Letter To DiGiorgio

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Chairman DiGiorgio:

As elected members of the Republican State Committee of Pennsylvania, we write to you

regarding your recent statement in opposition to a campaign advertisement aired by Republican
gubernatorial candidate Paul Mango.

In your statement regarding Mr. Mango’s advertisement, you said: “The fact is, Paul Mango’s
claims against Scott Wagner have already been heard and rejected by the elected state committee
members, who at our meeting in February, overwhelmingly endorsed Scott Wagner to be our
candidate for Governor.”

Mr. Chairman, we would respectfully contest this statement that you made on behalf of the entire
Republican Party of Pennsylvania because we had no idea that State Senator Scott Wagner was
involved in these disputes. You may have known about the issues Mr. Mango highlights in his
advertisement, but none of these issues were ever disseminated to the State Committee as you
claimed in your statement.

For the State Committee of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania to vote on a Party endorsement
without a full vetting of these claims was a dereliction of your responsibilities as Chairman. These
are serious charges against Senator Wagner, which upon review have significant substantiation
through court and legal documentation. If you indeed knew these allegations were in Senator
Wagner’s history, you had a responsibility to inform our Party during the endorsement process.

Because we did not have the opportunity to fully and fairly vet these serious allegations against
Senator Wagner, we believe it is critical that Pennsylvania Republican primary voters have that
opportunity. We need the best candidate possible to take on Governor Wolf and nominating a
candidate without fully reviewing their professional and personal history would be irresponsible.

To be clear, your statement regarding the claims made in Mr. Mango’s advertisement does not
speak for those signatories of this letter and we urge you to rescind your claim that the Republican
State Committee “heard and rejected” these allegations against Senator Wagner.


Meryl Hatton Robert McCloskey Monte Kemmler

Allegheny County Dauphin County Mifflin County

Beth Kremer Scott Thomas Pat Saylor

Northumberland County Schuylkill County Snyder County

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