Enochian Dedication: Ehaiul Eaevioa

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Enochian Dedication

The Enochian dedication consists of two parts. Part 1 is addressed to DAIOI (Him that Liveth
Forever) with a Qabalistic Cross inspired opening. The consciousness here referred to is Gnostic,
Timeless, Eternal, and Non-Dual. Do this facing the Interior Conscious ness in the East.

The Second part is a Magickal Trance exercise utilizing internal Alchemy to fuse the Magicians
consciousness with the Angelic current. This practice is called ALOP-ALAP (Two of a Pair
Separated - Two of a Pair United)


I-o-yad (Him That Liveth Forever)

Touching the forehead say Non-sa, (To You)

Touching the genitals say a lo-a-do-hi (Your Kingdom)

Touching the right shoulder say a lon-sa (Your Power)

Touching the left s houlder say a buz-dir (Your Glory)

Laying hands over thy chest say a so-bam zir mi-kal-zo. (In Whom I am Mighty)


Ol, ol um ils di ol (I, I Call Thee to Me)

ol um pi-ap di ol (I Call Balance To Me)

ol um mo-nonz di ol (I Call Heart To Me)

ol um e-thar-zi di ol. (I Call Peace To Me)

{Note: Enochian 'de ol' (pronounced "di ol" above) means both 'To Me' and 'Of I'}

Clasping hands together in prayer continue:

Ils, Ils ol um (Thee, Thee I Call)

A so-bam zir-do a-fa (In Whom I Am Empty)

Zir-do Yad (I Am God)

Zir-do ip (I Am Not)

Zir-do I-o-yad. (I Am Him That Liveth Forever)

Make the sign of silence as your vibrate ZIR.

Pa-la-Po-la (Two of a Pair Separated - Two of a Pair United)
Be seated in the temple in half lotus or full lotus posture. Make sure
you are completely relaxed (as poss ible to your current state) and your
spine is straight. You are going to breathe 21 deep breathes into your
belly through the acupressure point found directly behind
the navel between the second and third lumbar vertebrae
('the gate of life'). As you do this, imagine the gateway
is in the form of an Enochian Letter, one per each
breathe so that you cycle through the whole alphabet
through your breathing exercise. When you inhale, feel
the energy spiral in from your spine to your navel and downward in a coiling in
that spirals to curl tightly around your 2nd chakra (Luna) point (2 inches below the
navel and 2 inches inward). As you exhale, feel the energy uncoil out the way it
came in, shaped all the while by the form of the gateway, each Enochian
letter. As the energy uncoils, it takes with it all impure elements, so
that the release of energy is as a black smoke being released back out
through the gate of life acupressure point.

After 21 focused breathes of the alphabet, chant the 1st Enochian call and see it generating an all-
penetrating omnipresence (Nuit in Thelemic Mysticis m) and light that is at all times above, within,
around, and embracing.

From this generated light, the next 21 deep, relaxed, gentle breaths are drawn in
through the 7th chakra (Neptune) in the shape of each Enochian letter as done
before with the gate of life. The breath is indrawn through the gate (found at the
top of the crown of the head, at the center point between the tips of the ears), down
the anterior front of the body (the conception meridian) and down into the belly and
genitals. The 1st chakra (Terra) is closed off gently so the energy gathers in the
second chakra. On the exhale, the energy once again having gathered all
impurities as it moved through the body and gathered it in the alchemical furnace
of the second chakra (Luna), is then released through the spiral path cleared by the
previous breathing exercise, and out the gate of life as a black smoke.
The gate of life is in the form of the Enochian letter that shaped its entrance into the energy system
through the seventh chakra (Neptune).

After this, the posture is then changed to The Dragon Posture, which is done by bending the
knees and sitting on the heels (feet flat or toes bent, either is ok), this can be painful if the stomach
meridian (Libra) is out of whack (the front of your thighs) and can also be tough on unhealthy knees
and ankles. Some pain is good and purifying and a wonderful exercise is to endure and
burn open and purify blocked channels, but to prevent injury, it is excusable to use a
pillow under the butt to relieve these stresses.

Follow the same procedure, but this time, the energy will be inspired and expired
from the top of the head, 7th chakra (Neptune). The flow of energy should be timed so
the moment of exhale accompanies a gentle squeeze from the Perineum (1st chakra,
Terra) acting like a trampoline to gently bounce the flow of energy back up the
spine. Again, the release s hould be black smoke as the energy s haped by each
Enochian letter purifies the internal energy system.

After 21 Enochian Letter Breathes, chant the second Enochian call and feel the omnipresent that
is above, within, and around, (Nuit in Thelemic Mythology) becoming one with the presence of the
singularity of this moments offering through pass ionate action (Hadit in Thelemic Mythology).

The next 21 breathes are done without letters. It is a s imple breathing of the circle in
contemplation. Life comes in through the top of the head down the front of the body, and is
trampolined into the unknown up the back of the spine and out the top of the head. This breathing
meditation can be expanded past 21 breathes as the contemplative aspect of the dedication. One can
remain here for hours if you develop a discipline for meditation and contemplation.

Follow the Enochian Dedication by Opening the Integral Enochian Temple. The Enochian
Dedication can be practiced on its own however. After all temple actions are completed, repeat the

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