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Data Exchange

Linear Scheduling Software

Further information is available in the help systems of

TILOS, TILOS Exchange Profile Editor,

MS Project, Primavera and ASTA Powerproject

Exchange Applications

A guide to exchange data with TILOS linear scheduling software.

Linear project Gmbh – Karlsruhe Germany

Phone: +49 721 46 47 28-0

Tilos7 data exchange (white paper) Page 1

Change Log

2011-06-01 Primavera API Functionality enhanced for task templates. This is described
in 5.3.

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Table of Contents

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Basics ............................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Best Practices ................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Scope of exchange ........................................................................................ 6
1.4 The TILOS Exchange Wizard ........................................................................ 8
1.5 XML data exchange schema ......................................................................... 9
2 Installing TILOS Exchange Modules ................................................................. 11
2.1 General ........................................................................................................ 11
2.2 MS Project ................................................................................................... 12
2.3 ASTA Powerproject...................................................................................... 13
2.4 Primavera installation .................................................................................. 14
3 Primavera data Exchange .................................................................................. 30
3.1 Importing data to Primavera ........................................................................ 30
3.2 Exporting Data from Primavera to TILOS XML file. ..................................... 31
3.3 Sample profiles supplied for Primavera ....................................................... 35
4 Profile Editor ....................................................................................................... 37
5 Task data Attributes ........................................................................................... 38
5.1 Task ID and Update criteria ......................................................................... 38
5.2 General task data......................................................................................... 40
5.3 Task Template ............................................................................................. 40
5.4 Calendar ...................................................................................................... 44
5.5 Dates, Duration and constraints .................................................................. 44
5.6 Distance data ............................................................................................... 45
5.7 Category assignments ................................................................................. 47
6 Links ..................................................................................................................... 48
7 Cost and resource data ...................................................................................... 49
7.1 Library data .................................................................................................. 49
7.2 Task planned resources .............................................................................. 50
7.3 Task actual resources .................................................................................. 51
8 Progress .............................................................................................................. 51
8.1 Simple progress exchange .......................................................................... 51
8.2 Advanced progress ...................................................................................... 52

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1 Introduction
1.1 Basics
TILOS has three major options for exchanging data with other applications: ASCII, Excel and
XML. XML is the most enhanced technology for data exchange allowing the widest scope that
can bind many different datasets inside one single file. This is why this method is also used for
data exchange in other project management applications.

For each of the three options listed below, there is a separate program available to read and
write the files to these applications. This allows you to specify exactly which data should be
exchanged from a project and also the ability to update only a subset is possible without
exchanging all the information .

The Excel exchange module can also read and write multiple objects types (e.g. tasks, links,
allocations), where each data type is stored in an separate Excel data worksheet of a

The ASCII exchange works in a similar way to Excel but can only exchange one data type
during import or export.

All data exchange functions are started from the File menu by choosing either Import or
Export. This will then start a four step data exchange wizard designed to assist users with the
exchange process

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1.2 Best Practices

The XML based data exchange provides a user to exchange a wider set of data between
TILOS and other project management systems (including calendar information).

At the beginning of the project the goal of the data exchange should be clearly defined so that
it is clearly understood where data is updated and where it is imported into. Each application
has it’s own task / link and resource models. The user must be careful to avoid unwanted side
effects that can occur.

TILOS may have enhanced task calculations based on profile data applied to one or more
tasks . The duration for these tasks is then based on calculations using the variable quantity of
work along the project. The result is that the start date can be changed, but not the duration,
as this is based on these calculations.

TILOS can also calculate the lag between tasks based on distance parameters specified by
the planner. These attributes are not supported by any other project management system so
updating a link in TILOS from an external program will reset this option. TILOS translates
these distance based links to normal CPM links when exporting data from TILOS to another
project management system.

A good example might be a highway project with many overpasses. Each overpass is typically
planned with Gantt charts outside TILOS and may be a separate project in MS Project. Making
a master project in MS Project, that includes all these overpass projects, allows the user to
create a simple export run using filters to import all relevant linear tasks to TILOS. The TILOS
exchange module generates world wide unique ID’s (GUID) for these tasks, that make later
updates possible.

This use of unique ID’s makes TILOS very powerful: We do not have to exchange complete
files but rather we can create any subset of data in one system and put this as a subset of
data to the other system. Updating or modifying a task should be done only in one system and
the other gets updated and vice versa.

Another approach is to use TILOS for planning and coordinating the linear work on the site. In
this approach the non-linear (supply chain, with design and maufacturing) is kept in Primavera
(for example). The TILOS plan then creates tasks in Primavera and puts constraints on them
so that they can not be moved. Now the other, non-linear work can be planned around these

TILOS can also export the full plan, including cost and resource utilisation for cross project
analysis and portfolio management. TILOS can import a complete schedule With the layout
and task attributes predefined, very little post import editing work is needed. In this case
TILOS is then the time location viewer.

To summarize, it should be clearly defined which application is the leading planning system for
which area and which application is used to edit the data gets.

