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H ORT S CIENCE 25(10):1228-1229. 1990.

Fresh and Aged Pine Bark as Soil

Amendments for Establishment of
Highbush Blueberry
Marilyn B. Odneal1 and Martin L. Kaps2
State Fruit Experiment Station, Southwest Missouri State University
Mountain Grove, MO 65711 ..
Additional index words. Vaccinium corymbosum, cultural practices, Phytophthora
Abstract. The recommendation for planting highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corym-
bosum L.) in Missouri includes the incorporation of sphagnum peat in the planting
hole. This experiment compared the use of fresh and aged pine bark to sphagnum peat
as soil amendments at planting. One-year-old highbush blueberry ‘Blueray’ plants were
planted in 1983 at Mountain Grove, Mo. Plant height, spread, and number of new
canes were recorded from 1983 through 1987. Yield and berry size were recorded from
1985 through 1988. There were no significant differences in these measurements among
soil amendment treatments (P = 0.05).

Incorporation of sphagnum peat in the growth and yield of ‘Blueray’ highbush

planting hole is recommended for highbush blueberry in an upland mineral soil.
blueberry in the upland mineral soils of Mis- Aged southern pine bark (APB) was ob-
souri and Arkansas (Fuqua et al., 1987; tained from Greet-deaf Nursery, Talequah,
Moore, 1976). Sawdust as a soil amend- Okla. The bark had been hammermilled,
ment, either fresh or aged, was shown to be stockpiled, and aged by weathering for 6 to
detrimental in an Arkansas experiment on 9 months. Fresh pine bark (FPB) was ob-
the cultivar Collins (Moore, 1979). Bark soil tained from Bibler Lumber Co., Russelville,
amendments generally improve the growth Ark. The bark was shaved with a cambium
of plants by physical improvement of the soil debarker, air-dried for 1 month, and put
(Bollen and Glennie, 1961). Bark soil through an Olathe brush chipper. The bark
amendment has not been tested in Missouri was then screened through 6-mm mesh and
Ozark soils. Pine bark is available in this stored in polyethylene bags until used at
area and may be a cost-effective substitute planting. Coarse grade sphagnum peat (SPM)
for sphagnum peat as an organic soil amend- was obtained from a commercial source.
ment. Particle size and media nutrient analysis of
Phytophthora root rot, caused by the soil- these’ organic amendments were obtained
borne fungal pathogen Phytophthora cinnu- (Tables 1 and 2). Wet-weight percentages
momi Rand., can be a serious problem in were determined by weighing 100 g of wet-
Arkansas and Missouri, especially in poorly ted material, allowing this volume of mate-
drained soils (Moore, 1987). There is inter- rial to air-dry for 2 days at room temperature,
est in the use of bark soil amendment as a and then weighing it again. Material was
management tool in the control of Phyto- wetted by soaking in water for 12 hr and
phthora root rot, since it has been shown to draining for 4 hr at room temperature before
suppress some disease organisms (Hoitink et wet weight was recorded. The difference be-
al., 1981; Spencer and Benson, 1982). tween the wet and dry amendment weight
Physical improvement of the soil also could was divided by the dry amendment weight
aid disease management by improving water and multiplied by 100.
drainage in the root zone. The planting site was in south central Mis-
The objective of this experiment was to souri at Mountain Grove. The Wilderness
compare fresh and aged pine bark soil cherty silt loam is a moderately well-drained
amendments to sphagnum peat on plant ≈ soil, characterized by slow permeability and
a fragipan at = 58 cm. The bulk density is
1.2 to 1.45 g·cm -3 in the surface horizon.
Received for publication 11 Dec. 1989. The cost The pH of the planting was decreased from
of publishing this paper was defrayed in part by
the payment of page charges. Under postal regu-
pH 6.3 to pH 4.3 by two elemental sulfur
lations, this paper therefore must be hereby marked applications of 0.16 kg·m-2 each, worked to
advertisement solely to indicate this fact. a depth of 15 cm in Fall 1982. The soil pH
Research Associate. was 4.6 in 1987. Soil pH, measured in dilute
Associate Research Professor. CaCl 2 solution, will be slightly (0.1 to 0.5
Table 1. Particle size distribution of aged pine bark, fresh pine bark, and sphagnum peat soil amend- Haynes and Swift (1986) found that pine bark
ments. amendments improved plant growth and yield
Wt (%) due to modification of the soil physical
structure rather than soil chemistry.
Particle sizez Aged pine Fresh pine Sphagnum
(mm) bark bark peat
Wet-weight percentages of SPM, APB, and
FPB were 370%, 107%, and 70%, respec-
>4.5 23 5 25 tively. After monitoring the tensiometers
3.5-4.5 10 19 9
placed in each treatment in 1983 and 1984,
2.0-3.4 22 31 11
1.4-1.9 13 13 10
no differences in soil moisture tension were
1.0-1.3 8 12 16 observed among treatments. In an experi-
0.8-0.9 5 6 9 ment in Texas on a gravelly soil, pine bark
0.5-0.7 9 7 8 soil amendment was detrimental to blueberry
<0.5 11 7 12 plant establishment due to its low water-
Particle size was determined by screening material through hardware cloth and mesh screens. holding capacity (Creech, 1989). This was
not a problem in our slowly permeable soil.
There were no significant differences
