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Class Rubric

A B C D or
Overall The student fully The student The student The student does
Impression communicates communicates presents not adequately
their some aspects of understanding of communicate
understanding of their the lesson, but it their
relative pronouns understanding of fails to need understanding of
and relative relative pronouns more practice. the concepts
adverbs. and relative being taught.

Writing skills Students Students some Student Student does not

understands how what understands understands how understand the
to properly use the concept of to combine lesson taught on
relative pronouns how to join sentences using joining sentences
and relative sentences using concepts taught, using relative
adverbs to join relative pronouns but there is room pronouns and
sentences. and relative for improvement. relative adverbs.

Class Participation Students actively Students Students Students were

participated in somewhat show participated in not attentive in
class as well as good class but at times class. There were
with their peers. participation in distracted other several
class, except for by misbehaving. distractions and
so minor several
distractions. behavioral

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