2018 Foxborough Annual Town Meeting Warrant

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FOXBOROUGH ANNUAL TOWN ELECTION and ANNUAL TOWN MEETING WARRANT Annual Town Elections May 7, 2018 Annual Town Meeting May 14, 2018 PLFASF RRING THS COPY WITH YOU TO THE ANNUAL TOWN MEETING LEGAL NOTICE ‘TOWN WARRANT ANNUAL TOWN MEETING Monday, the Seventh day of May, A.D, 2018, ‘COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS NORFOLK SS. ‘Toclther ofthe Constables ofthe Town of Foxborough: Greetings: Inthe name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and in accordance with the provisions of the BY-LAWS of said Town, and Amendments thereof, you are hereby required to notify and ‘war the inhabitants of the Town of Foxborough, qualified to vote at elections and town aflirs to assemble for the election of officers: those voting in Precinct No. 1, Precinct No. 2, Prcinet No. 3, Precinet No, 4 and Preciact No, 5 in the gymnasium of the John J. Ahem Middle School on ‘Mechanic St. in said Town a Monday, the Seventh day of May A.D., 2018 between the hours of seven o'clock in the foreroon and eight o'clock in the aftemoon, then and thereafter by ‘adjournment of the voters ofall Precincts to reassemble in the auditorium of Foxborough High School on South Street at 730 o'clock in the afternoon on Monday, the fourteenth day of May AD,, 2018 to act on the following articles: TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE, PAGE 1, Anmual Town Elections. 4 2, Annual Town Reports 4 3, Reports of Committees. 4 4, Operating Budget... 4 5. CIP BudgeSchedule A u 6. High School Track & Stands. B 7. Fire Contact. 13 8. DPW Contract, 13 9, FYTI8 Budget Adjustments 13 10. Route 1 Zoning nu. 7 14 11, Amend Zoning By-Law WRPOD. 2 12, Amend Zoning By-Law Accessory Structure. 22 13, Amend Zoning By-Law Residential Large Seale Ground Sola....22 14, Revolving Furds Annual Spending Limit. 23 15, Fund Qualified OPEB Trust. 23 16, Fund Capital Subilization, 24 24 17. Fund Stabilizaon... 18, Special Legisletion- Land ‘Transfer for Fire Department ...u.24 19, Citizen's Petition (Special Legislation- To Upgrade an OfF-Premise Package Store Annual Wine & Malt License to.an Off Premise Package Store All- Alcohol Licens¢..0..0.26 20, Capital Improvement Planning Committee By-Law 21 21, Amend Chapter 30 Meetings By-Law. 29 22, Amend Sewer Service Area Map. — 29 23. Accept Westor Avenue as a Public Way... 30 24, Unmanned Airoraft-Drones : senen3O APPENDIX A- CIP Five-Year Capital Plan. 33 FY 2019 Operating Budget Sources of Funds 36 FY 2019 Operating Budget Uses of Funds a7 ‘ARTICLE, (Annual Town Elections) To bring their votes fortwo Selectmen for three years one Assessor for three years; two ‘School Committee members for three years; ne Water and Sewer Commissioner for three years; fone Board of Health member for three years; two Boyden Library Trustees for three years; and two Planning Board members fr three years ARTICLE? (Annual Town Reports) To hear the report ofthe Town Officers and act thereon, Board of Selectmen ES (Reports of Committees) “To heer the report ofany committee and act thereon, and to choose any committee that may ‘be wanted, and to see ifthe town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds ‘or borrow pursuant to any applicable statute such sums of money deemed necessary for expenses ‘of any committee chosen under this article; or take any other ation relate thereto. Board of Selectmen ART! (Operating Budget) “To determine the compensation for elected officials and to raise and appropriate, transfer ‘from available funds, or bortow pursuant to any applicable statute sums of money forthe operation of vatious town boards, officers, commissions and departments ofthe town during the Fiscal Year 2019, beginning July 1, 2018 and ending June 30, 2019; o take any other action related thereto. Board of Selectmen fuss: suse soos gist oar fiver