For each special case a special configuration for the exchange can be done to fullfill the
specific needs. The full integration using API programming or VBA macros leave the rest of
project untouched and replaced data only on demand.

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1.3 Scope of exchange
The following table provides an overview, which data can be exchanged.

TILOS Other Apps

Project     
Accounts      
Resources      
Categories   
Category Entries     
Currency Units   
Units   
Calendars   
Contracts 
Contract Items 
Contract Resources 
Distance Profiles 
Distance Profile Lines   
Time Profiles 
Time Profile Lines  
Section Types 
Section Profiles 
Section Profile Lines  
SubProjects 
Tasks      
Notes 
Category Assignments    
Planned Resources      
Actual Resources   
Contract Assignments 

Hammocks 
Steps 
Links      
Micro Progress   
Task Templates 

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The data exchange is controlled by the following parameters. They are explained in detail
within the following sections.

Parameter Choice Group

Export Yes / No Generic
Import Yes / No Generic
Task-Identifier Task-ID Task-ID
Distance unit name Distance data
Use equation Yes / No Distance data
Equation name Yes / No Distance data
Update only not performed tasks Yes / No Progress
Group tasks from Progress Group Yes / No Progress
Delete not updated local links Yes / No Links
Delete not updated external links Yes / No Links
Support TILOS link attributes Yes / No Links
Export task template as category Yes / No Task template
Name of Category for Templates Task template
Resource import mode Simple Resource
Resources update mode Replace All Resource
Add resources from template Resource
Automatically create part resource assignments Yes / No Resource
Convert library resource cost rates to hours Yes / No Resource
Do not export income allocations Yes / No Resource
Expand Project range to Subprojects range Yes / No Generic

For ASCII and Excel these parameters can be set in the exchange dialog in step 3 (left
picture), for XML in the profile editor (right picture).

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1.4 The TILOS Exchange Wizard
Nearly all data exchanges are started from the TILOS file menu (select (Import or Export) and
are independent from the TILOS view settings.

Using ASCII exchange, the data is copied to the clipboard. For import, the data is taken from
clipboard and export data are copied to the clipboard.

The Excel exchange reads an Excel file on import and generates a new file on export that you
have to save as. Optionally you can select an existing Excel file as a template.

In both of the above options, one of the standard exchange profiles is used.

For XML you need to specify a data file and a profile containing the exchange options.

1 - Define Format (ASCII / Excel / XML )

2 - Define Datasource

3 - Define Data set

4 - Define Project scope

For export, after step 4 the exchange file is created or the content is stored in the clipboard.
Now you can start any further application to process the data.

For import, after step 4 the data inside TILOS are updated and you can view the changes.
Before import you should have created an exchange data file or copied the data into the

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Exchange profiles

In Step 3 of the wizard, an exchange profile is defined to specify which objects and which
attributes of each object should be exchanged. For ASCII and Excel, these profiles are stored
in one file in the user area. One file can contain many profiles.

For XML, each profile is stored in a separate file which contains the rules for both of the
programs taking part in the data exchange. To modify the installed XML exchange profiles,
there is a profile editor installed along with the exchange modules.

1.5 XML data exchange schema

Export from TILOS:

- Start TILOS and open project

- Select File / Export
- Select Option XML
- Select Output file name
- Select Profile
- Select Project scope and filter
- Export data

XML Data File Profile Editor

(Data for Exchange) (Rules and Settings)

- Launch application*
(See below)
- Select option: Import
- Set Profile to use
- Set Input file to use
- Select or Create New Project*
(Only for Primavera)
- Import data

Launch application*: This step is specific for each application

MS Project Primavera ASTA Powerproject

- Start MS Project Start TILOS Primavera - Start ASTA Powerproject
- Open a project Exchange from TILOS Windows - Open a project
- Start TILOS exchange macro Menu. - Start TILOS exchange macro
After importing data, start
Primavera to view the result. If
the project was already loaded,
then press F5 to update the

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Import to TILOS

- Launch application*
(See below)
- Select option: Export
- Set Profile to use
- Set Input file to use
- Select Project and Filter for export
(Only Primavera)
- Export data

XML Data File XML Profile

(Data for Exchange) (Rules and Settings)

- Start TILOS and open project

- Select File / Import
- Select Option XML
- Select Input file name
- Select Profile
- Select Project scope
- Import data

Launch application*: This step is specific to each application

MS Project Primavera ASTA Powerproject

- Start MS Project Start TILOS Primavera - Start ASTA Powerproject
- Open a project Exchange from TILOS Windows - Open a project
- Set filters (on demand) Menu. - Select a view
- Start TILOS exchange macro Project selection and filters can - Start TILOS exchange macro
MS Project always exports the be set in TILOS Primavera ASTA Powerproject always
current view. exchange program. exports the current view.

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2 Installing TILOS Exchange Modules
2.1 General
To run the XML based data exchange functions, you need first to install this functionality.

With version 7.0.02, a separate install program is used to install all xml based exchange
programs. This can be downloaded from our web server:

Download this program and execute it. It works in the same way as the TILOS installation
program, but you select which modules you want to install on your computer (based on your
license agreement).

