PG Botany Syllabus

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M.Sc. BOTANY – 2010-11

PAPER-I (Theory) SEMESTER-I MARKS-75(60+15)


Unit-I (Microbiology ) – Classification of Microbes. Structure, Nutrition, Reproduction and Economic Importance
of Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Cyanobacteria.
Virus: Characteristics and Ultra structures of Virus, Isolation, Purification, Replication and Transmission.

Unit-II (Mycology) - General characters of Fungi ,Classification, Fungal Cell wall Composition, Ultrastructure of
Cell, General characters, Structure and Reproduction of: Phycomycetes, Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and
Deuteromycetes. Reproduction in fungi (Vegetative, Asexual, and Sexual), Heterothallism, Degeneration of Sex
and Economic Importance of Fungi.

Unit-III (Phycology) – General Characters of Algae, Classification, Thallus Organization, Cell Ultra-structure,
Reproduction and Economic importance of Algae.
General characters, Structure, pigmentation and Reproduction of: Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta, and

Unit-IV (Bryophytes) – General Characters of Bryophytes, Origin and Classification. General account of:
Marchantiales, Anthocerotales and Funariales. Evolution of Sporophytes and Progressive sterilization of
Sporogenous tissue. Economic Importance of Bryophyta.

Unit-V (Pteridophyta) – General Characters, Origin and Classification of Pteridophytes, Evolution of stele.
Structure, Reproduction and Phylogeny of the following orders: Psilophytales, Isoetales, Calamitales, and
Polypodiales. Heterospory and Seed habit and its significance.


1. Alexopolus, C.J. Introductory Mycology, John Wily & Sons Inc.
2. Pelczar, Reid and Chan, Microbiology, Tata Mc-Hill Publication.
3. Dubey, R.C. A text Book of Microbiology ,S Chand.
4. Fritsch, F.E. Algae.
5. Alexopolous A.J. Introductory Mycology.
6. Kumar H.D. 1988, Introductory Phycology, Affiliated East West Press, New Delhi.
7. Maudahar C.L. 1978, Introduction to Plant Viruses, Chand & Co, New Delhi.
8. Mehrotra R.S. and Anja R.S. 1998 AN Introduction to Mycology, New Age Intro. Press.
9. Morris, 1986, An Introduction to Algae, Cambridge University Press, UK.
10. Parihar N.S. 1991, Bryophyta, Central Book Depot, Allahabad.
11. Puri, P. 1980, Bryophytes Atma Ram & Sons Delhi.
12. Rangaswami, G. Mahadevan A. 1999, Disease of Crop Plants. In India (4 th Edn.) Prentice Hall of India,
Pvt. Ltd.
13. Stewart W. N. & Rathwell G.W. 1993, Paleobotany and Evolution in Plants.
14. Sporne K.K. 1991, The Morphology of Pteridophytes, B.I. Publishing Pvt. Ltd. Bombay.
M.Sc. BOTANY – 2010-11
PAPER-II (Theory) SEMESTER-I MARKS-75(60+15)


Unit I (Cytology) – Protein sorting, Targeting of proteins to organelles. Chromosomes Structure, Euchromatin and
Heterochromatin, Karyotype evaluation, Types of Chromosomes (Polytene and Lampbrush Chromosome).

Unit II (Gene structure and Genetic recombination) – DNA Structure, A, D & Z form, DNA Damage and
Repair, RNA Splicing, Molecular Mechanism of Genetic Recombination. Transposable Elements.

Unit III (Mutation) – Molecular basis of Gene Mutation, Application of Mutation for Crop Improvement,
Chromosomal aberration, Meiotic behaviors of Deletion, Duplication, Inversion and Translocation, Aneuploids and
Euploids, Role of Polyploidy in Evolution and its practical significance in Crop improvement.

Unit IV (Molecular Cytogenetics and Plant breeding) – Nuclear DNA content ( C-value paradox), Cot curve and
its significance. Hybridization concept and techniques. Role of hybridization in Crop improvement. Genetic basis
of inbreeding and heterosis and hybrid vigor.

Unit V (Biometry) – Measurement of Central tendency – Mean, Median and Mode, Measurement of Dispersion
(Mean and Absolute deviation, Range of Variance, Standard Deviation, Standard Error of Mean, Co-efficient of
Variation). Hypothesis testing, Significance of means of large and small samples, t – Test, F – Test, Chi-square test,
Simple Linear co-relation, Simple linear regression.


