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Chapter 11 Assignment 1

Tyler Grix

Philosophy of Assessing and Grading Learning

For me about testing my students through the year, I would have them keep a journal of

writing things in it of what they learned in class on that day.

Then I would probably quiz them in a couple of weeks and say, “What is your favorite

thing that you enjoyed learning during the week? and write an essay.

Then at the end of the year, I would like to have them write an essay of what they learned

during the year and how and what they learned and how they can apply it to their lives, or field

in college.

At the bottom, “As a teacher, what are some things that I can improve on to make me a

better teacher so I can be more effective as a teacher?”

I want my students to have a good impression in my class and want to encourage them to

learn more and remember things from my class.

I don’t want my students to worry or feel any stress about a test or quiz. Most of the tests

will be essays (not multiple choice). I want my students to have a positive experience.

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