Table 2. Media nutrient analyses of aged pine bark, fresh pine bark, and sphagnum peat soil amend- among treatments in plant height and spread,
ments. z number of new canes, total yield, or berry
Aged pine Fresh pine Sphagnum
size, but there was a tendency for plants in
Component bark bark vest the bark-amended plots to have slightly greater
plant height and spread, more new canes,
pH 4.13 4.16 4.06
and higher yields. All criteria were within
Soluble salt (mmho) 0.18 0.11 0.09
normal range.
NO3 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fresh or aged pine bark maybe substituted
NH4 0.00 0.00 1.30 for sphagnum peat as a soil amendment at
P 2.28 0.74 1.22 planting in the upland mineral soils used for
K 30.3 24.7 8.53 growing blueberries in Missouri. Pine bark
Ca 7.34 4.42 1.76 soil amendment may be more economical than
Mg 4.08 2.99 0.72 sphagnum peat for some growers. Using the
Mn 0.55 0.47 0.03 pine bark amendments for improvement of
Fe 1.29 0.44 0.08
soil aeration around plant roots could help
Cu 0.00 0.00 0.00
B 0.14 0.07 0.01 growers with heavier soils or those with Phy-
Zn 0.08 0.05 0.00 tophthora root rot problems.
Mo 0.01 0.01 0.00
z Literature Cited
Analyses by Peters/Terra-Lite Testing Laboratory, Fogelsville, Pa.
Bollen, W.B. and D.W. Glennie. 1961. Sawdust,
bark and other wood wastes for soil condition-
ing and mulching. For. Prod. J. 11(1):38-46.
units) lower than the pH of the same sample test plots was monitored semi-annually and
Clark, J.R. 1986. Nutrition of highbush blue-
measured in water (Fuqua et al., 1987). recorded on a replicated basis once in 1988 berry. Proc. 1986 Mo. Small Fruit Conf. p. 61-
One-year-old ‘Blueray’ plants were planted (data not shown). Plant height, spread, and 63.
in ‘Spring 1983. Plants were spaced 1.2 m number of new canes were recorded in the Creech, D.L. 1989. Status of the polyfabric, bark
within and 3.0 m between rows on 15 cm dormant season of 1983 through 1987. Yield mulch, zero above-ground and peat moss, bark,
high × 110 cm wide raised beds. At plant- and berry size were recorded 1985 through zero below-ground amendment study. Proc. 1989
ing, 3.8 liter of APB, FPB, or SPM were 1988. Texas Blueberry Growers Assn. Conf. p. 68-
Nitrogen depletion was an anticipated 74.
mixed in 20 × 45 × 30 cm (depth/length/ Fuqua, B. D., M.B. Odneal, P.C. Andersen, M.L.
width) planting holes. The amendments were problem with the bark amendments, as their
Schroeder, and G. Ashley. 1987. Growing
soaked in ‘water-filled polyethylene bags C : N ratio is greater than that for sphagnum blueberries in Missouri. Dept. Agr. and State
overnight and drained before use.” The plant- peat (Bollen and Glennie, 1961). The lowest Fruit Expt. Sta. SW Missouri State Univ. Bul.
ing was trickle-irrigated and a wood chip average level of foliar N was recorded for 42.
mulch of 10 to 15 cm was maintained. The the FPB treatment (1.84%) and the highest Haynes, R.J. and R.S. Swift. 1986. Effect of soil
experimental design was completely ran- for the SPM treatment (1.90%). Foliar N amendments and sawdust mulching on growth,
domized with five 5-plant replications. The levels did not fall below those recommended yield and leaf nutrient content of highbush blue-
planting was maintained and fertilized ac- for mature highbush blueberry plants in this berry plants. Scientia Hort. 29:229-238.
area (Clark, 1986). Nitrogen depletion could Hoitink, H.A., E.B. Nelson, and D.T. Gordon.
cording to current recommendations (Fuqua
possibly be a problem if smaller particle size 1981. Comporting bark controls soil pathogens
et al., 1987). ‘Bluecrop’ guardrow plants were of plants. Ohio Rpt. on Res. and Dev. 65(1):7-
established at the same time to afford cross or greater amounts of the bark amendments 10.
pollination. were used. Moore, J.N. 1976. Adaptation and production of
Tensiometers were inserted 10 cm deep in Differences in media nutrient analysis blueberries in Arkansas. Ark. Agr. Expt. Sta.
one replication of each treatment during the among amendments (Table 2) did not appear Bul. 804.
1983 and 1984 growing seasons to monitor to have an effect on the foliar nutrient levels Moore, J.N. 1979. Highbush blueberry culture in
soil moisture tension. From 1985 to 1988, (data not shown). The foliar nutrient levels the upper South. Proc. 4th N. Amer. Blueberry
irrigation scheduling was based on one ten- for all treatments fell into acceptable ranges Req. Workers Conf. 4:84-86.
siometer in the field. Soil moisture tension except for Cu and B (Clark, 1986). These Moore, J.N. 1987. Highbush blueberry produc-
two micronutrients were low for all three tion in the Ozarks: The third decade. Proc. 1987
was maintained between 30 and 50 centibars
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through the growing season. Foliar samples treatments, although problems with deficien- Spencer, S. and D.M. Benson. 1982. Pinebark,
were collected from each treatment (repli- cies have not been reported in our area (Clark, hardwood bark compost, and peat amendment
cations combined) annually from mid-July to 1986). It does not appear that the extractable effects on development of Phytophthora spp.
early August. A soil sample from the plant- nutrients from the amendments themselves and lupine root rot. Phytopathology 72(3):346-
ing was also taken annually. The soil pH of affect the nutrients taken up by the plants. 351.

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