1) Lewin. B. 2000, Genes VII, Oxford Univ. Press, New York.
2) Alberts B. Bray D., Lewis J., Raff M., Roberts K., Watson J.D., 1999 Molecular Biology of the cell,
Garland Pub. Inc. New York.
3) Wolfe S. L. 1993, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Wadsworth Pub. Co. California USA.
4) Bucharaw BB Gruissem W., Jones R.L. 2000 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants, American
Society of Plant Physiologists.
5) Kleinsmith L.J. and Kish VM 1995, Principles of cell and Molecular Biology, harp and Collins College
Pub, New York, USA.
6) Lodish H., Berk A., Zipursky S.L., Matsudaira P., Baltimoru D., and Darnell J. 2000, Molecular Biology,
W.H. Freeman & Co.
7) Alberts B., Bray D., Lewis J. Raff M. Roberts K. & Watson J.D. 1989 Molecular Biology of the cell,
Garland Pub. Inc. New York.
8) Khush G.S., 1973 Cutogenetics of Aneuploids, Acadenmic Press New York.
9) Karp G. 1999, Cells and Molecular Biology; Concepts and experiments, Joh Willy & Sons Inc. USA.
10) Lewin B. 2000 Genus VII, Oxford University Press New York. USA.
11) Russel P.J. 1998 Genetics, The Benjamin Cummings Pub. Co., USA.
12) Snustad DP and Simmons M.J. 2000 Principles of Genetics., John Willy and Sons Inc. USA.
HOURS – 6 MARKS – 100

1. Collection, Identification and Preservation of common infected plants of the locality.

2. Symptomology study of diseased specimens.
3. Collection of algae from various habitat of locality, either separation, preparation of temporary and permanent
mounts and identification.
4. Microbiological Methods: Measurement of length, breadth and diameter of algal/ fungal cells and spores using
ocular and stage micrometer.
5. Preparation and sterilization of media for the culture of Bacteria and Fungi.
6. Gram staining of Bacteria.
7. Identification of fungal cultures – Rhizopus, Mucor, Aspergillus, Pencillium, Fusarium, Colletotrichum,
Graphium, Chaetomium.
8. Temporary and permanent preparations of slides of important genera belonging to all important classes of
9. Study of morphology, anatomy and reproductive structures of representative members of Bryophytes and
10. Study of Mitosis and Meiosis of 2 different species by squashing technique. Drawing the chromosomes and
different stages of Mitosis and Meiosis by using Camera Lucida.
11. Biometry.
12. Other practicals related to the theory paper.
13. Viva-Voice.
14. Practical record duly certified by the concerned teacher.

M.Sc. BOTANY – 2010-11
PAPER-III (Theory) FM-75(60+15)

Unit-I (Gymnosperms) – General characters, Origin and Evolution of Gymnosperms. Classification of

Gymnosperms. Structure, reproduction and phylogeny of Cycadopsida, Coniferopsida and Gnetopsida.

Unit-II (Fossil and Fossilization)- Geological Time Scale, Process of fossilization. Structure and Phylogeny of
Pteridospermales (Lyginopteridaceae, Medullosaceae), Cycadeoidales and Cordaitales.

Unit-III ( Angiosperms-Taxonomic concepts and nomenclatures) – Taxonomic hierarchy, species, genus,

family and other categories. Salient features of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN).
Herbarium Methodology.

Unit-IV (System of Classification) – Merits and demerits of major systems of classification. Bentham and
Hooker’s system, Hutchinson and Takhatjan system. Phytography and phyllogeny of Ranales, Malvales,
Umbellales, Rubiales, Tubiflorae, Campanulales, Liliflorae, Scitamineae, Glumiflorae and Microspermae.