Before you install one these exchange programs you should have the master program
installed as well.

For MS Project, MS Project should be installed with minimum version 2000.

For ASTA PowerProject minimum Version 10 should be installed.

For Primavera, java runtime minimum version 6 is needed and the Oracle primavera
integration API needs to be installed and configured. Please check for further
information in the section Primavera (2.4 Primavera)

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2.2 MS Project
Check this option if you want to exchange data with MS Project. This will copy the following
files to the sub folder \Exchange\ MS Project Macro of the TILOS data file structure.

TILOS-MSProject-XML.chm Help file

TILOS-MSProject-XML.mpp Macro file containing macros for data exchange

TILOS-MSProject-XML-Install.mpp Macro installation file. This creates a global macro and

a link to the TILOS macro file servicing import and

TILOS-MSProject-Translation.xml This file contain the translations for the different


At the end of the installation with option MS Project checked, then MS Project is started and
the macro installation file is executed. If you did not do that, then you need to do this activation
manually. Double click on that file in installation folder to install or update the macros.

Calling the MS Project Macro

For MS Project 2003 and 2007, a menu entry is created automatically during installation. For
MS Project 2010 you will need to do this manually as described below.

1. Run “Customize Quick Access Toolbar”

2. Click on “More commands”.
3. Select Macro in the list Choose Commands from.
4. Select the macro: RunTILOS7Exchange and press the button Add.

The system is now ready for data exchange with TILOS.

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2.3 ASTA Powerproject
The setup detects automatically, where ASTA Powerproject is installed and copies the file into
the add-in directory. If the install folder can’t be detected, any other existing folder can be
selected. However the VBA macro can only be used if the Powerproject installation directory is
selected, but you also copy the files later to the correct directory.

The following files get copied:

TILOS-ASTAPP-XML.chm Help file

TILOS-ASTAPP-XML.VBA Macro file containing macros for data exchange

TILOS-ASTAPP-Translation.xml This file contains the translations for the different


Creating a icon or menu entry

Start ASTA Powerproject afterwards and create a menu entry or an icon for the installed

1 Select the menu item Tools/Customize.

2 Select the tab Commands and open the folder Macros.

3 Drag the sub entry: Main.TILOSExchange either to the Menu or to the toolbar and drop
it there.

4 Use this entry for further exchanges.

For more help, please use the help system of the TILOS exchange function inside ASTA

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2.4 Primavera installation
In this section further instructions about the installation and operating the Primavera interface
is given.

2.4.1 Java runtime system installed ?

Is Java runtime system version 6 or later installed?

If this question is answered with yes, you can switch to 2.4.2.

The current installed version of Java can be verified by navigating to:

The API needs Java Runtime 1.6.x or higher for the Primavera API installation.

If any earlier version is installed

Download Java from website and click on download.

The required version is: Java or greater.

2.4.2 Primavera API installed ?

Before installing the TILOS Exchange modul for Primavera, you need to have the Primavera
API installed already. If this is done continue with 2.4.3.

You need to download the “Primavera P6 Enterprise Media Pack” in the required version of
your current TILOS installation from or from the support area.

After you entered your name and address data, select what you want to download.

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And then select what you want to download. E.g.

Press continue and you will get the list of downloads for Version 7.

In our case this is

After successful download subtract the zip file and you with get the following files structure:

Follow the installation wizard.

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The installation wizard will pop-up after the above message.

Click on next.

On the next screen, we are going to select the first option from the list: Local mode.

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Click next and you will be asked to confirm install file location. Change if required or leave as
is and click next.

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Note: This will be the location where you copy the TILOS Exchange installation files, in
case the API is not detected.

On the next screen, click on “select all” before you click on next.

After you select all, click next and will bring you to below screen.

Click on “Browse” and select the location where Java is installed.

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Once you select JRE6 from the list, click OK and next.

On a 64 bit system, this folder might be located in: “C:\Program Files (x86)”

Do not select Java i.e. one level higher (as shown above) since that folder may contain
multiple versions of java and will have more than one folder.

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2.4.3 Primavera P6 API configured ?
If your Primavera API is correctly configured already, you can continue with the next step.

The following screen is automatically started when you execute the API install program. You
may execute this afterwards at any time by double clicking on the file “dbconfig.cmd” in the
API directory.

The next screen will ask what database you are using. Here, we will select MS SQL Server.

If you run Primavera P6 with Oracle database, select Oracle.

Click next and it will take you to the database name and password screen as shown below:

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SQL-Server database connection data:

This is most important page for settings:

User name and Password: Here you do not enter your Primavera user name, but a
priviledged database user with password. Default values are: User name: privuser and
privuser as password sa with password works also.

Database name and Host Port

If you are not sure what to enter here, startPrimavera and select Help=>Aboutthen select the
system tab.

