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York University Practicum Summary Report

Teacher Candidate Name: Filip Andrejuk Division: P/J J/I I/S

Mentor Teacher Name: Ryan Duffy
Mentor Teacher Signature: _______________________ Date: Friday, December 15th, 2017
School: Stephen Lewis Secondary School Board: Peel District School Board

Evaluation Period:  End of ED II Concurrent  First Evaluation Cycle Consecutive

 End of ED III Concurrent  Last Evaluation Cycle Consecutive

A. Creating the Environment for Learning Engagements

When preparing and delivering lessons, Filip chooses materials that are interesting and represent the cultural needs of the
class while displaying empathy and awareness to all levels of learning. As a socially just and aware Teacher Candidate,
Filip has a clear understanding the impact of intersectionality in students and the value of a safe inclusive classroom. Filip
operates an organized classroom with attention to detail for student safety and an awareness of inclusion. This creates and
effective climate for learning where students are able to explore curriculum and enhance their learning.

B. Classroom Discourse
Throughout this practicum experience, Filip was able to grow and develop his voice. As the practicum progressed it was
clear that the way Filip spoke was changing to meet the needs of the students learning and representing inclusivity and an
awareness of student feelings. Filip also encouraged the students to enhance their language through positive interactions
and learning opportunities. Filip always ensures that different students are provided with the opportunity for lesson related
during learning engagements.

C. Individual Learning Engagements

Across all aspects of learning engagement (initiating, sustaining and culminating/closing) the TC demonstrates knowledge
of and comfort with the curricular concepts that are the focus of the learning engagement. Filip in general, begins learning
engagements with an energetic and dynamic tempo. The complexity of ideas or concepts within learning engagements is
reasonably matched in difficulty level to the background knowledge, linguistic knowledge, and experience of the students.
Filip is responsive to students throughout the learning engagement, but occasionally may make mistakes in reasoning. The
initiation of learning engagements and the activities that follow them are usually conceptually linked, although sometimes
the link is not immediately transparent. More often than not, basis of evaluation is made clear to students prior to the

D. Learning Engagements within Units

Filip builds on student response from learning engagement to learning engagement, he connects concepts from learning
engagement to learning engagement, and he uses a variety of instructional strategies throughout the unit. Filip uses
culminating tasks to bring together the unit as a whole.

E. Professionalism
Demonstrates interest in professional organizations and professional literature that is shared with him, usually takes
advantage of invitations from colleagues with respect to the exchange of professional resources and ideas, explores and
experiments with contradictions in teaching practices.

Recommended Practicum Grade:  Pass  Fail

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