Unit-V (Taxonomic Evidence) – Taxonomy as a synthetic discipline: Embryology in relation to plant taxonomy,
Anatomy in relation to taxonomy, Cytotaxonomy, Numerical taxonomy, Phytochemical analysis in relation to
1) Cote, A.J. 1669 Numerical Taxonomy Academic Press London.
2) Davis P.H. and Hey Wood, V.H. 1973 Principles of Angiosperms Taxonomy Robert E Kreiger Pub. Co.
New York.
3) Grant V 1971 Plant Speciation Columbia Univ. Press New York
4) Harrison HJ 1971 New Concepts in flowering plant taxonomy Hieman Educational Books Ltd. London.
5) Heslop – Harrison J. 1967 Plant Taxonomy English language Book Soc. And Edward Arnould Pub. Ltd.
6) Heywood V.H. and Moore DM 1984 Current Concepts in Plant Taxonomy, Academic Press London.
7) Jones A.D. and Wilbins AD 1971 Variations and Adaptations in plant species Hieman & Co, Educational
Books, London.
8) Jones SB Jr, and Luchsier A.E. 1986 Plant Systematics (2nd Edition) Mc Graw Hill Book Co. New York
9) Norden Stam,B. El Gazaly G., and Kassan M. 2000 Plant Systematics for first 21 st Century, Portlan Press
Ltd, London
10) Radfird AE 1986 Fundamentals of Plant Systematics. Harper and Row Pub. USA.
11) Bhatnagar S.P. and Moitra A. 1996, Gymnosperms, New Age International Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
12) Chamberlain C.J. Gymnosperms.
13) Coultar and Chamberlain, Morphology of Gymnosperms, Central Book Depot.
14) Gymnosperm by P.C. Vasistha.

M.Sc. BOTANY – 2010-11

PAPER-IV FM-75(60+15)


Unit-I (Plant Cell and Tissue Culture) – Basic concepts, Principles and Scopes of Biotechnology, Concepts of
Cellular differentiation, Totipotency, Aspects of Morphogenesis, Somatic embryogenesis and androgenesis,
Mechanisms, Techniques and Utility.

Unit-II (Somatic Hybridization) – Protoplast Isolation, Fusion and Culture, Hybrid selection, regeneration,
possibilities and achievements in Protoplast research.

Unit-III (Recombinant DNA technology) – Gene cloning, Restriction Endonuclease, Construction of genomic
and cDNA libraries. Choice of vectors (Plasmid, Bacteriophage and Cosmid), DNA synthesis (Phosphite triester
approach/ Phosphoramidite method), DNA sequencing (Maxam & Gilbert’s chemical method and Sanger’s
enzymatic method), Bacterial transformation, Selection of Recombinants. PCR technology.

Unit-IV (Genetic Engineering of Plants and Genomics) – Transgenic Plant, application of Transgenic Plants,
Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer, Ti- plasmid, T-DNA transfer, Ti- plasmid derived vectors, direct method of
Gene transfer (Particle gun method, Microinjection). Chloroplast transformation and its application. Southern,
Northern and Western blotting technique. DNA Finger printing.

Unit-V (Applications of plant Tissue Culture) – Micro-propagation, Somaclonal variation, Production of

secondary metabolites, Cryopreservation and germplasm storage, Microarrays.


1. Collection, Description, Identification and mounting of locally available wild angiospermic taxa.
2. Description of a specimen from representative locally available families.
3. Description of various species of a genus – location of key characters and preparation of key at generic level.
4. Description of a species based on various specimens to study intraspecific variation. A collective exercise.
5. Field trips within and around the campus. Compilation of field notes and preparation of herbaria and such
plants, wild or cultivated, as are abundant.
6. Study of anatomical features of Living and Fossil Gymnosperms.
7. Demonstration of Tissue Culture technique.
8. Experiment on pollen germination of different pollen grains.
9. Isolation of DNA from Bacterial culture.
10. Other practicals related to the theory paper.
11. Viva- Voice.
12. Practical record duly certified by the concerned teacher.


1) Biotechnology – B.D.Singh.
2) A Text Book of Biotechnology – H.D. Kumar.
3) Text Book of Biotechnology – R.C. Dubey.
4) Elements of Biotechnology – P.K. Gupta.
5) Plant Biotechnology – P.K. Gupta.
6) Biotechnology and Tissue Culture – Chopra, Narosa Publishing House.
7) Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture – Gamborg.
8) Tissue Culture – Dodds.
9) Principle of Gene manipulation – Primrose Old.
10) Collins ,H. A. and Edward ,S.1998.Plant cell culture Bios scientific Publishers, Oxford , U. K.
11) Vasil, I. K. and Thorpe, T.A. 1994 Plant cell and tissue culture. Kluwer Academic Publishers , The
12) Biotechnology Vol –3 H.J. Rhem and reed . verlag chemic.