About: Primavera P6 Project Management

Release: 7.0 SP2
Module: P3C
Username: hg (hg);<Admin Superuser>
PM Database: PMDB: SQLServer (hg, localhost,1433: PMDBV7SP2)
MM Database: MMDB: SQLServer (LPOne: PMBD)
Database Schema Version: PMDB,0700.0001.0001.0002

The Database name is the last entry: Here PMDBV7SP2

The Database host address is localhost or the name of your database server.

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The Database host port is the value in between these two values: the default is 1433 as
shown above in the settings.

Orcale database connection data:

This is most important page for settings:

User name and Password: Here you do not enter your Primavera user name, but a
priviledged database user with password. Default values are: User name: privuser and
privuser as password.

Database name and Host Port

If you are not sure what to enter here, startPrimavera and select Help=>Aboutthen select the
system tab.

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The Database name is the last entry: Here XE

The Database host address is vpc2007 (on this machine).

Click next and that will finish your API installation.

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2.4.4 User rights configured ?
In order to have allowance to connect via API to a Primavera database, you need to have
special user rights. This need to be set within the Primavera user right settings.

The system administrator needs to set this right for each user that wants to connect to the
Primavera database.

2.4.5 Installing TILOS Exchange for Primavera

You need to select the option for installation that matches with the primavera installation you
have on your computer.

If you are not sure about which service pack version of Primavera is installed check the Help /
About information.

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The TILOS integration module needs to be installed in the same directory, where the
Primavera PI is installed and configured.

For version 7 and 8 the setup detects automatically where the Primavera API is installed. For
Primavera version 6 the API folder can’t be detected by the setup program.

If the API install folder can’t be detected, you need to select this during the installation.

Possible locations are:

- C:\P6IntegrationAPI

- C:\Program Files\Primavera\P6IntegrationAPI

In some case a _1 or _2 or higher is added if you have multiple versions of the API
installed on your computer.

2.4.6 Starting Primavera Exchange

After the installation has finished, start the TILOS Primavera Exchange, using the menu entry
from your Windows \ Program menu.

The start up dialog appears:

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Enter your user name

Enter your password

Select the database you are going to use.

Press OK to log into your database. The data exchange control panel appears.

2.4.7 Trouble shouting

If the login procedure to the database does not work, here are possible problems discussed.

Integration module does not start at all.

Please make sure, that .jar files installed into the API directory are connected with Java
runtime environment. Sometimes other programs set connection.

To check which file is connected, use the right mouse button and check the option Open with
…. Here should Java be listed.

Test for Primavera sample programs

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In the TILOS Exchange login dialog, there is a diagnose option. Press this button Diagnose.
The bootstrap information will be shown.

Run the Program API Test.

Click on Next and enter your User name and Password. This is your Primavera account.

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At this point you have successfully logged to the database.

Please contact your local TILOS support for further information and instructions.

If the sample application is not running, please call your Oracle support for further help.

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No database instances found

This error message indicates a version conflict. In most cases it happens, if a Primavera
service pack is installed, but API is not on the same level of patches.

Solution: Install latest service pack for the API.

Export exeption “00 AM”

This is due to invalid calendars for activities and is known Oracle problem.

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3 Primavera data Exchange
Start the application like mentioned in chapter 2.4.6 Starting Primavera Exchange

3.1 Importing data to Primavera

For the import of data into Primavera you need a

XML profile file: This file contains the settings how to map the data inside the xml data file to
Primavera as well as Program Parameters. You can set the default pathes to use in your
settings. Sample files are delivered along with your installation.

XML data file: This file contains the data to import. This file has to be created first by
exporting your project from TILOS or received this from a colleague.

Click Save settings to store the values about file and path of the profile for the next data
exchange. The defaults can be changed using Edit settings dialog.

After you have selected a Profile and Source file, click on next to select a project.

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The TILOS ProjectID is stored inside the file under the main tag Project. If a project with that
name exists then this is suggested to be the project to import the data to.

But you may select any other or create a new project.

3.2 Exporting Data from Primavera to TILOS XML file.

For the export of data into Primavera you need a

XML profile file: This file contains the settings how to map the data inside the xml data file to
Primavera as well as Program Parameters. You can set the default pathes to use in your
settings. Sample files are delivered along with your installation.

XML data file: This file you select here will later be filled with the export data. This file is later
needed to import the data into TILOS.

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Click Save settings to store the values about file and path of the profile for the next data
exchange. The defaults can be changed using Edit settings dialog.

After you have selected a Profile and Source file, click on next and select a project in the
following dialog.

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The export of data can be controlled by filters in order to reduce the data that are transported

- Select a filter, that you want to apply for your export from the list.

- Edit a selected filter

- Create a new filter

- Use the remove button (red cross) to reset the filter for this export run. It will not delete the

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Managing filters

Each filter can have multiple filter lines that gets evaluated. There are different filter line types.
The type of the filter line gets set, when a new line is created and can not be changed

Create a new filter line

Delete an existing filter line

Edit the selected filter line

There are 3 types of filters:

Activity: This types allows to filter activities. In the edit filter line dialog, you can select a
data field from the list of available data field, select an operator and enter a

You can set more than one activity filter line. They work like “and”.