oes fez bee cas cee Jews forse Sees aromuiecns averse vomsjoors: —foavee cove mie oorie sav seueoa ‘sane Bap Pagano RETR ROR ER — aaa SADT 8102 ‘vL AVI ONIEEW NMOLTYNNY PSIDIMY -1390n@ ONILWEEO 6L0Z Ad svdooauiesen 9 ay sien woven gy ewer sanz eh — tee See — muse see o'r {ponmuea)syanesnoo WES font, pied vse eae sexe vues: seviesre sovowsesvfonze TECIeEHE er Togve—fosuiose Swoorae tevesa vewne leease “oompy | voutsues we8eienvnd, eke i ih ‘panaio9) Ae onan sstpaqegod ous Gousmoorasyn anos 65% smundg (ruonvibasvis ance oer ‘ponmic9)s0 omens wise fon io omens Nowvatca vanenowal niasomieorzavacs oiler fern au seuss 213 ay ate uenexah Sessa ong ny mie none se —} naeceureccrsovewevomfaice — feices ice wiese a rewadg wore __|uoiore soon. sageoayeoors py see voweeafose fist tat tat sestg Hasoayreccty aves votealucaee — fiiceee — divkee “ieee toon anes RT a ‘sve wv popu ‘honaw™ | veunoaes seeesemina, etd [Leora [TSR Tea SET TaES. EERTET ERTS ‘saoare ons waorny Mat lncensr izes: vzees owemer scowier mers sso tzonvrenraat woeuisoery myaise-uonern|ieozss — isos i'n coos sais FamermeTaMaD 36 Jucseve isis urisre surzors oases aarvict aowwreNANMNanoHD sie lcose —foovse cave cause oonse savor Non eraAmooLNARACrEKEN He levsecy feevsuey carsury ooreer eects zaosave srareanavenconas 118 fren — fisvzn tevez Eire SDA UG Jewosere fisosice toosire core sweat Oe 0 ARTICLES (CAP Budget) “To see ifthe town wil adopt the rocommendations ofthe Capital Improvement Planning. (CIP) Committee and to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds, or borrow pursuant to any applicable statue the sums roquested for the purposes herein mentioned as listed in Schedule ‘Ain order to implement the CIP budget request for Town Departments for FY 2019; or take any other aetion related thereto ‘See SCHEUDLE A for a detailed breakdown of capital items Deparwent Appa Racomnn undng Sores = roman Ste sow nso ra Fre stoaes aes 402200 nbd Ress Pete setote ears Sanyrt tants 7 to0ren Cun S077 Retna atway resco, ssaanossaac0—es9a00 Fewcah Fawsy (haptr0) Eser” somo exb.aon——g50000 Cur nosuE Aon Hiya) oace —aromo 00210000 tan Terao ‘stureneprice ‘Soom — torso Garaon —G0t300 Ww Reo cena ee Fading Sunmany: —— Foecoth 21038 Craeoa| opto Mecca So wares see Board of Selectmen SCHEDULE A ‘epanmrrbestion Ener Tose Nee Systm 8 eel) Ungades 100000 Fres Cah Pouce "Vehiie & augment ‘Weapons Usgode Repco 988 Fae Cash rans ascarent ‘Me om0 Anbuaoe Recs Sneana Voie Fos Raacarent 126d Anbulane Recaps Butinge 8 Relat ‘ame Sha Seer Copacly Puch 5771 Raatetin alt fom 7 tr A Bom lamest Seto Reon Pract ‘ConpenTanoe'Sotwaeihok Usyacee 10,00 Fes Gash ng ete Bane Resacomene 15000 Fre Cash Min Sune vet "a Fe ash Gy accep Racenate {Gm Fes can Aitoanes Gp Pp Tack Restacemeré om Fe can PAS ni apne Ups som Fes can puauc works "otioas Eeupment "Sees Ste ode -eeemere ss Free coon ‘in ump Saar ow foo Aupcement ‘ram Peetaen ‘nity Boy Rvecane | ‘ot Fee Gast Sih Dor S30 Soa: pout ‘Gian Fee coh ‘Start fecructon 9000 cht 0 Rone Pram Vohies &egupert ‘hton moron 209000 Wat Recep StonDurpadPow& Sen Say -Ragacan 17200 Water esos ‘on moonstone ‘oan Wate cops "en Dap Boy Ta 0.00 We Renee ‘on Gy Tuck 0. Water Reape ora. sarem Propose Funding Y mbes Recap ‘oo20 ‘entation tir Year Vote srt Chapter 0 soa Neate Tax Recipe Foae Water Receips fra ora. sareme ARTICLE 6 (High School Track & Stands) “To sce if the town will adopt the recommendation ofthe Capital Improvement Planning (CIP) Committee and transfer from available funds One Million One Hundred Fifly Thousand Dollars (S1,150,000.00) for the purposes of completing the Sam Berns Community Turf Field Aithletic Complex by installing an Eight Lane Track, Grandstand Bleachers and Press Box for FY 2019; or take any other actcn related thereto. Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 7 (Fire Contract) “To see ifthe Town will vote to raise and appropriate, andlor transfer from available funds, a sum of money deemed necessary to find the cost tems for Fiscal Years 2017 and 2018 ‘in acollective bargaining eatract between the Town of Foxborough (represented by the Board ‘of Selectmen) and Foxborough Permanent Firefighters Association Local 2252, in accordance ‘with Chapter 1SOE of the General Laws of the Commonwealth; or take any other action related thereto. ‘Board of Selectmen ARTICLES (PW Contract) “To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, andor transfer from available funds, 1 sum of money deemed nevessary to fund the cost items for Fiscal Years 2019, 2020, and 2021 ‘collective bargaining coutrat between the Town af Foxborough (represented hy the Rar of Selectmen) and Foxborough Highway and Water Employees Union AFSCME, in accordance with (Chapter 150E of the General Laws of the Commonwealth; or take any her action related thereto, Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 9 (Budget Adjustments) “To see ifthe Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, to amend Article 4 and Article 14 of the May 8, 2017, FY 2018 Annual Operating Budget and the (OPEB Trust funding articles, in order to fund expenses associated with: 1) Annual Apportionment of Regional Dispatch Expenses; 2) An inevease tothe FY 2018 annual funding commitment of the OPEB Trusts follows: Revised omg Dept# Department Budget Adjust FY"BBudaet Funding Source J 220 ConbalDapoten gist 53260 088401 ree Cash 218 OPEB'Tn—B6KceD 100,000 Bedoeo Free Cash or take any other action related thereto ‘Town Manager B ARTICLE 10 (Route 1 Zoning) ‘Amend Pact Il entitled “General Legislation” of the Code of the Town of Foxborough, Massachusetts Chapter 275, Zoning,", a8 follows: 1, Additional Uses Permited in the $-1 District () Amend Section 3.6, Table 3-1 Table of Uses by deleting the leter“N” for the following use inthe 1 Distrietand replacing it with the letter “Y" Brew pub (Use Group C.11) () Amend Section 3.6, Table 3-1 Table of Uses, by deleting the letter “N° fr Use Tem C3. in ‘the $1 Dstt, replacing it with the letter "Y" and revising the definition of such se itera to ead 3 follows ‘MercantileRetal uses, except restaurants with seating (©) Amend Section 31.6, Table 3-1 Table of Uses, tem D.7,Selfstorage mini warehouse, ril storage or switching yards, by deleting the words “rail storage or switching yard,” and by deleting the letter "Nor such sein the S-1 Distt and replacing it with the leter"¥." 2, Use Changes (Special ermit to Alowed by Right) Amend Section 3.14, Table 3-1 Table of Uses, by deleting the letters “PB" for the following uses in the S-1 Distriet and replacing them with the letter" Research and development facilities (Use Group D2.) ‘Hotels, motels but not including group homes or halfway houses (Use Group G.2.) 3. Outdoor/Indoor Rectational Uses (@) Amend Section3.16, Table3-1 Table of Uses, Use tem 1.6, by deleting that item’s definition ‘of Outdoorindoor recreational uses and replacing it with he following 6. Outdoor/indcor recreational uses, including golf driving ranges, miniature golf coutses, batting cages fields, buildings and facilities for recreational and athletic activities, and go-carts and bumper boats (except that go-carts and bumper boats that are powered by any type of fossil fuel are prohibited in the Water Resource Protection District), but not including amusement parks und water parks. (©) Amend Section .16, Table3-1 Table of Uses, by deleting the eters “PB" for Outdoor indoor recreational uses isthe S-1 District and replacing them wih the etter bea 4. Alhetc Fields and Ailetie Faelies 4 () Amend Section 3.6, Table 3-1 Table of Uses, by () adding the following new use item to Use ‘Group J. Recreational Use, and (i including the lees “PB for such use item under the R-40 District, the eter" for such uae tem under the S-1 District, and the letter “N" for such use item under each othe other districts