M.Sc. BOTANY – 2010-11

PAPER-V (Theory) FM-75(60+15)


Unit-I (Seed Germination) – Early events during seed germination, Morphological and biochemical changes,
Inhibition of germination.

Unit-II (Shoot, leaf and root development) – Organization of Shoot Apical Meristem (SAM) and Root Apical
Meristem (RAM),Tissue differentiation like xylem and phloem, Secretory duct and laticifers, Formation of lateral
roots, shoot and leaf.

Unit-III (Reproduction, Pollination and Fertilization) – Flower development, microsporogenesis, pollen

germination. Sperm dimorphism, pollen-stigma interaction, Self incompatibility (Physiological-Biochemical and
Genetical aspects), ovule development, Megasporogenesis. Embryo sac structure organization. Pollination
mechanisms and vectors, Double fertilization.

Unit-IV (Seed development and Fruit growth) – Endosperm development, types of endosperm, cellularization of
endosperm, Ultra structure and nuclear cytology, Storage proteins of endosperm, development of embryo in
monocots and dicots, Polyembryony, apomixis.

Unit-V (Dormancy, Senescence and Programmed cell death) – Types of dormancy, Seed dormancy, Bud
dormancy, over coming seed dormancy. Senescence- basic concept, PCD in life cycles of plant, Metabolic changes,
Influence of hormones on senescence and genetic control of senescence.


1) An Introduction to Embryology of Angiosperms – P. Maheswari. T.M.H. Publication.

2) Recent advances in Embryology of Angiosperms - P. Maheswari. T.M.H. Publication.
3) The Embryology of Angiosperms – S.S.Bhojwani and S.P.Bhatnagar., Vikash Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
4) Introductory Embryology – G.P.Dawar and S.K.Sharma.
5) Plant Physiology – Noggle and Fritz.
6) Plant growth and development – Leopold.
7) Plant growth and development – Leopold and Kriedeman.
8) An introduction to Plant Anatomy – A.J. Eames and L.H. McDaniels.
9) Plant Anatomy – K.Esau.
10) Plant Anatomy – B.P. Pandey.
11) Plant Anatomy – P.C. Vasistha.

M.Sc. BOTANY – 2010-11
PAPER-VI (Theory) FM-75(60+15)


Unit-I (Community Ecology) – Concept of community, Characteristic features of a Community, composition,

structure, species diversity, stratification, growth form. Quantitative analysis of community (frequency, density,
dominance and diversity index). Community dynamics – causes of succession, trends of succession, basic types of
succession. General process of succession, Hydrosere and Xerosere.

Unit-II (Structure and Function of Ecosystem) – Structure and function of ecosystem, food chain, food web,
ecological pyramids, energy flow concept, Thermodynamics Laws, Trophic organisation, Lindeman’s energy flow
model and Y-shaped energy flow model, ecological efficiencies. Biogeochemical cycle like Carbon, Nitrogen,
Phosphorous and Sulphur.

Unit-III (Climate change and Pollution) – Acid rain, Photochemical smog, Greenhouse gases (CO 2, CH4, N2O,
CFCs) and its effect. Ozone hole, consequences of climate change, global warming, U.V. radiation, Sea level rise.

Unit-IV(Phytogeography & Plant resource conservation) – Major vegetation. Biological diversity, IUCN
categories of threat. Hot spots inventory. In-situ conservation. Protected areas in India(sanctuaries, national parks).
Ex-situ conservation. (botanical gardens, cryobanks). Gene banks & seed banks for conservation.

Unit-V (Economic Botany) – Origin, evolution, Cultivation and uses of plants of utility of following:
Cereals – Oryza, Triticum,
Pulses – Vigna radiate,
Non Alcoholic Beverages – Camelia sinensis, Coffea Arabica,
Timber - Shorea, Tectona,
Medicinal – Rawvolfia, Vinca, Melia azadirachta,
Narcotics – Nicotiana, Cannabis.