If you want to apply complex filters also in combination with code and other
Primavera data, we recommend to create inside Primavera a User defined
field with the Name e.g. TilosExport as type text.

Then run inside Primavera a global change which is setting the value:
TilosExport to may TILOS for all tasks you want to export.

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Now inside the export module, you set a filter:

Now only tasks where TilosExport = TILOS get exported.

Code: This type allows to filter codes. For each Code library you want to export, one
filter line has to be created. The codes are exported in TILOS to Categories. In
the field value enter the name of the code library you want to export. The
fields Property and Operator are not used. Only those codes get exported
which are listed within the filter list. By default no Codes are exported
unless they are in the filter list.

Resource: Resources can be filtered in the same way as tasks can be filtered. By this
you can select, which items of the resource library should be exchanged.

The operator “Between” need 2 values to be set. Those get separated with the keyword and.
To select Planned Start Date between 2 values, you should enter in the field value: 2010-04-
01 and 2010-05-01. This takes all tasks that start between this 2 dates.

Date entries have to be done in fixed format: YYYY-MM-DD, this means year always in 4
digits, month in 2 digits and day also in 2 digits. The separator is always a "-".

3.3 Sample profiles supplied for Primavera

Along with the installation there are sample profile provided. This allows an initial data
exchange that you can later adapt to your own need.

Some note ahead about general points:

Calendar: Calendars are enabled in all profiles supplied. They are exchanged in a fixed
way. The length of the name is restricted to the TILOS calendar name length of
32 characters. All longer names will be truncated.

Only those calendars are exported, which are used by tasks which are
exported. Others were skipped.

Holiday are only exchanged for the duration of the project plus 2 years. This
reduced the number of exceptions.

Day name are generated in TILOS. They refers to the 30 minutes working / non-
working patterns. The name is there for 48 characters long and has 0 for
working and 1 for non-working. These names can’t be edited in TILOS.

Codes Code libraries are only exported, when they are nominated in the filters. This
reversed filter protects from exchanging unneeded data (see filters).

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However, if you use a code library for TaskTemplateUID exchange, then the
code library is exported regardless if it is in filter defined or not. But inside the
profile, the Category exchanges entries have to be set.

Codes can also be mapped with TILOS task template or other information.

How to identify the correct code library: TILOS first looks if there is a project
code library with the matching name on import. If it does not exist, then a it
looks for a global library with that name. If it does not exist, then a project code
library is created.

On Export, if there is a global and project library with the same name, then an
error is produced as we have no unique names.

Resources If you exchange resource assignments and library resources, then only those
resources are exchanged, that are used inside the project. All others are
skipped. The same is for units.

The following sample profile are supplied:

Primavera TILOS Tasks Profile.xml

This profile enables the simplest data exchange, just tasks and no links. Calendars are also
exchanged. The TILOS start and end location data are stored within 2 user defined fields:
TILOSStartLoc and TILOSEndLoc.

The task template name is mapped to a code library named Work Type. If on import this does
not exist, it is created and the values are assigned. Code value is generated from the first 20
characters of task template name.

Using the exchange in both directions calendars should only go in one direction.

Primavera TILOS Tasks-Links Profile.xml

Same as above, but additionally links are exchange.

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4 Profile Editor
The profile editor is a separate program installed along with TILOS itself.

During installation of TILOS Exchange, the profiles for the specified links are added to the
TILOS data area. For Windows 7 the common data folder is: “C:\ProgramData\” for Windows
XP: “C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\”.

The files are copied to the folder TILOS\TILOS7-Daten\Exchange\Profiles.

If you run the profile editor, then it prompts normally with this directory using a standard TILOS

You may change default directors of the profile locations inside TILOS in the settings area.
(Tools / Options tab Configuration).

For each user different locations can be set.

However in TILOS and the exchange module, the last used profile and data file is stored with
the program.

For further information how to edit profiles, please check the help system of the profile editor.

Tilos7 data exchange (white paper) Page 37

5 Task data Attributes
This section describes how the exchange of task data works.

5.1 Task ID and Update criteria

TILOS has two options for the identification of tasks during import into TILOS.

In all exchange data sets there is a field called Task-Identifier. This controls how data are
identified during import. This field needs to be part of each exchange run and is added to each
new exchange profile by default.

For ASCII and XLS exchange: Task-Identifier

and the attribute controlling the content is:


and the attribute controlling the content is set in the profile editor.:

Tilos7 data exchange (white paper) Page 38

In ASCII / XLS and XML it works the same:

TASK-ID: The field “Task-ID” of TILOS is used to identify the task. During import, if a
task with that TASK-ID is not found then a new task is created and the
content of UID field is set to Task-ID value.

As each task in TILOS has unique ID, no action is needed on export.

GUID The GUID (Global Unique ID) field is a simple text field assigned to each
task inside TILOS. If the exchange options are based on GUID (rather than
Task-ID), then the following rules apply:

- If content of UID does not match with any GUID of TILOS, a new task is
created. This gets the imported GUID value assigned. A new TASK-ID is
generated and assigned to this task.