in such table: 8, Outdoor athleie fields and athletic facilities that ee privately owed, incloding buildings and structures that ae accessory thereto (B) Amend Section 3.1.7, Notes to Table of Use Regulations, by adding the following new ‘Note thereto 6. Access to any outdoor athletic field or athletic facility that is situated in the R40 Residential and Agricultural District, whether in its entirety or in part, shall be provided only from an accepted way through a nonresidential district. This restriction sball not apply to any emergency access required by public safety officials ofthe Town of Foxborough. 5, Temporary Parking (@) Amend Section 61.3. by adding the following new provision: 3. A special pemit granted by the Planning Board to allow temporary parking inthe ‘SI District with respect to events at Gillette Stadium shall be valid for a period of thnve yeary Fos the date on whieh issued, after which period such special permit shall be of no futher force or effect unless renewed by the Planning Board by the ‘grant of @ new special permit that shall be valid for a period of three years. The Planning Board shall have the authority upon notice end following & heating to ‘modify, suspend or revoke any special permit that itas granted in the event of any ofthe following: Any chang tothe numberof spaces, parking layou, or secess to and egress ftom a parking It authorized bya special peemit, ', A detormnation by the Building Commissioner or any public safety offical ofthe ‘Town of Foxborough tha the operation ofa temporary pking ots hzardous tothe safety of he public, o is in violation of these bylaws, any provision of applicable law ‘or any ofthe conditions toa special permit that have been imposed by the Planing Bord (6) Amend Section 61.3 by deleting the last sentence of that section and replacing it with The following Except as specifally provided in Section, a special permit shall not be valid fora period thatis greater than one year from the date on which it has been granted. 6. Shared Parking Amend Section 6.1.2 by adding the following new provisions: 44, Required offstneet parking spaces for two or more uses (other than residential or ‘multifamily uses that are under common oF affiliated ownership may be provided in a shared parking facility pursuant to special permit granted by the Planning Board. Any such shared parking facility may be accessed by a shared driveway, and may be provided ina shared multi-level parking structure that complies with the dimensional fand other zoning requirements thet are set forth in these bylaws. The following requirements shal apply to a request for approval of any such shared parking facility ‘4 Documentary evidence shall be submitted tothe Planing Board to demonstrate that the shared parking facility provides a sufficient mumber of parking spaces for each use involved, '. The shared parking shall be counted in detomining whether a use complies with the puking requirements that are et forth for such use in Table 6-1, «. An approved shred parking facility shall romain shared ntl soch time, if any, as () the Building Commissioner determines that cach of the uses invelved must independently comply with the parking requirements that are sot fr fr tha use in Table 6:1 and any flier epplicatle requirements of these bylaws, ot (i) the Planning Board modifies, ‘Suspends or revokes the special pemit authorizing the shared parking facility 4. Not more thin 50% ofthe parking spaces required by these bylaws fora use may be used together with another use to sets the minimum offfret parking requirements tht are ‘Set forth in Table 6-1 for uses tht arenot nommally open, wed o in operation during similar ours. The terms andconditions of sposal permit authorizing a shared parking fit shall un ‘with the land and shall be binding upon the successors, assigns and transferees of each person whose seis sharing sich facility. ‘The Planning Board in granting a special permit for any such shared parking facility ‘may waive striet compliance with the setback, landscape, buffer and other ‘applicable requirements set forth in these bylaws where it determines that such faction is in the public interest and is not inconsistent with the purpose of these bylaws. 