1. Ambasht, R. S. (1988) A Text Book of plant Ecology students friends Co. Varanasi
2. Botkin, D. B. & Keller, E.A. (2000) – Environmental Planet (2nd Edition) – John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New
3. Chapman, J. L. & Reiss, M. J. (1995) – Ecology – Principles & Applications, Cambridge University Press.
4. Cunningham, W. P. & Saigo, S. W. (1997) – Environmental Science – A global Concern WCB Tata McGraw
5. Dash, M. C. (1993) – Fundamentals of Ecology Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi.
6. Daubenmire, R. F. (1974) Plants & Environment, A Text Book of Plant Ecology (3rd Edition) – John Wiley &
Sons, New York.
7. Kendeigh, S. C. (1980) Ecology with special reference to Animals & Man – Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd,
New Delhi.
8. Kumar, H. D. (1996) – Modern Concepts of Ecology (4th Edition) Vikash Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Delhi.
9. Kumar, H. D. (1997) – General Ecology Vikash Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Delhi.
10. Kormondy, E. J. (1996) Concepts of Ecology - Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
11. Miller, W.R. 7 Donahue, R.L. (1992) – Soils – An Introduction to Soil & Plant Growth (6th Edition) Prentice
Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
12. Pickering, K. T. and Owan, L. A. (1997) – A Introduction to Global Environmental Issues ( Indedn ), Butter &
Tanner Ltd, U.K.
13. Smith, L. R. (1996)- Ecology and Field Biology (5th Edn) Harper Collins College Publisher, USA.
14. Odum, E. P. (1996)- Fundamentals of Ecology, Natraj Publishers, Dehradun.
15. Smith, L. R. & Smith, T. M. (1998)- Elements of Ecology ( 4th Edn ) An Imprint of Addison Wesley, Longman
Inc. California, USA.
16. Tyler, M. G. Jr. (1997)- Environmental Science Working with Earth ( 6th Edn ) Wadsworth Publishing Co.
17. Weaver, J. E. & Clements, S. E. (1966)- Plant Ecology, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd, Bombay.
18. Sharma, P. D. – Elementary Ecology, Rastogi Publishers, Meerut.
19. Kochar, P. L.- Plant Ecology- S. Nagin & Co.
20. Verma. V- A Text Book of Ecology, Emkay Publication, New Delhi.
21. Pandey B. P. –Economic Botany
22. Kochar – Economic Botany
23. Samba Murthy, A.V. S. S. & Subramanium, N. S. (1989) – A Text Book of Economic Botany, Wiley Eastern
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
24. Sharma, O. P. (1996) – Hill’s Economic Botany – Tata McGraw Hill Publ. Co. Ltd., New Delhi
25. Simpson, B. B. & Conner – Ogorzaly, M. (1986) – Economic Botany – Plants in our World, McGraw Hill,
New York
26. Tippo, O. & Stern, W.L. (1977) – Humanistic Botany, W.W. Norton, New York
27. Vishnu Swarup (1997) – Ornamental Horticulture, McMillan India Ltd., New Delhi.



1) Determination of minimum size of quadrates.

2) Determination of frequency, density of species of a grassland community.
3) Estimation of IVI of species in a community.
4) To determine soil moisture content, porosity of soils collected from varying depths at different localities.
5) To determine the water holding capacity of soils collected from different localities.
6) To estimate dissolved oxygen content in eutrophic and oligotrophic water sample by Winkler’ method.
7) Identification and comments on plants/ plant products with reference to their economic importance.
8) Morphological, anatomical study of white fibres (cotton,jute).
9) Study the cytohistological zonation in the shoot apical meristem (SAM) by preparing L. S. of Colcus shoot
apex and making permanent with double stained procedure.
10) Examination of shoot apices to study the origin and arrangement of leaf primodia of monocotyledon taking L.S.
and preparing a permanent slide.
11) Study of different types of ovules/ embryos in permanent preparation.
12) Other practicals related to the theory paper.
13) Viva- Voice.
14) Practical record duly signed by the concerned teacher.

M.Sc. BOTANY – 2010-11
PAPER-VII (Theory) FM-75(60+15)

Unit-I (Enzymes) – Nomenclature and classification of enzymes, regulatory sites and active sites, mechanism of
enzyme action, Kinetics of enzymatic catalysis, Michaelis-Menton equation and its significance, Line Wever-Burke
and Eddy-Hoftsee plots. Enzyme inhibition, regulation of enzymatic activity, factors affecting enzyme catalysis.

Unit-II (Transport and Translocation of water & solutes) - Mechanism of water transport through xylem,
Phloem loading and unloading, Active and Passive transport of solutes.