- On export, if GUID field is empty, it is filled with a worldwide unique value.

- If a task is copied in TILOS, the GUID field is emptied.

- User has full control of those fields, he can overwrite this at any time, but
this might affect future updates.

The GUID field of TILOS can be made visible in the task general tab in the
section other attributes.

Our recommendation is to use the TASK-ID for either the ASCII or Excel based exchange as
this is simple to read. XML based exchanges should use the GUID technology.

For Primavera having no summary tasks, the ParentUID field is not supported.

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5.2 General task data
Barline TILOS allows many tasks to be added to the same bar line.
You need to add the field BarLineID, Barline name or Bar
line text to the set of exchangeable objects.

Doing so will allow you to place many tasks on the same

bar line in the Gantt chart.


Order TILOS export includes the tag “Order”. In Primavera this

field is mapped to a UDF called “Number1” by default. If
you add this field to your table setup, you can easy achieve
the same sort order as in the TILOS Gantt Chart.

TILOS always exports data in the natural Gantt chart

sort order.

5.3 Task Template

For creating new tasks inside TILOS it is very important to set the attributes of each template.
If this is not set, then TILOS will use the default template, with the result that all tasks look
similar after import.

Setting a template name during import reduces the editing effort afterwards a lot. The import
field used to reference the TilosTaskTemplate can be either the Task Template ID or the Task
Template Name.

If the imported template does not exist, then a new entry is generated at the root level. If the
attributes of this template are edited and the button Adjust Task to Task Template is pressed
in the Task Template library, all tasks will be updated to the new settings.

You need to add either Task Template Name or Task Template ID to your exchange profile.
For import you should have only one set.

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The XML based data exchange provides more options, which can be set in the profile editor.

Tasks Template as User defined field

The easiest way of defining the task template name is to set a text field containing the names.
For Primavera and ASTA you need to create a udf then.

Inside the profile editor you need to link TILOS template with this user defined field.

Change the entry as in picture above: udftext: followed by the name of the udf created.

This works the same for ASTA. For MS Project just select one of the free text fields you used.

Task Template as Code


The whole task library can be exported. Check the options in the line Task Templates exports
or imports the whole task library.

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Only 3 fields need to set.

Further attributes for task templates are exported based on the definition of the task object.


If you check the Task Templates object for export in a primavera designed for Primavera, then
the exchange module will fill the tasks templates object.

It takes that code library, that is used to fill the XML tag TaskTemplateUID or
TaskTemplateName in combination with the function setCodeAssignmentEntry… on task

On import it works the same.

ASTA Powerproject

The ASTA VBA can’t access the TaskTemplate object. However on exporting the data from
TILOS to XML, the TILOS parameter Export task template as category (in the XML profile
editor) forces TILOS to export the task template library as a category library. The name of that
category is set in the parameter Name of Category for Templates. This allows to the user to
export the TILOS template library to ASTA Powerproject code libraries for subsequent use in

Tilos7 data exchange (white paper) Page 42

During import TILOS will also build the library and assign the template based on the category
task assignment. However colors and shape types can’t be exchanged.

Export and Import of Task Templates

Enabling these options in the XML profile editor, TILOS will exchange the task template
library. You can set structure by adding parent UID to the exchange scope. CopyUID defines
from which template the annotation should be copied, if a new template is generated.

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5.4 Calendar
Using XML, the calendar can be exchanged with all attributes about working time and
holidays. On export, the TILOS specific names are used for exceptions and working time

On import, although the name of calendars and the definitions are the same, the calendar
might look different. This is because generated day time types are used, as MSP and P6 have
different definition sets.

Since 7.0.02 the creation of a calendar UID has changed in TILOS:

The UID length has been expanded from 25 to 32 characters and now has the same length as
the field name.

If CalendarID = “” and Name is changed, then CalendarID is always set to name.

If CalendarID = Name and Name is changed, then CalendarID is always set to name.

If CalendarID = “” then on XML export CalendarID is always set to name.

As most other programs do not have a UID assigned to a calendar, the calendar name can
easily be used as the mapping criteria.

For task attributes, the reference to the calendar is exchanged only.

Day Definitions in TILOS Calendar

Day definitions names, that are imported from others applications have a special names
generated from the working shifts.

For MS Project it starts with MSP-.

For ASTA Powerproject it starts with PP-. The names of imported day definitions can’t be
changed in TILOS. Day definitions are built from working time defined by work pattern overlaid
by the exception of that day. On Export, for each day an exception is generated.

5.5 Dates, Duration and constraints

For the ASCII and Excel exchange, the date format needs to be set in the definition block.

Tilos7 data exchange (white paper) Page 44

Date format: Set the format of the Date (day, month, year) and Time hours, n minutes , AM
PM). This has to be in the same format as the data source uses. Samples. YY-MM-DD, hh:nn AM/PM. Seconds need to be removed from the date format. They are not
supported as TILOS has smallest time unit minute.

