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The Separation of Satanism

Commentary by Grand Magister Blackwood Leader of Theistic Satanism.

After so many battles and so many fights via the Net and Forums I will stand up for Theistic Satanism
and provide some relevant definitions and relative commentary’s to help those who seemingly have lost
their way along the path.

Theistic Satanism derives from the worship, acknowledgment or faith in a deity, this deity has appeared
in many cultures and throughout history as many names, mankind has often named him Satan, but keep
in mind this is also a human title to a much greater entity.

For those who question his existence this is not the religion for you, people who have faith and
expectations that the deity will provide for them also should not be a part of this religion, as Satan
explained earlier is a deity without rival, he also requires a specific mind set, not servitude or blind

Satan as we call the deity for simple understanding is a deity that expects personal responsibility and
personal growth part of such growth is outreach and constant learning such learning doesn't always
come from books or down loads, it comes also from personal experiences.

But what personal experiences?

Everyone has a past, if it is positive or negative it still brings into light a desire, a feeling of more
perhaps that more can be dedication to a deity, not being a slave or a sheep.

Personal experiences make people stronger, always no gauge can be levied in Satanism, however the
faith in a deity mixed with the knowledge of magic and a high levels of personal experiences can make
a very powerful operator in the use of magic.

Those who do not practice faith to a deity cannot expect proof or visions that are involved in a personal
relationship someone has with their deity, worship and faith are not concepts of Abrahamic religions,
nor are they owned by dogma, they are verbiages designed to describe human behaviors.

Modern Satanist's often pretend to operate in the realm of magic, making claims of weaving spells and
performing rituals, but all in a hapless waste of time since any practice of real magic requires one to
actually have faith in a deity something Modern Satanism is devoid of.

Pagan's with a root derived from farmers, often practice magic and have some level of effects as they
often will blind themselves by worshiping deities which have no relevance over magic or anything that
is tied to the root of magic, yet still have evolved a form of worship by default the Theistic Satanist's
understand that people sometimes worship and do rituals to their deity, however they also understand
the magic is weakened due to veering off and on within the path.

Earth based magic is a key and Wicca understands such concepts, however falls short in magical
practice losing themselves in multitudes of messiah's and priests and priestesses serving their own
carnal desires instead of serving in a army dedicated to the deity.

But where does the Theistic Satanist go for magical studies, they must first dedicate themselves to the
concept of the deity and while man and woman has placed many names of on him, one must find the
path and stay on without wavering and without absence of faith.
The path is not always left this concept was introduced by Helena Blavastky and has some how clung
into the minds of those involved in the Occult.
Gardner while often involved in Wicca and sexual antic's still managed to provide some relevant
information to the practice and art of magic and ritual, later others maligned created their own systems
and ideologies designed to serve their carnal desires in Wicca.

In a great magical debate the Theistic Satanist's should always realize as the deity has roots infused
with magic that we are the ultimate magicians and this is only factual when one is rooted deeply to the
known deity with faith.

Some will argue meditation or knowledge, but one simply has to get over themselves, Satan doesn't
care about you reading books on other religion's unless you desire Priesthood or Reverendship, he
desires you take personal responsibility and dedication and of course at the apex of it all faith.

All things culminate the lifestyle and knowledge base, experiences but most of all faith in a higher
power, and not blind faith, not mixing of several faiths but “Purity and Excellence.”

Many ask me what powers Satan has provided me personally, and I say with pleasure as I am a faith
anchored individual “he has provided me answers to why I am who I am” and has provided me the
catalysts required to perform magic to benefit my life.

I have seen many things in my life and so have many of you, entities, apparitions, ghostly and demonic
constructs all emanating from the deities grasp on the Earth, but none of these will materialize to those
individuals who do not have faith, I have performed rituals and masses and many times they have not
materialized anything but certain visions that shaped my life, but all in it did not leave me feeling
empty because I realize that the deity doesn’t hand out winning lottery numbers or save me from self
caused disasters and accidents.

So what does he do for me?

Nothing but give me messages and in a way I actually have to decipher like some sort of code, I am not
alone for centuries the faithful have also received messages that almost seem like puzzles, and they are
not gifts but challenges for my faith and challenges for my personal life which then can interwoven into
the practice and operation of the magic I use.

Magic is like science it requires ingredients, but not like the witches and warlocks of television it
requires sometimes a few components, but most all the ingredients are faith and devotion and practice,
this practice cannot develop overnight, it cannot be bought for any price.

I am often threatened by casters and messiahs however I am impervious because I have faith, while the
deity does not protect me, he provides almost a aura of faith that serves a larger sword, I have found
those in history have experienced the same level of protection from other casters or magicians.

What makes a magician?

An age old question that we can simply look upon the roots of worship and practice in previous
cultures and even we can examine Christian's for this as they refuse to convert and lie with faith on a
deity that really has a root involved with our deity.

Centuries ago magician's were similar to healers and were held in high regard almost as much as kings
and queens within a region.
Magician's were not to be challenged and often times paid more highly than other craftsman in the city
states of origin kingdoms, but they did have one thing some people have seemingly lost and that is faith
in their deity, right or wrong this allowed them to operate in a positive environment mentally and magic
is rooted in science and mental operative strength, not just reading and uttering of words or as
television has provided a twitch of a nose or a wave of a hand, it is derived from the mixing of
numerous ingredients something age old magician's held in reverence and used with fervor to perform
almost miraculous actions all a product of the science they understood.

Understanding of this can be recreated today as all who codify their faith in Satan in Theistic Satanism,
can begin down a path that will allow them to experience much of what our ancestors experienced.

If you as the Theistic Satanist find nothing changing, change the ways you do what you do and most of
all before you pick up a crystal or burn or drink anything begin the session or performing ritual with a
short reaffirmation of faith this can be accomplished in a short period of time and should be done daily
as a habit of growing stronger and becoming more in tune with the deity.

As I said earlier magic is a science and not everyone is capable of understanding it, I do not condemn
those in the faith that do not desire the effect or the enlightenment of magic, for to the deity one needs
only faith, and if you are more interested in faith, and less interested in using magic then you too have
honor with me.

I realize many who have tried to recreate magic and those who have read books on magic often miss
the science but often miss the faith the most important ingredient for offense or defense.
Anyone can learn and retain, but no certainly can be applied to the operation because without faith is
like buying a car without a battery it looks great but won't start or or drive because it lacks the power to
move without the ingredient the battery.

We as human require as well some form of communication with others in the path, the Modern Satanic
concept of individuality is not a component of a magician's list of important ingredients because
sometimes others can offer suggestions to enhance or add to your ingredients list, sometimes we can
even give you the missing battery to run your car of magic.

Satan is not a Vampire, mankind often depicts him as easily chased off by Christian chants or prayers to
the magician's who get the science and use the proper ingredients and infuse faith, no cross, no holy
water, no church will stand in the way of his destructive and chaotic nature, yet I can also tell you
personally he is also of enlightenment and growth something often misunderstood by those without
faith and a grasp on how the overall science of magic works.

Being evil is a man made concept, I often am asked why I seem almost like a Christian, this is because
they do not own, nor are they relevant yet they do have something that seems to be missing in some of
the Satanist's ingredients they have faith and while they do not contrary to their beliefs of power over
us from their fable they do not have a single leg to stand upon when face to face with a real magician's
faith and power, since imbibed in such an individual is a sword that drips with the blood of those who
are weak and fall prey to the sheep forged from faith and devotion to a deity much older than the fairy
tales they lie with in faith.

Hail The Satanist's

Grand Magister Blackwood

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