Unit-III (Signal transduction, photochemistry and photosynthesis) –

Signal transduction: Overview, receptors and G-proteins. Phospholipid signaling. Role of cyclic nucleotides, Two
component system in bacteria. Photochemistry and Photosynthesis: Photosynthetic pigments, light harvesting
complexes, photo oxidation of water. Mechanism of Electron and proton transfer. Carbon assimilation, Calvin
cycle, photorespiration and its significance, C4 cycle and CAM pathway.

Unit-IV (Respiration, Lipid Metabolism, Nitrogen Fixation, Nitrogen and Sulphur metabolism) –
Respiration: Glycolysis, TCA Cycle, Electron Transport and ATP synthesis, Pentose phosphate pathway, Alternate
oxydase system.
Lipid Metabolism: Structure and function of Lipid, Synthesis of membrane lipid (Structural lipids) and storage
lipids and their catabolism, Glyoxalate cycle.
Nitrogen and Sulphur metabolism: Biological N2 Fixation, Nodule formation and nod factors, Mechanism of
nitrate uptake and reduction ammonium assimilation, Sulfate assimilation.

Unit-V (Plant growth regulators and Stress physiology) – Physiological effects and mechanism of action of
Auxin, Gibberellins, Cytokinins, Ethylene, Abscisic acid, Photoperiod and its significance, Endogenous clock and
its regulation. Role of vernalization.
Stress Physiology : General idea about stress and strain. Temperature stress – response of plant to chilling, freezing
and high temperature, mechanism of cold resistance and acclimation, adaptation to high temperature stress, Heat
Shock Protein (HSP). Water Stress – Drought stress, nature of stress injury and resistance expression of stress
resistant genes.


1. Pietro, San – Harvesting the Sun.

2. Nutman, P.S. – DiNitrogen Fixation.
3. Devlin & Barker – Photosynthesis
4. Bonner, J. & Verner, J. – Plant Biochemistry, Academic Press, New York.
5. Bhatia & Parasar – Plant Physiology
6. Devlin, R.M. – Plant Physiology – East West Press, Chennai
7. Robinowitch – Plant Physiology
8. Steward, F.C. – Plant Physiology, Vol. I-VII, Academic Press, New York.
9. Galsten, A.C. (1989) Life Processes in Plants, Scientific American Library
10. Hookaas, P. J. J., Hall, M.A. & Libbenga, K. R. (eds) (1999) – Bio-chemistry & molecular Biology of Plant
Hormones, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
11. Hopkins, W. G. (1995) Introduction to Plant Physiology, John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York.
12. Moore, T.C. (1989) Biochemistry & Physiology of Plant Hormones (2nd Edition) Springer – Verlag, New York,
13. Salisbury, F.B. & Ross, C.W. (1992) Plant Physiology (4 th Edition) Wadsworth Publishing Co. Californis,
14. Taiz, L. & Zeiger, E. (1998) Plant Physiology (2nd Edition) Sinauer Associates Inc. Publishers, Massachusetts,
15. Devlin, R.M. – Plant Physiology, The East Weat Press, Chennai
16. Leopold, A. C.. & Kriedemann – plant Growth & Development – Tata McGraw Hill
17. Conn, E.E., & Stumpf, P.K. – outlines of Biochemisstry, Wiley Eastern Publishers, India.
18. Wilkins, M.B. – Advanced Plant Physiology
19. Verma, V. – Plant Physiology
20. Shrivastav – Plant Physiology

M.Sc. BOTANY – 2010-11



Scope and History- Microbial world and its importance History of development of pathology and microbiology.
Development of the science in Indian context. Koch’s postulates and germ theory of disease. Plant disease
Microbes- an account of different groups of microbes. Viruses, mycoplasma, bacteria, plasmids, fungi &
nematodes. Factors affecting their transmission, dermatophytes their importance, transmission and control, ultra
structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, specialized movement of micro-organism and the organells of


Microbial growth-type of growth-different phases of growth, Culture of microbes. Techniques of measurement of

bacterial growth. Synchronous and continuos culture of bacterial growth yield.

Physiology of host parasite relationship. Effect of host metabolism, water relation, respiration, photosynthesis,
carbohydrates, proteins and nucleic acid metabolism. Physiological action of toxins on microbes, phytotoxin and
their formation.


