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Alexia Delgado

Ms. Reynolds

English - 10th grade

22 September 2017


What is abortion? What does it mean to get an abortion? Abortion is “the deliberate

termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.

(Google). In other words; it is killing your own baby when he or she is not even born yet.

Abortion is terrible for the mother as well as the baby as this is a crime; moreover, it goes against

religion, and last but not least, it causes awful health problems.

Abortion is definitely a crime. After two weeks of fertilization, the baby starts to form;

this means that since many women commit abortions when they are 28 - 30 weeks pregnant, the

baby is already a “baby” inside of the mother, so they are killing a human being. Furthermore,

abortion is pretty common since many people get raped, have unprotected sex, or even an

accident (having protected sex) the mother may not want to have a kid that it's not her husband’s

baby, or that she knows that she is not going to be able to take care of the little kid. But, still that

doesn't give her the right to kill the baby. Like Ronald Reagan said, ​with the powerful voice of

an lion:​ “I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.” This quote is

powerful because it could make people think and connect the dots in their minds since they are

not the ones being killed, it is easy to notice that any woman who chooses to have an abortion is

killing a human being without thinking that she could have also been killed if her mom would

have had a crime-abortion decision. In the end, there are many options that a woman can choose
to take instead of aborting and committing a crime such as putting the baby in adoption or

sending him to a family that she knows or trusts. Women do not necessarily have to abort and

become criminals.

Abortion goes against Christian religion. Killing a human being ‘offends’ God and goes

against the 10 commandments. Women need to think that when they get pregnant they get the

conception of a human life which God created. Moreover, human beings have human rights, so it

is horrible to murder a recently conceived living baby. In the bible it says, “The LORD God

formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and

the man became a living being.” This is saying that when a woman or anyone kills a kid, they are

killing a part of God. All in all, since I am catholic, I am definitely not for abortion and I believe

this is a horrible, unforgivable crime to commit.

Furthermore, abortion causes many health problems. Even though it is very unlikely to

die from one, it could cause a woman to not be able to get pregnant again. Before women get an

abortion or plan on getting one, they should think that not only their lives could be at risk but

also their health would be running many risks such as heavy bleeding, infections, fever, as

mentioned before even death and the difficulty to not get pregnant again. On the other hand,

women may get mental problems after aborting such as; anxiety, depression, and mental health

difficulties. It is very possible that the mother regrets her choice after she has done it, and after

that she has no chance of going back. Women who hold this ideas in their minds should think

before they act

Many women are for abortion and many others think it is a personal decision. They may

think that aborting is better for the kid because this process could probably take the kid to be in
heaven instead of living a horrible life in this world. Women may believe they are right with this

type of thinking and this can be understood for some women who have had no life guidance.

However, they are still thinking of committing a crime whether they see it or not. I strongly

believe that it is not right to take another human being´s life, but that is just my personal and

ethical opinion as someone who values life.

To conclude, abortion should be illegal because women and no one in the world has the

right to take someone else's life. All people need to understand that abortion is bad for women's

health; it is a crime; it goes against religion, and it causes many health problems. Like I

mentioned before, there are other decisions that can be made instead of aborting such as having

the baby be born and putting the kid into adoption. This should be a woman's last option in case

they cannot afford to keep the baby. All of these reasons support the way I was taught and raised

and the why I believe that abortion should be illegal.

Works Cited

Healy, Melissa. “Abortions Don't Lead to Long-Term Mental Health Problems for Women, but

Being Denied Causes Anxiety, Study Suggests.” ​Los Angeles Times​, Los Angeles Times,

16 Dec. 2016,


"Possible Physical Side Effects After Abortion." ​American Pregnancy Association​. N. p., 2012.

Web. 28 Sept. 2017.

"Public Opinion On Abortion." ​Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project​. N. p.,

2017. Web. 28 Sept. 2017.

"What Does The Bible Say About Abortion?." ​​. N. p., 2017. Web. 28

Sept. 2017. ​

Alexia’s Personal Writing Guide
Style Reminders Revised
Look for these throughout the writing process, but be sure to review right
before the final edit.

1. Replace is/are/was/has/would verbs with more interesting, more precise DONE


2. Replace the really bad words with more interesting choices. DONE

3. Use appropriate formatting for your assignment (MLA, Chicago, APA, DONE
formal letter, etc.).
Reference: MLA formatting: Times New Roman 12 point font, double spacing,
headers, etc.

Conventions Reminders Edited

Look for these throughout the writing process, but be sure to review right
before publishing.

1. SPICE: Spelling, punctuation, indentation, capitalization, ends of words (i.e., DONE

verb forms, singular and plural nouns)

2. Check every red and blue squiggle for spelling or grammar. (Remember that DONE
the spell/grammar checker is not always right, but you will need to check it and

3. Capitalize first, last, and important words in a title. DONE

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