The values that can be used are:

DD for day

MM for month

YY or YYYY for years

hh for hours and nn for minutes. The separator between hours and minutes is “:”.

AM/PM is also supported on both the import and export.

Sample: hh:nn AM/PM will export “31.01.2011 8:00 AM” or “02.03.2011 1:00
PM” but on import am and pm will also be recognized.

Durations are always interpreted in display time unit active for that project.

XML used always internal date format supplying time information, durations are in minutes.

For ASTA Powerproject make sure, that in Tools / Options the setting for tasks date changes
is set to Change duration.

5.6 Distance data

Distance data are interpreted in the selected unit of the profile. Optionally an equation set can
be applied using alternative coordinates.

Distance unit name Enter the name of the distance unit, that should be used to convert
imported distance values. If not set, then the default is used.

Use equation Enter Yes / No to define whether an equation created by you is used
to define the coordinates.

Tilos7 data exchange (white paper) Page 45

Equation name Enter the name of the equation to apply for the task coordinates.

For ASC and text based imports the unit that is expected for distance data is the same as the
default unit set in TILOS settings.

For XML based imports, the distance values are always expected to be in numeric in base
values. This is that distance unit, where factor = 1. So, there have always to be numeric

In the delivered profiles, we use always numeric fields for the distance units:

MS Project: Number13 and Number14

Primavera: TILOSStartLoc and TILOSEndLoc as user defined numeric fields.

ASTA: TilosStartLocation and TilosEndLocation as user defined fields.

If you are entering the data inside MS Project in Km with decimal values and TILOS base unit
is m, you can apply a factor to convert the values.

The following setting for the distance start and end value are done for the case, that you you
have in Primavera e.g. km. In the TILOS factor field we enter the value 1000. This multiplies
during import e.g. 17.500 km to 17500 m. On export the value is converted back to 17.5 by

Tilos7 data exchange (white paper) Page 46

5.7 Category assignments
Category assignments are transferred as a task attribute.

Five different categories can be exported or imported.

It is very important is to set the name of the category that you want to export in the field Extra
Parameter. In the picture above, column 7 will export the path of the category assignment for
the category “Companies”.

In order to support multiple levels inside a category, the path has to be supported using a “.”
as separator between the levels.

If there are multiple assignments of the same category to a task, only the first is exported.


XML works in a similar manner but there is an additional option to use the sub entry of tasks:
Category assignment. This allows the user to transfer as many assignments as required.

Minimum data set is:

This way of exchanging categories works well for Primavera, where we build the code libraries
and the code assignments and also for ASTA Powerproject Codes.

However, for Primavera only those codes are exported that are explicit nominated in the filter
definition for the export.

Tilos7 data exchange (white paper) Page 47

6 Links
The minimum information set required to export and import links are:

Predecessor-Identifier Refers to selected Task-Identifier

Successor-Identifier Refers to selected Task-Identifier

Link type Can be SS,FF,SF,FS where S = start and F = Finish

Lag type Working = Working time and Elapsed means calendar time.

Lag Lag as numeric values referring to input below.

Lag time unit Time unit from TILOS.

All the other link attributes and settings can also be exchanged if required.

To select the following exchange options, run the XML exchange module and edit the
parameters for TILOS as shown below:

Export links to not exported sub-projects: Check this box to export even those links that are
related to any other Sub-Project that is not in
export scope (see also Task Links).

Delete not updated local links: If this option is set, all remaining not updated
Local Links during import get deleted after import.

Delete not updated external links: Same as above, but for External Links.

Tilos7 data exchange (white paper) Page 48

XML allows to set a further option:

Support TILOS link attributes Yes means that any additional TILOS link
attribute, if defined in a profile, are exported.

No means they are ignored.

When exchanging data with other project

management systems this option should be set to
“No” as these values are not supported by other
planning systems.

7 Cost and resource data

7.1 Library data

Basic library exchange contains the following data:

The identification for update is always controlled by the ID fields for each type of library data
(i.e., Acount-ID for Accounts). If an item already exists it is updated. Each item is represented
by one line, the data fields can be separated by tab or any other specified field.

The tree structure can be defined by the parent ID.


To exchange categories, the required fields are:

Category group name Set the name of the category group

Path Sets the category path. Each level is separated by “.”

Description Description of the category

Eg. Path: Pre work.Clearing is translated in TILOS to main entry Pre work and sub item

Distance and time profiles can be exchanged directly from the edit dialog of the profiles in the
library section. This sets automatically the profile to which the data are exported or imported.

Tilos7 data exchange (white paper) Page 49

7.2 Task planned resources
Task planned resources are shown,after import, in the tab Resources.

Task-Identifier This field is required to identify the task to which resource data
should be assigned to. (See 5.1)

Resource-ID This defines which resource is assigned based on matching ID. If

this field is empty, then TILOS interprets the record as a pure
cost assignment.

AccountID This defines the account to which the costs are allocated.

