

Thursday, November 28th movie in the UC Theater (The Ultimate Gift) at 6pm

Tuesday, December 12th at 6pm in the Blue Ridge Multi-Purpose Room-“Final exam”

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