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Hidayanto, Eko dkk. 2010.

Aplikasi Portable Brix Meter untuk

Pengukuran Indeks Bias. Jurnal Berkala Fisika. Vol. 13. No. 4.
Semarang:Universitas Diponegoro

Giancoli,Douglas C.2005.Physics Principles with Application Sixth Edition.New Jersey:Pearson Education

Serway and Jewwet.2004.Physics of Scientist and Engineers.California:Thomson Brooks

Serway,dkk.2006.College Physics 8th Edition.Canada:Thomson Brooks Bueche,Frederic.2007.Tss.Fisika Universitas/10.Jakarta:Erlangga

Giancoli,Douglas C. 2005.Physics Principles with Application

Sixth Edition.New Jersey:Pearson Education

Bueche,Frederic J.2000.College Physics.New York:Mc-Graw Hill Inc

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