Burr Puzzle PDF

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Burr Puzzle

Diagrams and model by

Barlaham Benítez Vargas "Froy" 1.0
September 2014.

6 15x15 cm squares of paper will result in a model

measuring 9.5x9.5 cm aprox. 0.62
Any paper is good, stiff papers like tant or elephant hide
are the best.
For copy paper smaller squares work better.

1- Color side up. Crease the diagonals and 2- Fold the corners to the center crease,
then turn the paper over. making crease marks only on the edge of the

3- Fold the paper up bringing the mark 4- Fold edge to edge.

to the center of the paper where the diagonal
creases meet.
5- Like this. Unfold the paper.

6- Repeat 3 and 4. Note the mark on

the right side.


7- Unfold the paper and rotate it 45°.

8- Make sure that the marks are at the bottom.

9- Fold on existing creases. Fold the right 10- Fold the corner up to the point where the
side first. (If you are left handed you may edges of the paper meet. Note that the marks
want to fold left side first). made in step 2 also meet at this point.
11- Crease firmly and then unfold the paper.

12- The paper should look like this.

14- Fold the paper up, creating 2 new mountain

folds and using the existing crease lines.
The paper should lie flat now.
13- Fold the corner up using the existing
creases, the paper will not lie flat.

15- Like this. Note that the marks from step 16- The paper should look like this. Repeat
2 meet again on the center. Unfold the paper. steps 9-15 on the top corner.
18- Focus on the left corner of the paper.

17- Mountain fold the paper in half.

20- Fold the corner up the edge to edge.

21- Fold and unfold using the edge

behind as a reference.
19- Fold the corner down using the
marks as a reference.

24. Turn the paper over from side

to side and repeat steps 19-23.

22- Fold and unfold using the crease line

behind as a reference.

23- Unfold the paper to step 18.

25- Fold the corner up.

26- Mountain fold connecting the marks.

27- Reinforce the creases at the top and 28- Inside reverse fold using the existing
the bottom and, mountain fold the paper in half. crease lines.
(Note that only one mountain fold is reinforced)

29- Like this. Rotate the model and open it up 30- Fold the corner down using the crease made
a bit. Now we will be working on the inside. in step 20. The creases made in steps 21
and 22 will align when you push the paper in
in the next step. Do the same on the other side.
32- Look at the model from outside and start
31- Like this. You may want to use a tool to closing it using the existing crease lines.
push the paper on the mark to make sure Push one side first on the mark, puting
that all the folds fall into place. the darkened long flap under when you push
the other side.

33- Put the other flap under and... 34- You've done it! Don't fold just 5 more pieces,
fold a lot more and bring some happiness
to someone else's day!

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