Studies on symptoms, biology, disease cycle and control of following plant diseases.
a. Disease of Rice-Tungro disease-Bacterial blight, Blast, Brown spot.
b. Disease of Wheat-Smut and Bunt.
c. Disease of sugarcane- Red rot and Bunt.
Disease of vegetables and other crops. Tobacco mosaic virus, little leaf of Brinjal and Tobacco.
Late and early blight of potato, ring rot of potatoes, Downy and powdery Mildew. White rust, wilt of pigeon pea,
anthracnose of chilli-tikka disease of ground nut.

Control of plant disease.
Quanantine and cultural practices, eradication chemotherapy. Fungicides, bactericides, pesticides etc.their nature,
mode of action. Preliminary idea about resistance of microbes to pesticides application prophylaxin. Biotechnology
involved in it. Biological control of plant diseases. Genetic of pathogenecity and disease resistance.


1) General microbiology- Pelezar and Reid. Tata McGraw Hill Publication.

2) Microbiology Vol-I and Vol-II, Power and Danginawalla.
3) Microbiology , Fundamentals and Applications(New Vth Edn) S. S. Purohit.
4) Bridge, P. Moore, D. R. and Scott, P. R. 1998.Information Technology, Plant Pathology and biodiversity, CAB
International D.K.
5) Skerritt, J.H. and Apples, R. 1995.New Diagnostic in Cropsciences, CAB International.U.K.
6) Plant Diseases – R.S. Singh, Oxford and IBH publication.
7) Plant Pathology – O.P. Mehotra, Oxford and IBH publication.


UNIT-I – (Forest resources)

Concept of conservation in relation to resource conservation of biological diversity. Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA). Risk-benefit and Cost-benefit analysis. Social forestry, Agro-forestry, forest conservation
through laws. World Conservation Strategy (WCS), National Conservation Strategy (NCS). Conservation Agencies

UNIT-II – (Energy resources)

Conventional and Non-conventional energy resources. Conventional – Nuclear, Thermal, Oil, Hydro. Non-
Conventional – Biogas, Petro plant and Renewable resources.

UNIT-III – (Conservation Biology)

Biological diversity, Conservation of Biodiversity, Megadiversity, Hotspots, Bioethics and conservation, Causes of
extinction. Endangered species. IUCN Red Data Book. Man and Biosphere Programmme (MAP).

UNIT-IV – (Pollution and its control)

Air Pollution: Atmosphere and its composition, major and minor air pollutants and their sources (natural,
anthropogenic), Oxides of Carbon, Nitrogen, Sulphur as pollutants. Chemistry of Acid rain, Photochemical smog,
Greenhouse effect. Bio-indicators of Air pollutants, Control measures of air pollution.
Water pollution: Water pollution and their sources (natural and anthropogenic). Eutrophication, Biological Oxygen
Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Bioindicators of Water Pollution, Prevention and control
measures of Water pollution.
UNIT-V – (Environmental laws and protection)
Constitutional provisions of Water and Air Act, Responsibility of an Industry. Water Cess Act,1977, The Air
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974,The
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. Function and responsibility of State Pollution Control Board, Function and
responsibility of Central Pollution Control Board. Forest Conservation Act, 1972. Participation of People in
environmental Protection. Role of NGOs. Environmental movement in India and Orissa.

1) Fundamentals of Ecology, Odum , E. P. 1983.Basic ecology, Sauuders, Philadelphia.
2) Modan , B. and Billharz, S. 1997 Sustainbility indicaters John Wiley and sons, New York.
3) Heywood, V. H. and Watson , R.T. 1995. Global biodiversity assessment . Cambrige University press.
4) Natural resources and environmental management systems, Siddique and Ziauddin, Khanna Publication.
5) Environmental Science and Ecological Studies, Garg, Garg & Garg, Khanna Publication.
6) Environment: problems and solution by Asthana and Asthana, S.Chand & Co. Ltd.
7) Environmental Chemistry, B.K.Sharma, Goel Publishing House.
8) Man and Environment by M.C. Dash and P.C. Mishra.
9) Fundamentals of Ecology by M.C. Dash.
10) Dynamics of vegetation by F.E. Clemant.
11) Fundamentals of Ecology by Weaver and Clemant.
12) Ecology and Environment by P.D. Sharma.

