Annotated Bibliography Primary Sources

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Duenas 1

Nguyen 1

Samantha Duenas

Nancy Nguyen

Ms. El-Atrache

US History 11

December 11 2017

Annotated Bibliography
Primary Sources

Brown, John. (1828) “Diary Entry Of Child Workers During The Industrial Revolution.” Diary

Entry Of Child Workers During The Industrial Revolution - Essay - 1073 Words,

These quotes talk about the dangers children go through when working in factories. They

experience far more greater dangers than the public realize. Not only fo they have to wake

up early and go home late, but everyday, they face the possibility of an injury or even

death. When these innocent children would come late, they would face punishing, such as

a lashing. They are not treated as children, but slaves. These primary quotes from people

who lived during child labor helps me see what it is really like for children and adults to

experience the effects of child labor.

Child Labor Act. United States Code, vol. 12, 2017, sec. 1200. Explora, Great Neck Publishing,

dc645%40sessionmgr104&bdata=#AN=21212611&db=aph. Accessed 2 Nov. 2017.

This source is a court case regarding child labor during 1918. It reviews the dangers of

having children work and the lawyer emphasizes the physical lasting damage that children
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can acquire. Key information in this case is that this is an appeal case, which suggests that

this topic was not popular and the opinion of child labor was favorable, contrasting to the

lawyer which defends the child workers. The physical damage which affected the children

is important to consider as they are the future of the country but they are getting hurt. This

gives me an understanding of the opposition of child labor and the general views on child

labor. This also has me understand the process of attempting to change laws and the

difficulty to do so.

“Hard Times Cotton Mills Girls, Excerpt 1.” Smithsonian Source, 2007,


Kids are prepared to work in mills and do work that adults do. They are only paid a small

sum, barely enough to pay for board where they stay and work It's so unjust that a child's

future is taken away from them to be replaced by adult work. These young kids should be

pursuing an education to make a change in the world not waste their time working for

someone else. This source helps me get an idea unjust children go through.

Hines, Lewis Wickes. Lad Fell to Death in Big Coal Chute [Chauncy, Pennsylvania]. Jan. 1931, Accessed 13 Nov. 2017. Arthur

Allbecker, a 15 year old boy, was employed as a breaker boy in the mines. He ended up falling

in a chute and died. Businessmen are cruel for not putting into account the potential dangers

these children are exposed to everyday. Kids are dying from work in these mines and other

workforce, but as long as businessmen are making profit and benefiting from the kids, they

don't care. This source shows the extreme consequences of child labor.
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Hine, Lewis Wickes. Dec. 1908. Historical Boy's Clothing, 7 Mar. 2009, Accessed 8 Dec. 2017.

Five children are shown to be standing in front of Lancaster Cotton Mills during December

1908. The children look very underdressed and one child does not have any shoes on,

despite the various objects that are all over the floor. Key information from this photo is that

the children appear to be very young, maybe as young as seven years old. With the poor

conditions of the factory, including the cotton all over the floor and the poor ventilation

system, the children may not be able to avoid having an accident, which might cripple them

for life.This source can further help me , as it is a visual representation of the hardships that

child laborers had to endure, which gives a representation of some of the other documents.

It can further prove that child labor is a major problem, and then point out how it can be

fixed, which is presented in the project.

Porter, William . (1884) “Diary Entry Of Child Workers During The Industrial Revolution.” Diary

Entry Of Child Workers During The Industrial Revolution - Essay - 1073 Words,

These entries are of first hand experiences of children during the industrial revolution.

There is barely any break and they are paid very minimally. They are not able to go out and

play like the rest of the kids but are locked up in a factory. This is the only way kids from

poor family can manage to earn a living, hindering their chances of getting a proper

education and job. These entries help give me knowledge from the first hand experiences

of children who went through child labor.

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Secondary Sources

Child Labor Act. United States Code, vol. 12, 2017, sec. 1200. Explora, Great Neck Publishing,

dc645%40sessionmgr104&bdata=#AN=21212611&db=aph. Accessed 2 Nov. 2017.

The main idea of the Child Labor Act is to state the consequences of violating the Child

Labor laws. It includes taxes and other consequences that follow the violation of the Acts. I

learned the strict consequences of having children working for you and how motivates one

to break that law. It fits in what I know because in the past, children were allowed to work

at a very young age and they would work in very unsafe conditions, so with these strict

laws, it would make that the companies would not commit those crimes or make their

workplace safe so children of fourteen and above can work. This will help with my project

by broadening my understanding of concrete laws that helped shape the country today

compared to 100 years ago.

"Child Labor Overview." // Salem Press Encyclopedia, January. EBSCOhost,


Child labor was considered normal and right until the mid-1800s, but with the introduction

of the Industrial Revolution from Europe to the U.S. and awareness of working conditions

for children, concern rose. Legislations and requirements were set out to compromise a this

conflict like prohibiting children in mines and setting specific requirements like age for

children as employees. I used to think that actions against child labor wasn't taken until the

mid 1900's, but now I know that they tried to take actions against it as early as 1842. This
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source helped give me an overview of both the conflict and compromise of child labor. The

conflict is child labor puts restrictions and exploits children, but a compromise is made by

the many laws and acts that are passed to stop and moderate labor.

DeAngelis, Gina. “Prince By the Piece.” Cobblestone. History Reference Center


Accessed 30 Oct. 2017. During the 1910's, many children that worked, were working in

very dangerous conditions, as they were considered no different than adult workers.

Working with dangerous materials affected many children's health and physical state,

which was not unusual during those times. Essential information includes how children

were treated the same as any adult and how it caused children to become deformed

physically because the unsafe conditions of the workplace that only adults should be

working. This source is important to the conflicts because it presents a problem of the

workplace conditions of children. This source created more research questions for me

because now I want to find out how the children coped with the physical disabilities that

they received during work in their later years.

Hindman, Hugh D. Child Labor: An American History. Armonk, M.E. Sharpe, 2002.

In the 1880's, child labor was prominent in industrial towns as a family wage system was

created that seemingly helped families, but in reality pressured children to work. New

information that was found was that family wage systems were viewed as a benefit for

families but one of the conditions to receive the benefits of the family wage system, was
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to have at least one child and one adult in the family that will work. This source gave me a

greater understanding of the conflicts of child labor as it presented new problems that I was

not aware of before.

Schuman, Michael. "History of Child Labor in the United States--Part 1: Little Children Working."

Monthly Labor Review, Jan. 2017, pp. 1-19. EBSCOhost,

Children as young as 10 and sometimes every younger worked in the period after the Civil

War. Children were first used to contribute to the family in the 18th century doing more

domestic tasks, but soon were exploited by manufacturers for cheap labor. This idea was

introduced by the British, using them in cotton mills, factories, home workshops, farms,

mines, etc... This source helps explain the different fields of area children worked in,

discussing the uses of child labor in the US and also provides a good overview of the

history of child labor.

Schuman, Michael. "History of Child Labor in the United States--Part 2: The

Reform Movement." Monthly Labor Review, Jan. 2017, pp. 1-23. EBSCOhost, Reform efforts

were widespread in the 20th century. Adults and children led strikes and protested. Soon,

regulations such as hours limits were set out for child laborers.mIt is really unjust that

children are forced to work simply because it is cheaper for them instead of an adult. This

source provides information on reform movements against child labor and compromises to


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