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Department of Physics

Applied Physics (PH004)

Tuturial (February 16, 2016)

(1) Calculate ionization energy for H, He and Li. Discuss qualitatively about the changes in the
ionization energies.

(2) What is the second ionization energy of He (Energy required to remove second electron)?

(3) If size of hydrogen nucleus is 4 cm. what would be the radius of 1st electron orbit? Assume
the radius of a proton is 1.5 × 10−15 m

(4) A mixture of Hydrogen and Deuterium is excited and its spectrum observed. How far in
wavelength will the Hα lines of two isotopes be?

(5) A µ− meson (charge -e, mass 207 me ) can be captured by a proton to form a hydrogen like
muonic atom. Calculate the radius of the first Bohr orbit, the binding energy and the wave-
length of first line in the Lyman series for such an atom.

(6) Calculate the location at which radial probability density is a maximum for n=2 and l=1
state of hydrogen atom. b) Calculate the expectation value of radial coordinate in this state.

(7) Ground state of an atom in 2 P3/2 . Find magnetic moment of this atom. How many substates
will ground state spit on application of magnetic field.

(8) Write the wave function for the ground state of hydrogen atom and show that most probable
value of the distance r of the electron from the nucleus is the Bohr radius a0 , and the average
value is 3a0 /2

(9) An atomic magnetic dipole having orbital magnetic moment of 1 µB is aligned parallel to an
external magnetic field of 1 T. Calculate the energy required to turn the dipole to align it
antiparallel to the field.

(10) Average molecular kinetic energy of gaseous hydrogen will be equal to binding energy of the
hydrogen at a certain temperature. Calculate the value of of the temperature.


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