Setting the parameter “Resource import mode” in the TILOS application parameters dialog box
in the XML profile editor

Parameter: Resource import mode = Simple

In this mode, only simple resource values are exchanged and not the advanced models from
TILOS. This allows a simple exchange of resource data with other programs. The following
data fields are evaluated:

Quantity This value contain the total consumption or effort of the resource.

Totalsum This value contains the cost

CostIsIncome if true, the Totalsum is interpreted as income.

Assignment Possible values:

Fixed: On Import this gets converted to one of the TILOS
models: Fixed (cost), Quantity: (consumable) or Hours
Quantity: This is converted on import to Units/time.
Variable: On Import this gets converted to one of theseTILOS
models: CostPerHour (cost), QuantityPerHour: (consumable) or
Allocation (permanent).

Parameter: Resource import mode = Advanced

In this mode all TILOS internal model values can be exchange.

Model Direct cost assignments

1 = Fixed cost
2 = Cost per work unit
3 = Cost per hour
4 = Cost per day
5 = Cost per month

Tilos7 data exchange (white paper) Page 50

6 = Quantity
7 = Quantity per work unit
8 = Quantity per hour
9 = Quantity per day
10 = Quantity per month"
Permanent resources
11 = Allocation
12 = Effort per work unit
13 = Hours
14 = Days
15 = Month
16 = Work rate (Task work)
17 = Capacity
18 = Task work rate"

Cost flow 0 = No cost

1 = Cost (expenditure)
2 = Income

7.3 Task actual resources

This imported data goes to tab Resources (actual) and contains the daily / weekly
consumption of resources.

Each cost record gets a time stamp, at which day / time the costs should be booked.

8 Progress
In order to monitor detailed progress, different models apply leading to a split of the tasks. The
split can be done based on distance or quantity but also reflecting both: A certain quantiity is
performed between 2 points having nonlinear quantity profiles.

8.1 Simple progress exchange

If Progress% is imported into TILOS from other project management systems, then the
progress model of the TILOS task needs to be Percentage (simple).

To be sure, that all imported tasks are set to Percentage (simple) , it should be pre-defined in
the TILOS task template that is used.

Tilos7 data exchange (white paper) Page 51

If Progress% is exported from TILOS the option

Should be always set true. Assuming that the task has been split based on progress entry,this
option forces TILOS to work in the following way:

It analyzes which part belongs to the previous planning task in the progress group. It
calculates earliest start and latest end for the data export and calculates the % progress based
on the progress rules set in the task.

On import, the 1:n relation from planning tasks to actual makes updating difficult. Therefore an
option was introduced. If set true, then already progressed tasks will be skipped on import.

NOTE: this is strongly recommended if tasks in TILOS are split based on progress situation.

8.2 Advanced progress

Using the advanced progress models in TILOS, progress needs to be imported using the
micro progress feature.

The progress workflow in then working in 2 levels:

1 Entering / importing progress data.

2 Checking and applying progress.

This method allows you to import daily progress, but apply this in weekly or even monthly
periods. Entering data directly in TILOS works the same as importing just one record, this
mean no direct evaluation is done.

Depending on the progress model, different data fields are analyze in step 2 for checking and
applying progress.

The identification, to which task the micro progress applies is based the field Import-Key, that
can be set in Options / Progress tab.

Tilos7 data exchange (white paper) Page 52

TaskID In this case the TaskID is used to connect progress record
with the TILOS task.

From one task e.g. with Task-ID A-0010, many sub tasks are
created based on progress split. Each completed section is
represented as a separate task. Those have the extension “-
001” and higher assigned. On import, TILOS checks, how
many tasks exist with the leading TASKID A-0010 and assigns
that task, with best matching distance coordinates.

Work Break Down structure Same as above, but now WBS field is used to connect the
progress data with task field. This allows you to assign for a
special crew a WBS code and plan many tasks inside the
project with same WBS code.

Based on distance coordinates, TILOS finds right task.

Name Same as WBS, but name field is used.

Text1 Same as WBS, but name field is used.

Most important import fields

Import key The field refers to the setting of the import key.

If no matching task is found, then the record is attached to any

task, but an error message is generated. You need to solve
this conflict later after import inside TILOS.

UID Each import record can have a UID field. This is used for
updating already imported records. Applied record can no
longer be updated.

Author Person, that has recorded the progress

Tilos7 data exchange (white paper) Page 53

Progress% This field gets only evaluated for the model: Percentage
simple or Percentage (split task). In all other cases this
value will be ignored.

Quantity This field gets only evaluated for the model: Quantity simple
or Quantity (split task). In all other cases this value will be

Start / End date This fields describe start and end of working period, in which
progress has been applied. For simple mode, only the start
date of first progress entry is used to set the start date of the
task and max end date is later used, when task gets finished.

Start and end distance This values get only evaluated for those models having (split)
as part of the name.

This value is used for calculating %progress in model

Distance (split task).

After the import, the micro progress record are shown in the Micro Progress tab of the task or
in the view context in the Microprogress tab.

In this context you can view all imported progress segments and filter them in different ways:

Filter only not evaluate This shows only new imported or created.

Filter conflicts This shows only segments, where conflict flag is set.

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