5. Two or more uses (other than residential or multifamily uses) that are not under ‘common or afilisted ownership may by lease or other contract and pursuant to a special permit granted 2y the Planning Board enter into a shared parking arrangement, ‘provided that each such use either complies with the parking requirements tha are set forth for such use in Table 6-1 of is granted a special permit by the Planning Board for reserved parking in accordance with Section 6.1.7. The following requirements shall apply to. reques for approval of any such shared parking arrangement: 14, Documentary evidence, including any such applicable lease or other contract, shall be submited to *be Planning Board to demonsteate that the shared parking arrangement provides a sulficint numberof parking spaces for each use involved, an thatthe shared 16 parking arrangement either complies withthe parking requirements that are set forth for uch use in Taal 6-1 or complies withthe requirements for reserved parking in accordance ‘with Seton 61.7 >, Any ees or ther contrat providing fora shared perkng arangoment may be binding in fsecordanee wih is terms and conditions upon the socestor and assign of any party there, ‘©. Anapproved shred parking arrangement shall remain shared until such time, any, 38 () such arrangenent #8 terminated in accordance with the terms and conditions of the pplcable eae or ther contact, i) such aerangement is terminated by eny or al ofthe pis thereto in accordance withthe rms an conditions ofthe applicable lease or other Contact (in which event docimentary evidence of soch termination is submitted to the Panning Board), or (i) the Planning Board modifies, suspends or revokes the special permit authorizing the shared parking erengement, incioding a modification, suspension ‘or revocation based on a determination by the Planning Board in accordance with Section 6.02. 7. Reserved Parking (2) Amend Section 6.1. Off-street parking and loading requirements by adding the following new section thereto 6.1.7 Reserved parking, The fftrect parking requirement et forth in Table 1 may be satisfied by the isuence ofa special permit from the Planning Board that authorizes ‘theaplisnt to designate an are as undeveloped open space thats reserved for future parking needs, A request fr reserved parking may be made in conjunction with a application fr site plan review or as part of a required special permit aplication for ‘specified land use, The following requirements shall apply toa reques for reserved parking 1. The numberof parking spaces that is equied by these bylaws may be reduced by not more than fy percent 2, Taeapplicant shal submit documentary evidence that for a priod of not ss than ‘one yar its ue justifies a laser numberof parking spaces than the number of paces thai required by those bylaws. 43. Anarea shall bo reserved foe fut parking that is sufficient to accommodate the difference between the number of parking spaces that are required by these bylaws and the lesser number of sch spaces that ae requested, 4. The area that is reserved for future parking shall bo marked "Reserved Parking Area” on the site pla thats submited fo and approved bythe Planning Board. 5. Tho *Resorved Parking Area” may consist of natural vegetation, # newly- landscaped area, or a combination ofboth as may be required by the Planning ‘Boeri, No mechanical equipment, building or other structure may be maintained in sch area 6, The ree that comprises the“ Reserved Parking Are” shall not be counted toward

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