PROJECT WORK F.M.-75(35+20+20)

1. Dissertation = 35 MARKS.
2. Seminar Presentation = 20 MARKS.
3. Viva-Voice = 20 MARKS.



1. Determination of isotonic coefficient of Potassium nitrate by plasmolytic method with respect to Sucrose
and calculate the osmotic potential of both the solutions.
2. Comparison of the effect of various concentration of solutes on the rate of imbibition of Preoteinceous /
Starchy / Oily seeds.
3. Determination of cuticular transpiration.
4. Estimation of chlorophyll a & b in leaves of different ages.
5. Study of the effect of different parameters on diastase activity.
6. Comparison of the effect of various wavelength of light on the rate of photosynthesis.
7. Determination of suction pressure of tubers in different solutions.
8. Study of principles of spectrophotometry and verification of Beer’s Lambert’s law.
9. Study of principles of paper chromatography: pigment separation and collection of Rf value.
10. Determination of Chl a, Chl b ratio in C3 and C4 plants.
11. Extraction of seed proteins depending upon solubility.
12. Estimation of protein content in plant extracts by Lowry method.
13. Other practicals related to the theory paper.
14. Viva- Voice.
15. Practical record duly signed by the concerned teacher.

1. Culture of Bacteria of air, water, milk and soil and preparation of pure culture of Bacteria.
2. Culture of Fungi of air, water and soil.
3. Staining and identification of bacteria from Pure Culture (gram positive and Gram negative) using Gram
staining method.
4. Staining of fungi from pure culture and identification.
5. Collection of Plant infected with Bacteria, Fungi and Virus with description and identification (5 from
6. Measurement of size of Bacterial/ Fungal spore using Ocular and Stage micrometer.
7. Measurement of Total sugar, starch, protein and chlorophyll content of healthy and diseased leaves.
8. Basic Microbiology
a) Preparation of temporary and permanent Cotton plugs.
b) Preparation of Culture media.
c) Sterilization Process (autoclave, laminar airflow technique).
d) Isolation of microflora.
9. Other practicals related to the theory paper.


1. Measurement of Water quality, based on dissolved oxygen content of different water samples.
2. Measurement of Water quality, based on BOD content of different water samples.
3. Measurement of Water quality, based on Acidity and alkalinity of different water samples.
4. Measurement of Permanganate value of different water samples.
5. Measurement of sulphate content of different water samples.
6. Biological analysis of water and waste water.
7. Routine bacteriological analysis of various water samples.
8. Measurement of SPM of Atmosphere.
9. Air quality monitoring with respect to SOx and NOx of atmosphere.
10. Other practicals related to the theory paper.
(Starting with effect from 2010-2011 with Semester-I

The course for M.Sc. Examinations in Botany consists of 4 semesters. Each semester consists of 2 theory
papers carrying 75 marks each and 1 practical paper carrying 100 marks. The duration of examination for each
theory paper is four hours and that of practical paper is six hours.

Duration of
Year Paper Title of Paper Full Marks Examination
I (Theory) Biology and Diversity of Lower plants. 75 4
II (Theory) Cell and Molecular Biology of Plants, 75 4
Cytology, Genetics and Biometry.
Semester-I Practical Paper-I Practical work on Biology of Lower 100 6
Plants, Cytology and Biometry.
III (Theory) Gymnosperms &Taxonomy of 75 4
IV (Theory) Biotechnology & genetic engineering of 75 4
Semester-II plants and microbes.
Practical Paper-II Practical work on Angiosperm, 100 6
Gymnosperms & Biotechnology.

V (Theory) Plant development and Reproduction. 75 4

Semester-III VI (Theory) Plant Ecology and Plant Resource 75 4

Conservation & Economic botany.

Practical Paper- Plant development and reproduction, 100 6

III Plant Ecology and Economic botany.

VII(Theory) Plant Physiology, Metabolism. 75 4

VIII (Theory) Electives 75 4

Semester-IV Applied Mycology & Microbiology
Environmental Biology
Project work.

Practical Paper-IV Plant Physiology and Elective paper 100 6

As per the minutes of the EC meeting dt. 16.01.07 vide Office Order No.981GACR/ dt.26.03.07-
1. Two numbers of Seminar talks to be introduced in place of internal examinations of PG students.
2. Project work will be one paper in Final Year PG.

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